Right Sport, Wrong Team!
I love the Daily Inter Lake, newspaper, the local paper for Kalispell, Montana, for more than one reason, their headlines, at times seem to be messages from the universe, signs, symbolic representations of the truth, plus, I love their posting of events, days in advance, on the inside cover of the front page; I would recommend that to all newspapers, if you want great attendance at community activities and events. I can always hook in the second I get back into town, to the chagrin of some people, but to the joy of others. But I stole that headline, so telling in its brevity, I have been playing in the right sport, politics, but I have been playing on the wrong team!
I believe that it was Shakespeare, who said, the unexamined life, is a life, not worth living . . . I have been resisting the obvious, not without great examination, thought, and consternation, I just simply was born in the wrong family, I almost wrote the wrong state, but I was born in California, not Utah, that would be the case if I was actually born in Utah, like the rest of my family and extended family, in the wrong religion, culminating in the wrong political party, thinking I was more closely aligned with Republicans, while getting the shit beat out of me, every time I do something for them, regardless of how much it helps their cause, benefits the state of Montana or Utah for that matter, getting trashed, kicked around, chased, pushed around, locked up, and almost killed, arising to the the level of attempted homicide, for sure . . . call me a slow learner, or that I have Republican DNA, stamped on my ass; however, yesterday, in almost an act of treason, wanting to for a long time, at least check out the Democrats in the Valley, I decided to attend the women's luncheon at the Blue Canyon Restaurant, next to the Hilton Gardens, where I have until recently been meeting with the Republican Pachyderm Club, of Flathead County, now meeting at the Red Lion, joining them on Friday.
Welcome to the Sisterhood! What a Difference, Indicative of the Whole Party
In this game of politics, I guess you could say, I suffer from the same disease as another constitutional law attorney, President Obama, which I will call, Obamaitis . . . you can see both sides of the field or isle, even willing to use either teams ideas into play, refing for the good of the country, not necessarily for either team, but the good of the game or the whole sport! From Hatch's Dream Act, to Mitt's Affordable Care Act model, in Massachusetts, to Bush's tax plan . . . and just because he happens to have the Democrat label on him, or he is black, well, not really, very symbolic, he is both black and white, in reality, but with blacks typically voting for Democrats, a bit confusing in and of itself, while it was President Lincoln, a Republican, who pushed the 13th amendment, for black suffrage or vote, appearing more like modern day Democrats, like Kennedy and Johnson, champion the 1964 Civil Rights Act, with old fashioned Republicans, like Senator, Bob Dole, the champion of the food stamp bill, working for the good of the sport, taking the best of both sides and promoting the good of the people with a little bit of a slant to one side or the other.
I have been straddling the 50 yard line for almost 60 years, without locking into either one party or other, not necessarily on purpose, most likely from over-examination, nature, insight, study, exposure, evaluation, observation, allegiance, seeing myself, more as a dreamcatcher . . . kind of like the Indian tribe, I don't recall the name of the tribe, who literally, without, ego involved, watched all the other tribes, and simply took the best of all of them and implemented their great ideas, and for doing so, lived a longer more prosperous and happy life. My parents were staunch Republicans, only one aunt was a Democrat, but she was my favorite aunt, and I related the best with her, her attitudes of acceptance, tolerance, objectivity, and sensitivities, and the only person in the large, extended Mormon family, to secretly rejoice in President Obama putting Mitt Romney to shame! Kindred spirits, sisters in thought, but I still never really saw myself as a Democrat.
Yesterday, I got visions of the celebrations after President Obama beat Senator McCain, remembering, Oprah Winfrey and others of color, race, age, nationality, hugging each other, crying, laughing, celebrating, and rejoicing that America had come of age, a a representative, formerly of a slave class, who came unwilingly to this country, a minority, had through skill, intellect, talent, eloquence, style, charisma, fulfilled the American dream of being elected President of the United State. I also, remember, seeing McCain and Palin's, after election wake . . . in the sea of the crowd, of suits, and dresses, resembling more of a Mormon stake conference that Mitt would have presided over, I saw one black man, and that was about it! I thought to myself, the Democrats are the party of inclusion and the Republicans are the party of exclusion! And that makes all the difference!
Flashback of 2009: Republicans, Democrats & Independents
Right after the 2008 election trouncing of the Republicans, I thought, expanding the base, might be an option, and they might just consider a divorced woman now, and I saw that the 4th Congressional seat, new, as of the recent census was now a reality, the seat, I had purchased a home in St. George, Utah, knowing that was likely to be in the new 4th Congressional District; however, I bought the home in 1996, if I remember, about 15 years too early, in anticipation of setting up residency, to run for that office . . . in fact, that is the reason, I told Mark Shurtleff, one of the former attorney generals, now under indictment for corrupt practices, along with John Swallow, both Republicans, that I wasn't running for attorney general in 2000, even though the party had taken me to dinner with the thought of recruiting me to run, which at the time both Shurtleff and his Republican primary challenger, Frank Mylar, both knew I would win, easily, with huge statewide exposure through my positions at the attorney generals office, or my other statewide jobs, exposing me to all segments of the population, over the last 6 or 7 years, purposefully on my part, in anticipation of the 2000 elections, just about the time I got poisoned, go figure, but after a 9 year fight with the alleged brain disease, nice, get rid of a smart female attorney, mimic a terminal brain disease, taint her for life, for political office, at least, I contacted the Republican women's organization in Washington County, the reddest county, in the reddest state, in the Union, about possibly filing that position . . . oh, come to our luncheon, several men had been selected for that position, but it was the year of the woman, and they were seeking potential candidates for other leadership positions.
The meeting resembled a Mormon Relief Society Homemaking meeting, and from the comments made by Republican County Chairman, I was not election material, without a husband, even though all the great stuff I had done for the state, I did while I was SINGLE! And I became convinced that my baby sister, Tiffany, the other of 6 and a housewife, much like Sarah Palin, would be selected over me, and attorney, professor, and author of several award winning manuals. They informed me that Shurleff, contemplating a run for governor, might appoint me to a cabinet position, but if I ran, I would have to pay my dues, and start at the city council, or a lower office . . . really, I basically ran the state under attorney general, Jan Graham, a Democrat! I stated that I was not sure, that Republicans were the party for me, and the guy responded, JoAnn, you have to pick a horse and ride it! That statement entered my mind yesterday, and nearly 5 years later, I did just exactly that, I picked a horse, and I am going to ride it!
Nothing like kicking against the pricks for almost 60 years, I thought of the stories I learned in primary, or in books, like the Ugly Duckling, who discovered she was really a Swan, or the Eagle, who was kicking around with the Chickens on the ground, rather than soaring in the skies, the Blue Skies of Montana . . . I had been associating with the wrong party my whole life! And as I sat with these Democrats, my entire life came into focus, they were from all over the country, professionals, art teachers, real estate brokers and agents from Washington, DC, or older mothers, who had careers, prior to having children, Catholics, laughing with me about her son, who was living in Utah, married to a Mormon, with both of us, laughing about the similarities of the two very structured churches, rather than focusing on what separated us, with these Democrats, coming to the defense of Mormons, finding themselves drawn to them as a group, due to their clean living styles, etc, regardless of political persuasion. What a refreshing group of women!
At least for today, I am a conservative, Democrat, and at times that is relative . . . my daughter and her husband, were devout Republicans, in Georgia, until they moved to St. George, Utah, and now they are the voice of reason in southern Utah, much more liberal than the rest of the residents, and I told her that when she moves to Missoula, to attend the University of Montana, school of law, following in her mother's footsteps, she may find that she is more conservative, than her friends from Utah or Montana think. Politics are a fluid sport, to me, standing on the 50 yard line, with the Republicans, moving more and more extreme, and Democrats holding rank, about where they always have been, I feel much more comfortable with the Donkeys! Just this morning, in sign and symbol, I grabbed a friends blow dryer, a blue one, and on the side of it, was the word, SALVATION, and I thought, if that is not the truth! The Republicans have lied, cheated, stolen my credentials, taken credit for my work on medical marijuana, the water compact, intelligence on female reproduction, and the smart course, with abortion on the decline for the first time in forever . . . work on the wild burros and horses, and other legislative issues in other states, roads, constitutional analysis, etc., and blah, blah, blah . . . I fucking am, who I am!
No multiples, duplicates, doubles, sisters, friends, ex-friends, sheep in wolves clothing! Sheeple are people who follow, like sheep, without thinking, being eaten, enslaved, led astray by wolves, pretending to be sheep, know what they are doing, and oh, they do know what they are doing, but they are really, up to no good, or they have money motives, doomsday prophets, to sale their wares, of sophistry and end of days, and they will plant thoughts of world annihilation, devastation and destruction, they will eat Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel & Gretel! Be careful . . . CIA are snakes, FBI infiltrates, NSA spies, and most of them are those misleading, clean living Mormons, by at least 70% of the agencies!
Speaking of Wolves--The Black Cat!
I saw Joel Skousen's name crop up somewhere, recently, and if you will go back a few blogs, you will see that I wrote about the deceptive, Citizens Compact, to be trusted even less than the U.S. Supreme Court's holding in Citizens United, allowing people like the Koch brothers and such, to disguise their money, though about 40 different groups, while claiming credit or association, with none, so who is minding the shop? Karl Rove? Montana has long been a state, who had battled corruption at the highest levels, don't let a weasel, like Joel Skousen, riding on his FBI uncle, and Mormon writer, Cleon Skousen, writing on the end of days, and also, presenting himself, as a constitutional scholar, philosopher, and legal theorist fool you . . . in fact, after not hearing from him since about 2008, I was shocked to see, that this man was still around, and more revered in Montana, than his clown ass show in Utah, at the Utah Liberty Conventions . . . where I, a true, and even more so than then, constitutional law attorney, is a threat to him, as witnessed by strongly disagreeing with him, that the Constitution is not dead, and I am actually seeing a comeback, rather than a death! SILENCE!
Well, guess what Skousen, you have your arena, and I have mine! And you are in my arena, now . . . you are a Mormon fraud. I would admit, that much of what Joel said, with regard to world affairs, I would agree with; however, the rewriting of the U.S. Constitution . . . fuck NO! And his suggested replacement, or as he put it, filling in the gaps, is shockingly UNCONSTITUTIONAL! I have read his 24 page, if it is the same, bull shit that the Utah Liberty Convention entertained, to the point, I was, after one hour, sitting their writing on my note paper, these are not my people . . . turning a blind eye to the pocket sized copy of the inspired document of the U.S. Constitution, while silencing me, and entertaining Joel Skousen, who I believe at the time was a janitor . . . CIA, Make a Wish Foundation . . . even back then masquerading as a lawyer! But, that is one thing about the Mormon Church and access to power, back in the halls of alphabet soup agencies, run by Mormons, fake degrees are cheap, and run off a paper mill, like the degrees you and certificates you can buy online, or a cost! Buyer beware!
Same old, same old . . . I didn't like him then, and I don't like him now . . . not as a person, but as a guru! He is promoting war, relocating, stockpiling, writing books for profit, feeding on fear, and while talking down the one world order, he is in reality, promoting it! He is planting in your fertile minds, who will and will be anointed king or queen of the people, because, the Mormons, while being the people with scripture that warns them, not their ancestors, back in the writing of the Book of Mormon, who warned that God rejected a system of Kings and Queens on the American continent! It warns of secret combinations, also, and who is most behind these secret combinations, along with the Bushes, Mormons, CIA, FBI and NSA . . . they know every move I make, do you seriously think that it is hard to steal from me, they just take credit, and block me from being exposed, silence me in public, making you think that it is I, not them, who is wrong, just like Skousen did last night! Same as in the Republican Pachyderm meeting at the Red Lion, Friday, I am sure, that it has been recorded and noted, that it is my Republican sister, they have lied and given credit for all I do. LOL! A fucking flight attendant?
Republicans are going to seriously give a flight attendant, the credit for my training on the 2, 4, and 5th amendments, last year, at their, statewide, Federation of Republican Women, training, on September 27, 2014, under the then President, Shirley Herron, who asked me to speak, originally on September 17, 2014, Constitution Day, then changing that, Rachel will be the image the party wants, with the brains of Sarah Palin . . . but the real training will come, ten days later, but when I trained them on the law on abortion, according to the U.S. Supreme Court . . . blank stares turned into rage! You are right, Rachel Sarah Palin Hickey-Mooseman, aka, JoAnn S. Secrist, is your girl! I am sure her hair was couffed, and she was wearing red, white and blue, and she probably marched in your parade for domestic violence in heels . . . I am for actually doing something to fight domestic violence and sexual assault, kind of HEAD OVER HEELS! I appreciate the gesture, but I don't know what you are actually doing to help the victims, if you actually acknowledge there are any victims, kind of like Reagan, stating there were no homeless people on the streets of America!
The Eagle . . . What Made Me A Democrat?
It has been a process, like none other, but very apparent, from my earliest days . . . and I think several statements about Republicans, will help emphasis my point; I read a bumper sticker on a car in Missoula, when I was there this summer for two months, living at 251 Hartman, that is also symbolic, I have a fucking heart . . . but, it said, Republicans love poor people, that is why they are trying to make so many more of them. And, I believe this statement if I remember correctly, Republicans will defend the unborn, and then you are one your own, until you reach 18, and have to sign up for the draft, then they will use you for their wars . . . both of those statements are entirely accurate, while Democrats are accused of caring from cradle to grave, once you are born, the Republicans don't give a rat's ass, get a college loan from you parent, those 47% . . .
Like I said, I was raised in a family of Republicans, being dropped off at the local country club, to entertain myself, with a day of golfing that took most of the day to get around 18 holes, then a nice swim in the club pool. In fact, we belonged to two country clubs, one downtown for my father, and the other one out in Farmington, Utah, Oakridge Country Club for the family . . . with swanky parties for the teens, and me dating the golf pros, son, who actually, and thankfully taught me how to golf, I believe that Rick Mears is still the golf pro at the club, at least last I heard. But for some reason, divine providence, or something, during that same time period, in junior high, I was both a class officer, and later, student body vice president.
Actually, the first incident took place earlier, I used to babysit for a single mother, who had I believe 6 children, and who paid me 5 cents per hour, to get them to bed, fold the clothes, do the dishes, and clean the house, as my mother had taught me to do, regardless of pay. But, I have this vivid memory of this poor woman, searching for loose change in her purse, to scrounge up nickles to pay me for my night's service. I can still see that vision of poverty, hopelessness, and despair . . . The second, such event, happened while I was delivering Sub for Santa, to what appeared to be an abandoned motel, on the west side of Bountiful, Utah, where I was raised. There were no lights on in the old, mess of a motel, and I thought for sure, that this was a mistake, nobody could have lived here! Nobody would live here!
Soon the door opened to a dark room, the winter snow, blowing flakes into the cold front room, without a Christmas tree, or any of the trappings that were awaiting me at home, a young mother, in a thin cotton summer dress, so thin that you could almost see through her and her dress, stood there with sunken eyes, and several small children, hanging onto her dress, with a baby in her arms. Tears come to my eyes right now, as I remember the scene, so haunting, so terrible, so impressionable on my young mind, and so grateful, that the students in my upper middle class school, Millcreek Junior High, had been so generous, that we could bring presents, and a full turkey dinner . . . SOB!
I will be forever changed. Actually, there is a third incident, that somewhat played into my life, my mother, for a continued education training as a teacher, had to get by on the streets of Salt Lake City, for one weekend on a dime . . . she exposed me to what that was like, and how she did it, staying in hospitals, going to the Odessy House, for drug rehab, and the food bank, giving me survival skills that I have used, as my life has been claimed by others, and I have been forced to be other than my skills, education, and even earned income would suggest, but even more sympathetic to the plight of the poor! And maybe for a damn good reason, as I find out that there is no voice for the homeless at the legislature, that Montana doesn't have an expungement law, leaving those convicted of a crime, guilty or not, even just pleading to a crime, never able to clear a record to get a job or housing . . . did I go through this to be their voice? I am willing . . .
Soon the door opened to a dark room, the winter snow, blowing flakes into the cold front room, without a Christmas tree, or any of the trappings that were awaiting me at home, a young mother, in a thin cotton summer dress, so thin that you could almost see through her and her dress, stood there with sunken eyes, and several small children, hanging onto her dress, with a baby in her arms. Tears come to my eyes right now, as I remember the scene, so haunting, so terrible, so impressionable on my young mind, and so grateful, that the students in my upper middle class school, Millcreek Junior High, had been so generous, that we could bring presents, and a full turkey dinner . . . SOB!
I will be forever changed. Actually, there is a third incident, that somewhat played into my life, my mother, for a continued education training as a teacher, had to get by on the streets of Salt Lake City, for one weekend on a dime . . . she exposed me to what that was like, and how she did it, staying in hospitals, going to the Odessy House, for drug rehab, and the food bank, giving me survival skills that I have used, as my life has been claimed by others, and I have been forced to be other than my skills, education, and even earned income would suggest, but even more sympathetic to the plight of the poor! And maybe for a damn good reason, as I find out that there is no voice for the homeless at the legislature, that Montana doesn't have an expungement law, leaving those convicted of a crime, guilty or not, even just pleading to a crime, never able to clear a record to get a job or housing . . . did I go through this to be their voice? I am willing . . .
Give Us Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Hungry . . . Sounds Much Like Pure Religion . . . Feed the Hungry, Cloth the Naked, Visit the Prisoner, Watch Out for the Fatherless & the Widow . . . that 47%
While I strongly believe in a separation of church and state, there are some concept, that blend and merge as guiding principles and concepts, that dovetail into a complete whole or circle in my life, with one party being the champion of those guiding principles, and the other, just simply not. I was severely beaten as a child, just once, but I think there was some sort of fragmentation between my body and my soul, therefore, allowing me to be the abused child, the beaten attorney, the battered constitutional law attorney, seeking approval from the batterers, who have claimed my good works . . . and they tend to gravitate to one party, the Republican Party, the Mormon CIA, FBI, NSA, with all the tools to create a nationwide battering system . . . and they have used it, with the help of local law enforcement, and others to create, not only a toxic atmosphere, but a deadly one, as well!
I remember, returning to the fold, so to say, after being cast out, often, but after I got my undergraduate degree, from Weber State College, with, honors, scholarships, awards and publications, to run, square, into my materialistic family, whom I had barely had time to talk to, for a few years of raising kids, big time church callings and going to school . . . as we sat and caught up, my sisters, were talking about Rolex watches, Gucci purses, Loui Vuton stuff, and other things, and I recall having no idea, what the hell they were, nor shat the fuck they cared so much about them for? I was truly a fish out of family water . . . the 80's material girls were my sisters, yuppies and guppies had replaced the women of substance of the 70's, the ERA, the women's movements, and I had been left behind, and gladly so . . .
No, I Am Not a Republican . . . And Proud of It! My Heart & Values My Whole Life, Dictate Otherwise!
P.S., New friends, I will do more on the individual candidates, after researching a bit more, on their issues, their pet projects, values, and positions. I am sick of writing, but this lays the foundation . . . thanks for your welcome, look forward to more involvement. I truly felt welcomed, accepted, and appreciated yesterday. The party of the PEOPLE! One based on inclusion, rather than exclusion! GREAT!