Saturday, March 7, 2015


Mel Gibson's, Braveheart . . . The Sacrificial Lambs to the Slaughter!

I am not sure, when Braveheart first came out in the movie theaters, but I would venture a guess that it was over 30 years ago, or so it seems.  But, as a more mature, educated, and freedom loving person than I was back in the day, when I first saw the movie, parts in the drama, made more of an impact on me, that I am sure it did when I just watched for the historical, love, and fighting aspects of the movie.  I came into the movie about the time, Wallace, or Gibson, met the girl, and secretly got married.  Being the romantic I am, that part is what stood out in my mind, and I couldn't even remember much of the story or history, after the fight between the Scottish and the English was taking place, with all the men, lifting their kilts, and shooting the very proper English King the moon! 

This time, I was much more aware of the betrayal, the look on Wallace's face, as what he thought were his fellow country men, of another clan, had joined hands to take up arms for freedom against the British Empire, and when he realized, that this was not much more than a set up to get Wallace's army of rag tag, but inspired, men into a trap, that would eventually, for a while lead to their demise.  But, the soon to be heir of the Scottish clan, who shook hands with Wallace, joining him, also noticed the shocked look, when Gibson,Wallace, saw him take off his mask, and reveal who the traitor was, his friend, and it appeared to be someone he respected, very much.  But, as the plot developed, and the soon to be appointed heir to the Scottish throne, or at least to some of it, came back, the look on the pure freedom fighter's face, haunted and depressed him, realizing, that while gaining the world, he had, in deed, lost his very soul, and told his aged father, who orchestrated much of his son's travails and triumphs, depending on which way you looked at it, but he commented to his father, that he had nothing.  He also hated his father, and himself, as he watched his father, who then smiled and said, now, my boy, that you know hate, you are ready to be King.

As the story, history, and the two men, Wallace, the rebel, and the more cultured and prepared to be King, intertwine, and their lives, intersect, they save each other on several occasions, or their previous relationship, and the respect, seem to come in handy, many times, that help forward, Scottish freedom, to the point, that in the end, after Wallace, is killed, and has become a big time legend, the other King, takes up his mantle, finding, meaning in what his friend stood for, and fought for, and joined the fight for freedom, against the former, allies, whom he had sided with, against, Wallace, in a sabotaged effort to take down the rebels.  The human drama was almost more exciting than the historical drama, the epiphany, the ah ha, moments, of truth, of self discovery.  You can never tell the character of a man, woman or child, until it is truly put to the test.  The unexamined life, is a life not worth living . . . Shakespeare, Plato, or Aristotle said that, but it is true regardless of who said it.

It is amazing who many lines, statements, facial expressions, and slogans, that were brought out in this very powerful film, may have inspired me, to fight the fights, I do, to champion freedom, as being my number one priority, and something, that I am willing to risk all for.  The first year, after I was sworn into the United States Supreme Court Bar, the time that seemed to be a turning point in my life, leading me into the rebel role, the renegade, the freedom fighter, the constitutional law attorney, hell bent on righting the wrongs, and forwarding the causes that I took an oath to preserve, protect and defend, trying to slam, the government, cops, business, local, state and county officials, regulatory agencies, whomever, had departed so far from the goals of freedom, rights and liberties, that they needed a wake up call, and the call for fighting off the oppression that had befallen on this country, with the rights being slowly eroding for a long time, probably starting back in 1933, seemed to be a turning away from the safeguards and protections set forth in the wisdom of the founding fathers, and captured in the U.S. Constitution and mirrored in many state constitutions.  But we have many to thank for the freedoms we have, going back centuries.  Just to name a few: 

Moses, Freeing the Children of Israel From Egypt

I am touched my the personal sacrifices, that many, who, could, have chosen, the road of riches, honors, power, actually, risked everything to stand up for the oppressed.  Mose, who was taken onto the palace of Pharaoh, by his daughter, raised as if he was her own, and trained to lead in the courts and halls of glorious Egypt, turned on a dime, so to say, and when he saw, one of his fellow, Israelites, being beaten and whipped by the guard and task master, actually stood up to him, took the whip and beat the guard, until he killed him, sending Moses into the desert to hide from the repercussions of his actions and the murder of the guard. He, however, say the brutality of the treatment of the slaves, and of his countrymen of his birth, and took actions, almost without thinking at all, temper, temper, but so shocked at the inhuman treatment, that he almost went into auto pilot and took the life of this oppressor of the people, without a thought at all!  Are we all as shocked at man's inhumanity to man, or do we hide in the shadows, and hope that someone else comes to their rescue, someone besides ourselves?

Do we turn a blind eye, to a neighbor, a student, a co-worker, a wife, a child, a husband, and others, who are mistreated at the hands of unjust oppressors?  What are we saying about our character, about who we are, and what we stand for, and at the end of the day, do we like the person we see in the mirror, do we respect them, or do we hate the coward, the pussy, the self-protecting person we have become, safe in our little world, and immune to the trials and injuries of others?  Why do we feel we are any less obligated, that a Moses, or a Wallace, or a Christ, and many of the brave hearts who have dotted and challenged the status quo or their times, and stood for what is right, true, bold, and making men free?  What is our charge, our mission, our challenge, our call to duty?  Have you stepped outside your safety zone and wondered, am I one who is called, to rise out of the ashes of this life, the dust, the dirty mire that man is often in, over the ages, and called to bright light, beauty, love, freedom and goodness to a dark age?

Copernicus, Galileo, Columbus

Early scientists, who were burned, hung, beheaded, called heretics, for believing something that the ignorant masses didn't believe.  They believed in the universe, in a solar system, or that the world revolved around the sun, not the sun around the world . . . they challenged the beliefs of the day, and called the earth round, instead of just going with the flow of mankind, who truly believed that the earth was flat.  Would we have the courage, the brave heart, to take on the powers of the day, and challenge the thoughts of the day, the ignorance of man, and fight for truth, no matter what the cost, our lives, if necessary?  Would we be strong enough, brave enough, to venture out into an ocean of incredible mass, to prove our point, and be able to convince a Queen, that we were right and it was worth her investing in our explorations and discoveries?  These people fought for freedom of thought, they wanted empirical science or proof, for their theories and ideas, contrary to all that had come before them . . . where would we be without these brave souls?

Sir Thomas Moore, Martin Luther's 96 Treatises on Gutenberg Chapel

A Man for All Seasons . . . someone who withstood the King's pressure to conform to his adulterous, murderous, longings for a son, who was founded in his beliefs and understandings of British law, as well as in the laws of God, and tried, first to persuade, then when that wouldn't work, did all in his power to convince the King through logic, scripture and common law, and finally, even at the begging of his family, wife, and others, to change his positions and beliefs, to save his own life, he could not do it . . . true to the core of who his is, one hell of a brave heart!  Or Martin Luther, standing up to the all powerful Catholic Church, and breaking with traditions, again with the mind of setting the people free from the purchase of indulgences and favors, sins, and traditions, believing that man is free to go directly to God, and not have a priest or a middle man, standing between him and his salvation, that Christ freely gave, through grace.  Taking his grievances, long before the 1st amendment, freedom of speech, and addressing grievances, with your government, who in those days, was pretty much one in the same with your religion.  These guys had guts, and set the stage for a modern and more workable Bible and translation of the Bible, one that many adhere to today, taking away power from the monks and clergy of the day, and putting power and salvation in the hands of the common man, empowering him, to call on the favor of the Lord and do mighty works in his name.

You will continually, notice the common theme of freeing the human mind, spirit, soul, body of these brave hearts!  Their focus was never on their own comfort, their own lives, their own families even, but what the freedoms might do for mankind in general, at great personal sacrifice on their own parts, losing, basically everything they had, including their own lives in necessary.

Joan of Arc . . . 19 Year Old French Girl . . . Led France to Victory

Lest, any of you think you are too young to heed the call to duty, Joan of Arc, was merely 19 years old, when she heard the voice of God, calling her to battle, dressed in armor, and I think, from memory, pretending to be a boy, because they would not let women fight in those days, barely do today, so she went in disguise, but she went none the less, and did what she was commanded by God to do, and freed France from its oppressive enemies.  I remember reading a history of my great, great-grandfather, Warren Snow Gardner, I think, who loved the founding fathers, and the U.S. Constitution, who vowed as a young man, at the age of 14, to be exact, that he would always, stand up for the rights of the oppressed and his own rights, that he valued so much, as per the Constitution!  At age 14, he met, Joseph Smith, the founder and first prophet of the Mormon Church, and he was so impressed with him, that he pledged his life to him, and became one of the Men in Between, as they became called, who stood between, the angry mobs, and the young prophet, who was tarred and feathered, and eventually murdered.

There were only five, personal body guards to the young prophet and his family, and my great-great-grandfather was one of them . . . he was one of the few, who were let in Joseph's house after the martyrdom of the prophet, and suffered greatly that he had not been around to save the prophet from the mobs, who killed him.  The good thing about the young, is that you are unencumbered, without families, wives, and children, husbands, and houses, and are free to fight for what you believe in, and you are able to totally dedicate yourselves to what you believe and want to happen.  There are master and doctoral thesis's written about my ancestor, and probably the most famous of the Men in Between, was Porter Rockwell, who gained fame, both in Mormon and Non-Mormon circles.  Joseph Smith, saved Porter from a bunch of bullies who followed him home from school.  Joseph told Porter, much like Samson of old, that if he never cut his hair, he would have magical powers!  Someone shot, Governor Boggs, of Illinois, I think, or Missouri, who put an extermination order out on Mormons, and Porter was blamed for the injury to the head . . . his defense, that nobody question, was, that had it been he, that shot the Governor, he would have been dead!  He was set free . . . allegedly he killed at least 80 men.

Modern Day Has No Lack of Heroes Also!

I remember reading in some magazine, about a Chinese, blind, lawyer, who was fighting for rights and freedoms and taking on his government . . . he was imprisoned for 4 years, without a hearing, and finally, he was released, only to start all over again fighting for the fffffffffrrrrrrreeeeeeedddddddoooooommmmmss of the Chinese people.  We have the young 17 year old activist from Hong Kong, who orchestrated the recent demonstration calling for the Chinese communists, to let, Hong Kong, who had been under British rule, for centuries, choose their own candidates for their upcoming elections, that they wanted to be more democratic, and closer to to the people.  These young college age, and other people, stood in streets, protested and blocked financial districts and did what they could to pressure the government of China to let them be democratic and chose their own leaders . . . it didn't happen, but things don't always go as planned, and I am sure that they are not going to just let this go, but will continue through non-violent means to try to get what they want, by way of a representative form of government.  I am sure that they followed in the foot steps of young, tech savvy Egyptians, who also petitioned their government and military for better representation and forms of government.

Just a few weeks ago, I cried as I read about, a Russian, freedom fighter, who was assassinated, just days before he was staging a large forum to redress grievances with the Russian government!  His death came, the day after my night of terror, with American government and their agents, in Missoula, chasing me for about 24 hours, and I am still feeling the effect, of what might be called assassination by poison.  I was saddened that it is the prophets, the brave hearts, the reformers, the eyes and ears of the masses, the voices, that are silenced!  As I was riding the bus, this morning, up to the library, in Butte, I think, I heard the news, that was low, up by the driver, but I think, that there is still an investigation, into the death of this man, long known for his fights for rights, liberties and freedoms of the Russian people!  I think his name was something like, Neymoid, or whatever, but a kindred spirit, from Russia!

Tank Man comes to mind, as I think of the struggles of the Chinese and Russians, under communist rule, and I am not judging their form of government, I do not know enough to judge, but history, and any oppressive regime, is something that I am not found of . . . freedom is the name of the game!  I am all about Patrick Henry, Give me liberty or give me death!  Making that statement as America entered into the Revolutionary War against the British Empire, well funded, well armed and the oppressors of the colonies!  Brave hearts of all ages, are cooler than hell to me.

Pres. John Kennedy, Bobby, Dr. Martin Luther King, Selma, Ferguson!

Just today, in the Independent Record, Helena, I think, whatever newspaper I read, there was a great article on Selma, Alabama, marking the march to the polling booths, taking on the cops, the sheriffs, segregation, prejudice, brutality, and death, called, Bloody Sunday . . . I guess that is tomorrow, where these fearless people, were bound and determined, that they were not going to be denied any of their rights to vote and exercise their freedoms, no matter what the cost, and cost there was . . . brave hearts!  The struggles are shocking, and the sheriff, to this day, said he doesn't regret or would he change the way he handled that day . . . he saw it as his duty and the way he read enforcing the law.  Who is to judge?

Today, at 2:00 p.m., here in the library, there is an artist, who took pictures of the boarded up storefront, during the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, this August, after a white police officer, shot and killed an unarmed 18 year old black boy, Michael Brown.  While Ferguson, and I owe you the great Apologia, kind of slammed Ferguson, with the world, watching, botched the demonstration of the way we can handled issues in this country; however, that was not the problems of the community, the black leaders, the protesters, that came by way of injustice from cops, prosecutors, the mayor and the governor . . . another article, with week, said that the Department of Justice, is demanding that Ferguson, start changing their police tactics, and stop racially profiling, and targeting blacks, in a discriminatory way.  So, folks, things have not changed much, there, but, the country has, as demonstrated by Butte Library, having a slide show, and then are community art project, to be displayed somewhere that will inspire, us here locally, to stop the discrimination, and treat everyone with the dignity and respect, freedom, liberties, rights and protections, that they are entitled to under our 14th amendment, and other provisions in the United States Constitutions.

I just wanted to note, that in this American system of government, there are three branches of government, the executive, the legislative and the judicial, all to provide a balance of power, between the three branches.  What I see is the problem with Ferguson, is that first, it was members of the executive branch who oversaw, the executive branch . . . all involved, were in the executive branch, where the cops, operate under the mayor, who was interviewed and didn't even see Ferguson as being racist, and that everything was okay, at least at first, if Mayor James Knowles . . . symbolic, know less . . . he was pretty much, walking reporters around, his own neighborhood, and stating that people are not prejudice at all, the cops don't target, and all is well in Ferguson!  Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil . . . put your head in the sand, even the Pussy Riot gals, can see the brutality from Russia!  Come on, this never should have happened!

Montana's Legislative Branch, Provided the Balance for the Executive Branch & the Cop Shootings!  In America, We Don't Do This!

The federal Department of Justice, is also in the executive branch of government, they work with the local,county and state governments, including their cops, all the time, in fact, many, U.S. Attorneys, work more closely with the local cops, than they do with their own federal cops!  So, you are asking the chickens to guard the chickens!  Cops, prosecutors, mayors and governor, are all in the same branch of government!  Where is your legislative and judicial branch?  By, passing a law, that cops have to be trained in Constitutional law, the Bill of Rights, and state provisions, the legislature, is basically, saying, we are taking this out of your hands, you are not going to judge yourselves, protect cops who kill, unjustifiably, and turn it over to internal affairs, or the prosecutors . . . all members of the same team, the ones who are allegedly suppose to be enforcing the laws . . . what laws are we talking about?  Surely not the ones, I am familiar with!  Cops don't get to be judge, jury and executioners on the streets, we have due process and equal protection of the laws!  

Somewhere along the line, all the branches of government got messed up together, and there was no balance, and not check on the powers of the executive branch . . . we cannot have that!  Also today, the legislature, were going to cut, some benefits to retired government employees or retirees . . . a judge, part of the judicial branch, jumped right in and said NO!  And overturned the legislature's bill.  This is the way it is suppose to work.  We all hate Citizens United, the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling, that corporations are people and they have a first amendment right to free speech, and money is speech . . . Congress and all state legislatures are trying to fix that dose of a case!  So that is how it is suppose to work . . . put a check on the powers that be.  A Texas Judge, just but the kibosh on President Obama's executive action to grant immigrants work permits, and other resident related protections, like taking away the fear of deportation!
We cannot let one branch of government go . . . give a man, or woman a little bit of power, and they will abuse it, give them absolute power, and they will abuse it absolutely!  We have a built in system of checks and balances, and for a damn good reason!




Thursday, March 5, 2015


The Lazareth Effect--Don't Worry, He is Just Sleeping!

Yesterday, while I was breathlessly walking over from McDonald's to the bus stop across from the Butte Mall, and had a few minutes to catch my breath, and take a few minutes to gather some energy to get on the bus, I was looking over the movie listings, on the marque across the street.  I noticed the movie, The Lazareth Effect, and thought, now, that is one symbolic movie title for me.  If you will recall, you scriptorium's, that Mary and Martha were the sisters of Lazareth, and they believed him to be dead, and called Jesus to come and bring him back to life.  The sisters were a bit taken back by his casual and delayed heeding of their distressed pleas for help and healing on their brother's behalf.  They expressed their anxiety over his lackadaisical behavior and casual manner, in not taking them more serious that he had . . . he said, basically, relax, he is just asleep.  I thought of the analogous comparison between Jesus' response to Lazareth's sleep-like condition, being caught somewhere, safe, between life and death, and my own, state, feeling very much, caught between the continuum of life and death.

In my blog, yesterday, I mentioned that I felt like a fire breathing dragon, given the toxic taste, fire, and burning, down deep in my upper chest area, up my neck, and exiting out my mouth.  This morning, the creases in my neck, the age circles, like the ones on trees, where you can count their age by the circles, felt like crusted crepe paper, fried, or microwaved from the inside out!  My skin, I compared to a lizard's skin, generally soft and subtle, is rough, and bumpy, again reminding me of a bad sunburn.  There is a difference between a sunburn, from the sun's rays, and a burn that comes from under the skin, from somewhere inside of your body, like a chemical burn.  The two are very different in nature, and different in source, but in the end, look and feel much like the other.  I overheard Wendy, again today, second guessing me, and saying that I felt like I got poisoned and I must have had the flu, because she was up sick all night . . . obviously, she is blaming me for her sickness, LOL!  It is kind of the witch trial syndrome, if I sat by you, last night, watching the movie, you must have gotten me sick, not to mention, that I haven't talked to her, been gone all day, regardless of the way I felt, and haven't hung out with her at all!  Whatever!

When You Say, You Have Flu Like Symptoms . . . That Doesn't Mean That You Have the Flu!  It Means the Symptoms Are Similar!

I told you about Castor Seeds, sometimes referred to as beans, that contain, Racine in them, and can be fatal.  I looked up wiki on the plant, and these are the traits: nausea, diarrhea, tachycardia, burning sensation in mouth and throat, hypo tension seizures, abdominal pain, purging and bloody diarrhea, severe dehydration, drop in blood pressure, and decrease in fluid, and death can be expected to occur within 3 to 5 days.  Now, if someone had not put two and two together, and just thought they felt sick, they would most likely attribute these symptoms to the flu . . . being very similar in nature, while different to some extent.  I very definitely had a burning in my throat and mouth, dry mouth to the bone, chalky and with a toxic, sickening taste.  I had abdominal pains, and felt the urge to purge . . . dry heaving, trying to get whatever was in me out, in fact, the symptoms reminded me of being pregnant, and having morning sickness, because of the noxious taste in my mouth.

The really strange thing, was actually, the burning sensation, that made it look, like I had been sun burned, but with spots of flesh, not touched by color, and leaving my skin, raised, bumpy, hard, crusty, and very different from my normal skin texture.  Two nights in a row, the burning took place, and the redness, blotchy look, and bumps persisted.  I felt like I had a fever in my neck, most of all.  So, while I felt terrible, I had some symptoms that are never attributed to the flu!  And, one might think, that if poisoned, the body would react, very much this way.  You are taking foreign chemicals into your body, and that might produce the burning from within, and much like a microwave, started from deep inside and worked its way out, being compared more to the way a fever would act, without outside stimulus, but with the source, being the body itself, rather than some outside agent, as was the case here.  Anyway, some strange shit going on, and simple minds are not worth trying to distinguish flu type symptoms, from more extensive symptoms . . . Wendy is influenced by whatever sources are either feeding her bull shit, and she won't believe anything anyway, or she is being paid for trying to discredit whatever I say . . . either way, she is not worth convincing and I don't care enough to try!  Whether anyone believes me on this or on anything else is irrelevant to my life . . . I am who I am, I had what I had, and I have done what I have done, and I don't need a cheering section, or anyone else to validate what I say, especially, someone like WENDY!

Anyway, I don't mean to be a drama queen, and dwell on my health, but I did want people to realize that there are agents and chemicals, even naturally growing plants, that can hurt you and cause you pain and even death.  Do, not be so naive, to think, that people can't find a motive to kill you, and one for much less than the ones who want me dead!  Arsenic and Racine, have been around for a long time, and often go undetected in some one's body, oderless, tasteless, and can even fool a coroner and crime lab!  Really, the only hands you can trust, are the ones at the end of your arms!  God, warns us, do not put your trust in the arm of flesh!  And why do you think that is?  Because, they fucking can't be trusted.  They are given to envy, jealousy, greed, pride, lust, avarice, anger, desires, hatred and all kinds of other things.  I am sure the people who are doing this to me, family, in particular, think they are saving the world, from people like me!  LOL!  They like what I say, but my lifestyle . . . scream!  They, like Wendy, are too simple minded to explain, that the world is full of paradoxes, complexities, oxymoron's, and duplicities!  

Things just simply put, are just not black and white, generally!

Sectarian Believing People, See Divisions Between the Sons of Darkness and the Sons of Light . . . And Nothing In Between; The Haves and the Have Nots; It is Us, or it is Them!  ISIS!

This month, in The Atlantic Magazine, March 2015, issue, there is a great article, on What Is It That ISIS Wants?  It makes several suggestions, from returning to the power and glory of the Ottoman Empire, with the Caliphates, the religious leaders, controlling both issues of church and state . . . like Mormon Utah!  They want you and I to believe as they do, and there is not room for deviations, our way or your head!  But the thing that kills me, is that after all the beheading, the murders, the amputations, the burnings, and all is said and done, taxing Christians, etc., and going to war, a jihads war, or holy war, against the rest of us, they are going to turn to, none other than, JESUS CHRIST, their second most revered prophet or teacher, even redeemer, and he is going to save them?  So, what in the hell is all this fuss about?  We basically believe in the same redeemer, savior, and person who is going to save us from our sins, and you, ISIS have a shit load, you are going to be needing forgiveness from . . . my enemies included!

In the book, I have been referring to recently, On Compromises and Rotten Compromises, the political extreme right, have religious overtones to their self-righteous fervor, that is not unlike, these extremists, in ISIS, or in other Mid-Eastern societies, that believe it their duty to convert the world, to their way of thinking!  They do not trust or believe that people can worship as they please and still be saved, forgiven and be righteous, while Christ did way with the law, the Sharia Law, the Law of Moses, the eye for an eye, cutting off the hand that steals, and deals more with the inner man, the personal perfection of the soul, through, forgiveness and his sacrifice for us!

Much like the similarities between, the flu and flu like symptoms, there are similarities here too, while different, similar to some extent.  A religious cult like ISIS, who is even being shunned from Islam and their religious leaders, alike, the numbers don't matter!  Whether 20,000 ISIS recruits, or 1% Mormons, that doesn't matter, if they see their calling to save the world!  God will make up the difference and he will take if from there.  They see it that they are Called to Duty, right or wrong, they are going to save all of us, slackers, those who think differently, and those who, like a liberal, are accused of  having no moral base, and they see our belief systems at relative, not firm, and therefore, we don't believe in anything.  This is what makes in so hard, these days, for Republicans to even get along with other alleged Republicans, and reach across the isle in their own party, let alone, reach way across the isle to those heathens, those heretics, who simply, have no moral foundation whatsoever, and that is why they can compromise, and reach across the isle!  LOL!

The Rudy Giuliani Fiasco . . . Obama Doesn't Love America; He Doesn't Love Me & You; And We Wonder If He Is Even Christian?

This is much what I am talking about . . . the so called, liberals, are seen as lacking that something that makes them like you and I, that steadfast moral standing, that flag waving patriotism, that we have, and that leads us to ask, if someone who is a moral relativist, is even a Christian?  Can you see the division, the schemata, that is being formed, the you vs. us, mentality . . . we are not the same.  I would suggest, that groups, like ISIS, the Tea Party, Mormons, and others who have this mentality, are much more alike, than their fellow countrymen and women, who think in the less extreme areas, and see us all as Americans, Christians, patriots, and on the same side.  They just can't do this, because, they have that need to judge for us, that call to save us, and they are saved and we are fallen, regardless of what Christ can do, or what we have done, that would negate us from being considered a Christian, kind of like poisoning me, twice now!

We have seen cartoons, of the beheading, the amputations, the burnings, the slaughter of the innocent by ISIS, and this is God's command?  If Mohamed and Joseph Smith, are on the right hand of God, that leaves Jesus Christ on the left hand, but hat is not what Christ tells the Mother of the Sons' of Zebedee, who when she requests that her sons be on the right hand of God, and Jesus answers and says, have than done all that I have done?  Well, yes.  Really?  And he goes on to say, It is not mine to give, but my Father who hath sent me!  I just find it so ironic, that the very people, who are the worst, claim to be the one's saving us?  That they are called from God, to this holy mission, war, to bring us to our knees, until we believe like they do!  AMAZING!

KEY: Moderation in All Things!

Social scientists, have, through studying, found that the more extreme, the less the I.Q., or level of intelligence . . . there is not room for discussion, for debate, for a middle ground, for compromise, for alternative lifestyles, and they, being the mouth pieces of God, allegedly, are the ones chosen to be the judge, jury and executioners of God's will and desires!  Now, where that authority comes from?  But, Christ did away with the restrictive laws of the Old Testament, and brought a New Testament . . . that he is very much a part of, even for ISIS, but first, you are to live like he did.  I think one of the stories that most exemplifies this, is the woman, who comes to Jesus, and brings him perfumes, and washes his feet with her hair.  Jesus' disciples, is shocked that he doesn't turn this woman away, a prostitute.  And as Jesus does best, he uses an analogy . . . if a man, owes another man, 10,000 shekels, and his Lord or the man, he owes, forgives him of that amount of debt, does not the man he forgives, most, love Jesus or the Lord best, or better than the one, who is only forgiven 1,000 shekels?  Now that is logic . . . of course, the person who is forgiven the most, will not only love the master the most, but will be the most grateful! 

So, while the extremists, thinking they are the chosen, the called, the favored of the Lord, or of the right winged extremists, and consider themselves as having no sins, or no ways that need to be changed, and they are going to judge and fix the rest of us, are really the ones who appreciate what they are given, of have the least, seeing, no need for freedoms, for liberties, rights, or privileges!  Let's take Hispanics, who are trying to get into this country for what it has to offer their children, by way of the American dream . . . do you not think, that those who have been under, corrupt regimes, do not most appreciate a semi or less corrupt, political system?  Those who come to this country seeking political and religious asylum, the right to practice their religion or some other religion as they please, or to speak out about their political beliefs, don't you think they value these rights and freedoms more than you do yourself, having always had them? 

The United States Constitution, is moderate, is a compromise, values and protects the minority, and is the instrument to bring about a more perfect union . . . it doesn't deal in the extremes, but in the common welfare, general defense, justice for all, prosperity for me and my posterity . . . etc.  Are we not amiss, if we, ourselves, are in the extremes?  

Big Difference Between a Secularist & a Sectarian . . . One Lays Their Religion Down and Leaves It At the Door, To Work For The Good of the Whole--The Other Insists that the Whole See Things  Their Way!  The Founding Fathers Were Secularists!  Religion was Religion & State was State!

I Here ISIS Is Recruiting--Sectarians!



Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Butte is Butte . . . Informative Bus Ride

For wild times in the wild, wild west, Butte is the rival of the state . . . from St. Patrick's Day, to Evel Knievel Days--Sturgis comes to Butte, 10,000 Harley's or hogs strong, and finishing the summer with the renowned, Folkfest, if you are planning your spring, summer vacation, check out the activities going on in this part of the state.  I swore, last year, that I would be in Butte, for St. Patrick's Day, and so far so good, I am here!  I can't wait to see the Uptown Festivities. The bus driver, a tough Butte born and raised boy, looks meaner than mean still, in his 50's or 60's, informing that he knows how to fight, and Butte is known for tough kids . . . I have met a few, and I don't doubt that claim for one second!  LOL!  I tried clarifying the suspension of the prohibition against open containers for St. Patrick's Day, he said, Butte is Butte, we can sit right there, and he pointed to the bus bench on the side of the road, and we are fine, holding a beer.  Oh, so you don't have to worry about that law, all year, not just on St. Patrick's Day; Butte is Butte!  I asked him about open container laws when driving, he said, that is another issue, but while you are in town, you can carry a beer with you any day of the year!  Funny, a truck just went down the street, that was called, Bunzel . . . Welcomes the World to Utah!  How ironic, since, Utah has some of the strictest laws for beer consumption!  LOL!

My daughter, Greta, wrote a great article, for Utah Adventure Journal, called Three Point Two, and article about the subculture in Utah, due to the oppressive drinking laws, water beer, non-beer sales on Sunday, and probably not on, Monday, either, after 6:00 p.m., closed for Mormon Family Home Evening! LOL!  One of the bus drivers from, I think Missoula, and I were talking about the time this article of my daughter's came out . . . and he said, oh, my gosh, he and some of his friends, went to Moab, to go hiking and biking, beautiful country, but he said the state run liquor stores, didn't even open until 11:00 a.m.  And he found that out after spending the night, searching for a grocery store, that would sell beer on Sunday night! LOL!  I didn't even know what 3.2 referred to until my daughter informed me, but I can sympathize with guys and gals, who don't want to get drunk, like most Mormons are trying to stop them from, in that George Orwellian state, but they just wanted access, to have a cold one, after they got back from hiking or biking! You will not run into that problem here in Butte, home of the 156 liquor licenses, compared to the 26 to 50 licenses other cities in the state have obtained!

Sometimes a liquor license can either make or break a restaurant.  One of my favorite diners, up in Dameron Valley, Utah, just outside of St. George, was the Red Dog Cafe!  They had the best food, reasonable prices, and great homemade pies, made daily, and fresh.  So, in essence, they had everything a diner needed to survive and thrive, but with one exception, they could not get a liquor license in Utah!  The Utah legislature, would only give out so many per year, or renew, so many, and the Red Dog Cafe, didn't have the political clout to get her done, and the great diner closed its doors!  So sad, a great short distance drive out of town, just to feel like you got away for the night, and fun atmosphere, but the lack of being able to sell beer with diner, because in Utah the beer cops will fine you for serving a beer, separate from your dinner! So, come to Butte, Butte is Butte!  They are known for their party town, and for their hard drinking times!

Lovin'.  Drink It Up.  Responsible Drinking . . . Some of Those Painted Green Faces and Leprechauns, Mixing it UP, in the Butte Crowd, are Undercover Cops!  Many Youngsters, Risk the $150 Fine for Underage Drinking, to Get a Swig of the Irish Brew to Go With the Bratz!

This is wisdom from the local bus driver . . . he said, a bunch of cops are brought in for the event, and they will generally, be arresting the teenage drinkers, who are not old enough to drink.  So, parents if you don't want to be bothered getting a phone call from your kid, during the activities, encourage them to wait a few years!  I know, I was a kid once too, and part of the adrenaline rush, was the thrill of outrunning the cops, guess, I never grew out of that one!  LOL!  The bus driver said, his kids, would be on the run, and give him a call, and give dad a pick up point, from behind some dumpster or alley!  All part of growing up!  In all seriousness, drink responsibly, stop before getting smashed and out of control, don't drive, buses will be running that day to transport people to and from parking lots, or I think they will be.  Being from Utah, I have not been around drunks much, but I have since being here in Montana, and believe me, I can do without it. Nobody minds getting a bit tipsy, having a good time, and throwing back a few cools ones, but, avoid the obnoxious drunk.

I used to go dancing in Park City, Utah, a lot.  And we would hook up with guys from out of state, like Chicago, stock traders, businessmen, who would meet all their fraternity bros, in Utah for a few days of skiing and catching up on life, women, and work.  I was talking to one of the guys at dinner, before the dancing and drinking, and he admitted to me, that whenever he was the designated driver for the group of friends, he hated all of them drunk!  Quite the admittance!  Even your own friends hate you drunk, so think of your wife and kids!  Be smart, everything in moderation . . .  This time of year, when the weather is warming and the fun is starting, might be the perfect time of the year, to have a family, come to Jesus meeting on drinking, the pluses, the minuses, the safety issues, the DUI problems, and domestic violence and child abuse that is a natural outcrop of the drunken stupor.  One of my friends, just this week, just had to see his beautiful wife, be sentenced to 5 years in prison for past DUIs!  She had been clean sober for a few years, and was just short of getting off probation, when she made a poor decision, and threw caution to the wind, and decided to drive.  Her husband, said, no, that he would not get in the car with her . . . he gave in, she got caught, and she is now gone for the next 5 years!  He is turning into skin and bones, worried sick about her, and wishing that he had stuck to his guns, and never let her drive that night!

Just a word to the wise!  Oh, one more drinking story, just came to mind . . . as an assistant attorney general, I was given the responsibility of trying all DUI cases in the state of Utah, that amounted to about 270 per year.  But before I started that assignment, I was to go through training, at P.O.S.T., Peace Officer Standard and Training, yeah the same ones, the Montana legislature just said had to include constitutional and civil rights training for all cops in Montana, who attend the academy to be certified!  But, the cops training our group, wanted us to see what a drunk looked like, and how they behaved, since many were Mormons and didn't have that background.  They got a group of volunteers, and provided them with as much liquor as they wanted, and let them drink to their heart's content, before coming in to walk lines, and do field sobriety tests, and what not.  But, while they were drinking, they filmed them, to show them what they looked like and acted like drunk . . . without exception, they all stopped drinking!  They were disgusted at the way they were acting, spare your friends, family, neighbors, etc., the embarrassment of being with a drunk!  NOT COOL!

Public Service Announcement for Future Constitutional Law Attorneys of America, Who Will Find Enemies!  WARNING: Skull & Bones!

This is the second time, I, as a professional woman, have faced poisoning, due to job related, pressures, that are created with the others in your profession do not adhere to their oath of upholding, preserving, protecting and defending, the United States Constitution and like state constitutional provisions, and run head on with other loyalties, ideologies, and philosophies, that are not only opposed to your training and beliefs, but polar opposites, much like the Patriot Act, that started about the time of my first run in with being poisoned, after getting 9 federal agents and attorney's fired, while defending physicians' constitutional and statutory rights, when going through Medicaid/Medicare fraud unit investigations.  I had not idea, that was part of my job, expectancy and duties, getting poisoned for doing what I had been trained to do!  That unexpected little stint, cost me 8 years of my life!

This time, while being aware that many were getting pissed, and pressure was mounting, knowing that there were agents of death all around me, they came in the back door, through a weakness or need if you will, my desire to get in shape, and  lose weight!  There are a million ways to kill your lover!  I just wanted you to be aware, not only of work relationships, but of family members . . . wives, husbands, lovers, neighbors, and anyone who might want you dead, for just about any reason.  Some of these deaths go undetected forever, and many for years.  The use of Racine or Arsenic, have been around forever . . . remember the old women, who were killing their spouses, and older gentlemen, in the play, Arsenic & Old Lace!    I am glad that my sister, Shelley Southwick Anderson Yeman, whatever, the one who has tried to steal my identity for 15 years and still is, finally, decided to actually, use her biology degree . . . but to poison me?  Really?  

Shelley wants to be an attorney so bad, that she will stop at nothing to get rid of me and have full reign of my life!  Shelley worked for a pharmaceutical company in Park City, Utah, while I was at the Utah Attorney Generals Office, and I am sure, that creating the death gift, still packaged and sealed, would be no problem. As anyone trying to lose weight, which is almost all of us, you are familiar with Dr. Oz, and his miracle, Green Coffee Bean diet!  The little package of capsules in probably still at God's Love Mission, in Helena, in an old postal crate, white, containing a book and magazine that I was reading and going to write my blog about.  If cops were doing their job, rather than trying to join the crowd and kill me, they would go over or call the cops in Helena and pick up the evidence, the white bottle of Green Tea Beans . . . or whatever they are, and take them to the state crime lab, probably right there in Helena, and have them tested!  That would be dealing with true crime issues, rather than just wasting time, hating a blogger like me!  The white postal box, is under a ladder, between the wall and the bed, in Room I, as I recall.  And I am still sicker than a dog!

Fucking Sky Pigs, Just Erased My Last Two Hours Of Work . . . Gotta Protect the Boob Bitches!  And Their Bastard Pals!  I Am Not Up To Writing This Over Again!  Have a Good One . . . Hopefully, the Rogue Good Sky Cops Saw It!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


This is Not Mayberry!  I Know, But Sheriff ANDY TAYLOR is a Picture Perfect Model of the Type of Emotional Intelligence Cities Should Want In Their Law Enforcement Officers!

The up side of being poisoned, and deathly ill, waking up to a goiter size bump, added to the rash on my neck, and the ligature marks around my neck, looking a bit, taken down by the whole thing, and accidentally or a serendipitous direction to another telling 48 Hours, True Crime TV, to an episode, adding leverage and power to the physician wife, using green bean seeds, to poison her husband, another murderess wife, was accused of poisoning her 23 year old, Marine husband, who dropped dead, after 10 days, of flu like symptoms, and others, finding arsenic in his heart and lungs--don't recall a goiter, ugly as hell . . . trying to make me not look like my picture, accompanying this blog, but I got the opportunity of sitting around, which I generally don't do, watching TV, to pass the miserable day.  My buddy here, at the Butte Rescue Mission, just happened to have a DVD of a series of The Andy Griffith Show, what a delight, and they made me take my mind off my weakened state, while I laughed my ass off.

One of the things that struck me, especially, after the events of the last 8 months, in American law enforcement, Ferguson, Missoula, New York, and the Montana State Legislature, including in police officers' training, and sad that they have to do this, seeing it should have been part of the training all the way along, lessons on the United States and Montana State Constitutions, and the Bill of Rights, with one Helena man, adding to the litany of courses he thought cops ought to have before becoming a public servant, was an in depth, psychological exam, to determine if the officer or candidate, is, in fact, of the temperament to deal with the stress and complexities of modern day law enforcement, when it struck me, that Sheriff Taylor, seemed to have all the character traits, that make up a good officer: (1) an understanding of the law; (2) knowledge of the people in his community, and a tolerance for their idiosyncrasies; (3) an appreciation and comraderey with his deputy, who is always testing his patients to be sure; (4) gives the offenders the courtesy of putting them on notice, when it is the first time he is enforcing an ordinance or lesser crime, that really doesn't need arrest and jail, but just a professional introduction of what the law is, and putting them on notice, that next time, they will be ticketed; (5) a respectful attitude for not only his job, with the mantra to serve and protect, but respect for all aspects of his job, both in and out of the jail or office and on the streets; (6)  a warm smile, calm listening skills, giving the alleged defendant the benefit of the doubt; and (7) using long suffering and patience, when dealing with youth, he knows are just misguided, or just don't get the law yet.

I know, I know, you could turn that back on me, and say, he was pretty good in Matlock too!  Yes, he played a good attorney too.  This is just a thought, and a replacement for an in depth psychological examination, as some people want.  Sheriff Taylor is someone who most of us grew up with, even years after the show was originally on, being shown as re-runs, over and over again . . . and maybe part of the appeal, is just that, he was a great role model, not only as a cop, but a father, and a nephew.  I don't think we can ever run too short on role models, that we are familiar with.  I know he is a fictional sheriff, but who cares, lots of us, have fictional role models, so just a suggestion!

St. Paddy's Day In Butte . . . Going to Be a Challenge for Any Cop

The green is starting to pop up all over the city, already, almost two and a half weeks before the party is to start . . . and that is because, the Irish in Butte, and their visitors, do not wait until March 17th, to start the party, they start it about the weekend before and carry it over to the next weekend, having a riotous time, from what I have heard.  The bus driver, a local boy, who grew up here, said people come from as far away as New York to party hardy with the rough riders and rough drinkers of Butte!  If all goes well, I will get to be here, like I wanted to be anyway, and check out the notorious Irish miners' celebrations!  For about a week, I am seeing green, three leaf clovers, hanging on signs and posts all over town . . . I don't know what they are for, but it might be a great idea, to cut people who are just trying to have a good time, some slack, and try starting your Sheriff Andy Taylor character traits!  I am sure that this would go over great with the out of town guests who, may make their impressions of the city, based on a very visible contingency of cops, believe it or not!

Someone said, that open container laws, are suspended for the day, or at least, within certain perameters!  I am not a drinker, but I know, that recently, at the Winterfest in Whitefish, several people who were visiting, in the early hours of the festivities, were completely turned off and angry at several big ass cops, strutting their stuff around the crowd, and checking people's coffee cups to see if they really contained alcohol!  In several letters to the editor of the Daily Inter Lake, people complained that these actions, while well intended, were totally unappreciated, especially, by people who were just carrying around their coffee cups . . . Police State, was the call!  Anyway, fun times around the corner, and citizens need to be kind to the cops, listen, and follow laws, but cops, in turn, need to relax a bit, and let everyone, within reason have a good time . . . good experiences turn into tourist dollars, new residents, and building your communities!  Try to get the big picture on this.  But is trying to rebuild it's Uptown, and outside money, sees a fun place to invest, and help the community, with such a rich history, grow, bringing back some of the former glory days, that were so abruptly stopped!

I just noticed a sparkly green, decorative, three leaf clover, hanging from the intersection . . . the parade sounds fun, and everyone is invited to join Butte in the festive day.  The fun thing about St. Patrick's Day, is you don't have to have gifts, a costume, and you can just show up and join the fun!  This is the destination for many throughout the state, and the nation is invited to see this cool place!  Check out the history, it will make you love the town even more!  I am eating and writing at the fun, bright, cool Pita Pit a locally owned and operated health sandwich place . . . fresh thinking, healthy eating!

Just a Couple of Comments on Funding DHS--Don't Allow Them to Use the Typical Government Mantra . . . Use it or Lose It!


Several years ago, during all the controversy, over the TSA agents, their invasive body searches, scanning and full body scans, a client of mine, sent me to a shareholder's meeting in Reno, Nevada, an International Airport, but even so, I was shocked at the big ass number of TSA agents, just standing around doing nothing, so thick, that they were almost lining the walls of the airport, standing in Marine stances, so close, they were almost elbow to elbow, giving an alarming show of, for lack of a better term, growing police state!  I don't know of a citizen alive, who is not concerned about the lack of privacy, invasion of privacy at our airports now days, and to make it worse, to have an agent, every 5 ft, was even more disconcerting, and needless, aside from appearing to me, to be a blatant waste of tax payers' money, and so unnecessary.

I am not exactly sure, why there were such a show of force . . . maybe because the TSA was under attack from the press, and whatever, but we don't need that kind of security.  What are that many agents going to do anyway, if there is an attack, many are low paying jobs, without specialized training and would be more of a determent to real law enforcement, if there were to be a terrorist attack or event!  Anyway, as the scare of 9/11 is 14 years in the past, and yes, I am aware of the potential threat of ISIS, but really, we need to distinguish where the money can best be spent, and where it is just a waste and a painful reminder to the people, that the scream for national security has taken so many precious rights away . . . that, was completely unnecessary, poor policy, and over-reach!  Always, when determining if actions are warranted by the government, the standard policy should be, and has always been, the least intrusive methods to accomplish the intended goals!  Just some food for thought.


As militant, and vitriol, attitudes developed over immigration issues, what I saw from the legislation I was involved with, in Utah, back in about 2008, with an eye on new Arizona and Oklahoma laws, that brought the Department of Justice and Homeland Security, knowing on the doors of local legislators, who were willing to train, local and state cops, entering into memorandums of understandings, between state/local authorities and federal authorities, is that in exchange for training, law enforcement within the borders of these states, would then become almost acting arms of ICE, in enforcement strict and aggressive tactics, against Hispanic people, mandating racial profiling, that was deemed unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court, treating people of darker skin, many citizens, differently, that other citizens.

As the fervor grew, and the animosity, many police officers, sheriffs and highway patrol, were put in a position of actually, almost becoming, mini-ICE agents, being so tied up enforcement their laws, against alleged offenders and illegals, that the normal functions of the cops, locally and statewide, were put aside, trying to do all the federal cops jobs, dealing with immigration, drugs, fish and game issues, etc.  I am now seeing, many state and local cops, just say NO!  Serious crimes, like murder, assault, rape, battery, robbery, etc., were left, for the enticing carrots, offered by participation in federal programs, especially dealing with drug interdiction programs!  I attended a Internet or bloggers convention in Las Vegas a few years ago, where some of the attendees and speakers, like members of L.E.A.P., Law Enforcement Against Prohibition . . . of drugs, demonstrated the disastrous effects of a focus on, especially, marijuana, and all the grants, training, and other incentives to be involved in this effort, that has basically, not produced the results that were hoped for, and all the while, watching fellow officers, get their heads blown off for an ounce of marijuana, on a controlled wire buy!

Congress, needs to take some time, look closely at the programs of Homeland Security, and determine, distinguish, and decide, what worked and what didn't, then fund those programs, that seemed to net results that were positive and had a trend of continuing.  And while you are at it, Congress, take marijuana off the Schedule I, Controlled Substance List, being not in the same category with heroin and meth!  It is time to get a bit more sophisticated in our thinking, and take our budget pens out, and make some worthy changes, protecting both federal and state taxes.  Gone are the days, of unlimited budgets, without the intended results.  For some reason, it is so easy to cut, the poor, the elderly, the food stamp or welfare person, the vet . . . but, people, and many of them educated and have upward mobility and will recover and prosper, if their job is cut, are somehow, protected, and get a free right, straight into retirement, without a glitch, or the threat of being cut.  This is not way to run a country! 

You can't just give lip service to Less Government, More Jobs . . . and continue to let the government get completely out of control, without checks and balances, and not limits on their budgets, especially, when the words, national security, is attached to it!  We seem to through our brains out the window, and buy the bull shit, argument, based on irrational emotions, rather than hard core facts, on where the money is going, what are we getting for it, and is it worth continued funding?  Ask the hard questions, and make government entities, put up or shut up!  Republicans, in particularly, seem so enamored with big business, the job cutting hatchet men, like Mitt Romney, but these same people can't stomach a cut in the government!  Does that make sense?  There has to be accountability and production to justify any job, or the continence of any job.  People should not be allowed, to just wait out their retirement, without lifting a pen or hitting the computer keys . . . cut the lazy fuckers!

Weigh the Pluses and Minuses Of Allowing President Obama's Immigration Plan Go Through, Cutting the Necessity for ICE Agents . . . Looking at the Cost Benefits of Letting People Relax and Go For the American Dream!

I was taken back, the other night by President Obama's hometown or fireside meeting, when a young man, Hispanic, stood up and said, he had always dreamed of being in the American Military, and he signed up at age 17, having to get his mother to also sign.  He served faithfully, and got an honorable discharge, just to come back, and find that he had another war to fight, that of helping this same mother stay in the country! Take a look, at what the balance sheet is, ICE costs a lot of money, so we are just paying out . . . allowing 5 million work permits, results in a shit load of tax payers!  These are not easy for some of you to swallow, but swallow you must, if we are to take care of the problems and issues that we face in this country today!  Put your prejudices and preconceived notions aside, and make rational, critical decisions, that will benefit, the country as a whole . . . just remember, we were all emigrants at one time.

It is human nature, for people to get their little piece of Heaven, then want to prevent others, from getting a piece of the American dream too!  Just because, Mexico is close, doesn't mean that there are not horrendous human rights violations, corrupt drug cartels, and government and law enforcement entities who are just as corrupt, leaving these people with a choice of risking entrance, illegally into this country, with a hope of a better tomorrow, or stay where they know there is no, to little hope for change . . . what would you do for your children?  Do unto others as you would have done to you!  Nice starting place.

Congress, Stop Grandstanding and Get Something Done! 

Monday, March 2, 2015


James Kennedy Shot, Drive-By Shooting, Wanna Be Biker Dude, Darcy Chick Scoping Out the Bus Terminal in Helena!

Okay, I am still sick from being poisoned, more and more convinced each day, as a bitter, gross taste, rolls off the roof of my mouth, and I can't walk more than a few steps before I am totally exhausted . . . flu like symptoms, mirroring that, but the with a few extras, that puts it into the question zone, but yesterday, as I was wiped out, and laying on my bed, at the Butte Rescue Mission . . . Home of the Rough Riders, and with St. Paddy's coming soon, right place, right time, I thought about a recent 48 Hours, True Crime TV Show, there was an episode with two physicians married to each other, the wife gave up her career, to take care of their two children, as the husband started an affair with some lady, and started working later and later, and finally asked for a divorce; he started to exhibit symptoms, much like I am having, splitting headaches, lack of appetite, which is a never for me, sick to his stomach, and a strange taste in his mouth.  One day, as the husband was at his wife's house, checking on the kids, he noticed his wife's purse on the table, and noticed a seed package, hanging out, and he found a bunch of seed packages for some type of bean.  The husband, a medical researcher and with the connections, beyond the state crime lab, generally only available to prosecutors and cops, had some private research done on the seeds, and found that the seeds were laced with Racine, a poisonous entity that has been used by terrorists, and was prevalent in the bean seeds, as I recall.  But, the stuff, that the lady from New York, very well an undercover agent, gave me, was something like, Green Tea Bean Diet Capsules!

I think, that might be what they gave me, or was contained in this surprise gift, so to say, coming right out the blue, just a day or two before I left the Poverello Palace in Missoula, Montana, after writing blogs on local cops, cop shootings, militarized vehicles, and other related issues, not to mention writing about the water compact, Keystone Pipeline--most Montanans are in favor of, and they are not found of President Obama, who vetoed, and I encouraged him, in my blog, that I know he reads--LOL--leading, to two nights of shear terror, as I was set up one sting op after sting op, being chased by cops, K-9 units, and being blocked from motels, and watched all the way up until I got on the bus, to Kalispell, Montana, just to get out of town!  So, I am here, on Harrison Street, one of the main drags in Butte, Montana, at McDonald's, being a creature of habit, the same whether I am living in a mansion, or a homeless shelter, whether I am in fJront of a Supreme Court Justice, or talking to a local bag woman, watching Mr. James Kennedy, look a little squeamish, as she sits next to him on the bus, disheveled hair and all--getting my favorite #10, two sausage and cheese burritos, hash browns and a Diet Coke--same in St. George, Utah, Las Vegas, Kalispell, or Butte!  LOL!

Clue to the hopefully, one honest cop, who might actually be on the victim's side, mine, that they can check my Walmart Money Card Account, and they will see today's purchase!  LOL!  Some lame ass chick from the shelter, who doesn't know me from Adam, introduced me as crazy, to some other lady, and I was shocked, this woman, came just days before I left the shelter, a month and a half ago, and doesn't know jack shit about me . . . where is this coming from?  Who starts these rumors?  And why can't they or people handle the truth, fuck, Edward Snowden--Nicolas Cage is going to play Snowden in an upcoming movie--is in fucking Russia--the government doesn't like people like me and him, or other campus crusaders!  Come on, do you seriously think I am going to be sitting in some plush office, making a mill a year in my unharnessed law practice that specializes on civil rights cases against cops, prosecutors, cops and government entities, the statewide battering systems, or the Mormon Church, who has a 70% representation in the CIA, FBI, and about 100% of the NSA agents in Utah!  How, dumb, dumber and dumbest, can people be . . . being in hot pursuit, hot running, are the name of the game if you want to live, for God sake!  Why do you think they want to steal my blog? Too fucking powerful, influential, and widespread readership, including around the world . . . my sites, all have language interpretation tools on them, and I didn't put them there!  Come on, where is your brain?  Or rather her brain, she just drove by . . . is she a plant, a cop, who is there to undermine any truth?  Probably, their staff is endless, at a million a day, they can buy and sell anyone!  And a million a day is low, that is for just one site . . . times that by about 5 others, plus twitter and facebook! 

I just took a restroom break, and noticed that I had two, very distinct red lines around my neck, like where your age lines are . . . mine don't generally show, but today, they are red, and feel like a paper cut, and I have a rash on my upper chest area!  POISON, POISON, POISON!  Just this morning as I put my make up on, I could feel what appeared to be a small cut across my neck, and I asked one of the other gals, if she could see anything a cut on my neck . . . no.  These look like ligature marks, on some one's neck that had been strangled!  And there are red prickly looking rash type spots on my upper chest . . . what the fuck, and I didn't get poisoned?  Did someone chock me in the night?  I am known as the soundest sleeper alive.  Talk about Utah Legislature debating whether a man can rape his wife, while she is asleep and unconscious, my first husband, used to joke that someone could come in rape me in the night and I would never wake up.  Last time I was here, there was a domestic disturbance, really bad, and I was the closest to the wall, of the married couple's room, sharing a wall, and everyone woke up, cops were called, and I slept through the whole thing!  What happened in the night last night? 

James Kennedy Being Shot--No Surprise--4 Guys I Have Liked--Dead!

These assholes, I am playing with, are not looking at this a child's play, it is worth, billions of dollars, to a crowd that is totally into money!  I am a cash cow, to them, and so was my son's band . . . they have no qualms stealing music, cases, blogs, legislative analysis, homes, furniture, vehicles, clothes, kids, grand-kids, you name it . . . they are the worst, butte-fucking, faggot ass shit, vultures in the world!  I cannot, stinkin' believe, that billions can just change hands, disappear, vanish, records, cases, music, and nothing is being done about it!  The world's largest heist, and nothing . . . nobody seems to care, nothing is done, and that has to be, because those who should be doing something about it, are involved and getting paid to turn their fucking sorry ass heads, with assholes for eyes, away, while all of this is going on!  

We are talking identity theft, at best, not just of your normal small time band, or attorney, but the cream of the crop in both areas, not to mention this blog, 100X bigger than the competition!  And at worst, MURDER!  One of my signs, with my Intel guy, God, is this truck line, that has a bright orange, oblong circle, with the letters, M/ME . . . representing to me, MURDER ME!  This has been a sign, for at least a year or more.  I liked a bus driver, CIA, maybe, smart enough, and as first, we could talk, laugh, joke, until, I happened to mention, that I liked him!  Then, all of the sudden, Mr. Mafiosa, Jack/John King Strode, either a big time cop, but dirty, or mafia, or both, who hit on my the first day I came to Kalispell, 2 and a half years ago, asked me to marry him the first night, and still stalks me, rides the bus, all day long, so he can imply a hit, or that they are watching the bus driver, and his life is in danger.  This Jack, fat, promised me, that as long as I was with him, a familiar tune, with these REDS, retired and extremely dangerous, CIA or FBI agents, the cops would leave me alone . . . and that was true.  The second, I ditched him, cop cars came out of the wood works!

Guys that either show an interest in me, or I show an interest in, all of the sudden disappear off the map!  The bus driver, used to get excited and happy to see me, when I dropped into town, not any more.  He barely talks to me, and often, in sign and symbol, or explanation, that truck line, with the M/ME, just as it did this morning, after I found James, who disappeared seemingly right in front of my eyes this morning, while I was walking to the bus station, because I had to stop, every half block . . . he on his crutches could go faster than me, but he was sitting behind an old garage, we talked, he said he was going to Walmart, but he was going later, decided to go after lunch . . . really?  I told him, I was going to McDonald's to get a DIET COKE to see if it would help knock out this poison and to write my blog!  Right as he left, going back up, where we had just come from, a hard road to walk on crutches, so going up and down is a challenge, I looked over at the road, and one of those trucks, went by . . . that is the reason, I left last time, I knew they would kill him, if he was seen with me, he seemed to feel that, and I left without telling him, the morning after he told me he loved me . . . he was drunk, or stoned, anything said under the influence of drugs or alcohol, won't stand up in court, and I give it the credit as coming under the circumstances, but I told him, that too.  Too late, he was shot, the day after I left, and the surveillance crew, may not have known I left, at 5:00 a.m. and out on bus at 6:00 a.m., knowing full well, they would kill him.

Last week, after being in Missoula, and being chased two nights, I decided, before deciding where to live, permanently, that I would check into the legislature, to see where the water compact and expungement bills were, and that came after a quick trip to Kalispell, to check on the other love interest, see if he was okay . . . he was but not to demonstrative, and he was quiet . . . and I saw that M/ME truck line, go by several times and totally understood . . . maybe I am crazy, but the difference in him is like night and day. I am sure he notices the presence on the bus, the implied threats, it is one thing to like someone, and quit another thing to die for someone, and never be with them anyway.  And, I am talking, not even serious relationships, I waved down a cowboy, bull rider, cop one night in Evanston, Wyoming, one night, actually the night, that I allegedly died, outside of Hamilton, Montana, going the back way into Salt Lake, middle of the night, behind Bear Lake, Utah.  We hit it off, he put the moves on me, but I wasn't taking any of the hints about him only having two hours of his shift left, ignoring calls from the detention center, about fights--he told them to handle it themselves!  LOL!  Giving me mints, getting all my emails, and giving me his personal and work contact info . . . can take the girl out of the Mormon Church, but you can't take the church teachings out of the girl!

As we talked, the lights, on what I thought was a dead end, but was really the courthouse, turned on, at 2:30 a.m., and I asked him, if he thought that was strange . . . he didn't think much, we kept talking.  I thought, maybe, they knew where I was going and sent a fed, because that struck me as the strangest thing in the world, given the fact that I was taking the back roads to go undetected by areal surveillance cameras and satellites!  Just before the lights turned on, he asked me if I had a boyfriend . . . yeah, a CIA agent in Salt Lake!  LOL!  This was one of theirs, and a cop of some sort, also the guy who came up to me, on the streets of Salt Lake City, and warned me to leave the feds alone, or they would put me in prison for life--a client, had brought me down from Montana, after the cops had taken my truck, so I came on bus, in a hot case, Jeremy Johnson vs. the Federal Trade Commission, and I told him, that if they were dirty, I would take them down . . . he responded by saying, then they will kill you!  And here we are . . . that was 3 years ago, and they haven't got me yet, but they have taken their share of lovers!  Not so aware as myself!  

But, I told the cowboy, bull rider, cop, that I didn't like him, because he always had the big screen TV on . . . now, I am thinking, he was using it for white noise, to cover surveillance!  Officer, Scott Faddis, showed me the way to get on the freeway, and I left for Salt Lake City, Utah . . . drove past, Sammy O'Malley's house or some Irish name, perfect, and his motion sensor light was on, so he had been on his porch in the last 10 minutes, and low and behold, the big screen TV was in the gutter!  He had to have heard the conversation, between me and Festus, as he was called!  He could have turned on the lights, and one of the last times I saw him, going back and forth between, Utah and Montana, he seemed to have been replaced by a double!  I wrote Scott the next day, and told him how much I enjoyed our conversation and looked forward to getting with him, he said he could get me a job with the public defenders, and a place to live . . . as soon as I finished that email, and I was just going to spell check it, the whole thing was ripped off my computer, right in front of my face!  Scream . . . that was the last I heard from him, but for a brief, email, that didn't sound like the same, hot on my ass cowboy, that I had met months before . . . had been busy?  I tried to find him, around Christmas, and was stonewalled at every turn, even the chief of police, nobody would give me any information . . . I am a very hated woman, in cops circles, and they want my double to beat me, because she is stupid and has big boobs!  I am still cuter!  LOL!

The most recent guy who tried to help me, warn me, and scared shitless, undercover, wigs, padding on clothes . . . was tasered by cops, outside of Beaver Dam, Arizona, and murdered!  So, needless to say, I am slow to get involved, and worry, when there is any interest on either parts, this is a tool, to isolate me, and they are even more murderous, when they guy is a cop, or undercover . . . not playing for the team!  And how dare they, side with a mortal enemy like me!  Feelings aside, you can't do it, or you die for it!  I was funny, because, James, took the long way around the block of the bus, and ended up on the same bus as I was!  LOL!  He even mentioned, that he did that . . . what the hell for . . . he told me he was glad I was back, had he put two and two together, that his drive-by shooting was connected to me, or what he threatened again, or just doesn't like me?  LOL!  I told him, he was giving me a complex . . . it is not like I ever chase a guy, never have, never will!  LOL, so what's up . . . I did have to laugh, as the local bag lady, with crazy hair,  got on the bus, and sat, two seats away from James, as his eyes got wider and wider . . . but, his girlfriend, remembered me from being in Butte before, and started asking me where I had been, now she was my girlfriend, he looked entertained!  LOL . . . I thought I could tease him about her choosing to sit right by him, with an entire empty bus!  LOL!  His facial expression was priceless!

Was he shot to warn him?  Scare him, and make him worried about being with me?  He heard that I was in town the other day, last week, before going to Helena, but just on a layover.  Some chick that knows both of us, told him I was in town, and he said, no if she was in town, she would come give me a hug . . . hey, it was my third night without sleep, the stress of being chased, and the poison was taking its toll, and I was just too lazy, and knowing he was shot, I knew he wasn't going anywhere soon!  LOL!  I would hit him up after the legislature, I do have my priorities!  LOL!  Sorry, political animal, and I knew that the Senate had voted the water compact out of committee, and was going to hear it on the floor of the Senate soon, before Friday, so I had to go, and I knew I would be back soon, to take care of my ailing friend, James Kennedy, who is actually getting around better than I am!  I am not sure if I should tell him that, it was my enemies who shot him!  Last night, I asked him if he had any enemies . . . no.  I said, well, I have a ton . . . he acknowledged that!  To tell or not to tell?  That is the question . . . he does crack me up, moved like an 18 year old, and the crutches haven't slowed him down much!  LOL!  Maybe I can catch him, if I survive this poison!  LOL, it is coming out all over my skin, in my mouth, coming through the pores of my skin!  I am starting to look like a leaper!  I am sure he will want me now!  OH, well, men are like trolley cars, there is one coming by every 10 minutes!  This may take me a while to recover!

Cheer Boy Biker, Darcy, Gold Digger Saved Me--Out of Helena!

This story, is kind of intertwined and bouncing all over the place, because, it is all connected.  So, I got the green bean capsules in Missoula, but, I took them in Kalispell, and Helena . . . until, I started feeling a connection between the diet capsules and how I was feeling, like shit, so I quit, thank God!  Or I might be dead right now!  Having been diagnosed with the PICKS Disease, back in 2000, they set the perfect cover for any unexplained death, she just got what we diagnosed back 15 years ago, and finally sucummed to the disease . . . really?  I am sure that is what they would use as a cover for this shit that I have right now!  My whole neck is breaking out in red bumps, lines, cuts, and what the hell ever!  I am sure that I will survive, but after going through what?  Big time ugly stick, I am sure!  My stomach feels distended, neck is a joke, age lines, that you really can't see, are getting deeper and deeper, like cuts, even though the bus guy, when I told him I was 60, so I got the senior discount would not believe me, and obviously the bus driver, who appears to be an undercover cop, because he is always a shit head, didn't believe me, when I told James and the bag lady, the one besides me!  LOL!  The fucking bus driver, whom I told I wanted to get off at the nearest stop near McDonald's because I was sick, dropped me off about a block and a half away, rather than right across the street, or just next door at the coffee shop!  It took me two stops, and going very slow to get to McD's!  Scream and I asked for the closest, telling him I was sick, for God sake . . . almost killed me getting here.  I am fine as long as I just sit, but when I get up to walk, bamb!

Okay, so you get the poison thing, really didn't start taking it, until I hit Kalispell, forgot I had it, that Heavens!  When I cleaned out my purse, the bottomless pit, I found the capsules, and started taking them, when I was staying at the Super 8, my home away from the homeless shelters!  LOL!  But, you know what happened with cheer boy biker, who had a melt down on me, telling me that the homeless in Helena were afraid of me, and sleeping outside in the cold, because I was a cop or undercover CIA or FBI . . . nice projection dude!  He went from lover boy, wanting me to dig a bad boy, biker, but a recovered meth head, to a blogging allergic freak, screaming at me to shut my computer out of respect for his place?  He must be a cop because, they have no boundaries, you have not personal privacy rights, and they feel perfectly at ease under the Patriot Act, to do whatever, see whatever, take whatever of your's they want!  To his surprise, not out of respect, out of being ready to rip his ugly face off, I packed up my computer and listened to the news for another few hours in my room . . . this same ass, who accused me of having $357 million . . . a, no, that is Kay, your gal, who stole my case, and has her signature on the pay off, is the one with the money, I am legitimately homeless, without a fucking dime, you dumb shit . . . but he would not hear any of looking at my blog, to check out the picture of me, not twad ass bitch, ex-friend, Kay, who was with Mitt Romney, March 27, 2012, in the UK, or the United Kingdom, promoting a PBS special, on a Mormon President for the World!  

March 26, 2012, the date of the letter, of the judge telling me, he had terminated, without a reason, my case . . . deal was sealed, and money gone, $118 buys a lot of TV time and campaign ads . . . and you will notice, that Mitt's brave attempt, a month ago, to run for a third presidency failed, guess me writing the truth, verifiable truth about he and Kay Baby . . . Daddy Dearest will kill for Kay Baby, kill his own daughter, not really, I tend to think like Christ, who is my mother and father . . . he who doeth the will of the father, in Heaven . . . thieves, liars, murderers, I don't think need apply . . . so, Kay Baby has risen to her level with a murderous father of mine, I don't want him or the rest of my family!  But, Kay yanked her web site, under Kay Burningham, aka, JoAnn S. Secrist in her other life, she rides tandem on my back, to steal my shit, then jumps off and is a anti-Mormon writer . . . check her out on facebook and other sources, she is just me for the cop world . . . but her lousy books are for purchase, and she is hanging with Mormon Mitt? Why in the hell do you think he changed his mind so quick, check out the blog I posted right after he announced another run . . . my memory is not that short, fuckers!

My point is, that any time I want to verify, or let these guys check out sites that give me all the credibility I need to prove, that what I am saying it true, they freak the fuck out, and start screaming, walking away, getting more a more loud and abnoxous . . . YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!  Kay is Kay, Rachel is Rachel, Shelley is Shelley, Sue is Sue, Tiff is Tiff, Kelly is Kelly, there is nothing special or magic about them . . . the best thing about them, is ME!  LOL!  Dick wad, cheer boy, biker, joke, can't handle that, his heroins, are nothing but liars, and the woman he has hated, apparently for year, given his vitriol reaction to any thought, that we were on the same side, I thought he was going to blow a gasget!  He was an ugly ape-shit loser . . . I can't respect anyone, who refuses, outright to see the truth, when all the evidence is right in front of their fucking faces, but they won't look!  My hair might have been a bit different cut, but, the face is mine . . . Rachel is being passed off as me, and she has a broader face. a bigger girl, blonder fake hair, fake teeth, and longer hair . . . she looks like a sister, but that is about it, if we were standing by each other, we would not look anything alike, or hopefully not!  She has been in my shadow for her whole life, she is 7 years younger, and she has to introduce me as her older sister because everyone thinks I am younger, and I love it!  Now, Tiffany, my baby sister, who is 14 years younger than me is my double!  I just keep getting younger, so the sisters, run down hill!  LOL!  Perhaps the poison is trying to make me look more bloated, uglier, and with red spots, usually, my skin is very clear, and both Tiffany and Rachel have Rosasia . . . red dots on their faces; mine are on my neck, but hey, the day is early!

Our friends at the Mormon run, NSA, in Utah, who monitors all the western states, on cyber stalking, turned off the spell check, so reader beware!  LOL!  The games, the games, the games!  Get your own damn blog, you motherfuckers!  Eat your heart out, you couldn't write one of these, but for stealing--TOOO BORING!


Booty call for cheer boy, Darcy, comes to the rescue of boyfriend, cutsy boy . . . he just reminds me of every high school, or college cheerleader, guy, where the gals are gals and the boys are too, that I have ever seen!  It is funny, Marilyn, cheer boy, and some other chick, who worked at Walmart, new roommate in Room I, all seemed worried about me writing about them in my blog, hurting innocent people . . . wrong, I never mention or hurt the innocent, and the guilty, hurt themselves, and bring the blog spotlight on themselves, by being shitheads!  But, they kept, mentioning that I write about the homeless . . . really, no only as they fuck me over, being either paid or plants by my enemies, then ballz out, and I will crucify you!  You choose to play footsie with the feds, or cops, you get what you deserve, the only tool for payback and revenge is writing about your sorry ass in my blog!  If you don't want to end up here, don't fuck me over!  I fuckin' kick back harder . . . you may influence the little homeless shelters, but I have millions if not billions who read about your fucked up shit!  My actions are noble and work for you, making sure that cops abide by constitutional protections, working for water rights, expungements . . . yours are hurtful, lies, and criminal at best, fraudulent and promoting false representation, just like Wendy's shit, here in Butte, she doesn't know me from Adam, and most likely brought in from Washington state, cop or something, getting charges dropped, or something, but introducing me as crazy, a drunk off her ass bitch?  Really, who could hold a candle to me, in court, in a debate, even in going after a man . . .  Robert dropped her cheap, scanky ass . . . all the evidence shows it, and I still don't doubt that he used her!  LOL!

You see, I don't do stupid stuff, generally, it is worthy and of merit, taking the high road, so, once discovered, I have nothing to hide, but the scaggs, that promote falsehoods, generally have dirt bag lives! My life is an open book, I hide nothing, don't have reason to . . . you?  I don't do things I am ashamed of . . .

That being said, I took off, leaving God's Love in the dirt, where it belongs . . . sided with the wrong crowd!  I would take reputation and a good name, over money any time!  I hit Starbucks, a place, due to not drinking coffee, that many are not likely to look for me, other than I like the atmosphere and will have hot chocolate, to hang with the morning computer crowd.  I watched the pre-shift, cops, rapidly going down the street, in hot pursuit, being out of the building, only minutes before wake up call, and little miss no-sleep, being fooled into thinking I was just going to the bathroom, not alerting staff, like I am sure she was hired to do . . . she had charges against her, dead clue, that domestic charges would be dropped for ratting me out, when I came and left, and if I ditched out in the mornings like I have done, on two other occasions!  So this time, they are going to be prepared, a watcher girl!  Didn't work!  I wonder if, even God's Love, ever questions, why I always get away, foil their best laid plans, with God as my Intel man . . . could God, actually be on my side?  Rather than the liars, the thieves, the fake, bull shit side . . . I would guess so!  You wonder about these things every once in a while?  Does it sink in?  Must not!


When I go to a new town, I like to get the lay of the land, where the bus is, where the cop shop is, where wi-fi connections, McDonald's can be found, where the college is, and other landmarks, like the Capitol Building, and many places.  The first time I came to these towns, I didn't have enemies on my asses, it is only as I start to get a presence, and generally a good one, the enemies show up to take the glory, and steal the limelight . . . but, until that time, I am free to run the town, uninhibited, and in Helena, I didn't even see a cop for the first 2 and a half months!  Really, I found Montana so cool, given the police state of Utah, I had just left, and I wondered if they even had cops, if they gave tickets, and what the gig was, but I dig it!  As soon as I showed up at the Whitefish Library, and saw a documentary on the FBI raids on medical marijuana growers, I started to have a presence in Montana, and cops, spotted the landscape from that second on, and have never stopped or let up on me!  Butte has been rather calm this time, but I have been sick and not on the streets, or maybe they don't want to be blogger fodder!  LOL!

I headed for the college, down the back roads, by the Cinamark Theaters, Holiday Inn and Subway, to the Brew House, across from the college.  I had accidently left my make-up bag, scream, at the shelter, so, being the vane person I am, I had to buy all new make up!  I knew that Van Thriftway was over in that direction, and I ditched in there to get some war paint for my face, need to look good for that mug shot, if they catch me, and it never hurts to be a bit cute with the cops!  I love that song, of Keith Urban's, Fell in Love in the Back of a Cop Car . . . funny song!  Next, I wanted to write my blog, using the names of the people, who were so afraid of being mentioned, but they did shit that made them worthy of my wrath!  I plugged into Hardee's right next to the grocery store, convenient, and good food.  I was typing without being plugged in, thinking this new computer had more time on it, than my old one, but I was writing a huge blog, tons to tell!  LOL!  I think I started around 7 or 8 and wrote until, early afternoon.  This old coot, scraggy beard, and the look of an old timer who pans for gold, which is exactly how he makes his money, interrupts me and nicely tells me, that if I need to plug into the electric outlet, he has one he will share and told me where the other one was.  I thanked him and didn't think I would need it, but I did, and thank Heavens!


So, I finish the blog, and happen to mention to the nice old guy, that I have to leave to catch a taxi to get to the bus . . . he laughed and said, in the time you call a taxi, and wait for one to pick you up, I can run you over to the terminal.  Okay, cool, that will save me some cash, which I am always short on.  I figured, again from previous experience, that the Salt Lake Shuttle would leave Great Falls, by 3:30 p.m., and would be arriving about 5:00 p.m. or so, playing it safe and getting there a few minutes early, just in case memory fails, generally doesn't.  But I was anxious to just be by myself and relax, so I had the old coot, drop me off about 4:00 p.m.  He gave me a business card, and told me to call him if I needed anything.  I doubt it, but I appreciated the offer.  Before we left, there was this guy, who was sitting where I had been typing, and he kept staring at me, for a long time and often, every time I looked at him.  He had probably been told that I would be a lone, and he might have wondered who this older guy was, and if I had come with him . . . the unknown factor.

As we got up to leave, we were joking about kids, and talking and I happened to mention, that my daughter was following in her mother's footsteps and going to law school, but she would end up teaching or in some policy type job . . . that she didn't have the killer instinct, like her mother.  The guy in the corner's ears perked up, and he took notice, more than he had been, mystery solved!  This was that bad ass con law chick, and she was here all along!  Thank God, me and the old guy, jumped in his van and left the parking lot, just as a cop car was pulling in!  The older guy visited the restroom, giving the spook, plenty of time to contact the cops, and alert them that I was leaving!  We got out just in time, and the cop, went in as we went out!  Gotta love it . . . timing it everything!  Foiled again . . . or had I.

Someone had to have called, Darcy the booty call, who was seeing blood, and probably had read my blog, by then . . . a car went by me with the customized plate that said, BARB . . . I had called him the Ken part of Barbie!  LOL . . . paperdoll, dress up the cheer king, in biker duds and think he is going to pull of the dirty biker act!  Hell, I married one . . . Mr. Clean, red, white, and new black biker leathers, didn't cut it with me!  LOL!  This Justin Beaver dick, was no biker!  LOL!  Even the reformed biker, meth head, didn't fool this Queen of the Road, who has been to Sturgis, and seen 10,000 bikers in one town!  Gotta love those Black Hills of South Dakota!  Mount Rushmore!  So, I am sitting there in the bus terminal, and decide, for some unknown reason, not to get a ticket, yet, if at all, for that night, knowing, they would surely be watching the bus station and when the buses were leaving, because I had mentioned that I wanted to get to Butte to see James, and his shot up leg . . . what you get for playing Jesse James!  Sorry, not a joke!  I just couldn't resist, big boy, tough guy, brutally handsome . . . Marboro Man can take it!  LOL! 

Just as I change turning away from the furthest entrance, DARCY, comes tripping in!  What the hell . . . but really didn't surprise me, so the sting op, was still on, and they were pissed, cheer boy and her, his booty call, that he dissed, and said was not his girlfriend, while trying to pick up on ME!  LOL!  Chalk it up to an assignment, not the trophy that I am to cops, regardless of age, weight, or looks!  Just one fucking bad ass chick who had eluded cops for three years and across the country!  Not too bad!  She tried to act normal, and quickly hit the bathrooms, maybe had been there several times before.  I am flexible, and always error on the side of safety, so, while she is in the head, I ditch out the side door, and our around the building, knowing, for sure they are looking for me!  Now if I am the fake, why in the hell are they wasting so much fucking time?  Of the thought comes to mind, they actually, really believe that I am Shelley, and refuse to look at the facts, that they have chased the wrong woman for years, and have been believing that she is me! Or do they full well, mafia, know what they are doing and they are going to get me before I get out of town and they have to start over again, in another city, that my not want to be involved again!

It was funny, James did ask me if I had any trouble getting into the Butte Rescue Mission?  I said, no, in fact, Stan the Man, said he was glad to see me, with a smile and a pat on the back!  For whatever that is worth?  I took it as good?  As, I gave Darcy the slip, and walked over to Great Harvest, I decided to change plans, and catch the shuttle on the way back, and go to Great Falls!  Gott'em coming and going! LOL!  I didn't see Darcy, where she went, or who she left with, but I was not sticking around to see, but proof positive, this was a sting op, as expected!  I broke fast in the morning and caught them in their shit! Apparently, they were sour about it, and looking for me all day!  I love it!  I always get away . . . if God is with you, who can be against you?  NOBODY!  Even the fucking stupid mafia, Mormon mafia, cops, government boys and girls, etc.  LOL!  You have to remember, I am feeling like shit this whole time!  I relax and decide to go check on James, and the rough riders at the Butte Rescue Mission, who are as full of mischief as I am!  LOL!  All seems well, the shuttle drive had just been to some single's marriage counseling and he seemed more interested in my take on marriage than getting out of town, so did the chick who sold me the ticket.  All is well that ends well . . . 

So Far, So Good In Butte . . . Aside From A Few Off the Wall Comments, Thinks Seem Cool?  I Will Tell You If They Are NOT!  You Can Read About It On The JoAnn Press!

P.S., the Steal is on . . . spell check off, shows I am connected to the Internet, but I can't publish!  There is a note, pink, An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post.  Please try again.  Dismiss . . . funny, I never tried to save or publish!  So who the fuck did?  A cop car just went by, protecting cheer boy and booty call?  Probably both undercover cops!  Whatever!  So immature . . . just wrote, immatrue!  I figured the girlfriend/boyfriend show, was exactly that, a show . . . they are co-workers, who couldn't pull off this sting op . . . boyfriend blew it!  LOL!  Temper, temper, temper!  And, by the way, obviously, cops are not superior to the rest of us, or I wouldn't be able to continually kick your asses!