Saturday, June 14, 2014


The Team of Fathers, Who Took God's Revolver Down

Brett Todd Stewart/Stuart--Wellsville, Utah, Stewart--Similar to Chief Justice of the US Federal District Court, of the District of Utah, Ted Stewart--Very Interesting--Like Mother, Like Son

One fine afternoon, in Mount Sterling, Utah, my two sons, Elliot, bass guitarist for GR & Maraloka, and my son without a name, with a beautiful baby, who is the little instigator of this exposure and bloodbath of reality, of the devil's own--God has Satan's credit card number, God wins, and Satan pays--these men are some of Satan's Army, in opposition to God's Army and God's Revolver . . . Satan steals and the Red Jesus Heals . . . anyway, my two beautiful, loving, and cool sons, no ordinary sons, nor are my daughters, married to two of theses beasts, hopefully, not for long, but their call, came to visit, me and my then husband, Brett.  Now Brett is a guitar players, he worked on about two songs, for the year and a half of our marriage, until, I could see the game, and ditched his ass.

But prior to that time, Brett, entertained my sons, we got along well, and hike, played guitar, talked and generally, just had a good time.  Elliot entertained us with his guitar playing, on Brett's guitar, playing what sounded to me, like classical guitar, but did cut loose, once in a while . . . but I could tell Brett was impressed to say the least, and seemed mesmerized with his playing.  Little did I know, what plans he had for this boy, and his music, a much younger, Elliot, shaved head, but just digging being in the mountains, with his mom, brother, Brett and goofing around.

Chris, one the other hand, entertained us with his humor, telling us a very funny story, that I will tell you, just as a side bar, due to it being Father's Day, in honor of all four of my son's father, Richard Clifton Secrist, a city planner in Mesquite, Nevada, married to Rochelle, living with her three kids.  Here is the story, that taught me a great lesson, that I am practicing to this minute!  

Being Bitch Slapped vs. No One Said You Had to Let Them Hit You

Elliot, and the Bitch Slap

I have not idea, what exactly, Chris and Elliot had done, to piss there father off, because that was a very rare occasion, and I was basically the tough parent, and quick to react to children that stepped out of line, and that was not often, because, I, with a pistol temper, as any regular reader will attest to, but I never had to spank, hit, or reprimand these two very good boys, consistently great, fun, and respectful, so the story came as a shocking surprise to me!  It seems like Chris said, it had something to do with a drive in the car, maybe Zeke, as I called Richard, maybe took the pair to visit his mother, in Bountiful, about an hour or so drive from the Provo/Orem area, where they were living at the time, or maybe, he picked them up from Donald Anderson's house in Smithfield, which makes more sense to me, because, El and Chris may have spent the weekend up around Logan, with sister, Shelley's boys, Jessie and Isaac.  But for whatever reason, they did something in the car that really pissed, this very laid back dad, off.

There must have been something between the boys that led up to the type of reaction, their father had, once they got out of the car and he could get at them . . . again, I never even spanked them, so?  But, with Chris telling the story, as soon as they walked through the door, the three of them, Zeke, grabbed Elliot, who was still rather young, three years younger than Chris, by the arm and outright, bitch slapped him across the face . . . now Elliot, is the sweetest kid in the world, Chris is a bit of a smartalick, and probably deserved whatever caused this reaction in his father, who was as slow to anger as mud!

I guess, that Elliot was so shocked, that he started to cry, and didn't talk to his father for about 2 weeks, which may have been Chris's chiding, or teasing his little brother, even that day--he was merciless to El, and the only time I ever saw Chris cry, was when I said, if he hit his brother one more time, you couldn't go snowboarding . . . so, guess what, he immediately, punched Elliot in the stomach, so I said, that is it, you are not going snowboarding tomorrow, and Chris cried!  The only other time, I heard or thought he must have cried, was when he was about 3 and we took the family to the movie, Benji . . . the dog must have died in the end, because Chris said, Mom, what is this water on my face?  So, I guess, it is safe, to assume, he must have cried, but didn't do it often enough to cry.

Elliot, just sat there and didn't say anything, but laughed as Chris told the rest of the story, with a very different result than Elliot got that day.

Zeke, Grabbed Chris's Hand and Started To Swing to Hit Him . . .

Rather than take the bitch slap, Chris, attached to his father's arm span, and his own, dodged the first hit, his father got more pissed, and more determined to put this sassy kid in his place, and punish him for his, apparent misbehavior, so he pulled Chris closer, and took another attempt, and Chris ducked and avoided the blow . . . as Zeke, tried over and over to hit Chris, Chris, turned, ducked, dodged, until all three of them busted up laughing,  I think after several attempts, a real father gave up, and collapsed in fun, joking and love, for these two great men, now.  I am sure the duo, will not forget that day, and probably don't want to get dad that mad again!

Chris finished the story, by saying, well, nobody ever said, you had to let them hit you!  All of us, that day with Brett, were laughing so hard, the way Chris told the story and acted out, both roles, that of his father and himself as the scenario played out.  I remember, crying I was laughing so hard, and both experiences, for the same, alleged, family crime that pissed off their father, totally fit, both of my two son's personalities . . . Chris, wanting, later, to become a comedian, and Elliot, reacting in his very hurt, and silent painful way . . . and that, I believe is the pain, I have detected, that makes me, so angry about the events that I am now going to unfold, of alleged, trusted members of his own family, stealing his band's thunder, money, and fame, and, not feeling sorry for it one bit, but continuing to steal his second CD, and killing three worldwide music magazine interviews, and putting bad reviews on the Internet, at the time, Elliot was booking tours around the country, with the older men, sabotaging every effort, to cover-up, Isaac and the fake band, that was touring the world at the same time!

That day in Mount Sterling, Brett was the ultimate host, cooked, made salads, hiked and seemed to have a great time with the two boys, still young at the time.  However, I think, even at that time, there was more going on behind the scenes, that met the eye . . . Isaac's mother, Shelley, whom I have trashed for good reason, had a alleged business account, or company, that was called, Sterling Financial, which, I found, a symbolic name, so not surprising, after I left Brett, he hooked up with Shelley, and when I first took him to meet my sister, her reaction, was . . . SOOOOOOO this is who your new husband is . . . Kay Burningham's, was something similar, she said, when I introduced her and Brett, she said . . . how long have you know your husband.  That struck me as a very strange statement to ask, but there seemed to be a familiarity between all three.

The Logan, Utah Cess Pool, and it Turned Out to Be True!

About a week after Elliot and Chris, came to visit, Brett and I were listening to NPR Radio, around 2006, I think . . . and someone, had recorded a young guitarist, just jamming in his room, and put it on the radio, and within, I believe, it was one day, the recording had 350,000 hits on YouTube, or wherever!  Now, that number is very consistent with the numbers I used to get, when I started to write my blog on Elliot, God's Revolver & now Maraloka . . . I was shocked to see my blog, go from, an already amazing number of hits, rise from about 22 to 28 million hits, to 113 million hits, and there was a huge uptick every time I wrote about the band, tracked it, until Google and CIA, NSA, or mob, syphoned off 130 million, after I got a 30 million hit day, writing about Christ, but the Red Jesus, clearly was the favorite!

I think, at that second, I, in my gut, knew that was Elliot playing in his room at Zeke's house in Provo!  I started to suspect, Brett of posting that, right after the visit, and it seems that our relationship, went down hill really fast, until, I left and moved in with Shelley, who I am sure, hooked up with Brett, maybe the reason for the marriage in the first place, Shelley was the one who told me about Blake Donner's death, along with three other kids, in the Provo Death Cave . . . at the time, I was still waiting to die, but I think, that in reality, Elliot's music cured me, or the maternal instinct, to protect him . . . Shelley, Jessie, Isaac, and Tiffany, Jessie's wife, started strange behavior about that time . . . had a ton of CDs, labeled BANDIT!  And they seemed to make nightly runs to the bank, and took out tons of credit card applications, I discovered Shelley had my social security card and my driver's license!  This was not looking good!

Mom, Do You Want To Hear My New CD

Isaac was driving his light blue, Cadillac, with me, Chris, and Elliot, driving, while the new CD was playing.  I couldn't believe my ears, I didn't know the name of the CD, Little Black Horse Where Are You Going With Your Dead Rider, was so good, I couldn't believe it, and I listened, thinking, this is my son?  I thought of the Doors, CC&R, Blue Oyster Cult, Pink Floyd, Eric Clapton, etc., and said, after listening in silence . . . play that again.  Now, I am no music critic, but I knew this stuff was good.  Then Elliot, showed me, the cover of the CD, the haunting trees, the dead, skeleton rider, the whiskey soaked woman, the horse, and the black on green . . . El's cousin, Craig, who was a great artist, on the Secrist side, with my father-in-law's, artistic talent, and El, with both Grandma and Grandpa's talents, of music and art . . . a Secrist family affair, totally cool . . . so, why did the Southwick family steal it?  It wasn't their DNA or genes, nor talent that got this CD done!

I started watching Shelley, who seemed to sneak out to meet Brett, every morning, after I left him, or were they partners in crime, before I met Brett?  In retrospect, I believe this crime, not only against son, but mother, was well planned, orchestrated, strategically and methodically, planned down to the last detail, bringing in Shelley's ex, Jimmy Robinson, mixer for the Doors!  And I bet, Kay, who showed up in my life about that time too, was in on it from the get-go!  I think, Dallas was also, and all of these guys, were the ones who killed Blake, and originally wanted to sensationalize the deaths of the four, mainly the lead singer of (Old School) Parallax, that they may have made a shit load of money on before, and were just waiting for the work to get done by God's Revolver . . . with cousin, Isaac, watching every move, to steal, create a fake band, say that they, GR, sold or permitted them to take the music . . . couldn't have been further from the truth, any more than me asking the chicks I fucking hate, to go ahead and take my case, my money, my fame, and my law degrees and licenses!

The Traitor Son-in-Law & The Bad Grandpa

I had left Brett, and moved to St. George, was living next to my parents, on Concord Way, and was slowly coming out of the effects of the plot to steal Elliot's band's music, and my ID, so Shelley and Brett could claim they were Elliot's parents and manage God's Revolver, like Michael Jackson, or Myle Cyrus, or Brittney Spear's parents did, but the bass guitarist, was not going to be Elliot, but Isaac!  And the new band with all the connections of family, mob, CIA, FBI, and other's, this was justified by the fact that I had killed asset forfeiture and took out 9 attorneys and investigators, before the poisoning, and me, Elliot, and the rest of my children were to be indentured servants, to this new, rich elite, making a ton of money off, God's Revolver music, but with changed Bandit names, and new band members!

I knew they were stealing it, but didn't have the tools, nor the money to do much, which was behind the poisoning, and the whole conspiracy to steal the whole Secrist family, so the Southwicks could have their way with the music, and later the law cases, worth milions, justifying the theft, as payback for the money, I allegedly cost the cops and prosecutors and feds . . . and we are talking a wholesale substitution, right down to the Secrist girls, and grandkids . . . that is why, when Kat, had Yulia, and, under the guise of having her mother from Bulgaria there for 6 months, with me yielding to her, because she lived so far away!  But as the pattern continued, with a coming birthday, I knew, was hoping for a change, for I knew, after going through Donny's case, that Kat didn't want him, she wanted to win the case, but she didn't want the kid!

Going back to about 2007, or 2008, I started to pull off music critics articles on God's Revolver & Little Black Horse CD . . . so shocked that Mormon boys from Utah, did what the New York Writer's Guild called a classic work of art!  I pulled all these articles and Dallas and Greta and kids, stopped in that day, I gave Dallas, who loves music, probably more than I ever guessed, being in on the gig, since the cave deaths, totally defensive over the discussion, when I said it was murder . . . but he sat there is silence, didn't say a word, which was the opposite of what I thought his reaction would be, total elation, that this kick ass band, was actually his brother-in-law, his wife's, little brother . . . he didn't move, finished the articles, and said he had to go call someone . . . I already had put two and two together, he was undercover, either AFT or FBI, and he proved it that day, he went out in his car, for at least two hours!

I knew he was calling the agents over the fake band, to tell them to stop, or that something was up, bad on me, thinking, he might be on his families side, but knowing he was not a friend, but a total enemy, working with my enemies, Isaac, Shelley, Brett, Kay, and at the time, I knew, my parents, might be in on it, but my father's reaction totally convinced me, that Elliot's own grandparents were in on it too.

The Bad Grandpa

I was so excited to tell my parents, that Elliot had three worldwide music magazine interviews, Hustler had already taken the photo shots of the band, so this one was in the bag!  This exchange, took place in less that about two second . . . Dallas Iscariot, had already sealed the traitor's kiss on his wife's brother's cheek, probably called my father, who didn't have to hear more than . . . Hey, Dad, Elliot has three worldwide, music interviews--he, almost yelled, JO, I HAVE HEARD ENOUGH, AND DASHED INTO THE HOUSE . . . my father was in on it, talk about disappointing . . .

This reaction went hand in hand with events that followed, him freaking out when I got my bar license back or reactivated my dormant license, due to pending death . . . I have never seen a worse reaction to a child, actually overcoming death, and getting back in the game of the law . . . now, that again proved that Shelley had stolen my license, and Isaac was stealing Elliot's band's music . . . nothing but an angry reaction to both, should have been good news events.  I even went over to my parent's house, at that time and took my picture off the wall, that hung with their other 7 children, I was much more loved by Julia Warner, until, my parents inducted her granddaughter's red-headed husband, and a bass guitarist, about the same age, born in the same place, Ogden, Utah, Ryan Chambers, to be the red headed Jesus, or the best he could pull off, a bit fat, and short, but, hey, what they band lacked, the light show, and having Elliot pose, unbeknown to him, as himself, for the poster, that got at least a billion orders, worldwide, that I saw with my own eyes, on his picture!

The money rolled in, the building started, in every space of real estate in the state, and I am sure in many more, money laundering, but showing up in plain sight also . . . the Southwick Mormon Mob was well into the money and the power, buying the Mormon Church, Utah, and the nation, it seemed, with presidents, being introduced to someone other than myself, and Elliot's band, getting taken down on their nationwide tour, that they trashed, when Dallas and Dick found out!

Alleged Government Contractor, George, Picture with President Karsai

George and Nicole, lived with the Schmidts, for a while, when they moved to Pennsylvania, while George was looking for a job, so they got close to the family, too close, Sue and Kevin, with no grand children of their own, latched right on to mine, Yuri and Gracie, with Sue and Kevin's own kids, acting like they were the immediate family, not Nicole's own family, that was battered and torn by this same crowd of Southwicks, and the extended Southwick family.  The plan was great and deep, with all included and making money, Kevin retired from Norton, about that same time and Sue had connections with the Berkeley School of Music in Boston, through her Mormon Ward . . . the Mormon Church were big time players.

I had started to get back into politics, but not the law at this time.  Nicole was getting surgery, so she asked me if I would come out and help with the kids.  Which I did.  At that time, I figured that George was CIA, teased him, and looked at all his books, like My FBI, by former director, Louise Freech, and other books on his master topic of counter-intelligence and terrorism . . . but, as I suspected, but hadn't proved at the time, but George was using his job, as a means to promote, the fake band, Isaacs, band around the world.  Now, what would give me the idea, he had a picture of himself and President Karsai of Afghanistan, that would come into play later, when I wrote a plan for President Obama to get out of the country.

I called George, and asked him to tell me about Afghanistan, the religion, the culture, the people, the President, the politics, so me and the Great Decisions group, could help our newly elected President answer Congress and come up with a plan for our efforts in the country.  He kept referring me to the Internet, what, you are standing their with the President, you have to know something.  At the time, George was leaving Nicole and the kids for up to two months at a time, allegedly overseas, on very dangerous missions . . . so, how in the hell, doesn't he know anything about Afghanistan?  Something else is up, a cover-up.  Then he told me, one day, that he needed to go out to Langley, and I said, I knew you were CIA, jokingly, but not . . . he told me he was switching jobs, and who paid him, was not who he worked for!  

They all have a cover, was he using this as a front to push music to Arabic countries . . . it appeared so, and what about little Ms. Meg Schmidt, who moved out, so I could come . . . we had a dinner one day for Meg, who was in town, and we wanted to play cards . . . Nicole and I had gone to stake conference, and George, said he would watch the kids, and cook dinner.  Judged on Meg's snotty actions, during the card game and the evening, she seemed like a jilted lover of George's!  Pouting, sullen, and brooding, like a girl who intended to steal a husband, from her cousin, but didn't make the grade.  But, there was definitely something up between the two.  I was suspicious, that she was Nicole's replacement, now, could be a second wife . . . she always dates, dark colored men!  George is Cuban!

Nicole, George & Kids, are Coming to Visit Sue & Kevin

Now the bad thing about traitors, CIA, ATF, or whatever, working undercover, is they are paid to trash me, get rid of me, try to use all the psychological methods of alienation of affection, against me, and also turn their kids against me, but, it hasn't worked.  DNA, is stronger than visits.  I had seen Gracie, when she was 8 months old, and again, briefly, when she was 2 years old, but decided I better visit, soon, so she knows who I am.  So when I got sworn into the United States Supreme Bar, January 23, 2012, I surprised Nicole at church, George, acted pissed, and put out, at the visit, but at least, George, smarter than Dallas, knows how to shut up and take the 5th, Dallas, just uses, and is nice for money, legal representation, and to watch the kids, beyond that his is total fucking ass!

But, there is always this constant undermining going on, behind closed doors, and i will have to hand it to my kids, they have done quite well with all of it, and I have a relatively good relationship with both them and their children.  I let, Gracie, on my visit, warm up to me.  She stood her distance for about 10 minutes, and all of the sudden, to Nicole's surprise, it was Grandma Jo, this and Grandma Jo, that, she wanted me to read to her, meet all of her stuffed animals and dolls, say prayers, watch her in the bathtub . . . George and Nicole said, she doesn't warm up to anyone!  That made me feel better about seeing her, as infrequently as I do, that she knows at a deeper level, just who grandma is . . . and it is not Sue, nor Kevin, nor Shelley, Kay, Rachel, or anyone, and George, Dallas, and now, Kat, being careful from the get-go, have tried to break the bonds, but they are totally there, no matter what they do.

Little Yulia, the first time I stayed over night, and when I was getting ready to leave, I looked down on my shirt, and her little 4 month old hands, were gripping my shirt, tight, as if to say, Grandma, don't leave me. The other morning, I opened the paper, after talking to Chris, her father, and there was a picture of a baby girl about Yulia's age, and it said, What do you not understand about, I love you!  That is when the trouble started, I pushed the envelop at bit, and offered to come watch Yulia, and get acquainted, while Kat and Chris, both worked, so they could get extra money, and I could play with baby, cutie girl.  Just as I figured, Kat nicely, nixed it, through Chris . . . it is our anniversary, her birthday . . . and . . .

Before that, Kat had called me, days earlier, after I hadn't called for a while, letting them have their space, and Kat called saying Yulia, was asking for Grandma . . . Kat seemed her old self, happy, kind, talkative, and fun.  That is until, I decided to make the trip to Utah to see baby.  Then pictures came, but only 4 out of the 9 that were sent . . . they were off Chris and Yulia, and none of Kat, whom I have never seen in a picture with Yulia, so what was up . . . Kay, or Rachel, of course, the fraud, must go on . . . I am dead, and they are me, so, for me to show up, and spend that much time, would not work!  The other day on the bus, there was a dark haired girl, speaking, what sounded like Bulgarian or something like that.  The bus, stopped and a blond woman, came a sat, right next to her one the bus, with the exact hair style as Kat's mother, who looks totally different, that the woman, I met a few years ago, much larger, woman . . . but anyway, this woman appeared to be her mother.

I have always thought, how easy it would be, for Kat to claim that her parent's lived over in Bulgaria, but really were from New York, and she moved her at an early age, so she knew both languages.  If you have ever seen, the movie, with Richard Geer, The Double . . . that exact scenario, is in the movie, the kid, investigating Geer, a double agent, and famous, Cashius, is actually discovered by a Harvard grad, allegedly CIA, who has studied Geer's character, and Geer, realizes that the kid is also a double, he leaves his wife, and does his spy thing!  I don't recall seeing Kat hold Yulia, while her mother was there . . . she could have another lover too, this is an assignment for all of them, including Kat, who would use a baby to further trap Chris, that even if he knew, he would have to chose between mother and child, or whatever, so keeping his mouth shut, would be best, for right now . . . but who is this woman, and where is the first Kat?  She is Kay's girl, and Yulia, is suppose to be Kay's granddaughter, to further the fraud, and keep it all in the Southwick conspiracy against me and my family, I met a kid, the last time I came to Kalispell, and if you didn't know Chris, well, you would or could, with a bit of a stretch, think that he was Chris, and from aerial surveillance, he would definitely pass, so scary stuff, and I hope, someone is protecting Chris!

So, Here We Are, Father's Day 2014--Chris, Definitely Takes the Best Dad of the Year, and While George & Dallas are good dads, they are shitty husbands, both . . . and the best thing a father can do for his children, it to love their mother, unless she is a cold blooded killer!



To the Family Turn-Coats Who Made this all Possible!

  • of course the Dick Cheney Southwick family and friends vs. JoAnn Coulter Secrist, J.D. extrodinaire--Ms. Bad Ass Con Law Chick Blogger
  • they would have had to buy off, my ex-husband, the first, Richard Clifton Secrist, had to, new JoAnn, Rochelle, the most insecure, new wife I have ever met, once!  And that is in 14 years, can't even see my car without going ape shit, and leaving, when daughter just used it!  Or they just talked to Rochelle!  Just like Dallas Todd Hyland; George Mayor; or Katerina Secrist . . . I am fine with my kids sticking with cheaters, liars, adulterers, bastards and a bitch . . . betray the real mother, in exchange for murderers . . . that should say something about their character, don't want them in my family, but I understand the complexities this brings for my children, until they find out the real truth about their cheating partners . . . assignments, until they can kill you!
  • let us start with Dallas, the St. George, Trophy Wife of the Year . . . must be competing with Rachel, only Chris dumped her ass, and all the CIA, lust after her?  Great choice . . . cheating with Sarah Schmidt, you know, those irrestible boobs!  Quivering penis can't resist!  Sue the preferred mother-in-law, or whoever the crew can dog pile on top of me . . . Mitt Romney losing the elections, Brock theft, all connected
  • did you ever, Nicole, think that Meg Schmidt, staying with you was an accident?  I saw it then, and see it now . . . Sue and Kevin Shit, oh, sorry, Schmidt, had eyes on George, ever since you stayed with them for a few months, wanted those grandchildren too . . . way cooler husband, than Mormon Scooby Do's, LOL!  
  • I would guess that secretly, they are both married to your husbands, you know, that big hook for men in the Mormon Church, fucking polygamy . . . okay, by Mitt and the gang, Muslims too!
  • Katerina Jeleva . . . now she is a mystery girl, because they killed the real Kat, who actually was from Bulgaria . . . hell, this one could be from any of those eastern block countries, with parents who came here, to the U.S.A., where she learned flawless English, became a CIA spy, got you, son out of the home for 3 months, bait and switch, bingo, different girl, got rid of Donny, didn't seem to care much, but you did, so she had to play the game . . . then get you committed, and have a baby with you, to compromise your family, then keep grandmother away . . . Dallas and George, never dreamed that their children would be so bonded . . . warned Kat II, be careful, powerful medicine, that DNA stuff!
  • and, we can't forget all the clients, that is once I came back, prior to that, we can thank, former boss, Mark Nash, former AG, Mark Shurtleff, former boss, Leo Sorenson and Val Bateman . . . this thing is huge . . . Mormons will conquer the world, with the help, first of the world bankers, Bushies, and others, Holy Shit!  Note, former, female, non-Mormon boss, Helen Goddard, at the Utah Division of Aging, not mentioned, but I am sure they will contact her now!
  • now for the clients, that I have trashed before, but worth mentioning again . . . Henry S. Brock, Jay Rice, Michael Shane Clark, Haylee Cheek, and Travis Braun, along with Misty and Dennis Cheek, and the Carters and Brauns, all were complicit in the theft of the Cheek case too; Thomas and Linda G. Vail of Las Vegas or Henderson, Nevada, but after bribes, probably on a ranch near, Tonopah, Nevada, looking anticipating win with me, but lunch with CIA, no bones about it, Tom told me, took care of that . . . wild cats, this is where you perform . . . above the run of the mill, CIA; Curtis Baum, former, BYU professor; Allan Rex Bess--dead, would never have turned, and they knew this former, I-Corp. Marine, cowboy bikers, loved America and me, replacement, Frank of InterPol, now he was already in the Southwick family and friend circle, Rachel loved those assassins, and they loved those fucking, huge ass, bought and paid for boobs!  Oh, I almost forgot, Hope Carlton Levin, actually a cop, replacement for the real, Hope Carlton Levin, and Playmate of the Month, July 1996--doesn't look anything like her, too small framed . . . and of course, Page, her music producing boyfriend from Canada, who helped broker the deals at Park 6th Avenue, Glasgow, British Columbia--any connections with Yale boys, loyalist to the British Crown, world bankers, laundering place for all money!  David Morgan, Kay and Bob Morgan, of Parowan, son in San Quentin Prison, worth about a billion dollars, stole that one too, but paid for my hotel bill, from Canadian address, big time connection; still can't remember, oh, Brandon Ardino, of Las Vegas, a, oh, yes, David Doddridge, private investigator, who got me into all these cases, except, Brock, wanted the Charlie's Angels, Rachel, Haylee, and looking for a third, working on that Nelson murder case, out of Beryl, Utah . . . that is where Rachel, Dick, Dave, all hooked up with county attorney, Scott Garrett, Daddy Southwick, a local Cedar City, Iron County, boy . . . prefers, daddy's little girl, Rachel, the flight attendant, over the attorney!  What a fucking joke, good luck daddy boy! Oh, almost forgot, little, Kay Lynn Reilly, covering her ass for 5 years, but both her and her boy, smoke pot continually, so, of course, the cops, CIA, FBI got her to roll over on me, the only innocent one in the whole thing!  Jared Lameroeaux, I am sure he was released and used as an informant for the cops, like I suggested, after I got him off, on one of the most outlandish cases, that nobody but me would believe, but beat the AGs assistant attorney general, blond, can't remember her name, but sure they cut her a deal, and he is out!  I accidentally, contacted his Uncle, because of the last name, and he was either shortly after that, gone, either another bribe, or fired, or something . . . big bribes!  My case on Arie, on the Homegrown Hero, one time $350,000 money, daughter, can't remember that either, but Dallas, covered that one, and notified Homeland Security and the Department of Justice on that one, after I told him, I was given the bull shit, cover-up version of the case, then Steve, the dentist, who died for telling me, my emails were coming to him, via, Sara Lilly, the case worker in DC . . .symbolic death . . . Judge Allison, aka. Michael Willis, and the REDS, the retired crew, that are extremely stupid! got to go


Kill a Pack of Wolves--Elk is my Symbol for Elliot, or El, as I call Him--Bass Guitarist for God's Revolver--there are 7 Chambers in a Revolver, God's Number for Completion!

I am now at the Kalispell, Public or If Library, the NSA, blocked me on my Google Chrome Acer, laptop, at McDonalds, then I tried at the mall, JC Penny's, and again at Red Lion, but to no avail . . . this is how the wolves roll . . . but there is always a silver lining, to get into my blog on the libraries computer, I had to go into my account and it gave me a chance to edit my phone number, which may actually be the way the wolves or NSA, same, were accessing my account, and redirecting it.  However, when I tried to change my old email account, that I had at the time I set up this blog, the actual reason for the blog, two email accounts, on and joann.s.secrist@, had both been hi-jacked, and I had no other way to express my anger, frustration, terror at being chanced by blood sniffing and tracking dogs, that I heard all night as I hide, in the red, old buses that had been restored, to use at Glacier National Park, so as to avoid getting murdered, detained, hunted, tracked . . . now, I can guarantee, these assholes, and maybe the local cops, who don't know the full story, nor the real person, but my picture is back up, that had been blocked also, but they are just doing their jobs as they see it!

I have to hurry, because, these computers are timed, and I only have about 20 minutes, until my time dies . . . but two, already told you about the computer, NSA or wolf, shit, but I didn't tell you what happened on my phone last night.  My grand-daughter, that my CIA, daughter-in-law is trying to block me from seeing, I guess either her or the NSA, or Kay, the cover-grandmother, and she looks a hell of a lot older, so does Rachel, Shelley, Sue, Kelly, and even Tiffany, the new sister, cover-girl, Dick Cheney Southwick's, other JoAnn S. Secrist, with a few friends to help, within the lack of intelligence community, the CIA within the CIA . . . 

But, I guess, the wolf pack either took pity, or wanted my beautiful new, well a year old, soon, so the real Grandmother was going to come visit, even did a rare thing and offered to babysit for a month, for hell sake, and come get to know my little cutie-girl, after Katerina Jeleva, or as she claims, the mother of Yulia, but not the mother of Donny, the old Kat's son, who the court system helped in taking away, not only from the dead mother, but from my son, without a name . . . who they knew would be a tough one to handle, because he is not only protective, but as loyal, as this pensive situation can be . . . he is well aware of the threat, in fact, I have actually seen his own double, who, I am sure was intended to be a message to me, that my oldest son was going to be next in this ring of killings, murders, and disappearances . . . some things are bigger than us, our children, and even our grandchildren . . . freedom, liberty, choice, options, guns, rights, warrants, and all the things that the fucking, Bush/Cheney administration, wanted to get rid of, through the Patriot Act . . . Skull & Bones, the Yale Prep Club, that Prescott, George, and W, all belonged to, were all going to even the score, old bad blood, they were all British loyalists, before the American Revolution . . . so the goal was to destroy America, and he just about did, with the bail out, with the most solvent of the banks, Lehman Brothers Financial, being worth $700 billion, just weeks before the melt down, and the only bank not merged, bought out, or bailed out . . . went over to Braun or something like that Financial!

And guess what the bail out was, didn't even try to cover up the amount, $700 billion!  Dumb asses, arrogant, Hank Paulson, too big to fail, mentality, and those fucking Wall Street Boys were just too clever to figure out, what they hell they were doing, easy, sending money to London, the headquarters of the world bankers, who were going to tank the American economy, destroy the market, put the world into a tail spin, and start, you got it, daddy Bush's, One World Order!  Just had to say this, until they figure out where I am and fuck up this blog, already would  not let me change my old email address!  NSA, on my ass already, within minutes, but somehow, I can get things out, without being censored!

Back to baby girl, and the straw that broke the camel's back, have known about Dallas, George and Kat for years, since the get go, but you never want to destroy your family, force divorces, or loyalties!  But, this is ridiculuos, and Kat brought on the fight, good old Cat fight . . . my symbol for CIA, nice name, bitch, sorry son . . . no disrespect, intended . . . but,, as a gesture of whatever, Kat sent me some pictures of Yulia, via, email, but only 4 of 9 came through, missing  mommy?  Anyway, a new icon, popped up, and I could view, Yul, from my screen saver anytime, I don't know how to do that.  I wrote my son a text, after he texted me and told me Y, took her first steps, I told him about the icon, and how cute she is . . . this morning that icon is gone!   

Friday, June 13, 2014


Once Again, CIA is Sanctioning Murder, and Going After Me for My First Amendment Rights!

I have a new icon on my computer, from the pictures, Katerina the second, sent me of my new or now one year old, beautiful granddaughter, who her CIA, mother has tried to block me from seeing for an entire year, we are talking the CIA double for the original Kat, who my son, without a name, loved . . . but he is the son, that my former, FBI/CIA husband knows is a worry, because he will help his mother, so he needed to be compromised, and even worse with a baby now.
Brett, who is now with Kay, aka, JoAnn S. Secrist II or VII, who, in reality, me, myself and I, is currently sitting up at the Sunnyview Cafe, in the Kalispell, Regional Medical Center, Kali, MT, just here, typing my daily blog, after eating breakfast as Flow's, or the Salvation Army . . . that is always good for breakfast or lunch, Monday through Friday, and she is a true Latter-Day Saint, as are the rest of the staff at God's Army, practicing true religion, taking care of the homeless, the poor, the widow and the fatherless.

. . . something the fucking Mormon CIA, wouldn't know about!  Smacks too much of Christianity for these boys and girls, that are blood sucking, gold digging fuckers, feeding off the tits of God's Revolver and now, Maraloka, or my cases, my house, my personal belongings, my blog, or whatever, had their way worth billions, as they have used the Mormon Church network around the world, 60,000 strong missionary force, is a force in deed to reckon with!  They don't call, Utah the network capitol of the world, for nothing, branches out all over the world, due to the missionaries, CIA, FBI, and now the Mormon NSA!  

Are you getting the picture here, brothers and sisters!  You see, with these Mormon, born and bred, regardless of their location around the world, the sin, is not in doing the sin or the crime, it is in getting caught!   I just love, Montana, the USA, too damn much, to do what Edward Snowden did, go to Russia . . . I have had people tell me over and over, to go to another country, fuck that . . . God Bless America . . . I love it and am willing to die for it . . . guess you could tell that already!  They know that, they just use the backdoor man approach, fuck you from behind, or within your own family system, with three of my four kids, marriages, being infiltrated with enemies, with the job 100% of the time to dis, their partner's mother, promote the CIA, FBI, NSA, with in the CIA, FBI, NSA, Mormon version of JoAnn S. Secrist . . . Kay, Shelley, Sue, Rachel, Kelly, Marcie, Tiffany, and about anyone as me, but me . . . you can send 20 FBI agents, right here to the upstairs of the Medical Center, fucking handcuff me right here, and I will scream bloody murder, you mother fuckers!

No One Said, You Had to Let Them Hit You

It is poetic justice, or so ironic, that the one time, while I was married to Brett, who is technically still married to me, refused to divorce me, because he would have to divorce Kay, who is the stand in mom, so he can get to my son's music . . . Google, God's Revolver, Scratch Dealt Me a Dirty Hand . . . check out the guy that stands about a foot taller than anyone else, that is the devil himself, with the out of place Mohawk, my, whatever, still married to me, through . . . blood, no, sex, not really, proxy, stand-in, substitute . . . that would imply that I agree with the bitch, pretending she is me, that my kids are hers, and now my grand-daughter, is hers . . . oh, fuck NO!  

You think you had a war before over my son, try my grand-children . . . your DNA is as ugly as your own gay (no offense to other gays), fat Buddhist, sons, Christopher, not Christian, and Danny . . . you see this knowing your enemy, works both ways, Kay!  Just because your kids will never, never, never give you grand kids, so you think you are going to steal mine . . . I will go for your fucking, skinny, shriveled, weak, little, frail, 80 year old body, face, and the juggler vein in your scrawny, chicken neck, take credit for your own fucked up kids, you, Brett, Shelley, Rachel, and the proxy crew . . . I wouldn't claim those kids either, and I feel sorry for your children, that you raised them, and were so focused trying to steal mine, that your ignored your own . . . no success, if you want to call stealing it, as success, replaces failure in the home!  That is why my kids turned out so well!  I realized that!

Hey, CIA, FBI, NSA, let's see if you can do your fucking job, and catch the real criminals, the buddy sitting next to you in your office, or your idol . . . Brett has one kid, that he claims, or might claim, with a girl he met in Salt Lake City, about 20 or so years ago, I think that is how old his son, in Phoenix, Arizona would be or a bit older, who was whisk away by the mother, to be raised and spoiled by grandma and grandpa, who have money.  Kay's kids, are Christopher Brown, from her first husband, Tim Brown, and her other son, Danny, is the son of David Buttars!  My son's first name, which he told me I could use, is Christian, named after his great grandfather, Adolf Christian Ulrich!  Chris and Elliot's, real dad's, grandmother's second husband, after her first husband died during the flu epidemic of the early 1900's . . . bet you guys didn't know that!

Words Cut Sharper, Than a Double Edged Sword

So how is that for using familiarity against you, rather than against me, you two, loser parents, you just hire doubles, or Dallas and George, got in on the get-go, and were matched with Greta and Nicole, but Chris was not, so the in-laws are hired to say that you, Shelley, Rachel, Sue, or whatever pathetic substitute you have for me, all are embarrassing as mothers, and also as women . . . disappointing, fake, liars, frauds, misrepresented, and whatever other horrible adjective I could find to describe, what is considered tax payer, supported, cop work!  Brett doesn't have much contact, if any with his kids, Kay's are weird, Shelley's, Jessie and Isaac are total criminals, the only reason, Alex, survived, is she got pregnant at 15, and Cliff was a decent guy, and Ty was rescued by the family, his whole life, all mutts, Mitt's Mutts . . . the dog shit bags, you get at parks, and that about says it all, all four kids from different fathers, and the first, Don Anderson, of Smithfield, told me, he didn't even think that Jessie was his!

Rachel's kids all have issues, especially, Scott . . . both girls have eating disorders or did, Emily would have been pregnant, had I not moved in Rachel's old house and taken the kids, Matt would have gotten a girl pregnant, and Scott would have committed suicide, had a special aunt, who actually say he was falling through the cracks, and really cared, loved him, drove him to school, gave him $200 to stay in school, and helped him purchase a small motorcycle . . . 

Pay Back for Actually Caring About, Their Kids

Holy Shit . . . and this is the thanks I get, for taking care of Shelley's kids, Rachel's . . . they want mine!  Good God, I pray for their kids, criminals as moms is just not cool!  Oh, but I guess I am the criminal, because the boys and girls club of the CIA, FBI and NSA are making it appear that I am actually, fucked up, Shelley, and that bitch, is me . . . and she has the help of all my former, rejected love thoughts . . . it all started with Jerry Owen, of Midway, Utah; followed up by Brett allegedly of Logan, but the real one, may have been substituted out, shot, and the FBI, double took his place, who knows; Allan Rex Bess, or code name, Frank, could be Allen Dulles, first director of the CIA; John (Jack) King Strode or Ware, of Kalispell; Michael Willis and Tony Ostheimer, could be a double for the ranch in St. Ignatius or house in Polson, both of, allegedly Missoula!  They, will all lie, to fuck me over!

Several of these, east coast blue bloods, Harvard educated, or with an ambassador to Ireland, wife, and big shot in politics, with a family, the Wares, of Pennsylvania, who own all the water rights in Lancaster County or something like that, worth billions, former father-in-law, a state senator, well, that is not enough, because their children are average kids, which, there is nothing wrong with that, but famous, smart, cool, educated, fun, beautiful kids, that is better, and builds their east coast snobbish egos . . . but this very, average income, mother, from Utah, of all places, actually, listened to the advice of the Mormon hierarchy, and followed it, plus sought degrees and knowledge, in family and human development, and sought, above all else, smart kids, rather than just having fun with them, being their friend, like Rachel, the fun mom . . . but parent, NO!

Oh, and I am very, happily, single, Rachel is married, or was to Christian Hickey, it just dawned on me, that they are saying that my son, Christian, got his name from that low life, dead beat dad, Chris Hickey, that didn't pay a dime for his kids, barely talks to his daughters, it too cheap to buy the kids food, and goes after the sister, who stepped in a did his and his wife's job, and tried to save their kids!  Rachel's misguided kids, are Stephanie, Matt, Emily, and Scott--both boys are fat boys, not phat boys in cool, nor are they the strikingly good looking boys of mine, Chris and Elliot.

And that fucking, attorney, friend of his, Brian Adamson, specialist in asset protection, really, from what I saw, laundering home titles, and gaming the whole, short sale thing, washing dirt through his Law Firm, then his Justice Firm . . . Seth Foote, was given his head and Chris's heads on a platter for mortgage fraud, but hey, who am I to help the FBI, who is after me, such a big time criminal . . . surprise, surprise, surprise, who also, teamed with, magically, Misty and Dennis Cheek, on Haylee's case, don't think that was a mistake, but a line-up, planned, and strategic, match up, as was Kelly Ann Booth, both attorneys, if you want to call them that, have a case of professional jealousy as big as the state of Utah, and the Mormon Church, but are both, totally shitty attorneys . . . Brian took $5,000 retainer, and didn't even show up to the first hearing for Haylee, so I stood in; Kelly Ann, was late to every hearing I ever saw or attended, but hey, as the Mormon Church prophet's grand-daughter, what do you expect, from a Mormon judge, and prosecutor?  That is the way things roll in Utah!

Talking About Kelly, Her Comment, I Don't Owe You Anything . . . Really, Bitch?  Why Don't We Talk Professional Standards of Ethics & Professional Responsibility?  Let's Talk About the Cheek et al v. Garrett et al Case, Shall We?

In the law, and as attorneys, there are set of professional rules of ethics and professional responsibility, and I am sure, that Kelly Ann, violated more than several in what she did, as did Judge Ted Stewart, who became, Chief Justice, after, I took Judge Tena Campbell, out of the position, or it seemed to be connected to her lack of knowledge of the Utah Constitution, so I asked for her disqualification on the Brock et al v. Herbert et al . . . my other multi-million lawsuit, among many, that was part of this whole conspiracy against the only true blue, law abiding, citizen, lawyer, both ethically and legally faithful to the law, and not Mormon . . . the 5th District, federal district, and the Utah State Bar, were all compromised on these case, as well as allowing, non-attorneys, to practice law in the state and in their courtrooms, for money, influence and professional jealousy . . . all were paid off, big time, plus they made a shit load of money off my online filing, people dig my writing, even after splitting my blog, I got an up-tick of 17 million!  My fun filings were just as popular, made the court system hundreds of thousands . . . firms, private attorneys, and financial planners across the nation, following the case and paying to get the briefs, the second I wrote, and same for the Cheek case, followed big time for the criminal, civil rights case . . . $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Fucking NSA just joined the blog . . . they get up later than I do, always try to cut in, but I figured out how to cut the out!  LOL!  

Back to the unethical, if not criminal, Kelly Ann Booth, related to the prophet, who actually did get special treatment, and took over the Cheek case, in a hostile takeover . . . you dumb ass fucking cunt, you didn't get a brief into that court, for about a year and a half as I could see . . . I not only wrote the complaint, and every brief for the first year, did the court appearance, before your sorry ass even knew you had to be a member of the bar, federal bar that is, have you gotten beyond, influence of the Mormon Church and knowing the Judge, who should have recused himself, or refused to let your dumb ass, unethically in the case!  

Iron County Attorney, Scott Garrett, was the King-Pin, at the center of the conspiratorially orchestration, against the three plaintiffs in the case . . . Shane, Haylee and Travis, and Haylee's sworn enemy, the reason for the lawsuit . . . Garrett was using vindictive prosecution, malicious prosecution, and showing up at arrests, before warrants were served, at hospitals, during forced cathederizations, long after hours, and what is ever, reasonably expected of a prosecutors . . . he was out to get all three plaintiffs . . . and, how did Judge Stewart let him out of the lawsuit?  Bribe, insider trading, direction of the FBI?  What the hell?  He was Haylee's nemesis, hated and despised . . . so, can you explain, Ms. Booth?  How in the hell, did the feature, premier, player, get let off the case, could we say the word, bribes . . . these are high crimes and misdemeanors!

I answered 8 briefs in one weekend, , which Misty and Dennis not only didn't pay me for, but asked me to go visit Haylee in jail, when I had no gas, but took some out of their lawn mower, to go visit her, while they were going to their newly acquired, paid for in cash, homes, in Las Vegas, just about the time, you, were brought in on the criminal case, you bitch, before you were even brought in on the civl case, at my objection, not to mention, writing the complaint, and the reply to the government's answer to a law firm that was probably paid $1 million to do the little they did, while I did Shane, Travis, Haylee's criminal and juvenile cases, plus the civil, for barely $9,000, and carried the case, even covering your ass, while you were trying to get your fucking, stupid logo, on the alleged, amended complaint, after the deal was cut . . .

You, Ms. Booth, Can Never Even Be a Little JoAnn!

When Misty approached me, at a defense attorneys conference at the hotel in Bloomington, I believe in February, with a hearing on the docket, in March, Misty talked to me about letting you join the case, allegedly, you wanted to be a Little JoAnn  . . . and learn how to do civil rights cases, which I admit, you didn't know how to do, and were totally incompetent, but, hey, you knew the judge and clerks, personally, as you strutted into court, the first time, with your amended complaint, that took a year to get approved as I could tell from the docket--

Feds, if there is actually anyone going after the Mormon mafia, may want to check the actual person who filed every brief of merit, up to an including the request for a settlement conference with a federal magistrate, knowing Stewart was compromised, and with the case at a standstill, due to Ms, Booth, and me, by this time, just representing, Travis, with all parties, jumping on board--until, what happened, I was run out of the state, and both cases were stolen?  I even put my picture ID on that brief, and I believe the Brock filing, I also did that day, having to drive from Parowan to Salt Lake, with the FBI, running into the Frank Moss courthouse, just minutes before I did, the day I filed the briefs, and yanking the IT personnel out, so I couldn't get my e-filing account fixed, because that belonged to Shelley by know, with the Utah State Bar, complicit in the deal . . . and on and on, because I knew the bar and the court were fucking with me!  If you knew the judge, in other states, that is called, a conflict of interest, and generally a recusal is warranted, or your ass, never should have been in on the case . . . I told you I didn't need you, and there was no reason for your fucking existence!

Don't Let Ms. Booth, Know, the Case Had Been Around, a Year Before She Humiliated Herself, by Not Knowing She had to be a Member of the Federal Bar!  Mob, Doesn't Need That!

But, hey, I don't want to confuse your stupid ass with the facts or the reality of who's case it was, even up to and including all parties being on board, or demanding to get in on the settlement conference . . . that was never scheduled, for some odd reason, you, the fuckers that should be on this like flies on shit, but who am I to tell you what to do, actually getting and bringing the real criminals to justice!  Fuck You, why don't you chase me, jail me, and hunt me down to as late as yesterday!  Fuck YOU!  Check the goddamn docket!  You will see who did what . . . but I guess you don't have hundreds, if not thousands of US assistant attorney generals, that can actually read the briefs, the docket, and see this was a fucking cover up, for Scott Garrett, Kelly Ann, the Cheeks, everyone benefited from the case, except, the one who made the case possible at GREAT PERSONAL SACRIFICE, OF WHICH INCLUDES, BEING ALIVE, YOU ASSHOLES!

Big Sister Shelley Sat Her Ass In My House For 8 Month, Bribing Clients!

While I was off, making money, to support, Shelley and her motley crew, up to 5 losers at a time, and taking care of Rachel's drama show with Chris and Brian Adamson, I was also doing about, 20 other cases, going to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, or the United States Supreme Court, on Brock, or going to Colorado, on the Levin v. Levin case, or going up to the state prison on the Jared Lameroeaux case . . . also stolen, and on and on . . . Shelley was working her bull shit with my clients on the home front!  Misty and Dennis, Kay Lynn Reilly, Hope Carlton Levin, little mafia, hit man, from Vegas, can't remember his name right now, Tom Vail, Hank Brock, meeting, scheming, and working with Rodney Yanke, a paralegal from Vegas . . . to not only compromise all my clients, and it continues to this day with Georgeana Darrow Hartongue!  

This is as easy as A,B,C . . . I had clients, Shelley was home, 24/7, Ms, Congeniality, would bring the into the Southwick, Mormon, Utah fold . . . offer to pay them off . . . future husband, Allan Rex Bess, Frank . . . all working the backdoor deals . . . even taking over my identity, for my October 29, 2010, Halloween party, the day I was doing the 16 hour trial, in Iron County, going from 8 am to 1:00 pm . . . planned, so Shelley would look like the hostess with the mostess, (Rachel might beat me as a hostess, waitress in the sky, flight attendant--LOL--shshsh--she thinks she is an attorney, LOL!) the one who decorated, the one who featured two photo artists, catered the party, had a band, and entertained 250 guests in the home, and, Judge Westfall, made sure, that I didn't get home for the party, I got home at around 2 am, in the morning . . . at least they cleaned the house!

Rachel couldn't give me fast enough, to take her kids and a few extras, to get away from Shelley, who later, teamed with Rachel, when I dared, cross their little princes and princesses, for either locking me out of the house, I took care of, paid for, and took care of 10 other people at times, or paid all the utilities for two parents, plus welfare chick, Shelley, who never helped pay for anything . . . turning on fans, opening doors, and running the air conditioning all at the same time . . . my pay back, was taking all the furniture I paid cash for, and saying Shelley was me, and covering the girls, $33,000 court judgement, that came out of now where, while Shelley and Rodney stole my e-filing account, clients, because, God's Revolver, was just coming out with a new CD, under contract with Sony, or Translation lost . . . and the vultures were waiting . . . getting attorney, mom taken care of was all part of the plan! 

If You Are Not Part of the Solution, You Are Part of the Fucking Problems!

Whatever, the FBI is in on it, so is the CIA, the NSA, and all other powers that be, to fucking stupid, after three or four years of spoon feeding them this information!  And we wonder why we have problems in this country, these fuckers are in on the money laundering, the thefts, the deals, the cover-ups, the fake bands, the fake chicks, the lying alleged credible, jilted lovers, who were set up from before I met them, the Marine and NORAD, teaming or telling local police and sheriffs, where the bear shits!  They are using the highway patrol, that lost me and John, yesterday, when I took off out of Missoula, without warning, on the spur of the moment . . . LOL, while Tony, was, most likely up at his, or some one's ranch in St. Ignatius, fucking Shelley, the dark haired bitch, with the blond wig, that even fooled Judge Westfall, who had seen me in his courtroom for an entire year and a half, if not more, Scott Garrett, defense and local attorneys, they all fucking know damn well who I am, but one of my client's girlfriends, who I actually was put in jail with, told me she saw Shelley in court, but, hey, CIA and crew have her back! 

Let's Train Little Shelley, Welley!  Good God--What Have We Come To? 

Guess it's okay to stand in as proxy, give the girl some court time, so she can catch up with JoAnn, and better serve the steal of identity, this bitch couldn't even open her mouth in court, when I helped her on her alleged mortgage business, attorney in training program--Shelley would get the cases up to dismissed, then pull me it and I would save the house! The Utah State Bar, just switch the complaint against her shit, put it under my  name and went after  me, Rachel steals my driver license, gets a DUI, and I get my license yanked, after the feds or whoever, paid the DMV to steal my license I left in Great Falls, or they just picked it up after I left, and now I can't get my birth certificate, that was intercepted, by another paid person, or stopped in transit . . . fucking amazing, when she stood in for me, practicing law without a license, but, hey, law license are cheap these days, we hand them out like candy . . . oh, and if mine doesn't work, Kay has one, she would throw in to screw me . . . all these women have bad blood on a woman to woman issue, their men only want them, to fuck me!  LOL!

And the fraud, on all counts continues, that pussy must be good . . . I was in Missoula, and I could tell the heat was on my ass, so I ditched into the Catholic Church just around the corner from both the hospital and the Poverello, homeless shelter . . . I should be worth, a minimum of $200 million, for my contingency fees on Brock and Cheek, but I was invited, after the Tuesday, services, down in the basement of the church to have coke, or chocolate milk and toast with the crew . . . on of the ladies, a regular at the church, asked me if I had taken a communications class at the University of Montana . . . I said no, that I was a communications minor, in college and an attorney who went to court, and did public speaking.

Attorney Taking Communications Classes, Undergrad Classes at Dixie?  I Fucking Taught College, Was a High Demand Speaker at Governor's Conferences, etc., So Who is Standing in For Me at Court, In College Classes?  Someone Who Is, Sure As Hell, Not Me!  Oh, I Guess It is Just Too Hard to Send an Agent Into the Sunnyview Cafe, Right Now, While I Am Writing--yes,  wrote all, almost 200 blogs too . . . SURPRISED?

She told me of a woman who looked exactly like me . . . Rachel, Shelley with a wig, and she said she was also an attorney . . . training camp for the girls?  I assured her, I was not the one at the class, I used to public speak to thousands in a give week, either through the attorney generals office, or my private anger management company, in high demand in both, and covering the ass of the AG, when she didn't want to speak, or upstaging her, and getting top billed at conferences, until she nipped this popular speaker, and would not let me do my anger management presentation, to the statewide PTA, of 2300 listeners!  Why in the fucking hell would I need speech lessons . . . give me a mic and I will talk on any subject, hell I taught at three colleges for at least 7 years!  New flash boys, the pussy riots will never catch this chick, never, no how, no way, never, never, never . . . I can beat the shit out of any one of them any day, including that cunt, Kay!  LOL!

I had Kay be a stand in for me at an anger management seminar, I couldn't make, and also had her teach one of my classes at the U of U, she performed both miserably!  I never asked her again, and finally gave up trying to have a stand in . . . could be a hint in here somewhere . . . she can't be me!  I also discovered that someone at Dixie State College, before it was a University, was attending classes, under my name, only spelling it Joann, with a small "A", using my birthday, and my social security number . . . this plan has been going on forever . . . I would say, starting back around 1998, when Shelley ratted out the mafia . . . Alan Wolfson and David Yeman, her former boss and former husband . . . the government snitch . . . and I was a the bane of the government, for taking out asset forfeiture, and going after the fraud unit boys, for the feds, Medicaid/Medicare investigations!  Not a hard one . . . FUCKING WRITING IS ALL OVER THE GODDAMN WALLS, SHIT EVERYWHERE, AND THEN ADD IN GOD'S REVOLVER, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

It Is Amazing That a Billion Dollar Heist is of No Interest to the CIA, Who is Over Financial Crimes--Maybe Because They are Stealing the Financial Planner Case for Kay?  Split the Proceeds, If the Real, JoAnn Wins, CIA, Doesn't Get A Fucking DIME!

Billions of dollars stolen, no fucking crime . . . REALLY?  Now, what exactly am I running for?  All I know it there are a hell of a lot of people who are going down, if I am successful, getting one, fucking honest cop, fed, attorney, judge to see what the hell is in plain sight, on court dockets, unless the pros have doctored everything, but on the website of Leagle, that popped up while I was just browsing the Internet wondering what former clients were up to, Shane, in particular, and the Cheek case was being featured, asking for the person who was lead counsel of the case . . . with, the docket, totally having my name of the briefs I filed . . . No, Kelley, this is NOT YOUR CASE . . . you took the money and ran, but this is not your fucking case . . . famous because of me, not you!  BITCH . . . you owe me everything and I hope you get fucking prison time for this . . . but I am sure all players were given full immunity to fuck me!  Unbelievable!

And I Am the Criminal?  WOW! 

Thursday, June 12, 2014


I Can Educate You, But I Can't Think For You

Yesterday, while I was waiting for the bus, which is great, the Mountain Line, picks me up at the top of Madison and Front, every morning, or the mornings I don't want to walk, and that is 90% of the time, and I take a nice little cruise around the city, watching the hustle and bustle of Missoula, leaving the stress of the morning commute to the bus drivers, love it, city looks great in the morning, well most of the time.  They call this Garden City, at least that is what I have assumed, but it may just be a nursery or a local business, but the title fits it well, there are fucking flowers everywhere . . . total garden and flower freak.

Even the Oxford, that is a local hang out, open 24 hours a day . . . nothing I like better than an early, greasy spoon breakfast of eggs, toast or pancakes, bacon, hash browns, and I substitute the more healthy morning drink of orange juice for Diet Coke, for a breakfast of champions . . . has one of the most beautiful displays of flowers, in pots, half whiskey barrels, and some plants right in the soil that is right in the cement . . . absolutely eye candy, as is the entrance to the Southtown Mall, at least I think that is what it is called, by Red Robin Restaurant . . . gorgeous.

My Intel tells me, you still think I am Kay, landlord got paid off?  Picture still in Independent Magazine . . . I am sitting at the Break Cafe, and it is 8:50 a.m., got up early today.

A Beautiful Yard Is A Citizen's Gift to the City--What a Joy!

Even my neighbors, living in the 11 unit townhouses, in a cluster, have wonderful flowers, waterfalls, I walk out my door, as I did this morning at 521 Hartman, and the wind had blown over a cool, green sun umbrella, but Teresa, who I talked to this morning, had plants, flowers, shrubs, and garden decorations, all over the stairs, that she is going to plant, amongst her already, annuals, that are in bloom, whites, purples, yellows, Garden of Eden . . . and Missoula's former mayor, Dan, don't know his last name, has poppies, peonies, and a great variety of flowers and colors, and I think he is competing with the woman up on the corner, who also has amazing flowers, both have extended their landscaping to include the side of the hill that the city, clear of vegetation, for some reason, and they are actually landscaping across the street and up the street, almost touching in the middle, with scrubs, to catch rainfall, but also to beautify, with stepping stones, flowers, and clearing the weeds--it will be interesting to see, the finished product.

Back to the Mundane--CIA, DEA and Such . . .

As I was waiting for the bus, I was just doing what I do best, thinking, pondering, analyzing, and just kicking clods, while I waited.  I was think, that I have been in Montana, off and on, for two years, in various places around the state, certainly enough time to actually meet a Montana cowboy, my goal, among others . . . now I don't mean for reasons of sex, or a romance, or even a relationship, I just want to actually meet one.  I see the license plates, the rodeos, ranches, farms, western outfitters, but I never really meet a cowboy, have met plenty of cowgirls, dig the hell out of these chicks, keeping it country and redneck, love it!

So, while I was pondering the mysteries of life in Montana, I walked up, and the second car on the side of the road, had a license plate that clear as clear, said, DEA, there were some numbers, but, I laughed, they would want to control me, my first clients, Shane and Travis, who were probably undercover cops, or are now, but the three of us, once I busted them out of jail, were going to track us some DEA agents, that all three of us, knew, for a fact, were the ones growing the marijuana grows in Washington, Iron and Garfield Counties . . . Travis even video taped the evidence, pine trees shaved up 6 to 8 feet, covered from airel views, propane tanks, extensive drip systems, even cooking stoves . . . way to sophisticated for the 4 Hispanic guys blamed for the grows . . . that is why they wanted Travis so bad, he may still be fighting them, drove me out of the state . . . happy about it!

Do you remember that movie with Jim Carey, called Bruce's World, or something like that, Carey's character lived in a sphere, with every character he met controlled, even the traffic, nothing happened by chance . . . well, that would to some extent explain why I haven't met any cowboys . . . I meet wanna be cowboys from Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Boston, California, Arizona, Washington, D.C., etc., very strange indeed!  Limited pool, in the FBI dating data base, since I have been through their whole inventory of guys.  I have a double standard . . . much like men, I can do what I want, look like I want, but they can't . . . turn about is fair play, comes naturally, generally, not interested.

I Am, Kind Of Into, the Catch & Release Program

I really dig, catching the big fish, getting that hook into them, heart, mind, and maybe body, but hat is not my main goal . . . brain is the largest sex organ, they are hooked, while they are looking at the 19 year old college student sitting next to us in the Break . . . they leave for a while, just saw a wanna be cowboy, allegedly born in Utah, but adopted to a couple in California, who raised him on a ranch, but he is a documentary film producer, doing one on Homesteading and the Cowboy Heritage, but I am sure he is undercover . . . one of the REDS . . . Retired and Extremely Dangerous, he is back trolling the waters, in front of the Break, guess the college girl had a bit more to learn, and the cowboy, learned it!  LOL!  Keep going girls, you will get their about the time your body runs out, but hey, the mind games are way more rewarding . . . love playing in the mind field!

The thrill is in the hunt, the wait, the watching, and the catch . . . it is not in eating the fish, for me, but the challenge of the catch, the hook, the reeling in, looking at the fish, and saying na, and takingS that hook out and releasing the big fish . . . now the greater the challenge, the bigger the fish, that is lured into the game . . . so with each one, there are higher stakes and a bigger pay off!  So while nearly, 60 going on, 35, I have plenty of time to play this game.  I read bought this book from Walmart, last year, how to take, like 25 years off your age, after getting my picture taken for the Independent, and realizing the fat faced me, really does look like my sister, double . . . scream, that was motivation, enough . . . instead of my two inch high quiche, brownie, and unending Diet Coke, I have a jar of water.

Not too exciting, but I do like my face, to be my face . . . and no one is more qualified to be me, than me . . . and during that 8 years I thought I was going to die, I am somewhat responsible for putting myself in the situation, where I looked like my, much uglier sisters, Kay, doesn't look at all like me, but hey, what I wouldn't give to live in the world, they live in, that she fits in my family, is allegedly me, and had my cool, kids, all with chiseled faces, not the flat, round, brown eyed, dull, look . . . sorry, you just don't cut it for me, maybe Michelle Phieffer, but you, oh, hell, NO!  I am insulted that they considered any of you, allegedly scintilating stars, really?  Just way, the cameos will be gone, the big fish hooked, and I will get back in shape, and their is no way in hell, any of them will ever get to lay a hand on, me . . . their balls are sagging, their minds slipping, and they used to rule the world, save those for the substitutes, the beauty will be back!

Spooked Out of Three Gyms This Year--FEAR THIS

I am going to the Beartooth Mountains, with four, 40 year olds and under . . . more my crowd, so my friend, John, who keeps asking me, now how old are you . . . he knows I am older than he is, and we are just friends, so he need not lie or try to flatter me, because I have told him, many times, that I am 59, but he always looks puzzled, and shooting for a high of 49 years old, was the last age he guessed.  So, I am doing a week, water diet . . . I actually, read about the week, fast from food, in Gentlemen's Quarterly Magazine, why read woman's magazines, I already know what they think, but I have wanted to do it since I read it several months ago . . . well, my very unflattering picture was a reality check.

One of the main problems with having been poisoned at the ripe young age of 46, like I was, thin, gorgeous, if I don't say so myself, a verbal selfie, if you will, is that my mind, age, mental image of myself, got frozen, at that age, but I have gotten younger since then . . . and it was like driving your car, going into a fog, and coming out of it, almost 10 years later, but like a body frozen, my mind, for some reason, stayed at that body image . . . so if this fat chick, but still cute, has attitude, it is that I see myself, as I was almost 14 years ago, and I am in complete denial, that this body, I don't recognize is me . . . I saw this sticker, of a stick figure woman, not my goal, but, the sticker said . . . Fear This . . . and they do!  Spooked me out of 3 gyms, would blow their plans and they would like me better than they already do!  LOL!

Now, 007 is Not Use to Being Rejected by Women

The other day, at the Break Cafe . . . the totally cool place, a much younger version of my third husband, almost a younger man in the express image of Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart, married to Kay, former best friend, and whom you have come to know and love, as me . . . came in a sat at the table close to me.  He had the cool jeep, the trendy clothes, touseled jet black hair, perfect face, legs, and body, if I was about 100 pounds thinner, getting there and inspired . . . however, he had a gold wedding band on, so, totally off limits, but had a hard time not looking, but I walked out on Brett, was I crazy . . . hell no . . . his "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful . . . was only funny once.  Once a cheater, always a cheater, Kay is perfect for him, fucking opposing counsel, right after taking depositions, not my style, but obviously Brett's . . . just wish he would let go of my good name and credentials!

You see, these guys egos are too big for Kay, plain little Kay, or Shelley, or Rachel, Sue, Tiffany, my younger self, if I pull of the 25 year, de-aging program . . . daddy Southwick has a daughter for all my stages, but none are as educated, smart and fun as I am, he will have a hard time replacing that . . . they all come back.  I wouldn't be surprised, if that is one of Brett's proteges, in training, to see if I would have taken the bait twice . . . not only no, but hell no!  I thought back to his, winks, as he walked through a grocery store, flirting with Kay at her Sand Trap, or something like that address in Jeremy Ranch, with her 22 ft. speed boat, that she could park in his garage anytime . . . the line that I gave him to Kay!

Most of these guys, have known of me, since 1997, while I was an assistant attorney general, and got on the feds radar screen after killing asset forfeiture, and then later, going in the federal fraud unit, going after my doctors . . . so they know what I can look like, and there in lays the problem, I am hands down prettier, and they already know, I am smarter, or they would have used the cover-girl's resumes . . . guess bottom feeder in the legal field, wasn't enough for egos, nor was the biologist, the historian, the flight attendant, the normal attorney, the EMT, mother of 6 . . . nor was giving up my resume and accomplishments an option for the great and terrible dad!

The last time I saw Brett, he was walking slumped over, he always goes for shorter girls, like Kay, Nancy or can't remember the other chicks name, both in the theater department at the Utah State University.  Actually, the real Brett, was probably shot, and the government double, I saw directing traffic, while the feds killed the Branch Davidians, at Waco, TX, was most likely the one I was dealing with, not my husband . . . just like my son's wife, the one I can't name, why does he think, he was kept out of the house with bogus charges, for three months and the charges dropped the day before trial?  Brought in the sub, had to get new mom and child used to each other.  Then after that was accomplished, bring you back and get rid of the child, that is not her's . . . all the judges, the guardian ad litem, were all told what to do, regardless of the legal briefs, the arguments, etc. . . . why do you think, she never got to see Donny, she didn't want to.  Not her kid!  Why do you think, she wants my relationship with baby, to be on skype?  Her parents are not in Bulgaria, they are around the corner!  Alienation of affection, started the second, she got rid of Donny!  Your Kat was murdered!  You were out of the home for that reason!  Games they play!

Watch the movie, Einstein Brothers . . . through the donuts, if you will, symbolic of cops, federal cops, same as CIA, FBI, ATF . . . look deep, look at your brother-in-laws . . . the mind control techniques, the alienation, the isolation, the distancing . . . think, my dear sons, brilliant minds were all I wanted, think, think, think . . . conversations past, Southwick family, Shelley, that fucking little Isaac . . . get your drunk, frame you for a crime, they could blame on you?  Think! Isaac is Shelley's blood . . . loves serial killers, loves Sopranos, Jessie, wanna be cop, Jared Southwick, cop . . . think!  You music was worth a fucking fortune, I knew it, and so did they . . . they had the network the power, and the  power to frame you and get you to turn it over to them . . . you are dealing with InterPol, CIA, FBI, secret, and still in operation, Office of Strategic Intelligence . . . but you, are smarter than all of them, put together . . . because your pure, they are not!

Readers--Think of the Movie Arco, Won Best Movie--Iranian Hostage Situation--Actors Used--You Got It!

That CIA rogue officer or agent, pretended that the hostages were part of a film crew, and was able to sneak them out of Iran . . . do you think the spooks are going to stop using what worked?  No, they use it ever day, but, they kill a lot of people in the mean time . . . Allan Rex Bess, now Frank, InterPol, collecting his social security and veteran's benefits, plus took his families fortune, his son's life, so he didn't expose him, and guess what, there is not death certificate for who I thought I married, Shelley took over my life, with the help of the NORAD and Marine crew, who were brought in to take me down . . . Allan and Isaac, were totally tight, the fake Allan, why, they had toured with your music, but under the name Remember the Alamo, Jerry Owens was in on it, grandpa, ma, cousins, aunts, uncles, clients, friends, hell there was enough to go around . . . remember, Ty's dad, Jimmy Robinson . . . music mixer for the Doors, who were you compared to?

This conspiracy is wide and deep and branches out, at ever encounter, every new friend, every new client, just like cancer, the cops are trying to take over the world, one rich person at a time, putting in the actors! Lousie Freech, or however you spell it, the FBI director, before Mullen, or whatever his name is . . . he actually started to use actors on the witness stand, make better more composed witnesses, lacked veracity, credibility, but what the hell, they played their role and won the case!  So who cares, right?  Well, any ethical person, gives a flying fuck!

Identity theft, fraud, fraudulent representation, plagiarism, misrepresentation, lies, deceit, the normal public doesn't like it, we don't dig it, cheating, killing, threatening, framing, setting up, intimidating, terrorizing, substituting . . . so not cool, and neither are you . . . phony, fucking losers, who can't do it themselves, so they feed with the bottom feeders of the world, the drug cartels, mafia, hit men and women, Mormons, the Illuminati, Freemasons . . . they are all full of shit, and you should all hang!  You have stolen billions, you fucking assholes!

Take Your Counter-Intelligence Agents, And Get Them The Fuck Out of My Family!

Don't believe me . . . Check out the Monarch Project . . . mind control, sexual and physical abuse, drug experimentation . . . read Fleshing Out Skull & Bones: Investigation into America's Most Powerful Secret Society . . . Bushies?  Heaven forbid, stupid . . . Fighting for G.O.D. (Gold, Oil, & Drugs), Jeremy Begin and Lauren Salk, and Rigorous Intuition, by Jeff Wells, great books, well researched and thought out, documented, verified evidence, the Bush/Cheney regime is horrible for America, my in-laws are horrible for my family . . . using mind control, Dallas, working against me from the get go, Shelley is more his speed and morality, or mental level of Rachel; George is at least a provider, but both Dallas and George are cheaters, just like the culture they are out of . . . think when the President was in Columbia, secret service was sleeping with prostitutes, Mormon polygamy, swingers, cheaters, all part of the game . . . You are assignments, my children . . . handle this the way you want!

I won't call you, you call me . . . Kev makes a mean dinner . . . son in law, Karl Rove look a like . . . maybe happier in the Southwick fold, the cops fold, but quantum physics are going to kill you, they may get away with murder, ID theft, but their souls will be like cancer . . . will come back to bite you in the end . . . see clear, don't cover, don't deny . . . Dallas has had you support his sorry ass, you married grandpa, the lazy fucker, evidence of his federal pay check all over the place, three tripods, shoes, backpacks, he is constantly shopping for himself!

You Are Either For Me, or Against Me--No Half Way!

P.S., both Richard Southwick and Jessie Anderson are still alive!  Richard so righteous, go live polygamy, raise another family, you know that exception to polygamy being an abomination to God!  Jessie is most likely an assassin for the government, wanted to be a cop, or his was shot for Shelley's sins, ratting out the mob--play with fire, get burned, consequences to our actions, like uncle Jared.  Righteous Tiffany chose the net, the mob, spineless girl!  Too bad!  I had hope for her and Jared, Marcie was a lost cause a long time ago . . . shop til you drop, Marc!  LOL, the church ladies!  

I Can Never Go Home Again--Thank God!  Jeremiah Wright, President Obama's Wild Ass Black Preacher Said it Best:  White Man's Greed, Runs A World in Need!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Compliment to Two Lewis & Clark, County Sheriff's Deputies--Good Old Fashion Police Work!

Several weeks ago, there was an article in the Missoulian, the local newspaper, about two deputies from Lewis and Clark County, somewhere around Helena, if I am getting my, what, 53 or so counties right, here in Montana--huge state, Utah only had 29, so about double, in this 4th largest state!  For those of you who haven't worked with cops, the police department, handles crimes in the cities, the sheriff's departments, traditionally, handle incidents in the county or unincorporated areas; however, in Kalispell, the sheriffs are taking over the city, so I am not sure what's up with that?  

But anyway, these officers were called in on a domestic call, if I remember, some guy, stating there was a gun involved . . . now all cops, and people who work in the domestic violence area, which I have, having written the grant, even gone on domestics with Salt Lake City, cops on a ride along, always standing behind them, so as to be protected, while learning what they do, so I could write the cop portion of the domestic violence and sexual assault manual, but people involved in the issue, know that is about the scariest call a cop can make, because while the cops are hauling off the man, usually, the woman, who was beaten, can grab a kitchen knife and plunge it in the back of a cop or shoot him or her!

So with that in mind, these two deputies, didn't know what they were getting themselves into, so they proceeded with caution, to say the least . . ., I think they even got a call, stating that there was not a gun, or the conversation, went back and forth.  I don't recall if the incident was during the day or the night, night would make it even more scary . . . but there was some indication that there was a gun, which would make more sense than not, seeing that the average number of guns in a Montana home is 27.  So, these officers knew something was up, and there might be a gun.

I think the gun opened the door and told them, the cops, that everything was fine, and there was no gun involved, and they don't know where the call came from.  All of the sudden, the woman, poked a shot gun, or rifle out of the door, shocked the hell out of the officers!  These officers, took the necessary precautions, they had been trained to do, and talked the wife down, out of a suicide attempt, and a possible, homicide, or shoot out!  Good job, and great to see, the cops resort to skill, rather than shoot, first and ask questions later!  

We had two situations in Utah, where a couple were in an argument, one in Eureka, and the other one in Davis County, where SWAT, a tank, and whatever, showed up and both men were shot, after what was alleged a stand-off?  Similar situations, different solutions . . . I guess you can tell which one I thought was handled right and which ones were totally blown out of proportion and ended in a tragedy, for what might have started as a heated argument, but turned into a bloodbath!

A Friend Will Tell You What You Need to Know, Not What You Want to Hear

I know, that cops lay their lives on the line everyday, but so do I just crossing the street, or even more scary, telling cops what they need to know, or enforcement citizens' rights against cop agencies of all colors, shapes and sizes, both local, state and federal . . . and I am talking attempted homicide!  Just last week, the day after the elections, having written a blog on Wednesday, commenting that the newly elected sheriff, who came out of the city police department, having had the mayor as a boss, has a new boss, called what he took and oath to defend, and the people, who elected him to protect their property, act as an officer of the court, run the jail, service court paperwork, transport prisoners to court and back, dealing with both civil and criminal issues, and serve as a peace officer!  Not an easy job.

But, when I went to a Human Trafficking Conference, at the college, and was there early, sitting on the back row, about four officers, with guns and handcuffs, all from MPD, or at least I didn't see any sheriffs there, badges reveal the differences, maybe missed some, but some cops glared at me, when they saw my name tag, one female cop, read it and took her name tag off and threw it at the wall.  Another cop, sitting up in front of me, stared at me, as if trying to intimidate me, and got up in a huff, and walked to the back of the room, behind me, with the other 3 cops.  Am I paranoid, I don't think so, this was a hotly contested sheriff's race, with three good candidates, but a divided department, and the new sheriff, having sued the citizens of the city, obviously using some of the money, he won, having been given the money after, one of the county commissioners, attended his campaign kick off . . . avoid the very appearance of evil!  

My blog, written before I even knew about the conference, was an educational piece, to tell not only the new sheriff, but the mayor, and the public, there is a difference, and this former, police detective, was under new rules, a very different job, and things were going in have to change!  That is not mean, that is fact . . . and you will have trouble on our job, if you don't see the differences, and your loyalties change.  This was not a criticism of local police, nor putting sheriffs above city cops, it was the reality of the job, which of the three, you had the least experience, having worked with cops at a statewide level, I have had more of a bird's eye view, of how things are suppose to work, not necessarily how they do work . . . I am an idealist, a constitutional law attorney, that is not against cops, just want things to work, constitutionally the way they are suppose to . . . believe me, that document will do more to protect you, as a sheriff or cop, than any other thing around . . . you have total immunity from lawsuits, if you follow that and your policy manual, even if something goes wrong, or someone didn't get the policy right, you are protected, the county attorney might have to change a policy manual, but she won't have to be paying for huge lawsuits for not following constitutional and statutory mandates, and laws, that should, be based on the Constitution!

There are shit load of new sheriffs and county attorneys out there, I am helping you, being a friend, not an enemy . . . you don't want me to just pat you on the back, and tell you are doing a great job, if you are not. You have a fresh start, all sheriffs and county attorneys, take your oath of office, seriously, and the government, your job, citizens, and society will be a lot happier, more productive, and feel respected and served.  These are the rules of engagement between the governed and the government, follow them!  New judges, would do well to do the same . . . the law is the law, is the law . . . you swear to preserve, protect and defend the U.S. Constitution, the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND!  And your state constitutions, that are the highest law in the state, as long as it doesn't conflict in this federalist system of our republic, or representative form of government . . . you now, represent the people!

No Cop Shop, Wants To Be In The National Headlines!

I think my knee-jerk reaction, to the spook, who is probably hired to see what I am up to, writing about, or thinking about, and worried, after hearing my name, that bullets will be sprayed through the glass windows of the Break Cafe, was in reaction to one of the most horrifying scenes that I have ever seen, performed in the alleged line of duty, even worse than the LA, Rodney King incident . . . case in point, riots in the streets when the 4 officers, who beat King to a bloody pulp, got acquitted, to the dismay of the whole nation!  There has been little publicity on this case, as far as I know, what is big in one part of the country, may not be news here in Montana, but this one is so bad, it is worth mentioning to cops, and hopefully, avoid it ever happening again . . .

These three or four cops, were transit authority cops, working for the BART subway system in San Francisco, or surrounding area, the bay area . . . the cops got a call that there had been a disturbance on the train.  As the train came to a stop, about 5 or 6 young black, looked like college aged students, got off together.  The peace officers, failed to ask anyone, or get the details of what even happened on the train, and just assumed, racist as it is, that these boys, a pack of them, must have been the ones involved, wouldn't listen to them, forced them to sit up against a wall, and started screaming orders at them.

One young man, started to demand his rights, or ask the officer, about his rights, this was coming from a surveillance camera, so the facts are sketchy, but, the officers, all pummeled the single kids, forced him on this stomach, or told him to get on his stomach, but I remember, this was months ago, I saw this, but they handcuffed him, with his arms and hands behind his back.  The officer on top, hand his knee in his back, took out his gun and shot the kid in the head!  You could clearly see, what happened, there was not disguising it, the kid was point blank, executed.  The cop, claimed that his gun just misfired in his holster!  

Fucking bull shit, it misfired . . . that might be why there is not much being said about the case in the news, the city had to pay, wrongful death charges, that were as clear as a bell!

Citizens Have Laws They Have to Follow, But So Do Cops, and They All Took An Oath to the Laws They Must Follow

And you know what it is called.  Miranda warnings, are judicially created laws, that give teeth to the 4th, 5th, and 6th amendment rights!  Many cops don't feel the need to read defendants their rights anymore, just got inconvenient, that is for the cops on TV, well, no, that is for you, to not only warn the defendants, but to protect you.  I have heard, haven't read the case, don't know if it is true, but there may be a warning that a defendant has to ask, you to read them their rights . . . that person already know them, but wants to hear the exact words, or whatever . . . I don't even know if that is true, but, best, read them their rights.  

To me, as both a former criminal defense attorney and civil rights attorney . . . and I am one of the nice ones, I have worked withe cops, traveled, trained, and broken bread with cops--but there are getting to be more and more attorneys, seeing the deep pockets of cities, counties, states, and the feds, think about sharks and barracudas that are waiting to take a big bite, not out of your asses, but take a piece of the city or county and tax payer dollars, that could have been used for your pay increase, but is now gone!  One of the reasons, I didn't vote for Josh Wettering, is because he mentioned, you know, those attorneys, and everyone knows who they are, that bring up constitutional issues in court . . . what the fuck do you think the Bill of Rights were about?  

You have a single defendant, against all levels of cops, all levels of prosecutors, at times, and the judge, who came up through the prosecutorial ranks, and the only protection he/she has, is the Constitution and their attorney, and I have had prosecutors throw out both, the rights and the arguments I made . . . I was defending one of the plaintiffs, in my civil right suit against the county, Michael Shane Clark, but that is not reason, he gets no rights, no defense, no constitutional protections, and not even my arguments . . . the prosecutors that were watching from remote viewing, or short circuit TV, work jury instructions, to benefit the single prosecutor in the room, and the judge, prosecutor, number 5 in that case, allowed, the spring surprise, just before closing arguments, jury instructions going from 9 the night before the 2 day trial, to 23 right while the jury was waiting during a 10 minute recess!

The lame ass prosecutor, who must have gone to law school, in China, said, your honor, in response to my alarm that the new instructions totally discarded the Constitution and my arguments, if JoAnn, is allowed to use the Constitution, it is unfair to the state, well guess what, dumb shit, it is not the state, who is going to have their ass, sitting in jail!  When the jury still favored the defendant, the country attorney, just jury tampered, just like he had witness tamper . . . if you have to fucking cheat to get a win, there is something wrong!  And to me, that starts with reading a defendant his/her rights!  To all you new county attorneys, a prosecutor's job is to be the gatekeeper to justice!

This is not to see how many skins you can hang on the wall, the challenge of getting an innocent defendant, this is not a sport, nor how many notches you can put on your belt, this is suppose to be about justice, not about appearing to be tough on crime, so you can one day be a fucking judge, for God sake!

Just a Note on Privitization of Prisons--It is Stupid!

There are some things in the government that private corporations can do better than the government, but this is not one of them.  You do not want to make justice, rehabilitation, or protecting society about profits and money!  We now have Citizens United, trying to call the shots in our elections, LOL, not yet, or at a national level, but Parcell, who ran for sheriff here, in Missoula County, was pissed as hell, and said, well, you got the best money could buy, and with the lawsuit, and almost, what appeared to be, not only an endorsement, but a gift, laundered through the powers that be, could be true, but that is not my call.  Parcell was so pissed, he has already announced his candidacy for the 2018 elections . . . when all is done above board, you don't get the anger, even in a hot race . . . avoid this shit!

The justice system, mimics a cattle call as it is, too often.  At least in Utah, the prosecutors, will do everything to avoid doing their jobs, other than not declining prosecution, when they know there is not enough evidence to convict . . . rarely is a case not bound over for trial, but defendants are charged with 12 alleged crimes, prosecutors throw the spaghetti bowl at them, hope one or two will stick, then get the defense attorneys, who are no more willing or want to go to trial, get their client to plead to 6 charges!  This is called baby splitting, everyone is happy, no trial, and the defendant is relieved, because, he got scared shit less, not knowing the law, that he could have 12 charges, when in reality, the prosecutor couldn't prove 2 of them, but he/she doesn't know that, no trial, so both sides attorneys and the judge are relieved . . . but heaven help the poor fool, who decides to actually fight the charges!  

The are told, things will go worse for you if you fight it, just plead . . . I always fight it, if the defendant says they are innocent, and I usually get them a better deal than the plead bargain!

Sheriffs Departments Run the Jails, They Have To Follow Rules, Answer to the Public--Private Don't--And it Could be You Some Day, Wrong or Right, Charged!