Saturday, July 12, 2014


Inalienable Rights of Life, Liberty, Property and the Pursuit of Happiness!  Men Are That They Might Have JOY!  Worldwide!

All I am going to say, about the blog that was just frozen, then disappeared, all 2 and 1/2 hours of work, is that the Kalispell, Montana, pod squad of liars, Sam Farmer, is sitting in McDonald's or was, will testify, under pay, that sister, Rachel, was here, rather than me, JoAnn S. Secrist, the way they roll and perpetuate the fraud . . . shameful secrets, crimes of passion, badges of betrayal, and promotion of the colony, or the second America, that I will write about, for to survive, this group of fucked up elite, in their own minds, cannot pull this bull shit off, if they do not get the queen of freedom, constitutional law attorney for the original America, the one the founding fathers intended, not the cheap imitation, like Rachel, dumber than a door knob, 7 years younger, and 59 years my stupid, but of the Utah Beehive Colony, think of the movie, Hunger Games, with President Snow, a Mormon Prophet, the model for the fake, the fraud, the cheap, the world created for the ruling elite, the alleged Hollywood version of me, with goals of eliminating 80% of the world's population of breeders, feeders, consumers, seen, as no better than the cattle in the field, that are just using all the world's resources, with designs to limit, what both God, and inspired, men, who declared independence, as a colony, of Britain, for abuses, similar to those the Chinese are trying to free their people from, inalienable, God given rights, the very reason governments exist, to protect those rights, and they want for themselves, alone, but not for every man, woman and child, to experience freedom, liberty, life, property and the pursuit of happiness . . . 

Research Shows That People Will Believe A BIG LIE

Over a small lie . . . the alleged twin America, is no better replica of the original, than my abused wife, deficient mother, hideous excuse of a patriot, wearing red, white and blue, lying about her identity, and having a son, Matt, who allegedly got his Duty to God Award, as her crowning achievement of motherhood, in which, even Matt, her sweet, but lazy son, whom she coddled, babied, and called her baby, until he was at least 21, will tell you that, his mother, Rachel, claiming to be the mother of my 4 stellar children, not to be confused with me, sitting at McDonald's, Idaho St., Kalispell, MT, rewriting, what the badges of betrayal, cowards, losers, penis controlled, dumb asses, who just can't deal with the real JoAnn, but can't win without me, just stole, because, it told the truth about Rachel's sorry condition, that of basically, no better than Goofy, the Walt Disney character . . . and that is appropriate, because Rachel, loves Disneyland, more than the reality of her fucked up life, and I am getting sick of her, and the rest of the back up, tits and ass brigade of women, these men love to love, who they can control, representing themselves as me!  Truthiness, appearing to be true, but is not!

Two Mail Boxes, Side By Side, American Decor, Next Block, One Flag--Wiener Dog, Over the Flag?  Symbolic of the Crimes of Passion, Followed by the Badges of Betrayal!

As I get off the bus, at Liberty & Hawthorne, truly symbolic of me, all about the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, freedom, liberty, life, property and the pursuit of happiness, for all mankind on earth, and as an English major, Weber State University, not a physical education major, Southern Utah University, like Rachel, probably visiting with Nicole, George (CIA), and my grandchildren, Yuri and Gracie, to make it appear, that she is the grandmother, and it is probably as close as she will get to being a grandmother, because she raised her kids to be too selfish to be mothers and fathers . . . with Hawthorne being an early American writer, writer, I studied as an English major, taking the country back, closer to the time, America was spot right on, closer to the principles, concepts, and purity of the U.S. Constitution, than it is, after 238 years of polluted, corrupt, and denigration of the original intent of the founding fathers!


P.S., the first three titles, listed in the title, are actually, titles of very good movies, on YouTube, free for your viewing, if they are not erased, the second I publish the titles.  Here is a brief synopses, of each movie: 

(1) Crimes of Passion: Badge of Betrayal--I think, was actually, filmed in Lake Side, Montana, or at least the court scene or sheriff's office is from Lake Side County, right around the corner from Kalispell, and a new female deputy sheriff, is hired by a womanizing, power hungry, corrupt sheriff, who has a wife, a mistress, that looks and acts like Rachel, and I have a personality, much more like the deputy, but took on cops, prosecutors, judges, governors, and attorneys general, the state sanctioned church, Family Martial Arts, or 110 member of the extended Southwick family, plus a circle friends, family, badges, at all levels of government, and world, and the woman, who with the help of the FBI, took down the sheriff, who tried to intimidate, terrorize, control, threatened to rape and kill the female deputy, who was just doing the job of sheriff, the way it was suppose to be done!  

(2) Shameful Secrets--an abused wife, with an attorney named, Rachel, for God sake, in real life, the abused woman, whom had her sister, represent her in a 20 minute protective order hearing, turned 9 1/2 hours, by me, JoAnn S. Secrist, with 2 deputy sheriffs standing behind me, ready to arrest me the second the judge gave the command, because I would not give up fighting for her, with the judge, finally, telling both attorneys, to work it out . . . with the basic plot of the movie, and true story, being the abusive husband, went after the kids, Stephanie, Matt, Emily, and Scott (not Greta, Nicole, Chris and Elliot!) . . . as Chris did to Rachel!  The shameful secret, is that I, JoAnn, even wrote the grant and the domestic violence manual for the state's prosecutors and law enforcement, many of which, lied, had to have, like Sheriff Mark Gower, Shane Clark, with the manual, serving as a national model for the nation, with an award, from President Clinton . . . so, not just your average, run of the mill attorney!  Plus, the Department of Justice if using my graphic art, and work, on the eight section, circle, with a circle in the center, showing the isolation, and other methods an abuse, including johns, madams and pimps, us, in human body trafficking, adapted from my wheel in the domestic violence and sexual assault manual . . . Shelley claimed to be me, way back, when the Colony . . . the little bee hive in Utah, punished me for taking on the status quo, OF CORRUPTION in the law, courts, government, etc., and rewarded Shelley, for ratting out her husband and boss, in securities, which she later, was substituted in, for me, in the Brock case . . . another SHAMEFUL SECRET . . . SHE WAS GUILTY OF SECURITIES FRAUD, FOR GOD SAKES, NOT SAVED THE NATIONS FINANCIAL PLANNERS!  The COLONY, LONG EYED MY RESUME WITH COVETED JEALOUSY!

(3) The Colony--with deceased, actor, John Ritter, and family, is a brilliant salesman, who wins a contract for security with the Colony, a billionaires, housing project, for the alleged elite, and their families, to protect them from the streets, crime and scum, allegedly of your normal neighborhood.  But as the family, is first, scared to death, after getting the contract, with thugs, pulling guns, and stealing their car, prior to the offer by the designer of the Colony housing project, up on a hill, that Ritter, has long had his eyes on to live on, is offered a home in the planned unit development with a private security force, who works like cops, but also an entity of enforcers, who give citations, tickets, and arrest and kill, people who will not go along with the program of the development . . . the guy reminds me of my father, his view of life, and the Colony is much like the project development, the Mormon Church, did when it bought up 13 acres of prime property, surrounding the Salt Lake Temple, to the objection of all of Salt Lake City, Utah, mayor and all, to create a buffer zone of luxury condos, exclusive office space, walking only gardens and Church controlled grounds, to keep the average person, not a carded Temple holder, from coming close to the temple, and the haves or the ruling elite in the Mormon Church!  And the Church runs the grounds, like the secret service would the government, protecting government buildings and the President!  The name, Colony, is so indicative of the bees, the queen, the industry, and Utah!  And so is the mentality of the people who control the people who are unfortunate enough to live in the Colony, which is nothing more than a police community, like the police state, Utah is!  There are CC&Rs, or restricted covenants in any planned unit housing project, and many are abusive, but this one tops the charts, with dictates on what type of clothes residents can wear jogging!  The children all wear uniforms, and there is no PTA, because parents are often seen as a hindrance to their children . . . thus, the state, the Colony, or the Mormon Church, takes over as the parent!  Residents can't plant what they want in their yards, they can't paint their houses, unless the color is approved.  Ritter's wife, comes home and finds a team of white jumpsuit, clothed squad of inspectors, who are going through all the families closets, drawers, cupboards, and house, bedrooms and all, checking for radon, allegedly.  John, the father, starts doing some inspection of his contracted security system, and finds that there are extra wires, that were not agreed upon, but there is a Colony super cop, who oversees security, killer guy, paid assassin, who does the bidding of the billionaire developer, who says he gets to over see everything!  Ritter holds a house warming party, and one of the other residents, is drunk, and spills the beans that the previous owner of the house, was a brilliant computer tech, who realizes, what Ritter is, that the whole place is controlled by the Colony!  Ritter's cop, brother, starts putting two and two together, and realizes that the couple who, died in a terrible car crash, near the Colony, were not the victims of a drunk driving accident, because the alcohol that was used to cover the murders of the man and his wife, who were trying to escape the development, because it was like prison, fled for their lives, with the evidence, of the wiring and system, that has the whole development, house, each room, including the bedroom, in each house, under constant surveillance, by the staff of the Colony!  Ritter and his family try to escape, and if it had not been for his cop brother, who had been electrocuted, when he suspected foul play in the car crash, wrong alcohol in the crashed car, the family would have died, by robo cops!  Just doing my job!  This movie, more than any I have seen, shows, you what the second America, the one the Illuminati and all its subsidiaries, want . . . a rich elite, who deem the rest of us, poor slobs, nothing more than cattle using up the earths, limited resources!

Rainbow Celebration, Montana Style vs. Rainbow Celebration, Utah (Colony) Style!

On the 4th of July, I was sitting somewhere, just chilling out, and I noticed an American flag, drooping on a flag pole, with a Montana, state flag, underneath it, with the wind, blowing the state flag, out in the wind, so you could easily see the state symbol, not so with the red, white and blue!  And, anyone, knowing me, by now, trained to read symbols, in great works of literature, know, that a picture is worth a thousand words, and the thought came to my mind, and my minds eye, that, the United States of America, is being buoyed up by the state of Montana, which is contended and coined by me, the crowning jewel of states, like Glacier National Park is the crowning jewel of the continent!

Montana, to me, is like a baby state, with barely one million citizens, barely, and the fourth largest state in the Union, with the first or second, highest per capita of military representation.  I swear, coming from the Colony, Utah, Montana is so fucking refreshing!  It is like, they were just off the charts, off the radar screen of law enforcement, with a mounting militarized, license plate reading, sheriff's ass sticking out of the back of an SUV hatchback, illegally searching vehicles without probable cause, nor warrant, through racial, age, and suspected class profiling of drivers, for marijuana, and what not, 17 cops thick for a standard traffic citation!  I have literally, counted their vehicles, just off the Cedar City, or Iron County, freeway exit, or at Easter break, coming out of hiking in Zion National Park!

I went the first 2 months or more in Montana, before I ever saw a cop, give a driver a traffic ticket!  I couldn't believe it.  And the state, was just busy, in the aftermath of the fucking Copper Kings, who raped and pillaged Montana, took the treasures and ran, leaving the tough, hardy, people of the state, just making a living, abiding by the Constitution, as best they could, and actually, in this Bush, Patriot Act world, either didn't have the money, to implement the programs, or better yet, refused to, and just adhered to the basics of freedom, liberty and protected property, and pursued happiness . . . making legislative decisions based on happiness, not ego or money!  

So when the rest of the nation, transformed peace officers, into law enforcement . . . and revenue farmers for the cities, counties and state they served, they just kind of stuck with the standard old way of doing things, with a limited presence, allowing people to actually have fun, accept in Missoula, where they babysit, all activities at Caras Park, rather than just expecting people to mind their own business, have fun, enjoy the music, the food, the beer, the dancing and their families, they walk around, very noticeable, in uniform, with whirly twirlies, or wired connections to the Wizard of Oz, or whomever they are getting secret messages from, but it puts a damper on the crowd, and is not necessary.  Most festival goers are basically, law abiding citizens, with dates, spouses, families, friends, with most criminals, not really hanging out at places like this . . . so, what's up?

Contrast and Comparison of Rainbow Celebrations

Last year, my friend, Howard Pryor, told me about the Rainbow Celebration, that is trying to recreate the 4 day or so, Woodstock, held in an open, I believe private property, field, in New York state, 40 or so years ago, with mud wrestling, music, naked hippies, drugs, and free love!  I saw the newspaper article, that said, that the committee, that chooses the sight for the music festival, had not exactly chosen, the place to hold the event . . . now, mind you, I am getting my information from Utah, first hand, and I didn't see much more than an article, but little hoopla, over the celebration, that travels each summer from state to state, usually, during the summer months, with some advertisement and disclosure, so similarly thinking people, old hippies, and their children, and grandchildren, or those trying to recreate the love, the drugs and the atmosphere, of less complicated times, in all areas . . . really, just a nostalgic event.  Pretty harmless . . .

All I remember of the event, was a passing comment by someone, that those Rainbow Kids, have been hanging out for months after the festival . . . and who can blame them!  Hell, I am hanging out two years later, and many, many people, come to visit Montana, and never leave again!  So, it doesn't surprise me that this crowd, would hang around for awhile, and didn't seem to be a bother, or really much of an annoyance, really.  However, Utah was an entirely different matter, from what I heard, from my ex-husband, who is still a hippy, as have all my husbands, been to some extent or another!  And all of them, have turned out to be pretty respectable people, tax paying, law abiding citizens, job holders, in responsible positions in church, government, and communities!  My first ex-husband, was a long haired, hippy, who re-converted to the Mormon Church, after he saw a drunk, leaning up against a tree at some park in Salt Lake, and decided that wasn't the life he wanted, went on to go on a mission to Holland, learning about their amazing city planning, and came back to get a degree in geography, from the University of Utah, and a master degree, from the University of Arizona, in Urban Development . . . he did, however, flunk, his planning law class, just a bit of a rub, from his ex-wife, an attorney!  LOL!

Hell, all the cops, in Utah, use marijuana!  I would venture a guess that most of the hippie professors, I taught with at the University of Utah, all smoked pot, on a regular basis!  So . . . ?  I don't personally smoke pot, but I sure as hell, believe in your right to smoke it, and do what you want, with your most valued property, your body!  I just heard, that the first guy in line, to buy legal recreational marijuana, from a dispensary in Washington, just a few days ago, camped out for 19 hours, said it was a party, he wore his old tie dyed t-shirt he had been sporting for 19 years, was interviewed on TV, sounded like a stand up guy, holding down several jobs, was actually fired from his job, after the interview, and the company he worked for demanded a drug test!  He, like most laid back people on weed, just laughed it off, and said, he could get a job anytime, but he couldn't be part of history in the state, being the first one in line to buy legal marijuana, from a state run dispensary!  I loved his attitude . . . said, he was hoping for his dream job, working at a dispensary, and knowing hippies, like I do, the place he bought the pot from, probably hired him after he lost his job!  LOL!  

Colorado, raised $41 billion in taxes, and created about 2,500 new jobs in the state . . . not bad!  The Utah Legislature, asked me to write up my opinion, on legalizing medical marijuana, in Utah, knowing I was involved to some extent in the Montana battle to get the laws right, in light of the PTA, and the feds, who raided, the legal marijuana growers, using federal, rather than state laws, that were temporarily on hold, while the law, was reworked!  With the average grower, having to serve 5 year prison sentences!  Anyway, last session, Utah did pass, a landmark law, for the Colony, giving kids, with seizures, and other illnesses, the right to buy marijuana, from other states . . . thanks Colorado!  But Vets, are getting arrested, and basically, allowing kids only, violates the 14th amendment, due process and equal protection, or uniform operation of law, for others who need pain or palliative care!  But, it is a start!

Utah, Actually, Had A Travelling Judge, To Charge & Handle Court, On the Spot, for Out of State Rainbows--Money!  I Know People Who Travel Around Utah to AVOID IT--ME TOO, NOW!

I don't do it to smoke marijuana, but to avoid, the police state entirely, since, the last time I ventured into the state, 8 highway patrolmen, who must have been alerted through aerial surveillance, that I was in the state, arriving by bus, none the less, 24/7 watch on me . . . so that should tell you where the Constitution stands in the eyes of the law in Utah . . . it doesn't!  But, two cops per vehicle, pulled into Subway, in military precision style, and came into the Subway, just under the freeway, next to the Sinclair gas station, and down the street from the Crystal Inn, and when  that didn't seem to do much, they tried to hit me as I tried to board a bus, realizing that I was not going to get to visit my house or cabin, that probably has a cop living in both!  Utah has a reputation of being a police state . . . I knew that 20 years ago, and it is even worse now!

Now, I am not sure, where the festival was held, private or public property, which upon, closer, examination, of the law, constitutional rights, violations, charges, and what not, that I was not informed on, but just the absolute shock, that people could run around without clothes, with children all over the place and never got a ticket, but pot smokers did!  But, that would make sense . . . in the penis driven or wiener dog club, over the flag . . . public exposure, or lewd behavior would be far more tolerated, to the pervs in Utah, with the suppressed sexual atmosphere of the state and Church, that the cops and judge would get their jollies off naked hippies, but pot, that is where they get all their federal funds from!  In this Patriot Act crazed police state and nation, with a few exceptions!

I can tell you what I would rather have had my children, had I frequented places like that, when MY kids were growing up!  Now, the cops, girl, Rachel, Shelley, and crew, their kids all use drugs, and smoke worse then marijuana, and so do the cops, since I got 8 fired, including two campus cops, for using, growing and harvesting marijuana, scapegoats really . . . and all the big shot, cop husbands I have had, all smoke it on more than a regular basis . . . they are all part of the club, immune, you know, all the rest of you cattle, breeders, consumers, bottom feeders!  

Not Only Are There Two JoAnns, Two Americas, But Two Sets of Laws, One for Law Enforcement, and One For You & I!



Hell, Yeah, They Stole the Whole Blog, After the Freezing of the Computer!  That is not protecting my 1st amendment rights, that is protecting their penises and pussies!

Thursday, July 10, 2014


God's Revolver & Utah, the Beehive State

State flags reveal, symbolically what a state is like.  The Utah flag, has a Beehive with bees buzzing around, symbolizing the state's work force industry or good work ethics.  Utah survived the economic melt down well, due to the pro-business climate and great, educated workforce, attracting new business and industry, having a grade A on economic factors, is state ratings.  But there have been forces at work in the state of Utah, and the state sanctioned Mormon Church, with an overly representative number or percentage of members in the intelligence community, like the CIA and the FBI, military and other government run agencies, that have created, a drone-like existence, with drones, legal and law enforcement elite, living off the work of others, like parasites, using highly specialized technology, for less than ethical, legal, constitutional and lawful to criminal means, up to and including identity theft, fraudulent transfer, theft of intellectual property, real property, conveyance of property, up to and including the murder of at least 23 people I am aware of.

This same group of alleged law enforcement elite with the power, force, and missionary connections of not only the intelligence community, network marketers, and the Mormon Church, and the infiltration of members into national entities, like the American Boy Scouts, mafia, Illuminati, freemasons, Skull & Bones, elite colleges and universities, Wall Street, etc.  And like the drone bees, in a position to feed and suck the life out of others' work, like amoeba sucking parasites, they even came up with a selection of an alleged, Queen Bee, encouraged, through lifestyles like swinging, wife swapping, and polygamy, to mate with the drones, making a culture among the CIA and FBI, law enforcement of sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll, while far from a virgin queen, this little game, includes even taking other people's kids, resumes, careers, high profile cases, homes, vehicles, and all that makes one queen, queen, but the one claiming the identity of the other, and all that goes with her . . . this ties right into the Mormon theology of being a society of priests and priestesses, and kings and queens . . .

God's Revolver Band & Money Were the Original Seed Money

The ring leaders of the circle of friends: Shelley Southwick Anderson Yeman, Jerry Owens, Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart, Kay Burningham Brown Buttars Stuart/Stewart, Richard & Helen Glenn Southwick, Rachel Hickey-Mooseman, Frank of InterPol aka Allan Rex Bess, Mark Shurtleff, Justices Tena Campbell, Ted Stewart and Clark Waddoups, clients, Brock, Rice, Cheek, Clark, Braun, Vail, Arduino, and then the cover-up expands out from that circle out, to the entire Southwick extended family, the Morning Side Ward, Dixie State College, and like throwing a rock in the circle of a pond, the ripples go from the epicenter and continue on and on, doing whatever is necessary to carry out the original fraud, then the alienation of affection, when they, this group realized, they could not do this without in-laws, and children, now grandchildren . . . spreading, following, and expanding to Montana, city, by city, organization to organization, etc.

You see the amount of money was so astronomical from, both Parallax, with singer Blake Donner, and God's Revolver's: Little Black Horse Where Are You Going With Your Dead Rider . . . that, they took Elliot Taylor Secrist's, attorney mother out of the game, originally in 2000, first to punish me for getting asset forfeiture legislation stopped in Utah and then 27 states, then taking out 9 federal agents and attorneys, on new Medicaid/Medicare fraud units, with Congress appropriating money, for the task of investigation, and prosecution of doctors, nationwide; however, between the efforts of myself, as general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, and Dr. Taj Becker and her attorney husband, Aldolf, at the same time, exceptional musicians in Provo/Orem were just starting to go viral, with music to rival, even today's hard rock and heavy metal bands, 10 years later, with music still relevant, real and raw, were now the focus of the target, theft, conversion, and promotion of the music, but not the musicians responsible for the music, but as I refuse to go away, they had to have Elliot, or other band members on board!

Sony Deal--Easy, Ask for Remix--Elliot Does His In 4 Days, Rest of the Band Refuses . . . Elliot Continues on with Maraloka

God's Revolver's second CD, at least from the band itself, unless insiders, who were all friends of Isaac Anderson's also, took bribes, considered they had the legal right to be bought out, or they were threatened, I know that several of the band members were put on house arrest . . . hmmmmm, now who had the power to do that?  A CD that was suppose to take 2 years, turned into 5 years!  WHY?  Now, look how easy this is . . . the CD is finally done, in 2011, at the height of my legal prowess and career, before I started getting the shit kicked out of my by and abusive system, very similar to the characteristic of an abusive spouse, Jerry, Brett, Allan/Frank?  Music promoters, start showing up, in my clientele, assuring me that it is common practice for music companies to sign, one of a three level music contract with new bands, only fulfill the first level, steal the music, and give it to a band in the same genre and then they save the promotional expenses of getting the new band out and in the public eye . . . bull shit!

Get rid of mom again, claim one of the insider girls, is JoAnn, easy switch--Rachel's house, Shelley connecting with clients, Kay working the legal angles, Grand-da and Drones taking up the slack and working on the details . . . use all of the girls to cover one area of JoAnn's life or another, depending on the crowd . . . frame both her and Elliot for alleged crimes, and bingo, kill two famous birds with one stone . . . not so easy, neither son, nor mother going down that easy!

Picture of Silhouettes of Two Cowboys, On Horseback, Shaking Hands--Was a Deal Cut?

Last week, John had to put up with one of my venting sessions.  I brought up the picture on his bathroom wall, that has been there, since I first came to his apartment, at least before or right after Christmas, strangely enough, until I brought the meaning of the picture to John's attention, and it magically, disappeared that very day . . . much like any billboards I point out in my blogs, graffiti on walls, they all just up and poof, disappear, as if nobody ever saw them . . . really, the two bill boards I mentioned, that were just past the last gas station as you leave Kalispell?  The one with the blond boy, then the other three kids with bananas for smiles . . . I guess i was the only one to see them!  LOL!

They want you to think I am crazy, disabled, riding the bus, not because they blew up my car, and stole my truck, or homeless because they stole my houses, chase, frame me, send assassins after me . . . art reflects or mimics life, not life, art . . . movies, like Enemy of the State, or State of Play, or the Fugitive, were most likely written by people who had these experiences happen to them, not because Holliwood must needed a new movie, many are true stories and based on real life!

Anyway, this picture, made me think about the possibility, that some deal was cut, some bargin made, there had to be something to stop the band from pursuing and recourse, refusing to play, and not even naming their second CD, made on contract with Translation Lost . . . a subsidiary of Sony!  One day, I flipped out, about my cases, my situation, my son's bands, and all the shit we have had to go through.  I happend to mention that the picture of the two cowboys on horseback in John's bathroom, made me think, something was up, something I was missing, something different than I thought took place . . . that night, the picture had been removed!  WHY?  Getting too close to home!

Cleaning is not a common occurrence in this apartment, and it just happened on the day, a new guy shows up, DJ Clark, someone else on the payroll, to allege a different sister, was JoAnn . . . ABC, like clock work, when one lying pod is questioned, another person is introduced to cover the mishaps of the original pod, expanding the sphere, to include, ever more people to substantiate the original claim, of who's identity we are talking about . . . the missing picture, says more than had it been left on the wall!  DJ even joked about having a new credit card without limits, and was sporting new clothes, and was back with the girlfriend he was trying to tell me was sold or involved in human trafficking . . . and now she is sitting with me in the car?  Something is up, this guy has been to prison off and on for 15 years . . . but they would rather that type than the honest ones!  New court case, went easy the other day!

Law Enforcement Avoiding All the Tools of Evidence!  Self-Authenticating!

Shelley watches crime shows like 48 Hours, Cold Cases, ID Network, Sopranos, and has a book case filled with all the most high profile serial killers, she was connected to the cops, when I was first poisoned, may have even been the one to make the poison, she is a biology major, worked for a pharmaceutical company in Park City, Utah, and a plastic surgeons, with a son, dying to be a cop.  But, I remember her telling me about an episode, in one of the crime scenes, that was the start of forensic sciences, or CSI type investigations.

These man and woman decided to get drunk, or drink together . . . the guy passed out, while drunk, and awoke to find the woman dead.  He freaked out, and decided he must have killed her, and wanted to dispose of the evidence, the body.  He got his saw out and started to dismember her body, to cut it into more manageable sizes; however, while he was working on the body, he got exhausted, and passed out again.  By this time, someone alerted the cops, and he was arrested, for the murder of the woman.  But, as forensics developed, and were at that time, or just starting, they, started to look at the time of death, and whether she had actually predeceased the dismemberment, or had already been dead at the time the man, awoke from the drunken stupor, to find the woman already expired.

As the coroner, examined the body, looked at the time of death, and possible reasons, he found that the woman, had actually died of natural causes, or alcohol related causes, therefore, the man, even though, he had desecrated the body, had not murdered her.  He may have been charged with tampering with a corpse, or some lesser crime, but murder was out of the question.  I remember, working this SWAP, or the Utah State Wide Association of Prosecutors, working on a piece of legislation, making it a crime to tamper with a corpse or dead body . . . I believe, if memory serves, that a couple of kids, were driving either a funeral home vehicle, or an ambulance, and the dead body, they were transporting, fell out of the back of the truck and onto the streets, causing alarm to the family members who loved the person and were very upset to hear what had happened to their loved one!

Drone Law Enforcement, Frame, Cut a Deal for the Music!

About the time, Elliot, moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, I believe soon after the death of lead singer, of Parallax, Blake Donner and three others were killed, I believed murdered, in the Provo Death Cave Incident, and both God's Revolver & Maraloka, were being formed and writing, there was a young university student, female, who had been raped and murdered in her apartment, I believe near the University, somewhere around 7th East and 2nd South . . . that vicinity if I remember.  At the time, I was still of the mindset that I was going to die, and wanted to minimize contact with my kids, to make it easier on them, should I suddenly die, I also didn't have a car . . . my father put, my car in Jesse Anderson's name, instead of mine, or giving it to Chris, who needed a car, which surprised me, due to the fact that the car was in my name, and almost paid for by the time I was poisoned, or got PIX.

I had allowed, Shelley to use my car, for two years, because, I voluntarily stopped driving, afraid, I might kill others, if I suddenly died, while driving.  So, it shocked me, once while in St. George, that two cops, came up to me and said that Shelley had requested that my driver's license be revoked . . . she was already stealing my ID, had social and driver license, father sent to her!  Father and daughter crime duo, had been since she was young, junior high and high school, worked with him!  I was surprised, since I had not been driving for a year!  Voluntarily, so it was not as if, there was a reason, other than, taking my clean name and driving record!  I think I had one ticket in 40 some odd years of driving!  Anyway, my kids were pretty much either on their own, or had some, not much help from dad . . . they remind me of the 4 kit foxes, left to fend for themselves, with talent, beauty and swimming in a tank of sharks and barracudas . . . family members first and foremost!

For some reason, Elliot's move to Salt Lake, that forensic discovery, Isaac, and the death of that girl, haunted me.  Elliot said, when God's Revolver wrote Little Black Horse, they were so drunk on whiskey most of the time, they didn't even know what they were doing!  He referred to the band as the laziest band in America!  When I told him how good, both the first and second CDs were, and they were the Doors level of music, trying to book concerts and everything for them, he just laughed and said it was easy . . . long, but easy for this talented, group of hotties, who have what it takes to make rock stars!  And you don't think law enforcement, with mom on the radar screen, Shelley, and others, especially Isacc, envious cousin, with envious mother . . . Brett, Kay and crew, taking note of the rise to fame, skyrocket rise to fame, on their own . . . with a fake band already out selling tickets and marketing around the world, through the Mormon and intel networks, raking in the cash!

Generations of Criminal Minds--Grandpa, Mother, Son--Easy Pickin's & Easy Money, All Just There for the Taking!

Isaac and Elliot were in their first band together; Isaac moved to the tree streets in Provo, with Elliot and the connections with almost the entire Wasatch Front music scene, with Parallax rising in fame and popularity, with a west coast tour; Elliot moved to Salt Lake with Isaac and Josh, about the time Gods's Revolver & Maraloka were getting started, Isaac takes credit for introducing Elliot to the band members that made up the bands--I don't know how true that is or is not . . . Isaac, was originally the singer for Maraloka, see early YouTube Videos . . . God's Revolver took off, and so did Isaac, disappeared as lead singer for Maraloka, WHY?

Isaac was hanging with Shelley, who was living with me, at Rachel's old house, she gave to me, while I took care of her two oldest children and a friends, plus Shelley and her crew, Jesse, Alex, Ty, Alex's daughter, McKinnely, Isaac . . . off and on for a year and a half, Isaac was late to the seen, Jesse said I was the only other he had known, and the rest of Shelley's kids, started to call her Shelley, rather than mom, bizarre! Shelley never left the house for 8 months--thoughts that she was hiding so they could knock me off, and say that Shelley was me, she said they took my furniture because they, Washington County Constables thought she was me!  Really, I was never named in a lawsuit, Rachel and Shelley were!  Constable Jean Dickson, knew full well who I was and who Shelley was, and so did the courts!

Ty told me, at one point, that Isaac had weed upstairs, now why didn't he tell his mother, who was there 24/7, and tell me, who was practicing or had cases in 5 states, and going to the U.S. Supreme Court?  I believe it was a set up with Shelley and Isaac involved, he also brought a gun, but I never saw any weed, but I was using HGC Diet or Weight Loss materials, that included syringes . . . but Isaac was in the middle of it. When Shelley and lazy ass Isaac, came up to Parowan, after the real Allan Rex Bess, my client, gave me his house in payment for getting him off, framed attempted suicide, while he moved to the cabin, or the government double, after he and Shelley murdered the real Allan, soon after the seizure of the house, one day before I was to fly to Denver to argue the Brock and Rice securities case, with me working non-stop, Shelley, Frank aka Allan, and Isaac, moved right in and acted like they owned the place in Parowan, opening my new bedding, starting fires, watching my videos, on my new electronics and getting to know my workers around the house.

One day, while I was up in Salt Lake, and Shelley had 100% access to my computer, to switch gears, so she got all my documents, via e-filing on both her cases and mine, unbeknown to me, and Isaac took over the music room I made for Elliot, so his band could come and visit, several of my workers, who were being watched non-stop by the cops, so they could get in my house, under the Patriot Act, and steal my flash drives right out of my purse, Isaac told the workers to smoke pot in my house, and charge me for time they didn't work . . . I trusted them, sometimes up to 10 workers a day, $10 per hour . . . Isaac lied on his hours and tried to smoke pot, but lucky for me, Brad Haney, took charge and told Isaac to get out, and stop lying about his hours . . . shortly after that, I kicked Shelley and Isaac out, but they had become very close with Allan, seemed to know him previously . . . music tour coach?

Isaac Knew Elliot Better Than Anyone!  Whatever It Was Had to Be Big, and Serious to Cut a Deal!

What would be bad enough to get a rock band, who had three world wide music interviews, was named rock band of 2008, give up their new CD and not pursue their old CD . . . perhaps money?  Music is everything to Elliot, he is like the law is to me, loves it, never thought of the money . . . so, genetically a possibility.  But to take the dreams of a lifetime, and throw them away for money, doesn't make sense, even though, Elliot had Maraloak, which he kept telling me to just kind of let the music thing go, and he had moved on . . . money has never meant that much to my kids or me, they were not raised to value money, so what happened?

The bands played a all kinds of cottage parties and clubs, whiskey was part of the pay, and usually the band was smashed by the time the night of music and whiskey were over.  I have never heard of Isaac getting drunk, nor heard him joke about it, or Elliot mention that Isaac was there with the band, although, Isaac, knew every song by heart, and said that Elliot was a god!  That sounded like an insider's comment, about identity theft and the music and the true state of Elliot's fame, but through him!

Shelley always made it a point to be friends, if not lovers with all my former husbands, and Isaac was always friends and involved with Elliot's band member and friends, in fact, I know Adam, and I think John, actually came down to Parowan, with Isaac, and Isaac was playing music for the painters on my house, and Isaac made it appear, that somehow, he was playing my son's music, but he was the son, not the nephew, and Shelley was just Shelley, or dropping him off, while he took over the music room I decorated for Elliot! Who was every bit as busy as his mother, with work,bands, girlfriend Rachel, who was also involved in stopping the band from concerts I set up!

When Elliot Plays the Guitar, He Rocks the Hell Out of It . . . Total Energy, Big Time Wipe Out!

The thought crossed my mind, that Isaac, who knew Elliot's habits, band and drinking patterns, could easily have murdered some chick, and framed Elliot, who drank to a whiskey stupor, and much like the crime shows his mother watched, framed Elliot, passed out, and out of his mind, and then the drone cops, who saw total easy and fun money, charged Elliot with a crime so big, that he had no other option, but to either give his music over to them, or go to prison!  I believe it had to be of that magnitude to get Elliot, who was a mover and shaker ii the band, scheduling concerts and nationwide tours, to cave and give up his music, his dreams, his money, and his fame, and this rock star status!

Essentially, what Shelley was doing to me, stealing my cases, my good name, my resume, if she hadn't already, working with cops, courts and elected officials, named defendants, at a time when Mitt Romney was running for office, little Isaac, was doing the same to Elliot, and using the statewide battering system to facilitate the abuse of power, the criminal acts, acting like they were giving Elliot a good deal, to play for pay . . . in the form of restitution!  To somehow alleviate their guilty of the outright lies, theft, and deception, aiding and abetting one family, the genius family, and substituting in the drone force, the parasites, that live off the work of the worker bees, in the Bee Hive State and associates in Washington and government!

I Was Surprised to See that Elliot Had A Bee Hive & Bees Tattooed on His Calf or Leg!  The Sign of a Worker Bee!

Queen Bee, Had to Have Elliot, to Be Queen--In a Hive of Drones, Parasites, Gold Diggers and Blood Suckers!


Wednesday, July 9, 2014


I Have Been Slamming China Lately, New Enemies

Now what in the hell is China doing over here going after me, little old constitutional law attorney, blogger extraordinaire?  I know damn, well, my blog circles the earth--hell, my blog had 155,000,000 hits, two months ago, and the quality and information have not declined in importance, but only escalated in relevance, realism, reality, global impact and exposure . . . there was and is a tool, of Google, that allows all the languages of the earth to read my blog, translated into their own language, with many relatives, social media, and a world that is cyber connected, with blogs and news instantaneously available, worldwide, what I write, while sitting at Target, a symbolic name in and of itself, right here in river city, Kalispell, Montana, is not like Vegas, where what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas . . . but what I write in Kalispell, doesn't stay in the city, but eventually ends up being bumped, hit, recommended, and crossing international waters, to other countries.

Read my last few blogs, and this will make more sense to you . . . the One World Order, why in the hell do you think bus loads of children are being allowed over the borders in Texas, ground zero for immigration, and everyone knows that children pull at the heart strings, if anyone is going to be protected, it would be children, adoption, foster care, but breaking the system with the detention hearings that all illegal immigrants get, allowing them some form of due process, before, we the tax payers, foot the bill for their deportation, while groups scream to the President, to stop deporting, and the other side of the streets, yelling to send them back to Guatemala or wherever they came from . . . not Mexico or Canada, mind you, Mormons do a stellar missionary business in South America, they, Congressman, Chris Cannon (R. UT), served his mission in Mexico, were behind the Mexican Consulate, working with the Mormon Church, to bring illegal aliens into Utah, setting up emergency centers, providing drivers licenses and health care benefits, in Boy Scout buildings on church property, but off into the parking lot, away a bit--Utah Mormon's version of separation of church and state, with the Catholic Church, fighting to keep their memberships, with the Hispanics intact . . . you have to see the big fucking picture to get what is going on!

There are more Hispanic members of the Mormon Church, than whites, and populating like bunnies, as do Mormons, Muslims, and others!  This is a well orchestrated plan, that is not new to President Obama, just a week or so ago, I wrote that George H.W. Bush, has deep ties with China and spent a lot of time over there, before he was appointed CIA director, with little to no experience to back up a logical appointment, much like former Senator Max Bacus, of Montana, who followed, former Governor of Utah, Governor Huntsman!  Huntsman, I believe, went on his Mormon mission to China, or Tiawan, and probably speaks, Mandrin, or Chinese, so he at least had a legitimate argument for appointment; however, Bacus, simply smirked at the appointment and when the press, pressed him for his credentials or possible reasons he might be appointed by President Obama, he just said, he played Chinese Checkers . . . REALLY?

One World Bankers/One World Order, Can't Make It Without America!

Like I said, the Illuminati, a 13 family organization that originated in Italy, has not been defined as CIA, mafia, masons, Knights of Templar, government, world bankers, but it is deeply connected and involved in all of these organizations, along with the Yale, spawning pond from Hell, the secret society, of Skull & Bones; a week or so ago, a former Hitler, Nazi SS man, was arrested, in Pennsylvania, having lived their quietly for about 60 years, after the war ended, in anonymity, and peace, having changed his name, but if the FBI and CIA, didn't know of his existence, they should have . . . raising questions of how he wasn't prosecuted sooner for war crimes, under many treaties, dictating acceptable prisoner treatment . . . gassing millions of Jews, is not acceptable!

America declared its independence, through the Declaration of Independence, in 1776, the Illuminati, was formed in 1776, start connecting the dots, and you will find a fascinating network, web, of inter-connectedness, from the Kennedy Assassination, to many more assassinations, up to an including a Pope of the Catholic Church, that was going to build his papestry on the principles of world peace . . . not what the world bankers wanted, funding both sides of all wars!  Up to and including Yassar Arafat, former leader of Israel, who was gunned down, shortly after making a speech, that he wanted a peaceful world for his grandchildren!

Oh, before I go too far, the Pennsylvania Nazi, who was just arrested, was a member of the SKULL & BLACK BONES ORDER, under Hitler, if I remember the name, so close to the Yale Skull & Bones, that it is scary, seeing that Prescott Bush, later, Senator Prescott Bush, who should not have been elected, but tried for treason, for funding Hitler, in conjunction with some of the other Skull & Bones, buddies he met while at Yale!  There is hardly any record of George H.W. Bush's college days, did he spend them in training for the One World Order, he is recorded in a speech, giving?  This should be no surprise, he outright said it, and President Obama, has said something similar, both Bush and carried on by Obama, the standing armies, that all took place at night, behind closed doors, and have tanks parked in empty car lots in Las Vegas, and alone 1-15 in Utah, with fences blocking the views!

Think of News Footage--Who Has Standing Armies Parading Down their Streets?  Germany, Russia, China, Korea, etc., but America--NEVER!

Why in the hell, do you think they are trying so hard to get rid of one, little, insignificant, constitutional law attorney?  Because, I fucking get it, raised Mormon, I see the the worldwide missionary effort and the connections there, trained in the Constitution, see the destruction there, fascinated with spies, see the connections there, alert to the secret societies, I see it there . . . watched the bail out, melt down, 7 hours a night . . . I see it there; concerned about the environment, camping, fishing, roads, . . . I see Agenda 21, Bush senior's baby . . . I see it there too!

You name it, from Russia and the Ukraine, with Pro-Russian insergents, I see it there, Crimea, Syria, Libya, back in Iraq, dragging in Pakistan . . . who in the hell, do you think gave the Boko Harem, the high end luxury, Toyotas, that are only used by the military, but were used to capture the 200 plus young girls, this group, and the inner circle, use children . . . whether shipping them in on buses, to America, or taking them in Nigeria!  They, the masterminds behind the one world order, want to create chaos and war, rumors of war, all over the globe, funding both sides, so eventually, both sides, or all nations on earth will be so, sick of bloodshed and war, that they will cave in to the One World Order, just to have peace! 

The Boogie Man is NOT, Al Qaeda!

These dumb asses are not powerful enough, not smart enough, don't have enough money, and they are used all over the world as terrorists, or the alleged group behind whatever warmongering is going on!  Don't fucking fall for it anymore . . . these guys are predictable, just like their assassins, if you are looking for them!  Ever since 9/11, an insider government job, anyway you look at it, either the Taliban, or the Al Qaeda, have been used as scapegoats, covering the Bushes, Obamas, Clintons, who cover for the Rockerfellers, the Rothchilds, and the Bildibergers, world banking crowd!  You know, the guys who got them elected!  It matters not, who is in office, as long as the guys and gals, pulling the strings are Anti-American, pro everyone else!

I have long contended, that you have to stop the U.S. Constitution and Christianity, to thwart the efforts of the One World Order . . . their goals of peace are totally at odds with each other; America can achieve peace without money, through justice for all, due process, open access to the courts, protections from unreasonable searches and seizures, double jeopardy, taking of property, state and people's rights, rich or poor . . . unlike their system of a ruling elite, a spiritual elite, and environmental elite . . . fuck'em! 

America is the shining light on a hill that Bush senior referred to, but he, and his cronies are trying to take that shining light on the hill and destroy it!  What for, money, power, control, ruling elite, an ologarchy, self-appointed royalty, or a group like the Nazi SS, who got power, pussy and perks . . . who does that sound like . . . the secret service, off fucking prostitutes, exposing President Obama's schedule, or the CIA culture of sex, lies and video tapes, formerly directed under Gen. Petraeus, or Betray Us!


You are one female China Doll assassin, CIA assassin, FBI hit man or woman, away, from losing the voice of this blog, who has taken the oath to preserve, protect and defend, not only the U.S. Constitution, but America in the process, for if this document fails, so does the country and YOU!  Kiss the American way of life, freedom, limited as it is, your rights, are any claim to them, gone . . . botta bing, gone! We are so close, yet so far away, from them having their way with us . . . I believe we have turned a corner, and we are safer; however, three assassination attempts on my life, just yesterday, would suggest, the stakes are higher, the identity theft if getting more and more crucial, before, me, you, and America, brings them fucking down, to their knees!

We have both foreign and domestic enemies, there are infiltrators from our own government in any freedom loving organization.  The New American Magazine, put out by the John Birch Society, with the main goal of educating the American people, in constitutional law issues, and other related freedom and liberty ideas, including their Liberty Index, or rating system for the Congress--both House and Senate, is aiming to keep America, America, as are the Daughters of the American Revolution, who have a similar charter, to educate and train citizens on the U.S. Constitution . . . Birchers have been trashed since the 1950's, when this stuff was just picking up steam and speed, they trashed an organization that was very American, and painted them as the bad boys and girls . . . truthiness!

Often, that which is the true is hidden, trashed, thrashed, attacked, and bashed.  They bring in the truthiness factor, and use, abuse, and control, fighting for the minds of the people, painting half-truths, illusions of the truth, images that are more satisfying to the general public, who would rather see a Hollywood version of a hero, than the hero him or herself . . . those T & A, girls are so much more enjoyable to look at, doesn't mind that they are a shadow cruiser, a liar, a fraud, a fake, with the intent to lure you away from the truth, or the true person!  

Back from my side-bar, the New American Magazine, last I saw, at former landlord, and I would think militia/constitutional/Bundy government infiltarator, in the past issue, of the magazine, and horrifying tale, that is so, totally believable, right, and easy to do, was presented, in the wake of the Bundy Rancher v. BLM standoff . . . now, there is a book that is often read by this group of Patriots, called They Fired The First Shot . . . a book that came out in 2012, if my memory serves.  But, think, you have FBI infiltrators all over the place in these groups, I have seen them for years, within the Utah Boys of the Mountains, and other pro-America groups, working their way to group confidents, loyalties, and also an insider to whom, what, where, and with what the government needs to be aware of . . . you know, those Timothy McVeigh and Nichols, the Branch Davidians, the Sandy Ridge type guys . . . those JoAnn S. Secrists, that they read . . . so we need, an infiltrator, Rachel, as JoAnn . . . so, the writer in the article on the back page of the June, issue, I would think, an government infiltrator, picks up his gun, and the BLM and other federal agents, go to shoot him, and he pulls out his FBI badge, and flashes it at them, so they stop!

Both sides are just waiting for a show down, the militias and the government, both being fueled and funded by foreign and domestic enemies, playing the sides against each other, to achieve, a NATIONAL SUICIDE . . . they create the chaos, they fuel the powder keg, they fire the first shot, they start another civil war, weaken America . . . if they can't get us in a war oversees, then they will try one on our own soil . . . Tony Osthemieir, with the right credentials, wrong ideology, against the 9th and 10th amendments, dead give away, last told me, that there were Russian speaking convoys of troops, freely being allowed in Montana back country . . . BULL SHIT!  

He, Tony, Harvard, alleged elite, I saw through you in about two days . . . continues to think that I am stupid, and will write and alarm the Patriot movement, with his government bull shit, or try to discredit me, so little fake tit, fake teeth, flag wearing, cheap imitation of me, is preferred . . . fuck you Tony and all your Mormon fuckers, who want polygamy, and free access to female reproduction . . . and Rachel is stupid enough to let you men control her, because she is made more by being me, that she could ever, ever, be herself . . . I don't need your fucking dumb asses to be me, and ten times more than Kay, Shelley, Rachel, Sue, Tiffany, Kelly, and whoever the hell else you guys fuck and claim I am not myself, and these bitches are me!  

The Men Are As Dependent on the Women, as the Women Are The Men!  LOL!  I AM not Dependent on Anyone!

Last night, after leaving John, DJ Clark, and Anna, to go to a free dinner, provided at the church behind the Library in Kalispell, the Christian Center, and then going to a free concert at the Depot Park, I stopped on my way, at the Historic Museum, across from the Sutherland Cleaners . . . I sat at a picnic table, and watched as several friends, or alleged friends, many from Feeding the Flathead, and the community, have turned and bought the truthiness of Rachel, or Shelley, or whomever . . . they all act strange and different that previously, trying to carry on as usual; however, money, secrets, connections, being brought or bot by the in crowd, as it drawbacks, like authenticity!

I sat and looked at the Sutherland Cleaners, memories flooded my mine, of years gone by, when all the foundation of what is happening today, is being laid, formed, plotted, trained, and put in place.  Now, if any of you will remember, Keiffer Sutherland, son of actor Donald Sutherland, was the star of the TV series, 24 Hours or just 24, a show about an FBI assassin or hit man, there are women too, like my sisters, my friend, all trained in the CIA/FBI manner, to take my place, my resume, and number one, my son's band, the real money maker, God's Revolver . . . now, add Maraloka, they may have even bribed, threatened, charged him falsely, or somehow gotten my son's and daughters, to join the in crowd, but that was a very popular show, especially with my father, Richard Southwick, former spy for the OSS, in the intelligence arm, the Office of Strategic Intelligence, too bad, I was the one born during that time, with the native intelligence to pull it off, naturally without training . . . and the other Utah born and bred, disappeared for two years to train for their roles as me, and trained as gun toting assassin chicks!

Pipe Bomb Assassination Attempt Started At Rachel's House In Cove, Utah

Often, when I was going back and forth between, Montana and Utah, when I still had a car or truck, both taken, blown up, or sheriffs stole . . . I would stop in at Rachel's house, she shared with husband, Kay Mooseman, who has deep family roots up in the area, owning 11 acres of farm land, nestled up close to the beautiful mountains, in their former, cottage style home, after Rachel and Kay modified the ranch style home, Kay had built for his former wife, who divorced him . . . Rachel and Kay had dated in high school.  Now they allegedly live in an old farm home in Mendon, Utah, still Cache Valley, where Stephanie and Emily, attend Utah State University, or last I spoke to Rachel, that is where they were going, Stephanie is an art major, Em is just trying to get married!  

Her mother is a great role model, married 4 hours after her divorce to Christian Hickey . . . probably, had me move in Rachel's house, fight with Chris and Brian his attorney, as if I was Rachel, while she slipped away, leaving her children, with me . . . she married Kay, whom is shorter than Rachel, probably all to appear to be me and Jerry Owens, my former husband from Midway, Utah, who is calling me again . . . I am buried under a large dog pile of shit, lies, fabrications, and fraud.  But anyway, I used to frequently stay at Rachel and Kay's house on my way to and fro Montana for the first year or so, until my car was blown up . . . the last time I think I saw Rachel . . . 

Kyle Mooseman--JoAnn Could You Ever Kill Someone?  Day Before Pipe Bomb

Kyle and I, got close, I was close with all Rachel's children, until I kicked them out of the house in St. George for locking or changing the locks, with the help of Chris Hickey, Rachel's first husband, father of all her children, and colluding with him, who hadn't paid a dime to support, his own children, or the strays they brought with them, nor Shelley and her brood of mutts from 4 different fathers, but hey, she never got an abortion!  But Kyle would confide in me, and was at a point in his life, he would either go on a mission, join the military, just work and get married, consider college, or whatever.  So one day, Kyle and I were talking, actually, a very connect the dots day, I had written a scathing constitutional analysis for the Utah Legislature, admonishing them that funding for license plate readers or scanner, was blatantly unconstitutional . . . but worth millions to the state, in fees and fines, plus keeping the jails full!

I wrote that, I believe on a Saturday, Kyle and I talked on Sunday . . . he told me that he had been recruited by the FBI . . . really, this kid was lost, small, unimpressive . . . so, family connections, were showing through, as they had been with Jesse, Shelley's kids, who wanted to be a cop, and Matt Hickey, who also wanted to be a cop . . . new movie out, Let's Be Cops!  This is a comedy, and so would all these guys be, a comedy of errors, all involved with drugs, girls, and even stand-offs with cops!  So, anyway, out of the blue, Kyle asks me, JoAnn, could you ever kill someone?  I told him the conditions I might.  Didn't think much of it, until then next day, when Rachel, begged me to stay another day . . . directions on plans, assassination, car bomb!  

Saturday, rip the cops, Sunday, Matt and Emily came home and told me there were four black Ford Crown Victoria undercover cops cars, strategically placed around the road up to the Mooseman residence.  I decided to sneak out of town, via, the back roads to Preston, Idaho, and get out of Dodge!  Later, both Matt and Emily, said, they were just kidding, but I knew they were not, and had been coached, so I was my normal cautious self, always error on the side of safety, and told Rachel and Kay I was leaving.  Rachel begged me to stay, didn't really have a reason, and Kay usually saw my visits and cutting in on his sex time with Rachel, totally fits the sex slave, and labor woman . . . he goes to the gym and has a throbbing penis waiting for exhausted Rachel, daily, as she returns from a day battling kids, and the Levine Wedding Shop on Main Street in Logan, where Rachel, allegedly works . . . cover, probably doesn't  now that I am gone!  She has my money!

Good food and company, after being on the run for a year, almost, especially around Christmas, and New Years, which is was, dropped in Christmas morning, after leaving Kalispell, unexpectedly, in a blizzard, around Missoula, but a truly silent and holy night, alone, was enough, to get me to stay, against my better judgement, with writing on the wall, that something was up!  

Early Monday Morning, I Am Surprised to See Kyle Out Working Close to My Car, Tinkering with  His Motorcycle . . . Easy to Slip a Time Bomb, Under My Car!

I go to give Kyle, now part of my family now, a hug good-bye, which I had done in the past . . . but he seemed reluctant, stand-offish, and distant, acting involved in what he was doing.  So, I drove to Salt Lake, with nothing out of the ordinary happening, car wise . . . I stopped at Walmart, on 13th South, and about 3rd West, to get some lunch, love their $4.95 meal, or whatever now.  I was there about an hour, so, I figured, at first, someone, must have watched me go in Walmart, and figured they had time to stick the pipe bomb with point of impact, right behind my seat, the drivers seat, not in the engine, where huge plums of jet black smoke, went 200 ft in the sky, with a fire on the undercarriage, parts flying everywhere, and the car raising, it seemed 10 inches off the ground! 

I just figured something like that was going to happen, the delay in time, suggests a time bomb, to direct attention away from Logan or Cove . . . I was just about to the 13th East exit, to go visit Elliot, bass guitaritst for God's Revolver and Maraloka, at his new digs, somewhere up there, I never could find the place, but had stopped in for dinner on a few occasions and got lost, so Elliot had to come find me at the church parking lot, where I stopped, frustrated with directions and one way streets, in Sugar House!  That is even significant, Brett, who is married to Kay, a proxy for me, and I watched a show, with Burt Reynolds, called Sugar or that was a term in the movie, southern black families, and their tough lives . . . Brett, became symbolic of that name . . . they must have Kay, or someone to be me, because they stole a fucking fortune in fake God's Revolver money, touring the world, with boy band, lead by Isaac, as Elliot . . . he is as poor leading man, as Kay, or the rest of the girls are for me!  LOL!  Counter-Intelligence! 

My made for the movies, JoAnn Bond moment . . . I walked away, grabbed my purse, passers by, back up, shocked at what they had seen, gave me a ride to near by Wendy's, called, son, Elliot, who picked me up, whisked me down to Chris and Kat's, in Springville, Utah at the time, and Chris footed the bill for a ticket to Las Vegas or St. George, to get me out of town and safe . . . love my children!

Kay--Connection with West Yellowstone, Stopping Job With Mack Inn!

Here is how the game works . . . in the Spring of 2012, while on the run, after being jailed, cases stolen, and never being able to stay in a city more than about a day and a half, camping out in National Parks, different cop system . . . I decided not to keep going back and forth between Utah and Montana, and just park my ass, and my cute, Ford Ranger, 4X4, King Cab, gold and black, with $2500 worth of Big Foot tires, I got at Big O, in St. George . . . in Pocatello, Idaho, until I could make up my mind, Utah with three kids and grandkids, was still a pull at that point, but I was reading the local newspaper, and thought, how fun it would be to work at a National Park or at a Lake, since I was hired to work at Jenny's Lake, in high school, but couldn't leave my boyfriend!

I noticed an ad to work at a privately owned, Mack Inn, just 30 miles outside of West Yellowstone.  I figured I had all my clients in Utah, positioned after a month of trying, and could, actually steal away for the summer, hike, bike, work, fish, and just enjoy the outdoors.  Me and Peter, the elected sacrificial lamb, from the rich guy association, who along with 100 families, owned the Inn, and I hit it off big time.  We finally, came to an employment agreement, he introduced me to the chef, from San Antonio, Texas, and several other board or member committee.  I assured him that I was not threat, being a lawyer, and we shared political views, I told him about the Brock securities case, among others, and we found a common passion.  He was excited to teach me to fish, and sent me several emails with pictures of him in a boat, fishing!  I was thrilled, and stopped by Rachel's house, just three days before I was to go to Yellowstone, digging the hell out of the opportunity . . . only work 6 hours a day, Sundays off, tons of time to fish, hike and bike!

I got a great email from Peter Mc . . . something, telling me that I was going to be so excited, that the Constitutional Law Professor from Harvard, was going to be a guest at the Inn for 6 weeks!  I was sure that he was aware of my case, and had read it, seeing that Harvard Law Journal had written two articles, shocked at what the Utah Division of Securities had done to my clients, now stolen, Brock and Rice, Rice was the one who told me about the articles, but I never read them . . . but I couldn't wait to talk to the professor!  I told Rachel how excited I was to meet the professor . . . she showed little excitement, in fact alarm . . . she was the poster girl, for me!

Kay Makes a Surprise Trip to West Yellowstone, With Cover Steve

Out of the blue, Kay Mooseman, Rachel's husband, announces that he is going to West Yellowstone, where his parents, and former Bountiful Temple presidency, matron and patron, work, as campground hosts! Rachel acts pissed, but they had problems, and he said, he just needed to get away . . . nice timing, three days before I am to report to duty, after having an employment agreement, signed for a month!  He simply goes, for a few hours, and comes back . . . we are all shocked at the quick trip, and the fast return. Of course, they knew my phones or anyone I frequented, were also being watched . . . so a trip was necessary, to keep it off the airwaves or out of cyber space!

Either that day, or the day after, I got an email, from Peter Mickelson, stating that they were too hasting in their offering of employment, and they were afraid that I would intimidate the Kitchen staff . . . this had never come up in months of negotiation or talks!  So, as I expected, there was method to the madness of Kay's quick trip to West Yellowstone!  Kay is an outdoors man, so this was not typical, but sex might explain it, but I doubt it, Rachel and Kay were not getting along, or used that as an excuse to get away for a few days, hours?  A trip, up and back!

The Wicked Weaving of Charlotte's Web

A close knit circle of family, friends, cohorts, church members, insiders, in church, schools, governments, colleges, the legal system, all with the Mormon Connection, the entity for RICO charges, while not per se, the agent, definitely the devise, the organization, and the power, through connections, to pull this bull shit off.  All Shelley did as a child, and adult is sit and read, either books or the Internet . . . thus the connection to Charlotte's Web . . . the Internet is Shelley's playground, hacker, informer, e-filing account theft, 24/7 watcher and monitor, that was allowed by CIA, FBI, and NSA, with 70% Mormon Church backing . . . a worldwide church, and missionary force, so, amazing, but the Mormon Church, with headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, is so small, and makes the world even smaller!

A very manageable feat to pull off, to control the world . . . HELL, YES!

Wake Up & Smell the Coffee!  I Don't Drink it, But Shelley Does!  Tangled Webs of Deceit, Money, Power!

Fat ass Jack, John, King Strode, Ware . . . Shelley's Kalispell, squeeze, dances over to me, with a Shelley double, out dancing, trying to blur the lines, of deceit, and asks me to dance, not long after that, a China Doll assassin, taking pictures of the war memorial in Depot Park, catches my eye . . . follows me agreesively as I jay-walk across Main Street, I feel the approach, and don't like it, right on my tracks, and gaining speed.  I step aside, as this pissed off, Oriental chick passes me, but slows down, significantly, as I stop to sit on the steps and get her far enough a head of me for my comfort!

I wait, 10 or so minutes, plenty of time, to let her get on her way, and going where she is suppose to be going . . . you do realize, all it takes is a needle with air or water to the neck, and you are dead!  Assassins have shared that trick with me, don't know her game, but she appeared to not be up to any good.  As I cut across, Walgreen's Parking Lot, on the corner of Idaho and Main, just shortly after 9:20 p.m., and cut across four lanes, of traffic, to the other side, where the old Halloween Spirits, a September/October, shop that is in the empty or up for lease building, I notice, that same Asian bitch, up there taking pictures of the half empty, marque, where Jimmy Johns Sandwich Shop, is housed, in a small strip mall, not the place even a chink would take pictures, photo nuts that they are . . . just a nothing shot, or nothing!

I forgot my charger, but, this chick didn't walk away, she turned and literally charged at me, walking as determined and fast as she could, in a game of chicken, head on . . . if she would have made on move for her purse, her pockets, I would have taken her fucking head off, with my American West brand purse, loaded with my computer, acting or doubling as a dangerous weapon . . . and smacker her fucking ugly head off!  This is the melting pot, but you, are an insect, and fucking assassins, knocking off constitutional law attorneys, who fucking HATE CHINA, AND ALL IT STANDS FOR AND THOSE WHO SUPPORT THIS ONE WORLD ORDER, WILL DIE!

I think she could tell, I was no wilting flower, no modest mouse and an assassination attempt, was out of the question, I was too aware of her . . . I would have fucking beat the living hell out of her, and I don't think she thought I wouldn't for one minute, there was no fear in my eyes, and no hesitation in my step, it was fucking, make my day bitch!

And Have a Nice One!  Suspicious Truck Parked Up The Street Some Time Later . . . Sat And Watched . . . Waited Until Safe!  Guess our boys in the FBI and CIA, just can't see this shit from cyber space, leaving me to the assassins . . . somewhat suspicious that they can find me, like a needle in the hay stack, but can't help stop a FUCKING CRIME! A MURDER!

Monday, July 7, 2014



It takes people a long time to learn the difference between talent and genius, especially ambitious young men and women.  Louisa May Alcott, American author (1832-1888)

I love the Daily Inter Lake Newspaper, hard copy of course . . . for two main reasons, among others--I just love the posting of the day's, or several days, community events, lectures, meetings, and whatever . . . so I know what is going on, and I can get smarter, attending lectures, or go to meetings that connect me up with people; and the second thing I dig, is the THOUGHT, for the day, just a little golden nugget, to store away, inspire for the day, and just think about.  I don't know who picks them out, but it is fun, and I always, always, always, open the front page to the page with these two items, events and thought, regardless of how much time I have to dedicate to reading the newspaper that particular day.  Thanks Inter Lake.

Nice Girls--These are NOT!

Just a comment on the movies, I listed above, I believe all of these are true stories, and have merit, need to be noted, and taken into consideration . . . there truly are women out there like this, and I have experienced more than a few.  We like to think, or are taught, that girls are sugar and spice, and everything nice, and there in lies the problem, we are taken off guard, when a sister, a best friend, or a girlfriend betrays love, trust, confidence, loyalties, lines and boundaries, that most people would respect, even more a confidential insider in your life, and that is what makes these women, so deadly . . . not that they go contrary to nature, they go contrary to every sense of decency, normal people can understand.

The titles in and of themselves, may not be as revealing as I would like, but they definitely suggest, what some of the problems, encountered by the victims of these sinister, scheming, deceptive, calculating, and cunning women, that often use their sexuality, to further their motives, plots, and plans . . . preying on the weakness, vulnerabilities, and tragic flaws of the male species, to both their own determent, and that of their lovers, wife's, daughters, children, co-workers, and other confidants, that may get caught up in their devious antics and ploys, using every feminine stereotype, even recognized by the male involved, who will risk all for sex . . . I have previously referred to men acting, like nothing more than a quivering penis, in their stupidity in falling for this type of women, who is the female counterpart, to the cad, the womanizer, the man that married three women!  The title of another movie . . . some of these made for TV movies, have kick ass messages, and themes!

Anyway, beware, enjoy, learn, understand, believe, and guard yourselves, your hearts, your pocketbooks, and your sanity.  I used to love having men, underestimate my skills, dismissing my mind, talents, and brains, so they under prepared for court, or the legislative battles, or life in general, but I am not a sinister woman, have true motives, noble is you will, don't need to rely on sex, bull shit, games, titillating conversation, sex in the boardroom or courtroom . . . I can win on my own merits.  You have to ask yourself, if these women have to rely on men's weaknesses for sex, making them the weaker sex in my mind, why . . . because they can't win any other way!  Basically they are lacking the talent, the genius, the fortitude, the ability to do or win, any other way!  Women, we are better than this! 

Legalizing Pot--The Great Colorado/Washington Experiment

Just yesterday, one of my ex-husbands, Jerry Owens, or Owen . . . I wasn't married long enough to get the last name, spelling down, we dated for 10 years, and we were only married, one . . . but he couldn't handle, the drastic change in my life, going from running the state of Utah, in the Attorney Generals Office, to laying on the couch, waiting to die!  Changes, most normal people can't deal with, broke his heart, and he didn't do well, with not only the change, but the impending death . . . which, luckily for me, and unlucky for the government, and some women, with the characteristics of sinister women, and the quivering penises, of men, they managed to suck into their plot to rid me of my life, and take it over!

Anyway, he called yesterday, out of the blue, and told me he had been having some health issues, and had been visiting the VA recently, and some guy got caught with pot, and prosecuted--and would I help him, or the state legalize at least medical marijuana--already did, but he informed me that the legalization only extended to children, and I already knew, that you had to purchase the pot out of the state, from like Colorado, or other medical marijuana states.  

Jerry and I have long discussed, over the years, the ideas, pluses, and minuses of legalizing, not only pot, but other drugs as well.  Generally, if he said, yeah, I said, nay . . . but as we have mellowed, and our lifestyles, thoughts, politics, and whatever, have tend to come side by side, as times, issues, knowledge, exposure, and all change, we have found ourselves, on the same side of this legalizing marijuana issue.  It is amazing what 20 years, will do to your views, your politics, and I believe, that President Obama, said it well, when changing his views on gay marriage, I have evolved!  Jerry evolved in the 60's!  Yeah, he had an eight year head start, wasn't Mormon, originally, and started using when you could walk down the streets, and cops didn't care if you smoked marijuana . . . that came with Nancy Reagan's Just Say NO Campaign . . . proven more successful to this day, over drug interdiction programs! 

Jerry is a Vietnam Vet, eight years my senior, lived more of the hippy lifestyle, with me bringing up the tail end of the free love, free pot era, him, not surprising, venturing up to the Rainbow Celebration, the left over hippies who could have attended Woodstock, NY, 40 years ago, and are seeking to get naked and dance free, smoke pot, and rock out to great music, avoid working and find meaning to their existence, along with the lost souls, of the new free love and pot culture, who roams the country, hanging out for months, enjoying nature . . . I know you recognize this element of influence in my life, to some extent, but not hook line and sinker!

The age difference, location of upbringing, and war experience, most likely fueled the differences, between us, with a relationship, that bonded over high voltage sex, tamed by Mormon beliefs, Jerry was a convert, but also started the anti-war movement at BYU, but there was at least conflict with free love and religious beliefs--sort of, political fights, and the beauties of nature!  In retrospect, I think God was behind this relationship, for our kids sake, who often, were the reason for making up, because, we had to deal with each other, because our kids, were hanging out, who continue to be great friends, to this day, with our kids, naming their kids, even the same names, unbeknown to the others, or naming children, after Jerry's child that died of cancer.  I call him the other father of my four children, all from my first husband!

Quantum Physics or NSA Surveillance--Daily Inter Lake, Reading My Mind?  Listening to My Conversations?  Broader Exposure!

My advise to Jerry, would be, to watch what is going on in Colorado and Washington states, who have gone beyond the pale of just legalizing medical marijuana, and actually legalized recreational use of marijuana . . . this by the way is the beauty of our federalist system, with both a strong central federal government, but also, 50 sovereign states, with the 10th amendment, dictating the jurisdictions or powers of both, with lines blurred at times, of the responsibilities and duties of the feds, and those retained by the states and the people; therefore, in this experiment, of legalizing marijuana, which is less harmful in my mind, than alcohol, which had a similar history, in prohibition days, with current, national organizations, like L.E.A.P., or Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, of marijuana, if not all drugs, trying to take the profit motive, crime, and danger out of drug use, seeing many of their undercover officers, get a head blown off, for a gram of marijuana, on a drug deal or bust go wrong!

It is better to fuck up two states, than leave the nation, to go to ruin, in its entirety!  Just my personal humble opinion, that is totally in line with the minds of the founding fathers, who were kick ass smart dudes!  It totally amazes me, non-stop, that guys, 238 years ago, could draft a document, that is only about 10 pages, in a pocket sized form, and fucking pull off controlling the greatest nation on earth, from beyond the grave!

Highlights from Article: First six months of legal pot: Colorado experiment is mostly positive, so far . . .

  • mood is good, few of the predicted problems have materialized, tax revenues and tourism are booming, and public support for legal pot appears to be growing, with voters approving legalization by 10%, and today, by 22%, 61% believe it has made the state better or not changed it
  • most people believe it has been good for the state, hasn't made driving less safe, will save taxpayers money, and increase personal freedom
  • hospitals are seeing more kids made ill by edible marijuana products like candy and baked goods, and more adults are having psychotic episodes
  • opponents and supporters are still debating whether crime is up or down
  • marijuana businesses are still trying to build working relationships with banks that are leery of the federal marijuana ban
  • many states, California, in particular, are watching Colorado
  • as of Jan. 1, 2014, Coloradans 21 and older can buy and possess up to an ounce of marijuana at a time, they can also grow up to six plants for personal use, and nonresidents can buy up to q quarter-ounce
  • buyers at licensed retail stores pay 12.9 percent in state sales taxes, plus a 15 percent excise tax--levies brought in a total of almost $11 million by the end of April, with strong month-to month growth, with the excises tax's first $40 million is earmarked for school construction 
  • jobs and tourism is up, 2013-14, state's best ever ski season--there are many positive indicators
Just a note to Jerry, you might find, surprisingly, political allies in law enforcement . . . try Iron County Sheriff, Mark Gower . . . he sees tax dollars for schools, and other funding, that will take some of the burden off tax payers, plus, protect the lives of some of his officers . . . not to mention, the jails are filled with small time marijuana users . . . law enforcement has better things to do, bigger crimes to go after!

Often-split court agrees your privacy matters!  Another article, My Comments Added

America is coming back, at least while I comment on this article, not so sure about the next one . . . 
  • the most consequential of the justices' 67 rulings this term--9-0 cellphone decision--constitutional privacy protections, embodied in the Fourth Amendment, will apply strongly to cases involving computers, and digital storage!  The level of consensus is far higher than in recent years, and as the court continues to get back to the basics, plain language, intent and history, they will agree more, probably coming to consensus through different arguments, but coming to the same conclusions, protecting civil and constitutional rights, per Bill of Rights!  Last sentence is my comment!
  • other concerns, challenges to NSA's surveillance and collection of massive amounts of Americans' telephone records, the level of executive power grabs, and chemical weapons treaty cases, possibly imposing serious limits on the federal government's powers relating to treaties
  • the court is moderating is positions . . . basically, the law should be predictable, with wiggle room, to the right and the left, but the parameters, contained within the limits and boundaries of the U.S. Constitution!
  • when the court returns for the next session, they may be looking at hot button issues, like same-sex marriage, abortion and guns--use standard statutory and constitutional rules of construction, and the rulings, while controversial, will be accepted!  98% of the people dig the constitution, believe it, adhere to it, want the court to, also, plus making the executive and legislative branches stick within the borders also!  You interpret the law, that Congress passes, for the constitutionality, federal questions, or federal district court differences, or variances in interpretation, plus, helping the executive branch, enforce the law . . . but, of course the court knows this, and is getting it right!

Panel endorses some NSA surveillance--Fox Guarding the Chicken Coop!

The problem with panels, appointed by the executive branch, who is to enforce the laws, rather than interpret the laws, is they are looking for different things . . . budgets, power, protecting pet projects, keeping the competitive edge, using technology already purchased, entertaining bored spies, who venture from watching terrorists, to interfering with my personal emails, texts, communications, computer, and even spying on my love life!  In typical government fashion, throw in the red-herring, to take the public's focus off the real objection . . . invading out privacy rights, when there is absolutely no connection to terrorist activities . . . hell, I don't even know, communicate, or deal with anyone out of the U.S.A., other than possibly writing a blog, commenting on a situation!  So, what the fuck?
  • the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (truthiness--name suggests something other than what is actually going on . . . think, Patriot Act, taking all your rights away!) whose members were appointed by President Obama, concluded in a lengthy report that the NSA, or National Security Agency, spies, targeted collection of Internet data within the United States passes constitutional muster and employs "reasonable" safeguards designed to protect the rights of Americans.
    • I guess, a constitutional law attorney, listed as #2 in the nation, several years ago, doesn't count as an American, they have violated my rights, and are as we speak, daily!
  • David Medine, a former government privacy lawyer who chairs the board, said NSA's Internet surveillance was found to have been valuable and effective for protecting the national security and producing foreign intelligence information.
    • This is a weak report that fails to fully grasp the civil liberties and human rights implications of permitting the government sweeping access to the communications of innocent people, said Jameel Jaffer, Diputy Legal Director for the American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU--smile!
  • The report stands in contrast to the board's last action, when it argued in January that the NSA's collection of domestic calling records "lacked a viable legal foundation" and should be shut down!
    • With a $61 billion budget, we want proof, that we, the tax payers are getting our money's worth, the Board claims responsibility for disrupting a series of terrorists plots and achieving their insights
    • Activists, and I would include myself, in that group, expressed concern that a secret intelligence agency is obtaining private American communications without individual warrants!  I have been messed with, for at least 6 years, before Edward Snowden, ratted these guys out!
  • Can you see, the method to the government's madness . . . cloak an, allegedly, objective attorney--former company man, or government man, dress him up as a privacy rights attorney, so you can trust him, and believe him that this shit, passes constitutional mustard!  
    • they need to get a real, objective, constitutional law attorney, who has been the target of the NSA, and get their opinion, from a legal prospective, constitutionally based, not Patriot Act based, or the new constitution, NOT!

This is Called, Let the Kids Scream--Then Get Back to Business!

Social engineering if you will . . . sure, we expected some backlash, after Edward Snowden, even dealt with his popularity, and almost, even saw him on the cover of TIME magazine, as man of the year, but as fate would have it, we have a rockin' new Pope, who was bucking tradition at the same time, who got the nomination . . . so, yes, the kids are pissed, but they will get over it, and in a while, the spin doctors will work their magic, people will go back to watching American Idol, or the Voice . . . and, disaster avoided, carry on . . . NOT THIS TIME!

We cannot get so busy, as to let this constitutional lies, continue, our very freedoms are at stake, no little thing to lose . . . at least force the executive branch, to a challenge, of a report that takes a 180 degree turn from what was going on in January, that the program should be fucking shut down!  That is not a light passing comment, that is a total indictment of the program, the merits, the benefit, and the bull shit!  This is called harassment, intimidation, terrorism, voyeurism, invasion of privacy, with no terrorist connections, opening the door to perverts, with government sanctions . . . I have literally, gotten in screaming fights with lovers, over texts, disappearing, phone calls, allegedly from me, when I am standing with my ear buds, wrapped around my cell phone, after comparing texts for two hours, fighting . . . come on!

I am writing on the government version of my blog, bad ass con law chick . . . you have to know the whole name, bad ass con law chick blog . . . it used to be, back in the day, when I started this blog, that you would just type, bad ass, and bingo, my blog would pop up . . . but after getting 13.5 million hits, in the first 3 weeks, the redirects, secret accounts, and diminution of my hits and powers disbursed to people, entities, and enemies, I fucking hate!  My blog has been blocked, intercepted, erased, censored, taken, money made, when I don't want ads, money, easy virtue for my political and government enemies, with writings going up in the cloud and disappearing!  

Now, after yesterday, and not the first time, I could not get into my blogspot, have to use the red-herring blogspot . . . and who knows, what is in the clouds, passing as my name, my bio, my life, my story, and my writing . . . fucking bitches, alleged sisters, friends, but goddamn enemies, not only ideologically, politically, religiously, but your enemies too!  There is no way in hell, this is constitutional, legal, and lawful . . . yet, the Mormon NSA, 30,000 spies in Utah, 70% of CIA and FBI, Mormon, buyers beware, you have no idea, what you are getting fed, with them using a trusted, constitutionally connected name!  They are promoting their one world order, bull shit, using me as the truthiness, you trust!  They are changing the message, up in a cloud, and taking away, the constitutionality, you kind of know, and replacing it, with their version, and her head was MEDUSA . . . they use my brains, my credentials, my resume, my knowledge, and the 7 snakes, with heads too small to care about, suck the brains right out of the source, ME!  Then change the message, trying to add credibility to their stupid, Hegelian, Hitlarian, Stalinish, and Mussolinian, bull shit!

Government Mentality--Use it or Lose it!  So the Waste in Budgets, with really Unlimited Funding--NSA is a Cover for the Tip of the ICEBERG . . . you have 40 Intel Agencies You are Funding . . . NSA is just the Cover, or Whipping Boy!

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Cutest Wild Life Experience Ever!

Yesterday, John, DJ and I headed for the mountains, ASAP, right after I had written a quick blog, and they had their coffee and woke up, Star Meadows, was our destination, but we ended up at the top of the world. We first had an experience with a domestic animal, that looked like an over-sized puppy, that actually, reminded me of a baby moose, that was sadly just laying there in the road, not barking, yelping, or even moving.  At first, we thought that the girl, going back to check on the dog, had hit the puppy, and was going to see if it was dead . . . at first, determined to get out of the maddening crowds, of go figure, Kalispell, Montana, we cruised on by, but up the road a bit, the chivalry of both DJ and John, kicked in and they decided they better go back and see if they could help her, or see just what happened.

Strange Encounter with a Domestic Animal--a Dog Acting Very Weird

I am not much of a domestic animal lover, horses are cool out in the field, as majestic beauties, cows roaming on the grasslands, is an eye to behold, but a dog . . . I said, maybe she needs someone to drag the body off the road, that is when I thought she hit the dog, and it was dead.  But as we approached the animal, laying about 3 feet out in the right side of the road, being a danger to itself, and an unaware driver, texting or sexting someone, we thought it best, to do something to protect all parties who could be potentially endangered by this incident.  

So after DJ and John tried to coax the injured dog, it had some liquid under its hind and leg quarters, therefore, it could not move, and moving it was out of the question, it could be rabid, or have some type of disease, there were no homes in that area of the forest, getting more and more isolated and without human habitation, just the way the three of us like it, we decided to call the county animal control, who we could not get a hold of, but we did eventually contact the non-emergency, Whitefish Police Department.  Dispatch was concerned, and encouraged us, that we had called the right place, but the chick doing animal control was on another call.  But she assured us, that someone would come and get the dog, she got my phone number, just in case they needed better directions, that just off the turn off from Farm to Market Road, just Star Meadows Cabin road, about 2 miles, the best description we could give her.

We made sure, she didn't need us to stick around, she said, no, but she might call, which she did, but we must have been out of the service area by the time she did, and I didn't check my phone until about 7 that evening, but I will assume, they were smart enough to go where we told them to go, although, she did ask if it was close to the intersection, of the two roads, but I had specifically told her it was about a mile and a half to two miles, up the Star Meadows road.  We didn't come back that way, so we never knew if a stranger did something with the dog, or if animal control, went to the spot we told them the dog was . . . hopefully, they could either help the dog, or at least put it to sleep.

Just Thinking of My 4 Foxes, and 4 Fox Kits, Tumbled On the Road!

I was just spacing out, listening to music, letting the local Montana boys, do what they do best, find a place on the mountain, that nobody else is at . . . if there is one truck, on a whole mountain side, that is one too many, and they are pissed that someone, would actually dare, come where they intended to come to disappear up in the wilds, and drink a few beers.  We had just gone up a side road, to about the highest part of the road, not far from the highest part on the amazing mountain, lush with grasses, sparse on trees, since once you go so high, the altitude doesn't sustain much plant life, but we could see the forest trees, roads, old controlled burn patches, to stop the spread of some forest fire, and we took pictures, looked for the oranges I bought last week when we went camping, that had magically evaporated into thin air?

So we dined on just what we had in the car, sunflower seeds, marshmallows, yuck, left over from the s'mores we made up at Goat Valley, so amazing, that I am not going to tell you where this place is, bubbling brook, mossy green foliage, open camp spot, old bridges of  yesteryear, enclosed a bit, from exposure of the road, with impressive, rock structures, sticking out of the pines, jutting up, right in front of us . . . we got rained on, but the effervescence of the cleansing rain, was a fabulous sunset, and a double rainbow, gorgeous, beyond words.  This is also, a place for bears, both black and grizzly, and I kept hoping one would pop out of the underbrush and bear grass, in bloom, with white flowered balls, on the end of long tubes of green . . . the thicker the bear grass, the greater my hopes of a close encounter, with a bear, while I was still in the car, of course . . .

DJ, was camping one time, and a baby bear wondered into their camp, had half of its face eaten or torn off, and was begging for food . . . truly, survival of the fittest out here, kind of the mentality of the Darwinists I am dealing with, no humanity, but dog eat dog, no matter what the ratio of numbers, one side against the other, technology, access, no territory sacred, no lines or borders between their lives and mine . . . believers in the Big Bang Theory of Creation, God loving people, useful idiots!

Random Thought About 4 Kids, and 4 Fox Kits Tumble, Bumble out of the Side of the Road

I look at everything symbolically, so when the first, what I thought was a baby mountain lion, rolled down a small hill, next to the road, and onto the road, we were all shocked, trying to grab cameras, determine what it was, then the next one, popped out, followed by a third and then a fourth, wonder of God and nature . . . so cool, so unexpected, but so timely, the color of a light brown or tan mountain lion, but John and DJ, more familiar with these parts, figured they were fox kits.  I thought foxes were red . . . apparently not around here.

The only fox, I have seen, was the ones you traditionally see in movies, red, with white around the eyes, and the tip of the tail, and black on paws, very tip of the tail and around the eyes and nose; the one I saw, in a rare sighting, was out in a field, where I was watching a few Clydesdale horse play, the foxy beauty, shocked me, a few years ago, when I saw that, let alone, these playful, baby foxes, cutest thing I have ever seen, they walked right up the road, then as we pulled the car closer, they climbed the next dirt embankment and were merrily on their way, having a great time together, one climbed up and fell back, but made the hill on the second attempt . . . we never saw the mother, she probably did, what most mothers do, tell the kids to go play, so she can get the den clean!

Little Band of Foxes--Out of Their Territory--Gift From God, Signs My 4 Foxes are Having Fun Frolicking Together in Utah

None of us, could believe our eyes, we were grinning from ear to ear, something you only see in a National Geographic film, or pull up on the Internet, which I did the minute I walked in the library, after a great day of natures wonders, lakes, mountains, music, fun conversation, and music.  I pulled up Montana Fox, and found out that this species of fox, was actually once on the endangered species list, but was considered a huge success, in reviving the numbers, and giving nature a push.  The little crew, was according to research, not where they should have been, geographically, and temperate zone, wise . . . these creatures are generally seen on the plains of Montana, Great Falls, Billings, and the eastern side of the state . . . so we more than lucked out?

My four children are definitely fox material . . . from the time they were born, until now, the comment is . . . you have such beautiful children, and I most certainly do!  When I take all the credit, me and their father's good looks, working genetic magic, they just give me a, come on look, like, all our good choices of food, active lifestyle, exercise, style and fashion, that we did ourselves, with no help from their fashion casualty mother, has nothing to do with them!  I know, I know . . . but just like the baby foxes, hopefully, my four kid foxes, are getting together in Utah, this week, with Nicole and her family in from the Washington, D.C. area, to get reacquainted, after long absences . . . I drop in and see all of them and figured, they might need to get reacquainted without their domineering mother!

And, I like the mother fox, often kicked the four little foxes out of the house, and told them I didn't want to see their beautiful faces, until this house is clean!  I trusted them to play together, entertain one another, support and protect the crew, and they always did, and I am sure, their loyalties, memories, tragedies and triumphs, will be talked about, laughed at, and the years will melt away.  They had many bonding moments, that will last a life time . . . and I have nothing but pride for these amazing human beings, that are passing out their greatness, beauty and lifestyles to their own little foxes, all grandchildren are carrying on the tradition of the fox . . . cunning, smart, sleek and beautiful.

Family Feud--I Tried to Avoid Kissing Richard Dawson!

Myself, Sue, Kevin, and Rob Schmidt and my cousin Meg Southwick Nesbitt, all got to be on Family Feud, a popular game show, especially in the early to mid, 80's, when we went on the show.  In the practice rounds, we kicked every one's asses, with 10 practice rounds, nobody could beat this family of professionals from Utah, a law student, an international MBA, a school teacher, an English major, college student, and an interior designer, and all stunningly good looking in those days, Rob happened to be a model, and had a thing for me, married with 4 kids, while Sue and Kev, tried to direct his attention to Meg, the single law student.

In the made for TV match up, we were matched with a black family, from inner city, LA, made up of dock workers, unemployed, and janitors, and they fucking slaughtered us!  Sue, who considered herself the intellectual of the group, at the time, years before I went to law school, but was doing great in college, was devastated by the loss . . . I thought it was comical, and her reaction was even more entertaining, she didn't get one answer right, I at least got one right, LOL!  Kevin had to be the supportive husband and be depressed too, but me and the swinging singles, took the loss in stride and got a map of all the Hollywood movie stars and spent the night out having fun on the town, while Sue sulked in her hotel room!

The Family From Boston--And the Dreaded Beaver

Now, you people from back east, have a distinct disadvantage, on the Family Feud Show, because the further away from California, you live, the worse you do on the program, but the more hilarious, the answers and the greater the fun . . . being from Utah, a not so far neighbor, we could at least get some of the answers right, even when polling the local audience, with weather, geographical and cultural differences; however, our Boston family, had absolutely nothing in common with California, and that was most apparent, on the question or the issue at hand . . . name a wild animal you might encounter in the forest.

In the wild, wild, west, I found out that bear spray was not just a gag gift for Christmas, a local joke, but a reality, especially, when I spent a few hours in Glacier National Park and saw 3 grizzly bears, about 10 feet from the truck, off the side of the road . . . I refused to go hiking without bear spray and a gun!  But here in the west, you have mountain lions, hang out around malls, like one did in Salt Lake Valley last week, or walk around the Montana State Capitol Building . . . three lions, were cruising around the Capitol . . . scary.  But big game, like moose, elk, deer, bear, bob cats, and whatever, are common occurrences.  So those were the kind of answers, westerners, expected from this Boston family.

The first family member to represent the Boston elite, when game show host, Richard Dawson, yelled out, name a wild animal, you might see in the forest . . . the excited family member, yelled out BEAVER! Everyone tried not to bust out laughing, the talk show host had no such qualms, and he yelled a matching in excitement at the possibilities that was one of the six answers on the board, and said, the dreaded beaver!  Of course, there were people in the audience, who gusted a gut, and laughed out loud at his sarcastic remarks and the big "X" posted on the board.

The further east the state you came from, the worse the answers were . . . one of ours was, name the number one rental item . . . nobody rents skis in Utah!  But they do in California.  April is the rainy month in Utah, in California, it is October!  So there is a damn good reason to loose, the cards are stacked against, anyone but California families!  But it was fun, and there were families who did worse than we did!  LOL!

Have a Blessed Sunday, Thank Him for All the Great Animals, that were Obedient to Noah, and Got on the Arch!