Thought . . . Daily Inter Lake Newspaper, Friday, May 15, 2015
Behavior is what a man does, not what he thinks, feels, or believes. Emily Dickinson, American poet (born 1830, died this date in 1886)
Myth Busters
- my Intel, guy, God, tells me, the cop, in the Hospital Security car, tracking me yesterday, was a Whitefish Cop, not a Kalispell Cop . . . still connected to old Kalispell Police Chief, and current legislator, Frank Garner! The guys had light brown hair, was about 35 to 40 years old, was wearing a gold or yellow golf shirt, white Levis or pants, gun, and I think he drives a red Jeep with a black top on it . . . or at least, off and on, for the last week or so, that two guys have been cruising around in the security car, that Jeep has been parked out by the Emergency entrance, where the security car is parked, and neither guy, was wearing a uniform . . . I know what the normal security guards look like, and what the uniforms look like and these guys were both in plain clothes each time I was them . . . one older, Frank, I would guess, and a younger guy. The reason where the cop is from is a key piece of evidence, is that I think, that I am being framed for a crime that I didn't commit, and they are trying to make it look, like it is connected to the train, the Amtrak. And the reason I say this is, after the first time I came to the Flathead, Glacier, I attended the October 2012, showing of Code of the West, dealing with the FBI raids on medical marijuana growers in the area, the legislative battle, and I told about asset forfeiture in Utah, who I got 8 cops fired in St. George, Utah, 9 federal agents in connection with Medicaid/Medicare fraud units, violating doctors' constitutional rights and their own regulatory rules . . . the next time I came to Whitefish, I pulled into the first gas station, on the right hand side, when entering town, at 3:00 a.m., after getting chased by 4 cops, out of the parking lot, or they were looking for me, and I took off, and went to Whitefish, and this white Yukon XL, I think, with the Great Northern railroad markers on it, pulled up in the parking lot of the gas station, right up to my passenger door, while I was in getting a Wall Street Journal checking on the election news. Whomever was in the railroad car, had their brights on . . . guess the powers that be, were going to run me out of town, before I got on the cops asses up here! LOL! Now what the railroad SUV had to do with it, they also followed me that night, is beyond me, since I had never been on the train before, and wasn't until about a year or more later! When I started this blog, and was up in East Glacier, returning keys to the lodge, that I had gotten, months earlier, when I was going to work up there, with a government assassin, who tried to push me off a bridge and over a walk way, and it appeared to me, that I might be up there with no Internet, car, or cell phone access, with a hit man, or one of theirs! And clients called me back to Utah to take up new issues on old cases! But, I think, yesterday, was a connection with that second experience with Whitefish . . . and, my double, was probably up there by then, claiming they were the one who appeared at the library meeting on the medical marijuana, with the ACLU . . . couldn't have that, since, the doubles had been me for years, and they had just got Utah under control, now I was up in Montana, being ME! So sad, too bad for the doubles! Credit where credit is due, good and bad . . . sorry if I made Kalispell PD look bad, when it was Whitefish!
- Have you noticed, that ever since, I wrote about flying to Girl's State, in the Governor of Utah's private jet, and telling 400 girls that the best way to prepare to be an attorney, is to learn to golf, since, 5 male interviewers from the Criminal Enforcement Division of the Utah Attorney Generals Offfice came to St. George, Utah, to interveiw me before the Washington County Attorney, Eric Ludlow, who is now a 5th District Judge . . . like I said, he will lie about it, because Mormons are trained to be good Mo's, not good Christians, but everyone up here knows that! LOL! But, all of the sudden, there are these ads on TV, for Goldsmith . . . We will do anything for golf commercials . . . because if they can't prove that Shelley, or Kay, Rachel, Sue, Tiff, Kelly, etc. are into golf, they give up the gold from the blog, plus, they can't say they are me, the one who was hired out of 150 attorneys, for the position of staff attorney for the Utah Prosecution Council and that would blow, about a billion dollars or more! The only memory, I have of Shelley playing golf, was her hitting the ball into a pond, and taking her golf club, smashing it on a tree and storming off the golf course, the Oakridge Country Club, where my family were members . . . I was the girlfriend of the golf pro's son, Rick Mears . . . he took the time to go around 18 holes and teach me to golf! I golfed with guys from junior high to law school and beyond! Shelley can't golf, but with the kind of money, she makes off hacking my blog every day, about a million, or more, at a penny per hit, she could buy a golf shop or manufacturer! In one of the ads, there is a dad, with a baby in the stomach pouch, golfing, they lose Elliot, my baby too, and can't explain, stealing, God's Revolver music either! ANYTHING FOR GOLF!
- the Cinderella Evidence, remember the glass slipper, and the two step-sisters, who tried to cram their fucking huge ass feet into a tiny pair of Cinderella's glass slippers, and their toes popped out, then their feet had to be bent in half to fit into the shoes . . . that is the way it would be with Shelley, Sue and Rachel, all over 5'9 inches, and above! Their feet are huge! Now we have to dispel the myth of the other two sisters, and Kay, a non-sister, who was brought into be me, as the second child in the Richard and Helen Janeen Southwick family, just typed a "u" by accident, yes, when I was suppose to die, from the poisoning all the participants gave me, and I put on weight, thinking I was going to die, Kay Baby was brought in . . . I had given my dad a copy of Kay's poorly written screen play she had written during that time; he liked the story, and I think that is where they hooked up, and that was back when I was with Jerry and moved down to St. George, because my father was letting the lawn die at my home in Moon River, an Ence Development . . . had a dream, bought it, back in 1995 or 96, to save getting killed on taxes . . . EVIDENCE! Now the three big ass sisters, and their fucking huge feet, can prove that my 7 1/2 size feet, can be distinguished from theirs, but, sisters, Marcie and Tiffany, might have smaller feet, and for sure Kay's feet, at 5'4", I believe has about a size 4 or 5 size shoe, so she is way smaller, as is her height, but she might be a golfer, Brett was . . . Marcie is a golfer, but she has probably benefited from the family theft, but would not participate, or have a desire to get too involved, other than money . . . Tiffany, however, who is 14 years younger than me, but could stand in, since, many people think I am 35 to 45 year old range, might be a stand in . . . both are about my height, but I think their feet are still larger than mine, maybe an 8, don't recall either one having feet as small as mine. So, Marcie, Tiffany, both have thinner structured faces than I do! Mine is probably right in the middle of the larger girls, Shelley, Sue and Rachel, and the more narrow faced gals, in the family, Marcie and Tiffany. The smaller gals look more like my mother, finer features and the other at least two, Sue and Rachel, have a wider face, like my father . . . Shelley is a good mix of both parents! Mirror, Mirror, Who's the Fairest of them all? Of course, I am! LOL! Kay is a mutt . . . brown hair, brown eyes, and a pug nose! The girl next door, nothing to brag about, unless your a cop! LOL! Making her more than she is . . . best thing about Kay, is everything I did! LOL!
Top Ten Reasons I Hate Patriot Act Cops!
I will distinguish, pre-Patriot Act cops from post-Patriot Act cops, because I think there is a big difference between the two sets of cops, and I am sure that the old school cops, are frustrated, as they see the results of the Patriot Act bull shit, creep into the ranks and files of law enforcement across the country, where cops used to be respected, honored, trusted, and the friend of the citizens, they were sworn to serve and protect . . . not so now days! I was very impressed with some of the national cop leaders who were on talk shows around the time of Freddie Grey's death in Baltimore, the latest, well not now, of a large string of unarmed black men, being gunned down for nothing, and it this case, ignoring policies and procedures . . . just too good to follow even their own leaders, who were and are most likely old school cops, who know how police work needs to be done!
Drug Interdiction Programs & Incentives, Too Away Personal Boundaries Between Cops and Citizens!
The one thing I am very grateful for, was my father's strong teaching on the fact that your rights stop at the end of your nose! That goes for personal property rights, real property rights, and I would extend that to intellectual property rights . . . so what happened to dad? What is his daughter's, resume, credentials, honors, stories, jobs, letters, manuals, cases, blogs, legislation, becomes communal property, to be shared and divided with all his other children, and some, not even his children, and too much of a good thing, brought in many friends and family, and whomever deals with me, is brought into the inner circle of the Southwick web of corruption, and shared, like I said in my title . . . just by way of example, let's say, that James Kennedy is an undercover cop, they use in a honey trap, knowing I loved the Kennedy's and there would be an automatic connection, just with the name, and he meets me, either planned or unplanned, and we hit it off . . . the family will contact him, and pay him, to say, that I am not me, and that one of the sisters, or friends is actually me, and that happens over and over again, just like A,B,C, and la familia or the mob, make all people an offer, they can't refuse and if they do, they are toast! That is how they roll!
Once there was an incentive, to catch drug dealers, allegedly to take the profit motive out of crime, not to mention, taking it out of the criminal's hands, turned the cops into criminals, making it totally legal to take anything you wanted from anyone! They know, that to get an attorney to fight, if you had any rights left to fight the seizure, it would cost more than a car was worth to pay the attorney, or take so much time, regardless of whether the car was used in committing a crime or not, and the cops know that the prosecutor, judge and likely the jury, will believe them more than someone accused of being a druggie, as my mother would put it! I knew damned well, that even me taking the lawsuit against all the entities in Utah, who stole my house, and all in it, including my law practice and office, would take me more time, that it was worth! And I would have had to appear before the crooked judges, who were involved in the theft, anyway, so way not worth it, not to mention being pissed off for a few years, while fighting the lawsuit! There was a common saying up at the Utah Attorney Generals Office, that law enforcement and criminals were just flip sides of the same coin!
The drug lords were staking out territory, and fighting to keep their drug trade going, and dirty cops, or even some that thought they were just doing their job, got to the point that it was just a game, who could take what from who, with little to distinguish the criminals on the streets, from the criminals in the Attorney Generals Office, and in our drug task forces, who were preying on the drug dealers, cartels and kingpins, tryign to take the profit motive out of their hands, while putting it right into the hands of another set of money grubbers, allegedly in the name of good! Hell, one of my clients, stopped working with the DEA, because they were bigger criminals and more ruthless than the drug dealers, or the alleged drug dealers. Bottom line, learn personal boundaries . . . your rights, duties, actions, except under rare circumstances stop at the end of your nose, if you are following the Constitution and policies and proceedures!
Fraternal Order of the Police, Not A Cop Shield for Bad Behavior!
When someone or a cop in your organization, or in another cop organization is doing something wrong, don't fucking defend them! I loved it when new, U.S. Attorney General, Lynch, when dealing with a Congressman, and possible indictment for corruption, simply said, when he was law biding, he was fine, but when he decided to cross the line and break the law, we are going after him! I would think that you want to keep the name and reputations of law enforcement above reproach! Don't all of the sudden, change policy or involvement to cover a poor action, with poor judgement, of other officers . . . it is not your job, your duty, or your obligation, to defend another cop and all costs, it cheapens cops in general! We, as citizens can't trust you, if you are all over the place and supporting bad actors! Come on, the Patriot Act, to me, did more to harm cops, than anything or any other law. All of the sudden, giving them the right to take property, without charges or warrants, in asset forfeiture cases, makes your actions, nothing less than a theft, because there was no due process, no judicial action involved, and makes it look, like you just wanted what this person had, and you took it . . . and that is exactly what happened with my house, furniture, and all . . . and everyone seemed in on it, even my own mother, except the one who owned all the furniture, law practice, computer, files, briefs, books, etc.
After Washington County, just showed up and stripped my house, of everything, including my tooth brush, two days before, going to Denver to argue a $357 million case, against the state of Utah . . . people hearing about this bull shit, would ask me . . . can they do that? No, but they did! But, since, my fucked up butt fucking nephew, Isaac is a criminal like his mother, who is like her father, brought whatever . . . the cops, claimed they seized the house, first because, Isaac brought in drugs and a gun, then that changed and they had a picture of their badge, my HGC diet needles and stuff, and Isaac's gun, I guess to show, JoAnn S. Secrist, who killed our asset forfeiture laws, years earlier, was nothing more than a criminal and on drugs . . . after that didn't work, finding out that what the cops thought was heroin, or something, a drug, in my fridge, they said, that Shelley and Rachel had a $33,000 judgement against them . . . really, and their attorney sister, living in the house, didn't hear or know a damned thing about it, and was not a named defendant on this made up bull shit case . . . was the only one, who was hurt, by, what maybe, the Constable, and the two other goons she had with her, considered payment for Shelley and Rachel's crimes or judgement . . . again, crossing the line of demarcation between me and my sisters, this was not their property, and never should have been removed from a house, that Rachel gave me, because it was going into foreclosure, and I saved it through the law, won a federal district court case, and kept the house for another 18 months! Until, a second, case was filed, and that fucking Judge John Walton, who used to be the attorney or work for the law firm that represented Well Fargo, one of the named defendants in my lawsuit against them, and won in federal court with a federal magistrate signing off on the case and the judgement of a million dollars on top of getting the house free . . . scream unfair, sisters, never thought I could pull it off, so, now that I won, they sided with the cops, the prosecutors and judges, I was going up against! Jealousy, jealously, jealousy . . . even had attorneys, and judges, drive past the house and covet it . . . it looked like a murder scene, before, is what my own father said, until he too, was jealous of his daughter, recovered from the alleged brain disease, and headed straight to the United States Supreme Court, when told she would die, never work again, and there was no cure! A miracle daddy, or government bull shit for saving the doctors, nationwide, I make my clients, national heroes! And I pay for winning their cases!
Private Property Rights Still Exist!
I remember the Washington County Constable walking in my home, and looking at, this by all judgement, beautiful home, and standing in my foyer with 25' high ceilings, and saying, My whole house could fit in your foyer! I responded, yes, and I decided to be an attorney, and you dicided to be a cop! I am sure that she didn't like that . . . but, from that moment foreward, I think she, along with others, were fixing to take the house, from the traitors inside, sisters, both of whom I had helped, and their bratz for children, who were jealous also, and hated this aunt, for taking care of them, and also, succeeding! My property was not to be taken for Shelley and Rachel's judgement that didn't exist, was a cover for taking the house and all in it, in the first place . . . Shelley said, I think they thought, I was you . . . really, and you didn't set them straight, or had you been for years, and this was the result of your actions, not mine, but I was the one who earned the money and I am paying for your bull shit, as you try to steal or have stolen my identity? Really, and I guess this is just okay? Oh, sure, just go ahead and pay for Shelley's bulls shit, on my dime, you fuckers! Oh, I forgot, you made her ME, so my stuff is fair game? Really?
Good God . . . there is something we call personal body space, private rights, personal, real and intellectual property rights, and Shelley taking my identity in the first place if fucked up, and so wrong! My resume, was not up for grabs, and the bitch that was a government rat, doesn't get to be me, changing a lawyer, not your average laywer by any stretch, and exchanging that for a criminal who ratted out her boss and ex-husband, or was selling Cabbage Patch doll shoes, gets to be me, the welfare mom . . . so you take everything I make, my life, and exchange if for shit? Really?
CIA, Monarch Project Bull Shit!
Do some research on the Monacrh Project . . . I swear, the only explanation I have, other than jealousy, sibling rivalry, is that Shelley, and the cop gals, were used as subjects to be experimented on, and they are brain washed and really believe they are ME! I have watched video tapes, of work that the CIA and Illuminati, who work hand in hand, conducting experiments on people, testing their use of hypnosis, sexual and physical abuse, brainwashing and fringe techniques to test it for use by the government. I just watched a Steven Seagal movie, in which good soldiers with stellar records in the military, were sent on a mission to rescue this scientist, who was conducting experiments like this, and when they got to the facility they were to find the doctor in, they, all of the sudden, took over the base, and were hypnotized to do the opposite of what the mission was suppose to be, and they turned enemies, and fucked up the mission, so Seagal and crew of men in prison, were to go rescue these guys, until, they realized that they were the targets, to be taken out by these soldiers who were compromised . . . I guess we are all assets to be forfeited to the government!
In fact, that CIA agents are called assets . . . not people! I guess we are all expendible and we forfeit who we are, for the good of a corrupt government, who is into G.O.D., Gold, Oil, and Drugs . . . that is the CIA! We are just cogs in a wheel, assets, and we can be forfeited at anytime. My sisters are assets, Kay is an asset, their men are assets, and they look at the rest of us that way too, and we are all forfeitable . . . that is not the way the founding fathers intended this country to be, but one based on individual rights, private property, and the right to privacy . . . what is mine, is not fucking yours, and vis a versa! Just one more thing I hate about cops, short cuts, easy booty, bounty, and bucks, that is what it is all about, not honor, integrity, nobility, nothing given, all earned, the capitalism this country was founded on . . . not it is the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people, so if my parents have 8 children, and one earns the degree, the honors, the resume, the cases, the money, the blog, etc., we divide that with the other 7, and because JoAnn doesn't believe that way, and she wants credit where credit it due, and demands to be herself and she is a hog, we need to get rid of JoAnn, so benefit the other 7! FUCKED UP! And UNAMERICAN!