Friday, June 19, 2015



Organizers ask Big Sky Pride participants "not to fuel the fire" in case of protests, and to and "respect their opinions and their views as we hope they will respect ours," Eric Hall said.

Reasonable People, Agree to Disaggree . . . Is This Computer "Hot?"

Only when I am writing my blog!  Lol!  I am back in Missoula, Montana, or commonly called, Zoo Town!  After being chased, 12 hours straight, by Grand Junction police and sheriffs departments, with K-9 unit vehicles, and surveillance helicopters, it is great to be in the last best place, if someone like me could call it that, seeing that, less that a few months ago, I had an equally harrowing night, with about the same make up of cops hunting me, minus the cop helicopter, that now can track you down, via, cell phones, without pinging off cell phone towers, or even being turned on, and they can also trace your every move, through your computer, and I am sure, notebooks, and other electronic devices that you might have . . . thanks, Congress, for not leaving section 215, of the Patriot Act, in remission, or letting it sunset!  Now, spying has been taken to a whole new level with these surveillance spy cops, with low flying planes and helicopters!  SCCCREEEEAAAAAMMMMM!
So, after a night like that, I decided, that I am too close to Utah, with tons of Mormons, I was in enemy territory, in Grand Junction, and it was plain to see, that I was not safe, being just 90 miles from the 7th Judicial District Judge, Lyle Anderson, whom I trashed, and was locked up for standing my ground, refusing to come to Moab, Utah, for a hearing, on the Levin v. Carlton-Levin, $28 million dollar divorce case between, a former Playboy Bunny, centerfold, Ms. July 1996, Ms. Bikini and offered, Pamela Anderson's role on Bay Watch, refusing that role to marry, Mr. Jewish, one hit wonder, rock star, who was told, and rightly so, it turned out, to move to Utah, and they, the Mormons, who conveniently, adopted themselves into the tribes of Israel, to be considered among God's chosen people, as per the Old Testament, in the Bible . . . however, in the New Testament, God is no respecter of persons, black, white, male, female, Jew, Gentile!  Shhhh!  They, the Mormons, are the only ones in Heaven too!  LOL!  New hit on my life, #357!  LOL!

Black Hoodie, Making a Break in Parowan, Ditching Computer or Tracking Device . . . Black Recipient . . . Role Reversal!

My spell check is off . . . Mormon NSA, cyber spies, in Utah, who service this area, must not like the modern scriptural comparison, and doing away with the law, that makes them and Jews, making a mere 2% of the United States population, no longer the chosen few!  Back to the story . . . so this black dude, that in retrospect, might have been an undercover cop, making more sense of this whole funny interchange of both dialogue and merchandice, goes up to the front of the bus, past me, and up to the driver to see how far we are from Parowan, Utah, where I have a house, that I haven't been about to get close to in the last 3 years, with U.S. Marshals, deputy sheriffs, and local cops, patroling my house, so I can't move back into the town, and terrorize the criminal justice system, who had been participating in a systemic abuse of power, and control, in this Utah, interstate battering system, of the akin to having several tens of tens, abusive, angry, jealous, pissed off men, taking their inadequacies, deficiencies, corruption, destruction, and abuse of power, to the extreme, through more than obvious hate crimes!
I am sure this recitation of what someone said and my response to their question, will get me 50 lashes in Missoula, later today, having seen at least 5 cops of all flavors, including a bike police, surveilling the hospital, where I am writing this blog, in less that a 15 minute walk!  Not LOL!  But, someone asked me the other day, if I knew anything about, something that they had heard, that, police departments are only hiring people to be cops, with an I.Q. of under 100, so they are smart enough to follow orders, but not smart enough to think for themselves . . . I think that is about right, under the Patriot Act!  Forget that you took the same oath as I did, to protect, defend, and perserve the Constitutions, as well, as obey the mantra written on your squad car . . . to serve and protect!

After Several, Sit Down Chats, I Am Going to Take the Computer Back!

I am not an Indian giver, or someone who gives someone something, and then takes the item back, what I say, I will do, I fucking do!  However, this dude was pushing the limits of my patience and temper, with bigger things on my mind, than, what the fuck my password was!  LOL!  So, before, the undercover cop, goes up to see how long it is until he can have a cigarette break, and get off the bus for awhile, I am thinking, what might be in store for me, in the county I sued . . . a posse of self appointed hitmen, all deputized and told to shoot on site or are there cyber cops, who have ratted me out and the time of my arrival to snippers, and I am just going to get knocked off the second I step off the bus, on what should be home turf, but still very much, enemy territory?  Or just what? 
Now, my acer Chrome notebook, white, controlled under my old gmail,, is my home entertainment center, my pride and joy, and fucking about all I have left . . . and has been a part of me, and allegedly controls my blog, bad ass con law chick, that is now on about 9 search engines, in about 5 versions, so the cyber spies can keep the reader, dazed and confused, as to the true, Incredible Hulk numbers I get within less than a minutes time, and the power that comes with that huge ass millions if not billions of readers from around the world!  I have never taken a dime in pay; however, the power is what I am after, changing and saving the world, was a goal I have had dating back to my application and resume, to be staff attorney for the Utah Prosecution Council, Criminal Enforcement Division, Utah Attorney Generals Office, starting back in about 1994 or '95.  So giving it up, is a huge deal, especially when I don't have money to replace, either my phone or my computer!  But, what good is either device, if you are either incarcerated or dead?
Okay, so, I take my love, my baby, my life, and my protection, that is being tracked, no doubt, and decide to part with the computer, the phone was left in Grand Junction, and I think the cops must have found it on one of the check out isles in Walmart, after, first leaving it in the bushes out front, then in the store on isle 14, and being glad and shocked that the cyber trolls didn't locate the phone and take it, only to have that happen the next day!  That particular phone has been compromised, since about 10 minutes after I bought it, last fall, I think, and some asshole in camo, played stupid with his phone, while I stood in line, more than willing to play stupid, to get the clerk to set up, this new phone, having ditched over about 20 phones, 3 just to and from going to D.C. to be sworn into the highest court in the land, the U.S. Supreme Court!  So, it was about time to trash the thing and Wally's World, was a great place, because, had I not written and chidded the cops about not finding it with all their hopped up surveillance, spy gear, I am sure, that I would have at least made the cops think I was in town still, or in the store, since it is open all night!  LOL! 
I take the computer out of my purse, charger and all, even my ear-buddies, and decide for lack of a better place to leave it to, and having been extremely anti-social, since getting on the bus, I was just going to leave the computer on the seat, next to me, and get off the bus, and some lucky soul, who needed a computer would get a Christmas gift, and also a fucking shit load of spies, following them, until, the riders in the sky, realize the browsing history, emails, and other indicators, and evidence that the computer switched hands, figured out, the user was not ME!  But, I would be long gone, the opposite direction, by the time, those with less than a 100 score I.Q., figured that problem out!  LOL!  I even had a ticket, that was routing me, 6 hours longer, and going in the opposite directions, mob, going to knock me off, put me in cement shoes and bury me in the desert . . . low I.Q. boys too . . . going by the Chicago mob book of criminology!  LOL!  I refused to go the extra road trip, probably scheduled by the sky cops, because the other two times I have gone back to Montana, or either way, between Colorado and Montana, I have gone through Denver, not Vegas and Salt Lake!  NSA controlled, Mormon Mob Murder Plot . . . Murder on the Salt Lake Express?  Maybe?  Clue . . . looking at the newspaper, sitting by me, hammer . . . Kay Burninghammer or ham her!  Cop Queen!  Sub for Queen Bee, ME!

Hey, I Just Gave Your Sorry Ass a Free, Almost New Computer . . . so Shut the Hell UP!  Intel, God, Style . . . Bad Company, Trouble Up Ahead . . . Dude is Bugging the Shit Out of Me--Figure it out Yourself!

Password is: livefreediehard . . . wait, that is Bruce Willis, A Good Day to Die!  Sorry, password is: liveharddiefree!

Something it up . . . this guy is not leaving me alone!  Even after I answered his 64 lame ass questions, and after he just happened to park his ass, next to me, about the time we hit, Beaver, Utah, and about 30 minutes from Parowan, which I am sure, he had first hand knowledge that I was not continuing on to Vegas, just to turn around and come right back to point, A, he was not going to let me out of his sight.  I started to wonder if he was a hit man, himself, and the ample surviellance cameras on the bus, were showing this abnormal situation; he even had a girlfriend, and would act like something was lost, and use his cell phone to look up and down the isle, to see if I was still there!  Finally, I told him, look, I have other things on my mind, I sued the cops here, and I am figuring out, just where to go, and where to hide; therefore, I need you to go back to your seat and leave me the fuck alone!  After acting like he was doing that, he eventually came up and sat on the seat directly behind me!  FUCK!  I just gave my computer to the guy who is being paid to kill me!
The songs I was hearing had to do with trouble, there was night construction on the freeway, and there were vehicles, over next to the mountain, that were like shaking, and giving me the sign that, this is a very scary situation you are in right now, with a narrow margin of not only error, but escape!  Just as we hit a few minutes away from Parowan, there were markers, those orange construction sticks, that make all traffic merge into one lane, and giving me the symbolic message, you are going to have a narrow escape, if you get an escape at all!  I took the warning to heart, by this time, knowing full well, this fucker, was up to no good, and I was going to risk it all, to get away from him.  Even though he was breathing down my neck, and not going to let me out of his immediate grasp and reach . . . I simply, got up, knocked some lady's head, who was sleeping, with her head blocking the isle, or maybe was sleeping, but I didn't care, and I moved up to the front, a fair reach out of this guys grasp, and I think he knew, that I knew the game, and he was not even going to get a chance at me!  I was first off the bus, and bee lined it, behind the building, seeking safety and hiding in the many trucks, parked for the night, just north of the TA truck stop, and the convenience store!  I thanked the driver, who also seemed cop like, and said it was his first trip, seeing he had not parked in the right spot . . . making me be tons more exposed, with a snipper, cops in hiding, and very vulnerable!
I am smarter than the average cop! FBI, CIA, ATF, and about all their fuck ass shit murderers!  Perfect time to get me, they have my computer, can say, it was the cop girls club all the way along and I was the intruder, the liar, the fake, the fraud broad, I had been reporting on, all year and eight months of writing on this blog and about ready to ditch it and take a break.  This blog is the only protection I have . . . and I keep thinking that I can ditch it, and the second I do, SHIT HAPPENS!

Call Before You Dig . . . Dress for Success?

The newspaper, today, the Missoulian, was jammed packed with stories of fraud, mistaken race, scams, and schemes to make money and support habits!  Even the signs on the way to the hospital were telling, like Hamilton Mt . . . Merchant Delivery, I was suppose to be killed in an automobile accident, early November, 2012, just days before the presidential elections, between President Obama, and Mormon Mitt Romney, who, was involved in a Mo sting op, to take credit with financial planners, nationwide, for JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., suing and taking down the state of Utah, Governor, Attorney General, Department of Commerce, Division of Securities, and several state officials, attorneys, investigators and such, who had taken my clients, Brock and Rice, securities licenses, and denying them their federal and constitutional rights, under, Title 42, Section 1983, of the Civil Rights Act, of 1964, and revised versions!  The only problem is, out of the $357 million lawsuit, which, strangely enough, I won, nationwide, but lost in Utah, the controlled area, that I was allegedly only to be in, during the deal and steal of a fucking huge ass, famous case, my son's band's, fame, was also, going be donated, making up for all the tithes and offerings, I refused to pay!  So, the Mormon Mob Muffins were going to get credit, the Backstreet Boys Band, were going to make Utah and the Mo Church shine to the world and U.S. and get a whole shit load, a billion to my educated estimate for Mitt's campaign! 
I had been to an, ironically, Election Law Seminar, just days before the elections, at the University of Montana, William Jameson School of Law . . . symbolic in and of itself, I think James Kennedy, did a similar, bait and switch, with Rachel, very symbolic, as in fake black, Rachel Dolezal . . . even that name is highly symbolic, Rachel Dulles All!  Or Alan Dulles' babes or Frank/aka/Allan Rex Bess, proxy for Parowan client/husband, with Rachel, Kay, Shelley, Sue, Tiffany, Kelly, Hope, etc., taking my place, the show girls, stepping in for the work horse, who can't be controlled and is not for Mitt, Mormons, the Mob, or working and trained with the Men in Black, or th 70% Mo FBI, CIA, blah, blah, blah . . . whom, my black computer recipient most likely works for!  What the fuck, ever!

The Muffin Woman's Murder Club . . . No Better Than Local Cowboy Film Maker Scam and Con Artist, Matthew McClintock!  Put a Flight Attendant, History Major, Biologist, EMT, Stand in Attorneys . . . and What Do You Have?  A Three Year Scam on Utah, Montana, Colorado, the Nation and the World!

"One part of it that haunts me to this day, he came in--he's 6-foot-5 and weighs about 240 or more--he came in cowboy boots and a nice shirt and a cowboy hat and a scarf around his neck, he looked like a cowboy . . . I shouldn't let appearances impress me like that, but I think we all were impressed.  When he would speak, he would speak monotone and low and he wouldn't look you in the eye.  I should have spotted that from the get-go."  That is a statement about Judge Robert Allison, aka, Michael Willis, or Matthew McClintock . . . I have a story to go with your local, Rhinestone Cowboy, Documentary Film Producer, Con Artist!  Who is actually, all tied up with the chicks, Mormons, the FBI, CIA, acting crew, and might actually be one of them . . . he, Matthew/Michael, actually, claims to have been born of a Mormon family in Utah, who actually gave him up for adoption, to a wealthy rancher in California, while being an engineer, retired, and now a film producer with an alleged degree from like UCLA, or something like that, he is most likely, one of the CIA, Mo Church, Con Artists, along with all my sisters, and a few ex-friend, attorneys, claiming to be me . . . we even have a murder mystery, that I uncovered, yesterday, while checking on another case, the one, I mentioned above, the alleged, Playmate married to the Jewish Rock Star, my case, that was likewise stolen as are all my cases--however, in this case, a 25 years, Appellate clerk of the court, and her husband were murdered, to cover the substitution of counsel--bull shit, to steal a stellar case, that I created new law, that would have protected tons of single women from losing their alimony, through alleged cohabitation, under archaic and outdated Utah Mormon laws . . . , blogs, water compact analysises, and anything I do, since that alleged, fateful day, in late October, early November, where I allegedly died, in an auto accident, outside Hamilton, Montana, back in the year of our Lord, Mitt Romney, running for president, and stealing $118 million from me . . . with the coverup of all I have done, did do, and have since done, starting with that day, and going back, being claimed and stolen by the MO's!
CIA Substitution of the Judge, Kalispell, Montana, Turns up Judge is a CIA Con Artist, Ripping Off Local Missoula Residents, in "Cowboy Heritage" Film Scam!  Shelley, Con Artist, Cop Queen, In on this One Too . . . Secret Lover of Mike, Matt, Judge!  Who Hooked Up With Me, First Day in Town!  Bait With JoAnn, Switch to Shelley, Company Gal!
Do, you remember the film, Catch Me If You Can?  This is a true story of a young man, who pretended and fooled, many, by acting like a doctor, a lawyer, and pilot, and getting away with it, living large, until the FBI caught him and eventually offered the fraud a job in the Bureau!  That is the story of my sisters, and con attorney actors, who stole, basically, my life, my legal history and career, cases, blogs, water compacts, legislation, even presentations, since, 2000, when I was poisoned by the fucking federal cops after I got 9 of them fired, in the Medicare/Medicaid Fraud Unites, going after docs, for alleged upcoding on billing the government, followed by going after financial planner, and others for similar allegations, when in reality, constitutional rights were violated, and due process protections, denied, licenses revoked, etc.
If you will remember, that show, a few years ago, on the Iranian Hostage Situation, during the end of President Jimmy Carter's years, and the newly elected, President Reagan, who allegedly was the boss over the rogue, CIA, agent played by Ben Afflack, and who was the brain child, for getting the hostages released, by pretending the hostages were an American film crew, and getting the actors/hostages out of the country before the Iranians, learned of the fraud.  That one success, has turned the intelligence community on its head, to the point where, witnesses in criminal trials are actors, not the real witness, leaving the prosecution, fraudulently winning cases, through, perjored testimony, of fake witnesses, giving testimonies, of real people, but giving only the details that help the prosecution and get the alleged drug dealer, mob member, okaying any action, under the Patriot Act, with no exceptions and no limits, up to and including murder!  So, these 70% of the Mormon contingency in the counter-intelligence commuinity, saturated with Mormons, rely heavily on fraud, lies, deciet, fabrication, and outright, fucking identity theft, to get the Mormon, Bush, Romney, agendas passed, or completed, using people, like myself, whom people trust, on issues like the Constitutions, and then switch out, a Company Actor, to fuck with your alligences, loyalties, and vote!  As in the Salish-Kootenai Water Compact, use JoAnn's name, testified, offered witness, and had done many constitutional analysis, and then bring in sister, Susan Schmidt, or the Company gal, allegedly on a Mormon Mission in Turkey, and have her be, JoAnn, to get people to trust and believe, that she "saw the light" changed her position, and in reality, that is pure hog wash!

The Judge, The Cowboy, The Tax Evader, The Scam Artist

I first met, or witnessed, the CIA or Company, fraud squad, fake judge, gonig to court, on a case in Kalispell, Montana, in a very unexpected appearance, for Georgianna Hartonge, In the Interesto of Dorothy Darrow, her mother, in a fraud on the court in that case too.  I believe that CIA, actor, with the outcome, already determined, signed, sealed and delivered, with the hearing being, just a hoop to jump through, was a complete scam job, with Shelley, coming as my double, actor, sister playing me, after, I came to the Flathead Valley, back in the end of 2012, right after the elections, in a very Republican, if not, Mormon community, jumping in to play me, after I got involved with the medical marijuana issues, legislation, and later, an analysis, right before the vote, in November 2012, with Romney losing, and my vote winning, President Obama.  Court is always, TNT, and Shelley had now been up, taking my place for about 6 months by the time I met Georgianna, at church, and needing an attorney.  Shelley was covering her ass, may have been to court, under my license, and my name, which was hugely popular after, defending those people from the Flathead, who were involved in the FBI raids, on growers up here, with many people hating the feds, and even posting signs to that effect, along the highways . . . Mike and Shelley are insiders, in the Mo contingency of the intelligence community, and protecting, the federal government's interests, as they are in the water compact!  Or rather covering their own, BIA, or Bureau of Indian Affiars negilgence on water rights recording, going back to 1973 to 1983, when the Montana Legislature wanted all water rights recorded, and that included the U.S. government, on behalf of Indians, and Indians, themselve, showing equal protection and due process at its best, the way it should be!
I believe, your Matthew McClintock, was sitting in as, the current, sitting Judge Allison, who was allegedly substituted in for, Judge O. Lympus, who allegedly at the last minute had to go to the doctors office, with a surprise appearance by me at court that day!  The ruling on the case, which came out so fast, seemed within a day or two, pre-prepared, did not reflect the record, the transcript, or the actions taken in court that day, with complete obstruction of justice by the attorney, with a conflict of interest, taking judicial action in his office, rather than letting the court do its job, and making a known, thieve, who had taken $35,000 from her mother already, denying, changing and authenticating, court documents, that were totally the opposite of the person chosen to be her power of attorney, and estate representative . . . which is entirely consistent with Shelley type fraud, with Clarise, looking more the type of child that mom would want, after 20 years of Georgianna taking care of her, and with liar, Clarice, much like Shelley, being the last of 5 children, to be trusted with anything of her mother's!  I could see Shelley's hands all over this, as well as entities who had a interest in keeping me down, who would outshine, outsmart, outlawyer, being the real lawyer, having taught family law at two universities, as well as being staff attorney for the Utah Division of Aging . . . or NO CONTEST!
Michael Willis, Documentary Film Producer, Cowboy Picks Up on Me, Weeks Later in Missoula, Montana?  We Are Both at the Poverello Homeless Shelter!
I recognized the Judge, but under a different name, right off the bat, called Georgianna, and wanted her to go to court, to verfiy, who and what, Judge Allison aka Michael Willis looked like . . . I think, they eventaually, bought, George off, just like they do all of the people I met, especially, the ones who need legal help . . . they have the power, access, and ability to promise anything, and I have to battle through the court system!  But, I am about 75% sure, that this is the Judge . . . thought, well, maybe, that 25%, possibility that I am wrong, is worth, seeing where this goes, he was charming enough, and he had a shit load more money than I did, was getting an new truck, and wanted me to help a bit on writing or rewriting an intro to his presentation to his film . . . probably what these locals got, to get their money out of them . . . but the cowboy started playing the twinning game with me . . . just like Jack, then later, Tony, and the Company boys do to protect the Company girls!
At one point, after any attraction, and me ditching Mike, seeing through his double government bull shit, and barely being about to speak to him, and that didn't take long . . . oh, proof, that he was some type of cop . . . at the Pov, Mike, who allegedly was staying there, rather than renting a place, had been bitten by a brown recluse spider, while living in Bozeman, and he had a nasty looking purple part of his leg, so believable, at least on that point, but, he was always kept on the plum duty of having people sign in their names, as they came through the door of the old Poverello, to get dinner.  One time, a guy, refused to write his name . . . no big deal, but to a cop, who is used to that power trip, Michael, who allegedly was 70 years old, looked more like a 50 year old, grabbed the guy by the shirt, and started to force him to go back to the door and sign his name!  I was shocked by his actions, and was even more convinced, in my game of playing the cover, to rat out a cop, that he was indeed a cop! 
These super cops, whom, the Company, seems to send me, always promise, that if I hang with them, they can protect me from the local cops . . . really, a fed!  How do you think I learn all this intel information?  LOL!  Play their cover.  So, Mike kept trying to get me to stay at a hotel with him, go places, and he would get pissed, that, unlike the government hookers, didn't fall for his cowboy show, his judge show, and rejected both him and his protections!  And, just like Jack, in Kalispell, the local cops started to crawl up my ass, as I wrote about the local sheriff's race between McDermitt and Josh Clark, dirty politics, and other local issues.  In fact, much like Jack Strode, Mike, would predict the outcome of the elections, and he got more and more, pissed at me, even watched me write my blog, that I had just started, actually in Missoula, I think, and saw the huge number of hit, and he turned on me like the Devil!  I would show, Mike/Matthew, my blog, he would read it, comment on how good it was, and then in the same breath, doubt I wrote it, and call me a broad, and I was stupid for not liking him . . . he was even so desperate to have sex with me, that he offered to pay me $200!  NO! 

Introduction to Matthew McClintock, His Cowboy Name . . . Got Caught on Tax Ivasion!

I was renting from Tony Ostemeier, in Missoula, some time later, in the summer, having met, Michael, around November of 2013, so this was last summer, in 2014, and I was in Missoula again, and Michael Willis, approached me about hiring me to handle some tax issues for him and he would pay me $100 per hour to do some research and write a letter or two.  He gave me his tax information, and I noticed, as any good attorney would that, the letter was addressed to a different guy, someone named, Matthew McClintock!  He told me that was just another name, he used in his professional work, BINGO, a double agent!  I knew it, this was not the judge, and was not Willis, this was a Matthew, or he had done what Alan Dulles/Frank of Interpol did to Allan Rex Bess, and murdered the real guy, the one who was to inherit the ranch, from wealthy aging parents, somewhere in California, and this was really a cop from Utah, who was playing the California, and said he was adopted by the rich couple, who raised him!  We got in a fight over the tax stuff, but I think, he had done much the same thing, as he was doing now, claiming through crook and scam, to have set up some LLC, to handle some film project, he was allegedly suppose to have gotten, or some grant, that he now claimed he never got, and never did make any money, as claimed, owing $4,000 in back taxes, when in reality, he and some chick, put the money in, in anticipation for getting the grant or film deal, but never did get money, and just took money out of the account, and they had their facts all wrong . . . I looked up the law, told him, he had been denied his due process rights, and the attorneys for the state had failed to give him notice and a hearing . . . he said he would do it himself, from that point on . . . turning it over to Shelley, aka, JoAnn, now that he had the laws from me . . . as he did with the Mama's Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys, new and improved, shpill to introduce the film, to potential investors!  Proof of that, is on my computer, and in my Google Docs, if the NSA, wants to verify, again another theft by boring Shelley, as per blog!

Trip to Pick Me Up at the Ray of Hope, Rescue Mission in Great Falls!  A Block Away, And He Never Came?  Twinning, Picked Up Shelley, Left Me Behind . . . Just Like Jack/John, and Thanksgiving Trip on Amtrak, With Me in Utah with Kids/Shelley Doubling on Trip!

Even months later, or years, I was shocked, to hear, Jack Strode "Ware" of the Pennsylvania Water Systems, billionaires . . . any connection with the water compact in Montana, feds, Shelley aka JoAnn?  But, Jack, brought up our trip to Pennsylvania . . . I never went . . . you never bought me tickets to go back east for Thanksgiving, and I was in Utah, took off, when you, Jack took to long in the Casino, on Idaho, Thanksgiving night, when I took off, to go spend it with Elliot, in Utah, thinking Greta and Dallas, had, as they always did, cooked, Thanksgiving dinners, taking over for me, when I got Picks Disease, and liked it so much, they just kept cooking each year!  Jack tried to pull the short term memory loss card . . . that I don't think I ever told him about, SHELLEY!  In fact, big sister, joined or even planned, a bar complaint, back in 2011, claiming to be my client, rather than my lazy ass sister, whom I was supporting, and in her complaint, while I was going to the U.S. Supreme Court, even after Hank and Jay, or Henry, who was working with Shelley and had taken bribes by that time, brought up Picks Disease, that I had not even heard, while I was still thinking I would die . . . I had not mentioned that to Fat Jack, so who did?  The extermination plans were starting to take place, the higher and more powerful I got in the law, the scheme and plans started to take form, and the circle of sisters, friends, family, clients, acquaintances, started to spread, wherever I went!
Just because someone is wearing a nice lawyer like suit, and the real lawyer, like me, is wearing yoga pants, and cheap ass shirts from Walmart, doesn't change the degree, the experience, the brain, the knowledge, the cases, the history, or anything . . . it simply means, that I have arrived and it doesn't matter what I wear, where I live, or what I drive . . . I can beat the best!  Like Einstien, and others, of noted achievement, once you have arrived, you no longer need the trappings of your profession, like faking it til you make it, the dress for success routine, and all that shit, you are just fucking good, you know it, they know it . . . you put good in and you get good out, knowledge in, knowledge out, until writing blogs like this are second NATURE!  There is no short cut to success! NONE!

Murder of Patricia Bartholemew, Clerk of the Appellate Courts, Mattheson Courthouse, Salt Lake City, Utah . . . Her & Hubby, Hit Head On, Up in the Uintah Forest, Died in Collision . . . Had to Kill Pat, Whom I had Become Friends With . . . Taking Three Cases Up On Appeal!  Fall of 2011!  Mob!

Games at the Court of Appeals . . . top secret cover-up for murder!  Yesterday, while in Salt Lake City, Utah, coming in on the bus, at around 7:00 AM, from Parowan, Utah, waiting for a bus to Rexburg, Idaho, leaving the bus terminal, at 6:15 PM, I had almost 12 hours to kill.  So, I did my blog, on the computers at the Salt Lake Library, read the newspaper, glad to see, former Attorney General, Mark Shurtleff, getting his dues, maybe?  Both he and John Swallow, AG of only 11 months, generally thanks to me, appropriately, being in Missoula a year or so ago, in December, seeing a Salt Lake Tribune article, stating, FBI drops probe against Swallow . . . HELL, NO, and I wrote my blog, for about 16 fucking hours about getting these two, dirty bastards, little Mo Boys, with Eagle Scout Awards!  I was an insiders and was bribed by Tim Lawson, with Shurtleff in the wings, offering to wine and dine me, at the beginning of the Brock securities case . . . I didn't see it as a bribe, at that point, and told him, I didn't need help, because I had the Constitution on my side, and by the time, I did all the work on the case, Mark was using Tim to try to work a deal out . . . I was willing to go with half, or about $187 million, because they, the government refused to settle out of court and I had them by the balls now, so that was the offer or were were going to court . . . then the deal and steal game!
Anyway, I got on the court computers, down on the first floor of the Mattheson Courthouse and just happened to pull up the Levin v. Levin case, where the fraud from Judge Anderson, started, by not sending the complete record to the Court of Appeals!  Underneath all these cases, was the goal to cover stealing Elliot, and God's Revolver music, and with the new case, coming at the same time, 2011, when Hope Carlton Levin, showed up on my law office steps, wanting to get representation, allegedly referred to me, from some of Shelley's contacts, in Vegas, who were doing cookie cutter bankruptcy cases, and wanted me to show them, Steve Yarmy Law Firm, Chris, and James Brown, who hooked up with Shelley though her mortgage business, at about the same time I filed the Brock 10th Circuit Court of Appeals case, and Mark Shurtleff, came to a Southern Utah State Bar Conference in St. George, and as a speaker, on the BCI college football mess, with the University of Utah, winning the best record, that year, but not being able to go to the big bowl games . . . I offered Steve and my assistance on the BCS lawsuit, and magically, just wrote mafia, accidentally, all about money, but I talked to Mark, and I was working on the case, and all changed, as it did, because I am fucking good!
So, I remember, back in September of 2011, writing a kick ass 19 page brief, making up total new law in the area of cohabitation and alimony, and the complexities, but going from a bad two prong test to a clear and powerful, 10 prong test, with provisions in the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure, for extending the length of the brief, which I believe was 10 pages, if there was new law being made.  Hope Carlton, was watching the Appeals Docket all the time and I used my clients as my assistants.  I remember her calling me, and saying that, my brief, which she helped, do some research, including an article on the issue, from I believe the ABA Journal, or American Bar Association Journal, dealing with the issue of the difficulty courts were having being fair, in an era of modern day law and relationships, with sex both after marriage and before marriage as a plain reality!  But, we got noticed.  So, yesterday, I got on the computer, and pulled up the case . . . and all legal work, that I had done, was missing, and not on the case, being big time, at the time I wrote it!  With the last document being issued, August 25, 2011, but with no case number of 054700107, PER CURIAM DECISION.
In that decision, based on an incomplete record from Judge Lyle Anderson, who found that the couple was cohabitating, the lower district court ruling was upheld.  I immediately wrote and said that, the record was incomplete, and I had filed a motion for Rule 15, before the court, as was declared missing, thus giving us that second ruling . . . the case, then continued, with Pat, and me, talking and I started to file, in person, knowing full well by that time, that the Brock case has been fucked with, so I was not going to let that happen in this case.  The clerk yesterday, got me a copy of the PER CURIAM DECISION and said there were no other briefs after that . . . that ends the case.  Here is the game, the court played, mixing the docket number, with the case number, and leaving out the case, number, that connected the whole case, up to and including briefs, as last as February 2014, with Hope again, losing with her substitute counsel, and absolutely no record of the 19 page new law, from back in September, the docketing statement dates are bizarre, but the clerk, claimed, when I asked for copies of briefs that I was still writing, as last as a week or so, after being sworn into the U.S. Supreme Court, with Hope stopping me in route back home . . . only to have the FBI to our girls only Super Bowl, 2012 night, and Hope's withdraw of the appeal, and the last two briefs, the day after the Super Bowl game, with the surprise, FBI visit, and Hope, also, had a bogus, copy of the alleged, $2500 cash warrant for my arrest, for failing to appear in court, 7th district, on a case up for appeal, and not in the judge's jurisdiction!  Once she appealed, I got jailed!
  • Case no. 20110499-CA, PER CURIAM DECISION, filed August 25, 2011
  • Docket no. 20110499, docket date, 6/8/2011, but case no.: 054700107, docket is not connected to the Per Curiam Decision, allegedly, that was the end of the story, August 25, 2011, nothing I ever wrote, beyond that point, until, later substitution of counsel, which would have been way too late to file, was recorded . . . they erased me on the computer!
  • I think the 10 prong test, which was so much more fair, was trashed, not only to cover my brilliance, but to control women, and get men off the hook, paying alimony!
  • my houses and furniture, law practice, vehicles and all these old fuckers, offering to protect me, are all about polygamy!  Forcing women, into desperate financial positions, thus needing a man, with no other alternative but to get into the fucked up religious freak marriages, making Men Gods Again! 

How Do You Think I Got So Smart?  LOL!  LOVE THE BARD!




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