- now for the last, three years, having signed up for LA Fitness, in 2017, September, I believe, my enemies have used, the Bellevue, Kelsey Creek, Ballard, and, Aurora swimming pools as a battleground, to stop me from, doing my most effective, exercises, in the swimming pool, along with, packing the lanes with cops, the hot tubs, with assassins, and a garden variety of harassment from stealing my panties, and putting, fleas and ticks in my bag, after taking my black undies, to staging, aquatic coupes, on me, from all angles!
- I believe this happened on Monday, after a month and a half of barely being able to make it from A to Z in one day, sick, poisoned, at least, 4 times, and laying dying at the Wallingford Inn, after, a poison pizza was delivered! So, I check into the fitness center, about, 8:30 Am, and like I said, just getting undressed, into my swim gear, is an athletic experience, in and of itself. I get downstairs, locking my panties, in the locker, after getting a new lock, discovering and reporting, the tampered, broken one! Perfect . . . I am all to myself! This must be the sweet time, when, all the early swimmers are gone to work, and the housewives are still vacuuming the floor and putting out the dinner meal to thaw! AHHHHHHHH. NICE.
- just as I get my water wienies, blue and yellow, water weights, ready reserving my lane, just in case someone else comes in while I am in the pre-swim shower! Great! This Asian chick, short hair, glasses, carrying a book comes in . . . good she is going straight to the hot tub. I start my routine of years, going back and forth across the one pool, in the LA Fitness, pool that is all on the same level! Best workout! There was a rumor that, they were going to pull out the pool, and make all the pools uniform. NO! I decide not to be a tree-hugging, pool saver, and just hope that they don't want to spend my money on something I don't want! Good, same old pool.
- no sooner, does the chick get in the hot tub, but she starts, chanting, in some, religious, mumbo, jumbo, psycho-babble, like I hear from the 3% religious psycho factor in the homeless shelter chicks! Scream, I just heard Cindy, bitching and moaning, about Denise and Angela, both go to the same church, that nobody in their right minds would join, seeing the two psycho bitches! Asians have their crazy, monk chicks too!!!!!!!!!! Scream. Now, I have this, mantra, probably the reason, I am a constitutional law bad ass, your rights, stop at the end of your nose! Your rights to sound, stop at the end of your ears! I FUCKING DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I didn't get bugged, this bitch, moves over to the side of the pool, like, oh, she didn't hear me, and she leans her, arms, up on the edge of the hot tub, at the stair end of the pool, but, a bit, removed, and starts to read louder. After, that, the ugly, white American came out in me . . . that's it, this is my time to meditate too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, as loud as I could, I said, blah, blah, blah!!!!!!!!!!!!! She continued, being a bit slow, on the uptake of the insult! LOL. Okay, she is probably being paid, to piss this pistol temper off, cop, chick, acted like she had a corn cob up her ass! I am just going to do to her, what she is doing to me, interrupt her peace and quite!!!!!!!!!
- I started to count out loud, as I went back and forth up and back, 1 to about 31. When, I hit the end, I would say, as if I was leading a water aerobics, class, okay, let's do it again!!!!!!!! I literally had to do this about, 10 times, but it was worth it!!!!!!!! LOL. She finally, stopped, and got the point. She then, got in the pool, shut the fuck up, and just did water exercises! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who do these fucking chinks think they are?????????????????? Trump borrowed money from China, not me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In this country, we respect, other people, particularly, the first ones here . . . early bird gets to control, rights in this country, to sound, sight, and whatever senses, you want to try to violate of mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of Kay's hags??????????????????????? Likely. The likability factor, always kills me in a contest! Who gives are flying rat's ass, who likes me and who doesn't!
- so that was the first incident . . . this one, involved, old, crotchety men, skinny, gray, and of all races, colors, but not sexes. So, first, as I came in the pool, I noticed that, there were, dudes who could be cops in all three lanes. I washed my hair, then went to the hot tub and did my stretches, first, keeping an eye on the pool, so when, one dude left, I would pounce on his lane! None of these guys were great swimmers, all within the working, age of when men, should be at work! Cops, cops, cops! ON my dime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whatever, I got my lane, so fuck them. One got out of the pool, and just stood there looking at me! So cop! Not intimidated, but I fucked your plans to corner, me! It took him a bit of time to leave, as I just ignored him, Shelley's bastard, likely. Paid for on my money! Private paid cops are like the FBI and CIA, they are bored and just sit around, until the boss needs them. What the fuck, ever.
- the first, crew, gives up and leaves. Then, I notice, this CIA, Tidy Cats, communication without communicating, sign truck . . . OFFICE DEPOT: Making Business Personal! DAH! All the sudden, this young Asian chick, saunters in, and about, 5 old farts, followed her into the hot tub. I would not even lift a 2 lb. weight for, those ball sack hanging, bastards! So, she brings in a bag that says, Friends are Worth More than MONEY! I told you, that Kay, with a flat face, flat ass, and a male Asian, figure, but for boobs, she claims are not fake . . . like right! LOL. Then why did you tell me?????? I have never said that to anyone, nor hear it! You see the way, the CIA, tries to stay immortal, but only in their own, funny cat movies, is to get someone, younger, who then, pretends they are them and carries on the memory of the better looking, version of the bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No thanks. I can handle aging with grace, or not, aging! I love it when someone asks me, how old I am, or when, I work it into the conversation, just to hear them, gasp in shock!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Selfie compliments, through them!
- little Asian chick, sits, in the corner, and all these old bald, gray haired dudes, all act like they are enthralled with her, and she is even, holding her hands, on her hips, like I could imagine, Kay, does . . . Kay is sweet. To anybody but a rival!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL. She wants to be me, I would NEVER, EVER, BE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is crazy, ill, nuts! Honey nut cheerios! No tears here. This all looked so fucking staged, it was comical, but Kay is a little actress!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, anyone, breathing, and wearing a swimsuit in front of these olf farts, would be eye candy! Not flattering at all! I would have gotten out of the hot tub. Kay can have all the old dudes, lover her sorry ass . . . I get the young beef cake studs, the illumination studs, like the three private cops who showed up, between, about 5:45 PM and 6:00 PM, at the Redmond Library, last night. All three CIA agents, did a second take, and, b lined it to the back of the library, while I played the GHOST!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck, SHE'S GONE? LOL. I am better at their games than they are! So this clown show is going on, like I can't read right through it! Jealous of the Viagra and Cialis little blue pill gang? FUCK, I would kill myself, if one of them touched me. I dig my men, buff, hot all season, sausage!!!!!!!!!!!! I wondered if she was doing, a hot tub, senior men, workout? No, then, she got up and left. Yuke, these assholes are hanging around. Two blacks, several Asians, old and young, and a few skinny white dudes! These old men with their balls hanging between their knees, reminded me of, the old duffs, that, tried to hit on me, in Montana . . . all rejected, of course . . . just because, Shelley and Kay, Rachel, want to be cherished, taken, by the denture crowd, doesn't mean I do!!!!!!!!! They have daddy issues! I hate my dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grandpa, do you and Grandma have sex? Yeah, she holds up my penis, to see which way it falls!!!!!!!! LOL. That is from, Jack King Strode, or Ware, and old fucking fag, who took Shelley to Thanksgiving, in Pennsylvania, Lanchaster County, Amish country, and tried to blame me for her, Stowaway shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just like, AB, or FRANK, tried to blame me for, Shelley's murder of the real, Allan Rex Bess! I ran, didn't live in the house, during that time, Shelley came in slept with him, shot him, after having sex, with him, and he and, AB, cut his body up and burned it in the new furnace downstairs, in the Parowan, Utah house, that I moved into, later. I saw the real Allan Bess, for the last time, April 18, after coming back from, federal court in Salt Lake. I talked to him, I believe the morning of the 19th, while I was in St. George. He was murdered, between, April 19th, and May 5th, 2011, the first time, I laid eyes on, AB! Allan did you lose weight, you look like you lost 60 pounds????? I might have cancer. Whatever. I took him, Frank, of Interpol, or DIA, or Delta Force, to the cabin, of the Bess family, then dropped him off, at the Parowan house, where he and Shelley ransacked the house, taking, stocks, bonds, precious gems and anything worth anything! I was never in the house, between, April 18, and when, I moved in, June, when, I married, AB, the DIA dickhead, June 9, 2011, to protect, both his property and mine! It took me about 2 weeks to realize that, I didn't marry, Allan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Government double!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THESE OLD MEN IN THE HOT TUB, REMINDED ME OF, OLD SPIES WHO USED TO RULE THE WORLD, NOW THEY SWEEP THE STREETS OF THE WORLD THEY RAN!
- between, the time I got in the pool, there was an Asian, chick, pink, swim cap, who got in my lane, of course! I swear, people from Japan and China, are so used to crowds in their country, that they don't get, American, personal space! Why in the fuck, are you getting in the lane with me?????????????????????????? There was another, Asian chick, I think, could have been either, girl or guy????? But, there was an empty lane and she, stayed near the lane I was in???? I even pointed out to her, that there was an empty lane. She was in the one with the black dude??? Why???????? Okay, so there was, four of us, in two lanes, and nobody, in the last lane. What the fuck, ever!!!!!!! God? I noticed, one of the black dudes, hanging around, one still in the pool, several Asian men, one got in the pool, of course, in MY LANE!!!!!!! j By this time, there is one dude in the far lane, one in the middle and THREE, in MY LANE! Scream. I am in one side of the lane, the pink, pussy, Asian, in the other side, and now this old duffer, is getting in MY LANE, and heading my way!!!!!!!!!!!! I am still going back and forth. The two large, black dudes are still there . . . there to protect, the old dude, their former, police chief????????? So, he is blocking my lane. I go to the side and start, my leg lifts, so I don't get more pissed than I already am. He is going back and forth between the stairs and where I am standing. He gets down to where I am, and stand there looking at me, like women, in our society move for the men. I am thinking in this country, we have, first in time rights, so fuck off dude, and I refused to move! He didn't got in the Asian chick's lane, and she was moving like a fucking turtle. He, goes back down the other end, but starts coming back and where I am, going backward!!!!!!!!!!! I just keep exercising. He gives me a dirty look, and does some stair exercises, and get out of the pool, but he doesn't leave. My enemies, study MY blog, more than, anyone, and, all the sudden, I see this young men, outside, running, generally, my sign for, get the fuck out of here . . . nice try, he did it twice. So the old, Asian man, the Japanese, Kamikaze, bomber, sits in a chair, and starts to slap his arm, as hard as you can slap????? It almost sounded like he was, spanking a child????? I gave him a dirty look and started to laugh! LOL. This is probably some type of Asian, shamming, of men for a woman, who would not, yield to his, alleged, superiority. LOL. Welcome to the NEW WORLD!!!!!!!!! I felt like yelling, put these fucking Japs, back in the interment camps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dipshit! We don't walk 10 steps behind our men, in this country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go back to your country!!!!!!!!!!!! Then, he got more pissed and started slapping the other arm, furiously, over and over again, I ignored him! I thought it might be, a signal to the other old fuckers in the hot tub and one sitting watching. I didn't flinch. I just kept doing my exercises. Then, he stood up and started to slap his legs, as hard as you could. The black dude, both of them, got up and left, as did a younger Asian . . . .probably, Kay's and Brett's neighbor! I thought of my father, putting me over his lap, at age, three and beating the living shit out of me! I never cried, just stood up, and said, I just brush it off, and walked away, much, like the beatings the cops try to give me, now this old fuck!! I considered the source. Take it out on Trump! YOU DON"T OWN THIS COUNTRY OR THE TOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck you, you old sorry ass, bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE left.
- so, then, feeling victorious, standing strong, with my daughter's beautiful face, with SUCCESS, stamped on her forehead, looking at me, I got up and went over to the hot tub, and there were two Asian dudes again, this time, taking up the hot tub, sitting, not in corners, but, in annoying, places, making it, so, basically, only the two of them could sit comfortably in the hot tub, so I sat on the stairs. What's gong on now? Then, a third, dude, younger, cop-looking, got in the pool, and almost everyone was out of the pool, so, this was not looking worth, staying. The cop dude, tried not to make eye to eye contact with me . . . I got up and left, and he acted a bit pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- THEN I CANCELLED MY MEMBERSHIP, AND FUCKED KAY AND MICHEAL LEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.
- 20 ASIANS AND I AM THE WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tonight we are victorious
Champagne pouring over us
All my friends were glorious
Tonight we are victorious
Champagne pouring over us
All my friends were glorious
Tonight we are victorious
Oh oh oh oh victorious
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Double bubble disco queen
Headed to the guillotine
Skin as cool as Steve McQueen
Let me be your killer king
It hurts until it stops
We will love until it's not
I'm a killing spree in white
Eyes like broken Christmas lights
Headed to the guillotine
Skin as cool as Steve McQueen
Let me be your killer king
It hurts until it stops
We will love until it's not
I'm a killing spree in white
Eyes like broken Christmas lights
My touch is black and poisonous
And nothing like my punch drunk kiss
I know you need it
Do you feel it
Drink the water
Drink the wine
And nothing like my punch drunk kiss
I know you need it
Do you feel it
Drink the water
Drink the wine
Oh we gotta turn up the crazy
Livin' like a washed up celebrity
Shooting fireworks like it's the fourth of July
Until we feel all right
Until we feel all right
Livin' like a washed up celebrity
Shooting fireworks like it's the fourth of July
Until we feel all right
Until we feel all right
I'm like a scarf trick
It's all up the sleeve
I taste like magic
Waves that swallow quick and deep
Throw the bait
Catch the shark
Bleed the water red
Fifty words for murder
And I'm every one of them
It's all up the sleeve
I taste like magic
Waves that swallow quick and deep
Throw the bait
Catch the shark
Bleed the water red
Fifty words for murder
And I'm every one of them
Source: Musixmatch
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