A Closer Look at the Roman Concept of the Courtesan, and, Also the Idea of Courtly Love . . . A Long History, of Men, Trying to Blend the Bedroom and the Boardroom! Understanding Modern Affairs
Men worldwide, have, long feared, the educated woman, we see that with the Taliban, Al Queada, ISIS, Boko Harem kidnapping the 260 school girls, the Pakistan men, who shot, Mahala, the 14 year old school girl in the face, when, she just simply stood up to them, to go to school--Nobel Peace Prize Winner, to MSNBC's, Lawrence O'Donnell, who, has an ad on the Internet, right now, about the school desk project, somewhere in Africa, with a little school girl, saying that she wants to be a doctor, because, education is the way to have a better life! It has been found, that, the more educated the mother is, the less likely, she is to allow, train, or tolerate, her sons and daughters from being radicalized, or joining extreme, terrorist groups--that was part of the plan, me and the St. George, Think Team, sent President Obama and his administration, Sec. of State, Hillary Clinton, as well, on a 4 point plan to deal with Afghanistan, back in early, 2009. One of the four point plan, elements, was, to educate the women, in the country, and that was right up there with the other three, free and fair elections, cleaning up corruption, including more special ops, covert ops, fight smarter, not harder, pulling troops, home, working on, job creation, and using, more Afghani troops, to sure up stability in the region.
And, as rough as my very educated and lettered life has been, of the last 5 years, since being sworn into the United States Supreme Court bar, the education was well worth it, not only for women, but for men, too! Had I made my millions off my cases, or the billions from my blog, I would have probably not changed much of my personal life, but, I would, have had my four children, all very bright, run a family foundation, first providing them the means, to go as far and as high as they wanted, without financial worries, school, loans, and such, but, then, I would encourage them, to figure out, means, ways, through, scholarships, grants, and some type of criteria, to provide as many young adults with an education as possible! The reason, to focus on women, is they say, when you educate a man, you only educate that man, and when you educate a woman or a girl, you educate, a whole village, community, state, nation, and in my case, a world!
During my undergraduate education, I fell madly and passionately, in love, or lust with a man, I was not married to . . . this caused me great concern, fear, made me question my religion, my beliefs, God, and nature. In trying to understand, this relationship, that, seemed, destined to be, even long after I graduated, with, both him and I, being, top students in both, the English and Communications, departments, both, Outstanding English Majors, and Honored Humanities Students, within, .044 percentage points, in our GPA's or grades, and dealing with the raging attraction to each other, he single, me married with 4 children, and 8 years his senior, I looked younger then too, it must have been the jogging! Early mornings, before, kids were awake and school, started! It took me, 4 kids, 4 colleges and 12 years, women, to get my undergraduate degree, then, I went to law school, after that, having dabbled in two other master's programs, before landing on law, after having a dream, to go to law school! But, in searching for meaning for this relationship, I read this book, called, SOUL MATES, or SOULMATES, by I believe, Carl Jung? But, in that book, it said, if you are attracted to a particular era, or time in history, this person, may, be, a lover, husband, attraction from a previous time, explaining to me, at least some, reason, that the second, I met this, hot attorney, still practicing in Las Vegas, one of the best in his class, and area of law, also, into, legislation, and seeing that the laws, the policies and procedures are followed, making the legal aspect of things, better!
But, here is what an education will do for you . . . I loved the idea of a courtly love, taking on the idea, that while married, to my husband, and a very good man, probably, after 25 years of being divorced, one of the best I have ever met, this somehow, allowed me, this, secret relationship, of, doing wonderful things, for someone, I held in high esteem, more the reverse of, the general male, attribute of doing so for a special, beautiful woman. At least that was some release or relief, this brainiac, could get my mind around, to deal with my situation, that, seemed, out of my control! I had long seen, the devastation, divorce, affairs, and whatever, can do to families, but, I had this horrible time, with my integrity, that I was in love with one man, and sleeping with another--married my first husband, because of a dream, just like going to law school, and buying a home, in St. George, Utah, to deal with taxes! The first time, I met him, and I will not use his name, but, when he asked me my name, I could not say it, I felt like, someone, took a knife and sliced through my chest, pulled out my heart and threw, it on the ground and crushed it? I was too smart for love at first sight! But, that incident, changed my mind, but, I still needed a rational means of explaining who this person, who threatened my very being, stability, and protections, within the bounds of marriage!
I was fascinated, with these women, who were, either raised, selected, chosen, for their beauty, brains, and personalities, to be allowed, into the Greek and Roman courts, where, mainly men were . . . not so different from our modern day courts, even with 51% of law schools, being made up of females, they tend to gravitate, to other means of practicing law, like teaching at colleges, which I did, or, whatever, and I can only speak for the Utah State Bar and what I saw with women attorneys, many being denied, trashed, or ostracized, within, the very gentleman's club atmosphere, that still exists, ask HILLARY! We give lip service, to educating women, then, stop them at the glass ceiling, that, you would think, Americans, would have long ago busted, the one Hillary talked about, in her acceptance speech, seeing, Bernie as her main competition! I am here to tell you, that, I was so, discussed at what I saw, one of the first times, I attended court, as a female solo practitioner, choosing to sit back with the PEOPLE, rather than, deal with the 30 or so male attorneys, yucking it up with the judge, former, county attorney! There were butt pats, hand shakes, winks, jokes, client trashing, laughing, and tons of bull shit, with me sitting by a woman, who had a sister, going through a divorce, and her attorney, one of the jokers, doing everything, but, solving the case, costing the family, who were helping sister against her more powerful and financially set husband, pay for her legal expenses, in a case that was dragging on and on!
So, the courtesan, of old, inspiring the female attorney of the 21 century. I will be, bigger, badder, smarter, meaner, and more versed in the laws, with a better resume, doing all it took, to beat these clowns! And, I had to be good enough, as in a game of sports, to beat the other team and the referee too, or the judge, whom was male, needing to, take his ass down too, because, he came from the same rank, file and mind-set that the rest of these, buddies in the Southern Utah State Bar! I had an advantage in and of the fact, that, I started, at the top of the state, and seemed to get along fine, as long as I was doing ivy tower stuff, even kicking the crap out of the defense bar at the legislature, writing manuals, and training . . . I was beautiful, smart, a great public speaker, good writer, graphic artist, and now, added the law to my repritoir, of skills, which, going from government work, where I was deadly on both sides of the issues, killing and passing legislation, gaining a national presence with cops and prosecutors, landing me, square up against, 27 male attorneys, F.B.I., and others as general counsel to the Utah Medical Association, with fraud units, for the government, looking into up-coding, for Medicaid/Medicare patients, and getting 9 members of the feds, fired, forcing them, to adhere to a manual, on how to conduct their previous raids, on my doctors, protecting, defending and preserving their constitutional and civil rights, as I did with financial planners, in SEC raids!
The night before, I was to go through the Mormon Salt Lake City, Temple, to get married for time and all eternity, whom, should I see out to a movie with my father? his secretary! I believe that did irreparable damage to my, mind, as far as being the faithful, dutiful wife! I loved, Pastor Tony Booker, of the Martin Luther King Church, in King County, Seattle, Washington, named, after Dr. Martin Luther King, 1960's civil rights leader, who was gunned down, for his push for, black equality, and power! I HAVE A DREAM! But, this incident, and many, led me to believe, that, the wife, often gets fucked over, in her commitment to her husband, children, homemaking, and whatever, and that was not going to be my FATE! Who, would have thought, that, becoming the courtesan, would end me, up, more abused, battered, beaten, threatened, intimidated, chased, trashed, and thrown, under the bus, rather than, like, Rosa Parks, moving to the front of the bus! Shit! And the most deadly sin, allegedly, I ever committed, after being poisoned for pushing the feds around, and going after cops, with a death sentence on my head, telling me I was going to die by 2002, was, to get fat, going from 140 pounds, to being twice the woman! Literally, both in brains, body, and soul! LOL!
Still pretty, but not the raving beauty of earlier days, but still fucking within reach, and these former lovers, top cops, prosecutors and attorneys, know it; therefore, this powerful woman, in the law, in education, in the courts, and worthy of COURTLY LOVE, at many levels, is being stalked, stopped, and badgered, each time, I try to get a schedule, that would allow, stability, workouts, and physical activity . . . in less than, one week, I thought of living near my daughter in St. George, falsely arrested for bogus charges there . . . decided, I would stay in jail, to stop my addiction to Diet Coke and see going into the yard, the only exercise as the highlight of my day, rather than the dread of the day! NO, there were extra deputy sheriffs to make sure, that I left jail, rather than using it for my personal, training and fitness program! LOL! I saw more than one of my clients, get in great shape, in jail, this was my chance, even if it was a mere traffic violation, with no citation, and me not knowing, I had court, therefore, with a warrant, for no arrest date, and no charges! No, we are having none of you getting in shape, in jail either! No spas, no health clubs, no, stability to get, in shape . . . we know what you can do, both thin and fat, and we need some reason to be in hate with you, and fat seems to do it, so no getting in shape! LOL!
A devil of a husband, and home sweet home! These were the names of two ID NETWORK, Wicked Attraction episodes, I watched, yesterday, and how, apropos! In the first episode, of "Home Sweet Home" the TV show, started with an older, somewhat, fluffy, hair stylist, who, needed a place to live, due to a new promotion, she met a local gal, who was having a baby, single, and needed some help with her other children. Now the really scary thing about, this woman, and her name, again, appropriately, is Shelley, like my older sister and a ring leader of this bull shit, and a beneficiary, being granted, given, appointed, and anointed to be me, in the first, substitution, when I was poisoned, to be me, given all I worked for, for, what, 46 years, while she did jack shit nothing! She did hook up with the right men, all my enemies, and she fucked, everyone who walked, until she found the right man, to get her what she wanted! TO be ME SAFELY, jealous, since my birth, 15 months, after she was dethroned, as the only child of, Richard and Helen Southwick, who had her out of or not under the temple covenants, therefore, the guilt, played out to a huge extent, with, both mother and father, feeling sorry for the older sister, in the little sister's shadow, as if, cursed, in the Mormon faith, with little reliance on repentance or belief in Jesus Christ, but, relying on dogmatic and liturgy check lists, of proof of faithfulness!
Shelley, same name, takes in, this middle age woman, who at first is just seen as part of the family, until Shelley, like she did, before taking in a nephew, whom was the family whipping boy, who was glad to have this new obese woman, sweet, loved by her own family, to join, this sick, mix of people, Shelley, her two daughters, and her third husband, who, were all formerly abused by this woman, and later forced by her, to join in the cruelty to her, new, object of terror in Shelley's Little House of Horrors, but, she got all to participate, in kicking, hitting, locking this women in water wells, beating her, and finding joy, in starving her to death, giving her rancid and putrid food, that Shelley prepared herself! Eventually, the young man, nephew was shot by husband, for taking pictures of the dead, middle aged woman, who, disappeared for 10 years with the family, who everyone thought was normal, telling them, she took off with a truck driver, never to be seen again, rather then the slow, grisly death, she actually suffered. Eventually, the grown daughter of Shelley's came to authorities and told the stories of abuse of her as a child, of the husbands, until she finally, got an insure nit, who would do her bidding to keep the peace between him and her, and she told of the two murdered victims, buried on the family farm, out in rural, whatever. But the daughter and later the husband, both in fear of this woman and her, Dr. Jekyle and Mr. Hyde, split personalities, appearing genuinely, loving and kind, on the one hand, then turning into a complete, murderous, nightmare, on the other, hand! The real Shelley's son, Jesse, came in one night, when I was living with her, and tried to stab me . . . he had a light on his head, like a miner, and a 15 inch kitchen knife . . . I was hiding in the corner, ran down the street, middle of the night, in a night gown, with a sleeping bag to a vacant house! back in the days, when I was suffering from the government poisoning, or PICK's Disease?
(of course this bitch, Shelley, hacker hag from hell, with total ACCESS to this computer, and stealing the previous blog on church, has turned off the spell check, so, she can merely run it through the computer programs, for a technical, but sterile improvement, on MY WRITING AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, that she is too boring to WRITE!)
If you were to ask me, if Allan Rex Bess, my alleged husband, not, who is Frank of Interpol, or I would even go so far as to say, he was brought out of prison, as one of the worst, serial killers, of women, to take care of Allan, so he could steal his identity, after robbing the Bess family home and inheritance, lives work and savings, and then, me, after I married him, to protect property, after having my million dollar home, stolen by the defendants of my $357 million securities case against the state of Mormon, governor, attorney general, Department of Commerce and Division of Securities, marrying, my real, client, Allan Rex Bess of Parowan, Utah, as a move to protect both of us, from the vultures and letches, who were encroaching on his rights, property and riches, while he was falsely held in jail, and me, with the powers that be, in the local, state and national, star chambers, going against me to shut me down, the day before, I was to go to Denver, to argue my securities case, that was, stolen, for the girlz, who the top cops wanted to be me! Kay, Shelley and Rachel! now Sue, Tiffany, Hope, Annie, and Kelly Anne! Shit, it takes a ton of average women, to step in a fill the shoes of, the object of courtly love + the courtesan + the Jesus freak! LOL!
But, one time, and here is the courtly love, the courtesan aspect of Frank's personality, no longer interested in my body, looks, but, interested in my powers as an attorney, number 2 in the nation, for civil rights defense, and possibly an attorney himself, or a prisoner for that matter, but, one of my clients, had, been denied, ever seeing her son, who was in prison, in the Pleasant Valley Prison, because, the prison guards, accused her of smuggling, a cell phone, into her son, calling it contraband, and in violation of prison rules and regulations, but, being overlooked, for, the mother's doctor, who told her, with hip replacements and a general wreck, in poor physical condition, had the cell phone, for emergency purposes, and, never was without it, and didn't think a thing about it, when she had it with her! But, the mother, of course was distraught beyond consoling, so, I took to writing my deadly, poison pen, legal, lawful and hair splitting, letter to the California Correctional Facility at Pleasant Valley Prison, to let them know in no uncertain terms that a cell phone in not fucking CONTRABAND, being defined in a legal dictionary as, illegal elements or properties, that might cause, someone injury, death, or threat, like sharp objects, glass, instruments used in prison, to hurt or kill someone! I wrote that letter, from our cabin, up at Panquitch Lake one day, and I remember, Frank, wanting me to read him the letter . . . he said, I AM GETTING A HARD ON, JUST HEARING YOU READ THAT, READ IT AGAIN! I did, but I thought, only a criminal, inmate himself, would love to hear me push around prison administrators and guards, or a cop would, or an attorney, would love, hearing me argue, what the word, IS meant! The COURTESAN! a woman, lettered, specially trained, into politics, power, the law, educated, with pen and voice, to vie for power in a very man's world! That, was husband, #4 . . . now the Wicked Attraction for husband #3!
In this, episode of Wicked Attractions, it started out with a tanning salon, chick, very pretty New York gal, who had just graduated from college, but was working, as many, college grads, just to survive . . . when, she recalls, that, this tall, dark, handsome, man, training to be an oral surgeon, walks through the tanning salon doors, and sweeps her off her feet! Even her friends, and her brother, all thought, this was her, prince in shining armor, who is going to marry her and take her into his arms and she will be protected, loved, cherished and cared for, for the rest of her life, him, being the big time bread winner and her, a stay at home mom! The charming wedding, faithful, successful, handsome husband, and thriving medical or dental practice in the city, New York, a mansion, in the suburbs and all, was, looking good for the perfect happy life and a great marriage. Until she got a call one night, and found out that her husband, often working late, had been arrested, with his mistress, for driving under the influence, not of alcohol, but of drugs and he was hooked, on pain killers and other drugs, plus, having an affair on her! Hubby, lost his license, went through rehab, and seemed to mend his ways, with woman, they had a second honeymoon, recommitted to each other, and all was well.
After a while, husband got his medical license back, and he went into other areas of practice, and he started, working with a funeral home, cutting apart bodies and illegally, selling, body parts, skin, feet, legs, etc., without the proper permits to do so. Everyone, thought, his was a legitimate business, and it is, with the proper procedures and permits, but, that was not the case. This handsome, charismatic husband, started raking in the money, built a dream home for his wife, and two darling kids, made about $13 million dollars in one year . . . until his practice and illegal treatment of dead bodies, selling body parts, and having a corrupt enterprise, came on the radar screen of the feds, who started to investigate this prosperous husband. He told wife, that he was likely to go to prison, but he really didn't do anything they were accusing him of doing! Again, she discovered he was back on drugs and having affairs with other women, many other women! The man cut apart, about over 1,000 bodies, made a fortune, but, he was discovered as replacing the bones of the dead, with PCP pipe, or the plastic pipe used to put in a sprinkler system on you yard! Family members, many or all, having given no authorization, were horrified, and so were his wife's friends and her. His attorney, a friend from his youth, told him, to just turn everything over to the feds and he, as his attorney, and a good one, would help him get through this! He was more worried about his wife whom, he truly loved, regardless of all the affairs, than he was fear of the feds. His attorney, said, even in prison, his one concern, the one freedom his missed was being with his wife, whom divorced him!
Going back to the courtly love and courtesan woman, now, with, my husbands, I never fully gave my heart and soul to any of them, there was not one, I could not get up and walk away from, I never saw any of them, who were my knight in shining armor, nor did I trust any of them, not to cheat, especially when, it appeared to me, that, both my second and third husbands, seemed to have connections with, Shelley and Kay, prior to being with me and I always error on the side of safety, and figure, like the black chicks at Angeline's, who said, a woman with more than one man is a slut, but men are sluts too, but they are all born sluts! LOL! Like I have said, fat is a feminist issue . . . I had former, mayors of Salt Lake, take their wedding rings off, the second they met me, I had allegedly, Godly men of the cloth, bishops in the Mormon church, all the sudden take, note and a particular interest in the Utah Prosecution Council, once I was staff attorney, leaving my dozer boss, dumbfounded, blind, or a faithful husband! LOL! He didn't seem to make the connection, between all this newly acquired attention to his division within the division, since the new hot, divorced, smart female attorney, got to the Capitol! LOL! Ignorance in bliss, because, he would confide in me, the target, without knowing it, that, this top cop, or top prosecutor, was, doing this or that, and that was so different, than before, I came on board! LOL! My bosses, innocence, reminded me, of that of my oldest son, Chris, when he was about, 5, grabbing me by the hand, alarmed and disturbed, telling me that all those men were looking at me! LOL! Thanks for telling me son! LOL! Eyes behind my back, was I hot? Yes, even fat, I am hot! LOL! Thin, I am deadly!
You see, smart men, are attracted to smart women; however, the way I looked back in the day, and could again, is disconcerting and throws men into the reverse, of what most alpha men, have to deal with, and that is women, clamoring for their attention, willing to cat fight, and throw it down to get the eligible man, bachelor, but, the reverse of that, can be true, but given, the need, the nesting, the protection, that most women, want, they, the pretty ones are swooped up fast, and taken off the market . . . but the smart ones, the ones worthy of courtly love, or the modern day, courtesans, take themselves out of the market if they do get married, rare, smart, in demand, both beautiful, conversant in politics, religions, the works of the nation, world, are few and far between, so, to limit myself to one man, is fool hardy in deed! That fact, in and of itself, is hard for these men deal with, with more men at that level, than, women, I am one in a million, and while they are playing to the boyz clubs, in public, what they do and who they love, even fat, in private are too different matters, and their self betrayal, is, painful indeed, thinking they can treat an alpha female, like the do all the other women in their lives, with her, or me, seeing right through their sorry asses, and walking out, as I did just yesterday, catching, lover boy, getting pissed, because, I stayed over Thursday night, and he had Friday, off work, assuming, that, I would be waiting with baited breath, for him, to come to my or his bed, at whatever time he thought, or woke up, only to find me, way downtown, working on my blog, going to church, and doing whatever it is alpha female's do, with him, being the man, pining for, home wondering when, I was going to come back, to his apartment, with me, ignoring his calls, and filling my day with my routines! LOL!
I am sure he did a booty call, to show me, who was boss! LOL! You see, the men, smart enough, to see, what they have, or whom, they are with, some only until they think they have me under their spell, are always, playing the cheating male, until, they learn, that two can play that game, or I don't really care, or have at it, she can't be a good as me, and I am not talking bodies, booties, boobs, but BRAINS! I told lover, Seattle style, that, I wanted to mind fuck him, and I did, but, he didn't know it, and when it hurts, he will say, it is the booby prize the woman, all his cop buddies, accept as having the tits and ass, worthy of being fucked over, not the woman, 20 years his senior, a total bad ass, whom, he, is not butt hurt by, or who was bought out to give his affections, to other women, with, my father, sisters and cops, not only jealous, but worried, that he can, and would, turn them in, or take them down, with the chance! I even told him, probably too late, that, my dream, is to, win, one of theirs over to my side the light, the good, the honest the honorable, but, they are lured, down the rabbit holes, follow, shiny objects, or fake boobs, white teeth, only to be disappointed, by the content of the brain! BRAIN, BRAIN, BRAIN! I even tell my victims, that the brain is the largest SEX ORGAN . . . and they are usually onto the next female victim or prey, in their alpha male, hyper sexual state, when I leave them, and they spend the next 10 years, trying to REMAKE ME!
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