Queen Bee, Gets Stung Twice by Killer Bees!
I figured out where, whomever, took my cool, new gold lock, to the swim pool, and what I think they did with it . . . I just walked over the bridge, don't know the name, the one, that lights up, so romantic, at night, but if you walk to the middle of the bridge, the one that goes behind, Pizza Hut, where I just got a great lunch, personal pan pizza, salad bar, and drink, for fuckin' $6.99, but the only problems is, that when I get in the line for salad, knowing I just order, hot, spicy, cheese, dripping off, the supreme pizza, and thick crust, no calories, of course, until, I look up and see, a sign that says: WRONG WAY! Like taking bus #5, to the top of Rattlesnake canyon, to go hiking, deciding, rather than to do that, give all your kids a call, but Greta gave me the wrong number for Nicole, that may be by request! . . . and drying your wet swimming suit, you forgot to hang out to dry last night, sitting rockin' on the picnic bench, watching all the other stooges, getting in shape actually jogging up the mountain, rather than your slow walk, and then opting for pizza, is not going to get me where I want to be, but hey, it was fun and tasted very good! But, if you walk behind, Pizza Hut, and the Press Box, it will take you right to the bridge I am talking about, and you will see that the person or entity who took my golden lock, so shiny and new, secure, with the only two keys belonging to me, or so I thought, merely just wanted to contribute to the tons of other locks, hanging on the bridge, glistening in the sunlight, both on the water, up on the pine covered, lush green mountains, and floating, light shiny stars on the water . . . what a beautiful lock graveyard, and resting place . . . rest in peace, my one day old lock of gold!
Now, News Boyz/Girlz . . . We the Public Can't Have Pure Trust in Your Reporting if You Don't Tell the Truth!
While I am trying to save the public from bear, mountain lions, buffaloes, and the Missoulian, saving them from rattlesnakes, and now, after being stung by 2 killer bees, I am adding bees, to this list of dreaded predators, you have to make sure that you are telling the truth, about, like the 5th goring up in Yellowstone National Park, by bison or buffalo--selfie--turned ugly, because I am getting first hand reports, from my buddy Nick, who worked up in the Park, up until he just got booted out, for some one's girlfriend to get a sweet job, after the dirty job, being done by Nick doing all the work, and originally, not getting paid, until he called in the Calvary, or the Montana Labor Commission, who made short shift of D & C, Food Vendors--nothing like the government breathing down your neck, to get things done, right, going after the company, who fucked him over, then literally, didn't pay him for working 78 hours, doing all the dirty work to set up the candy and ice cream shop, in Old Faithful Lodge! So, after I reported on the 5th goring, while taking a selfie, from less that 20 yards away from a mean ass buffalo, the chick got gored . . . and it was reported, that she only had a close call! Nick got pissed at me, and I said, I reported what you told me, better sources, I guess, closer to the scene of the goring . . . but for the newspapers, or the radio, wherever I heard it, and minimizing the threat, is doing the public a disservice. That doesn't mean that people are going to stop going to the Park, they are merely going to be aware that these are not stuffed animals out there . . . cute little buffalo!
To prove my point . . . some chick, who was going to Yellowstone, called the radio station . . . not the best source for this stuff or information, but she asked, if bear spray would work on a buffalo too? They responded by how stupid this question was, and it was actually a very good question, as far as I know, I don't believe that a buffalo spray has been made, because they don't come into as much contact with humans, on a daily basis, like bear do, in these here parts of the woods, city, and neighborhoods! I believe it would work, not only on buffalo, but mountain lions too; however, in my uneducated opinion on this subject, both buffaloes and mountain lion, may be faster than a bear, scare you more, be more unpredictable, and hopefully, you would never find out, which is the fastest, with a close encounter of the worst kind, but, bear spray is certainly better, than, say a CELL PHONE!
And, to throw man, into the animal world, because surely a rapist, could be classified as a dangerous predator, stalking his prey, and then attacking, as was the case last week, with a woman getting kicked out of the Poverello Center, for coming drunk, a big time no, no, and automatic out, thank God, obnoxious girl, whom I really like, normally, even tried to put my arms around her, stop her from getting kicked out, but to no avail, she was upset over some loser guy, who cheated on her . . . not worth it, I told her, as she packed up her shit to get out for the night . . . making herself vulnerable to any predator out there, and he smelled the fear in her, as she left the Pov. and offered to take her and her stuff, wherever, and ended up taking her around the block, and raping her, or so, she ran into Noon's and reported, right after the incident occurred, without anytime, and from what I heard on the streets, from people who knew her, and the guy, who had been in the shelter, nice guy, and maybe a fed, because the story totally changed, to protect who, and why?
But she had a rape kit done on her, while the semen was still fresh, so . . . and about two guys, and the girl alleged boyfriend cheated with, said, they saw this guy get arrested, when he came back to the Pov.! I told them, I just read in the newspaper, that there were three alleged rapes, and there had been no arrests? They got defensive and said, we saw him . . . I didn't claim there were no arrests, the newspaper did! Now, as far as determining if there actually was a rape or not, will depend on the facts . . . if the guy didn't get away with it, being a fed . . . there can't be two sets of laws, one for law enforcement and one for US, the people . . . this guy hit on me, the day, both he and I came to the Pov., so, he was a predator type . . . but, I also heard that in her drunken state, that she was hitting on several guys, wanting sex? So . . . a jury's call, not mine, I don't have all the facts, and he is "innocent, until proven guilty with me! ALWAYS! Fed or no fed . . .
Missoulian News . . . Great Article On "Run in With a Rattler" . . . Too Bad The Clown From San Fransisco Didn't Read It!
So, this guy from the Bay area, decides to mess around with a rattlesnake, because he liked snakes, and had some when he was young . . . but this time, dumb ass got bitten by the snake, and had to be rushed to the hospital, where he had to have all the snake venom the hospital had in storage, leaving none for other snake bite victims! I believe the radio guys, reported this morning, that the dude had to stay in the hospital for 5 days to a week, and his hospital bill, came to a whopping, $153,000! He didn't have insurance, risk taker, that he appears to be, now the dip shit, has to pay off all of that money, without the big guns behind him, nor the deep pockets of the insurance companies, who should love people like me and the newspaper, and radio, reporting the reality of messing around with the Wild Kingdom! It is interesting, that Kay, one of my doubles, claiming to be the blogger, with all my postings showing up Pacific time, where Kay lives, at least, according to her bar records, Santa Barbara, she also lived in Half Moon Bay, would claim my blogs on encounters of the worst kind, with me, locally, here, getting the idea from the horrifying picture of a pissed of griz, on the cover of the Missoula Independent . . . hard to get that magazine in the Bay area or Santa Barbara! LOL . . . rats, moles, and readers . . . snake idea, presented herself as the one who wrote the blogs on mountain lions, two of which I have had experiences with, and bears, two of which I saw up at Glacier . . . oh, that must have been Rachel, or one of the spa and shampoo bar! LOL!
If any news source, or cop shop report, no matter how bad, that report might look to the public, to lie and be found out, is far worse, and will lower your credibility worse and faster than a bison or buffalo, goring you, and it will feel much worse! Just give us the truth, we are not children, but we are responsible to protect our own children, so you are actually doing parents a disservice, by not reporting all accidents, attacks, sitings, so that people can do as this young traveler, is doing . . . still coming, but coming with knowledge or what to expect, and what she can do about it . . . SMART GIRL . . . RADIO HOSTS? Just be careful, ask Park rangers, or your local colleges . . . I had friends who, were both biologists, I think, or something like that, and each summer, they would be sent to the backwoods, to count the bear population, so they are a great source of knowledge on these subjects, and KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! There used to be an old saying that there are no stupid questions, but only stupid people who ask them, but people who deflect those questions and dismiss them, might just be laughing off what ends up a tragedy! Like the firefighter who took a 911 call at dispatch, all over the news, and blew off a call, with gangs, shooting into a living room of a home, hitting a 17 year old kid, and now he is getting blasted all over the press, for his response to a deadly situation!
Then, We Have the Flip Side of the Animal Kingdom . . . Dentist, Pays $50,000 for a Big Game License to Hunt in Africa, Shoots Cecil the Favorite Lion of the Local Villagers, Tracks the Dying Lion Pride, 40 Hours, While The King of the Jungle Dies a Horrific and Slow Death! All to Have a Head or Trophy on His Wall Back Home! Says He Follows the Rules of the Hunt . . . Poaching!
New Clientele on Free Buses . . . Seeing Commuting Differently in Missoula, Going Green, Fun! Hotties!
I know, that I have sung the praises of public transportation in the past, but my praise has reached a whole new level, as the Missoula Mountain Line goes free, and I believe, some of the buses are run on natural gas, but don't quote me on that. But, it is fun, to just people watch and see, just how new comers to riding on the bus, react, to a clash between the typical riders and the hipsters that frequent places, like the Front Market with a bus stop right in front of the shop . . . good lookin' guy with dark dreads, funky hip clothes and handsome as hell, jumped on the bus, as two really hot chicks, got on at the bus terminal, looking kind of scare, going somewhere near the mall and wondering if they were actually going to make it there, not knowing the schedules and times, nor the pick up and drop off stops . . . but, those of us, who have long learned the beauty of letting some one else do the driving, saving money, parking, gas and repairs on cars, insurance and all that shit, plus helping lower, your own carbon footprint, and if you don't believe the glaciers in the Park are disappearing, that might be a result of global warming or climate change, or you think that New York and the east coast is entering a new Ice Age, so be it, that doesn't matter, what matters, is that there is a possibility, that we animals, the highest level of the food chain, may, in fact, be contributing, greatly to the carbon problems, that might just be part of the problem behind some of the holes in the atmosphere, causing melting of the sea ice, rising water levels, longer fire seasons, with President Obama, stating on the Jon Stewart, Daily Show, that he is focusing on climate change for the rest of his term in office, and so is Mayor Engen, who is looking into lowering carbon dioxide levels from government buildings, etc., so what in the hell can you do, to help our leaders, lead us, in responsible manners . . . be smart and ride the FREE bus! I love it, and have had a girl crush on a bus driver up in Kalispell for years! LOL, but he is taken, and if he hit on me, while taken, I would no longer have a crush on him . . . catch 22! But if you want to know his name . . . check out the cross streets, by the FOX CLUB! LOL!
Have some fun, meet new friends, for those commuting, you will see the same people everyday, and that is cool, strike up conversations, like the one, I heard, going on a morning jaunt out to Bonner, when I just want to get out, see the river, and the mountains . . . with a man and a woman, maybe an affair, don't know, don't care, but enjoying the ride into town, talking about shopping, what was on sale and whatever, funny conversation, but seemed to be really good friends, going in and out of town, sitting together and talking shit, with each other. I used to like getting on the bus, to see the bus driver, stare at him in the mirror, Kalispell, lets their drivers listen to music, and in the morning, we listen to the talk shows and music, and all laugh together on some of the topics and funny shit people do, like the snake, and be glad we are not them! LOL! But, this morning, this totally hot, guy, looked a bit old for a student, probably a professor, jumped on the bus, looking hotter than hell, but a bit, intimidated by the travel experience . . . kind of like the undercover cops in the Pov., being without gun, badge, squad car, and uni to protect them as usual! Then, the just become part of the guys and gals in Hotel California, having a relatively good time! LOL! James Kennedy, claiming to have a family who owns half of Kansas, one time, came up, laughing and saying he was having the time of his life! LOL! People are people . . . this morning, the bus driver, flipped me off, with both middle fingers, probably a cop or Marine, or both, reading what I wrote yesterday in my blog! LOL!
I had to turn my head and laugh at the two hot girls, taking the bus for the first time, and the bus was full, to the gills, with summer school kids, probably getting to ride the bus for the first time, or going swimming, or somewhere on a field trip, so there were not many seats left, and some old grizzly guy, probably a Vietnam Vet, came up and about sat on one of the girl's laps! LOL! I got a kick out of watching her reaction, hitting her friend, who may have coaxed her into riding the bus, but I just wondered what she was thinking, sometimes it gets a little cozy in the bus, the seats are close, but whatever, likely got get worse with students getting the hang, that they really don't need their cars, between the city bus, and UDash the student owned and operated bus, that shuttles you around campus, downtown, and late night weekends, until 2:30 A.M., but, these two girls, young women, looked professional even, actually got up and moved, when all the kids exited the bus. It is good for people of different social, political, and economic strata to interact with each other, get to know each other, and understand the challenges on both sides of the isle . . . good fun! And the eye candy on the bus is getting better by the day, as the news and word spreads, that it is cool to be GREEN, makes you QUEEN, with chauffeur service!
Mr. Hot to Trot, is likely a professor, going to the college, only going about three blocks, but hey, that is probably something he might have used a car for, so, cool, but, at 60 years old, having started my professor days, back when I was 38, and still in law school, I am sure a few crusty old professors thought I was a young pup too! School is coming, students back, and I love it, and fall . . . can't wait for the Presidential Lecture Series to start on campus! A few of the buses, city and otherwise, go until 9:30 P.M., so even without a car, I can make it to some of these great presenters, like former CIA Director, Leon Peonetta, or the oral arguments, with the Montana Supreme Court . . . access, adventure . . . you can hook your bike on the front of the bus, and get up hiking, biking up the canyon, or just have the bus, take you to the top of the run, and ride your bike down the canyon! LOL . . . the fun part, I was never into making myself work too hard! For old cougars like me, who didn't appreciate what she had as a hot professor, can still look, but not touch . . . bus 2 turning into bus 1, mornings! That is if his schedule holds for fall! LOL!