Rose's Plot Thickens
The other day on the bus, me and an older gentleman, who is taking some computer classes up at Flathead Valley Community College, located here in Kalispell, Montana, was hearing my tales of computer woes over the years, starting with the time back in the early 80's, when I decided to go back to college, and was unfortunate enough to enroll in a computer programming class. I had an assignment, that by all intents and purposes, should have been easy, it consisted of an eleven line program, the very basics of programming, and that took me 6 fucking hours, on the old main frame computers, that took up entire buildings, with monitors hooked into them. I had small children at home, and getting stuck in a circle in programming, was not working for me, and my children's schedules, and I hated it, and vowed to never touch another computer in my life, who could have predicted the future of computers, as I am typing away on my notebook computer! LOL!
When PCs came out, I refused to waste our families finances of a home computer . . . now my husband, at the time, who was a city planner, would have surely been current on the times and technology, but this student, housewife, saw not need to spend money on such and stupid household luxury, much as I saw microwaves, and other advances in technology, that have improved living conditions for all mankind. I continued to pound out my scholarly papers for my master's degree in ancient scripture studies, on an old Brother's typewriter, with balls, of fonts, and sizes, if I remember, perhaps that was the one I used, when I was a graphic artist for the state of Utah, before I had children . . . nonetheless, I was change resistant, especially when it came to technology, and I can barely even now, do the rudimentary operations of computers and cell phones, refusing to even learn how to use the camera on my phone! Skype, hell no. I law school, I was forced to learn the law, and learn to use a computer, much to the consternation of other law students who didn't have home computers either, who had to tutor me, while both of us were trying to get timed briefs in, with the minutes ticking.
Needless to say, I am not anyone to be accused of hacking, Internet crimes, messing with someone's Yahoo accounts, even paying my bills on the computer, hell, no, that is way beyond my attention span to learn, and just not my cup of tea. Now, my sister, Shelley, on the other hand, the one, in conjunction with Kay, are totally adept at using the computers . . . Shelley can stay on one, as she has since they have been invented, and has been on them none stop; I however, even had a 9 year hiatus, without touching a computer, from 2000 to the end of 2008, when my daughter, Greta, asked me to critique her philosophy paper. And at that time, I signed up for an account at the Dixie State College/University Computer Lab, where Gina Merrill, an instructor and key to the hacking, fracking and stacking of double docketing, twin blogs, hacking into federal court e-filing systems, and whatnot, and the key to where all this started, as to computer crimes . . . Gina and Shelley met through me, when Gina was having her house foreclosed on, Shelley's line of work, me just arguing cases, once they hit court. Friendship with money benefits, is the way Shelley, Brett and Kay roll! Like A.B.C., bribes of 1,2,3.
I think at times, they, the NSA, crossed Kay's or Shelley's accounts with mine, because, I would open my computer, and while I was in Montana, especially orginally, before, many people knew I was going back and forth, between Utah and Montana, these weird account sites would pop up, with the weather and all kinds of shit, that I wouldn't know the first thing about putting on my daily notices, or care to put on, like the weather in Salt Lake City, while I am in Helena, Montana, generally without a computer, having thrown mine in Panguitch Lake, along with two cellphones, after U.S. Federal Judge, just up and closed my $357 million securities case against the state of Utah, just up and terminated the case, and after the money, from the bribes and the sting op to get money, 94% from other states, was complete, Kay was to meet with Mitt Romney, this is before the elections, in the UK, for the airing of a documentary on an American President, who happens to be a Mormon, and Kay, an anti-Mormon, allegedly writer, cover for the crime, is to be with Mitt the day after Waddoups, who also decriminalized polygamy lately, up and closed the case, because I beat the governments attorneys through default, killed them long before that, actually at the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, this March 9, 2012, oral arguments were a second attempt by them to kill the part of the case remanded back to the federal district court, with the judge, allegedly an unbiased, magistrate, at the time, was the only one arguing against me with the FBI, sitting on the sidelines, as the judge threw the 4th amendment arguments out, when the U.S. Supreme Court, the day I got sworn in, in D.C. actually used my 4th amendment arguments on the Brock case, adapted it, and said that vehicles are affects, a far greater stretch than that computers are modern day papers, protected from unreasonable searches and seizures, using almost my full arsenal of cases, listed in my 45 page, cut down from 65 page brief for the 10th Circuit, with the government's brief, barely making 7 pages, with huge ass type! And you think the FBI or Secret Service is not going to try to finish what they started, especially with Mitt Fucking Mormon Romney, taking a third shot at the presidency, they have to have me out of the way, since he got my contingency fee of $118M! YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK, NOW WITH A HOUSE AND SENATE ALL REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED, GOOD LUCK AMERICA, YOU DUMB ASSES!
FBI or Secret Service at the Kalispell Hospital Stalking Me, Or Sting Op
I don't know, when the cops, of all shapes, sizes, and ranks, local, state, or fed, will just look at the facts, starting with history, intent, background, and the plain and simple facts, that they were watching me typing my blog, as they were watching me! How stupid are they, good GOD! I can sit at McDonald's, up by Walmart, this morning, and I am in the process of typing a blog, and some dumb ass clown, working undercover, and so vested in me being Shelley, and Shelley being me, or the girls' club variety, they have vested their years of going after me on, and wrongly so, that they refuse to deal with reality, when it is right in front of their fucking faces, denying all visual and evident truth, throwing it all out the door, and believing that the woman they thought, was me, due to government cover-up, deception, lies, is really the woman who they should have been chasing, and not ME!
They, the little FBI, Secret Service don't want to catch Shelley, that would blow the plans of the last 20 years, with the Mormon contingency, the 70% plus of probably all alleged, intelligence community, with probably a higher than that average, making up the 30,000 spies working at the NSA office in Hyland, Utah or the Lehi area, just around the point of the mountain, behind the Adobe building, part of the fusions center, that serves this part of the country! Why am I bringing this up, because it is all connected! What happened here or with John, DJ, Greg and Shanna, yesterday, or the day before it sll part of the plan to frame me, for some type of crime, they just simply don't care, but an Internet crime is best, because I have been crying that Shelley, Kay, male fucking cohort, for the government whores, thinking this is a Call to Duty . . . when it is a call to the Mormon Duty, and Mitt's Presidency . . . Mormons just have too much power, to simply take his defeat that casually, and not fight back, the poor little boys and girls finally are becoming part of main stream America, and they are not going to take it lying down, and they are doing it on MY BACK!
The Tale of the Toilet & the 401K Account . . . This is the Real Goal!
Shelley is the hacker, with Kay pulling second duty, and the NSA using its weapons of mass Internet and blogging destruction, theft, censoring, and monetary theft, all the crimes the fucking FBI and secret service are in charge of . . . I met the secret service guy from this area, Todd someone, when he spoke at a Republican Pachyderm meeting several months ago, if not a year ago, but he totally rebuffed me, after just saying that this type of crime was in his job description, I just took notes on, and told me I could not use his name in my blog, as if he has any control! LOL! I would use his last name if I could remember it, but, anyway, it was most likely is guys at the hospital yesterday, upon the fucked up, bull shit of DJ, who tried to take me helping John, through normal, Yahoo account means, that of signing in to the account, and forgetting your password, is what the whiny little bitch John said, when he called me frantically, stating that his 401K people had sent him and email, that he had to open, write down a few numbers, most likely a confirmation number, to make sure that he is the John they think he is, based on the paperwork they confirmed that they got, and all that was left was to scan that number back to them and they would cut a check for 80% of his account money, we figured, a few weeks ago, he was getting about $5500 back on his $7000 account, nice chunk of change, since he just got fired from his job!
I had John on my email account, so I thought, while he and DJ, raced out of the house, when I surprised the co-conspirators and walked home from Walmart, since the bus service was off for the day, because of the vote and elections, with, hello, John, not coming to pick me up, which is a, like never, when I told him I wold try to get on my computer, when I got back to the apartment, and see if his had been blocked, but they surely would not block mine, at this point. So, as John took DJ, allegedly to grandpa's house, out near, Blaine Lake, I got on my computer, and tried to jump through the hoops, to find out what John's Yahoo account password was, since he rarely needed to use, it on his own computer, and probably hadn't done that for years, so the memory loss, made sense . . . they got that part right. I clicked on the forgot your password? blue underlined part, and it sent me into a text box, with two questions, that only John would know . . . with me, sisters would know, many of the stupid questions they ask, but most people are not at risk, like I am. The question was to name your oldest niece, easy, John only has one, so he can get this one right, even if he forgot his password.
I call John's phone, and fucking DJ is running interference, John is off on his bull shit, normal rant about some bitch, the woman he still loves, but last year before kicking her out, always, always, always, if given a choice to be with Jen or me, took cruising with me, she cheated on him twice, spent her lazy ass days, watching King of the Hill cartoons, and playing World of WarCraft on the computer! Really, John, you even said that last week, when she came over, and sat on the bed with Mark, her current flame, the one she chose you for, and winning you by sticking her hands down your pants, and won your heart, the way to most men's hearts! But, lame ass as it gets, when you really look at all things considered, I am sick if hearing about Jen, every time you have nothing to complain about, or say, and that is 99% of the time, with nothing on your mind by a cheating bitch! Holy Shit!
National Security Agency or NSA Just Took the Last Two Hours of Stuff, Protecting Their Own
Hopefully, the guys who are watching the dirty NSA, the Mormons, the Men in Black, FBI, CIA, NSA, OSI, DIA, and Secret Service, are watching how many wi-fi, locations I have to go to to post a blog . . . freedom of speech, only if it is not against the governments asshole, special op actions at the hospital last night, and again today . . . good God, stop doing stuff that you are ashamed to have the public know about, like protecting all your fake bitches, claiming to write this blog, be me, champion the U.S. and other constitutions, with a history of over 20 years, and twisting that into your one world order bull crap, that stinks to high tyranny! WE DON'T FUCKING WANT IT!
If the Brits, and the world bankers, in London want it, and Mitt Romney and the Mormons want to move to the fucking UK or to China, let them go ahead, we want leaders who are all about America, the Constitution, capitalism, the American way of life, not the Bush ass, Patriot Act Shit, that is allowing all the alphabet soup guys, to go after the real patriot, with the fraud pod of liars, the bitches with jealousy twitches, and I don't give a rat's ass if they are allegedly Called to Duty, but fucking who? We here in Montana, just had to have a U.S. Senator and candidate go, because he plagerized a master's paper in the military . . . and we are going to let 6 fucking hags, steal everything I have ever done, my life, my writings, my kids, my ID, my blog, all but 2 million hits or results, sorry, that is not good enough. I don't care if I am in a class of my own, which I always have been, regardless of living at a homeless shelter, that doesn't take away my brains, that doesn't convince me that I never did all that I have done, or that I didn't write the last 330 plus blogs, or that I didn't go to the U.S. Supreme Court, or didn't write the Brock securities case, or the Cheek, Vail, Lamoreaux, and a ton of great cases, plus doing legislation, and rocking he blogging world, with hits as high as 155 million, in a matter of seconds!
You have cut, diced, divided, split, blocked, stolen buried, deep in the web or the dark internet, killed, blocked, frozen, etc., and I can't seem to get an arrest, a charge, an incarceration, a hearing or a trial on thise fucking pigs, because the government assholes, and bastards with their heads and dicks buried so deep in pussy, they can't see straight, and they can't do their jobs, because they are sucking off the tits of my money, from my son's music, my blogs, my cases, my legislation and my life! GO GET A FUCKING GOD DAMN LIFE OF YOUR OWN . . . HAS IT BEEN SO LONG, THAT GOING BACK TO MEDIOCRACY IS JUST TO DAMN BORING, BECAUSE YOU WERE AND ARE BORING?
Have you grown so accustomed to the fame, the accolades, the praise of man, that you don't care about standing for your maker, and answering for the last 2 decades of charades and lies. I know that you have been up here in this part of the state of Montana, likely stealing credit for trying to kill medical marijuana, or make it so the CIA can continue to run drugs in to the state, and take a cut of the take, and you don't have the home growers, to complete with, or taking credit for the Salish-Kootenai, Water Compact, and fucking with the scheduled hearings, changing locations, and when you found out, through my blog that I was planning to attend, after blowing up my last car, that Shelley or one of my doubles then got, plus all my ID, held it in Polson, Montana at the Indian Casino, because if the real McCoy was there, you wouldn't stand a chance of looking like the heroes to bring about a real compromise, and follow the U.S. and Montana State Constitution . . . because for almost a year, you have come in and bought off the fucking Republican Women and the Pachyderm Club, to lie for you, because they can tell, that I am not a true Republican, nor really a Democrat . . . like I said, clowns to the right of me, jokers to the left, and here I am stuck in the middle with YOU!
The NSA, erased my reporting in living breathing detail, the sting operations, yesterday and today up at the Kalispell Regional Medical Center, at the Sunnyview Cafe, both miserable failures . . . this time they had a few women join the men, pretending to be a hospital group, working on something, meeting while I was typing the blog, with two of the guys, white shirts, nicely dressed, hanging out after the fact . . . my sign, that a second attempt, the team B, was taking a stab at me, after team A failed yesterday . . . disguised, slipped out of the hospital . . . amazing what a small change will do, and slipped down stairs, then to the waiting room, then out to the bus! Nice job, dip shits, I would be embarrassed, I know they want to catch me unaware, that would take a fucking lobotomy . . . Shelley might fall for that!