OCTANE (2003)
In this movie, there is a mother and daughter, driving home, from the 6 hour drive, from divorced dad's weekend, and mom and daughter, are getting a bit snarky with each other, in typical teenager style. At one point, and I am going from memory, mom and daughter, drive by a bad automobile accident, that appears to have several people, either dead or very injured. In the accident scene, starting the movie, there are several EMT's, who appear to be helping the victims of the crash, but in reality, if you look closer, the paramedics, are actually putting duct tape over the injured person's mouth, cutting off their air passages and breathing, causing there death. As the mother passes by driving, she notices a woman, young, pretty, wearing a white coat, just sitting at the crime scene, watching, with a pleasant look on her face, which catches the mother's attention. Mom also, notices, and swerves to miss a doll that is in the road, and almost hits a semi, but misses. The mother keeps getting flashes of the accident scene, the doll, the trucks, the dead people, the tow truck driver, etc. At one point, the daughter and mother pull of the road for a bit, to help the mother wake-up from the long trip, going to and from dad's house. At this point, there is this other teenager, standing near the road, that looks lost, so the daughter, without permission, asks the girl if she needs a ride somewhere, and she joins the two, in mom's car. The chick, travels, seems sophisticated, into guru's and people, like in India, and she tells the daughter, how cool and spiritual people are, in other countries, rather than being materialist and greedy in America. Mom is uncomfortable with the girl, and she pushes to know where the girl is getting out, and eventually she does.
The mother and daughter get something to eat, and as the mother looks around the restaurant, she notices the woman and man, she saw at the crash site, who took pictures of the gruesome scene, and also snapped a picture of her, driving her SUV. But as she looks around, she notices the tow truck driver, a female cop, and several others from the accident. At one point, the mother either goes to pay for gas, or to pay for the food, and when she comes back the daughter is missing. Mom freaks out, being at a truck stop, school in the morning, and work, plus the fear of losing her daughter. Then the mother notices, while she is inside the store, that her daughter is getting into an old RV, with the man and woman in the white trench coat, along with the hitchhiker girl, and she runs, yells to stop her, but, she is gone down the freeway soon and before she can get out to her. At one point, before the girl goes missing, the mother, notices, the female cop, at the truck stop, kissing, it looked like the man, who was with the woman in the white coat, striking her that things are not the way they appear to be. With her daughter missing, she goes up to anyone, asking for help, and she finally, gets to talk to the cops, who could have jumped in her cruiser and gone after the RV, but she didn't, she said she needed to get more of the facts, while the mom is yelling for her to just jump in her car, to go follow the RV, she is afraid that she is going to lose, if she waits too long. Finally, giving the RV plenty of time to get on the road, the cop, who promises mom, that the cop car, can go 150 miles per hour, so not to worry, she would catch them. Mom, doesn't stay at the diner, like she was told to do, she also follows the RV.
Sometime down the road, the RV is parked, so the mother, starts to find her daughter . . . who knows where the cop went? She looks in the RV, and finds, what appears to be blood, in coffee containers, she finds the doll that almost caused her to wreck her SUV, she finds, her daughter's clothes, drugs, etc., but no daughter. Then she goes to the police department, to talk to a detective, who appears to be involved with the rest of these people, in kidnapping her daughter. The detective calls her crazy, typical charge when a woman is pissed off. The detective calls her husband, who tells the officer, that his ex-wife, needs her meds, and that their daughter, is with him, and always has been. The detective is not much help. Mom, notices that there is the tow truck driver, and he is never far behind her. Finally, she talks to him, and finds out that this same group, kidnapped his sister. They got her on drugs, on sex, and brainwashed her into believing that her family didn't lover her, didn't understand her, and that this RV and the occupants, were just into love . . . no criticism . . . oh, it was the girl's birthday, and what caused her to leave her mother's side, was that her father, purchased two tickets to a concert the girl wanted to go to. The mom, said no to the concert and was pissed at the dad, who, tried to pass it off, that the mother never let the daughter do anything. The daughter was, I believe, somewhere around 15 or 16 years old, some of the hardest years. The mom took the tickets out of her daughter's hands, and tore them up. The girl ran away.
What teenager, does or wouldn't like this type of family, just do what you want, with no consequences and no pressure on them to get good grades, go to school, or perform, work, just drugs, sex, and rockin' roll! The hitchhiking chick, dolls the pretty teen up, putting sexy clothes on her, make-up, gives her drugs, plays, mesmerizing and hypnotic music, luring the girl, in with the freedom and teachings of father. The girl, pierces the daughter's navel, and states that the boy, with them, will really like that . . . the two start to get together and get sexual with each other. While this is going on, inside the RV, the mother, questions the tow truck driver and wants him to help her. The guy, starts to tell her, that his sister also was inducted into this cult, and once they have the kids hooked, on drugs, sex, and free living, they send them out to collect blood from people, actually telling them to kill people for their blood. I didn't catch, why they needed the blood, but, that was what was in the containers the mother smelled and got grossed about, while snooping around the RV. At some point, the kids, are in the back of a tanker, so you wonder, what the brother, who killed his sister, rather than to let her take the life of someone else, is up to, but he tells the mother, that, he is following her and her daughter, so he can learn and catch the couple who is doing this to other kids, and who are responsible for ruining his baby sister.
At one point, they go to see father, who is nobody more than a young man, in his twenties, sitting in a controlled environment, in a Cadillac, waiting for the presentation of this new young woman, who is dressed in white, but with a ton of make-up on. The guy, starts to make-up, with the girl getting all hot and heavy with her, but stops, to take out a razor, and he cuts his tongue, making it bleed, and then he starts to make love or have sex with her. About that time the tow truck driver and the mother, see the girl, and bust in on them, and the mother, yells to her daughter to run, to leave her, as the guy attacks the mother. The girl tries to leave, but, gets stopped, and as her mother approaches her, again the brainwashing kicks in, and the daughter, starts criticizing the mother. The mother tells her, that no parent is perfect, but, she loves her, and she needs her to run and get away. Mom, blocks father, from going after the daughter. The tow truck driver, gets killed in the process, but first he tells the mother and the daughter, that their father and ex-husband was murdered, right off the bat at the restaurant truck stop, when he dropped off the birthday present for his daughter. So the detective called someone, besides her ex-husband, who promises the detective that the daughter, never went with her mother, and he said that, his ex-wife was sick and needed meds, and that this had been a long time problem!
Mom gets her daughter to safety, about the time the cops are pulling up, I think. The daughter realizes that her mother really does lover her, and that, had she not loved her, she would never have risked her own, life to save the daughter. She would have either left it up to chance or the cops, but she didn't trust anyone. When the mother is first talking to the detective, she tells him, that all the people she saw from the female cop, to the husband and wife, to this and that person, were all involved in the kidnapping of her daughter, and at first it appeared that the ex-husband was also in on the sham, but, at the time, the mom didn't know the ex was dead! At the end of the movie, the mom and daughter, are finally together, and heading home, and the mother, takes note of her daughter's critic of her mother, but overall, the two see the love, and understand where the mother and the daughter are coming from . . . one protecting the other, and the younger one, fighting for her independence from her mother's control, just the way, it all falls out in real life.
But, the mom stops for gas, and when she is in paying or at the gas attendant's counter, all of the sudden, father, pulls up in his black Cadillac, and you are thinking, oh, no, not again, wondering if the brainwashing has ruined the daughter forever. As the mother approaches the SUV, she is worried as she sees the Caddy pull away, but she is very relieved to see, her daughter, still in the truck, but she points to the razor blade, on a chain, that the young man, known as "father" gave her a memento of her experience with him . .. cuts like a razor blade. Mom and daughter, act as if nothing happened, and drive silently back home.
British Prince Harry, On the Cover of a Magazine, Says All He Wants to Do With His Life, Is to Make His Mom, Princess Di Proud of Him!
Cults are scary things, young minds are impressionable, and parents are not perfect, but there is something in the DNA, that creates a love bond, no matter what the challenges, in a child's background are, all with challenges of one type or another. In the area of family law, even if there was abuse, judges are finding, that, no matter what happened, drugs, abandonment, alcohol, poverty, children, do better with their natural parents, and even when placed in the most perfect environment with loving foster or adoptive parents, the child always longs to be with the birth parent. I have found this with my grand kids, that as little as I get to see them, there is just something special about families, about kin, about brothers and sisters, moms and dads, that binds the family together, and make people long to be with their people! I just got back from Salt Lake City, and worried that my little cutie girl, grand daughter, who has only seen me on several occasions, would take some time to warm up to grandma, but nothing could be further from the truth, she just got in, loved and hugged me and her other relatives, without a care in the world, even getting on the bed and playing games with pillows, laughing at her cousins, as if she had been around them all the time! That is a comforting thought.
The one thing, that we have to remember, is that, for the most part, both parents and kids, are doing the best they can, with the cards they are dealt, in life, and we all need to realize that we are where we are, and we need to start where we are! This is where forgiveness, understanding, and love come into play. The scary thing with cults, or adults with ulterior motives, is that, our minds are susceptible to the power of suggestion and even false memory, replacing the truth with lies, errors, misrepresentations, and at times, good times and memories are replaced with false statements and events that never took place, leaving the person, to wonder, if things were worse than they remember. While I was an assistant attorney general, in Utah, a Mormon bishop was accused of molesting his two children, it was a huge case, and it got national press, because of his religious position, and the lurking suspicion, that he had in fact, molested both of his children, male and female . . . in fact, both children, even testified in court, against their father. But, upon, closer examination of the facts, and the long hours that the children had spent with psychologists, the idea, came up, that the psychologists methods of dealing with the kids, put the molestation in the minds of the children, and none of it was true! Watch who you expose your children too! Kids, always need to exam the motives and intents of the people they are with, and wonder if there is something more, behind the scenes.
Brainwashing, Constant Ideations, Half-Truths, Replace Reality After a While
Just the last time, I was with my daughter, who is 40 years old, I started to notice, that she was bringing up, stories, situations, and insinuations, about, not only her past, but her brothers and sisters. Greta told me that, she almost flunked out of high school? What, why didn't you tell me back, 25 years ago? why now? and what does it matter, she has a master's degree, and has been accepted to law school? Then she told me that after me and her father, split, with me leaving, because, I wanted the boys who were younger than the girls, who already had a good role model, to be highly male identified, and learn what it was to be a man, from their father, also knowing that, when kids are raised with their fathers, they have lower, drug, alcohol, smoking, runway teens, pregnancy, and school drop outs! After much thought and consideration, for the financial situation, age of the kids, personalities, tendencies, and preferences of both parents, Zeke and I decided, that what was originally going to be my property, with primary custody of the kids, would just be reversed, since during the 90 day waiting period to get a divorce in Utah, I had been accepted to law school, and Zeke, showed me what life would be like, divorced, once another woman was involved . . . I knew, as a mother, I wasn't going anywhere, but he was a no show, for about a month and a half, starting to date, and he has proven to be exactly that, after he remarried, not having a close relationship with his daughters, with Chris and Elliot, being close, but not demanding, of anything from their father.
Even though, I was not in the home all the time and didn't have custody, I was with my kids, all the time, on weekends, and during the week, and had I not be run out of the state, would still be with them. Nicole, back in Washington, D.C., asked her father, why mom, me, would give my last dime to get back east to visit, and he, with a job and money didn't seem to care, nor even wants a relationship with his daughters with both of them, basically giving up, on wanting to be with their father. Greta, lives, 30 miles from her dad, and she has not seen him in three years. I on the other hand, live, three states away, and have even come down, to babysit the kids, while Dallas and Greta, go camping or on a weekend trip with friends. I would be closer, if I could, but, my government interaction, in Utah is too scary still, and I come when I can, and leave when I need to, to be safe!
Dallas Deception
This is the title of a book, I noticed the other day at the library, and thought, yeah, remembering, one Easter, when Chris and Elliot, came down for Easter, tradition, and Dallas, maybe the boys, didn't want to go with the extended family, to join in on the festivities, and traditions. But, as Dallas tried to talk me into missing the extended family traditions and only hang out with our little family, he started to try to guilt me into, his position, saying that due to the fact that I had abandoned my kids . . . WHAT? I just let him ramble and wondered where the fuck he came up with this shit? Cop shit? Southwick bulls shit? I remember overhearing my father, talk in a similar fashion, saying that I was estranged from my kids, and I was like, WHAT? I had just talked to ALL of them, like a day or two before, generally used to talk to them every week, on Sundays, so where did this shit come from? There has always, given the timing, and the nature of my two son-in-laws, and even daughter-in-law, and Elliot's girlfriends, that they could be family infiltrators, lined up with my children, because they are so smart, and because of my history going against the government. I have stayed back after years, and watched, wondered, and there could be proof, either way!
I remember being with Greta and Dallas, up in Zion National Park, and going for gas, but, distinctly, wondering what Dallas was referring to, when he said, I am putting my bets, on Shell . . . as if talking to surveillance, or someone besides me, indicating, that in this imaginary cop game, that Shelley and I were somehow competing and he thought, that Shelley would win--think again, loser! . . . a car with the license plate, Sioux, phonetically spelling sister Sue's name, also, gives weight to the double theory, as do some of the comments, that family members, Sue, Dallas, and others have said over the years, making it look, like the Secrists are expendable, and that, we along with all our education, accomplishments, military training, and honors, are going to be divided up with other family members who are more Mormon, more cop identified, and with Sue, even saying she is going to take my grand kids, when I inquired as to when she was getting grand kids. But, when Sarah Schmidt and Jason got married, my family would only let me go for 15 minutes, if Greta and Dallas, would take me. I knew that something was up, and there was going to be this mix and match, FBI style, and my kids were at risk for losing their histories to less worthy, and less ambitious cousins, just like in the case of Isaac and Elliot, giving the lazy ass, loser, of Shelley, what Elliot earned, with my help, driving his bands around for years, and Shelley, NEVER, EVER, driving the kids, including her kid, ONE FUCKING WEEKEND, and to let her take my place and Isaac, take Elliot's place, Sarah take Greta's place and Meggie, take Nicole's place . . . I fucking think NOT!
Buying My Kids Time and Maturity . . . In Montana
I have had a fear, for years, since putting two and two together, with the Patriot Act, Desert Rat, and sone of his actions, the latest, not joining his wife's family, in Salt Lake City, Utah going to the Zoo, and getting together, going on a river trip, instead, leaving me to wonder, if he is with, spiritual wife,Sarah, or with the Southwicks, enjoying MY FAMILY'S MONEY, RIVER RAFTING? Dallas is not all above and beyond reproach nor suspicion, being an outright ass, over the years, but sometimes, nice. He has always, seemed at odds with me, starting from the get-go, when I was poisoned with Pick's Disease. I remember talking to him, about Elliot's music, and he gave me this distant look, and said, well, I guess he is YOUR SON . . . FUCK YES, HE IS MY SON! What was that suppose to mean, like the cops, can not stand Elliot being my son, because his music is so good, so they decided to let Shelley the cop bitch, and Isaac, the cop son, pretend to be us, for the cops to get some sort of sick satisfaction from cheating me and mine, out of the fame, acclaim, and money we should have gotten, like Shelley, who deserved dirt, who did nothing to further, either Elliot's or Isaac's careers in music, when they were young, was now, somehow,worthy of getting all the praise for being the mother that drove the early band, 300 miles each weekend, to get them to practice, concerts and help further they musical interests! FUCK THAT LAZY CUNT DIDN'T DO A THING, AND THE FAMILY IS RE-WRITING HISTORY!
I feel that my kids are SAFE, now, and that through my blog, I have been able to protect them and keep the fucking cops at bay, not to mention, putting that bitch ass Shelley, Rachel, and Kay, Sue, Marcie, Tiffany and others, in their places. Due to my kids feelings, I have gone soft on their spouses and lovers, but, there comes a time, where the gloves have to come off, and the shit is going to hit the fan. Had Dallas been a great husband, kind and good, supported his family, rather than collect on a federal paycheck, and live off his money, letting Greta support his sorry ass, I might feel differently, but, this last stunt, probably lying who he was with, where and when, makes me sick. And if I am wrong, I apologize to Greta, not Dallas! FUCK HIM, he is a FUCKING ASSHOLE, always has been, always, will be. I don't want him in my FAMILY, and Greta, can do so much better . . . fuck, Sarah can have him, he can have Sue, AS SUE POOH, NOT AS ME! She will cherish that loser, I WILL FUCKING NOT, SARAH the red haired bitch is NOT MY DAUGHTER, NOR IS SHE ELLIOT'S SISTER, BUT SHE CAN FUCKING HAVE DALLAS!
You FUCKING CUCKHOLD! I Am Hoping Greta Is Cheating on YOU! LOL! She is Smart, Discreet and Last Time, You Went APE SHIT! LOL! YOU FUCKING DESERVE TO LOSE HER AND ME, Sue is Stupid Enough to PAMPER YOUR SORRY UGLY ASS!
P.S., Greta called the cops, on me for Dallas, stealing my 70's pillow, but she called Shelley first . . . hopefully, Greta and my other kids, are strong enough, remember, enough, and kick the shit out of the fucking Southwicks and their spouses if need be . . .YOUR MOTHER IS THE COOL ONE, WHO DID EVERYTHING SHELLEY, SUE, RACHEL WANTED TO BE AND DO! That goes for your loser, Bad Grandpa too! Jealousy and envy, make people do strange and stupid things! CASE IN POINT! CEDAR POINT! The desperate housewives, get to be desperate again . . . I DID THINGS RIGHT THE FIRST TIME! Why do you think they are trying to KILL ME, they don't want to take responsibility for their kids, poor Ty, Jesse, Isaac and Alex, but for the family, they would all be dead by now! Sue's kids are NOTHING TO BRAG ABOUT, they all want to be, like or be, my kids, not the frumpy housewives, Sue trained her girls to be! MOLLY MO'S, dumpy foes!