Restoring Peace, Returning to Sanity, Restoring Trust, Reaching Common Ground, U.S. Constitution!
Back in about 2008, I realized that I wasn't going to die from the alleged poison or Pick's Disease, a man-made disease, that allegedly I had, and was suppose to be dead by 2002, and decided it was time to get back into life, so I contacted several political organizations, knowing damned well, this new life, was going to cause government entities grief, with me back in commission; therefore, I jumped into about everything politically I could, was contacted by Democrats, Republicans, and Constitutional groups, having never, and haven't get, connected, joined, or sided with any one political group, not even Independents or Libertarians, being kind of my own little mini, supreme court, and siding and defending, where I feel that issues, cases, acts, legislation should fall, after doing my own, 8 step, constitutional and legal analysis, hoping my legal analysis, arguments, legal foundations, facts, statistics, and examples, can persuade others to at least see my side of any issue, if not abandon their own, previously held positions, freeing them to move, back and forth between the political landscapes, and fall somewhere in the area of compromise, being about right where the Constitution would dictate we end up at, with both sides being happy and sad, getting something and giving up something, not vying for total political party loyalty, recognizing viable points, thoughts, issues, and dealing finding the truth, or what is best for the American public, that elected and appointed representatives, in all three branches of the government are to protect.
Big smile, I am sitting in the big window, at Burger King, in Durango, Colorado . . . share the market, and I just saw, a truck, and there have been several, with huge ass American flags, waving from their trucks! Way cool! Gotta love this America ride, it's a hell of a ride! While in Shelby, just stayin' alive, I was talking to the shuttle driver, about the monster American flag, posted up on a pole, looming over the small town of Shelby, Montana, and he told me that a very rich couple from the town, left all of their fortune, to keeping a big flag up on that pole, overlooking the city, reminding people of the freedoms that are ours, here in this country. He told me the larger than life flag, drawing attention for miles, in the big skies of Montana that go on forever, cost a fortune to maintain, blowing in the wind, unprotected, brave and free, often getting torn by the fierce wind, that powers to new wind turbines, just a mile or two down the road. What a great thing, and this new show of American power, through displaying the flags, and I am not talking small flags, like most people put on their antenna, but the bigger ones, like people post on their houses, on the 4th of July, give me a thrill like no other! Yeah, I am a threat to the American Constitution, defense and national security, as tears of joy, pride, happiness are streaming down my face, just seeing these trucks and thinking about this American ride, gotta love it! I think I ought to be locked up now, must be a government subversive, terrorists, enemy of the state, enemy combatant . . . are you fucking kidding me?
From 400 Angry Constitutionalists, in the Old Utah Territorial State House, In Fillmore, Utah, Wanting to Return to Constitutional Convention Years, Screaming, Slamming Tables, Fighting, Arguing, Trashing Me, A Constitutional Law Attorney, to Hugging, Loving, Taking Pictures, Like A Family Reunion
After connecting with all political parties, in St. George, Utah, back in 2007/2008, a guy who had given me a pocket sized copy of the U.S. Constitution, at a farmers market, sometime in November, and about the time I was getting my barrings, and jumping into politics big time as a means of protection from the constitutional enemies of mine, members of the Patriot Act crew, I was contacted by a group of backwoods boys, stray cat constitutional groups, who were organizing the first, Utah Liberty Convention, and having heard of me, asked me, if I would not help them plan this first convention, to give it some credibility, credentials, and authenticity, being well known, throughout Utah, as being someone who fought, and paid a huge price, almost, with my life, to defend, protect and preserve the Constitution and its founding principles and concepts. I was more than willing to help in anyway I could. However, I was not fully vetted on the types of people who belonged to the stray cat constitutional groups, who were like herding cats, and getting all of these fragmented groups in the same room, on the same page was going to be a big challenge . . . little did I know what a challenge that would be!
Proposition 8 was raging over gay marriage in California, and the XYZ Ranch raids, in Texas were in full bloom on the political spectrum; therefore, I figured, given the mandate by this group, to gain, some authenticity, we ought to handle the hot topic issues of the day, and invite some gay people and some polygamists, to get some type of idea how these people felt about these issues, as I looked around the room of guys, who were at the first meeting, some who had never touched a computer, nor watched a TV, I saw jaw lines tighten, and eyes glance back and forth at each other, like this was a big mistake, to invite this lady, oh, and the immigration issues were also heating up, with me trying to work with the Hispanic community to understand the challenges they had in becoming citizens, really being rather neutral on all of these issues, just wanting rights, freedoms, due process and equal protections, protected, as constitutionally mandated. It is a dangerous position, to be in, just dropping in, on any community, city, and entering political hot beds, without understanding the history, the fight, the background, and who the players are, as I have recently, as of last summer, found out stepping in the middle of a bitter, battle between two factions, vying for power, and the office of sheriff, in Missoula, Montana, usually landing me in hot water, to say the least! Just trying to help! LOL!
A Silencer, Infra Red Night Goggles, a Dead Bird Shot, Only the Wings Left, And Three Death Threats, Were My Welcome Back into Politics!
As a result of extenuating circumstances, I was unable to attend the first Utah Liberty Convention! And it sounded like I didn't miss much, an alternative to the U.S. Constitution, was seriously considered and debated, a 24 page, Citizen's Compact, was what drew the most debate and consideration, at that first convention. It was a bitter battle, many factions of these stray cat groups, out in the backwoods, backroads, and mid-sections of Utah, were at war, with each other and many members of that first meeting, to come to some common ground, ended up in a bitter division, with many people vowing, never to return. At the next, Convention, which I did attend, I was kind of shocked by the crowd the sentiments, and the fact that the U.S. Constitution was never even mentioned, and there was still this raging debate of this piece of shit, proposed substitute for a tried, true and proved, document, with a success rate of 234 years at that time! I sat in shock, not knowing what the hell was going on . . . I had missed 8 years of my life, and along with that, the country had gone to hell, the constitution was of no thought, issue or consequence to this group that considered themselves to be Constitutionalists, they were, rather, anti-constitutional to me, what the fuck is going on here . . . what the hell?
I kept holding up a copy of the U.S. Constitution, and asking, what is wrong with this? No one seemed the least bit interested, in even considering it, and I guess in this crowds minds, that document was long dead, and there was need for some other form of government, and this group, mainly of Mormons, who had been taught from birth, as I had, that the Constitution would hang by a thread, and the Elders of Israel, or Mormons adopted into the Tribes of Israel, would save the Constitution, which is one of the reasons I became a constitutional law attorney, and here were these clowns, in less that 8 short years, since I was taken out of commission, not only trashing the documents, but would not even discuss anything about it. Finally, I approached, a person, that I thought, had a semblance of a brain, among this group of Yahoos, with the name of Stormin' Mormon, a talk show host, with his own radio show, and i approached him and said, can you believe this crowd, they are going to throw the Constitution out the window! He said, well we do need to get rid of the 16th and 17th amendments! What . . . I guess that is better than the rest of this crowd who want to through out the last 17 amendments, keeping only the original Bill of Rights! Welcome back to America, and these are the guys, who allegedly care?
Eventually, I Was Asked to Train the Utah Liberty Convention on the U.S. Constitution! We Have Finally, Arrived!
I got up and just trained on the basics, as I recall, and took questions, and several other individuals, who were equally knowledgeable and informed on the Constitution and the fights, that were going on at the Utah Legislature, spoke and between the two of us, I guess we had enough knowledge and credibility to convince this rowdy crowd, who had dwindled a bit, but the people who were left, were actually the ones who really wanted to learn . . . just got a God Intel, sign, that evil sister, Shelley is the one given credit for that, since I am suppose to be dead, via, Patriot Act boyz! LOL! Only in your dreams bitch! LOL! But by the time that full day of training, was complete, there was a peace, some common ground, and the Constitution was the common denominator, that all parties, factions, and present, had at least at some point in there past lives, bought off on, and were willing, after getting the facts, and the examples, stories and statistics, to support, what our contentions were, our logic and why, this group, never, ever, wanted to get rid of the precious, inspired, and made for all mankind, document, we call the U.S. Constitution, there was a hushed reverence, camaraderie, a joy, even love, and reunion of thought, ideas, beliefs, that made it feel like long estranged family members, had come back together, after a long absence of what the fight had been about . . . we all took tons of constitutional family photos!
In order, to have a well ordered society, there must be an adopted set of rules, laws, and guidelines, that people can come to rely on, that are the guideposts, the agreed rights, expectations, protections, liberties, freedoms, and at least a starting point of governing. Without this, you get what we got with the Patriot Act, that came into being, while I was out of commission, and I am sure, there was method to the madness, because, this shit would never have passed, with me actively practicing law, as an attorney, who took my oath seriously, and have taken it four other times, as I have risen in rank and file, going from state court, to the U.S. Supreme Court, having had to take it twice at that level, with the Court, teaming with Patriot Act fucks, who were trying to set a trap for me, that they fell in themselves, by refusing to follow the Federal Rules of Procedure, thinking with such short notice, giving me from late Thursday night, to early Monday morning to reach Washington, D.C., to get sworn in, in person, before the Court broke from that session, the next day! I fucking made it, I am a driving machine! Loved the drive, had my own clients, keep me for 5 hours stranded in Kansas, to give my doubles a chance to catch up with me or beat me to the Court, taking my place! LOL! In my experiences, I have learned the power, the magic, and the healing nature of the United States Constitution . . . and like state constitutions, that mirror that document, but dictating the rules of governance on a state level . . . and I also know the troubles we get into, when those basic outlined in that document are not followed! WAR!
The song on the radio at Burger King . . . Suzanne the plans they had for you put an end to you . . . but I always thought that I would see you baby, one more time again . . . NO KIDDING, Death was the plan!
The song on the radio at Burger King . . . Suzanne the plans they had for you put an end to you . . . but I always thought that I would see you baby, one more time again . . . NO KIDDING, Death was the plan!
Can They Do That? No, But They Did! What Was Not Considered Illegal Under the Patriot Act!
From a historical perspective, you have to know, that the National Security Agency, has been around, for a fucking, 45 years; the U.S. has been successful, deflecting enemy attacks, stopping espionage and sedition, with laws that have long been on the books, without and before the Patriot Act; however, the Patriot Act, symptoms and activities have, long been used, and were employed before 9/11, and before Congress, passed that piece of legislation. So, I came on the scene or on the radar screen, I think, in retrospect, back while I was in law school, and scored first in my constitutional law class of 180, and was asked to be a research assistant to my professor . . . it was right after that, in fact, that summer, that I met, what I would call, my first honey trap, or cop, allegedly on my side, but looking back, all he did was try to get me to give up law school, stop trying to save the Constitution, and know, that I was trying to save a sinking ship! I wonder what he think, 20 years later, as I have, I believe, through, my cases, my fights at the legislatures, and through this blog, turned things around! The CONSTITUTION, is fucking in everything, through everything and back big, FUCKING TIME! But, that does not mean that it has been easy, or not a bitter, raging battle, with many casualties, 26 people closely related either to me, or my cases, and but for the grace of God, go I . . . here is what could be done to me, under the auspice of the Patriot Act, or the smiling fascists, with no limits, and no exceptions, and the, man-date, to do whatever it takes to get her under control, including kill her! That is still, currently a mandate!
- poisoning me or putting me in contact with agents of, what was considered a terminal brain disease
- taking my real, personal, and intellectual property . . . taking my name off all honors, awards, accomplished, publications, jobs, etc., basically, erasing me as a person, burying me in the catacombs of cyber space . . . it is illegal to take any one's name off publications, until they have been dead 100 years, so go figure, I was not even dead!
- doing a female circumcision on me, or cutting off my clitoris, idea coming from a scholarly writing I did for an International Law class at BYU, published in the BYU Law Journal, 1993, so mutilation
- substituting me, for the company gals, first Shelley, was anointed to be me, then came Kay, then Rachel, Sue, Tiffany, Kelly Ann, Hope, Rebbecca, and so forth and so on . . . on a need know basis only! Average, taking at least 6 women, to replace one, exceptional attorney, with killer credentials
- creating criminal and mental health records for me, out of nothing, with father, sister, and cops cooperating and making these records out of nothing, telling cops to arrest, incarcerate, place in behavioral health units, and working with Dr. Mark Foote, a psychiatrist, who hated me, because I crammed, doctor reporting requirements for domestic violence down their throats . . . last time I saw him, he told me he had two feet of medical records on me . . . I saw him, no more than a few times, hated the man, and all he asked me was, what I did, and how I was, and pushed medication, for a genetic disease? He violated HIPPA laws, and gave my medical records to Shelley, evil twin, without my permission, she was not my doctor, or my attorney, nor is she me! My father had power of attorney, and I think he did everything in his power to help Shelley, cops, make the switch, making Shelley me, and me disappear, giving her a great career, life, and credit history, exchanged for pure shit, that her life was at the time, part of the deal, turning in her ex-husband and boss, in exchange for saving my father and her asses from securities charges! And the FBI was always there to greet me, and beat me talking to IT computer dudes!
- as my reputation and influence grew, and notoriety, the more pressure from the Patriot Act Rats, including, my children's spouses, who were paid to say that I was, one of the doubles, sisters were me, and they were the son-in-laws of sisters other than myself, lying, stealing, on the government payroll, involved in the theft of the music, and the marketing of the music of their brother-in-law, and then playing key roles in continuing the confusion and fraud, and identity theft, in fact, I believe that the FBI Dating Service, actually lined up my daughters, and sons, with their honey trap partners, who have been the most damaging, infiltrating and vying for influence and power with my children, grand children, and making this whole mess, ten times worse! Compromise family members . . . mother, husband or wife? MMMMMMMM Lies, lies, lies, loyal to company, and Patriot Act, Pricks, Bastards and Bitches! Sex, sex, sex . . . they need to be prosecuted, as well, very key liars in this process of theft of identity . . . can they do this, FUCK NO!
- after 2 houses, full of furniture, with cops, freely going through all my stuff, taking pictures and taking everything they want, from my houses, art, furniture, electronic equipment, art, family photos, bar certificates, cops coming in my house, 6 times, taking pictures, and I think, auctioning off my stuff and the annual, Policeman's Ball, getting top prices, giving cops a chance to get a piece of me, even if it is symbolic . . . stealing, taking property, setting the steal up with Shelley, Isaac, arms of the government with the most to win, getting to be, Me and Elliot, getting ten times the talents, and good records, and to be something other than they ever could have achieved . . . that MASK . . . riding tandem on our backs, and then jumping off, playing themselves and US! A Sara Lee Bakery truck just went by . . . Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee . . . this is not a fucking personality contest, this is my LIFE YOU FUCKS are messing with, and a stellar one at that! Inferior bitches, you can control, who are dependent, need to cow tow, and OBEY YOU . . . just the way you like them . . . they are not fighting daily to save their lives, nor just have their identity! Good God . . . try it ass wipes!
- two houses, fulling furnished, totally paid for with cash, 5 vehicles, truck was totally paid off, law practice, going down the tubes with the houses and transportation . . . against the law to take the tools of the trade . . . how to I get to court, it is that basic!
- after four, Certificates of Good Standing . . . from the Utah Supreme Court, going after my law practice, after bribing clients, with houses, money, dropped charges! It all started, after the Brock case was compromised and stolen, at the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, in Denver . . . from that point on, all law practice decorum was off, and they, the company, the Patirot Act fucks, and their bitches, who were the beneficiaries of my work, my intellectual property, writing, scholarship, education, were more than willing to do what ever it took, to steal everything that was mine, and with vigor, being jealous as hell, with the bar leadership, judges, and other attorneys, envious of my rise to the top of the legal field with my first case, coming out of New York Investment Magazine to 100,000 readers, and in ever newspaper in the country, almost, and only taking 2 years to maneuver my way with a great case to the U.S. Supreme Court, rather than the traditional 5 years, and that is if you are in the .00001 percent of the nation's attorneys, who will ever get a case to that level. Kay lived in Boulder, Colorado, just miles from the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, and some how, she, through, Brett Todd Stewart, and other men, some how, earned the right to be me, to argue my case, to present to the bar trainings, be the one to do appearances in my behalf, what, the fuck? Seriously, in what fucked up brain, of jello, can anyone, in any normal world, by any standard of sanity, believe that they are entitled to one of the hottest, largest, and greatest cases, in the history of securities . . . someone who was a government bitch, that is who, and that is not ME, yet I am the brain child behind the whole fucking case . . . neither Brock and Rice could find an attorney who would touch it with a ten foot pole, nor who would have known how to handle it . . . Kay is a fucking ambulance chaser, the scum of the legal field, as evidenced by her anti-Mormon books that are merely tort law, the only thing she knew . . . give me a list of her cases between, 2004 and now? As Kay Burningham . . . as a tree chipper goes down the road, mafia shit, government shit, Mormon shit, jealous attorney shit, jilted husband shit, jealous son shit, and jealous grand-mother shit! You name it, and they have it, hate, hate, hate, yet, they would say, we love JoAnn . . . this is not what love looks like, fucking tell, Oprah, she can't have her fame and fortune, because she was fat . . . the nation joined her, cheered her, supported her, could relate to her . . . so that fuckin' she is too fat, is total bull shit . . . check out, new, U.S. Attorney General, a beautiful woman, about the same age, and having practiced law about the same time . . . bodies and careers that fit . . . hell, I have 4 gym memberships, and as soon as I get into working out, the cops start to fuck with me, until I leave . . . FEAR THIS . . . me looking like I did before, the government, church, family, securities, started to mess with me . . . you talk jealousy, I haven't changed in my face, almost at all!
- chasing me, putting my health, welfare, and safety at risk, daily, with hits, sting ops, intimidation, harassment, threats, stalking, assaults, almost 24/7 on any given day . . . really, and what did you say my crimes are . . . and this list of yours' is a short list, not to mention, murder, mayhem, mutilation, espionage, sedition, identity theft, music theft, case, blog, legislation, water compact, etc., theft?
P.S., today, the NSA, or their allowance of access to my blog, via, whatever source, has allowed a non-owner of this blog, to put advertisements for fucking clothes, I am a non-shopper, hate shopping, think it is a brain dead activity, but that fits bitches who are trying to steal my life and this blog, that it the top in the god-damned world, and you can't kill the programs that allow this shit! No one should be allowed on this site, except me, and I am going to sue the government, Google, or anyone allowing this shit, not even a boss, of the fucking CIA, FBI, Kay aka JoAnn, fuckyou, cunt ass bitch, Brett is fucking men! You whore! Get the fuck out of my life, off my blog, your hands out of my money, off my kids, or I will kill you you fucking shit headed dumb ass bitch . . . is this what type of law and order you fucking pricks in Congress want, get rid of this shitty act, Good God, what more do you expect me to put up with? AMAZING . . . and you probably all know this cunt from hell, and Shelley, Rachel, I am sitting her, writing this on the main drag in Durango, Colorado, without any protection, from this identity theft, and you dig this shit? Someone, who likes shopping and that is not me, you fucks, Rachel, 5'10", and size 11 shoes, 44 DDD bra, all fucking fake, come in a see what natural looks like and it is not that bitch, fake teeth, fake tits, fake ass, fake hair, fake thighs . . . I want this to stop, you are going to see what a real terrorist acts, like!
I will consider, murder of any of these bitches and bastard who have put me through this for the last fucking, 15 YEARS, justifiable HOMICIDE, because I can't get law enforcement of any flavor to charge these fuckers, who have stolen billions from either me or my son, a million a day for the last year and a half adds up and I don't want advertisements, on this blog, anywhere, anytime and for any reason and this has not been allowed by me the owner of this blog, the boss, the writer, the mind, the brain, the brilliance behind it, and the fucking NSA, should be used to track these fuckers, who are COMMITTING BIG TIME CRIMES!
I will consider, murder of any of these bitches and bastard who have put me through this for the last fucking, 15 YEARS, justifiable HOMICIDE, because I can't get law enforcement of any flavor to charge these fuckers, who have stolen billions from either me or my son, a million a day for the last year and a half adds up and I don't want advertisements, on this blog, anywhere, anytime and for any reason and this has not been allowed by me the owner of this blog, the boss, the writer, the mind, the brain, the brilliance behind it, and the fucking NSA, should be used to track these fuckers, who are COMMITTING BIG TIME CRIMES!