The Brotherhood of Justice (1986)
Keanu Reeves and Kiefer Sutherland
In this movie, like in all high schools, cities, states, nations, there was some juveniles, of vandals, doing property damage, spray painting, trashing, and creating a less than noble, atmosphere in the school. At the first of the show, the sheriff, is talking to the principal, to see what they should do about it, lock everything up, get security guards, whatever. The principal, and in true, idealist fashion, doesn't want to lock doors, or lock up equipment, in this upper middle class, high school, with a lot of good kids, better than national average grades, and test scores. The sheriff, says, that law enforcement, was willing to let the principal handle the school problems in his own way. He holds a school assembly, and challenges the kids to rise to the occasion, to watch, monitor, guard, their own school, set an example, to younger students, but, to take this trashing of the school personally, and come forward publicly, denouncing, this type of behavior, so that all people could feel safe, protected, and the school property, taken care of.
A group of boys, all seniors, decide to take the principal's admonition to heart, they discuss, what they think they ought to do, and they decide, that what they need to do, and what was almost implied, was to become a force until themselves, with laws unto themselves, and become, like a mini-inner school, police force, going after dealers, dusters, or die, so drugs, where first on their list. As I heard them talk, I would just see, the drug interdiction issues, that actually started about this time, with the Patriot Act, actually, starting, long before it was passed into law, and at about this time, maybe a result of what was going on nationally, with the Nancy Reagan, Just Say No to Drugs campaign, that was, actually, the most effective of all actions, education, that did put a dent in school and other drug use, far better than police actions. But, the boys, get wind, of a party, that, some kid in school, is having, and they hear that drugs will be given freely at this party.
The boys dress up, in masks, and black robes, and raid this party, spraying the party goers, at this up-scaled home, most all of the kids were from, good, above average, income parents, so, the party was not some shady, low life's, pushing drugs, to other low life's, but a posh party, with a pool, great food, kids, dressed nicely, and behaving, with the exception of some smoking pot. Which is ironic, because, all the cops, or wanna be, vigilante, self-appointed cops, pretend cops, fucking ALL smoke pot, freely, openly, and unabashedly, without fear of being arrested, nor worrying about being caught, or anything, so, the cops, all became users. But, these kids, the Brotherhood of Justice, went in a broke up a, very nice party, and did far more damage, than, any of the party goers, dreamed of, bullying, pushing kids in the swimming pool, turning over food tables, chairs, and putting red hand prints, on nice, Sunday clothes, basically creating havoc and running a muck, themselves, and then getting together, getting a real rush, out of the alleged justice, high fiving, and congratulating each other on this feat of attempted, justice to clean up dealers, dusters, or die.
High on this New Found Power, The Hit List Expands
The boys, meet secretly, swear to secrecy, to never revealing, those involved, nor the acts of justice, they are going to perpetrate on unsuspecting classmates, who have no idea, what they are doing, and they seem to have, no rules, reasons, for the people on their list, other than targeting, say, a nerd, who turned one of them, in for cheating in a chemistry class, or someone, they just decided, was a bad actor, or even someone, who might, talk to one of the gang's girlfriend, that they seemed to think was there brother's property . . . I have 4 men, who I was attracted to, murdered, and at first, I was in denial, that, they would do this, but, after the 3rd victim, of someone, I simply talked to, and actually, never even kissed, held hands with, or slept with, just say, wrote an email, telling them, I enjoyed meeting them, or driving by their house, or staying longer than I normally did on an attorney visit, or anyone, who would threaten their masculinity, as if they could force me, or stop me from liking someone, by threatening them, framing them, intimidating them, and in the more severe cases, of murdering someone, they were so insecure, as to kill them, over the possibility that I might get with them? That is why, I never told Kennedy, I was leaving, twice, first, just as a precaution, and second as, a sure sign, that, he might have been a target, and next, the warning could be a hit . . . courtesy for a Kennedy?
But, the reasons, they were going after people, were just punk ass, high school, shit, nothing to help the school, other than, the quarterback, saw what drugs were doing to his little brother, so he stopped his brother, but the gang, went after, the dealer, and beat the shit out of him. One of the gang, wanted to start to assassinate people, started to take a gun with them, went into Hispanic neighborhoods, and accused some guys, of stealing a motorcycle, when, later on, he admitted, he didn't see the guy . . . reason, for probable cause, rights, protections, administered by cops, who are trained, in this stuff, and not just doing punk ass kid shit, that had morphed from, a sort of noble concept, taking pride in your school, setting an example, and then encouraging other students to do the same . . . all good stuff. But, these, guys turned into thugs, started putting tapes in their school PA system, writing on chalk boards, You Are Being Watched, The Brotherhood! These fucking clowns, even wanted to start putting surveillance, up all over the school!
Patriot Act, In the Hands of Small Minded Men and Women?
Boy, as these, otherwise, pretty nice, young men, from good backgrounds, got together, the secrets, the lists, the power, went to their heads, they started, becoming the biggest criminals in the school, and some were calling them heroes, for blowing up a nerd's car, for ratting out on a chemistry test, for cheating? Reminds me of getting my backpack, stolen, with staff, having full access to surveillance cameras, and cops, having little more than that to go on, even seeing the thief, turn in my paperwork, and then, the staff, more worried about being rat, than solving a fucking CRIME . . . it seems, that this band of CIA fucks, pukes, have made it okay, to do whatever, whenever, and to whatever extent, including killing me, or putting a bounty out on me, and all but, following the law is fair game! These boys story and actions, just seemed far too familiar. The cops, approach the principal, again, as the head of the school, and he said, he actually liked what the boys were doing and he was not willing to stop it just yet. The sheriff, said, he was putting a stop to it, because he had enough on his plate, to deal with Zorro!
Eventually, the boys get totally out of control, use a maltov cocktail, to burn an innocent kids, car, that the crew had gotten all hyped up on, the rat, who had been protected by Keifer, who was not only winning the girl, with her so discussed at her boyfriend of two years, that she wanted the hard working, cool guy, who protected the nerd from the scared vigilante's, who ran away, when Sutherland, stepped between them and the kid being bullied, later to get back at the kid, who worked hard, going from a bicycle to a sports car, only to get the cocktail, thrown in the convertible and burned. Later, the final straw with the cops, was the vandelizing of the low riders, in the parking lot at the school, payback for the Hispanic kids, defending their innocence, and basically muscling the Bros, out of the hood! The final, hooray, was, to pay back, Sutherland for taking, Reeve's girlfriend, smart, pretty, and both working at the local pizza joint, they decided to put a BOMB on his car . . . I know that feeling, pipe bomb on my car, only the point of impact, was behind the driver's seat! Luckily, Keanu gets a lecture from girlfriend, who is dumping his ass, for the good guy, and he gets to the meeting of the Brotherhood for Justice, only to find out that, Sutherland's car is trip wired to explode, maybe killing him, when he opens his doors . . . he is horrified, and all the way along, and tried to stop any violence, but, obviously failed, knowing this was getting serious, and assassination was on their plates, and he rushed to stop the bomb . . . with Sutherland, cool as cool, just looking at his rival, in disgust, saying, a bomb? you were going to bomb my car?
The Principal Denounces Violence, Calls Off the Dogs, Gets A Security Cop, and the Cops, Don't Hesitate, Rich Kids or Not, Spray Painting the Cars, is About, All They Can Handle!
After the bombing, to his credit, Keanu, goes into the cops, admits to everything and rats his friends out, who are promptly ARRESTED! What the fuck is it going to take, for law enforcement to enforce, the goddamned fucking law? My DEATH? And then I can tell them, or prove, that what I am saying, and have been saying for the last, fucking, at least 6 years, with the theft of Parallax, God's Revolver, Maraloka, the Ditch and the Delta, and Worst Friends, that all this has being going on, and falling on deaf ears . . .a fucking pipe bomb is not enough to raise an eyebrow? a hit or three at the swimming pool? my swimming suit, getting shredded, three times, in a locked locker at the Poverello, so someone had access, and allowed it, to indicate, with frustration, the number of times, there were hits on my, at the swimming pool, and it failed, as if they were pissed at me, I didn't DIE? WHAT THE FUCK? The more clear it became that, I truly am who I say I am, and the liars, are the ones, that have pulled the wool, over cops heads, or others, involved, other than being bribed, there is no other explanation!
Seriously, almost 800 fucking blogs, daily, telling where I am, what I am doing, or what is going on, in the community, all good reports, overall, with times, dates, etc., and you turn up the HEAT . . . what the fuck am I suppose to think? Good God, what the fuck is law enforcement for, if not to enforce the law? What are you being paid to do? who are you protecting? the mafia? sure as fucking hell, NOT ME! I have broken no laws, violated nothing, never destroyed anything, other than maybe a reputation here and there, but, you think, you DON'T DESERVE IT? This blog, is for all, intents and circumstances, the only thing that has protected me, and exposed the fuckers doing this to me. There should be NO FUCKING QUESTION, I am staying at the POVERELLO CENTER, and off and on for the last fucking year . . . who the fuck, do you think, is collecting the money from the MOST FUCKING READ BLOG IN THE UNIVERSE? I had to go eat at the Pov., I have a fake, old can of Diet Coke, to put out on the table at the Break, so it looks like I bought it, so I don't appear to be loitering! WHAT THE FUCK, DOES THAT TELL YOU . . . THAT I AM HIDING MILLIONS? BILLIONS? I am riding the fucking BUS, you see me, you almost hit me with your squad cars, as if you are pissed at ME, being ME, and your fucking big ass fake boob bitches, that you know damned well are too stupid to be me, are dirty as rotten hell, as you are all, complicit in conspiracy to commit MURDER! are you fucking serious?