Helena, MT, Man Discovers . . . You Can Stop Drones, Simply By Tuning Into the Radio Frequency that The Remote Control is On--Hey, Little Buddy! Drop it Like a Fly! LOL! . . . Name is Lance--Didn't Catch Last Name! Good Info!
Mr. Howdy Doodo, Nick Polumbo, The Yellowstone Bumbo!
So, Nick is my buddy, who was allegedly fired from Yellowstone and replaced by his boss' girlfriend, or someone, that now, Nick is sure, the guy was fucking . . . you know, just like happens everyday, in corporate America. Now, Nick acts as sure of that, as he is of his own name, now, when before, I asked him to check into the relationship with some of the people, his former staff at the Old Faithful Lodge. He kind of blew that off, as a dead end track, and never did anything about it . . . but, now with this kick ass, female attorney, that he just can't disclose her name, her hometown, her office location, her anything, which is strange ass shit, to me, being an attorney, and with an alleged good reputation, you would think with such a high profile case of a seasonal worker, working about 5 months, and totally top dollar pay, this is going to be an earth shaking case, you would want your name all over the place, getting new clients, and drumming up business--she is not like that, she who he has, allegedly never me--he was interviewed by the legal secretary, probably the clown ass bitch, who is going to use my name, and try to bully the attorneys, into thinking, that they are dealing with me, who has written and blasted their client's name to about a billion people, will most like crumble under the pressure and just pay the kid--that is how, this little Italian boy from New Jersey, refers to himself, the kid . . .
The born interrogator, me, starts drilling Nick for info, getting the strong impression, that the bitch, the attorney, who will not be seen by her clients, has a front, as a legal assistant, or paralegal, which, neither Shelley, Susan, Rachel, or Tiffany are, seemingly to me, are going to ride the coat-tails of sister, Jo, who is a bad ass con law chick, and other kick ass types of ventures this attorney has done, like teaching college, writing manuals, not just the ordinary, but kick ass, award winning, still in use manuals, getting awards by, ah, like Presidents, saving Montanans at least for two years, water rights, in the Flathead Lake . . . but, far be it from me, to find, in a constitutional analysis, just as the district court judge did, that the alleged water compact, is unconstitutional as hell, but that doesn't matter, and is probably one of the reasons, that they, the powers that be, are letting the bitch squad of fraud, take my place . . . they are both reliant on each other to protect their bull shit . . . I have hard core fucking law, constitutional law, statutory, treaty law, etc., to back up my legal positions, they have gamesmanship, lies, back scratching, cover-ups and identity theft, theft of services, to back up their squirrelled positions! Nick is as evasive as you can get, while backing up with full confidence this chick attorney, who nobody has seen, met, but he does get demand letters in the mail . . . Shelley . . . probably the longest person under my tutelage, having sent her copies of all my briefs, constitutional analysis, emails, and eventually having to e-file, through her computer, not mine, that was eventually stolen by the Washington County Sheriffs and Constables under the direction of the two former, Utah Attorney Generals, who are under indictment for a CORRUPTION! Do ya think?
Nick assures, me, while secret, he will keep me posted . . . that is all Nick has to talk about, all he does each day, and his total obsession, how he is going to bring Yellowstone and D&C, to their knees, and this is big, movie deal, book deal, etc. His first, attorney, a real attorney, kind of blew him off . . . I have tried to tell him this is not a blockbuster case; however, just the fact that I told him this pisses off the sista club, and they are going to show me, what they have learned over the years, from me, and they are going to have a case that is just as big, as the $357 million, Brock securities case, the $56.7 million, Iron County Corruption case, the total of $444 million, Thomas G. Vail, lawsuits against, the state of Nevada, Pioneer Insurance, the Las Vegas Review Journal, the Insurance Commissioner, and his ex-girlfriend! Get a grip, Nick's total, salary for the summer, doesn't even cover an attorney's retainer fee! But it is a contingency case, and the attorney is going to get $225 per hour . . . but the butt fucking, dumb asses, don't realize, that you have to exhaust all administrative remedies, within the labor system, before you can take it to the district court, trying to save time and money, judicial economy, etc. So, the second, Nick told me that this alleged attorney, is skipping the EEOC, and going straight for the juggler, and demanding damages, what? Nick, how much are your damages? Well, I don't know . . . you don't know what she is demanding? Well, No . . . but, I am so impressed with her, she is right on it, and she is going to send Yellowstone and D&C her brochure . . . isn't that cool? Well, I have never heard of an attorney, having a brochure with all their damages listed, but there is always a first time?
FBI Swim Squad, Under the Direction of Pimple Dick! He Is BACK!
Now, about two weeks ago, just before the attempted hit, conspiracy to commit murder, and the swim squad, got fucked over and didn't pull their gig off, to their total pissed off chagrin . . . they act more pissed off about being unsuccessful with their bull shit plans, to kill me, than I do, seeing through their lame ass clown shit! So, this morning, the chick who actually sold me the pass, and signed me up, who has been gone, magically for about a month, over in Bozeman, allegedly visiting family, showed up, at the front desk, and we exchanged, pleasantries. As I went into get my styrofoam barbells, to do my daily water workout, I noticed the Alex, who was suppose to only have 4 days off his killer schedule at the swimming pool, dancing around like a fruit cake, leading ladies and men, who look, as fruity as he does, being their leader, and wondering why I don't join the class, was back in action. Oh, the FBI, is giving him another chance to do his dirty deed, and play for the cameras of the FBI Production and Acting Company, or the Mo Mod Swim Squad! LOL! I am wondering, what the fuck this dick is up to this time?
I notice, while class is going on, that Alex, the guru for swimming gals, and their star, who allegedly didn't get the job he was trying for . . . lead actor in the FBI film club, was not teaching the water aerobics today . . . I also, noticed some, pretty distinguished looking gentleman, not your typical janitor looking guy, moving chairs from one side of the pool to the other . . . part of the bureau's indicators of where I was at the time, moving from one part of the pool to another, and later noticed him, moving the same chair back again, having not seen him sit in it, or really do anything with it, other than moving it from one place to another. I was not sure if he was following my movements or not? But, then I noticed, two cop type looking, 30 something year olds, acting gay as hell, messing around, kind of swimming laps, but, kind of not, just kind of dinking around, looking like they were not doing anything more than wasting time. I looked outside, about the time class was getting over, and notice, yellow warning lights flashing--my Intel guy, God--yeah, cops . . . intending to do a few more exercises, and waiting for the German bitch, who keeps trying to guilt me into joining the Alex Club of swim gals . . . two Saturdays ago, she bugged the shit out of me, telling me that her husband, only comes when Alex is teaching, it is such a good work out, you ought to come join us . . . NO, I like doing my own thing! PERIOD!
I join the herd of women, getting out of the pool, but unwilling to give up my daily hot tub routine, of shoulder lifts, finger wiggles, leg and ankle rotations, plus some head movement exercises, that I love, and dig being in the hot water, especially after a refreshing swim in the cooler water. So this German, Mo, is what I am guessing, married the Mormon missionary, who converted her family, or just her, and part of the boob brigade, follows me into the hot tub . . . again, not normal, as are the two cops, in the pool, talking and missing the whole exodus, out of the pool, with me joining in the whetted crowd, which I am sure, they didn't intend on happening, and normally, I avoid going with the crowds, doing anything! This German chick, thinks she is hot shit, just so exhilarated by Alex . . . follows me into the hot tub . . . something stinks, this chick, is all about, getting out, and generally early, probably to make it to lunch with her husband or rushing to some Relief Society meeting or Mo Meeting, so out of the normal. The Identifier! The boyz club, FBI or local cops, one looked like a guy, who came for a tour of the Poverello Center, last night, Asian, and the other, non-discript cop-like dude, young. I made a comment about this being our reward for working out . . . the German Fraulein, agreed, and some other older lady caught her attention, and they started talking about, poor baby Alex, not getting the job he applied for . . . too bad, so sad . . . that was to be his out, to get the hell out of dodge after the murder. Hey, sorry dude!
German bitch was hot on my tail, right out, and dressed in a flash, probably the minute she noticed that I ditch her sorry, ugly ass! I raced out of the building, finding, not the gal that had signed me up attending the front desk, but the older, blonde chick, who had only been at the pool, the day of the first attempt on my life! For sure, something is going on, and I took off for the bus. I noticed an orange, Subaru Trek, in the parking lot of the swimming pool, just because a year or so ago, when they first came out, I wanted one, but hurried out of the place. There were two guy, standing near the opposite side of the pool side of the street, and they were just standing around talking, but with orange safety vests on, and appeared to be working for the city or in maintenance, but were doing, jack shit nothing, other than noticing me. As, I started heading for the tunnel, to go to the other side, fast, and catch the bus going inbound, the orange Trek, pulled up on the side of the road, and parked? What the hell? As I pressed forward, fast, in a get away fashion, this chick, came out of nowhere, probably the driver of the orange Trek, scooting along on a kids, scooter, trying to catch me . . . I raced up the hill, and she was trying to overcome me, and so I picked up the speed, wondering what the fuck was going on . . . I cut her off, just as we got to the top of the hill, and neared the street, bridge, and to the bus sign, and, then I stopped and relaxed! She said, Well, I guess, you always have to have a race to the top of the hill . . . and I said, yes, we do, and I beat you!
I asked this women, who was half my age, where she came from . . . oh, just over there. Where? Oh, my son, goes to camp . . . didn't say which camp, just that he wanted to ride the bus, before camp, and that is why she was on his scooter . . . fuck she was, she was trying to catch ME! She was commenting on the bus system, as if I never noticed her, parking the orange car, and then scooting along, and trying to catch me, and we commented on the great free bus system, but she was bitching and moaning, about this or that; she probably was pissed that the bus sign was so visible from the road, and that she was stuck, didn't really think I would take the bus . . . a lot of the times I walk, and go do my blog, over at the hospital, but I decided to go take a hike up Rattlesnake Canyon first. I told her that, disinformation, and went to Target at the last moment, to through any further tails off my ass! Oh, and I wanted to put on the record, the strange behavior of the bus routes, yesterday . . . they appeared to be giving me, limousine driver service, same driver, on 14, 5, and 11 . . . all just happened to be going where I was, with the same driver! Bus, 14, turns into bus 3 . . . both short routes, bus 5 is its own route, never shares . . . and bus 5, never turns into bus 11, that takes longer than the one hour route schedule that most buses are on, going out to the airport, and all over the place, and this driver is the same one, who must have alerted the cops, who were watching me Monday, and may have told the sky cops, that I was heading up the Canyon, alone, the following day when, Big Foot was following me!
Jekkle and Hyde Ann . . . So Grateful to Have Me as a Friend Yesterday . . . Total Bitch Today--Told Her--I Don't Give a Rat's Ass About Your BBQ!
The day after Ann got into town, I took her and my Indian friend, Sandra, out to dinner, and both were extremely grateful, especially Ann, who has had few things nice in her life, and she kept telling me that she was going to pay me back for the nice meal, that cost me over $30 for the three of us, but well worth it to me, and I was glad to show them a good time, and how the other half lives, a bit. So, then Ann, who's birthday is today, said, she wanted to have a BBQ for her birthday, in a few days . . . that was August 1 and today is the 5th. She wanted to make sure that she got her food stamps renewed, and whatever. But she has been talking about this BBQ all week, wondering this and that, stopping at the store, comparing prices, etc. She wanted to go to Bonner, they had nice places to cook, etc. I have plenty to do each day, and kind of blew off, yesterday, because Ann was such a wreck and basket case, so I missed swimming, that I love, but, a friend in need, was more important to me! All was cool last night, and this morning. But, as my blogs roll, most people don't get to read the day before posting, until the following day, since I write daily. But, I wondered, just how the team at the Pov, was going to react to my blog . . . whatever. But, I did have a strange dream last night, with Shelby, the cook, in it, wanting to have me arrested! All cops? All feds, or a mixture?
I did rat out the new TV, trying to make sure that the machine, goes where it is suppose to go . . .down in St. George, at the domestic violence shelter, all the good donations were taken by staff; therefore, not that I am accusing the staff at the Poverello, but I have seen cars donated, great furniture, clothes, really nice stuff donated to the DV shelter, and the staff took first pick of the best, and left the women, sleeping on total shit, old mattresses, with hideous blankets! Just making sure that the donation goes to the indented beneficiaries. So, Shelby could be pissed . . . some say, that the best food, goes back in the kitchen, and those who help in the kitchen get the first stab at it . . . a cake is one thing, a TV is a totally different story. Yes, I am the attorney from hell, who will make sure that gifts, go where gifts belong, just like I would protect a client, who was passing on property, gifts, and other things to intended people, not necessarily the ones who think they deserve it, but those who the giver wanted to get the gift . . . THE HOMELESS! Given that I always compliment Shelby on her cooking and her food, I was shocked, but not, that she would want me arrested . . . but the better question is why? Was she next on the gift wheel of fortune for the TV? Maybe?
Ann picked up a few small gifts for Jessie and his daughters, or four kids, the other day, and Ann told him not to worry about, getting her anything, that this was just a small gesture of her feelings for the younger man, she considers, closer to her than her own son, who is the same age. But, Ann's hair, which is light brown, has grown out, and the grey is showing really bad, so on my way home from the swimming pool, I stopped a bought her some hair dye, to take 10 years off the 20 years she seemed to have gained, back east with her mother, father and family. Now, by way of background, often the fraud squad, pays off people, or they get them on their side, so to say, by flashing Rachel's big boobs, and saying, now wouldn't you rather say that this chick was JoAnn, rather than the much meaner version of her? Hell, yeah . . . it is rumored to be that my doubles are much more, humble than I am . . . FUCK YEAH, THEY NEVER DID THE SHIT THEY ARE CLAIMING TO DO, THEY ARE HUMBLE CHURCH MICE! I REALLY DID IT ALL . . . CAREER, CASE, KIDS, BLOGS, LEGISLATION, WATER COMPACT, TAKING THE COPS AND PROSECUTORS OUT, SAVING DOCTORS AND FINANCIAL PLANNERS NATIONWIDE, ETC.
I have never met, Jessie, but, the other day, when he wrote me out a note to Social Security, that is generally enough with a birth certificate, to get your replacement copy . . . but, Jessie was more than willing to write me out the note, but seemed to hesitate, when he found out my name. There is a bus ad that says . . . FAMILY. FRIENDS. COMMUNITY . . . WE ARE ALL IN ON THIS! It is like, if we let JoAnn, be Joann, we will all make money, robbing the rich, or should be rich, and giving to the poor; however, that is not what is happening . . . everyone, but the persons who earned the money are getting paid off, and getting rich, except me and mine, as in rock star son, THE DITCH AND THE DELTA, that the Mo mafia is ripping off, and taking, stealing, and even boldly and blatantly . . . they got away with it once, the are accustomed to easy money, and now my blog also provides that, as did my cases! I have been set up at the Poverello before, have had to leave several times, even this stay, and have been chased, 9 fucking hours after one of the last attempts to take me down! So, I am on guard, and all of them could be in on this fraud, including Ann, who could have been brought in, just for this game, of mistaken identity . . . last time, I knew she was in on it, but I am a forgiving soul! But, I think, Jessie, might be regretting giving me the pass, to my Social Security Card, that would have alerted the guy who helped me, but denied me, for what ever other homeless person, uses to get their card . . . A NOTE CAME OVER THE COMPUTER, STOPPING ISSUING ME THE REPLACEMENT . . . I HAD EVEN SIGNED THE CARD!
Allegedly, it takes up to 3 weeks to get your new card, and my Medicare card replacements . . . and who is in a great position to intercept the mail? The staff, or to fuck with, what is one of the now, new demands for getting a card replacement, getting a shot, to prove that I am who I said I am . . . Jessie just did that! One more chance for the fake fucks to interfere with me getting my life back, and a direct link to my LIFE! Big time shit, here in the next few weeks, so Ann, will just be one more cog in the wheel of the homeless lie squad . . . and for all intents and purposes, the staff, who reads my blog, didn't like what I wrote yesterday, about helping Ann out . . . the total opposite of the say, a normal staff should look at what I have been trying to do with her. And she has been hanging out at the front desk, non-stop, since she got here, other than for a few instances . . . some big ass black, block, just appeared on my screen, trying to, likely block the tale, tell signs of the Mo mafia and their staff. But, when I got back, Ann said, why didn't you call me . . . I asked her, why didn't you call me? There was no agreed upon set call or time to meet, in fact, the only reason, I even came back today, knowing Ann was waiting for her food stamps renewal form, and other issues, so not even thinking the BBQ would take place today, but staying posted, making sure she knew someone cared, with yesterday, her saying, that I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO ACTUALLY DID CARE ABOUT HER!
So, I gave her the hair dye, part of her birthday present, wanting her to know, I was thinking about her, and she seemed pleased, and wondered how I got not only the right color, but even the right brand . . . just guessed, and it was the cheapest! LOL! I also, stated that if she would get her $10 gift purchase for Secret Seconds, I would get her a swimming pass, if she wanted. I never push, but thought that if she wanted, while I was back at the Pov., I would go with her, and pick out a swimming suit. She avoided that, and we went to get lunch . . . hell, there were so many healthy things to eat, tons of fruits and veggies, just great, so good, and all Ann, gets is one piece of meat, and some angel food cake. In a effort to get her to eat healthy, I said, look, stop worrying about the BBQ . . . now, she was thinking, that everyone at the Pov. was going to go, and she needed her food stamps for Arizona and she was leaving in a few days. I said, that is right, and so you should hang onto your stamps, and make them last. We have been going over and over this same bull shit, on when to have the BBQ, where, at what time . . . I have been saying to her, just pick a time, and let me know, because I am always busy, but, I will make time.
Do You Seriously Think I Bought You Hair Coloring To Hurt You, Or Encouraging You To Use Your Food Stamps For Yourself, And Eat Healthy at the Pov., or to Go Swimming to Harm You, or Boss You Around?
So, as Ann is bouncing all over the place, from, well, I just don't think I am going to even have the BBQ, to we will have it on Friday . . . she starts going off on, I don't want to even have the BBQ, I never wanted to go swimming or get a swimming suit, that is just not me, I am uncomfortable, don't like swimming, and don't need someone to tell me what to eat . . . just after she is telling me that she eats terrible on food stamps, because she can't get hot food, and she has to get this and that, blah, blah, blah! What? So, I am just agreeing with her, saver her own food, stamps, what not, because, I would rather eat here, because it is so healthy. She goes off on, well I only have less than $400 left, blah, blah, blah . . . well, save it, blow off the BBQ. I am not her family, I don't need anything from her, don't care one way or another, have not worried about the damn thing, and wish she would call it off! The other day, she pulled this shit, when I sat by Sandra, who is used to entitlements and everyone buying everything for her, asking Ann for rib-eye steaks! I am not her either . . . I finally had just had it, tried to settle her down, which she didn't seem to want to do, or had been paid to act out, but she started raising her voice, like I was bullying her into the BBQ, to getting a swimming suit, going hot tubing, and all!
That is when I just turned to her, and said, do you really think I just bought you hair dye to hurt you, to bully you into going swimming, to having a BBQ . . . I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS ABOUT YOUR BBQ! And Ann continued to try to talk about this shit, that I am so sick of hearing for a fucking week, that I just blew her off, and said, the only reason I was even interested, was to make you feel good, with your idea. And I went back to my good food! LOL! She got up and stormed away . . . guess the little plan to alienate me from her worked, so they could say, that somehow, I did something evil or bad, taking her up to heal her in the waters of nature, and helping her get her crippled body off the bunk bed, all a fake? Maybe? Whatever, I don't have time for bull shit, don't care that much, let some one else baby sit her, Jessie, the staff who puts up with her whining and whatever and has for years . . . NOT ME! If anyone is going to be miserable, it is sure as shit, not going to be ME! LOL! I have been here 45 days, without Ann, and really don't care to be a buddy to anyone, for that matter. I am pleasant, but I prefer to just do my thing, and the whole BBQ thing was her own fucking idea, not mine . . .what where Kay the dumb asses, trying to take my caring, efforts, for this poor waif, and turn it sour, into being a bully . . . FUCK THOSE SHITS!
Hell, it saves me, at least $30 bucks on her swimming pass, so thanks! You got me out of the deal, I promised, if she got a swim suit! Whatever . . . The couple eating dinner at the table with us, just smiled, as Ann stormed away . . . plot didn't work, or the way they wanted it to look, lol! And they could tell, with a small grimace on their faces, that looked at me, and said, now, what did you say . . . I don't give a rat's ass about your BBQ? Smiling . . . yeah that is exactly what I just said. I said, some people are allergic to happiness, joy, love . . . and she appears to be one of them. They just laughed, got a kick out of me, not moving, and watched the drama, that was diffused by me, who just doesn't, buy into all this shit . . . I just let her go, let her be an ass, let her pout on her birthday, go celebrate it alone, like last year, so she can bitch about it next year, how nobody did anything for her, and I don't even like birthdays, I have never had a birthday party in my life, so this was all about ANN, not me, my cases were all about my CLIENT, my efforts to help my son's band, was always about HIM, not me!
Projections, projections, projections . . . you see my enemies, are selfish, they only think of themselves, they only do for themselves and they just don't get me, that I am pure in my motives, and really don't have an agenda, other than for the other person's happiness, success, or future, and that is so foreign to these gold diggers, these liars, cheats, fuck ups, that they can't recognize true caring, because they have never had it, for anyone, including their own children . . . they want to claim mine, because they are cool, beautiful, smart, talented, and worthy of admiration, even by their mother, whom they say, can't take claim, thinking that because I felt it in their best interest, to give custody to their father, whom I knew would disappear on them, and has been almost a non-entity in their lives, they could at least get financial support, shelter and food out of . . . a guys dick seems to dictate who's children his is loyal to . . . so my kids have not had a father, even though he had custody, and I was with my children, more than the sista club off globe trotting and playing cards, I was with them every weekend, and drove Elliot and music crew 300 miles each weekend for years . . . who in the fuck, do you think cared? Shelley, who never drove you and Isaac ONCE?
Happy Birthday, Ann . . . You Get to Spend it Alone Again, Just Like You Like It!