Friday, May 23, 2014


Fun, Fun, Fun--YouTube Recommended Both of My Son's Band, and Kicked Up Blake Donner, the Missing Link in the Metamorphoses of Normal Turtles, to Ninjas

Once, when Elliot Taylor Secrist, bass guitarist in all bands mentioned, was about 6 years old, planning his own birthday party with his Ninja Turtle artwork of his own hands, having written out his own invitations, after doing his own planning, I looked at the calendar, and then at his invitations, and freaked out, felt guilty, and realized that I hadn't checked out or proof read the dates, times, and place mentioned on his invitations, looking at the calendar, had listed the wrong date.  I was in law school at the time, and was embarrassed that this little self-reliant youngster, was going to be disappointed with no one showing up to his birthday party, due to his mother's negligence!

In true, Elliot fashion, this super human Ninja, just like his super heroes and idols, like Spiderman, calmly walked over to the calendar I was looking at, that hung on the wall, and without rubbing it in, or saying a thing, turned the April dates, with the allegedly wrong dates on the weekend of the party, and turned it to the month of May, the month of his birth, put his arm around my shoulder, and said . . . Mom, you don't always have to be right.  I felt like a 6 year old myself, with big brother, coming and putting his arm around my small shoulders, alleviating all my young fears, and comforting all my fears.

Every time I see Teen Age Ninja Turtles or Spiderman, I think of the young, but very smart, self-assured, and confident, Elliot, who as young as 18 months, while getting ready for a bath, pushed my hands away from the faucets and said, No, I do it myself.  And, to this day, Elliot, continues to shock, amaze and startle his mother, with venture, he privately ventures into, without any fanfare, just doing school, music, running his own company, to getting accepted to the Berkeley School of Music, in Boston, to writing his own song, to play for his audition, to totally surrendering, gracefully to the fact that he was not going to be able to come up with the tuition to attend the prestigious music school.  He is always, just taking care of business . . . truly impressive!

The Condition for the Red Guitar

Elliot was about 11 or 12, when he gave up all his superheroes and comics, after a girl came over to the house, and went in his room, and commented on his extensive display of his passion, and what he had collected over several years.  I am not sure what she said to him, but the next thing I knew, was everything, that would be worth a small fortune, now, just up and disappeared!  He replaced the action figures, by becoming a rock star action figure himself, in every way, from his hair, to his head slamming, to grilling, drilling, guitar, now mastering the talent of singing and playing guitar at the same time!

When I was a child, I played with childish things, but when I became a man, I put away my childish things . . . that comes from the New Testament, but is very much applicable in this situation.  Elliot, shortly after the situation above approached me, and asked me if I would buy him a shiny new, red, electric guitar, costing about $600, back in the mid-nineties, who knows what it would be worth now days, but I thought that might be a good replacement for the toys and passions of his youth, up and walking away!

I will buy you the guitar, under one conditions . . . that you never, as you get popular, or famous, cause someone to loose their faith or testimony of God--that was it.  I talked to him of musicians like Jim Morrison of the Doors, or Janis Japlan, Jimmy Hendricks, etc., who died as a result of drug use, and what impact that can have, not only by way of example, but have a negative impact on their lives . . . not to dis them, but he is my son, and needed to be responsible with his talent . . .

Purification--Nice Name, Definitely Taking this Condition Serious

Elliot, Isaac, is cousin, and Tyler . . . made up the band, Purification.  I never heard much from them, other than to pick Elliot up in Provo, Utah, travel 50 miles, every weekend, up to Midway, Utah, then go up to Logan, another 100 miles, to drop Elliot and Tyler, off at Isaac's house in Smithfield, Utah, where, Don Anderson, my brother-in-law, and awesome musician, himself, lived and had a recording studio in his basement, and played most weekends, in his own band.  Both dads, Zeke or Richard Secrist, and Don Anderson, I am sure had a huge impact on their sons, and contributed to their freedom, expansion and facilitation as young, starving musicians . . . really just living with parents, but ones who encouraged, rather than discouraged their children.

I only remember hearing Purification play, once.  They played either a concert or battle of the bands, at the old white chapel gym, in Heber City, Utah, where the town fathers and mothers, so wonderfully, provided funds, for dances, every weekend, so the teens from 12 to 18, had a place to go that was safe and good clean fun.  The parents also got a break, and got to go to dinner, dancing or to a movie, while all the kids in the town, gathered at the dances, helping brothers and sisters, get a acquainted with each other's friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, and the general community of teens.  I would recommend this to all towns to give the kids somewhere to go, to socialize and get acquainted . . . I loved it!

I remember, Jerry Owens, my children's second father, going with me to the concert, watching them, jump, dance, play guitars and drums, dance and entertain the local troops.  I wish Elliot or someone would put the video of that concert on YouTube . . . I think, the videos, of these bands, will demonstrate to all little wanna be, rockers, just how long and hard it is to get as good as Elliot is now . . . not overnight success, a ton of hard work, practice, lessons, gigs, playing in your bedroom, etc.  Plus, you can see the metamorphoses of a rock star, from the start to now!

YouTube Found, (Old School) Parallax and Resurrected, Rock Star, Blake Donner . . . the Missing Link in the Evolutionary Process

I was shocked to find, that YouTube Gods, or someone, found old videos of Parallax . . . with singer extraordinaire, Blake Donner, who died in the Death Cave, and I believe, strongly, it was murder!  Looking at these old videos, Pantera, Anthrax, Ambrosia, Testament, Black Veil Brides, Danzing, had nothing on Old School Parallax . . . and perhaps, adding the words, old school, helped disguise the band, and their 3 or 4 CDs that may have been stolen and marketed, just like those of GOD'S REVOLVER!  You fucking don't go from Hard Rock Band of 2008, to nothing, unless there is foul play . . . and there was, is and was with Parallax!

Blake was like a magnet, drawing his fans around, hanging on him, singing with him, almost mobbing him . . . his mother taught in the Utah Valley College at the time, English Department with me, while our sons, were writing their songs, calling for a REVOLUTION OF HOPE, ZION, WITH PEN IN HAND, SPREAD YOUR WINGS . . . lyrics that both moved and touched a cord with the crowd!  It was a magical experience for me to watch Blake, mesmerize the fans, the crowd, and capture adoration and love . . . to much love.

While my cases were being stolen, I remember seeing a movie show up in my house, called something like, I Love Your Work . . . Fame Kills!  Blake was definitely, Cupid's Victim . . . Parallax was producing like crazy, as mosh pits, grunge, and the raunchy became to vogue of music . . . I am convinced they would have been huge . . . and after God's Revolver, through Underground Revolver, experienced the greed, envy, jealousy, and pride, as up and coming as the music of Parallax was spewing forth from the pens, guitars, drums and Blake's amazing voice, with a short, but amazingly prolific pen, just taking wings, calling for a Revolution of Hope and Zion, that band would have been gigantic!

The whole music community in Provo, to the west coast, was rocked with pain and sorrow by Blake's abrupt death, as well as the other three kids, involved in the Death Cave, incident . . . I cry to think what might have been and what fucking monsters could do this to him and three other bright, alive, teens, just coming into their own . . . there is a special place in hell for these fuckers who did this . . . Allan, Jack, Micheal . . . may your souls be tormented FOREVER!!!!!!!!  And you too, big sis and Kay, and the Southwick family!  Thank God, Elliot didn't do anything more with the sorrow, than get a colorful tattoo, on his left arm, with a poem about Blake, matching the tattoo on Blake's right arm . . . I AM SO PROUD OF YOU GUYS!

You turned tragedy into triumph, demonstrating more grace, love, and dignity than men and women twice or more your age, caught up in averace, greed, money, theft, lies, and murder! Thanks YOUTUBE!  I got to reminisce, smile and cry as I saw this beautiful boy, and the others in the band, Brandon, Elliot, and I think, Danny, the Indian drummer, who I only met once . . . my loss.

True Teenage Ninjas Came From the Toxic Waste of Old School Parallax, Due to Death, Murder, American Greed, Feeding on the Young, Naive, and Unsuspecting!

I Miss You Blake Donner!  May Your Beautiful Soul Rest in Peace!

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Stop Federalizing State & Local Cops--Do Your Own Jobs!

Once again, you have to realized that townships, municipalities, cities, Providences, counties, and states, were around before the federal government was created, under the Union of the original 9 to 13 states, without a federal law enforcement agencies; therefore, sheriffs and police forces, have a long tradition and history that the FBI, CIA, ICE and NSA, and the many for federal law enforcement agencies, are more a creation of modern history, rather than having roots in the beginning of this country.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation, or the FBI, the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA, the Immigration Customs & Enforcement, or ICE, and the National Security Agency or Administration, in many instances, have to be asked by state and local law enforcement to participate, or have their forte or expertise used, at the request of the locals, or the state cops.

There are jurisdictional lines of demarcation, that distinguish one law enforcement agency from another, at both a local, state and federal level--all law enforcement agencies and departments are not created equally.  I have previously written about sheriffs, who are up for election, this cycle, not to be lumped into one unified or merged, blended, super cop agency in the state or local.  Cops and sheriffs, both deal with crimes; however, there are additional civil duties, court duties, property duties, a sheriffs will have, but a police department, working in the cities will not have.  State statutes will determine what each state legislature assigned sheriffs, usually having a deep connection with tradition and history, predating many other law enforcement.

Federal Jurisdiction & Duties

Federal cops, also have jurisdictional divisions . . . FBI usually deals with federal crimes, like federal firearms charges or violations, we see them raiding marijuana grows, even though they have been instructed to abide by state laws, under the 10th amendmentt, by both the U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder and even the President, himself, President Obama, I guess we can through the FBI right there in with Cliven (FBI) Bundy, who fails to recognize the United States, nor the flag, he parades around . . . the FBI just raided more marijuana growers, who legally, within their state, Washington, not only have the approval of the people, by popular vote, but the legislatures, making new laws to accommodate the wishes of their electorate.  Oh, I forgot, Mitt Romney, I have heard is the recognized, leader of Mormons, the FBI, within the FBI, and the CIA, within the CIA . . . sore losers, but losers they are!

The CIA, generally, handles international crimes, that cross national borders, just like the FBI, handles federal crimes that cross state borders, or unless they are called into service, when local and state cops are lacking in the expertise, that can be provided by the federal agencies.  Separate and aside from that, state and local law enforcement with their respective jurisdictions and legislative bodies, are to protect the health, safety and welfare of their citizens.  The feds on the other hand, are to provide for the general welfare and defense . . . one size does not fit all!

Several Examples of Federalizing State & Local Cops

Issues of Naturalization or Immigration, Belonging to ICE

I think the first time, I was personally involved with the issue of federalization problem, came in the form of Utah's attempt to reform immigration, dealing with e-verify, deportation, checking papers to determine issues of nationalization . . . if memory serves, HB 180, was the hot ticket item during the 2009, legislative session.  Oklahoma and Arizona, had already passed stringent forms of the same legislation, driven by none other, than the feds!  The Department of Justice and Homeland Security were both listed about 11 times, once for each page of the bill!  Although, contrary to custom and tradition, you know the federal agency, alphabet soup, acronyms to represent federal agencies . . . but this piece of legislation, meant to confuse and compromise the powers and duties, changing allegiance of local and state cops, and force state police powers to do federal cops jobs, enforce immigration laws!

Most legislators and cops, failed to read the proposed, model legislation; however, I did read the 11 page bill, and was horrified at what position, state and local cops were put it . . . they would have, through, the attorney general of Utah, signed a memorandum of understanding with both the Department of Justice and Homeland Security, both federal agencies, plus, that new bill made it possible for citizens, to demand that cops stop those of mainly, Hispanic descent, to ask them for their proof of citizenship, residency, or work permits!

The one good thing the memorandum of understanding did, was allow state and local agencies, the option of being trained by the feds to get some type of understanding of the issues, which in and of itself, is not problematic, but when the duties of the state cops, is taken doing the feds job, who handles their job?  We are in this federalist system, of both a federal and state system, that is to compliment, each other, support, but not take the place, or put an undue burden on already strapped, local and state cops!  

Feds Overstepping Their Boundaries, Raiding State Marijuana Growers

Every citizen in the United States has duel citizenship, but there cannot be two sets of laws, one for the feds, that conflicts with the state power, to pass legislation or voters expressing their voices and powers to make laws, through ballot initiatives and referendums, all constitutional as hell!  This is where the 9th & 10th amendments come in, incorporating all powers, not expressly reserved for the feds, saving those for the states and the people, and even not enumerated, or not expressly written rights, like the right to privacy, to be reserved for the people, just as protected by the government and courts!

The feds, that still have laws prohibiting marijuana use, can still use their powers over the general welfare, in states that have not passed medical or recreational marijuana use; however, the states have more specific power, they were in existence, before the federal government, and if you will notice, in the 10th amendment, it says the feds get whatever powers the original states, gave them, and that were not prohibited to them by the STATES!  So, in essence, what is happening, is the tail wagging the dog, or the created, telling the creator, what to do!  The feds don't have the power to do that!

Bigger doesn't mean, boss, just because there are general laws, doesn't supersede state laws, or legislatures, being ousted by Congress, only when the feds and Congress have express jurisdiction or powers over that area!  If the student of our republican former of government wants, read the United States Constitution, Article I--it will mention the powers of Congress, what Congress is prohibited from doing, and what the states are prohibited from doing!  

Guiding Principles, Concepts & the Basics

The founding fathers, wisely, in every aspect of the Constitution had a balance of power, not only between the three branches of government, but between the states and the federal government, the states and the people, various levels of cops, going down to local and state governments, being patterned after the federalist and republican forms of government, with duties assigned to the local legislative bodies, and the state, or cities, and counties, with rule making authority.

In the Utah Constitution, there are 27 things, if I remember, from 10 years ago, that the legislature cannot do, that would, if they did, minimize the powers of the counties, and thus, controlling the jurisdictions, or powers, between counties and cities, with every level have some type of autonomy and sovereignty, as long as they don't conflict . . . we are a society controlled by the RULE OF LAW!  With the Supreme Law of the LAND being the U.S. Constitution . . . with pre-emption, supremacy clauses, clearly, taking into consideration, the 9th and 10th amendments, the controlling law, when there is a conflict, and their often is, between laws . . .

Within each state, the state constitution is the highest law in the state . . . an ordinance that a city council passes, doesn't supplant or replace a law made by the legislature, as long as it is not one of the areas that are reserved for the local legislative bodies, county commissions, special service districts, controlling water, electricity, etc.  All laws, statutes, rules, ordinances, variances, are not of equal weight or authority!  Often a state regulatory statute will conflict with a federal regulatory statute, usually the federal statue will control, through the commerce, preemption, property, supremacy clauses, or just simply in and of the fact, Congress gave money, as an incentive, and the states eat the carrot . . . if they do, amen to their refusing to follow Congressional acts, like OBAMACARE!

Utah had Spent 87% or Allocated TARP Monies, Before It Ever Even Hit the State, then Wanted to Know How to Reject the Federal Programs Attached to the TARP MONEY!  Go Figure!

If Entities Can Just Keep In Mind the Basics, Don't Go Deeper Than You Need to, Constitutional Law is Complicated, but Not Impossible--DO YOUR HOMEWORK--GRAPLE, and You Can Figure This Stuff Out!

Monday, May 19, 2014


Berkeley Law Scholarship Repository

The Price of Admission: Causes, Effects, Patterns of Conditions Imposed on States Entering the Union

Thanks to my darling, and very smart, daughter, Greta Secrist Hyland, who just got accepted to the University of Montana School of Law, not her mother, the constitutional law attorney, found this article and sent me this excellent review of why Utah and other western states were given conditions for entry into the Union, thus invoking the retention of 20% to 90% of the states land, reserved under U.S. control, with the title in the title of this new blog post, from Berkeley Law, reiterating the fact that the United States, was concerned with Mormon loyalty, patriotism, social and moral consistency with the Union, and whether Mormons could actually pull off statehood under the United States Constitution, along with the main objection, that of polygamy, forcing the separation of church and state and other constitutional principles and concepts, that seemed to be at odds with the basics of statehood and inconsistent with the social engineering of the day, post Civil War Era!

Last Friday, after hearing a presentation by Carl Graham, formerly of Montana, now of the, Utah based, Sutherland Coalition For Self-Government in the West, presenting at Jake's Restaurant, in Missoula, Montana--great sirloin stakes--I wrote a blog on the cause of the problems in the west and with self-government, that the second prophet of the Mormon Church, Brigham Young, considered one ofthe great colonizers of the west, who sent the alleged saints, into all western states, and Mexico and Canada, taking polygamy with them!  I mentioned the fact that in the conditions for statehood, the United States, forbid polygamy forever . . . seeing it as one of the twin relics of barbarism, the other being slavery, as seen by the Evangelical easterners, and Europeans, watching this new country unfold.

Every year in my family law class at the University of Utah, God's first and only university in Utah, I always had a class on polygamy and invited speakers, either form the polygamist community, or from students who had been raised in polygamist communities, or from women who had escaped from polygamist communities in Utah, Arizona or other western states that have to deal with the cancer of this insidious disease--97% of the time I am right, and the other 3%, I don't care about!  I relish, every second of this, seeing that Utah, who is allegedly leading the battle, totally has egg on its face, and may, in fact, be the reason, that other western states, got their lands taken in the first place.  LOL!

The great thing about this whole movement, Governor Gary Herbert, taking monies from the Utah School Fund, to pay for the lawsuit, frivolous as it is, futile, seeing that polygamy is not asleep in Utah and the Mormon Church, it is alive, well and kicking, rearing its ugly head in the Utah Legislature, who summarily took that section, prohibiting polygamy, out of the Utah Constitution, regardless of the express conditions to ever remove polygamy off the hit list of the U.S, with a requirement that 2/3rds of both houses of the legislature vote for a change, with a vote of the people, and the approval of the United States . . . who would never, never, never, lift that prohibition, lasting into forever . . . perhaps, that includes marriage for time and all eternity . . . probably a jurisdictional issue there.  LOL!

Former, Utah Attorney General, Mark Shurtleff, Who Ran for AG in 2000, Expressly Ran on the Platform of Getting Rid of Polygamy, but He In Fact, Did the Total Opposite and Actually Facilitated the Spread of It!

Attorney General, Jan Graham, my old boss, a democrat, just before I left the inner sanctums of the Utah Attorney Generals Office, and the state of Utah, government, formerly being an insider, there was a movement afoot, to eradicate the practice of polygamy from the state of Utah, or at least get it under control, and stop the spread, with numbers, at least that were known, at around 70,000 polygamists in the Salt Lake Valley, alone . . . who knows about Southern Utah, or the normal looking Mormons, who were practicing, the principle, and nobody, including their families knew about it!  

Case in point, a high school acquaintance, JoAnne Jordon, daughter of Dr. Jordan of Bountiful, Utah, where I grew up, was on vacation in Hawaii, and happened to be on a boat ride with a couple, who when they heard that she was the daughter of Dr. Jordan, expressed their condolences to JoAnne, about the recent death of her mother, who had just died of cancer.  JoAnne, said, my mother didn't die?  The woman said, well, isn't your father, Dr. Jordan.  She affirmed the fact that he, indeed, was.  Both women looked at each other and realized, they were talking about the same man; however, the wives, were different.  Dr. Jordan, had an entirely different family, with 6 kids, over in Hawaii!

I am not sure if Mark was asked to head up the polygamy task force or if he just took up the cause of his predecessor, but he ran on the platform of taking care of the mounting concerns over the issue, that were creating problems for the state of Utah, through rising welfare, child abuse, food stamps, and other social ills, including murder, from warring polygamist cults, like the Allreds, the LaBarons, Laffertys, and the Jeffs . . . 

Two of these groups were at odds with each other, and several of the LaBaron boys were in prison, for slitting the throats of their little brother's wife, Brenda, and his baby daughter, when this educated woman, fought for her life, and eventually lost it after a brutal slaying, in her Salt Lake home . . . my first day on the job, as an assistant attorney general, in the Criminal Enforcement Division, all the hard-core prosecutors wanted to shock their new little female colleague and showed me the evidence tape from the Lafferty murder, absolutely, horrifying, shocking, totally violent, with her body being slammed up against a wall, and dragged across the floor, showing the fight for life!  The issue of the brothers' competency to stand trial was at issue around that time, which was about 1994 or 1995, lest one of my sisters claims that day, with the help of the Mormon Mafia!

Prior to My Departure From the AG's Office . . .

While I was the manager of the department and person over the Victim Assistance Program, in the Attorney Generals Office, when I was brought in by Jan Graham, interesting that Carl Graham, was the presenter a week ago, related, planned, a plant?  But, a case came to our attention about a man, who had I believe four wives, three were living in the house, but one was living in the chicken coop, or the garage, and it was winter.  This man, would sit home all day, and watch his wives and children, with surveillance in all the rooms in his house.  Each wife was suppose to bring home, $1,000 per month!  This was not uncommon, the wives were to compete on jobs, looks, sex, children, favoritism, physical attributes, etc.

You see, when you get an abused woman in a monogamous relationship, normally, the domestic violence shelters, can help them in about 30 days, get a job, get housing and transportation; however, they told me, when they got a woman from the polygamist community, they needed at least 2 years to help them, if they could help them . . . they had to undue all the brainwashing, fear of the outside world, and fucked up teachings of people like Warren Jeffs, the alleged prophet of the Fundamentalist Mormon Church, or FLDS.  This morning, I was discussing the evils of polygamy with a friend, who was not born in the Mormon Church, but was converted, or forced by her grandmother who was Mormon to be baptized, after she was taken from her mother, by the state--but she said, or referred to the FLDS, as born again, Mormons!  LOL.  

No, they, the FLDS, never abandoned the principle of polygamy, nor followed the 1890, Manifesto of the Mormon Church that allegedly prohibited it, for statehood, or by divine manifestation, really, but the Mormons didn't either, but the issue is given life, or born again, by taking that forbidden forever status out of the Utah Constitution . . . all the while, Mark Shurtleff, Attorney General, stood by and watched it go, or was involved, as the number one law enforcement officer and attorney for the state of Utah!  Mark, would actually go down to Southern Utah, where the polygamist are rampant and blatantly liver their lives, unhindered by the Utah Law Enforcement community, with the sanction and approval of the Attorney General, and I am sure, that was protected by now, bebunked, hand picked, John Swallow, who had to step down, after only 11 months in office, and where to you think, someone so new, learned all their tricks, from the old AG, Mark! 

In the Pocket Sized, Copy of the Utah Constitution & Fun Facts, Patricia Kent and I Co-Authored, A Problem Then, A Problem Now, A Section, That Was Actually, An Email, Converted to Text, Was Written to Mark!

Once, I came out, or started to heal from my terminal brain disease, aka, man-made poisoning, or gum from a poisonous, African tree frogs, I stared to key into politics again, and got back just about the time, Arizona attorney general, through the help of a former detective and St. George, activist, finally apprehended, alleged prophet, Warren Jeffs, FLDS, but protected by Shurtleff, I got word, from the underground, and swelling woman's movement, who detested polygamy, that AG, Shurtleff, would actually go, and meet with the polygamist communities, and literally, ask them what they needed by way of help from him, and UTAH!

These people were depleting the welfare sources in Utah, and our attorney general, if you can call him that, was facilitating their fraud, and illegal activities, and actually protected these communities, who had no fear whatsoever, from prosecution.  In fact, Shurtleff, at I believe, the direction of the Mormon Church, was being told what to do . . . and I think this would implicate, the current Prophet of the Mormon Church, President Monson!

Back at the time Utah was trying to become a state, Gentiles or non-Mormons within the state, who opposed Utah becoming a state, clearly protested, based on the fact that Brigham Young, who at times, was both Prophet and Governor, regardless of the later title, was the sole dictator of the Utah territory, with absolute rule and control!  That is true for today.  Everything that was said, over 150 years ago, applies today, all concerns by the United States, is just as relevant, raw and real, today, or even more so, with 70% of the CIA, FBI, and NSA, Mormon, plus we almost had a Mormon President, who every bit as much today, wants to establish a Mormon version of the Kingdom of God on Earth!


To the UnKnowing Citizenry of the United States, Polygamy is in CURRENT, Mormon Scripture, And All Mormons Believe it will Come Back!

These women in the Church, are just as bad as the men, look at the principle, as suffering for Christ's sake . . . for in the early days, only, allegedly, the very righteous, top 2% of Mormons, actually were allowed to live it . . . except for the ones married on the Great Salt Lake, the ones hiding in the caves in the West Desert, or the ones in Mexico, like Mitt Romney's ancestors, or those who moved to Canada to live it . . . with even post-Mormons, believing, in the principle, even though they reject the Church, go figure.

I presented to the group of Post Mormons in St. George, at the old Holiday Inn, now, the Lexington Inn, after the printing and distribution of the Utah Constitution & Fun Facts, was getting out and about. I remember looking into the audience of my peers, intellectually and professionally, and seeing the uncomfortable bristles, eyebrows raised, and jabs in wives, and friends ribs, when I mentioned the fact that under the Utah Constitution, polygamy had been banned or forbidden forever!  I also told this stodgy group, that were hypocrites, for rejecting the beliefs of the Church, but acting pissed at me, kill the messenger, for telling them, that they now only would not, but could not have polygamy.

And, after seeing their disbelief, and rejections or objections to what I was telling them, I mentioned in defense of their wives, who I am sure still live under the totalitarian control of the priesthood, even inactive members of the patriarchy, that and I smiled, if it ever gets taken out, or rescinded and becomes not forbidden, that this little constitutional law attorney, will force the 14th amendment, call for equal protection and uniform operation of law . . . and I would have more than one husband, or polyandry!

I went on to inform this groups of gray haired, pot bellied, soggy old boys, that if they thought for one second, that I turn the other way, or that I do not get hot, when some hard bodied, hunk, walks by, and they think I would not climb on them, they were crazy!  The women smiled and laughed, jabbing their unfaithful husbands, for they all are, just thinking about polygamy, if you want to go with the 10 Commandments, which states that a man should not covet his neighbor's wife, but Christ said, He who looketh at a woman, and lusteth after her, has committed adultery in his heart!

Try that one on for size, not only do these good ol' boys, lust, they actually start to pick our their spiritual wives, before hand, just in case the Utah Legislature is not found out, to be even so boldly as putting future constitutions in the Utah Code Annotated . . . perhaps, your dirty little secrets will be revealed to the world and your sins, shouted from the roof tops . . . as stated in the Doctrine & Covenants, current Mormon scripture, allowing a man to take 10 virgins, if he can find them, might be as hard as finding a righteous person in Sodom and Gomorrah!  LOL!

I Am Actually, The First Female Bigamist in Utah, Married to Two Men Simultaneously, and Proud of It!

What is good for the goose, is good for the gander . . . I wasn't however, living with both men at the same time, but I could handle that, I dig men, all of them . . . that is why I am single, I can't make up my mind; in any given ride between Utah and Montana, I will think of 4 different men, and if God said, JoAnn, you can have any man you want, just tell me which on you prefer . . . I couldn't decide; therefore, God, I want more than one!  

I just can't find one that fills all my various facets of my personality, I need one for my brain, one for my hobbies in politics, all for sex, of course, one who is a great cook, one who likes to garden, and all to support me, due to high financial demands . . . now, does that sound absurd to you, that is how these men justify their lust, desire, and wanton wishes for polygamy!  But, hey, if you want the plain facts of it, Masters & Johnson, did a sex study, to see how many partners a woman could satisfy without getting tired . . . she did 16 guys, and they stopped, a woman can satisfy an unlimited amount of partners, not so for a man; therefore, with today's economy, and need for fewer kids to feed right now, with a need for two incomes to survive, and with the Mormon Church calling all mothers home from the factories, the offices, and the schools, a policy statement should be, that right now, it is more practical for women, not men, to have more than one spouse, but I doubt many would want more, sad but true, men!

Watch, I Will Be Like Al Capone, Who The Feds Tried to Get On All Kinds of Crimes, and Eventually Got Him On Tax Fraud--With Hundreds of Thousands of Mormon & FLDS Polygamists, the One Female, Me, Will Be Charged With Bigamy, a Felony in Utah!

I will want Mark Shurtleff back if that happens . . . but I don't think he will be as gracious if it is a woman, not a man, who gets more than one spouse, and I don't think he will tell, state prosecutors, that I have to actually commit, another felony or crime, before he would even consider charging me with polyandry, but you never know, he might, to protect the Almighty Mormon male dick, if threatened!  LOL.  Mormons have been known to throw cases, to protect, FLDS, Warren Jeffs, but Texas was there to fry his ass.  I just hope to God that I am tried in Utah, but they have already tried me, stolen, robbed, attempted homicide, and taken all I have, even run me out of the state for fear of my life, so I doubt the same guys, who did this to me, Mark, John, will actually give me due process and equal protections of the law, they haven't so far!  LOL.

As I Stated In My Original Email to the Former AG, Chiding Him For Not Making Good on His Promise to Clean Up Polygamy . . . Polygamy, a Problem Then, and a Problem Now!

For anyone interested, you might be able to contact Scott Holyoak of Parowan, a good friend, who might have an original copy of the Utah Constitution & Fun Facts . . . unblemished by Patricia, my partner, who, I am sure was bribed, or coerced by the Mormon Church to stop printing it, or at least stop printing the section, forbidding polygamy forever!  And I am sure, she would have no qualms telling you, one of my Molly Muffin, Mormon sisters, or Mob sis, Shelley, was actually me, and I her!  LOL, Mormons are just like the Taliban, they are on a Jihadist mission for the Church, a vision of what a Mormon World would b like, what and how much 10% Tithes from around the world could do, and teaming up with the world bankers, but Bushes, and the One World Order guys . . . no borders for missionary work!

Just like Muslims, Mormons are promised 10 virgins, to accomplish their feats of terrorism, Allah gives 70 virgins, so that is a better deal!  Really, where are the majestic people, real men, who don't need a cadre of women to bolster their fragile male egos?  Get fucking real!  You are pathetic and disgusting, not only should the American people worry about the past Mormon, you better think twice about your Mormon CIA, FBI and now 30,000 spies in the NSA working in Utah . . . they run your government, have infiltrated your military, and your intelligence community, and almost pulled off a president . . . get a clue!

I Contend that the Mormon Church is a Front for Politics and the Mob . . . I Have Experienced Their Wrath and Sting . . . Utah Should Never Have Been Allowed to Be a State, They are in BREACH BIG TIME, OVER POLYGAMY, THEY NEVER GAVE UP!

P.S., Check out my daughter, Greta Secrist Hyland's, blog, the Southwest Journal . . . there is great articles, and I am sure you will get a well researched one on polygamy, and there is also a video of a debate, sponsored by the Salt Lake Tribune, on state land issues, the lawsuit between pro-states rights people v. former BLM director, Pat Shaey, who very brilliantly, states when one of his opponents said, why shouldn't states control the public lands . . . he said, two words, Shurtleff and Swallow!  LOL!

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Simple Church--Love God, Love Fellow Men & Women

I'm in love with Montana.  For other states, I have admiration, respect and recognition, even some affection.  But for Montana, it is love . . . John Steinbeck.  Montana, means mountains--the gospel is suppose to come from the mountain tops, and run down hill, like a rock, gaining speed . . . let's take this viral, for Jesus Christ!

There are churches for a new generation of those who want the truth, straight and simple, online, or in a one hour meeting, where the women can wear pants, a place that teaches about Jesus Christ--the only true salvation of the world, even in a modern world.  The first time I wrote about Jesus Christ Superstar, Not Just a Rock Opera . . . months ago, my blog jumped 30 million hits in one day!  That should be an indication of the thirst and hunger for a true healer, beyond the arm of flesh, but a power that reaches Heaven and our God, in whom we trust.

Shockingly enough, Montana, has a stone tablet with the 10 Commandments carved on it . . . right on the Capitol Building grounds, with all the challenges over the years, courts demanding judges, cities, and other take down their 10 Commandments . . . Montana, slide under the radar, and is on the east side of the front law, or the left side, if you are looking at the Capitol Building!  To me, that makes a powerful statement, not only about the state, but the people, and the role Montana can play, in turning the hearts of the children, not only back to the founding fathers, but to our Heavenly Father.

As I have stated before, the enemy to a one world order of oppression, totalitarianism, a ruling elite, enslavement for the masses, if not leaving enough of the common folk, just enough to serve the oligarchy or the despot and the regime that supports their way of thinking, is Christianity and the U.S. Constitution, or constitutions with similar principles and concepts, based on freedom, liberty, rights and a republican form of government, through representatives, elected by the people, for the people and of the people.  Over 100 countries have adopted some form of similar constitutional protections.

I have often said that the Preamble of the United States Constitution, to me, is nothing more than God's gospel in law . . . a goal, not just for this country, but for all of mankind, if we will follow the instructions in that inspired writing, that is an ideal, the United States has yet to reach, but we need to keep the mark in front of our faces, hearts, pocketbooks, religions, lives, etc.  Both adherence to the principles and concepts of Christianity, and the U.S. Constitution, seen as patriotism, take a lifetime commitment to the basic tenants of the foundation of the bedrock ideas, defending, protecting and preserving the ideal for generations to come.

States or Providences Within the Ukraine Are Just Looking for Sovereignty or a Bit More Self Rule, Under the Umbrella of the Ukraine--Even Pro-Russian Protesters are Not Willing to Go As Far As Going Back Under Russian Rule, And Russia is Not Wanting to Take Them Back, So a Little Respect Is All They Ask . . . So?  What is the Problem?

As we watch the situation unfold in the Ukraine, Russia, over Crimea, Odessa, Donetak, etc. with pro-Russian forces, first taking over government buildings, then the billionaire, hiring militia like men from the Ukraine to take back the government buildings that were occupied.  The thought came to mind, why don't they operate the Ukraine, with eastern states or Providences, wanting more say, independence, sovereignty, while not make those areas, like sovereign states, under the United Ukraine, with a federalist system, or some revised version of something that is working in some other country, not necessarily patterned after the U.S.  There might be too much pride for that, but the scriptures say, pride cometh before destruction; you are coming with limited bloodshed, let Switzerland help you, they operate  under peace.

Why do we have to be so suspicious of President Putin, he wants to be a cowboy too!  President Obama and President Putin, both photogenic with their shirts off, can get along if they want.  It was Russia, who warned the U.S. about the Boston bombing and wanted to work closer with the U.S. to fight terror, so what the fuck is wrong with that.  We live in a world that is changing, more reliant, closely knit, and we better start to look for other solutions, than going back to the days of the Cold War.   One of the biggest issues in modern centuries, is trust, whether that is country to country, or business to business, husband to wife, parents to children, bosses to employees.  Don't you think it is about time, we got our morals on?

As for the Terrorists or Rebels in Nigeria, Who Took the 278 School Girls . . . Something to Think About--Jesus said, Anyone who harms one of these little ones, would be better to have a milestone wrapped around their neck and drown in the depth of the sea!

Every time I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, I win, or I am protected, or I grow closer to someone, or to my goals, or to him; therefore, it would behove all of us to at least try Christianity or some form of religion that teaches peace.  And as for the atheists, the teachings are good, whether you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, or just a great teacher . . . the teachings have stood the test of time, so look at it as a new philosophy, that will bring you and your family joy.  

As far as most religious scholars go, we are all just at the base of a mountain, with a Christ figure at the top, so why not start trying to get to the top of the hill together.  The teachings in the New Testament, in the Book of Romans, even states, that there are those without the law, that are better than those with the law . . . so just be a good person, doing random acts of kindness.  Just yesterday, a friend of mine, went up to Starbucks, to get a coffee, and when he approached the window to pay for his coffee, the window attendant, said, oh, you don't owe anything . . . the car in front of you paid for your coffee--good will!

God, I Want to be Your Man You Want Me to Be; Lord, Don't Give Up on Me!

Do you really think money, Halliburton, the world bankers, can get your child off drugs, put our marriage back together, heal your mother of cancer?  We have a better way of doing things.  People have been bitching and moaning about Obamacare for at least 3 or 4 years now, to hold the cost down, why don't you try faith healing, laying on of hands, belief in the powers of the great physician?

Just today, the pastor of the Crossfire Church, Kalispell, Montana, told us that her mother had a cancer tumor, that was reported to the church a few weeks ago, and the church prayed for her.  She had to wait for about a month to see the doctor, which she was worried about.  The mother finally got into to see the doctor, and when he took the ex-rays, that were to admit her into the hospital for chemotherapy, or whatever treatment was going to be recommended, there was not evidence of the tumor!  Did the first doctor make an error in diagnosing cancer, to a woman who has smoked her entire life, or did the faith of the prayers of the church heal her, through the name of Jesus Christ?

My other pastor, from Fresh Life Church, beamed into the church in Kalispell, Montana, from Texas, after the church, along with several other churches held a H2O Experience, with some 5 million viewers from around the world, via iPod, computer, or whatever, beating out Texan, movie star, Matthew McConnaughey (?) , for number of people tuning into the Podcast!  Actually, I bet Matthew would be thrilled and glad he was beat out.  I can see him big the fact that over 7,000 people committed themselves to Christ and a life of purity.  Hallelujah!

Two Great Court Cases Came Out This Week!

There is a statue of Jesus Christ, on Forest Service land, up at the ski resort, can't remember the name of the resort, don't ski now days, up at Whitefish, Montana, and a group of secularists sued to have the statute removed from the resort and the forestry land, for infringing on their freedom from religion or right to religious freedom.  The court decided against the secularist group, stating first that the statue did not infringe on their rights to not practice religion, the Knights of Columbus, I believe a Catholic organization, put the Christos up decades ago, and it was more used as a place for people to meet or take picture, not a place of worship . . . hey, a win, is a win, by any name!

I believe the next one, came from out of state.  I should have payed more attention, but I didn't, so you can get the big picture of what the, I think, U.S. Supreme Court or a state supreme court, held that the county commissioners could start their county planning or commission meetings with prayer . . . previously, the court had struck down prayer in similar meetings; however, as in good statutory construction, the court should first consider the plain language of the statute or law, the intent of the founding fathers or legislature, and then turn to history . . . which is what the court did, and found that this country was steeped in both a tradition and history of belief in God . . . even our money has, IN GOD WE TRUST!

So, I guess if you want to get technical, you can worship God and money, if you trust in God!  Worship or love of money is the root of all evil . . . American greed, lies, sex and video tapes, but true, take the money out of most equations, and laws, corruption and fraud would end!  Having money is great, if you do the right things with it, good works, good deeds, and blessing the lives of many, as the good book, the Bible, admonishes!  It is statistically and practically true that the more money someone makes, the less they give.  The average billionaire gives one percent of what they make, and the average person who makes less, gives an average of three percent of their earnings . . . explain that one!

Being Rich In the Things that Matter!

To be happy, one needs good health, time and sufficient money . . . not much more!  Yesterday, my friend John came a picked me up in Missoula, Montana; we had a great gyro or Greek sandwich, at Gyro One, just off Orange Street and 5th, in Missoula, great food and the fries are great too.  After our lunch, up the Rattlesnake Canyon, park, we hit the walking and biking trail, with in minutes found a cool little resting place, near the rushing river, before walking up the mountain, with every inch of shear beauty, ever step of the way.  On the way to Kalispell, we drove past the Mission Mountain Range, snow covered peaks, majestic, massive, awesome, lush green pastures, black cattle to contrast the rich green of the grass lands.

We had John's stereo blasting awesome, fun music, we both enjoy, cruising up past Flathead Lake with all the elegantly pine covered islands, the boats, small harbor towns, orchards, landscape that inspires, smiles, fun conversation, breathtaking beauty, and freedom.  What could be better than this?  Neither one of us could think of anything we would rather be doing today . . . health, healing, love, camaraderie, and friendship . . . the things that matter!

In the sermon, I listened to both last night and today, the visiting pastor, was interviewed by a guy who was writing about riches, and interviewed this guy, who has 7 kids and wife, and lives on a pastor's salary, but considers himself the richest of men, blessed beyond measure.  This man, works for several billionaires, helping them manage their wealth.  The pastor asked this guy what it was like, and if he would want to be that rich.  He said, absolutely not, that it was took a lot to manage, and was a tremendous responsibility, a weight and a burden, that took a lot of time, and no, he said he would never want it, and said it without hesitation.

Why Don't All the World Leaders Follow This Simple Song

Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, to shine for him each day,
In every way try to please him, at home, at work, and play.
A sunbeam, a sunbeam, I'll be a sunbeam for him . . .
Jesus, wants me for a sunbeam, I'll be a sunbeam for him!

This is a primary song, I learned in Sunday School, as a child, but I think, it is worth a try.  I know this sounds elementary, ridiculous for a powerful world leader, but really, people, all over the world, just want to ultimately be happy.The gospel of Jesus Christ is simple . . . hangs on two great commandments, to love God, and love your fellow men and women, plus children.  Now, seriously, is that hard?  I think this is within the grasp of even the most simple minded person, just be kind, care, do something everyday, that generates good will.

Christ said in the last days, weapons would be beaten into plowshares!  Why don't we just skip all that shit the world is suppose to go through, like the four horses of the Apocalypse, the woes, the plagues, moon turning to blood, fish and birds dying . . . that is just telling us, what our actions will cause, we will make our Mother Earth groan from our wickedness, this is not what God wants to do . . . men are that they might have joy!  That is his goal for humanity!  We have to do our part, and one by one, we can change the world!

Take One Baby Step, For Mankind This Week!

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Power Sex--What Do I Mean?

This morning, as always, since I noticed that someone had already compromised my new place in Missoula things moved, toilet seats up, like a woman would never do, my towel hanging over the shower, moved or hanging strangely different, not the way this anal retentive former graphic artist, and spatially correct dresser placer and towel hanger, took a shower, as I have for the last week, since I noticed the towel, in the dark or with a little bit of light, shining from the light in the hall, barely enough to see what I am doing.  Paranoid, no, but not going to be the spooks in my house, entertainment for their sexual deviancy!

If you have seen the new 300 movie, the one about the Spartans fighting with the Persians, with a female captain or military leader, as ruthless as any man, gets with the famed male leader of the Spartans, and in a combination of sexual attraction, respect and hate, power their frustrations out with each other in a battle of the sexes, for dominance one over the other--that is what I mean.  The sex in just about love, or even just a physical act, it is about power, control, dominance and advantage over the other person, in a very competitive game of war.  

A war that I have been fighting for about 6 years, ever since, I miraculously recovered from the last time I tangled with the feds, when I got the best of them and took out 9 federal agents and investigators; however, I paid for that thrill with 8 years of my life and a death sentence . . . but GOD, in his great wisdom, decided it wasn't this warriors time to depart this earth.  So I am well familiar with my dwellings being searched and bugged, and who knows what else they have done to keep an eye on me, literally, to taunt, intimidate and track my comings and goings . . . but I am wise to them, and this particular time, I played their game better than they did, in this area of sexual power, and it was, rewarding to say the least.

Jack The Ripper

At the time, I was going back and forth between Montana and Utah, Montana and Arizona, trying to move up to Kalispell, but every time I thought it was the last time I would have to go back to Utah, it wasn't, so as a consequence of that, I was never around to set up and permanent residence, and not worth getting an apartment.  So I was kind of couch surfing and sleeping in my truck or car, depending on the time either before the Iron County Sheriffs, with the help of Delta Force Marines, right out of retirement at NORAD, took my truck, to stop this 4 state tracking game, or after then wouldn't let me register my new car or used, until the seller got a new title, which he never got!  On purpose, because the U.S. Supreme Court, in USA v. Jones, the case I heard the day I was sworn into that bar association, held that the FBI could not put a GPS tracking device on a vehicle, it violated the 4th amendment . . . so these not so cleaver agents, arranged with the DMV in Great Falls, to leave the ownership in the guys name and just put me down as registering the car, but not owning it . . . go figure, until I got the new title, that never came!  With ownership, and permission, the cops could put a GPS tracking device on the car, and circumvent the new or enforcement of the old constitutional right to privacy and freedom from unreasonable search and seizure of the vehicle, while not actually taking it, giving them the ability to know where I was 24/7.

I was stuck in the Walmart parking lot in Kalispell, without money for gas, and food, when I met Jack, the first ride on the first trip on this bus, that wasn't free, but all the drivers who are now good friends, just didn't bother to tell me for a year and half, when they pointed out, it is banking or checking at Glacier Bank that is free.  So, I had mistakenly seen a bus that said free on the advertising wrap, and saw about four cop cars searching the parking lot, I would assume for me, since there was nothing going on, and no cop agency really wants someone who sued cops for $56.7 million, whether right or wrong, they don't want a civil rights attorney in their jurisdiction . . . maybe I am wrong, but it seemed a bit curious that 4 cops were cruising up and down the isles looking for something . . . and I always, error on the side of safety, that is why I am still kicking around, foiled 3 sting attempts in the last two days, so booking it out of town, to an undisclosed location, getting lost in Montana, like their sticker advises. 

Jack is Either Mafia, CIA or a RED--Retired & Extremely Dangerous

After debating with me over the upcoming elections, Mitt & Obama, Jack takes me to dinner, cheap as he is, Dairy Queen, on Idaho Street--they, cops, federal or local and state, always cheap shot it, either because they have money and they want you to like them for them, not for their money, or they are cops, and their salaries, used to not be great, so they got a little on the side, by way of kickbacks, asset forfeiture, or other under the table stuff . . . but that is beside the point.  Jack said, after hearing my tales of woe, that if I would stay with him, he would protect me.  That night, his alleged son-in-law he didn't recognize, who was about 6'7", named Demetri, showed up out of the dark, to whisk Jack away from me for about two weeks, training, assignments, instructions, hit, or whatever, this man that had proposed to me, the night of the elections, until Obama & I won, that was told I would be more likely to take up arms and ride with the Montana Militia, than ride off into the sunset with him! 

Finally, Jack tricked me into a nice bath, and what was suppose to be two queen sized beds, which magically turned into one, with the statement, I am not going to share a bed with a woman I can't touch, so warm bed or cold car . . . a girl has to do what a girl has to do, and believe me it wasn't much, but it had been about 5 years since, I had left my other federal agent husbands, and the last one I never did have sex, marriage was a business deal that he thought he could change . . . so, I was taken back that I actually did enjoy being with him, to the limited extent I was.  He was a gracious host and didn't push much, so I survived the night with the Big Bad Wolf . . . it is not nice to eat Little Red Riding Hood, Mr. Wolf.  LOL!

New Hot Games, The Second Time I Stayed With Him

Red flag number one, Jack never had a place, always stayed in a hotel, allegedly had a house in town, but lost it, so he always stayed in a hotel or motel.  This particular time, Jack was staying at the Blue & White Motel in Kalispell . . . it was one level, and had rooms on both sides of us, perfect for surveillance.  I am all about playing for the cameras, he doesn't think I know about.  So, I am going to put a show on for the boys, and take control of Jack who is going to have a hard time taking control of me, after the feds did a female circumcision on me, back in 2000, when they poisoned me too, pay back for taking out their agents . . . but don't get me wrong, I have not trouble getting turned on, in fact, I am writing this, so I must have been into the power of it, just as much as the sex.  Women like me, dig what they can do to me, a total power trip!

Previous to this, I had never used sex, but I had never thought I was being used to put me in a sexually compromising situation, to come back later if I ever ran for office, or was made a judge, or basically used to blackmail me.  I was going to reverse the tables on these guys, watching Jack and I, and on Jack too, being part of this scheme to defame, discredit, compromise, or threaten with exposure . . . I decided I would use the skills that I had either read about from other women, or had learned over the years my self to make the CIA viewing audience a jealous of Jack as I could, and make Jack putty in my hands, or mouth or whatever it took to really get him and them . . . it worked.

The First Night Was Just A Warm-Up For the Second

The first night, Jack left the TV on, but he is a big guy, and I think the way the light worked, their plan didn't work.  In the morning, I noticed that there were two Optimum fiber optic vans, outside the door, one on each side of us, so using nanotechnology, on fiber the size of a hair, probably would expose the whole room, but the lighting was not right.  Now why did these vans stand out . . . because they had Utah license plates on them . . . that is not a Utah company!  Take it from someone who reads signs, trucks and license plates, I believe they have been bought out by Charter, but they are not a Utah company--big time red flag, but porn star I can do . . . under the covers!

Jack's friend Sam, came over to pick us up for breakfast, and noticed the two vans, and said, I am starting to believe you on this surveillance thing, did you notice the Utah license plates, hell, yes!  So he only validated my suspicions.  The next night Jack switched sides of the bed, and left the bathroom light on, much closer, and much more powerful and revealing light.  All the better to show off my skills with the Big Bad Wolf . . . but Little Red Riding Hood is much more than a pretty face . . . backfires.  Smart girls don't work harder, they work smarter, and that is precisely what I did, I will let you fill in the details.

Panting, moaning, begging, words of love, desire, repeated acts, on and on through the entire night, totally one sided, however, but all is fair in love and war, he was actually the one who exposed his weaknesses, to the point of embarrassment, and I would believe that every man or woman watching was fucking dying.  I loved it, power sex . . . who is playing who?  I sure as hell was demonstrating weakness, but their own man.  And to rub it in, I got up, got dressed and thanked him for the sex education and said, too bad the favor was not returned . . . to humiliate him in front of his peers!  LOL.

I bet he has relived that night a million time, will never get it again, for that is part of the game too . . . the best he ever had, at least for one night!  LOL!  I bet my Mormon, Relief Society sister, who just got an eye job, will not want to take credit for this night!  LOL.  This man has since seen me, and still begs for time, for marriage, to be with me, to hang out, come over . . . never going to happen, darlin, that is part of the game!  You chose to play it, and I won, or I would be begging you, I am not that weak!  LOL!  

How Does the CIA, FBI and Other Intelligence Arms of the Government Justify This Behavior?

They actually have trainers, which I would believe Jack was and maybe had been for years.  They get these cads or womanizers, that most women will fall for, and then they trap the woman, wine and dine, hunt, track, prey on, and try to own, all for the learning of the troops of up and coming cads who are hired for their looks, their dicks, their ability to attract the opposite sex, maybe the same for they justify their actions and behavior for the country . . . or to show off their skills to their underclassmen and women . . . yes, those sexy spies in the movies have motives and assignments too, don't be fooled, women play dirty too.

I just out CIAed the CIA.  LOL!  I can compromise love, sanctity too, I have kept my jar of hearts also . . . I am very skilled a taking down the enemy, have my whole life!  And I am good at it.  So, just realize, that if your guy is a match for me, I am also a match for your guy, and can possibly take out one of your assets and render him either helpless or useless, and in love, compromising your whole mission!  You see, your men, are still hanging on the old fashioned idea, that sex is about the body, being turned on by the body, not the largest sex organ or the brain, so while your men are least expecting it, they are getting tangled in my webs, talking about politics, the mountains, government, family, etc., about anything you like, I am a guys type of girl, not prissy, but tough, smart, outdoors woman, game, and fun, so better get a new game boys, you just got the anti upped . . . got to train more than about conquering a woman's body, you better send smart enough guys to get the brain . . . many have tried and many have failed . . . work on the knowledge part of attraction . . . I don't do stupid well, even in agents.

Glad to Be of Service to My Government in Anyway Possible, Ratchet it up Boys!

Friday, May 16, 2014


Kill Squirrel I, Viral on YouTube--I Met Brother Squirrel!

Everyday, when I get on my computer, either before or after, I write my blog, to tune into some cool mix of music, that disappears in the dark recesses of my mind, while my conscious mind, takes over while I am writing, but lovers, past, current and future, every once in a while pop up with music, connecting to experiences . . . but I always look at what the YouTube Gods, recommend I check out, if they catch my eye with a title or picture, so they are to blame for my newly acquired fear of, none other than the dreaded squirrel!  The following is what created a new fear, of a new erratic creature, that darts, unexpectedly, like mice, grasshoppers, moths, and bats, that have a terror for me, beyond a mountain lion, or grizzly with more predictable patterns of movement.

Okay, on this video, this kid was taking a Selfie, and a squirrel, not afraid of him at all, decided to get its 15 seconds of fame, and showed up on the log, next to the teen taking the picture.  When the boy, took the shot, the click or light, or whatever was on his cellphone camera, scared the squirrel, that attacked his face, if I remember, and ran down the back of his shirt, and it took a while for the confused animal to figure how to get out, but only after clawing and scratching its host body!  Oh, hell no . . . 

So, I am standing out in front of St. Patrick's Hospital, in Missoula, that has a great Learning Center, that I like to write my blog at or watch a movie on the computer, where it is quiet and a scholarly atmosphere, library like, newspapers, magazines, and books, not to mention a health library for physicians and staff, to research various medical issues and topics, of interest--I have used that to do research on petrochemicals and brain tumors, you know, kind of the cool stuff attorneys get to delve into with a new case.  After I was done, I went to the front of the hospital, and was waiting, unsuspecting on Broadway for the bus . . .

I Catch the Stealth Approach In the Corner of My Eye

Out from behind a lone pine tree, I think, fear seems to cloud your mind, but in my peripheral vision, I see this overly large squirrel, about twice the size of the killer brother in the video, boldly approaching me.  A good offense is the best defense, so I hissss at the squirrel, that doesn't seem to deter the attack, and it keeps coming at me.  So I stomp my foot, run at it, and it keeps coming closer and closer . . . it is not at all scared, but I am.  Okay, I look for a rock, like I might throw at a dog, but there are none, no sticks and this thing is still coming onto me, what the hell?

Finally, I growl at it; it stands up on its back legs, with its hands up . . . maybe it wants food.  Shit, I don't have any food for this animal begging me . . . Montanans must feed their squirrels, like people in Salt Lake feed the pigeons.  I don't have anything, quick, think, it is coming closer, food must be what it wants, or what is on the bargaining table or maybe I was the food, the sacrificial offering.  This squirrel retreated for a minute, but seemed intent on getting me or something from me . . . in a trick or treat fashion!

I looked at the bus shelter, and decided, while hot, it may be safer in their, it was on cement, and there was a place to sit, but as I quickly glanced at my proposed cover, I noticed that there was a gap between the cement and the plexiglass shelter, it could bite my ankles, run up my pant legs, or worse, run up my leg itself. As it approached, closer and closer, I decided the best form of action, was to just ignore it!  So that is what I did, I sat down in the shelter and prayed that the bus would get here, ASAP!

The squirrel stealthily sneaked behind me, and I just closed my eyes, and hoped for the best.  Eventually, so unsuspecting woman came walking across the grass, to save me, and the squirrel, might have smelled food on her, my savior, my deliverer . . . I was free, and good she came, because I found out that the bus, that pulled up, wasn't going where I wanted to go . . . I better read the schedule, next time I may not be so lucky!  Adventures on the bus, who would think in the middle of the city, a squirrel attack!

I Strongly Encourage Mayor Egan of Missoula & The City Council To Provide Free Bus Service . . . It Means Freedom to Many People

I learned to love mass transit or public transportation, while living in Chicago, for the summer, while doing an internship with Americans United for Life, I had access to light rail train, subway, and bus, and could literally get anywhere in the city, or even up to two hours in any direction, outside the city, even out to the suburbs, to Shumberg, where my little sister, Rachel lived, or to the Arlington Race Track, Church or wherever . . . the law firm I worked for, told me and the other intern, Julie from Columbus, Ohio, to leave our vehicles home, we didn't need them.

Often Rachel and her small children, would come into the city to pick me up.  She would need something from the store, Walgreens or these 7 Eleven type places, Chicken something, and inevitably, I could get their faster one foot, or public transit, while she was stuck in Chicago traffic, which was gnarly, to say the best, with 3 million people in the city loop, you can only imagine what traffic was like and worse now, I am sure.

There are two bus systems here in Missoula, the Mountain Line and UDash, serving the University of Montana students, free!  I can get up to 12 miles or so out of town, in beautiful scenery, to Bonner of the south, up Rattlesnake Canyon, just a block from hiking several trails, in absolutely beautiful mountains and pines, absolutely amazing.  Yesterday, I hike up the trail, sat by a street, and had a permenent smile on my face, and was so grateful for the freedom, since the government makes sure I don't get a car, took 5 of them, pipe bombed the last one, and there were FBI looking characters at the first stop in the morning, and later, two secret service guys, in shorts and gun glasses walking down the alley, I was going through to get lunch, I guess I wasn't suppose to notice their bullet proof vests under their shirts, and the secret service communication wires, like see through, old telephone cords, whirly twirly communications directly into their ears!

No, fear, the bus is near . . . at about any time of day, I have up to 10 buses, depending on the time, with about 200 stops on those buses, to confuse the feds, tracking me . . . the surveillance cameras, don't help, but hey, I have had some great escapes, thanks to various forms of public transportation, of one kind or another!  I really, think I am far safer on the bus, train, plane or whatever, shuttle, than I would be in a car or truck, they are less likely to make a scene, or blow up 20 people, than one, nor do they want anyone to know what happened to me.  The last time they arrested me without a warrant or charges, like they can do under the UnPatriot Act, trying to hold me, in prolonged detention without charges, warrant or hearing . . . up to indefinitely, put in a jail across the state, with no phone call, n

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Put A Smiley Face on Corporate America--Even Make Them People With First Amendment Rights!

I just loved it last election cycle, after the U.S. Supreme Court decision, in Citizens United, declaring corporations are people, now they are a legal fiction and have been for a long time, but exactly that, a legal fiction for business convenience and nothing more, with free speech being extended to corporate America, so they could exercise their first amendment right, to free speech and spend as much money, expressing their preference for one candidate over another.  Thank God, the money didn't make any difference, and the $5, $10 and $20 donations, did just as much good as the multi-million dollar donations of people like the Koch Brother or the billionaire casino owner in Las Vegas.

But I marveled that Mitt Romney, could complain about the 47% and did what most Mormons do, look at the world, dividing the world into the have's and the have not's, all the while bring Chinese investors and workers into Ohio, lowering the American flag, and hoisting the Chinese flag, while American workers, stung by Bain Captial, who fleeced the company, contracting to show them the way to more efficiently streamline businesses--yeah, just eliminate American jobs, ship them oversees, and pay Chinese sweat shop wages, and yes, you will cut corporate expenses, enough to pay our outlandish prices for this amazing service!  And no one balked at the mention of Romney getting a $30 million bail out for Bain!

Somehow, things on the right don't stink, while far less egregiously high bail outs, handouts, or welfare, for the worthy poor, just is amazingly offensive.  Now, we do know, that it takes two to tangle, to produce a child, and normally, it takes two to raise a child, if not a whole village, and we also know, that money invested into a child, will save money later in the juvenile justice system, and may produce, even a president--President Ford was adopted, President Clinton was raised by a single mother, and so was President Obama, with some help here and there from grandma and pa . . . so, if those single mothers were ever the recipients of welfare, thanks America for your investment!  Many or these women were good wives, married to good timing men!

From Everything I Have Read, It is Small Business That is Creating Jobs

We continue to give tax breaks to the rich, the corporations they run, when we know, they have most of everything they want, they are not consumers after a certain point, they already have their 11 houses, like Senator McCain, and Romney building his 5th or 6th in California during the last election, with an elevator going from the garage, bringing the flavor of the car of the day, to his front door . . . now the extra homes do create jobs, I have heard 70 for each home built and for these larger homes, maybe more, so good for them; however, they are not going to be full time residents anywhere, like the locals would, they were merely built as tax shelters . . . really?

I am all about a flat tax, to finally have Mitt and McCain, pay at least as much as a teenager working for McDonalds!  Not only do we need equity in pay, but equity in tax payment, that might offset the equality in pay, for equal jobs, for women as opposed to men.  After I heard, during the last election, that Utah, ranked last in the nation, for equal pay for equal work, at a measly, 55 cents for every $1.00 a man makes!  Oh, have those large Mormon families, and when you get old, we will turn you in for two 30 year old, spiritual wives, or if we have mercy on you, we will get you plastic surgery, and if you don't look 20 again, like when we married you, we will kill you, or have a family on the side!  REALLY.

Give the tax breaks to the small business owners, who really are, through their tenacity, ingenuity, creativity, making a difference in  our economy all the time, not just making money telling people how to downsize and ship jobs overseas!  This is not rocket science, put your money where your mouths are, we have to have jobs, what sector of the nation is doing that--the small business men and women of America . . . give them the break, we are in a different era, a new one, things are not like they used to be, and many of these business owners, are hard-core America lovers, who will not ship jobs overseas . . . and will profit less, to keep their neighbors financially afloat, as a great service, for great employees!

Welfare/Subsidy Queen Herself, Michelle Bachman, CONGRESS!

Congress will waist its time, trying to rescind ObamaCare, for the fortieth time, now holding meetings on Benghazi, when all has been uncovered, there just is not the outcome, the Republicans wanted--tragedy happens, especially in those explosive parts of the world, and Congress refuses to focus on the CIA, they are not political enemies, they want to unseat in the next election, but they are the ones who reported from the field, and changed the talking points, the CIA within the State Department, fuck Hillary and the President were busy worrying about the nation and the world, and a tight, not so tight election!

I read the newspaper, that after the last break for Congress, who is always on break from the business of the nation, but a vacation for them, is not planning on doing anything after they come back.  Well, as the employer of these lazy ass fuckers, who can't seem to find time between their conspiracy theories and vacations to actually pass a jobs bill, any good employer would fire their sorry asses, not wait to make sure they don't lose their elections . . . oh, another reason, small business owners don't get tax breaks, they are too busy running their businesses, keeping food on the tables of their employees, building their businesses, to contribute tons of money to the political system!

Too the Have Not's--You Just Might Be Better Off, Than the Rich Kid

My son-in-law, George, is the son of Cuban emigrants, for two years after his mother and father got a divorce, he and his already born brothers and sisters, lived in a car for two years!  This man speaks three languages, is in totally high demand professionally, usually works for government contractors, in the D.C. area, speaks Hispanic, English and Arabic.  George served his country, in the Army, became a linguist, in Arabic, and met my daughter while she was becoming a linguist, got married, and have two great kids, they are building a new home, he has a  master degree in counter-intelligence and terrorism, wants to get his PhD and teach college.  He looks like he could be American, Cuban, Hispanic, Mediterranean, Mideastern or about anything, so highly sought after.  He has pictures of himself and President Karsai of Afghanistan . . . so, you can do it in America . . . he has achieved the American dream, and he is married to my daughter, an all American dream girl!

Lately, there have been books come out on what rich parents can do, to stop spoiling their children, and get them to grow up to be more responsible, respectable, and worthy of the money they will receive, either in trust funds, or through inheritance.  Some of these kids are the most neglected and emotionally abused, being raised, by simply being given an unlimited credit amount on a credit card, and let go in the world, while their parents work, teach, or attend political functions.  So the grass is not always greener on the other side.  Rich kids get shipped off to boarding schools, summer camps, and prep schools, while their poor counter-parts are actually raised by their mother and father, without nannies . . . so count your blessings!

I raised my children to be adults, knowing they were going to be spending much more of their lives as adults than they were going to be children, about 18 years, compared to possibly 80 years as and adult.  Just last week, Governor Bullock and the Montana Division on Aging, honored 173 centenarians or people over the age of 100!  You better learn how to work, get along, use your money wisely, eat, sleep and take care of your bodies, because his brief moment in your lives, we call childhood, goes fast and you better be prepared for the either big beautiful world or the big bad mean world . . . the choice is yours!  Ultimately, whether your parents are rich or poor, is insignificant to your lives, it is what you are going to do with it . . . you are the one that will suffer, one way or the other!


P.S., No my ex-husband was not a Mormon polygamist, didn't leave me, abandon me, or beat me--the example I used was from the Mormon Doctor, who had a mistress, getting a head start on those polygamist wives, Mormons are promised, if they can find 10 virgins, now days, but the one that was recently on Nancy Grace, the former prosecutor, who sensationalizes other people's misery and makes a shit load of money . . . capitalism at its, whatever . . . this is America . . . buy local!