Sermon on the Computer, Assembly Hall, Seattle!
I remember, being a young girl, and someone, said something rude, or bad about me, and I enjoyed, a very popular, junior high and high school, so, wa, but, I remember, saying my prayers at night, and crying which, I rarely did, asking God, why me? Just at that second, God paraded, a stream of the blind, the lame, the deaf, the maimed, the sick, the disabled, in front of my mind's eye, and I heard in my mind's ear, a voice, saying to me: WHY NOT YOU? Feeling highly favored of the Lord, I was shocked, taken back, and someone surprised, that the Lord would be so crass, and kind of throw, my sorrows in my face! LOL! But, as I thought of it, I decided, that a rude statement, now and then, was really nothing compared to some off the trials, and challenges, many, other people face in this life, and decided to be happy, that was the most of my worries.
Flash forward, about 30 or so years, 20 of those with little thought of God, whatsoever, and when I was on top of the world, an attorney, professor, had my own anger management company, and writing, computer lessons and training for the elderly, online, I was, suddenly, struck down, in the prime of my life, at 46 years old, and told that, I had a terminal brain disease and I was going to be dead in two years, with no cure, and no chance of working again, and basically, given a death sentence with no reprieve! Once again, I, not necessarily in prayer, but pissed as shit, mad, angry, and feeling, unfairly picked on, again, my second time in my very blessed life, said, WHY ME, GOD?
And again, as if, I had not learned the first time, God, showed tough love, in his at the time, very harsh statement: WHY NOT YOU? Not as humble, as, the first, time, it took me, years to get over being pissed at a God, I had not talked to or thought of for a very long time . . . but, God has a way of bringing us around, and we become, potter's clay in his hands, a masterpiece, a work of art, in his way, we challenge the ways of the world, and stand with God, in a way, nothing could ever get us to on our own . . . he does so for his glory, to teach, others, who he is, and who he works, and his ways are certainly, NOT OUR WAYS, OR THE WORLD'S WAYS! I remembered the parade of the less fortunate, as if God, was again, saying, cry me a river, if only, all my children could be so blessed!
I find, this to be more common, that not, but, there seems to be a collective conscience, among, churches, or thoughts of ideas, that, flow, as rain water on the streets of a city or town, and, if I attend, more than one service, the themes, of the churches, mess, and blend, into a beautiful, message, that completes and compliments the other one, as was the case, in the two churches, I attended this weekend, filled with light, knowledge, passion to do good, to accept, life, love, circumstances, and see them as, part of a perfect whole for my life! Pastor Linda, talked about the 8 Beatitudes, found in the Sermon on the Mount . . . remember, blessed are the peace makers, the broken hearted, the humble, the poor in spirit, etc. This is you homework, to dig out your Bibles, look to the New Testament, or for those who are tech savvy, get on those smart phones, those Ipads, tablets, and look up the Sermon on the Mount, or the 8 Beatitudes . . . or the 8 Attitudes that are a recipe for happiness! Now, in the eyes of the world, being humble, poor in spirit, a peacemakers, or lowly of heart, would be seen, as being wimpy, weak, and not something, we would desire, to have, put down, on our resume, or the local gossip, to make mention of us, as having those, traits.
Case in point. When I was hired for the position of staff attorney, for the Utah Prosecution Council, Criminal Enforcement Division, of the Utah Attorney Generals Office, the only female in a division of about 11 male attorneys, the top, prosecutors in the state, handling all the capital murder cases, writers, speakers, and the top dogs in, the criminal enforcement arena, I had a year, to become vested as a state employee, being on probation for an entire year. My boss, Mark, did my one year interview, and I had performed, with flying colors, everyone thought I would be the next attorney general, and I had done, everything and more, than expected, even getting national awards for my domestic violence and sexual assault manual, under the Violence Against Women's Act, under President Clinton, serving as the nations model, now being used to some extent by the Department of Justice, adopted to human body trafficking and sex trade. So, I rocked the job . . . but, there was only one, criticism, and that was, I was not humble.
I remember, my feminist shackles, and hair on the back of my neck, raising, and thinking, I don't think, being humble is a trait that many people, think and attorney, ought to have! What, did I not serve the coffee and donuts, at staff meetings? I was like, you gotta be kidding me! Whatever, I see that as a plus, not a minus, and blew it off . . . but, that, one trait, to some extend, may have really hurt me down the road, somewhat, and what I perceived as a negative trait, especially, being the only female, may, have actually, saved me. I had a friend, once, or a guy, I actually dated, who had served in the Marines, and he said, JoAnn, you are my Joan of Arch, but, the problem is, you would light your own match! Pastor Linda, talked of the pride of the world, and all those traits, that we, see as positive, powerful, sought after, and valued, but, sometimes, in reality, they are not so cool! They say, that juries, make up their minds, within the first 5 minutes of trial, which is a scary thought, almost based on, whether they like the attorney, or not! I have found, that, I eviscerate the other side's attorney, special prosecutors, when I was into criminal defense had to be brought in, or regional, assistant attorney generals, or three assistant attorney generals on one case against me, and it was always TNT, when I went to court, but the problem with this not so humble attorney, is the judges, all tended, to side with the underdog and guess who gets to make the rulings, or have, a determining voice in the courtroom, the fucking judge! LOL!
Humility, might have been a positive trait, to develop, because it sure didn't come natural to me, and even when, I won, MY CLIENTS HATED ME! LOL! We have all heard, your altitude in life, is determined by your attitude! Cock of the rock, bitch from hell, didn't always go over well, even if I did win the argument, trash the judge, make everyone, but myself, look the fool, people did not like me! God's ways, simply are NOT man's ways, and the natural man or woman is an enemy to God . . . and it is the times we are broken, hearted, poor in spirit, humbled, that we often turn to God, and that is, when, he can, change us, fix us, mold us, bring us where HE WANTS us, doing what HE NEEDS US TO DO, to bring about his GLORY, NOT OURS! There are some of us, that truly, have to be broken into a thousand pieces!
Stories from the Gospel of Luke about Jesus, the Scribes and the Pharisee's!
In church today, the preacher, gave us two stories about Jesus Christ Super Star! I am always amazed, by the fact that he, Jesus, always, seemed to do the right thing, at the right time, to the right extent, to the right degree, to the right people, and for the right amount of passion . . . everything, Jesus said, pissed of these Jewish dudes, the men of the law, of letters, their attorneys, their learned men, who sat in the temples, synagogues, and at the walls of the city, and often laying in wait for Jesus to see him slip up, fail, say the wrong thing, or do the wrong thing, and the wrong time, with the 600+ rules of the Law of Moses, or the law at that time, which, Jesus, came to do away with! So, in the first, story, the disciples of Christ were hungry, so they took some wheat, on the Sabbath, and started, to take it and rub it in their hands, to make, some type of meal, or grain, that they could eat, to satisfy, their hunger pains. When the Scribes and Pharisee's, saw Jesus and his men, scoundrels to them, trouble makers, disputers of the peace, they approached, Jesus and ask him, if is was lawful for his men, to do this on the Sabbath? Jesus, and usually, all his words were fighting words, simply said, I am the Lord of the Sabbath, like fuck, off, we can do what we want, I am doing away with your eye for an eye, doctrines that bind me, and hold them, bond and in as much bondage, as the children of Israel, under the Egyptian taskmasters! The Scribes and Pharisee's, growled, like who in the hell does this guy think he is? They started to lay in wait, in the shadows, to watch him, looking for anything, they could get him on, what they could, charge him with, and many charges were handled with stoning, crucifixion, and other horrendous punishments, that he eventually, got!
This episode started one Sabbath, and continued on to the next on, when, Jesus saw a man with a withered hand, and he told the man, to stretch forth his hand, so he could heal it! And again, the Scribes and Pharisee's said, is it lawful for a man to be healed on the Sabbath day? Jesus called their bluff and said, is it good for me to do good on the Sabbath day? He changed the game up on the elders, and caught them in their own trap, and they said nothing, so Jesus told the man, to extend his hand, and he took it and healed it. And like all of the miracles of Christ, they were to show his power, his heavenly position as the son of God, the great physician, the healer, not only of the body, but of the soul, and, at times he would say, is it easier to say, to this man, take up thy bed and walk, or to save his soul? He was proving that what he could do to the body, in healing the lame, the blind, the leaper, the woman caught in adultery, that, as I heal the body, I too can heal your soul! Jesus, was letting the Sanhedrin, know, he was the new law, who did way with all the requirements of the old law, he was a different king, and heavenly king, there not to deliver them, from Roman oppression but from sin, from the grave, from death!
The Son of Man is the Lord of the Sabbath. While Jesus had a Humble Approach, He was Seen as a Dangerous Man! There were Layers of Interpretation of the Law, that they Might, Find Reason to Accuse Him of Violating . . . they were Filled with Fury, at what they Might do to him!
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