Monday, October 6, 2014


The Mother of the Son's of Zebedee, or the Son's of Thunder . . . Requests that her Son's Sit on the Right & Left Hand of God

At one point in Jesus' ministry, the mother of James and John, the fishermen, that Jesus recruited from their ships, to be come fishers of men, rather than fishers of fish, asked Christ, if her son's, could be placed on either the right and left hand of God.  Jesus responded, in Matthew 20:20-27, that it was not his to decided who would sit on the sides of God.  But, he did ask them if they were willing to do what he had done . . . to my surprise, they said, that yes, they were.  I would venture a guess, that they, not as Christ, did not know what they were saying, having jointly participated in the ministry of Christ, and very casually, thought, well, yes, we have already been doing what you have done.  Jesus went on to say that there were many who had served, and that it was God alone who would determine, those seats, in his kingdom, not Christ himself.

He went on to say, that he who is greatest in the kingdom of God, is a servant, the lowest, and not only a servant, but in the Bible I read yesterday, it said, that you had to be willing to be a slave . . . Now the reason I bring this sitting on the sides or hands of God, is that there was an article in the Missoulian Newspaper, about a month ago, or so, that focused on a couple who were married, living in that part of Montana, who had a very happy and successful marriage, and the husband was Muslim, and his wife was Christian.  They decided to look at the similarities in their religious beliefs, rather than their differences.  Muslims believe in Jesus Christ, but they see Christ, who was around 600 years before the prophet Mohamed, on the left hand of God.  Now, I don't know if that is an inferior position, but the scriptures, clearly debunk that point, in a text that predates, the Koran, and says, right around the time of the Passover feast, when Christ new that the appointed time, according to scripture was just two days away, and said that he was one the right hand of power, I would guess referring to God, or possibly, referring to Satan, being the other option, and on the left, or you could say, the wrong hand of power . . . remember in the Book of Genesis, the war in heaven!

Christ fought for free agency and choice, and Satan was going to force all men to be good, and return to their Father in Heaven, or God, Allah, or whatever other name, people want to refer to him/her, for we were created, male and female, in his image, the old two for one, God.  The Coptic Pope of Islam, said that ISIS or ISIL, the terrorist organization, that is stealing real estate, in both Syria and Iraq, by forcing people to either, give up their Christianity, which is like giving up portions of Islam, or be beheaded, put in prison, or forced into exile . . . really, this is what the Islamic State of Islam is really about, under what God, and as President Obama would say, NO GOD, regardless of name, Allah, would ever, use killing as a means of forcing people to believe one way or another!  PERIOD!  As my friend's father said, terrorist groups, like ISIS, Boko Harem, some would say, Hamas, with the leader of Hama's son, listening to people in prison, the murderous tenants of that group, actually walked out of prison, to find a man passing out Bible's and invited him to a meeting . . . they young Hamas member, converted to Christianity, is under asylum in San Francisco, or Oakland area, as of several years ago, and is doing all he can, to convert people to Christianity, which many Palestinians, already are, but these groups operating under the banner of terror, are not religious, and violate everything religion of any kind promotes, they are about, money, power, and land.

All those things, that the prince of darkness, or Satan, offers Christ as he is finishing his 40 day fast, on the mount, I believe of Transfiguration, if Christ, will acquiesce to him, he promises, great riches, power, and property, I think . . . it has been awhile since I have focused on that particular scripture in the New Testament.  I am totally, into freedom of religion, or freedom from religion, not only as a constitutional law attorney, who whole heartily believes in the 1st amendment to the Bill of Rights, but because more people have been killed, in the alleged name of religion, that in almost any other way!  And, as far as I know, which is limited, but no religion that I have ever heard of under any God, western or eastern, that is really the same God, with the same Christ, professes to murder, violence, theft, imperialism, and all that horrible stuff, like kidnapping school girls, beheading journalists, for it is God who will judge a man or woman, not ISIS!  You all have blood on your hands . . . and any God, is not going to dismiss that, or look on you kindly, either in this life or the next!

What Does a Mindful Revolution Look Like?

Yesterday, I attended the Great Falls Christian Center Church, as I have once before, again, not promoting or preferring one church over another, although I really dig this one, but a van picked us up, as they did last time I was in Great Falls, at the Women's Rescue Mission, or Mission of Hope, which I am so grateful for, as I am all shelters, I have frequented in the last 2 years, finding a great staff, a warm bed, great food, and shelter, protection, and comfort in the storms I fight in life, going against the government as I have, do, and will continue to do, until they get it right, constitutionally!  And we are not quite there yet, but we are getting closer by the day, making in roads into sanity, reason, critical thinking, realizing that reasonable people agree to disagree, honesty in the political processes, integrity, and a different way of looking at things, possibly from a broader prospective, than we have previously done in our lives.  And that is a very good thing . . . but I copied the quote, that was up on the stage in front of my face, and it said it all . . . 

 . . . if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation . . .

Again, you can believe any way you want, worship any way you want, believe or not believe in Christ, or his atonement, but his teachings, many accept him as a great teacher, and he was, and his teachings are just as relevant to me, today, in my practice, my life, my family, my relationships, in the community, as I am sure they were back then; however, we must remember that, the people in those days, had word of mouth, letters from the apostles, or mostly from Paul, who I loved since my youth, and am relating to more and more, as I venture into uncharted territories, in the law, or in law and disorder, as they would say in Kalispell's, Daily Inter Lake newspaper.  But the point being, we are to be new creations, whether that mindful revolution comes at church on Sunday, in debates from political pundits, from our children, I find they are good to force you out of old modes of thinking, from our students, as in the battle in Hong Kong, with the Chinese communist party, over free speech and freedom to peacefully assemble, done in love and peace, which I totally dig, or from our universities and colleges, or the President, Congress, the U.S. Supreme Court, the source is not of concern to me, but better thinking is!

If We Are To Survive as a Species, Humans, we Must Think Like New Creations

Someone said, that fascism will come wearing a cross on its neck and a flag draped around its shoulders . . . and we are seeing that, have seen that during the Bush administration--thought he was on a mission for God, the opiate of the people anyone . . . in the Patriot Act, doing whatever it takes, with not exceptions and no limits, taking away the rights of the people, detention camps without rights, charges, warrants, and hearings . . . and this allegedly is from God, you better fucking read your Bible again! And the intolerance for gays, for marriage, making challenges worse rather than better, bringing back the old Jim Crow laws, separate but equal?  Really, you fine, upstanding Christian business owners, think that it is freedom of religion that allows you to discriminate in your shops, your apartment buildings and your businesses . . . no, that would be freedom from religion, because that is sure as hell not what Christ taught!  The only place, I ever saw Christ deal harshly with people, was dealing with the alleged men or councils of the law, the Pharisees and Sadducee's, or the Sanhedrin, who were like whited ceplicures on the outside, professing religion, and full of dead man's bones on the inside!  The other group he hated, were the money changers in the temple, Wall Street!

Other than that, he treated the children, the social outcasts, the lepers, the prostitutes, the beggars, the insane, the possessed, the sick and afflicted, with total kindness . . . so just where are you getting that he was discriminatory at all?  He loved everyone, and in the 7 things he hated most, was ingratitude, that people he had blessed, and prospered, were so ungrateful and unkind, that he hated most.  Doing that which is unnatural with a man, is also, stated, in connection with a woman, you can't do that which is unnatural with a woman, like oral sex, anal sex, and any kind of perversion . . . what about eating pork, or whatever, are you as harsh on yourselves and you are on your neighbor, and who is your neighbor, check out the Good Samaritan, or I have heard of Christians or Mormons, kicking children out of their homes, for this or that, have you read the Prodigal Son?  Come on, what you hear on Sundays, read in the Bible, or other religious books, can't teach what you are doing in your personal, professional, and community lives!  I just don't believe it.  And the Patriot Act is not an Act of GOD, as Bush would have you think, and him and Cheney are war criminals . . .  violated the Geneva Convention on what constitutes inhuman treatment of prisoners, water boarding 183 times!, just like Hitler's boys, who are still being hunted, while we have two of the biggest war criminals walking free in our country!


When Christ was arrested, and at first, there were no witnesses, to testify against him . . . even Christ gets a trial, way back in the day, Patriot Act idiots, but finally two witnesses came forward and offered false testimony.  Then later many did, but the caephus, or the judge i would assume, said that their testimonies didn't match and there were discrepancies, or they lack credibility, veracity, and validity, by today's legal standards, with out legal roots coming from a combination of Judeao-Christian law, and British common law, but the judge found no error in this man, named Jesus.  The Jews went ape shit, and due to envy, they brought him again before Pontius Pilot, who gave the Jews a choice between letting Jesus go, or Barrabas, who was being tried, for being a rebel, and someone died, or was murdered . . . ISIS, where the hell do you get off saying you are a religious group, your asses would have been toast in Christ's time, beheading and under what authority?  Due to that deadly sin of envy, the Jews were even willing to take on the wrath of God, on themselves and their children, for wanting Jesus crucified.

But while this was going on, Pilot's wife, listen to those wife's, had a dream and said, have nothing to do with this man or his punishment, he is innocent, I saw it in a dream . . . Pontius Pilot, a smart man, who washed his hands of the blood of Jesus, said he found no issue with this man, Jesus Christ, but eventually allowed the Jews to have their way with him, and crucify him, they used, the crime of blasphemy, that he claimed to be the Son of God, and as we all know, he was crucified, and hung on the cross . . . the old ways died, and he brought about a new covenant, getting rid of the eye for an eye, letter of the law of Moses, and he paid the price for our sins, rather than expecting us to abide by the old . . . again, suggesting something new, different, a change, a new man and woman!

Note:  NSA, as they usually do when they don't like what I am writing, just turned off my spell check, so bear with me, and I will try to do the best I can, some of these words, as words in my own language are beyond my spelling comprehension; therefore, this puts me at a handicap, but doesn't change the message!

The Dream of the Old Indian Woman, Two Nights Ago

There are 30 or so, women, I would guess and a few families at the shelter right now.  And two nights ago, I had listened to President Obama's speech to the Kellogg School of Business, at Northwestern University in the Chicago area, I had actually been to Northwestern, back in my internship, with AUL or Americans United for Life, in the summer of 1992, so a bit of a connection there . . . and I had just written the title, and the quote, you will find in the last blog, then I was going to finish writing the blog, the following day, or on Saturday, like I did, outlining the key elements in the financial recovery plan, and what we need to be doing as a people in this country to make people feel the recovery that is taking place as we speak . . . but that night, I got up to use the restroom and this woman, was up in the middle of the night, writing something down, with a single lamp on over her head, I found it curious.

Real early that next morning, both of us, landed in the bathroom at the same time, and exchanged a conversations, about me seeing her up in the middle of the night.  She told me that she had a dream, that she was taking notes on, because she had the dream, three times, with just a few variations, all in a row, and she wondered what they meant.  I told her that I had long learned to follow my dreams, interpret them, and have even written up to 6 pages of analysis, using a dream and symbology dictionary, that has long gone the way of all lost books, and have on many occasions taken the ire of my family, chiding me, telling me that I was crazy, to follow my dreams, even when it is a Mormon thing to get a patriarchal blessing and my specifically told me that the Holy Ghost would direct me through dreams as to the paths I should take in life . . . would not have married the man I did, would not have gone to law school, got accepted in two hours, without LSAT and application, and I would not have the great kids I have, and the house I bought in St. George, with it looking exactly the same as the one in my dream . . .  I told her she should pay attention to those series of dreams, especially since they are the same dream, it is something God, wants her to know.  I said, especially if it is something about a particular child, maybe divine instructions, of what that child needs!

At dinner she dropped a three page typed out paper on her dream and asked me to read it.  Now, mind you, I had spent several hours writing up the notes and my comments on President Obama's speech, to the business school, at Northwestern, so I was shocked to find out that she had this dream with President Obama and Michelle Obama in it!  WHAT?  So, I read it with the up most attention, but we will see if I can tell you the jest of it, after 24 hours lag time, was going to write about it yesterday, but I went to church.

The Obama Connection, Her Attitudes, Her Son, Brandon's Attitudes

In the dream, she said, she was in either the shelter, or an assisted living apartment, that she might be waiting for, and her son, Brandon, came to visit her, she was worried that he was going to be in trouble for coming in the place she was at, to visit her, so there was some element of fear, to start with.  But there was a fundraiser, of some sort with lots of dignitaries at the place she was at, and to her surprise, she noticed that President Obama and Michelle were in attendance at the event.  The President, came over and took her by the hand to shake it, and she looked into his eyes, and there were no pupils, his eyes were completely white. She got scared and tried to pull away her hand from the President's grip, but she could not, and she kind of thought, that she was in danger, and so was her son, who was somewhere around the facility.

But, the next thing she noticed, is that the facility the fundraiser was about, magically appeared, and she was still holding the President's hand, when this amazing new building just appeared out of no where, but it was instantaneous . . . and the President let go of her hand.  Her son was still afraid, and took off running.  And she followed him, and there were these, knights or some type of authority figure, star wars stuff, I think, but both she and her son, Brandon were again afraid, and took off.  But these agents, of some sort, just the use of the word, in her writing, knights, suggests to me, someone who is there on their side, but again, she is stopped by them, in fear of her life, and for that of her son, who had disappeared into the bushes.  But again, totally contrary to what she thought, these entities didn't harm her, and she felt safe after a while.  And I believe her son came back . . . that is a very short version of her dream.

But I was awestruck by some of the symbolism, the fear, the unfounded belief that someone was going to hurt her and her son, and that the President had a grip on her, that she couldn't get away from, the eyes, the knights, etc., and the similarities, of some of the symbolic colors, the new engine so to say, that the President is proposing, and the knights, when I refer to Obama as the White Knight, in Shining Armour, that just happens to be Black!  White is traditionally considered, pure, good, clean, peaceful, remember the dove with the olive branch, in the story of Moses, the ship that saved the righteous left overs from the days of Soddom and Gamhora!  Many black rappers, and others have complained about the symbolism of black, being evil, wicked, satanic, dark, bad, in terms that make people fear the whole race.  I think we have seen a ton of this with the President, the mistrust, the lack of giving credit, the misjudging, seeing him as a Muslim, rather than Christian, while ignoring the facts, that he had been attending the same Christian Church with the controversial black minister, who was doing nothing and saying nothing, that I would not say myself!  

The President was actually ranked higher by a Christian college, than Mormon Mitt Romney, until the Christians decided they hated President Obama, more than they loved Jesus, making my point totally! That due to the color of his skin, people have assumed the worst of every action he has taken, very program he has proposed, and doubt his motives, even his birth, and trashed him, when in reality, he has saved this country and the mess the previous administration made of America, while Bush's Christianity, for some reason, trumped reason, colored by his white skin!  Good God, people, look at what he left us with, what he promoted, and what he took away!  Apparently all reason, all American ideals, went to war, where we didn't need to be, sold us a sack of shit, and thank God, not in all things, but in the economy, the President, like it or not, is a knight in shining armor . . . I refer to him as the White Knight, because in Bat Man, there is the DA, who is trying to clean up the streets of Gotham, and then the movie is called the Dark Knight, because the man turns after half of his face is burned off, and his associate DA is murdered, by cops, and others . . . again, associating black with bad, evil, corrupt, enraged.

I think the symbolism in the dream of this older woman is rather telling as is her son's reaction, even a younger person, even of darker skin, but still terrified by President Obama, feeling caught in his grip, and can't get away, then his people, again with good symbolism, they fear, and run . . . and when all is said and done . . . none of their fears were founded, they were never hurt, in fact, they were bless, with the beautiful new facility, way faster than she and others had expected.  And is that not symbolic in and of itself, didn't it take the country, about 20 years to recover from the last big recession, and here we are, with tons of troubles, just coming out of two wars, and all this great news, that I wrote about yesterday, and people still doubt this great man, this knight, this American Prince, if you will!  COME ON, GIVE HIM SOME CREDIT!  For once, look at the facts, do as Dr. Martin Luther King said, look at the content of the character, not the color of his skin!  AMAZING!  And shocking. 

The thing that is funny, is that northern Montana is very conservative, the rural areas, and I am sure the Indians, with the more populated areas, leaning more to the left, again with a bad connotation, maybe tying back to Christ's time, that those on the right are the righteous ones, and those on the left, no so righteous!  We need to look at the facts, as President Obama, pleads with the Kellogg Business school, crunch the numbers, and really see what is happening.  He knows that it will take some time for the average person, down the economic food chain, to feel much, but feel the change is what he is pushing for, but that is where you and I come in, where investors come in, and stop being doubting Thomases, and just look at the fucking facts!  I was looking at some old, MSNBC, Steve Obierman Shows, and he is a fellow political lunatic like me, rants up and storm at the stupidity of the people, and in light of this dream, I had to laugh, that back in the 2008 elections, he said he felt sorry for any poor guy or gal, who actually took over from the Bush administration because they are going to get blamed for all the stuff of the previous president!  And President Obama did, and like most Montanans, he took in on the chin, with grace and dignity, as many blacks have taken the injustice that has been thrown at them over the years!  

While I Loved Most of the Sermon Yesterday, I Disagreed with One Thing

So, while I loved the music, the sermon, for the most part, the prayers, the energy, especially of the young worship group, I didn't like what the associate pastor said about being just another generation, like the ones who had gone before, he being 63, or somewhere around there, but he was leaving this planet, world, in worse shape than he had gotten it . . . lamenting the condition of the world today.  Now, if you are looking at the wars, the Ebola plague, beheadings, possibly what most people still think of the economy, yeah, maybe, but as far as looking at things, according to Christ's measure or the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution, that I just think is God's gospel, or the good news in law . . . hell, we are so far exceeding other generations on love, understanding, acceptances, intelligent thought, tolerance, caring, sharing, and loving, there is absolutely no comparison!  

Case in point, in 1978, when the Mormon Church, got an alleged modern day revelation, about blacks getting to hold the priesthood and go to the temple, which they had very discriminatorally been denied, while even the first prophet, Joseph Smith, not only baptized them, but I believe confirmed them to the priesthood, until that prejudice, Brigham Young, got a hold of church doctrine, and again, denied, access to the blessings, of membership and temple, but, anyway, there were literally 200 or more people, enough names of the back of the Salt Lake Tribune or the Deseret News, taking their names off the records of the church, due to the change, letting blacks have the priesthood!  I think, desperation, more than inspiration dictated that revelation, kind of like social pressure, much like the days of polygamy, civil rights demonstrations, both within and without the church and the country, were in full bloom, and there may have been some undue influence on state Congressional delegates, to get their shit together, and get with modern times, even implementing their alleged Christian beliefs, that God created all his children!  Again, Good GOD!

A great symbol, I read trucks, signs, license plates, . . . a large with truck, just pulled up across the street, white, with large black letters, SET FREE!

JESUS IS . . .  

Saturday, October 4, 2014


President Obama, Abandons Prepared Text, and Asks Why? 

"[J]ust last month, at least one top Republican in Congress said that tax cuts for those at the top are -- and I'm quoting here -- 'even more pressing now' than they were 30 years ago. More pressing. When nearly all the gains of the recovery have gone to the top 1 percent, when income inequality is at as high a rate as we've seen in decades, I find that a little hard to swallow that they really desperately need a tax cut right now, it's 'urgent.'
"Why? What are the facts? What is the empirical data that would justify that position? Kellogg Business School, you guys are all smart. You do all this analysis. You run the numbers. Has anybody here seen a credible argument that that is what our economy needs right now?"

 The Economy & the Hot Dog Analogy

I remember this article, I read in some newspaper, about the time the recession was declared, out of who knows what newspaper, somewhere likely in Montana, but a father, I believe in Chicago, or some large city, had a son who was attending business school, at Columbia.  The father was a street vendor, selling hot dogs of all flavors, shapes and ingredients, and he was doing so well, probably paying for that high priced higher education of his son's, that he was going to finally move off the streets, and build a hot dog store restaurant. When the son heard this from his father, he said, oh, no, haven't you heard of the recession, that we are going into a very dark economic future, and you better hold off on that new store, and stay on the streets. The father protested, and said, but we are making record numbers, we have plenty of cash in the bank, and I am sick of being on the streets in inclement weather, and I am getting older.  The son, insisted that was a bad business move for his father, and finally, the father, acquiested and deferred to his son's knowledge and inside information.

Well, that is much the mentality of the sky is falling, baton down the hatches, crawl in a cave, until it is safe to come out . . . when that is precisely the attitude that caused the great depression of 1929, freaking out, losing faith in the banks, and financial system, and this time there is probably merit to that, but thanks to President Obama, his staff, professionals in all walks of business, the economy, and even billionaires, who stepped in with the belief in the American system, America, is once again, gaining back the financial growth and prosperity, promised in the Preamble to the United States Constitution, of prosperity to me and my posterity . . . thank you, for your guidance, caring, tenacity in light of sceptics and nay sayers, for those who have criticized you, denigrated your efforts, even when it benefited them, and for setting a plan for financial recovery, that is taking root, and going forward, in spite of the dooms day critics!

May the Force, Continue to Be With YOU!

Yesterday, while I was perusing my favorite new sources, I came across, notice of the speech, President Obama, gave to the Kellogg Business School, at Northwestern University, near Chicago, hoping to inform the bright business and economy builders of the future, the ones, who not only voted for the President, but are smart enough to rely on the facts, before making their decisions, and starting their career paths, encouraging them, in their planning, to take a few other Americans with them, for that is what it is all about, not just about you, but about US!  Any educated person, knows full well, that there were many people along the path to knowledge and success, that laid the cornerstone, sacrificed, and got them to where they are today . . . kind of like the hot dog dad, that braves both heat and snow, to put his son through college, only to be stopped, when that education actually hurt the father, rather than helped him!

One of the main reasons I supported President Obama, is because he is smart, not great at promoting himself, but very intelligent, is not driven by ego, but driven by a concern for his fellow Americans, who have not been as lucky, advantaged, or had the opportunities that he, himself, had, it is that community organizer spirit, that drove him to seek higher office, to enable him to help people in communities with housing needs, and he did that in a big way!  As you will recall, in 2008, when the shit was hitting the fan, with the total mortgage crisis, banks, insurance, and financial institutions were going down, after making horrible, bad, terrible, egregious, decisions, preying on the American public, many who didn't even speak the language, getting them in homes far above what their incomes could stand, then gleefully going after them for fines, fees, default notices, and foreclosure and evictions at record rates, while on the other hand, making money hand over fits, taking bailouts, mortgage insurance up to 9 times what the house was worth, and then taking the house back on top of that, offering the people mortgage modifications, that they could never get, but taking tens of thousands in fees, to turn around an gouge them, kicking them out of the house, when they had maximized the money they could get out of them, being the ones to put them in that situation in the first place!  Fuck'em Prez!

Citi to Subprime: 'Out, Damned Spot'

Citigroup's History in Subprime Lending . . . Citigroup is preparing to ax OneMain Financial, the unit that makes small subprime loans to U.S. customers.  Chief Executive Michael Corbat says OneMain is a 'terrific business' but doesn't fit the Citi model' of focusing on high-end customers in bit cities.  But subprime loans have a long history at Citygroup.

How is that for an elitist, arrogant, bastard, who was part of the record profits, during the recession, due to their creative predatory lending, robo signers, and whatever, to fuck the American people out of their homes. And if you will recall, it is that fucking, President Bush, who was vying for his buddies, the rich business owner, who just stood back, along with his appointed Secretary of Finance, Henry Paulsen, of another benefactor, Goldman Sachs, who orchestrated a scheme, so clever, so cunning, so aberrant to American values, and standards, that he said, this is just so, complicated, that we just can't figure it out . . . hell, I can't even balance my check book, and I could figure out what was going down, We the PEOPLE, were getting screwed!  Timothy Giettner, paying no taxes, like GE, with record profits, hires all those 700 plus tax guys, to make sure they pay no more taxes, than Mitt Romney!

Thank God, that a community organizer, such as President Obamacare, stepped into the mess of the century, that almost put the whole world in financial peril, as one by one, countries economies were dropping out of the bottom, and did something for Main Street, are you making the connection between the name of the group that Citigroup is dissing . . . you got it, ONEMAIN!  There is another irony, in the name, because all things are symbolic by nature, and intents, hearts, and thoughts cannot be concealed, from what is really going on, that intent will surface somewhere, another play on the word or group, Won Main!  The good news is, our White Knight in Shining Armour, who happens to be Black, so you won't give him any credit, is amping up regulations, which the absence of, caused this mess, and going after, or at least monitoring what these assholes are doing, so he can put, plans and efforts in place, that like Bush's hideous ones, that the Obama administration, got blamed for, with Bushites, doing all this just before he was leaving office, like the 1200 to 1900 executive orders, that fucked the people as well, but the Prez. is taking precautions to protect, Main Street, rather than Wall Street, who the Bush admin, bailed out . . . they were just too big to fail . . . BULL SHIT!  

I hope you don't forget, AIG and Baer Sterns, and their lavish retreats, even after receiving bail outs, and don't forget Mitt Romney's Bain Capital, that took $30M in government bail outs, really?  Good God, there were some of us, watching in horror, as money was laundered into Boy Scout Arrow manufacturers, Mob Museums, race tracks, and these don't sound like mob activities, because that is precisely who was working the system and getting pay outs!  And active citizenry is what it take to stop this shit from happening again! All these trader, treasonous, bastards, should be in prison, that is plain to see, and maybe, after the U.S. Attorneys, figure out the sinister plot, to bankrupt America, they will go after even presidents, who were involved, and you better hurry, Bush senior is getting up there in years!  If I can help in any way, let me know.  Note: this article came in the Great Falls, TRIBUNE, Money and Investing Section, C1, Friday, October 3 . . . my daughter's birthday, 2014, so yesterday.  And I am proud to announce for the newspaper, this newspaper, rivals the Wall Street Journal, but it is more fair and balanced!  Good job, I used to have your CEO or CFO on my email list, until the government, NSA, shut it down.  KUDOS!

Economic Highlights From the Northwestern Speech, Great News!

Now, I am going to apologize to the President, I was not provided with notice, that this speech was happening, or I would have prepared more and had a note pad, or something, I was running out of time, and so I took notes on what I had at hand, which was three library post cards, with old writing on them, so scratch paper, and a manila folder, I got from the Women's Rescue Mission, with a staff, trying to help me reconstruct my life, after, go figure, two former financial planners, Utah Republicans, 70% of the CIA, over financial crimes, the perps, FBI, with Mormon connections, family, friends, gang raped me and stole my case, like many home owners, I had not other paper, so I took notes on what I had, and that was on four or five things writing on all sides, with tons of notes, but I will do my best to feature the great things that are taking place, hoping that will get the money, the ideas, the investing rolling again . . . with what President Obama, the alleged socialist said, that CAPITALISM is the greatest vehicle the world has known . . . what his speech . . . CALLED, President Obama Delivers Remarks at Northwestern.  Typical No Drama, Obama style, so I have to put the juice in it for him!

Structure for Financial Recovery Foundation--The Plan


  • strengthen investments, research in clean and sustainable energy . . . America is now, the # one producer in the world for oil, producing more than any other country, 6 years ahead of schedule
  • wind turbine producing energy has tripled, and in addition, has reduced the carbon footprint
  • we have 100 years of natural gas stored, and combined, these efforts have created 10,000 new jobs
  • the motto around the world, is if you need something done, the world is coming to America! Whether it is to learn about free speech, or for protection against ISIS, or India, seeking American investors, when at the end of the Bush administration, India, Brazil, and China, were the up and coming economies; we have recovered better than any other country, LEADERSHIP!
  • people like Mitt Romney built his fortune on outsourcing jobs to China and other countries, but after years of cheap labor, manufacturers and factories, are starting to come home, because, not only is the labor cheap, but the products are cheap and shoddy in construction and quality, and companies are spending so much on recalling items, and in quality control, that the profit margin is being eaten up, Buy U.S.A. MADE!
  • America exports and sells more goods to the rest of the world than EVER BEFORE!


  • public education is improving, drop-out rates are dropping, schools are getting high speed Internet
  • the goal is that America will lead the world in education again, there is a race to the top, teachers in 48 states are training kids to win in a global economy
  • investing in community college tuition, grants, scholarships . . . I know, I read the Daily Inter Lake, Kalispell, Montana, and Flathead Valley Community College, has been getting money for manufacturing, technology and industry degrees, with programs beefing up, NASA and other grants are coming to Montana colleges
  • more young people a gradating from college than ever before, partially to the job rate, the economy, while it was improving, the Obama administration was making money available for college, to women, vets, and others
  • colleges, currently have more women than men, and that is partially due to some limitations for traditional male jobs, but women's pay, needs to be equalized, equal pay for equal work!


  • before Obamacare, there were double digit premium increases, the insurance companies, many who didn't need to compete, and had a corner on the markets in states, would only insure the healthy, making money hand over fist, and those with pre-existing conditions, and they would not insure them!
  • there has been dramatic trends in the drop of insurance costs, as state exchanges, and new providers, showing up on the scene and able to get into the market, filling niches that were not previously available . . . remember that old capitalist notion of supply and demand, millions of uninsured have now flooded the markets, and that is driving the cost of insurance down
  • employers are tied for the lowest rise in insurance premiums ever, while the worker may not feel the immediate effect of the health care reform, you employers are, it is like getting an $1800 per year pay raise, with the decreased costs of health care to your employer, hopefully they will pass that on to you!
  • the consequences of reform are to make insurers compete for your business and premiums, with your insurance following you from state to state, rather than being tied to a job, simply to get insurance, you can take it with you, or try out that new business you have dreamed of, but were limited, due to needing insurance
  • (1) it is slowing down the cost of health care; (2) increasing the number of insured; (3) compare and compete, frees you up to move and groove; (4) increase in health care costs have slowed to a 50 year low, or the slowest the rise has been in 50 years; and (5) the independence has been worth it, and by 2020, $188 billion less in health care costs, and savings . . . not bad, Congress, thank God, you didn't pass one of those 40 to 50 repeals of the law!  Rejoice America, that we have a totally inept Congress!


  • get the wealthy to pay a little more in taxes, and I would add, get them to just pay their fair share of taxes would work miracles!
  • cut the deficit . . . which has been cut by more than half!  And it appears that this foundation will continue to make this deficit go down!
  • pass a minimum wage bill, 28 million people will benefit, 7 million already have, thanks to President Obama's working with governors, business, volunteering to increase the minimum wage . . . I remember one state, back east, New Jersey, or Iowa, Ohio, one of them, that not only took the President's advice and challenge, but they voluntarily raised the minimum wage to $16 per hour, and it did so much to help the state's economy, that that state is going to raise the wage to $20 per hour, it releases money into the economy, in business, companies are starting to limit the bonuses of top executives, that are not living on minimum wage, and taking that money that doesn't even make a dent in a CEO salary, and dispersing monies throughout the company
  • people who work full time, out to be able to live on that wage, children are hurt, when parents, both, have to work 2 jobs each to make a living a family can live on . . . we will pay down the road in juvenile courts and jails, not to mention school shootings, we need to consider the larger picture!
  • while this seems contrary to pro-business ideals, and benefit, it is exactly the opposite . . . Bloomberg News, just reported that corporate balance sheets are almost as strong as they have always been . . . THE FACTS SHOW IT!
  • capitalism at its best . . . business begets business, money begets money, loyalty begets loyalty!
  • the policies are on the table, they are working, foundations have been laid, and the President, joked that he is not going to tell you who to vote for, but it is implied!  If you think your vote, or who you vote for, doesn't matter, think again, with the Republican control of the House of Representatives, and only two seats, and they will control the Senate, it fucking matters!  Mitt Romney, in the final debate of the 2012 presidential election, agreed with President Obama, on about 6 key issues, and finally, the Prez. said, then why in the world would you want to change, and elect him?  Don't let party labels fool you, and fool you they have, look at the voting record, what losing the Senate would do, to these American gains!
  • this is the part of the speech that President Obama, diverts from his prepared text, and turns directly to the students, to think about what the Republicans are saying, that the top 1% who have been the ones who have benefited the most from the economic recovery, and have not been the ones to build the economy, why in the hell should we give them more tax cuts?  The middle class has always been the ones to carry the economy, create the jobs, send their kids to colleges, and when the MIDDLE CLASS DOES WELL, AMERICA DOES WELL . . . DO THE NUMBERS!
  • Obama's recovery plan is just starting to pay off, most Americans, have heard that it is improving, but have not yet felt the effect of that, but give it time, look at the whole we had to dig out of!  The President, needs a Congress he can work with, who will support the gains, and not sabotage these efforts for political gain, fucking their constituents for mere guile! 
  • this is our moment in history, to define the next decade, set the stage for America's GREATNESS!
  • while many of these things seem, to be for the greatest amount of people and the greatest amount of good, it actually is a statement about, Capitalism, which the Prez. says is the greatest force in the world, given the greatest amount of freedom known to man, and we all do this TOGETHER!


  • we need to support the middle class, there are not silver bullets, we need policies that would grow faster economic growth, like investing in our infrastructures, like putting 2 trillion into roads and bridges, that we can pay with tax return money, make America's dilapidated interior, after spending all the money abroad rebuilding places like Iraq and Afghanistan, and keep the money here at home, making it attractive to us, and the world, creating tourist money . . . Glacier National Park had a record year, and i know there was not one English speaking person, at times I was up there, bring in the money, through the beauty!
  • make it easier for first time home owners, there are allegedly 70 jobs created for each new home that goes under construction, it is putting people to work, I am seeing building going on, all over the state of Montana, I know building permits are up . . . Gov. Bullock, a Democrat, is following President Obama's recommendations, in many things . . . and it is working!
  • we need to invest in clean angry, for job growth and sustainability, invest in new American energy sources . . . just before the 2012 elections, there was $9 billion worth of investment money, lingering in off shore banking and Swiss banks, just waiting for Mitt to win, well, he lost miserably, and great, so drag that money out, and start investing it in America!  What the hell good is it doing for either you or the country, in other countries?  Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country . . .
  • statistics have shown that pre-school education, can help kids later on in their educational development, especially from disadvantages homes . . . it gives kids a safe environment, education, and gets them enrolled in high quality programs, made to make the economy stronger, plus it helps parents . . . we need real world training in high schools, real, relevant, and raw!
  • we need to make it easier to pay off college, student loans, and make sure that graduates have an opportunity for success, some of you fat cats, with huge bank accounts that add up yearly, dig deep in your hearts, like Rupert Murdoch, and tons of you, 1%ers, and pay off some bright student's loans, incognito, that yearly $49 million per year, is just doing nothing, other than sitting in a bank, they have found that the 1% or billionaires, contribute 1% of their incomes to charity, while their less affluent middle class, contributes, 3% . . . amp it up to match your middle class, peers, or betters, as Christ would see it!
  • we need immigration reform, bring the best and the brightest from all countries to attend school, create new jobs, new avenues, or bring their great ideas from other countries to make ours better, that mantra of bring us your tired, your poor, and your hungry . . . has worked in this melting pot, it is an opportunity to build American prosperity!   It worked before, how do you argue with success?
  • America isn't slipping, we need to  invest!  Raise the minimum wage . . . it all boils down to hot dogs, have faith in the recovery plan, believe, invest, and grow!  It improves the economy, always has!
  • we need equal wages, it gives the economy a boost, women with degrees, need to make a good wage, and husbands, should want this, it helps your whole family . . . take it from President Obama, with an attorney wife, who was making more than he was, he smiled and said, husbands, you want that equal wage, smile, Michelle was making a six figure income when she met the Prez. or he met her, and I remember hearing, Governor Chris Cristy, smile, because his wife's large income as an investment or financial manager, or something like that, gave him the opportunity to dabble in politics, this is not a bad thing, there are women would are really smart, and will bring the added female perspective, that compliments a male, perspective, kind of the ying and the yang of economy and business, and they are finding the most rocking companies, have women at the conference tables, with many new CEOs being women, of traditionally male markets, like in the GM car manufacturing and marketing . . . oh, yeah, she has decided she was too nice, and she it getting tough, Yellan over the FED, the day and age has come, there are people of both sexes, that are brilliant, and will make a difference in this world of ours . . . 
  • we need to pressure our representatives to pass minimum wage and wage equality bills, and encourage women in the areas of math, science and technology . . . the e-book, the Science of Power, in the author's final analysis, said the day of the fighting man is over, and we need the female psyche to save civilization!  Give her a chance!
  • None of these things, on its own, will save the economy, but the cumulative effect, is HUGE!  We need to continue with the plan, until more people FEEL THE GROWTH AND RECOVERY, these polices are right for the economy, the President is willing to work with either side, as he has evidenced in the past, even adopting, whole scale, some of the Republican theories and doctrines, and implementing them, but, if the people fail to elect a Congress that will proceed in the interest of America, he will continue to do it on his own!


Get Out and Vote . . . Your Vote Counts!  Literally 2 Senate Seats, Can Reverse the Trend of Growth!

Offered a New Engine?  Take it . . . Click & Clack!

Friday, October 3, 2014


Fun October Baby

I called my oldest daughter, and she was laughing, she had missed my call, with me wishing her a happy 40th birthday . . . she said, mom, don't make me older than I am . . . oh, are you 39, well, I figured that if I was turning 60 this year, then you had to be turning 40, easy math, I was only 20 years old when I had you, Mormon style, with a teen pregnancy, as a virgin!  You used to be considered an old-maid at 19 or 20, and if you were not married by the time you were 21, they shipped you off to the land of spinsters, you then sought a spiritual partner, who just wanted a sweet spirit as a wife!  So, I was married at the ripe old age of 19, and pregnant before my 20th birthday, but I forgot, that a pregnancy is only 9 months, which seemed like an eternity, to me, especially, as I saw my whole life, college, and career wrapped up in this baby thing for the rest of eternity.  Some people say, that Mormons believe in eternity, because their lives are so boring that life seems like an eternity!  LOL!  I refused to go down as part of the living dead, as T.S. Elliot, in his poem, Wasteland, called your average person.  I refuse to be average!  And so do my children, thank, God!

Birthday Girl, told me she was only 39, I said, I knew I had you some year, because, you are here . . . laughs again, at least I knew that you were born on October 3, whatever the year was.  At this point, I am happy to remember how old I am!  LOL!  There seemed to be a period, about when I was 56, that it seemed like I cheated, and was 56 years old for about 3 years . . . math was is not my strong point, and having a birthday, that really never was celebrated, due to Christmas, and 7 other brothers and sister's competing for my parent's finances, a birthday, a week before Christmas, was just a speed bump to the big day for the whole family.  LOL!  So, my children, should not be surprised, that their mother, is not a big birthday person, no princesses, pirates, or Spider mans, in my family and with my kids, they are just, fucking awesome human beings!  Saying I am proud, honored, damned lucky, is redundant, and they know I love them, and they love me, whether presents are exchanged or not, or even if a phone call doesn't get made . . . a bad ass con law chick, makes bad ass, kick ass kids!  Worlds, favorite flavors!  And they have only just begun . . . watch out world!  The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world!

Bloody Eyeballs, Ghost Cake

Greta's birthday cake was always the start of a fun, fall month, ending with a totally cool, scary and haunted Halloween, especially, living in a haunted house in Ogden, Utah, with poltergeist, ghosts, and women in old-fashioned dresses, flipping skirts around the corner of the piano, set in catty-corner, in the front room, leading into the kitchen . . . I sent Greta, home to check on Nicole, who was home asleep and sick . . . a righteous, Mormon mom, who lived across the street from the Mormon Church, could multi-task, be the primary president, and have a sick child home at the same time, so with a responsible older sister, who was totally capable of checking on her little sister, actually caught a glimpse of our haunted house resident!  She came back to church a bit shaken by the sight, of the skirt, that whirled around the corner, as she noted that Nicole was still fast asleep . . . and you left Nicole home with the ghost!  

Last year, on Halloween, I wrote a blog on our haunted house, if you care to look back a year, but one of my favorite birthday cakes to make was Greta's, the Bloody Eyeball Cake, that we made every year of her childhood, or as long as she cared, which renewed her interest, when she had children of her own, who were as mesmerized and enthralled with the bloody eyeballs as their mother was, at their age.  So, now, millions of children around the world, or those with mothers who read this blog, can give the same scare and delight that this cake has given my kids, year after year . . . 

9 X 13 Inch Cake Pan, Either White or Chocolate Cake Mix

  • I am a Betty Crocker, type gal, why make it from scratch if you can just dump a mix in the bowl, add three eggs, water, and oil . . . follow the directions, you know, preheat the oven, set the oven for about 350 degrees, and cook it for the specified time
  • you can either buy two store brand frosting tubs or whatever you call those plastic jars with lids, you will need one white and the other chocolate, the darkest you can get, or you could make a powder sugar frosting for both, and make the background frosting black, but the ghost, according to my dictates, needs to be white, to match the egg shells, that serve as the eyeballs, for the ghost
  • you just make a basic ghost shape, as large as you can, or the eyeballs are going to look out of proportion to your ghost . . . then outline the ghost with the dark frosting of your choice, that is the dark, haunted, October night sky . . . so the whole cake should have frosting on right now.
  • then you take, well, you can use one, but I always used two, because, I generally messed up on one, but you can have more dramatic eyeballs, the white part if you break the eggs, so you have bigger balls . . . sorry, not!  LOL!
  • okay, washing out the egg shells, so there is not yoke if you break the yoke and whites, dripping on your frosting and making your cake soggy, then dry them out the best you can, with a dish towel or paper towel, and place them on the ghosts face, or head . . . they will appear a bit large for the face or head portion, but don't be alarmed, that is just the way it is, and the kids won't care--for the perfectionist moms on meth out there . . .  just put the fucking egg shell on what looks like the head, if you did the ghost right!
  • you will need the highest content of either vanilla extract, or almond extract, to be found in the spice area of the grocery store, of if you are a drinker, maybe soaking the sugar cubes, sorry, you generally have to buy a box of 200, just to have two, but you can use them until your child is 100 years old, with all the extras, but the magic, is in this step, so don't fuck this up, but you soak the sugar cubes, not until they fall apart in the liquid, but until they are saturated, you can't go too wrong, but that is easy for me to say, since, I saw it done at Relief Society Homemaking meeting, before I tried it at home, that is why I am trying not to leave any steps out . . . after they are soaked, and I usually don't soak them and put them on the cake until, right before we are ready to sing the Happy Birthday song and light the candles, which are the eyeballs, in this cake's sense
  • so, then you balance them on the egg shell, eyeballs, or the two half egg mounts, turn off the lights, and watch the magic begin . . . you will have flames, about 5 inches high, and they will burn for a few minutes, as the kids, ooh, and aah, and as the flames burn the sugar, they melt over the raised white eyeballs, and drip, what appears to be blood, that drips down the eyes, really cool, in single, wiggly, lines, that resemble, blood veins in the, real eyeballs of a human, but more exaggerated, and then the flame, naturally burns out, but everyone has had a great time watching the bloody eyeballs . . . whooooo,  haaaaaa, screeeeeeeaaaaam!  
  • pure fun!  and the kids love it!
  • I will save my favorite hamburger, rice, dinner in a pumpkin, with a black magic marker face, cook right in the oven, the meal I always, made, and made the kids eat, before going trick-r-treating!  If you fill them up with something healthy, they will not eat as much candy, and hopefully, the really good stuff, will make it back home, for the parents to raid all the chocolate candy, and let the kids eat the cheap stuff!  LOL!  But, you have to watch were the kids hid the candy bags, or the plastic orange pumpkins, that they collect their treasure in!

Favorite Haunted House . . . The Utah State Hospital, INMATES Ran it!

That has now gone defunk, like all cool things, with over protective laws, helicopter parents, and kids, scared shitless!  Just the setting was creeepy as hell, holy shit, the state mental hospital, the Shining, plus One Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest, all in one night of fright!  Just walking on the property, during normal business hours, freaked me out, not to mention, hiking up behind the more modern buildings, that really by any one's standards were not modern, but newer than the infirmary buildings of the old insane asylums, hidden up on the hills of Provo, Utah, hiding, who knows what horrors, murders, mysteries, and tortures, really!  But on a cold, mystical, foggy October night, the brave, would climb the ancient rock and mortar stones, up to an open field, with haunted trees, without leaves, by this time of the fall, and through the mist, on a wild horse, with cloak flapping in the night's wind, a rider, without a head, charged through the field, narrowly missing the terrorized ghost busters, who by this time, could hear screams of the damned, and chain saws buzzing, with many children, clutching their pop or moms, coats, hiding and being dragged, unwillingly up to the old insane asylum, made of clammy rocks, cement, lathe and plaster, with arch ways, ins and outs, plenty of hiding places for the inmates, to jump out and scare the living hell and shit out of you!

Just knowing the people serving the fear and terror, was strange in deed, that they trusted these people with chain saws, swords, daggers, and other tools of torture, was frightening enough . . . an reminiscent of the time, me and my two sisters, paid to run through the San Francisco Wax Museum, past scenes of early practice of medicine, and forms of cures, like cutting their patients open, and letting rats, eat out whatever ails the person . . . we didn't see one thing, pushed each other into the exhibits, and ran as fast as we could through the whole museum!  The maccobb, indeed . . . much like the state hospital, just having a woman, in a white nightgown, with blood, down her nightie, missing an arm, or with a dagger in her neck, was enough to cure you of whatever might be ailing you!  Scary, scary, scary!  But fun as hell!  The fun, was pushing one of your children into the oncoming spooks, the insane, the chain saw masquerader, Jason, and all the others, who have terrorized us for years . . .

Charlie Brown's, Secrist Pumpkin Patch in Provo, Utah

When my kids, were little, we moved to Provo, Utah, where my ex was a city planner, and purchased the coolest old home, with blinker bricks, rare, and an old style bungalow, with a huge front porch, and five levels, right off, Center Street and 5th East, off Main, if I recall the address right, but, just up the street from Messer Elementary School, with an old pink house on the corner, and ours was next . . . it has since gone from the glory days, when we loved it, to renters, with BYU students in it . . . too bad, they just don't love the old architectural beauty, like we did.  But, when we bought the house, we tore into the backyard, and took out, 60 years of phitzer bushes, shrubs, and made room for that Mormon garden, which I loved.  We never realized, how enriched soil, these scrub needles would make, but we actually had water rights, right in the city, and could irrigate, just like the old pioneers, of the early days of settlement, and I would be up at all hours of the night, with rubber boots, on when me and the back neighbor, who had a little farm going, even a tractor, who volunteered to pull up our fitzers, so we could build a garden, like he and his wife, who I believe was the city recorder, or something with Provo City, while he was retired, and grew enough veggies and fruit to eat on all year long.  (spell check won't pick up fitzer, or phitzer, bushes)

But, we planted, our garden, which grew, potatoes the size of small footballs, cantaloupe the size of watermelon, and along with everything else that grew like crazy, with these inexperienced gardeners, we planted four pumpkin hills, one for each of our children . . . we ended up, by October, with 64 huge pumpkins!  Amazing, and amazingly cool for our kids, who love Halloween, with the exception of Nicole, who got her pillowcase treat bag, stolen, by a couple of teenagers, too old to go to the doors, but not old enough that they wanted to give up the tradition of getting free candy, so they got it the old fashioned way, by stealing it!  I just learned that about two years ago, when I assumed that all my kids, loved Halloween as much as I did . . . no, and she told me that story, never mentioned a thing when she was young!  My kids were raised tough, and I guess she just took it on the chin, and big sister, Greta always watched out for her little crew of brother's and sister, and I am sure, she shared with her and didn't want to bug me, who was always a busy, lunatic, when my kids were little.

We had so many pumpkins, that year, that we decided to have the whole damn neighborhood over for a BBQ, volleyball games, and let every person pick their own pumpkin, and they were not small pumpkins, huge, and numerous!  But the whole crew showed up, and we had a nice bonding time, with competition, great food, right off the vine and stalk, tons of corn from our garden, and what we lacked, the backyard neighbor, with a full blown farm and tractor, had, right in his back yard, so cool, so fun, and really festive for the beautiful fall day, that God was not only gracious in the harvest, but in the weather, also!  Fun memories. Bottled applesauce, dill pickles, and oatmeal cookies.  Oh, fall, how wonderful . . .

To 11 Male Attorney Colleagues, So What Time Do We Get Off for Halloween?

WHAT?  My mother was a junior high school teacher, who was always off by about the time we, her eight kids, got home from school, or shortly thereafter, so I just assumed, that yeah, we normally had to work until 5:00 p.m., at the Utah Attorney Generals Office, but this was Halloween, so what is the deal, when do I get to leave . . . I remember all 11 members of the Utah Prosecution Council, and the Criminal Enforcement Division, at our weekly meeting, rolling their bloody eyeballs, and itching their balls, and very sarcastically telling this housewife to attorney, in no uncertain terms, at 5:00!  What are you talking about, I have dinner in a pumpkin to make, and costumes to get ready, with two young sons still at home, living with their father in Provo, still, where he was still a city planner, until the Mormon family got him fired, to get to Elliot's talent, in band, Parallax, soon thereafter, taking out mom too . . . but, at this point, they were still young, when I was working up at the Utah State Capitol Building . . . this was shock number one!  What the fuck, I am still a mom!  I need to get the hell out of this meeting, dealing with capital murder, executions, and criminals, I have kids that are going to end up that way if I don't get home to carry on the family traditions that my kids are use to!  What the fuck is up with this.

Okay, I understand, Halloween, I guess, some people are duds and just don't get into like I do, so, I can forgive not getting off early for Halloween, but Christmas . . . I asked them again, so, having done no Christmas shopping, when do we get off for Christmas, my mother used to get two fucking weeks off, so, what is the deal, when are we off . . . December 24th at 12:00 noon, WHAT!  Now, this is getting ridiculous, this is bull shit, and what in the hell is wrong with these fucking prosecutors, who think crime keeps going during the Christmas Season!  So, calmly, thinking, well, we must be getting a week off, during the Holidays, between Christmas and New Years, like my ex-husband, the city planner did each year . . . NO, you are suppose to be back by December 26, at 8:00 a.m., SHARP!  Fucking Scrooge!

Now, I understood, what my mother told me, you should be a school teacher, the hours, nothing goes better with raising a family than school teaching, summers off, out by 3 p.m., and her words, came back haunting my psyche, and making me wish, with a teaching certificate, I listened to her, this was absolutely ridiculous . . . not getting off for Halloween and Christmas, this is UN AMERICAN!  If I knew one iota, about the law, back in those days, I would have gone directly into solo practice, having never even thought I would practice at all, just following some dream I had, and getting accepted into law school, after two hours, instead of the normal way, I would have thought this thing out a bit, I was still suffering from the Knight in Shining Armour Syndrome!

I Love You Little, Pumpkin!

Happy Birthday!

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Raising Kids Who Don't Smoke

This week while reading the Shelby, Montana, Promoter, there was an article, referring to the Great American Smoke Out, and being raised Mormon, I was actually raised to not drink, smoke, use drugs, or have sex before marriage, I was faithful to all four of those recommendations, but nobody told me not to have sex after marriage, or after divorce . . . Mormon leaders may want to cement that in the minds and hearts of the youth too.  LOL!  So, this morning, I picked up a brochure, on prevention of youth tobacco use, as I was waiting to catch the shuttle over to Great Falls, MT, where I am right now, trying to get evidence of who I legally am, seeing that all forms of my ID, starting with August 8, 2012, when I registered a vehicle, here in GF, after buying it from Mike Hall, or so he says, the DMV would only let me pay for the registration, with my name listed under, Mike's, as the owner, until a new title was ordered and received, but while I was picking out a license plate of the 200 choices, hanging on the walls, in the building within eyesight of me right now, either I didn't remember to grab it off the counter, or the clerks, didn't give it back, but luckily, the Woman's Rescue Mission, the only one I have stayed at that actually tracks ID, pictures, birth dates, and Social Security Numbers, not giving them out, proof positive, one of the directors, cut and pasted me proof, of who stayed there, prior to my license in Utah expiring December 17, 2013, post dating my stay at the shelter, specifically coming back to Great Falls, to retrieve my driver's license . . . but, they didn't have it, and since them, my Utah Bar Association card, my actual Social Security Card, that I have had since I was 16, the original, in two parts, I may add, and my Medicare Card, have all been systematically taken out of my purse . . . speculate what you want, I know, what they did, so thanks, staff at the mission for resurrecting me from the tomb for the 2nd time, giving me a connection with my driver's license, that big sister, Shelley, had, plus, my SS card, had somehow, got the cops to revoke it, when she wanted to start taking over my life, that has not stopped, one relentless second in 14, almost 15 years now . . . so thank you for your mock up, with my info on your files, and attestation, that you knew I came before, my license had expired, as well as after, when I tried to get a copy of the paid registration, that magically could not be found, even with computers . . . that would also have been proof of my existence, of who I am, and that I had an active Utah driver's license, at the time of the registration, and disappearance!

Public Service Announcement . . . TIPS FOR PARENTS

  • Make your "No Tobacco" position clear . . . including all tobacco products.
  • Look for signs of tobacco use, such as the smell of smoke, burn holes, and packs of cigarettes, bidis or kreteks (new lingo for new tobacco products, or old . . . I have never heard of them).
  • Talk to your child about what his or her friends are doing, teenagers whose friends used smokeless tobacco are up to 11 times as likely to use it as teens whose friends don't use smokeless tobacco.
  • Don't assume that being involved in athletics means your child is less likely to use tobacco.
  • Let your child know that all forms of tobacco products can have serious health risks.
  • If you use any form of tobacco, don't let that stop you from talking to your children about not smoking and not using any tobacco products.  Kids whose parents talk to them about not smoking are less likely to smoke--even if their parents smoke.
Warning: Junior high and high school students in Shelby, you have a new school officer, and DARE cop, so don't think you are going to get away with underage smoking at school.  I can't remember the officer's name, but he seemed like a cool cop, who has been there, done that, and is there to make sure you don't.  He is trying to change your opinion of cops, trying to intervene before there are problems, and he is teaching a shit load of classes on everything to help you make better decisions, to stop you in your tracks, before going off a cliff, so to say, so . . . there you have it.  And in addition to that, there are group of high school kids, who are going around to the parks in Shelby to pick up cigarette butts . . . I think the smokers ought to get their own butts out to pick up their butts!  I do, however, commend the community pride these kids have, nothing is uglier than trash, litter, and cigarette butts all over the place . . . take some pride, your mother or father are not following you around, nor is it the park service personnel job, nor anybody, but there person smoking, who has the responsibility to clean up after yourself!

We Need to Rethink Sexual Assault or Rape

As California, grapples with the new, "yes means yes" laws, for college students, trying a new approach to a very old problem, there will be new cases, situations, facts, evidence, combinations, that will put the law to its test, as is the case with any new law of any kind, this one in particular, is so hard.  Traditionally, rape and sexual assault were seen as a sexual crime, then as society started to look at the rape cases, they turned to it being about power & control, but this age old answer, is cloaked in myth, notions of romance, thus the victim somehow desiring it, even asking for it, with provocative clothing, or suggestive language, teasing . . . an that is part of it, but it is more than that, there are the psycho-sexual goals of the sexes, the desires, what makes men and women tick, the risks of being away from parents, factoring in, often, alcohol, and more and more complexities.

We have gone from, No means NO! to Yes means YES!  I am not sure how that is going to play out, and that psycho-sexually, may be right, because, sometimes it is in the chase, the resistance, the game, the goal, that actually creates, the sexual stimuli, that actually, brings out the animal, shall we say in the male, generally, being the usual aggressor, with the exception as of late . . . I have even heard, men, that if the female isn't upset by the situation, like the old waitress I worked with who had a rapist crawl in her open window one night, and when she calmly said, Why don't you take the sack off your head, and if you are good looking, both of us can enjoy this . . . he ran like the wind, that raspy, smoker's voice may actually come in handy, scared this lad!  So it will be interesting to watch California law makers, college administration, campus cops, and college and university students, work out the bloody details.  Good Luck!

What Works On Campus, May Not Work on the Streets or in the Home

Last night, I was looking for a good true crime movie to watch, adding a particular edge for me, given the fact that I worked in the field, but the movie among movies, that caught my attention, was That's Not My Child, that led me to believe that the child in question was going to commit some horrendous crime, and the parents of his/her birth were not going to claim the monster, but that was not the case . . . it was about a little girl, about 10 to 12 years old, who experience her parent's divorce, which, then, seemed to lead to neither parent caring at all for the child, subjecting her to her dad's friends, getting sexual access to her, covering his gambling loans, or her mother, now single, sexually frustrated, making the child perform oral sex on her, a first for me, seeing that, but they were British, so, maybe that is more common, they are rather less sexually repressed that the Puritan sects, that escaped British rule, and came to America for religious freedom, bringing the witch trials, and all, just another form of sexual repression, power and control, abuse and such. 

So, shocked at seeing a mother do this to her already abused child, father sacrificing her, and later pimping her out, to make his car payment, then the mother's boyfriend, started fucking her too, leading her to run away from home, getting into foster care situations, that let to less than desirable friends, or teen boys pimping her out, to help her make money for herself and him, giving her the freedom to escape her situation, leading to a great teacher, who noticed her problem home life, and the bad foster, group home situation, which eventually, led her to pimp herself out to get the money to go to the new group home, that her case workers said the state didn't have money to pay for, and finally, finally, there is a group home director, who loves this little girl, nobody was ever prosecuted, but through love, safety, and caring, this young girl was able to go to the university, and hopefully on to a better life.  The movie noted, that there were only 4 such homes in all of England, to do this sort of care, and so many rapes and sexual assaults that go unpunished!

That True Story, Left Me Wondering . . . The Story of Dinah in the Bible Came to Mind

As the rage of this situation, this young girl's predicament, led me to think, what we can do, how do we change the thinking of the selfish sexual attitudes, shockingly violating another person's person, psyche, leaving me to wonder what, if anything we can do to change this injury, hurt, pain, and feelings of helplessness, the "yes means, yes" campaign came to mind, but so did the thought, that perhaps, the cops, prosecutors, and judges, need to re-evaluate, and totally disconnect the crime, from previous connotations of being at all connected to sex, disassociating it, even from male dominance of power and control, to simply a property crime, of the most precious, piece of property any of us will have, own and defend.  That we should look at it in the light of jurisdiction, the same as we look at a home, that criminals can't brake and enter, rob, burglarize, trespass, steal, even enter, without the owners permission . . . yes, means, yes?

I thought of the Biblical story, separate and aside from any religious connotation, to purely the rage, the retribution, and the revenge, older brothers, who if I remember, wiped out, every man, woman and child, of the village, where the perpetrator of the rape lived.  As I recall, Dinah, who was the sister of the brothers, who made up the 12 tribes of Israel, was walking in the hills, one day, and a man saw her and desired her, he took her, and raped the living hell out of her, leaving her, near death, as she crawled to one of her brother's homes, and I think, expired on his door step.  He was so infuriated at the violation of his sister, that he took her body, after she died from this experience, I think, maybe watching too many crime movies, but he cut her body up into 12 pieces, one for each one of the brothers, and he delivered it to their front door.  They assembled and proceeded to kill everyone from the neighboring village, where the perp lived!  Pretty strong statement of rage, how serious these violations are, and, if you believe, that these stories are only figurative in nature, one might project, the brother's reaction, on to a vengeful Old Testament God!

That is about how enraged, I felt watching this helpless, yet resourceful little girl, as she struggled, with rape after rape, from people, she should have been protected by, even in the foster home situation, games were played that would damage a child forever, could parents, associates of parents, be so crass, so debased, so depraved, to think of this child, as such a nothing, to use and abuse her?  The movie brought me to tears, and I was so glad, that through all the thoughts of suicide, fear, loneliness, isolation, this little girl, finally, had the where with all, to actually keep moving, until she met a woman, and got to a place that she would feel safe.  I was so grateful for her teacher, at least noticing something was wrong, for the social workers, trying within their powers, the foster parents, and finally, this special woman, who actually, reached out, and loved this young girl, in all her pain, and her challenges . . . how could her parents do this, thus the title: This is No Child of Mine, and they didn't act as if this child was their child at all . . . 

Famous Assault & Battery Case . . . Tort or Wrongful Acts Law

If I can remember back to 1990/91, during my first year of law school, I remember being fascinated by this case, I guess because I am a teetotaler, and don't drink alcohol, never touched in until I was 53, and was such a staunch Mormon girl, with very strong feelings of not drinking alcohol, ever, that I could relate to the students in this case, with the facts, going, something like this . . . I believe this was a party, end of the year, or some graduation party, from some prep school, or a private school.  At the party, may have been college, or even a parochial school, Catholic or something, at the dance, there were distinctly two punch bowls, one bowl for drinkers, labeled as alcoholic, and, the other punch bowl was labeled, non-alcoholic.

As the story or the facts go, the labels on the two bowls are exchanged, so the non-drinkers, all ended up drunk, and the drinkers, who probably wanted to force their fellow class mates to drink, or thought they were too self-righteous, or for whatever reason, they got all the non-alcohol drinkers, drunk as skunks! Well, you would think as small thing, but not for the students, like myself, that prided themselves as being non-drinkers, and preferred to live their lives that way, with no undue influence to the contrary.  Hell, my own, now very straight Mormon daughter, who is now in her late 30's, was totally disgusted, that I, after going my whole life without tasting alcohol, would actually partake at that late date, and not just go the rest of my life, having never tasted ale, beer, wine, etc.  Fine thing to come from a daughter, who didn't make it passed 14 before partaking of all substances, but refrains from them all now.  Good girl.  But, I could relate to these students, and either they sued, or their parents sued on their behalf.

The outcome of the case, was that the other students, by forcing these non-drinking students, to drink, something, that they actually didn't want to drink, constituted a battery, or an unlawful touching, much like a rape, or sexual assault, would be viewed, without all the romance, chase, viral grandstanding, blaming, and all that goes into these cases, and just look at it, as black and white, which is generally never is, unless it is as in the case of the young British girl, so unnatural, and unwanted, that it is clear, but to put it simply, if you do something to my body, that I don't want, you are guilty of a battery, an unwanted or unlawful touching, and throw the book at them.  Perhaps, that would make girls, less likely to go to a guys room, they would need to watch the drinking themselves, avoiding the types of situations that might suggest something, so if, there is an unwanted sexual contact, it is clearly an attack, assault or a battery, constituting the vitriol crime of rape, period!  This gray area, just doesn't seem to cut it, that even after the military knew of the number of sexual assaults and rapes, there were still, 26,000 of them!  That is not a good record of success, of turning the tables on rape and sexual assault!

Yes, means YES, just might work . . . unlawful and unwanted touching is a CRIME!

When to Turn on Uniform Camera . . . Anytime the Stop Turns into Something Confrontational, Abnormal, Out of Control, RECORD!

There is some concern on the part of officers, that there is not enough recording time, to record everything, and when should they, or should they not have to turn on the camera.  I think, officers are smart enough, to know when something, a stop, questioning, detaining, frisking, or whatever, is going beyond the mark, or the norm, when, your gut tells you, things are going south fast.  You may want to inform, if there is time, the suspect, the alleged defendant, or the person, that is getting belligerent, that you are going to record this interaction or interface with them, not only to protect the citizen, but to protect the cop as well.  As with any new equipment, it will have to come by trial and error, but refer to your policy and procedure manuals on dash cams for your squad cars, when are you told to turn on your dash cams?  Are they on all the time?

When in doubt, turn them on.  I know, that I recommend that my clients should record, all stops, where there might be facts that are in dispute in the case, if there is unnecessary force involved, or just a cop, copping an attitude . . . that seems to put the officer on notice, calm the situation down, and put both sides on their best behavior.  I wrote a blog, several weeks ago, that starts, something like, No More Copping A Feel, With Shirt Cameras . . . that blog should be discussed with policy makers, or the department, because that is what a constitutional law attorney will look at when filing charges, for constitutional and statutory civil rights violation by state of local officials, acting under color of law!  Criminal defense attorneys, will look at the altercation, or whatever from a Miranda type situation, where rights read, told, were they followed, how long did you stop the defendant, did you detain them longer than is needed, did you have a warrant, based on probable cause, etc.  Rights, are not just those pesky, technicalities, that those who bitch and moan about a defendant being released, or not charged or jailed . . . these are constitutionally protected rights, to keep law enforcement honest!

Warrant for Drones?  Governor Vetoed, But For Need of Work

Several of the officers, interviewed, kept saying that if citizens didn't need to get a warrant, then cops should not have to . . . well, citizens do not have the right to stop, detain, arrest, search, book and jail someone for a crime; you and your cronies are in a different class of persons, that the lay person on the street!  You have police powers, citizens do not, generally, unless they make a citizen's arrest.  The same standards of practice do not apply, nor have any bearing, or relevance one to another, like apples and oranges, these things are not in the same class, nor are procedures handled the same way, nor do private citizens having to worry about making unreasonable searches and seizures!

There is a case, and I can't remember the name of it, but if you search 4th amendment, expectation of privacy, thermo-imaging or infrared aerial surveillance, you will find, that there is an expectation of privacy within an air space over your own home, within fenced in territory, and that is protected, as an expansion of the 4th amendment protection classes, of persons, places, which means houses, controlled areas, yards, that are only to be searched, under the auspice of probably cause, listing with specificity or particularity what is to be searched or seized, even after getting a warrant, based on PC, attested to by oath and affirmation, then going before a judge or magistrate, to get that warrant, to search, but only judge reasonable, with probable cause a crime is being committed, or has been committed, etc.

There are a long line of U.S. Supreme cases, that your county/city/state attorneys may want to look at, in putting your drone and camera policies into place, and they can be accessed by going to Wikipedia, and putting the key word, 4th amendment . . . but that one case, with the cop fly-overs, using infrared cameras, to tell where the heat sources in a house or yard are, trying to detect marijuana grows, in the house, using heat lamps detectable by surveillance, were found to violate 4th amendment, and 9th privacy expectations. And they are fascinating cases, from a law enforcement, civil rights analysis.

Good Luck, Drafting Policies for New Technology, But Remember, They Still Have the Constitution to Deal With, and I Have Found, that it is Just as Relevant, if not More so, than it was the Day it was Signed into Law, the Supreme Law of the Land . . . Don't Over Analyze!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Cartoon, EARL . . . Shelby Promoter News

This is one of the town good ole' boys, rancher or farmer, cowboy hat, boots, dog at his feet, approaching the First Hangitoyou Bank . . . with the typical banker, at his computer, behind a desk, Earl is there anything besides our five dollar lottery ticket that you can use for collateral?  LOL!  Sounds like something a banker would ask me right now.  LOL!  I don't even have that, but glad to spend a few reunion days in Shelby, Montana, home of the famous, Fight That Won't Stay Dead . . . held here in Shelby, July 23, 1923, between Jack Dempsey and Tommy Gibbons, it shows what can happen when several determined town fathers, get together and try to promote the town.  They built a stadium that would hold 20,000 people, sold tickets to about 8,000--once the fight started, the ticket takers left, and about 12,000 ranchers, farmers, tourists, and locals, stormed the arena, without paying a dime to watch, the 15-round battle between the two heavyweights which went the distance with Dempsey retaining his title on that hot July 4th, day in Shelby, 1923.  While Indians camped around the periphery, film crews, fans, and others came to Shelby, at the time, coined the fastest growing town in the United States . . . while promoters, didn't make a dime, promoters, took it on the chin, like most tougher, than tough, gritty, Montanans, they picked themselves, up and just kept on going, used and abused, but kicking . . . reminds me of a country song, If your going through hell, just keep on going!  The Spirit of the Wild, Wild West, gotta love it!

Every town has its story, this is Shelby's . . . I don't know if the town, or the men who built the arena ever recouped their money, in fact, there is a picture, I just looked at, sitting here in the Shelby City Library, showing the arena, with residence, using most of the wood, used to build that one time sport facility, for homes, that still stand.  I have been to Shelby, several times, each time wanting to go see the museum with all the stories and relics of the historic fight, but I usually forget that they have certain dates the museum is open and times . . . and I have never timed it right, but it is worth the drive, enjoy the wonderful scenery, stop and get breakfast at The Grille, this morning, I had Gary's Special, and omelet with sausage, ham, green peppers, cheese, onions, that he serves with kettle or home fries, with all served with a great, delicious sausage gravy!  Yummmmmmmm!!!!!  Fun town to visit, I love small towns, the heartland of America, keeping traditions, farms, ranches, local high school sports, family values, and celebrations alive . . . way cool!  A Salt Lake City, Utah boy was also involved . . . Kearns of the Kearns Building money . . . history.

Major League Hateability Factors--Or Rather Jealously Factors!

  • Pennants won in the past 10 years
  • Payroll (in multiples of $100 million)
  • Players with $100M-plus contracts
  • Players suspended for PEDs
  • Opposing batters plunked (in multiples of 50)
  • Excessive beards
  • Do fans invade other teams' ballparks?  (1=Yes)
  • Are fans routinely labeled "best in baseball?"  (1=Yes)
  • Sports Illustrated covers in 2014
  • Does team refer to fan base as a "Nation?" (1=Yes) 
This is a fun, interesting article, yesterdays, Wall Street Journal, I love the coverage of world news, not the opinions and letters to the editor, but the other sections are also good . . . think owner of Fox Opinion . . . not fair and balanced, opinionated as hell, that being said, the Hateability Index with an unbeatable combination of bloated contracts and annoying fans, has been taken over by the St. Louis Cardinals, with the previous title going to the Dodgers!  Great job, Cardinals, although the Dodgers were considerably more detestable, the Cardinals prevailed in large part because of one of the primary measures of repulsiveness, is recent success!  LOL!  And when you add in, gluttonous spending, players with nine figure contracts, excessive beards . . . baseball's beardissance has been in full swing, to the delight of most fans, but a handful of players--most disturbingly Joba Chamberlain (my mother's maiden name) of the Detroit Tigers--are attempting to turn the style du jour from bearded hipster to Tom Hanks in "Castaway."  Fun stuff, and I am sure you can pull it up online. at WSJ.COM.

Note: Also catch fun article: Nerds Hit the Gym, Reshape Yoga: 'I Felt Like a Superhero.'  Not all of us have the inclination, nor the attention span, to wear Span ex, and be a soccer mom, working out with all the buff dudes, and tan beauties, at the local gyms, this is the Revenge of the Nerds, and they are getting in shape, Darth Vader, Wonder Woman, doing sword play from their favorite video games, how they got those love handles, butts and guts . . . check out Nerd Fitness, Health & Wellness Section, D1, WSJ.

Suggestions for Fixing the World . . . Don't Shoot the Messenger!  That Statement Got Coined for a REASON!

CIA Has Undermined the Confidence & Trust of America & the World

Okay, anyone, who has been following this blog, knows that I have seen connections between the CIA and the Kennedy Assassination, the Illuminati, the One World Order, the Bushes, the Monarch Project, of using unsuspecting victims, developing mind control, torture devices, sexual slavery, slave labor, Manchurian Candidates, or sleepers, who at the drop of a hat, will go into a hypnotic trans, and do whatever it is they are programmed to do; they have sought the help of Nazi doctors, who were performing similar experiments for Hitler . . . they have been involved in infiltration of Australian labor unions, helped with the selection processes of corporate American business ventures around the world, getting in involved in anything from doing extensive background checks on potential hirees, to protecting the financial interests of business, and not necessarily the people of the United States, they were involved in clandestine activities, to toppling governments, in Nicaragua, Cambodia, Vietnam, Syria, Iraq, who really didn't have weapons of mass destruction, who pandered to the Bush/Cheney lust for blood, oil, drugs and control, Iran, Afghanistan, many of the countries, that we are currently having problems with, along with the rise of the Islamic State or ISIS.  We, the CIA, doesn't need to control the world, topple leaders, assassinate, alleged new leaders in other countries, infiltrate jurisdictions that we are not welcome in, or asked to come in, often leaving the people of those countries worse than they were before, CIA got involved, with little oversight!  That is the tail wagging the dog, not the other way around, we need control, oversight, accountability, or get rid of them!

As recently as this year, they or their director, John Brennan, have lied about torture methodologies, recording, and destroyed evidence, so their overseers in the Intelligence Committee, directed by Senator,  Diane Feinstien, even using CIA attorneys, to cover-up their messes around the world, prosecuting the Committee's staff, who to preserve evidence, took it from the designated location the CIA wanted the Committee to view their materials, when all photos were destroyed, going after staff, who at the request of the oversight committee, were then targeted for securing the evidence, in a location, more favorable to viewing and protecting.  They have spied on the Committee's computers, and have basically for the last 60 years, run around the world, acting like a rogue organization, with little control, unlimited budgets, dealing in arms, drugs, information, murder, espionage, sedition, sex, honey traps, turning over sensitive materials to Russians, AIMS, failing to detect his defection for 10 years, and  either not having a clue about 9/11 or standing by, maybe with orders, and watching America BURN!

There is An Assumption of Competence & Trust, That Just Isn't There

There are about 40 to 50 spy agencies, or intelligence related agencies, many of which the public, and possibly the overseers, don't even know about . . . I saw them in my son-in-law's books, text books on counterintelligence & terrorism, and in a Special Edition of TIME MAGAZINE, separate from the weekly rendition of the magazine, more of a thick issue, that came out right around the time, Edward Snowden, ratted out the NSA, and other spy agencies, CIA included.  After 9/11 their budgets, much like the baseball players above, because grossly bloated, and detestably huge, almost limitless, to somewhere around $60 billion, and I am sure much more now, those were older books.  Surely with as much negative memories and connections with the CIA, it can be eliminated, without a whimper, from the public, and replaced with other agencies, combined to make something new and fresh, that perhaps, can regain some of the respect, dignity, diligence, integrity, and notability that a distinguished government agency should have . . . or do we really need them today, in this world of social media, instagram, texting, with up to the minute Intel.

As far as my personal experience, they were more enamored with deceitful beauties, domestic and foreign than they were national security, and protecting American interests, and were more concerned with their own sex drives, and pocket money!  Last summer, I was waiting for the Amtrak to pick me up at the East Glacier Station, and some woman, who worked in Washington, D.C., was sitting by me, and we talked, she learned a bit about my issues with the feds, and she, longingly mentioned, that it used to be that being a federal employee, used to carry a ton of respect with it . . . well, I am here to say, RESPECT is earned, not given, whether that is referring to parents, teachers, CIA, FBI, NSA, judges, Congress, and others, people just don't or should not blindly respect the person, because of the title, they should respect the title, the agency, the bench, the home, because of the person, who is carrying the mantle of that office or title!  This is just the way, I personally feel.

Keeping Promises . . . If the Shoe Fits, Wear It!  China's Democracy Dilemma

There are several great articles, again in the Wall Street Journal, even though I slammed owner, Rupert Murdoch, who makes, somewhere around $49 million a year, between the journal and FOX Opinion . . . but, thank your staff, for the objective, fair and balanced, news coming out of China.  Demonstrators by the thousands, are blocking the streets, of Hong Kong, in a peaceful and loving demonstration, with just a bit of violence, thank God, we don't need another Tienanmen Square, with law enforcement mowing down about 400 student demonstrators, with tanks, until Tank Man, an unnamed student, stepped in the way of on-coming tanks, blocking them by himself, backing off the tanks, that tried to avoid him, with him, once again, moving in harms way to block other students . . . don't say, one person, can't make a difference!  But, when Hong Kong was released from British rule, and returned to China, there was an agreement, that it would be One Country, two political systems . . . now China, is reneging on that agreement, and wants to chose two or three candidates, for office, from the Communist Party, or people of their choosing, loyal to Communism, rather than letting, natural born leaders, emerge, that the electorate wants, with this crowd of demonstrators, wanting more autonomy, democracy, freedom and liberty.  Which is sounds, like they were promised, if they rejoined, the mainland, China.

There are similar situations going on with Russia, the Ukraine, and the annexation of Crimea . . . the people voiced their opinions, and voted to become more western connected, rather than relying or leaning more toward Russia, with ties being broken or the Ukraine, becoming independent from Russia, back in 1954, I believe.  Putin, regardless of new warfare technology, propaganda, and favorable ratings for hating America, you don't need to insight your people, with a common enemy, when we don't even think about Russia, really, we are just helping countries that need or want democracy . . . like Afghanistan, without violence, pass power from one administration to another without violence . . . we are not your enemy, a balance of power, but enemy, NO . . . thinking the new president of the Ukraine is an American puppet, really, a billionaire candy maker . . . don't think so, but someone the people wanted, but aiding and abetting Pro-Russian militants within the borders of the Ukraine, is not, even close to the good neighbor policy, that is expected . . . Russia has influence over the UK, due to their vast oil and gas reserves, they don't need to invade Germany, France, Holland, or England, to have influence, nor do they need to kill just to try out their new tanks, weapons, etc.

Like President Obama just said, in a recent press conference, that we have influence over Mexico as a neighbor, without raiding them, threatening them, or shooting down, civilian planes over their territory . . .

Make Peace Happen . . . Peace is Not a Dream, It is a Commitment & a Promise!

Make Your Decisions Based on Happiness of Your People, Not Ego!  And that Goes for America Too!