I have been hanging out at the Break Expresso Cafe', since early this morning. And in unusual fashion, but one I understand to some extent, some chick, I have NEVER seen, comes up to me sitting at the back table next to the bakery, and tells me that it is policy, that if you come in the cafe', I have to buy something . . . and right at that time, a Brett double, the Puppet Master, primo psychopath, ex, who wants absolute, and complete control of my ez money making blog, mafia style, as most abusive spouses, should be former spouse, but for he would not sign the divorce papers, because, then Kay, or whomever the fuck, is pretending to be me, the flavor of the day, could not be his wife, stealing all my great, attributes, resume, and kids, El's music, the Ditch and the Delta or God's Revolver, all of which, make, Kay, aka, one hot number--and not for her looks, Internet pic, gotta be 20 years old--can be anyone you want on the Internet!, lol, or me, and I would imagine, seeing the effort and time, resources, and money, they spend bribing people, who see me around, to say, I am this double or that double, some in name only, others in looks, as in sisters . . . double vision, must have had some major plastic surgery done to that Roman nose and fucking pancake face . . . mine is much finer in detail and feature, thinner, even when I'm still, a bit fluffy, so in my own defense of having everything stolen, by they fuckers, who took my backpack, money, money card, cell phone, and everything you carry around in a satchel such as that, therefore, I have NO money for a few days; however, I have promoted and given the Break, advertisement, worldwide, which I would imagine covers a few days, not ordering quiche, carrot cake and Diet Coke, as I do, on a regular basis, when I have money . . . let bygone's, be bygones!
So, I am reporting on the psychopath in the bedroom, undercover, and out for blood . . . across town, at another one of my normal haunts, remember--I don't have a home, nor INTERNET! If you want to keep reading this blog, I have to crash somewhere, did, however, notice, a very FBI looking gentleman, sitting by the Diet Coke, where I would go to the watering hole, if I had any money, from the billion or so, that has been stolen, but, yes, it is I, the real, bad ass con law chick, who writes this fun, entertaining, informative and insightful blog--even for me, you ALL read . . . now reporting from the law school, on the University of Montana's campus, where my wild lands, hot shot, firefighting daughter, was accepted to law school, two years in a row, with a scholarships . . . but, if the new name, is any indication that the Mo mafia, laundered her mother's money, to make it look, like an attorney out of Great Falls donated the money, so they could watch Greta and tap into "a single source of income"; me and my four smart, or rather baby geniuses, fuck it, go to the University of Utah, where Mama Kodiak Bear taught for 7 fucking wonderful years, til, I got poisoned!
Anyone who gets, Greta--already writing feature articles on white collar crime, posted on Utah Attorney Generals homepage, before even going to law school, if and when she decides the timing is right, to go to law school, is going to get a treasure, and someone the school, will for decades, be noted for . . . she has been trained by her mother in con law, to some extent, over my 20 years of practice, has a master's degree, in natural resource management, perfect for a combo, master's/law degree, in this, the Treasure State, well versed, well written, smart and one hell of a researcher . . . when I want to find out something about the militia, the Alan Bundy, Daily Dumb Ass Show, up in Oregon, at the federal bird refuge, I call my very smart and articulate daughter, that, has changed roles with her attorney mother, and now, she is talking more than me, and with tons more knowledge . . . search Greta Hyland, for the insight and scoop, on the take over--close to Mt. Hood, where she was fire fighting last summer, but not stand off, that ensued, when the ranchers, got re-sentenced to prison, to meet, minimum, mandatory sentences of 5 years, rather than the one or so, they already served . . . there is nothing worse, than thinking you are free, to be sent back to prison, ask, Barry Beach! Good smart stuff . . . if I was on my computer, I would send you the link. Greta has a blog on Wordpress! get smart, stay smart . . . she is sexy as hell, great mother, wonderful wife, talented mountain climber, or rock climber, writes for the Utah Adventure Magazine, has three darling, future football and soccer coaches, dream, of three beefy, sons of her husband, Dallas, former, Navy SEAL--oh, and Greta was Navy Intel, Navy Hall of Fame! Cool chick, hot stick!
Okay, Ladies . . . The Guys Not to Date, Go to Bed With, Marry!
The first word, my eyes land on, when trying to figure out where I am, in my 6 or 7 pages of notes, go to the word, SURVIVOR! Go figure, the psycho, who is still following me, I met, outside an Albertson's Grocery Store in Logan, Utah, the day, sister, Shelley, the computer hacker and double, told me, I needed to get an apartment . . . a set up, for baby sis, who was suffering and dying from PICK's Disease, a genetic, terminal illness, or, surviving, my 2002 death sentence, having gone all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, after being told I would never work again . . . nice prognosis, for the psychopaths who wanted to replace me and my law license, putting it in the hands of a sister, who is probably working, back at the Department of Justice, under my name and credentials! WOW, my mother and father, have one, distinguished family, 6 or 7 law degrees, for the price I paid, and I am the one, they have tried to bury, can probably add a few, adopted, Sista Club members, the clubie chicks . . . Let's play attorney! after playing cops! GREAT! This is your psychopath, it comes in female flavors too--the rising star, the smooth talker, the alleged, rain maker, money maker . . . no, that would be the sister, they are hiding and keeping you from seeing, the mystery, real attorney! But, hell yeah, I am a survivor, from being married to several psychopaths, and them teaming up with a psychotic Mormon family, who found this victim organization, called the Secrist family, and has blobbed on, blood sucking ever last drop of blood and money, following us, like the great white shark, JAWS, following the woman water skiing on the cover of JAWS II!
The Highway to Hell . . . Or In My Son's Band's Lyrics . . . The Long and Lonely Drive to Hell; Scratch Dealt Me a Dirty Hand!
First pathological liar, in a string of husbands, boyfriends, lovers, and would be love interests . . . gotta get the boyz on board! We see each other from across the bar, after I had been dancing with some other freak of the single world, in the dating jungle, especially in Utah, where your eternal salvation depends on an eternal companion, so serious stuff. Jerry is handsome, dressed like a cool Park City man, shorts, loosely knit, cream colored sweater, hiking boots, pro soccer player legs, longer, curly hair, mustache, nice masculine arms and hands . . . for some reason, that does something to me, for me? I thought his might be a professor or something. Come to find out, he is a radical, Vietnam Vet, started the anti-war movement on BYU campus, where I was attending law school, and had gone for a semester, as a freshman, being more controlled, and less free than I had been in high school, so I transferred to Utah State University for spring semester. Both of us, had been married, divorced, once, he had two kids, I had four, and just that night, I had told my friends, that all the little law school boys, were too young, too inexperienced, and I couldn't relate to them, needing an older guy, that kids worked with.
Most Mormons, have the 3% religious psycho factor, believe that there are no coincidence, that there is a Mr. or Mrs. Right, that special someone out there for YOU! handmade, by GOD! LOL! And I have long given up on that notion, but I was were I was, and this psychopath, read me like a book, and told me he was laying in bed, at roughly 1:30 A.M., and awoke out of dead sleep, and felt he needed to go dancing in PC, so he hopped out of bed, got dressed and raced to the Zephyr, or the Black Cow, back in the day, and that was about the time, I got rid of the ski bum, that wanted to sleep with me, in his GIRLFRIEND'S BED! Fuck NO! Dumb ass . . . so, there were a few songs left, and Jerry showed up, sat at the bar, and looked at me, so I nodded to the dance floor, and he was beaming, we hit it off, got the low down and dirty, right off the bat, he was Mormon, had kids, loved to dance, fun to talk to, campus crusader, good looking, fun, energetic, etc. We had our first date, at the Homestead, and he said he was shocked to find a woman who could talk him under the table, we went miniature golfing, or putting on the golf course green, laughed talked, dinner, ended the night, up on Memorial Hill, molesting each other, Mormon style, all but, having sex! LOL!
Fitting the description of the psychopath, and looking back, now, this was an FBI Dating Game, set up, matching me with the perfect guy, to watch me. I had already, gotten the highest score, of 180 law students in my constitutional law class, and looking in retrospect, that is when the surveillance and putting me on the to watch list started . . . female, strong temperament, out to prove something, dangerous, for a crowd of Mo, cops, who had designs to get rid of the CONSTITUTION, which Jerry was always trying to get me to drop out of law school, he said the Constitution was a dead document, and I always, said, I will go down with the ship, fighting, tooth and nail to save it . . . I didn't fall for his bull shit, he never got me out of law school, tried to impregnate me to trap me, stop me, get me to be the little wife, hit up on the polygamy thing, endless battles over that . . . he is everythingng, I have fought in this blog, and saving the Constitution, alive and well, now! heading for disaster then! Nothing new, under this SUN! Same shit, I am battling NOW, just didn't know what I was up against them!
10 YEARS OF LOVE BONDING . . . got Pick's Disease--came back like a knight in shining armor, to save me, marriage and all turned to SHIT! . . . LOVE BOMB, and bomb, and bomb, became the abusive, verbally, spouse, angry, mean, loser! Even with an alleged brain disease, I was too smart to stay, and see what he was going to do next! These guys are almost shocking, in their predictability, if you knew what to look for! Brow beating, scriptural abuse, my name with a star near it, for all the scriptures he felt I had violated, he started mistreating my kids, and like the woman, I am going to write about, from the notes and the National Geographic, he started taking pleasure in hurting my KIDS, makes sense that he would say that Elliot, is Isaac, and that he was with Shelley, not JoAnn, verify, Wasatch County marriage records, if they have not changed them, or he will just claim that Shelley is me, and her son, Isaac, that my Intel, is telling me, is being dumped on me, so that Shelley can claim, my baby musical genius, not her lazy ass son, who got to steal the music, tour worldwide, and now with my blog, Shelley hacks, posting my red-headed son, colorful and fun, all over the Internet, the only way to get all the money, is to threaten Elliot, and continue to have the pathological liars, all paid to lie, telling their lies . . . Jerry is still pissed, that I aborted his baby, after I told him, if he got me pregnant, I would leave him, safe for what 3 years, and the last night I am going to be with him, he gets me pregnant, after harping about, getting off birth control! REALLY . . . these guys are ruthless, shameless, focused, intelligent, and brutal, will do anything and I mark that with ANY THING to get control of you, especially when that was the original government goal, ANYWAY!!!!!
In a Normal Relationship, Sex is Bonding--Not With These Guys!
- you may be bonding with him, getting closer and closer, more and more into him, more connected and falling deeper and deeper in love, like, you are suppose to do, when you are that intimate, but, he is not . . . for these flat liners, emotionally dead, sex is a high, that needs to be satisfied over and over again to connect, and only for that particular time, not necessarily with any carry over, but, part of the get her skills the psychopath uses . . . you are the best sex I have ever had, no other woman has ever made me feel this way, you are emotionally healing me, blah, blah, blah! And ladies, we buy it hook, line and sinker! The lucky thing that I have, is I can disconnect, or disassociate, as fast as the psychopath, being half way there myself, and there is was my saving grace. My psycho father, beat me, so I was bruised from my shoulders to my knees, trying to make me cry, that power and control thing, the bottom of every type of abuse, from rape to sexual assault, to domestic violence, to child abuse and to MURDER!
- we are attracted to the aura of power, of masculinity this man, exudes, their drive, their energy, heightened sexual drive, hyper-active, intense, sexuality, that tends to go hand in hand with psychopaths, who need little sleep, so they can wake you up, have sex and a few hours later be all ready to go again, with women loving it, having never experienced the attention, the devotion, the attraction, and the intensity, that comes with this type of relationship, but it only sustainable, until the predator, catches his prey, then game over, mask down, and you are stuck with an abusive asshole, who gets his kicks, on route 66, or making your miserable!
- these men are anything but boring . . . so, I come out of a normal relationship with, a hard working, burned out, city planner, who has low energy anyway, and hook up, with Mr. Energy himself, although, he is conveniently, a trust fund baby, therefore, even better, he doesn't have to work, or getting a federal pay check, cover, rich parents . . . so, he has endless time to spend with you, and for me that was a huge ass pulse, because, being in law school, and in my third year, teaching college, with papers to grade, and during the school year, being a TA and RA, for three law professors, plus a legal writing assistant, I needed a guy, who could mold to my schedule! He was always fun, ready to go, play golf, ditch in the bushes, quickie and back on the golf course, racquett ball, always available for romantic lunches, sexy, hot, and always bothered, sexually fun, aggressive, making me drop my lunch one day, when he grabbed me from behind . . . FUCK YEAH, this is great, while I lasted! I should have held off on the marriage, like I promised, and would have, probably, had I not gotten poisoned, and was dying, and needed someone, I told him that if he and I were the last people on earth, and he was 80 and I was 72, I would succumb and marry him! Planned poison, give me some time practicing, too much of a pain in the government's ass, going to run for office, a threat, take her out, and prince charming, waiting in the wings to save her, pay off her student loans, help with kids and take care of her til her dying day . . . UNTIL WE GOT MARRIED, then bitch and moan, and you are not the woman I thought I married, fuck yeah, they fucking poisoned me, took me out of the game, and that took the fun, active, vibrant side of me away! Meds, forced on me, put on the weight . . . this was a well, planned and orchestrated conspiracy to take me out of commission and let, sister, Shelley take my place, so they could control the Company gal, but not baby sister with all the credentials that could be so useful to the government, to lead the people completely away from the Constitution, good for over 200 years, and turn to the Patriot Act, that was ALREADY BEING USED, before Congress passed in, taking 9/11 to get the job done, but, as with me, do whatever it takes, with no exceptions and no limits, including MURDER!
- as long as you are not, trapped, his prey, and under this control, the gifts, flowers, dates, dancing, trips, romantic lunches, fun conversations, ditching in this corner or that to get some lovin' wherever, whenever, you are at, no matter what you are doing . . . hot for you, forever! Right? Until he has you cornered, relying on him, needing him, trusting him, then the mask comes off, and Mr. Monster appears and generally at the worst time, the time most damaging to your kids, who now, are also a target, now are competition for his children, not the blended fun family that was in the dating years . . . ONLY TIL THEY GET YOU! So, if you like the intensity, the power, the raging sex, that can't get enough of you . . . advice, NEVER MOVE IN, and NEVER GET MARRIED, OR BECOME NEEDY, game down, over done!
Picking Their Victim . . . Generally, a Female High on the Sympathy, Empathy Scale, a Tool, These Men Without Either Feed . . . Tell a Sob Story About Their Childhood, Their Abuse From A Step-Father, A Child Dying of Cancer, Ex-Wife's Fault, Of Course . . . Never, Ever, Is Anything, Their Fault!
- the problem with psychos, is that, they don't see, or believe, they have a problem; therefore, while the signs are highly evident, they will never get help, treatment or listen to you, when you try to reason with them, or even, in my case, try to remain a friend, and help them. I remember talking to Jerry after his 3rd wife, left him, and he was wondering why him, why did this always happen to him, and I said, knowing full well, how it happened, with Trudy, Me and now, with, what's her name . . . can't remember . . . he didn't want to hear, but he had done the same thing, three times. Now, Jerry, could get a lot of women, back in the day, had his choice, as most of these high intensity, very sexual, testortrom filled, power hungry guys, but few women will satisfy them, they are looking for women, based, soley on looks, as was mentioned yesterday, and what that woman wears, talks like, acts like, the image she presents, to his world and does for him . . . it is ALL about him, but he will play her to get what he wants! I remember Jerry, after divorcing Trudy, being single for 5 years, not one woman, he ever met, actually met his standards, until me, nice, pretty law student, GREAT, worth fighting for, until, she was down and out, like he had been off and on, for years, being a big spender and totally irresponsible, with money, but always the Good Time Charlie! But, no matter what you said, it was always the woman's fault, never his, nothing he ever did to deserve this, and she should be, shot for doing this to him, and the Mr. Destroyer, starts to come out and doesn't leave for years!
- the high sex drive is a physiological act that allows the psycho to feel something . . . and again, most women, have not experienced that level of hyper sexuality, it was funner than hell, driving along, in an SUV, out on an alleged, abandoned road, and he is ready to jump out of the vehicle and go screaming up the hill, if he can't satisfy that drive, so he is in attack mode . . . it is proven that, the number one thing a woman wants from a man, is to be DESIRED! So here is this guy, satisfying a physiological need, but connecting to you, but the feelings are magic, powerful, and the woman has never felt so DESIRED. One of Jerry's problems, was, that the number one thing a man wants is to be RESPECTED, and he had an attorney girlfriend, who was up fighting the powers that be, and a soccer mom for a boyfriend, disgussing trivial stuff on the soccer field or at the gym, while you are doing really serious shit, and they are getting more money, just breathing, while you are working your ass off . . . NO RESPECT HERE!
- since they have a reduced need for sleep, there is marathon sex, fun sex, 8 times a day sex, experimental sex, wake up in the morning sex, sex and noon, sex in the chicken coop, sex, in the hey, sex on the mountain, sex by the lake . . . few men can match that!
Shit, Time for Lunch . . . To Be Continued Tomorrow . . . Brains Can Only Take So Much Sex Talk in One Day! LOL! Think On IT! Love is in the Air!