Friday, August 29, 2014


The Big Sister Game--Using 5 Interchangeable Sisters Act--And One Huge Secret, ME!  I Did It All!

Right now, I am sitting in the cafe, on the first floor of the St. Patrick's Hospital in Missoula, Montana, after leaving Kalispell, Montana, yesterday on the 4:20 p.m., CKST shuttle, check the fucking ticket on the computer, and I arrived here, in Missoula, at around 7:01 p.m., check bus arrival time . . . we had a Native American driver, there was one Indian, one black, me, and white woman, a young student, I believe, coming to the University of Montana, with a bun in his hair, another young man, going home to work on his family farm, who read most of the way, and an older gentleman, kind of hippie, throw back from the 60's and 70's with longer, gray hair!

I now know that through the dark web or the deep internet, that it is possible for NSA, or hackers, or people who just sign up, to actually scan my writing, send it to several other IP addresses, and make it look like this was written in Utah, Las Vegas, other locations in Montana, Parowan, through security sites that have volunteered to bump your material around . . . but, I am here.  Just yesterday or the day before, I was reading about the NRA both promoting gun use in woman, while trashing women also, writing demeaning articles of people like Shannon Watts, depicting her with an apron, making fun of her as a housewife, with a paper doll look, and iron, frying pan, spoon, or other kitchen utensils, surrounding her . . . 

But, the thing that caught my eye, was there was a statement, that appeared to be a perverted statistic on domestic violence, using this alleged fact, stating that there were as many women killed by boyfriends and husbands, as there were killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars . . . there were 58,000 women killed by boyfriends or husbands, during the Vietnam War; it appeared that my blog, using this statistic a few weeks ago, was scan, hit someone else's IP address, and they morphed that statistic into something to fit today's wars, but I have never read any stats on these wars . . . the posers, wanting to steal my work, change it, and put it out in a slightly different form, writing who knows what to fit their opinion!

In the last few days, this blog has gone from roughly 2 million results in seconds, to 17 million, and just a minute ago, to 57,700,000 results, so some fucking heavy traffic, but some fun articles!  This is a blog that many people would like to get a hold of to promote their shit, while using my name, credentials, and just changing various things they disagree with, to fit their personal, or gang ideologies, or religious and political bull shit and leanings . . . using me, to get their words out.  I am pissed as hell . . .

The Sister Swapping Game!

Many of you have played this simple game of chance . . . you have, let's say 8 cups, or covers of some type, we will label them Shelley, Sue, Marcie, Rachel, Tiffany, Kay, Kelley, Rebecca, generally, you only have 3, but I am trying to make a point . . . you will notice, that I am missing, JoAnn, is not one of the names of one of the cups; however, all the traits, cases, clients, legislation, blog articles, kids, grand kids, etc., belong to me!  Okay, but, I am not even in the game, not present, don't exit, other than to serve as a title for these other women, an attorney, mother, lobbyist, water compact analyzer, story teller, dancer, Vegas cop ditcher, Parowan home owner, etc.

In this game that many of you are aware of, have played, or watched someone play, has some object, a ball, piece of candy, ring, penny, or whatever, can be easily moved around under the cups.  The audience or players, can even watch as the dealer or game director pushes the cups around, rearranging, changing positions and moving the cups around enough, hoping to keep you, dazed and confused, as to where the item under one of the cups is.  That is much what this gang, mob, family, CIA, FBI, NSA, men, lovers, cousins, in-laws, and even kids are doing, only, I am not even in the game, they have painted me as retarded, crazy, challenged, dead, diminished, disabled, etc., not the person writing this blog, for sure, not the attorney, not the mother, not the lobbyist, not the water compact analyzer, not the woman who has had so many great escapes, it make Houdini look slow!

At first, I thought, that if someone could pull all the dogs in the dog pile off me, and uncover me, they would find me; however, then I realized, I was invisible, non-existent, not in the game, in some mental hospital, in jail, off in a nursing home . . . and that was their goal, take all ID, kill me and pretend, I was one of the sisters in the game, or the other attorneys, called in to play, or a client or two . . . who in the hell, knows how many women have been told they could be me, surely all the women, I wrote briefs for since the bar, allegedly put sanctions on my license, at the same time the Utah Supreme Court, who is over the Utah State Bar, is their boss, so to say, and over all attorneys in the state, had given me 4 certificates of Good Standing, totally the opposite of the lower level attorneys, running the bar association, and judges, involved in the game to shift me out, and bring many non-attorneys into the game, with my life, being the ball under the cups, but changing positions and directions, so fast, that it confused the naked eye!

Thank God, There Are Attorneys Like Me . . . Some of Us, Are Not Afraid

There are many attorneys, who as of late, especially, under the Bush administration and the fucked up Patriot Act, and all the insane new laws, really fascist bull shit, taking away all rights of detainees, denying them due process, holding them indefinitely, not charging them with any crimes, and trashing all the attorneys, who were concern about the erosion of the legal system, the U.S. Constitutional protections, the Bill of Rights, so 34 of the 50 most prestigious law firms, had attorneys, either assigned or volunteered to do pro bono cases, to help detainees, either in Guantanamo, or other places, that had been government targets . . . these attorneys became terrorist attorneys, as I have been called myself!

Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Justice Roberts, was asked, before he was nominated for the high court, to defend a man, who along with several accomplices, killed 6 people, wounding 2 others who survived, in a botched robbery, gone bad, I believe in Florida, he said, it is the job of a lawyer, to articulate the side of their client, and give them the best defense they are entitled to.  Attorneys have a legal obligation to do just what they are doing, defending members of Al Qaeda, Jihadists, the Taliban, and the attorneys, called to do this, on the defense side of this, are not, the Department of Jihad!

Governors Perry, McDonald, AGs, Shurtleff & Swallow of Utah, all Under Indictment or Charges of Abuse of Power, Corruption, or Taking Gifts, Favors & Accepting Bribes, or Giving Them . . . Are Glad as Hell, they have Constitutional Protections, the Same Ones, they Cheated Others Out of Under the Patriot Act!

Both President Bush, and my father, held the idea that the U.S. Constitution is just a piece of paper, or that only criminals need rights, or protections, well, ask these men who have held the highest offices in the state, or ask President Clinton, and others, Spitzer, Wiener, Hart, and others in the public eye, if they still don't believe in constitutional rights and protections.  All it takes is some asshole, to charge you with something, being at the wrong place, at the wrong time, or caught, unintentionally, in a situation gone bad, fast . . . and you will be singing the praises of the foresight of the founding fathers, who knew too well, the abuse of a tyrannical government, and if the Republicans are successful, in their lawsuit, against President Obama, he will be grateful also, so, but for the grace of God, go YOU!

People are targeted, charged, unlawfully detained, unjustly incarcerated, framed, issued bogus warrants, by cops, prosecutors or judges, who are going to be made to look bad, because of you, and they have the power, the network, the guns, the badges, the warrant powers, to make your life a living hell, like they have mine!  Do not think for a second, that at some point in your life, you will be called upon to defend, protect and preserve this country, its basic tenants, principles and concepts . . . I hope you are prepared, and the document you are defending, may just be the one to keep you out of harms way!

What Qualifies Me as a Terrorist Attorney

  • killing cop and prosecutor's legislation on asset forfeiture, in a bill that was sponsored by the attorney generals office
  • getting 9 government attorneys, investigators fired for violating doctor's rights in Medicaid/Medicare fraud investigations
  • defending two financial planners, who had their offices ransacked, searched, computer hard drives downloaded, without a warrant, being given an administrative letter, without warrant powers, nor 4th amendment protections, being posted on the Internet for 4 to 8 years as the fraud poster boys of Utah
  • suing cops, narcotics officers, sheriffs, the county attorney, and Division of Child & Family Services for violating constitutional and statutory rights, breaking into client's house, planting 51 pieces of felony evidence, having the state crime lab, up to the FBI, cover the evidence against the officers
  • defending drug cases, firearms charges, alleged sexual exploitation of a step-child
  • defending a kiddie porn king, who had all his right violated, his house and camera equipment stolen by cops, without warrants, etc.
  • defending a murder charge against a husband, when I was the only one who believed that the military, the cops, and the National Guard were involved in the murder, framing him for the death . . . this is the case, that merited the killing of another client, Allan Rex Bess, and bringing in the big guns, InterPol, Norad, Delta Force Intel, new chief of police and plants in key positions to protect the frauds!  My client was stabbed, I was blocked from seeing him, my tires were flattened, two deputy sheriffs, in unmarked uniforms and van, blocked my entrance into the prison, to see my client after I was successful in appealing his case, or getting a new trial . . .
  • defending parents who had been raised in the DCFS or CPS system who had been targeted, or rather their children, were the targets, taking the 4 children, allegedly because the parents didn't wash their faces, and make sure they always had clean clothes each morning . . . while the children were being sexually exploited by aids, with an elementary principle, my clients found on the Internet, who was a sex offender!
  • defending an alleged, dead beat dad, who never even knew he had a kid, who was 23, a Marine, and in college, before the state went after child support, for a woman, who claimed she got pregnant in the two weeks, they were married, but had actually signed an affidavit, that she was not pregnant at the time, her father, with a known polygamist name, came and picked her up . . . a father from that area, had  been turned in by his sons, for impregnating his daughter, 4 times . . . I believe it more likely daddy did it!
  • defending a Marine, on attempted homicide charges, getting him from 45 years in prison, to probation, when I could prove, or at least had a better theory, than the prosecutors, who doctored the photo evidence, took off all self-authenticating dates, times and what not, then proceeded to blend two trips to the hospital for the alleged victim, who as a black widow, with three other dead husband, my client was the next victim, and the cops, never looked into her other husbands deaths, but I got him off, only to be murdered by cop!

That is Just A Taste of What This Terrorist Attorney Has Done . . . and I am Sitting Right Here, in Missoula, at the Hospital!

God Bless America, and Damn the Patriot Act!


St. Pat's Morning Prayer . . . Wonderful

Just now, as I was watching segments of the Rachel Maddow Show, MSNBC, and Jon Stewart, of the Daily Show, on my computer, the loud speaker here at the hospital came on for morning prayer; I wish I had the ability or the technology, or could replay this man's amazing prayer, of hope, faith, love, peace, giving, comfort and rest, challenging people here, doctors, nurses, and other staff, to do what many claim is a futile, and somewhat in the hearts of man, a worthless attempt, to make a difference in this world, being bold enough to believe that one person, can indeed make a difference, change the world, in a way, or at least start the ball rolling in their sphere of influence, engineering peace where you can make a difference.

While, I have very much been a victim of this family plot, conspiracy, collusion, identity take over, my children have been possibly more victimized, being attacked, zeroed in on, married off to, marginalized in their attempts and efforts to conduct the affairs of their lives, being tossed to and fro, by unseen forces, by nameless, faceless enemies, and possibly by those lying in bed with them at night, allegedly caring for them as a spouse, a partner, while being little more than a wolf in sheep's clothing, controlling, shaping events, doing spin and damage control, at the behest of people who have little in common with them, and surely don't have their best interest at heart, cunningly orchestrating obstacles, objections, challenges, that really were fabricated excuses to hold them down, make them appear less that they are, elevating the less qualified, promoting mediocrity, rather than excellence, not only on a personal, but professional level, taking license with their talents, their gifts, opportunities, options, and restructuring situations, to benefit, people, associates, even lovers, that would benefit, not only enemies of the family, but the state.

And in this, I apologize to my children, who were unknowingly pulled into circumstances, that have rocked their worlds, assassinated their characters, but without success, due to their excellence in character and inherent good hearts, minds, and amazing stamina, survival skills, and tenacity to fight, unknown enemies, enemies at their gates, smiling, while stabbing them in the back, making sure they either do not succeed, or making life extremely difficult for them . . . 

Your Children Are An Asset To You--Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart (2005)

Chris doesn't like me to use his name, but I am going to; this morning, as I was watching Internet news and commercials, after having written the last blog, trashing my alleged in-laws, who have proven time and time again, that they are anything but true to the Secrist family, and have instigated discord, withdrawal love, interfered with visits, good memories, and done all in their power to benefit the thieves, of music, careers, titles, names, and allegiances, love, caring, creating what in the family law world is called alienation of affection, for a significant other.  And I know, this is pulling my children in ways they never imagined possible, pitting their mother and father, against their spouses, using grandchildren as war toyz!  

I will not subject them to this, and will have none of this, will not participate in my children's demise . . . but I will promise, that I will do all in my power, to take your asses down, if, or when, after leaving, you do anything to hurt, destroy, diminish, or cause pain to my four children . . . hell hath nor wrath, like a woman scorned, and I don't think that applies just to the male/female relationship . . . my name, career, degrees, bar memberships, cases, blog is one thing, but my children are in a totally different category, grandchildren included . . . you have no idea what I will, and am capable of doing to you, but you will find out!  

But for now, I choose peace for them . . . and my posterity, and for their sake, in love, I will just wait for them to contact me, but first, I will expose what they have done to my son, Chris . . . you know more about Elliot; Chris is what I would call, the pay son . . . in their fucked up, materialistic, power monger world, of total bull shit, lies, sex, video tapes, surveillance, murder, and what not . . . they erased, what I have previously written, but not this time, and I believe in my heart of hearts, there are people watching you, with, hopefully swift punishment and retribution waiting for your atrocities, that will fuck your sorry asses forever . . . and you deserve it!

Chris is the One Who Will Take Care of You--So Chris is the Target

At one point, while I was with Brett, he said, that he had called all of my children, and of all of them, Chris was the one, who if the time came that I needed care--remember at this time, I was still under the belief and effects of the poisoning, believing death was an inevitability--it would be Chris, who would step forward and be their for you.  Now, this was not done in love for me, but as a background observation of which child, or children, would most likely cause the mob, be it, family, government or church sponsored, but Chris would pose a problem, as most sons do for their mother's abusers.  This is substantiated by domestic violence statistics, 80% of the young men in prison for murder, are there for killing their mother's abusers!

I believe by this time, that Brett and Kay, along with Shelley, Jesse and Tiffany Anderson, as well as Isaac, had hatched a plan for, not only stealing my identity, that was already years in the working, starting back in 2000, but also taking Elliot's music, this was mind you, just a few years after the Provo Death Cave incident, where Blake Donner, the lead singer for Parallax, along with several others, where in my beliefs, murdered, but Blake was originally, Chris's friend, and he introduced Blake and Elliot, and was the band's most loyal fan, even more so than his mother, who was already marginalized and taken out of the picture, so this group of bandits, the word on the pirated CDs, stacked by the 10's to 100's, on Shelley's desk, at her 527 East 500 South, house, where the seeds of deceit were sown, with runs to the bank or ATM were taking place nightly, mail from banks, like one in Sand Point, Idaho, were coming in the mail, tons of credit card applications . . . Shelley had bad credit, so she had to use my name, my social, my driver's license, to go undetected under the radar screen; however, she was already in good with the cops, the AGs office, and in a general hate club, already doing hate things against me, dragging Chris and Elliot, expanding to Greta and Nicole, as the money rolled in, the bribes, the power, the influence started to expand, engulfing anyone willing to be one for the money . . . basically, that included everyone!

I Left Brett, Chris, Elliot & Isaac Bring El's New Band's CD

As Parallax died, God's Revolver & Maraloka evolved, marking new musical territory, and the potential for even broader appeal, that the heavy metal, punk and hard rock of the band's parent band, with the staged allure of death, to market the music, underground, much like is the case with families of Michael Jackson, Keith Cobain, Jim Morrison, Jim Hendrix, Joplin and others . . . I believe that this people, including Dallas, my son-in-law, planned to exploit the deaths, as a former firefighter, Dallas was furious and protective at even the mention of the cave, the thought that it might have been murder, and that Elliot, being one of the first called to the scene, by none other, than a spare guy, from Reno . . . Shelley and Don Anderson, had lived in the Carson City area, was there a connection, why did this kid go in the cave with the others?

I think Parallax was the first target, the music seed money, and God's Revolver and Maraloka, just happened to come along, while the marketing, capitalizing, and underground distribution of Parallax music was being banked on, cutting Elliot, Brandon, and Mike, I think, out of any proceeds . . . that fucking little Isaac was the spy within, knowing all of Elliot's friends, contacts, music, and his replacement in training, as was Jesse, Chris's!  I was always shocked that my father, family war criminal, working in concert with Shelley, whom he had dealings with since she was in junior high, started the exchange, substitutions, and switch, very early on, long before I ever thought, but I remember, after letting Shelley drive my white, Mazda, Protege . . . appropriate symbolism there, my father, who gave her access to my social security card, driver license, ID card, had now, assigned title to my car, after I paid for it, to Jesse?  Chris needed a car at the time, but Jesse was mama's boy, dragging not only his sorry ass, living with Shelley, but impregnating Tiffany, so attaching a child and wife into the mix, but Tiffany was a computer asset, and she also took an economic class at Utah State University with Shelley, and was heavily involved in this criminal enterprise to pirate the music!

Chris was to Jesse, what Isaac was to Elliot, and what I was to Shelley, closest confidants . . . until Shelley, started fucking Brett!  All of the sudden, Ty, a mere teen, young, was suddenly talking about becoming a venture capitalist, and Shelley was being coached in fine wines, styling up on her clothes, and going to Las Vegas regularly . . . laying the groundwork for the new music phenomena, God's Revolver! But these, Jack Sparrow, wanna be's, had some competition, and I was getting back in the political scene, not only left Brett, but one of Shelley's friends, when she saw the cruel treatment, as did Jenny, Shelley's former daughter-in-law, both encouraged me to leave, get out, escape if you will . . . when I took off to St. George, and started to heal from the PIX . . . Shelley a biologist by training, working with pharmacutical companies, most likely was the one who concocted the poison, that stole 8 years of my life . . . but Chris, was also being damaged, and he was sure as hell on Brett's radar, as one to be concerned with.  Chris was a silent observer, one who knew the workings of the band, the behind the scenes, the players, and is so, fucking smart . . . the attack!

Chris is the One Who Helped Me Make the Connection with Exigent Records . . . Who Sold Out God's Revolver, When they had Three World Wide Music Magazine Interviews, a Nationwide Tour, Magnet Magazine's, Hard Rock Band of 2008--Isaac Told Me, a Friend of His, Owned GR's, Little Black Horse Where are You Going with Your Dead Rider, CD--Brett?

Chris had hooked up with Katerina Jeleva, a co-worker at Walmart.  He also, left, during a hot courtship, to go back to Georgia, to work with Dallas, and live with Greta and Dallas for a few months . . . but Kat was more of a draw.  I had met Katerina, when Donny was just a year or so old, he is now, I believe, 11, so that was at least 10 years ago, and Chris was, for all intents and purposes, Donny's father, and live in boyfriend of Kat.  In 2007, I believe that Brett, Kay, Shelley, and my father, if I can even refer to him as that without wanting to vomit, but, these core people, knowing I was getting back into the law a threat to Shelley, who was me, El's music was rocking, and here is Chris, a key witness to all the band was doing . . . right after I started to suspect that all these guys were involved in the theft of El's music along with Dallas, who, along with my father, both in the same day, just hours apart, did not celebrate Elliot's musical prowess, but seemed very concerned, Dallas going in his car for hours, talking to someone and my father, abruptly, saying, Jo, I've heard enough . . . right after giving him the good news about Elliot's three worldwide music magazine interviews, with Hustler, already having taken the photo shoots!

I truly believe that day, the real God's Revolver, unbeknown to the bandits, was going to come crashing in on the Underground Revolver, being laundered through British Columbia . . . times got tough from that day forward, with someone getting on the home page of GR and posting unofficial videos, of the band, drunk, taking off their shirts, and they intercepted the business cards and bus wrap that I ordered from a local graphic artist, with an office, just under the viaduct, on 700 South, and a ward member with my parents, and myself, who made an unexpected move, out of the ward . . . I was close to the wife!

Yes, old grandpa war bucks, was very much, in on the action from the get-go, and so was Dallas!  I remember, around that time, Dallas, Greta and I, were talking in Julia's kitchen, and El's music came into the conversation, and things were somewhat amiable at that time . . . and Dallas, out of the blue, said, in reference to Elliot, and how good he was, as was his band, well, I guess he is your son . . . as if in resignation, or somewhat recognizing that a brilliant musician, smart music, was connected to me . . . hell, I am the one, who facilitated the whole phenomena, the one who bought El his first guitar, drove 300 miles per weekend, getting the band together, sitting in the car, waiting for El, Isaac, and Taylor, or whatever his name was from, Midway, to go to a backyard concert . . . Shelley never drove one time in 3 years!  And grandpa, complained about me driving the band around!  HOLY Shit, do you think . . . well, he is your son!  Who in the hell's son do you think he was, or who's son was getting credit, money and fame?

Chris Moves in With Katerina & Donny, Same Time Mama Bear is Getting Suspicious, and it Getting Back into the Law, Politics, and Making Contacts

Out of the blue, from nowhere, Chris gets charged with allegedly molesting, or touching Donny!  What?  I didn't know about this, until it was over . . . Chris is protective, as are all my children, giving the threat of losing me, their mother from a brain disease, allegedly, but still not practicing law, so not much protection to my sons, but getting ever more aware, more connected, making old contacts and new alike, and gaining momentum in the community, the church, and family.  In retrospect, looking at the time frame, well if that isn't a telling choice of words, Chris was framed, set up, falsely charged!  Now, look how convenient for the government, who is going after Chris, placing that female spy in his home . . . he is ordered out of the home for three months, during the dead of winter; he slept in his car!

Consider who were my enemies, going back, the Bush administration, under the Patriot Act, just new, the Utah cops and prosecutors, and many people concerned about my return . . . just three days ago, when I showed up unannounced to Kalispell, DJ Clark, said, that me coming has made a ton of people nervous, WHY?  Well, in the same sense, I made people nervous, because I had kicked the shit out of them, and I was getting back to my old self, and I think, that went after Chris, (1) to neutralize him, marginalize him, and tarnish his reputation, so he would not be believed if the time came that his mother was pitted against her enemies, and Elliot's band, was able to fight the pirating professionals from the government, the family . . . remember, my father was OSS or OSI, Office of Strategic Intelligence, the precursor to the CIA!  With Bryce Christensen, retired FBI, and new director of Security for the Mormon Church!  Come on, can this be more apparent, what was going on, the players, the power, the money laundering, Kay and Mitt, Brock, Rice, El's money and band was the target, I was a sideline, but a big threat, so was Chris, who knows the players, the band, the inside on the family!

After Chris had racked up $10,000 in legal fees for nothing, all his charges were dropped, the night before trial, so he was handicapped financially, to keep him in check also, and those attorneys, who played with Brett, Kay, Shelley, grandpa, and crew, should be disbarred!  Kay should be hung, right along with Shelley, Rachel, Sue and the fake attorneys the bar has allowed to practice under the auspice of being either me, or attorneys!  This is not only unlawful, abuse of power, misfeasance and malfeasance in office, but criminal!

During the Three Months, Chris Had to Stay Out of the Home, Kat II was Introduced to Donny, and Kat I, was Murdered . . . a Sexy Spy, But Not Donny's Mother . . . Custody Battle, but With Courts Coached and Controlled, so No Matter the Outcome, Mama Attorney Back, Kat was Ditching this Kid, that was NOT HER KID!

Three months in plenty of time to make someone forget, even their most intimate partner's body, especially, if you don't know, that stuff like this happens, as was the case with Allan Rex Bess, being murdered and switched out for Frank, who was sent to spy, steal, destroy and if possible kill . . . so Shelley, could ultimately take my place, stepping in, not only as Elliot's mother, really Isaac, but as Allan's wife, really Franks, and the whole swap would be complete . . . such was the case with Chris and Kat . . . with Kat being Kay's girl!  Kay was another swap, intended for taking my place, she was not enough professionally for Brett, he had to have my resume, my credentials, my kids, my son's band, and he also, as time went on, decided he wanted the whole family, with the aid and help of Dallas, George, and Kat II, who would question, and it was the spouses, and in Rochelle, who orchestrated the lie, and promoted Kay, Shelley, or whomever, and took money to satisfy their lies . . . .

You know, that 4 years to the day, with the same charges, Kat is charged with the same crimes, with almost identical wording, for sexually touching her child . . . I had been warning Kat, as had Chris, that she was giving too much access to Bret Bayer's parents, over Donny, that she was going to have trouble, she never heeded the warnings, nor listened to Chris, but it was no surprise, for it was this incident, that made me look back, and connect the dots, this was not a concerned mother, this was a CIA or family asset, infiltrating my family and getting rid of a child that was not hers.  She had to put on a good show, but she was not a good actress, after Judge Sainsbury, rendered kind of weasel style verdict or refusal to give Kat, Donny back, with troubles with the guardian ad litem, the psychologist, and others, failing to give Kat any visits or access to Donny, her alleged son, she was beaming and came and gave me a big hug!  What!

She couldn't have been more smiley and happy, like, the gamesters had pulled of an amazingly shielded loss, and she was free of this charge, that she never wanted as part of the deal anyway, so happy days are here again . . . she had Chris, Mr. GQ to herself!  Oh, she continued to pretend to fight, the legal battle that is, but she didn't give a rat's ass, whether Donny was part of the deal, making no phone calls, nor attempting to get a hold of key contacts, always giving the excuse it was someone else's fault that she didn't get to see Donny for two fucking years!  Even the worst child molesters, are given time with their kids!  Even if supervised visits are mandatory, they get visits!  I could see she had no interest, and was more than happy to just have Chris, and what girl wouldn't.  She did however, get a thrill out of putting up a show, going after the guardian ad litem, who was most likely one of her friends . . . generally, Provo/Orem agencies, will hire, BYU graduates, and don't bring in or hire chicks that smoke!  Both Ms. Rudd and Kat are smokers!  Not your typical girls in the area . . . but CIA, sure, especially, the Mormon Muffins are not attracted to the work, they are home having kids!

With Donny Out of the Way, Camping Trip, Marriage, and Baby!

The Donny problem was being taken care of . . . so, now to solidify her relationship with Chris . . . El's second CD with God's Revolver, was also coming out at about this same time, so, great timing.  I asked Chris why he finally married Kat, and his response was, she finally went camping with me . . . a trap laid for a man, giving him hope for the girl he wanted, with a passion for the things he loves!  Of all my children, Chris seems the most interested in Montana, the lakes, the fishing, the mountains, even told me, in his job, his company just took over one of the parts of the company that serviced Montana, and he was reading a bunch of newspapers, in little local towns and getting a kick out of the animal stories and the lack of crime, funny section in the Daily Inter Lake . . . Law and Disorder, funny police reporting on humorous calls, I didn't even believe this was crime, and thought it was a joke, crimes?

Love is blind, and the one time camping trip, was all he got, Kat became pregnant, and beautiful little, Yulia was born; however, the Kat who shared the law, a passion for justice, a love for going after the government workers who were doing their job poorly, was long gone . . . with baby, no go!  Katerina's mother, who looked totally different, smaller, petite, and very thin, replaced the taller, more buxom, heavier, mother I remember from Kat's parent's trip to St. George and Utah.  Kat's mother got 6 months to enjoy Yulia, and I was lucky, if Kat didn't get pissed if I wanted to stop by and love on Yulia for a night or a few hours . . . a very different relationship, than I had ever had with Kat, she was obviously denying me contact with my own grand-daughter!  She said, I could have a relationship through Skype!

Don't Even Let Baby Get Close, She Will Love Jo . . . Did Dallas and George Warn Her?

I have raised 4 beautiful, healthy, happy, for the most part, children, who had little more than a split chin, a broken arm--at grandmother's house, a split lip, and that is it, for childhood trauma; sickness, not much at all, very healthy, so?  Now, Dallas, uses the kids, or tried to, until he realized that this is the wrong mom, and the wrong grandmother to play those games . . . I actually have a life of my own, like in Montana!  So, if Dallas had a disagreement with me, he would say the grand could not see me . . . okay, it was Greta and Dallas and their kids who were missing out, I was busy and just did what I normally do, a Dallas, I divorced and gave Zeke the kids, does this sound like a mother or grandmother who lived to have a gaggle of kids and grand kids under foot, a cougar!  Eventually, they would call, Kael, Tristan and especially, Thaddeaus, absolutely love me . . . or used to; I am sure Dallas is working his poison!  LOL!  Can't extract that DNA!  LOL!

George, tried competing with me, when I went back east, and watched the kids, with George watching me, the helicopter dad, but jealous as hell!  I could not believe it, he was actually competing with me for Yuri's and Gracie's affections, why?  What the hell, don't you want your kids to be close to grandma . . . only if that is the grandma, you want to be their grandma, Sue was the elected Mayor kid grandmother, but George was having trouble with the grandma with the DNA match!  Yuri was totally drawn to me, as we played shark games, and I would scream while he pretended he was Tyrannosaurus Rex!  George acted hesitant to go to work for fear, that the kids would bond even more as he went to work!  Something was not working!  

Even After A Two Year Separation, I Surprised Nicole & Family, Dropped in When in DC, Getting Sworn in U.S. Supreme Court, Nicole and George were Shocked, that Gracie, Who Doesn't Warm up to Anyone, Took to me, Grandma Jo, like a Fish to Water, Acting Like We had NEVER Been Apart, Wanting me to Read her Bedtime Stories, Give her a Bath, Introduce Me to All her Toys and Stuffed Animals . . . was Kat Warned, Don't Open the Door!

He, George, had to poison Nicole . . . your mother, this, and your mother that, and bringing in only his mother, to the point of not wanting Nicole to even tell me they were coming to Utah, denying her access and tell her that the kids couldn't be near me . . . you know this dangerous former assistant attorney general, who worked with children in abused homes, championed their protection at the legislature, and protected their mothers, both legally and physically at times in court as the director of the states, Victim Assistance, you know the family law professor of 7 fucking years, the one who introduced things like alienation of affection to the Utah public after taking time on a Saturday, to go hear an expert on the subject, or the U.S. Supreme Court Bar member, or the mother-in-law attorney, who wrote at least 4 briefs, attended court, even while doing the yoman's work of 5 attorneys, driving to help, take calls, write emails, attend court, track down attorneys and judges fucking with records and files . . . this sounds like exactly the type of grandmother you would want your children exposed to!  Good God, twice, I dropped everything and at my own expense, came back to the, hell hole of Utah, St. George, to defend Dallas at the college, coaching and talking theory while he referred to me as the "monster I am?"

Dallas, George and Kat, have somehow, demonized me, or, it is simply their job to fuck with my life, my kids, and my grand kids, all part of the larger scheme, to wrestle everything away from me, make me pay for my legal challenges to cops, prosecutors, the Bushes, the Patriot Act, theft of my son's music, my cases . . . are you fucking kidding me, you dumb asses married my children, are you that stupid, that fucked up, to love the product and reject the producer?  I have bent over backwards for all of you, when ever any request for help was asked, either by way of legal help, or kid help . . . I was never the dotting mother, or will I be the ever dotting grandmother, just not in my nature, but your kids will be enriched, have fun, and be challenged, care for, and grand-parented, perhaps, not with a Sunday dinner, or birthday presents that are right on time, but they will eventually get them, if their parents will go along with a grandmother who objects to spoiled, bratty kids, who beg for toys, yet long for attention, which they always get, on my terms, not their!  Children are to be seen and not heard . . . Grandmother Southwick, amazing woman and example, Sue? Shelley? Kay? Rachel? Marcie? Tiffany?  Better . . . really?

Fucking, Have'em, You Dumb Asses . . . And I am Sure You Prefer Criminals, Because You Are "Them", Rather than Your Crime Fighting, Constitutional Law Attorney, Mother-in-Law; You Actually, Believe, Your Own Lies!  LOL!  You Get What You Pay For . . . Good Luck with Kids Influenced by the Southwick Mafia!  LOL!  My Kids Will Eventually See Through You Clowns, all 3, if they Haven't Already . . . Just Biding Time!  Call Me, I Am Not Calling You--Peace!

P.S., just having fun in Montana, went to Glacier National Park . . . off the chart beautiful, cruising the hills outside Kalispell, it took three tries for John and I to find, Sylvia Lake, saw two young buck deer, a family of majestic elk . . . digging life, rocking the world with my blog, 18 million results, over two days, not close to the high of 155,000,000, but the blog has been cut, chopped, divided, stolen, killed, retrieved, split, and it is the frauds your spouses want as in-laws . . . like is attracted to like, we don't blend, I am too ethical, they are not, and I am sure, that Sue is much more their speed, waited 15 years to get grandchildren, she always wanted to be Grandma Southwick, whoops, Grandma said of all her grandchildren, I was the one most like her . . . taught English in college, loved Shakespeare, was always trying to juggle family and career, and talented as hell, and what and how is Sue like her?  Plays Canasta?  Have her, George, Dallas and Kat, take her ugly daughters too, and that Sam, the most boring Canasta game of my enter life . . . not one word of intelligence escaped Sam's mouth, he is even more boring than Kevin his father, and Ashley will run Sam's life, like Sue did Kevin . . . it is not over until the fat lady sings!  LOL!  Dallas, you and George are far to old to be my son-in-laws anyway, Sue is about right, looks 20 years older than me . . . going dancing!  Tell Sue and the old nags, to do a good job with my grandchildren!  I love it, not good at that birthday, holiday, Christmas thing . . . I dig older kids anyway, that DNA puts my signature on their asses, don't forget that!

Cat Woman--as in Bat Man's Woman!

P.S. II, I would venture a guess, that your father, Richard Clifton Secrist, was fired from the Planning Director, for Provo City, right at the same time I was poisoned, as another part to the puzzle, to steal Elliot's bands, music, fame . . . up and coming band, in a new genre of music, put it underground . . . key statement made by Grandma War Bucks . . . had Zeke, or Richard been an active member of the Mormon Church, this would never have happened to him!  2000 for both . . . Zeke was the alleged victim of a mayor who had issues with someone Zeke supervised . . . nice stretch!  What does his church membership have to do with city planning . . . all this was done for the Moron Church!  Zeke is one of the best, most competent, planners, and more noble, honorable, kind, loyal, and good man, than most I have met in my life . . . I don't know how I ever came out of this Southwick family, unscathed . . . my saving grace, was, that I was never, never, never home . . . God, was my parent! Still is!

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Family: Invaded, Infiltrated, Interjected and Infused With Enemies!

All three of my children, and even including my youngest, Elliot, bass guitarist for God's Revolver & Maraloka, teamed up with their significant others, roughly, 14 years ago, give or take a year or two, about the time I was poisoned or diagnosed with an alleged terminal brain disease, that later appeared to be nothing more than a cover for a man-made poison, created from poisonous African tree frog gum, that is potent enough to kill from 10 to 20 grown men, and if often used by the school of assassins, who use it to go undetected, being odorless, tasteless . . . and they are tasteless for using it, and as it touches your skin, is soaked up through the pores, and makes its way into your blood stream and to your brain, killing you without reason, or so it seems.  This is a bit more organic and anthrax or Racine, that are man-made, this being considered man-made, because it is taken from the frogs by man, and applied to surfaces, sure to be touched by the intended victim . . . my exposure was too short, therefore, the impact was not as great, and lingered, long enough, so that while potent and powerful, it was not in contact with my skin long enough, but continued to effect drivers and occupants of my car, years after I was not driving it . . .

In 2000, another significant even was starting to take shape, the rise of the band called, Parallax, pumping out CDs at an amazing rate, with the band growing in popularity, breadth and depth in a short time, with fans and an audience, not only in Utah, from Provo/Orem to Logan, but from Seattle down through Portland, and going along the coastline of California . . . not in large numbers, because that was seen by the group, as a sell out, if they performed for large crowds, or got a lot of money, or used their music for commercial means . . . much like the feelings, Jim Morrison of the Doors had, never wanting their music to be used to promote Cadillacs or other cars, the source of contention with Jim and the other band members; so the band had a passion for purity . . . I believe that the music, not only of Parallax, but continuing on to God's Revolver and now Maraloka, was the real intent of the government, who figured that I had cost law enforcement, through asset forfeiture, Medicaid/Medicaire fraud units, etc., so much money, that anything even closely related to me, was theirs or not only me, but my children were to be considered indentured servants or slaves for this band of egotistical marauders . . . cowboys if you will, who were not happy with the turn of events that were the result of some of my actions, unbeknown to myself or my children!

The Thing I Hate Most About Cops

I was raised, by my father, who taught me that my rights ended at the end of my nose, believe it or not, none the less touted by the same man, who is so involved in this mess, that it is hideous, but nonethe less, he is a hideous man, cruel, corrupt, a money grubber, and as jealous as all his lame children, who are not willing to work for what they have, or see that what talents and gifts my family has, should be divided up, profits, credits, honors, resumes, in a fashion that resembles socialism or communism, the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people . . . with the exception of the very people who achieved the success, being somehow looked at as government property, family or church property with no lines of demarcation between the haves, us, and the have nots, them!

This group bought off on the science model of life, evolution, survival of the species, Darwinism, and have acted in a Godless way, going mostly on the newer version of the golden rule . . . or the fittest, who can steal, lie, cheat, kill, destroy, and get the gold, rule!  This philosophy is in direct opposition when juxtaposed next to the old fashioned Golden Rule . . . do unto others as you would have them do to you!  Those members of the first class, have no concept of honest efforts, just, if you can take it, take it, much like a lion or bear, steals from the jackle or the wolf, who top the later animals on the food chain, so all is well in the animal kingdom, but man, is distinguished from beast by one thing, that they can think, reason, and control, their primitive urges, higher animals, if we must, being created in the image of God, male and female, created he them!

The Constitutional Law Attorney vs. The Patriot Act & Cops

There seems to be much evidence that, this group of clown ass idiots, who say they believe in science, are more than willing to ignore science, or their own philosophy, and want to somehow extract DNA, or pretend that it doesn't exist, in favor of deciding whom they feel if the most fit mother, father, spouse, taking only their own fucked up notions of life, as the law, god, superior, and right.  Not one of these assholes, would take their own children over mine . . . however, they would deem me unfit?  REALLY, I raised the children you all want to claim as your own?  Does this make sense? Fuck NO!

These would even be so stupid to take someone like Shelley, who had a son, Elliot's cousin, who even had more of a chance of becoming a great guitarist, but for laziness, had a father who was playing in bands since the time, Donald Anderson, Shelley's first husband, met . . . Don is not even sure that Isaac is his, but that doesn't seem to matter, who gave birth, or who sired a child, it is the collective of cops, that will decide who is worthy of parenthood, even if their kids turned out like shit!  It is that survival of the fittest, not the parent of a true and loving God, who in all his/her wisdom saw fit to place that child in the home that would maximize that child's growth, creating challenges and blessings alike, hoping for the best outcome, and a great life, if all goes well.  I fucking raised my children, smart, right, responsibly, honorably, and without the help of the fucking Southwick family, nor the church, nor some asshole CIA agent!

I had a dream the other night, that took me back a bit . . . me and Richard Clifton Secrist, were sitting together in a car, and we leaned over and kissed each other!  The interesting and strange thing was, that there was like a fuzzy screen, like you would see on a movie, or in an interview, that blocked the kiss, but it was clear who the two were, prior to the kiss, that was the only thing blocked from view, perhaps, showing that we both are grateful to the other parent, for the amazing children we had, raised, supported, taught, sustained and whatever . . . we sure as hell, were not, helicopter parents, and we gave our kids a ton of freedom, to make their own mistakes, but to take credit for their own triumphs!  I think as we get older, we will see the children, now adults blossom into far more than either of us, could ever have predicted or imagined, and both of us, thanks the other, as we always have, for the unique contribution the other spouse made int his joint effort!

Hi, My Name is JoAnn Too, My Birthday is November 7, 1954--Kay's Birth Date!

I was in McDonald's, on 7th East in Salt Lake City, a few years ago, while Elliot was living at 1510 Hawks Court, on a street that was originally a polygamist hideout, but had now become a musician's paradise, with many bands, either coming from that area, or being able to try their music on other music loving residence, with Jimmy, the self-appointed mayor of the street, being an old, Van Halen roadie, and cool, old hippie, who could relate to all the musicians, having once played in a band himself . . . plus he always let me crash on his couch and take a shower, when I was cramping El's style, crashing at his house, or in his room!  LOL!

But, this particular day, while at McD's, eating oatmeal, and drinking Diet Coke, some woman, sat down near me, and struck up a conversation with me, having her grandchild with her . . . my name is JoAnn, what is yours . . . my name is JoAnn, also, but comparing birthdays, we had different ones, even though we were born the same year, 1954 . . . but the thing that struck me as strange, given the situation, with Kay taking my place, not only with Brett, but in my family, was the woman's birthday, because, Kay and I had been friends since 7th grade, so I knew when her birthday was . . . and with this you are me, and I am you, with no distinction between me and you, for we are one, total bull shit, justifying this theft of my life, my family, my husband, my resume, my career that was far better than hers from the get go, I started to wonder what this chick was up to?

At one point, she told me I needed to just give up, surrender who I was, what I believed in, what my goals were, and let the past go, this anger, the rage at what I thought was going on with my son's music, and all. And, that I should know, that she was my biggest fan, that she admired me, looked up to me, and so forth . . . what the fuck, she didn't know me, so was she Kay's messenger?  One of the reasons I love the Constitution so much is that it protects private property rights, including your body, with a right to privacy, equal protection and due process and compensation if there is a taking, which this surely was, not only of my life, but of my son's, and this fucking bitch wanted me to believe in her new age bull shit?  She told me, that if I gave up all that I was fighting for, I could be more than I ever imagined!  And is was so wonderful, that I would be given prestige, glory, honor, way beyond what I thought possible . . . REALLY?

She Gave Me Some Book, Called, Something Like . . . The Calm Behind the Storm

Brett belonged to the Unitarian Church, and said they drank coffee and held hands, singing Cumbiya (spelling?), so this smacked of his stench, and Kay, could be persuaded into the same, new age junk, if she could be me, rather than her loser, self!  I had her beat out of the shoot, as an assistant attorney general, a professor, with my own company, and writing programs for the elderly online . . . she was an ambulance chaser, and a bad one at that!  She was going $10,000 in debt per month, when she allegedly had me and Brett to her house . . . Shelley was not much better!  So, I am sure, this Devil & Danial Webster Deal was something that would interest them, but not me!

I hated the book, hated the ideas, the philosophy, the stories, the stupid idea of erasing the lines, becoming the same, in and through each other, under, above, sex with anyone, and all this total cock ass shit!  But it totally reminded me of Shelley, Jerry, Brett, Kay and this fruitcake!  I took the book over to her, and told her exactly what I thought of the book.  And she tried to explain the mess that seemed apparent to me, and so clear, there was nothing she could say to change the clear message, that I couldn't buy, if I had a lobotomy! As I refused to listen to her more, nor keep the book, and started to get pissed off, a sudden freak storm came up, blew tree branches, and leaves all over the place, lightning and thunder crashed the calm skies, in a thrash of to me, God's anger, and a sign to me, that he didn't like this stuff, any more than I did!

I never saw this chick again, thank goodness . . . I couldn't stand her, nor her type, and hated that thought that any of these pirates, would even think I wanted to be their idol, justifying their taking my life, and claiming it as theirs, and anyone who was dumb enough to even get their brain around this chaos, was crazy, just like the messenger who brought his cockamamie story to me, with the old hippie, mantras of free love, being one with nature, open relationships, swinging, and I am sure the polygamy was included, but it doesn't matter who you are with, because your husband is my husband, and your body is my body, lame crap!  And really shocking to the rational mind, especially, one so into justice, freedom, liberty and fairness, as me, fighting for individual rights, rights to privacy, property rights and protections, the right to determine your own reproductive decisions, roles and responsibilities as parents, to discipline and train your children, within an ordered society, not with the state being seen as better than the parents, raising children!  You can see where this is going to justify, stealing even my own children and grandchildren! 

Trouble With the Curve . . . Needed to Infiltrate, Win Over, Indoctrinate

Now, Dallas, George and Kat, were already in our family by this time, or at least looking like they were here to stay, and Rachel, Elliot's girlfriend, was a keeper, except that I didn't like the fact that she didn't want children, but, the swingers, the new agers, the socialists and communists, the Darwinists and string theorists, or the scientists, knew they were going to have trouble with me, and I was not going along with Kay, Shelley, Rachel, Sue, Tiff, Marcie, Kelley or anyone stepping into my shoes, so the in-laws were key players in this fraud, and the choice for the mother of the family . . . Dallas and I had already had our challenges, Kat too, George just stayed clear of me, especially when I started practicing law, kicked ass right out of the shoot, and had a great practice, house, truck and income, way fast, shockingly fast!

Mother-in-law, was a new force to deal with, all the in-laws had met me when I was a victim of government poisoning, except maybe the new, Katerina, but the old one had been government free and a true love of my son, Chris, so there is added anger there for taking out a truly beautiful girl, even though the new Kat is a match, almost perfect, with the exception of her attitude that is much too Americanized, to be the real Bulgaria, an American, through and through, and that was really apparent, one night.  Dallas was an ass from the first, George was back east, but he teamed with Sue and Kevin Schmidt, right off the get go, just like this had been planned from the first, grand kids and all.  I remember Sue, who didn't have any grand kids, yet, without humor or joking, when I asked her, when she was going to get grand kids, and she said, I am keeping Yuri and Gracie, as my own grand kids . . . and I said, no you are not!  Get your own!

Apparently the writing was on the wall back then, the plan, the scheme, the cold play, the intent, since George and Nicole, had moved in with Sue and Kevin, for awhile, when they were first married, and really were close to them, during the time I was taken out of commission, and Sue had always been jealous of me, from birth on, always in my shadow, so this was a dream come true, pay back for all the hurt, I never even knew, she felt, but I did get a glance when Mark and Marcie got married!  In front of a group of my friends from high school, at Mark and Marcie's wedding, she took that time to denigrate me, and elevate Marcie--WHAT?  This was the first time I ever knew she felt like this?  I thought we talked it out, but I guess old wounds, unintentional as they were, die hard, especially, when the sister you hated most, not only had the great kids, was an attorney, and now beat you to having grand kids, and you really liked both of my son-in-laws, to want them for your own, even after they married the little Mormon missionary types, you yourself raised your sons to be like!

I Took on the Self-Righteous Sisters, Marcie and Sue--Unanimous Win at the Utah Supreme Court, Stepped in to Help Rachel, who was now, Not Following the Program!

I will never forget the pain, Sue and Marcie, inflicted on one of their own, Rachel, one of the buddies who traveled the earth with the two other girls, played cards, shopped, exchanged Christmas presents, etc., while I sat on the side lines, withdrawing, due to lack of interest.  But even when I got the alleged PIX, these sister never once called to see how I was doing, and they summarily trashed Rachel, her new husband, but said they would help her children, which they never did! A lot of good all those church meetings and family home evenings did!  LOL!  Marcie even had a private investigator do a background check on Rachel's new husband, finding a Kay Mooseman, with the same birthday, name, and age, but not Kay, and blasted the criminal record of the wrong person all over the family, only to be corrected and reprimanded by myself!

These two church ladies, are the most miserable women, who have had everything handed to them, houses, money, cars, kid's college, travel, and whatever, without lifting a finger to work outside the home!  So, one day, they showed up in  St. George, I said hi, neither one responded, but scurried out of the house, as I just told my dad, about my win at the Utah Supreme Court, not given an rat's ass about the two, very marginally important sisters, whom I hadn't had contact with for years, who seemed as upset as my farther that I was back to myself, kicking the shit out of them in every area of life, including grand kids and kids, not to mention the law!  Sue always wanted to go to law school . . . she was the alleged smart one, I was the pretty one, and so forth, so for me to cut into her territory, the brain area, was heresy!  LOL!

I can beat all my sisters, brother, parents, in-laws, with my brain tied behind my back!  Test them out, see if they can write on blog, without stealing mine!  LOL!  There is nothing I can't beat them at, so the defeats need to be orchestrated, organized, created, programmed, conspired, colluded, and do in a wholesale team effort, and even then, they have a hard time beating me!  I am happy, and they just simply are not!  Sue was complaining to dad that her lawn was burning up, so I very helpfully, said, go ask Matt, Rachel's son, and Ty, Shelley's son, how they fertilized my lawn, the greenest and nicest lawn on Sugar Leo Road.  I was just trying to be helpful . . . as the two dumped their purses and such in the trunk of Marcie's Mercedes, one of the housewives said, that is not your house, Jo.

Oh, really, referring to Rachel's house . . . and who bought your home?  You didn't earn that money either! LOL!  Rachel's house was going in forclosure, she said her and Chris Hickey never should have had it, it was a house of cards, but at least I made it into what people called a mansion, a castle, a palace or a museum, with the touch of the master's hand, I can decorate too!  LOL!  They hate me for simply being me!  I love it!  And so do my in-laws!  And a blog, that just got 17 million results in less than a minute today, that too is a source of jealousy, as is everything I do, from beautiful daughters and sons, talented, and great grand kids, all I can say, is envy will kill!

I Am Sure, Less Threatening Mother-in-Laws Are Valued

Sue, always wanted to be my big sister, she looks about 20 years older now, in fact, Dallas and George look older than the guys I like . . . cougar in every sense of the word!  LOL!  Both son-in-laws are about 13 years younger than I am, and about 8 years older than my daughters, so the clearly older, doesn't apply, but, hell Sue, looks ancient and so does Shelley, Rachel is getting there, now Tiffany, who is 14 years younger than myself, needs to be my double, the others are looking too old, Kay is frail, and weak, symbolic!  So, there is good reason, for balking at my leadership in a family, I was more successful in two years, than Dallas even has been in his life, George is better, but whatever, I am not in competition with them . . . I just wish Dallas would get a job!  He is competing for trophy wife of the year!  LOL!  

I hope Greta cans his ass, and goes for some guy who is more worthy of her, will work for her, instead of taking care of an overgrown child, Sue can have him!  Take George too, Kat is available, also . . . these three are just lucky to have great genes in their children, brains, beauty, and good natures.  I would not blame any of my children for getting rid of all of them . . . a set up from the first, because, lame ass guys like Frank aka Allan, Brett, Jack or John, Michael, all have shit for kids, but the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree! So they all see my children, and want to claim them as their own, and they want to separate them from me, as a payback . . . one woman can not, in this socialistic, communistic world these guys are going for, that I should have so much success, so they are going to strip me of all of it, and go for the heart!

I fucking know my children . . . it may appear for a while, they are with you, but I would beware of the double, double, playing with you, until you trust them, then slit your scrawny necks, shriveled and lacking!

I Detected Sadness in Greta's Voice--Better Hide Those Small Balls Dallas, I Promised You in the Past, That I Would Take Everything that is Dear to You, and That was not a Threat, but a PROMISE!

I know, you have planned on making Greta support your sorry ass, so, when she decides to can it, kick it, or give it to Sarah, Sue's bitch, you will get the kids, and I am here to tell you, that Daddy Gerry's attorneys don't scare me one bit, just like that lame ass, Aaron Prisby, who can't even get a complaint written in a fucking year . . . I could have kicked that out in a fucking day, he doesn't know his stuff, your mother-in-law was listed as #2 in the nation, in civil right defense, and should have been number one!  Gerry Spence has just been working on it for 40 years!  LOL!  His cases involve one, maybe two defendants, and a sheriff, jail and an assault, not the whole damn state of Utah, and about 5 attorneys, up to and including the AG!

Like is attracted to like . . . losers!  Good luck. And George, I am watching that house . . . seemed to sell, after I ratted you out, with Meggie, the nanny constitutional law attorney, Sue is vicariously living through, LOL!  Scared?  But, figured the storm with mama bear has passed, think again!  Meggie is so not even in Nicole's class, she is in the T&A class, as is Sarah, but I would put her up against Nicole, and Sarah against Greta any day . . . you want your cake and eat it too, fuck off!  You are in the same category as Dallas, a fake ass fraud, government issue, cheap shit, and I would bank on Nicole any day, and soon, they will have hips to match the sagging boobs.  Remember, Mom Schmidt, had a breast reduction, and her nipple stuck to the docs shoe, as she willingly took those honking tits off . . . think that one through!  And Kat, if you think trapping Chris, once by going camping to get him to marry you, won't last a lifetime or a marriage, as if you fraud, is working, while he is going camping with Elliot and his girlfriend, jealous as hell for a girl who loves the outdoors as much as he does!  Montana is calling him and he will leave your boring ass!

My kids are all too good for you fuckers, take your government, lying asses, and get the fuck out of my family . . . you can have the fucking sorry, Southwick losers . . . you have to fight to hold me and my kids down, and you haven't succeeded, you have to promote and cheat to put the rest of the family freaks up on a pedestals they can't stay on, and never have.  You lost the great family, in-laws, spouses, and you get the second hand shit, the doubles, can't make it on their own, without tons of help!  LOL!



Las Vegas PD Has a New Approach--Neighborhood BBQ--Now, What Did You Say Your Name Was?

I was in Las Vegas, last January, for a few days, and it didn't take the police long, in fact, less than 24 hours, to know exactly where I was staying, where I frequented, and my local hangouts--we are all creatures of habit, and I am no exception; I am just a bit more aware of the cops tactics, actions, reactions, surveillance options, and that they are creatures of habits as well.  So, when I was there in January, I walked down to the Burger King, on Nellis Blvd, just north of the Echo Bay Condos, where my cousin lives, in a gated community, a bit more protected than where I usually stay, with access, surveillance from either the street or the air, so LVPD took a very aggressive stand, right off the bat, they were going to show me, who was in control of the city, and it sure as hell was not going to be me . . . they, cops nationwide, are very aware of the fact that I killed asset forfeiture, took out federal agents, sued the county, my house is in, for $56.7 million, and write a blog that pisses cops off to no end . . . and my recent comments on the situation in Ferguson, Missouri, with the shooting of yet another unarmed black teen, with a white cops doing the gunning down, and the show of power and force, with the show and tell, militarization of the police, just an alleged mystery to most people in the USA, were now, seeing, that is not just me shooting off my mouth and not bull shit!

As a Diet Coke addict, with some gas station attendants, and store owners know, who get to know their clientele or patrons, have come to know, is that DC is more addicting that both drugs and alcohol, and people are waiting at the doors, before opening with their gigantic mugs, waiting to get their morning fix.  Waitresses and waiters also know, that most diners, will possibly request a re-fill; however, Diet Coke drinkers will want a refill about 8 times . . . with that in mind, once in town, I split to find the nearest watering hole, that just happened to be the BK, down the street.  My cousin also paid me to leave, so he could have sex with his girlfriend, this control freak, actually has sex, once a week, on Tuesday mornings for about an hour and a half, REALLY!  So, he paid me with what he knew I would leave for.

While I was standing in line, something came up that led me to tell a counter person, that I was a lawyer, and her husband had just been to court that day, and was ordered to pay $1,000 and do 100 hours of community service; she was convinced that he was innocent, and this was going to mess up her young families budget, and could I help.  Of, course, bring in your husband's paperwork and let's see what I can do.  On the way back, there were two suspicious looking cops, just standing by the canal, talking, and two squad cars . . . like I say, I always, always, error on the side of safety!  They were not giving tickets, or detaining anyone, nor did there appear to be any reason, that to harass and intimidate me, as a show of presence, so that I don't stay in their jurisdiction.  I go the other way, down to the corner, to get another Diet Coke, like I said, an addict; it is damn good that I was raised Mormon, and didn't get hooked on anything more potent than DC!  For that I am grateful!

The Suspected Sting Op, By the Usual Suspects--Cops!

So, I go to BK the next day for my fix, and ask the girl if she brought her husbands, paperwork.  Oh, he decided to take a plea agreement, something is up, a 180 degree turn.  But, this is normal, cops don't even want me doing anything in their jurisdiction, especially, going into court, or getting interested in staying or building up a reputation, if I go to court, and their are 30 defendants in orange jumpsuits, I can steal every one of them away from their public pretender/defender, who is on contract at the graces of the prosecutors, who would never in a million years, offer a contract to me, they might have to try a case, now and again, rather than pleading every case out, baby splitting with the defense bar in town . . . charge 12 counts, when they couldn't even prove one, get them to plead to 6, so the defendant is relieved, and feels like that pretender/defender did a great job, or even a paid defense counsel, they got off, by the skin of their teeth, on that one!  The judge doesn't have to sit through a trial, both sides don't have to prepare, or earn their keep, and everyone is happy!  But, should they be, was justice done?

But, usually when I got to court, there is TNT, and the 30, orange suited defendants, see what real defense is, and they immediately want to jump ship, and do whatever it takes to get me to represent them!  Not only do prosecutors hate me, but defense counsel does too, I can steal their clients.  My son-in-law, used to say, if they, the criminal and civil bars, would pay you to shut up, and stop practicing law . . . you are every prosecutor, cop and judges, nightmare because you will keep fighting long after the money runs out, just for the sake of the win, for the principles that might be involved, and to defend the system you love!  And he couldn't be more correct.  A reputation like that spreads . . . I have actually, walked in court, and cut the judge, prosecutor and defense out of the picture, by cutting a deal or getting a stipulated agreement of payment with a gas station owner, who was robbed or was embezzled out of money from the til by my client to the tune of about $20,000 according to the client, and $300,000 according to the prosecutors.  Hell, the $500 check the gas station owner got, was the first money he had seen in 3 years that both sides, and the court, and been fucking around, dragging my clients and the owner to court!  The judge was dumb founded, and generally, that money or whatever the court collects, never makes it into the actual victim's hands, but goes as an offset to the court or the judicial district or into some surcharge fund!

Let's say, my reputation proceeds me, regardless of whether the money from my cases ever reached my hands, which it did not, but that is beside the point, you have the money gals, that CIA said were me, to steal the deal, and then there is me, who can still take a bit out of any jurisdiction system, upsetting long established, local practice!  LOL!  Let's say, I have a hell of a lot of power, clout, and influence, regardless of the money, or my very striped down situation . . . knowledge it POWER!  And I have that, for sure! Things had changed, my services were no longer needed, a deal had been made, or she had to turn me in, rat me out, identify me to cops, or roll over on me, somehow . . . they don't care that I haven't done anything! Patriot Act insanity, cops have cart blanch power to do whatever in the hell they want, do whatever it takes, with no limits and no exceptions . . . and that includes death!

Failure to Show Up At BK, BK Girl Chases Me Down on Street With Cops Watching!

Being the rather, smart, sharp, experienced runner that I have become, I am wise to their ploys, games, enticements for anyone I meet, if not threats, and intimidation if someone, actually wants to protect me . . . all are forgiven, because I know, you basically have few options . . . a client from Vegas, actually emailed me yesterday, he is following me blog, didn't respond, new tactics?  Anyway, I went to Planet Fitness, to work out, rather than indulging in BK, the cops fear my getting thin, because their chicks can't pull off being me anymore, I will actually look, like I used to . . . I can't wait until, I get in shape, and can actually say, FEAR THIS!  I looked like the real Barbie, way more than any of the surrogates!  LOL!  That is why they are so vested in taking me down . . . they all have fucking crushes on the woman who took them down! I love it, and I promise, before they ever catch me, I will be thin!  So, you can rest assured at the rate I am going, and they won't leave me alone long enough to use one of my three gym memberships, they will never catch me!  LOL!

On the way back from the gym, this BK chick, who works the morning shift, suddenly shows up on the streets, near a bus stop, that I have to pass, between Planet Fitness and BK, and I noticed her, knew she should be working, so I walked by her, hoping she was not setting me up to identify me to the cops.  I passed, and she yelled out my name, I ignored her, and she ran after me . . . if she doesn't rat me out, or identify me, hubby goes down.  I finally, acknowledge her, and she told me that her husband and her discussed things and they decided to withdraw the plea and fight it like I told them they should do.  Just as she was saying that, her eyes diverted to the streets, and just then, two cop cars, bolted by!  Just as I thought, she was bought!  I quickly finished my remarks and ditched out, before they could go through the parking lot and do whatever it is they had planned.

Shocking Family Reunion at BK the Next Day--BK Surrounded by Cops!

As I promised, I came down to play her game and cover . . . to my surprise, many members of her family, including her husband, her child, and aunt, grandma, and whomever, showed up for my apparent demise, and her husband's exoneration.  You know, for some people, this is big time excitement, they get to be part of taking down a huge criminal like me!  LOL!  Do the cops tell them that I am wanted, have a bounty out, committed some horrendous crime, that I am a murderer, because they all take their job turning me in, or working with the cops, so serious, even friends, former clients, roommates, so whatever they are telling them, I have not done, and what I have done, would be due to them, or an infraction at best, and at worst, a misdemeanor of the lowest class; therefore, a total 50 state man or woman hunt, is to protect the cops, or the doubles, they want to be me . . . I would rather be beaten, if I were the cops, by a bad ass con law chick, that a biologist, a flight attendant, an average attorney, a history major, or a Mormon muffin, mom!

I go in every tentatively to BK, and the girl doesn't even acknowledge that I am there, so I just watch, something is up, and I am more than aware, but what . . . the story of my life at this point!  Eventually, I didn't really see much within the fast food change, so, I thought, well, maybe I am mistaken, so I get up to leave and go to the bathroom.  When I come out, there are cops, standing outside, on walkie talkies, or something like that . . . shit!  Squad cars are hidden, behind the take out or drive thru, and who knows where all else.  I hear the cop, say he is going into the woman's bathroom to check, as I sneak out the doors, right behind him, and slide across the parking lot, and off down the street!  I think, the BK chick must have been told to call cops when I got up to go . . . and as pattern would have it, I usually stop to go to the bathroom after having free access to refills, and I have had about 3 large refills, going straight out my system, so not hard to figure out!  But, they were busy checking bathrooms, or the girl didn't see where I went and she said I left, while I was in the bathroom, and they were waiting, and it was one of those God things, protections!

The BBQ Approach--Funny, the Night After I Get In Town--What Budget Can Feed Every Neighborhood in Las Vegas?  Or, it was My Cousin Who Told Me About it . . . He Can Be in the Good Graces of Just Me, or 150 plus, Southwick Family Members, Who Actually Do Have My Money!

My cousin knows I like to eat, and out of the blue, some guy who seems tuned into the news, but never watches TV, never listens to the radio news, nor reads a newspaper, tells me that the cops are sponsoring a free BBQ, to get to know the people in the neighborhood.  Now that sounds like a great community policing idea, actually, and might create some good vibes . . . but, you proves the budget issues? And is a hamburger worth, what lurks beneath the surface . . . and the cops, themselves may think they are catching some hard core criminal too; who knows what the feds, Utah cops, my enemies, or family has told them?  This whole thing is shocking to me, alarming, seeing that precious tax payer monies are being expended on me?  REALLY?  Don't you have real criminals to catch, like the ones who are doing this to me, stole my money, poisoned me, took my home, my vehicles, my furniture, my cases, about $200 million worth of contingency fees, my practice, my law license, that was in good standing . . . what the hell!

But, I can see it all now, hey my name is Officer Friendly, your cop version of Mr. Rogers of Sesame Street, singing, I Want to be Your Neighbor!  When in reality, you have G.I. Joe, with militarized tanks, M-Raps, and BearCats, hiding one street over!  Hey, we are just doing our job, doing whatever it takes to shut you up, getting smarter, more crafty, and cleaver.  To avoid another mistake, like the poor bastard they killed outside of Hamilton, Montana, around Halloween two years ago, thinking that Ford Taurus, that was under the Conoco/Philips awning, was me, while I waited for it to leave, finding it with wheels still turning, bumped off into the meridian, and 15 cop cars surrounding it, with my name and accident report posted on the Internet, almost 2 years ago, so we are going to actually make sure this is the real JoAnn . . . wouldn't want to kill the sisters, the doubles, or the T&A girls, what a tragedy!

Could I really trust them to actually cook me a hamburger, that was not tainted with arsenic or laced with cyanide, or some type of car fluid, they might slip me a Ruthie, some date rape bill, while making sure they are getting my name right . . . now you said your name was?  Great, I need to go get some more potato salad, coming back with a bogus warrant from Iron County!  Or perhaps a decoy stripper, pretending to pop out of a neighborhood cake, serving up handcuffs and warrants.  Nah, I think I will skip the cop sponsored BBQ, but a really great idea, to recruit new confidential informants!  

I really didn't notice much HEAT, until I took the innocent 18 year old Black's side, and his three credible first hand, eye witnesses, rather than the mystery friend of Officer Wilson, Joni, a nameless, faceless, friend, leaking a bull shit story, a spin, to make the public think that stealing cigars, was worthy of death, and of course, the cop buzz words of exoneration . . .  even though I had a gun, a taser, could have called for back up, I was in eminent fear of death!  Yeah, yeah, you, Zimmerman, the four cops policing the BART system, the four cops, who jumped Garner and choked him to death, Davis, Bell, and many others . . . hell, yeah, it makes obvious sense to me, that the armed officers, trained, should be the ones scared!

Obvious Cop Presence, Helicopters, Squad Cars, Cousin Sides With Cop!

The day after I wrote my scathing legal analysis and opinion on the Ferguson, Missouri situation, there was an obvious presence in or rather over Echo Bay Condos, on the streets and in my Cousin's place . . . I would have thought that someone who dated only black chicks, might be a bit more sensitive to the blight of inner city blacks, who are getting gunned down by white cops!  Oh, hell no, he was adamant to defend the cop, regardless of the facts, of the witnesses, of our criminal justice system with rights, and blinded by rage, when I, who had been watching the news, almost nightly, and throughout the day, dared suggest that the cop gunned him down, after chasing him down, opening his car door, hitting the kid, and even with his hands up, shot him four more times, twice as he was falling to his death!  He would hear nothing of that, until, I slammed the living hell out of his arguments . . . where the fuck was he getting his information?

Echo Bay, has a one mile track inside the gate, along with a swimming pool, and I had ditched the dancing, for the early morning walk and swim, as much as I like dancing, going until 2 to 5 a.m., is going beyond the mark for me.  But, the morning after my comments of the militarization of cops, murder by cop, and such, I noticed a helicopter just hovering across the street from where I was walking on the track . . . I tried to convince myself, that this was a traffic reporting helicopter, but it didn't have marking of a TV or radio station on it, and there was not much traffic yet, nor was that street ever wall to wall traffic, even at the height of the commute, busy, but not that busy.  But, I dismissed it, as whatever, until, I told my cousin, I was going to do my blog at the William S. Boyd, Law School, on the UNLV Campus . . . after writing, I believe another blog on the Ferguson issues, I noticed a group of helicopters circling over the campus, time and time again, several bike cops, rode around me, and when I was leaving campus, four campus cops, followed, or escorted me off the grounds . . . oh, and I forgot, as I got off the bus on Tropicana and Nellis, there was a motorcycle cop, waiting right as I stepped off the bus!

I Told My Cousin, He Was a Sexual Predator, Used Shelley's Name to Get Out of Town, Returned the New Computer I Bought at Walmart, and Booked it Out of Town, Catching the 1:40 a.m., Bus!  Protesters in Ferguson, I Feel Your Pain--This is for Exercising my Right to Free Speech!

Officer Friendlies to G.I. Joes!  I decided, turn about is fair trade, since Shelley has been using my ID for year, and Rachel, Sue, Tiffany, Kay, Kelley Ann, and who in the hell else, it was about time I quit fighting to be me, JoAnn, since they either didn't want to believe that I am the one and only, or knew, but were part of the assassin squad, going after me, to leave the mob, Mormons, Mitt, Men in Black, free access to, what should be, my vast fortune, including my son's music, from God's Revolver & Maraloka!  And, I think, by a stroke of luck, it was good, I used sis's name, for once, because the Kiosk was blocked . . . Shelley, knows how to hack even the most complicated systems, or if she can't, the NSA, can!  I tried this very simple ticket making machine three times, even tried putting in another $100 bill!

Finally, I had to go to the ticket counter, and the guy printed me up a ticket for $30 bucks, and I break my trip up, pay as I go, was going to use all of my sister's different names, hoping theirs would go undetected, and I have a ticket I purchased, or my client from Spokane purchased for me, Lynda Buck, that is just sitting in the Missoula Bus Terminal, for about $70, as back up, so if I miss a part of the journey back to Kalispell, I haven't cheated, just fudged a bit, tit for tat, but covered the money, just didn't want the tracking, a matter of life and death!  Literally!  But, the ticket guy, did come over to me, and say, Shelley, and at first, I didn't respond, not being Shelley, and not trained to be anyone other than me, myself, and I, JoAnn . . . not a very smooth crook, or liar, but he had to check my ticket, I was afraid they caught me using her name, but he said, he just had to report, why the Kiosk didn't work, but that didn't make sens . . . I think, they, knew I would be leaving via bus, and wanted to block me leaving, thought they had be sequestered in prison, in cousin's compound, and that was like prison, too!  But, I had another great escape . . . and was dumb enough to act like I didn't know what was going on, and so did the ticket master!

Suspicious Bus Driver, Waited Way Too Long For Me . . . Dee, Law Enforcement Welcome Wagon, Feds Tracking Me in Parowan--Home Town!

I haven't dared visit the crime scene in either St. George, nor Parowan, the sites of the government takings, without compensation of my life, home, etc., twice in a year without, 5th amendment compensation, a current market value for the homes, for two years, three for St. George!  Last year, I thought, I would go incognito, into Cedar City, Utah, and try to make it to my home in Parowan, to check out the house, make sure a cop, Shelley, aka, JoAnn, Allan, aka, Frank, or someone wasn't living in my home!  Someone said, Judge John Walton moved in my house in St. George . . . no surprise, he held secret hearings, seemed in cahoots with Shelley over house issues, stopped the case, not finished and allowed Washington County Constables to take my house, after cleaning it out, with Shelley, telling me, that she thought the constables thought that she was me . . . surprise, surprise, surprise . . . no, Shelley, you were just part of the plan, 8 months, staying in the house, making it look like there was only one woman, not two that lived there!  You at least used me, my furniture, my money, to pay for the judgement of $33,000 against you and Rachel, without me being named a defendant, because I had nothing to do with your little charades, games, theft, because I play by the rules, actually did all that I said I did!

So, the last time I tried to see my house, four highway patrol cars, showed up, in military precision, with two officers each, pulling into Subway, in Cedar City, the one by Sinclair Gas Station and Crystal Inn, coming in to intimidate me, and when that didn't work, and I decided to jump the next bus north to Montana and get the hell out of Utah, Iron County, especially, the boys tried to run me down, or hit me in the parking lot!  I had plane tickets to Utah, at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and tried to come at Easter, didn't get on the planes, and got down to Utah on the Salt Lake Shuttle, and turned right around at Salt Lake City, and came back, I didn't have a good feeling . . . I ought to be compensated for about $400 per month or more travel, due to cops for the last 2 years!  But, either the driver was CIA, FBI, or someone alerted him, although he was trying not to give anything away, he did by waiting for about an hour, when I disappeared behind the TA Truck Stop, hiding behind a strange, free standing fence, wanting to walk into town, and check out my house!

Bus Leaves Port, Strange White Car Acting Like Stopping to  Give Me A Ride Into Town, Then Leaves, After Seeing Me, Then Someone, Looking a Lot Like Shelley, Drives to the TA . . . Next Comes the U.S. Marshals, Sheriffs, Several Police, Sheriff Again, Police; Undercover Cop in Parowan Cafe, Ditch Out, Scott Holyoak Comes to the Rescue, Drives Me Around,  Cop Flips Me the Bird!  Another Great Escape!  Whoops, Feds Show up in Three's at TA!

Dee Richarsson, is my former client/husband, Allan Rex Bess's, cousin, slash, confidential informant, magically shows up every time I cross through Parowan, he is sitting at the TA, letting someone know, that I am in town, and I might be heading to the house, or into town . . . definitely a spy.  He used to work setting up conventions in Vegas, for trade shows, or concerts, so I was surprised that he was sitting their a month earlier, when I was going south to Las Vegas, and then again right when Scott and I showed up for me to get on the next Salt Lake bus, four hours later . . . not a good sign!  I informed Dee, that I found out while in Missoula, that there was not a death certificate issued for Allan . . . Frank of InterPol, collecting his Veterans Benefits and Social Security?  I believe Shelley, is doubling up on my Social Security, she tried to get it for 14 years, and just last year, after having it post the same day I get the money, it posts a week earlier, and I can't have access until the third Wednesday of the month, as always, but why does int post a week early . . . when they steal, they ride double, and try to take things outright, but if that doesn't work, the government, makes it look as close to the real target as possible, without going noticed!

I tell Dee to get a hold of someone, Christa Bess, who the real Allan loved, married to his cousin, Joe, if memory serves, and who took care of Allan, the real's, finances; however, when Frank and Shelley, teamed to kill, Allan, and become, respectively, JoAnn & Allan, didn't get me, but they did Allan, Frank, essentially fired or ran Christa off, or paid her, and she was no longer in the picture . . . but I told Dee to tell Max Allger, the alleged estate representative, Frank, aka., Allan, used to cut me out of the house, after I sank $60K into it, and claimed that Frank gave it to Max, who wanted that house so bad, but only after I fixed it up . . . he was a childhood friend of Allan's, but he had a nephew in the Gunnison Prison, and I am sure he threw his friend under the bus, jealous of him and me, and now the house . . . Frank and Shelley, gave him a way to steal the house, or protect if for the frauds, while using the cops to drive me out of the town, putting the whole town under Martial Law, to silence those whom I was writing to, telling them of the fraud!  But, Dee said he hated Max, was not on speaking terms with him, so I told him to tell Christa, she could make sure that there was a death certificate!  Shelley and Frank, partners in crime, always after the easy money, getting something for nothing!

This is where the Cheek et al v. Garrett et al, Iron County Corruption Case for $56.7 million comes in, with Judge John Walton, Shelley, and Scott Garrett coming in, along with the staged suicide of Frank, aka, Allan . . . county attorneys have to determine the cause of death, homicide, suicide . . . Scott was let off the case, by Judge Ted Stewart, after Kelley Ann Booth, with Shelley's help, and the crew of bandits, all used their power, connections and influence, and they let, Scott the "king pin" of the orchestrated conspiracy against Shane, Haylee, and Travis, off the case?  And it was reported in the Spectrum Newspaper of St. George, in an article, about a lawsuit, between Misty and Dennis Cheek, dragging me into the mix, going against, Brian Adamson, close friend of Rachel, Judge John Walton, and Shelley, all involved in the house takings, probably ruled Frank/Allan's death a suicide, but never turned in a death certificate to the county he is over, with brother Garrett, a coronor for the same county, easy!  And Frank collects Allan's Social Security & VA Benefits, Shelley gets double mine, and also showed up in court as me, with the help of Judge Michael Westfall, an old girlfriend of Shane's and Travis's, actually saw her in court, and was a cell mate with me, when Iron County jailed me, after they took my gold Ford Ranger, insured by State Farm, Amy Insurance, the one over by the Cedar City, Walmart . . . also the piece of evidence that was stolen, just a week or two ago, in Las Vegas . . . either by Edward, who argued that I didn't have it when I came down, really, check the evidence at the St. George, McDonalds on Bluff St., I don't have ID, so I tried to use my social or my Medicare card as government proof . . . no go, but they did take my name, should be on paper, behind the Greyhound Bus desk!

They also took my key to my apartment with Tony Osthemeier's in Missoula, how can Shelley, or whomever be me, if I have all the proof, I was the one who wrote the Internet Sheriff, during the Bundy v. BLM, where Shelley did his blog, and at the bottom of the blog, his said, powered by blogger . . . and it went directly into my blog, without passwords or anything, Shelley and CIA, NSA, FBI access!  I wrote a blistering blog, dissing Shelley, Bundy, Southwick family, Utah State Bar, US Federal District Bar, Utah, Mormon Church!  This is illegal, unlawful, unconstitutional, and downright criminal, even if the government ordered or called that fucker Frank and bitch Shelley, and the whole crew to duty, this is theft of a life, and all the work it took, they get their shitty ass lives, not mine!  Nor my son's . . . Shelley can't raise a good kid, without getting the cops to cover her sorry ass as a mother, and the Southwick hell whole also is in on this, and they are one for the money, infiltrating my family stealing my kids, and grand kids, total bull shit, and they are all fucking criminals!

Lucky for me, there were three bus drivers going to Salt Lake City, one who I could tell was going to give me grief, but the TA clerks knew me, made sure I got on the bus, and the other two drivers, did also, so there wasn't much the bribed driver could do!  So fuck you!  Scott stayed around to make sure I didn't need him more, but he even referred, when talking about me, and my Utah Constitution & Fun Facts, as JoAnn Secrist, rather than you, which seemed strange, Scott would have to be in on the charade with Shelley, remember, everyone needs money, every would help the government if they thought, for one second that I was the criminal . . . especially, in Mormondumb!   The money is big, the conspiracy deep and wide . . . or Scott's wife, could be in on it, or Shelley is Frank's wifey, awe, isn't that cute, Isaac sure had fun with Frank, when he was pretending to be Allan, up at the cabin, probably shared with any dirty cop involved, great, authentic cabin!  236 Scoots Creek, Cabin #1, Panguitch Lake, Utah, if I remember the address . . . the wife of the deceased, under the presumption, gets everything, because all real property is considered being held in joint tenancy . . . I am sure, Judge Walton, Westfall and Garrett, figured out a way to get around that issue, but they, didn't turn in a county death certificate to Vital Statistics!  LOL!  

Just one of those little details that would have fucked up the VA and Social Security . . . they used the fake death, to bring me into Parowan, to try to lock me up and wrap up the details, covering their asses!  That is why, Edward and David, renter from Beaver Dam, were so critical to get my Social Security Card, I had since I was 16, Shelley was using a fake, one she had acquired back in about 2004, from my father sending her my driver's license and ID card, plus my Social Security card, until I caught her with all my ID!  My father even gave my car to Jesse, after I let Shelley drive, he is to be, Chris, my son, taking the oldest son's place, rather than the logical switch of ownership, from mother, me to my son, Christian! But that didn't work for the rest of the substitution--Isaac is Elliot, Jesse is Chris, Shelley is me, and now, we are all buried, several levels deep, as I got back into my life.  I believe, Frank was long around before, he and Shelley murdered Allan, there was a familiarity with Shelley and Brett, my second husband, who substituted in Kay, and Shelley, Isaac and Frank, aka, Allan. 

Rachel's Sudden Liking for Allan (Frank) Her Mentor at the CIA! 

Once, I sent Rachel and Scottie, her youngest son, a fat boy, unlike my son's, whom they are claiming as Rachel's . . . even if they say they are, money, money, money, spousal peace, peace, peace, but I had Rachel stop to get a check or at least try to get a $300 check, the only pay, I had ever taken up to that point, and that was after Allan, the real was out of jail, and before the house in St. George was stolen . . . Rachel and Scottie were both scared to go up to the dilapidated house, that was offered to me free, a year before . . . with the touch of the master's hand, me, on both house, everyone wanted them back!  But, Rachel stopped and was creeped out by Allan, the house, and the conditions, dark, all brown . . . turned bright, colorful and beautiful by me!  

After I sunk $60,000 and months of paying local jail birds, right out of jail to work on the house, including, Shelley's son, Isaac, who had regularly been in jail, but mommy had connections, so after she teamed with Brett, Frank, Jack, Daddy and crew, things go much easier . . . but, Rachel and Kay Mooseman, stopped by on their way to St. George and Disneyland, she actually asked to go say hi to the alleged Allan, sequestered up in his room to curtail his chain cigarette smoking . . . I was shocked, I said, why would you wnt to see Allan aka Frank?  Oh, I just want to say hi to him . . . I didn't know you were that tight!  Well, in retrospect, they were, Rachel had disappeared for about two years, when I first came out of the PIX disease and was doing political stuff, and getting left out of family parties!  Another JoAnn, like Kay?  Oh, Kay's homepage, is still under construction!  LOL!  Ever since, I linked her, Mitt, and the closure of my Brock et al v. Herbert et al case, for $357 million . . . not chump change!  Planning on taking on the world! LOL!  What a bunch of dumb asses, but there was enough money to do it!

Back in Kalispell--Getting My Old Computer Back & Boost Phone Messed With!

I purposefully bought a phone out of my ordinary pattern or habit, of getting Straight Talk at Wally's World . . . with unlimited text and phone!  I bought the lowest level Boost Mobile phone, with $30 worth of minutes, which is never enough!  But, I was hoping my old phone, that disappeared after I left Kalipsell, for the Beartooth Mountains, until there were two puddles of blood, fresh blood, on the highway, with no carcases, thinking it might be under the seat of John's car, so I knew that the Boost was just a temporary replacement phone, knowing Boost doesn't have service in Kalispell anyway, here is my phone number, both for that matter, 702.860.5852 and 406.407.3302 . . . which is the phone linked to my computer, so imperative they get control of, but also worried to let it get out that there is another JoAnn S. Secrist, down in Vegas . . . Edward will lie to say it is Shelley, you see, they stay where they are, and just use computers and lies to cover their asses, I have to actually leave, spend the money, and go!  Fuck I am tired!  But a necessary evil, to separate, long enough, so that perhaps the good guys, who are trying to figure out this maze of intricacy out, can actually see there are two, and one is flying if needed, when I can ditch them and one is going by boat, plane, train, and bus . . . with little money!

My Home Entertainment Center for Blogging, Movies, & Music--Oh, Hell NO!

So, I had been asking John and DJ Clark to send me my computer for and entire month!  I called, sent text, even told them to use the $100 I paid to couch surf on the cost of the $12.99 flat rate shipping costs . . . they never sent.  Now, allegedly, DJ, is right out of jail or prison, for conversion of property while working at a local motel, so not a good one to leave my computer with, or trust to send, and also someone who is on the computer, non-stop, doing social media and trying to solve local crimes, could be or seemed undercover to me.  But when I showed up, unexpectedly, as I do, I asked him for my computer . . . he lied and said he didn't have it, that it was at his friend's house . . . I think he knew I was going to get it, or he was looking like shit, and I told John I would turn him into his PO officer, he had plenty of chance to get it to me, and since all my forms of ID were now gone, the only thing that linked me to my blog, was my computer, so he was going to get his dick cut off and knifed to the wall if he didn't give it to me . . . he reluctantly turned it over, but without the charger!

I spent $400 getting here, so I am getting the damn computer!  I bought one, but decided that if I had to leave anyway, I would return the machine and get the money to buy the tickets!  But, DJ, who is great at computers, seemed dismayed that he couldn't get into my stuff, without my password, but he could get into my computer through a guest option.  But is bugged the hell out of him, he likes to be a voyer on his girlfriend's life, and others associated with her, and I could tell, he felt he had the skills to get in, but was not successful in a month's time.  So, he asked to see my phone, which I told him I couldn't get access, he said he might be able to do it, and to give me my access code, so I did, 195401, and he messed around for about an hour.  Later, he asked me if he could get on my computers, and put new apps, make me more secure, send me into the dark web or the deep Internet . . . no!  I am too stupid to get back, and I am fine with things the way they are.  He kept telling me to trust him!  NO, NO, NO . . . I don't even trust my own kids and parents, so NO!

He said he was the one who smoothed the road, for John, that many people were nervous with me in town . . . the only ones who would be nervous, is those who took bribes, lied, or fucked me over.  Nobody else had any reason, I have never hurt anyone, and leave if I think that I may cause someone harm!  So what is up with that statement . . . Shelley and crew freaking out, cops freaking out, locals, who lied, water compact, Kalispell, who I called out in my blog!  Who would worry and why, with me coming back to town unannounced, which is precisely why I do things that way!  You are not helping yourself here bud!  But, after I left, I tried to call one of my kids, or John, and all my contacts had been erased . . . what the fuck!  This little cop fucker had gotten access to my phone and erased all evidence that I was in Vegas, taken all of my contacts, especially proof of my contact and conversations with my kids, stopping to see Chris, and also telling Chris and Nicole, how upset I was over losing my houses, and rarely do I cry, but I told them both, I was crying!  Cops getting a bit of guilt, I am no criminal!  Good God, you better punish these assholes!  He says he will meet us in the battle field, but I am ready for some carnage!

It feels good to have my computer back, the only thing I have left, besides, this sexy body, one set of clothes, and a purse, without ID.  If cops stop me, they can figure out who I am, I have no fucking proof, can't get a California birth certificate, probably intercepted in route, after I paid with my MoneyCard, so they can say, they have a right to it, no Social Security, no Medicare, Shelley needed that proof, probably has cancer, or I fucking hope so, and I hope that fucking Frank, Rachel, family, and kids, if they are fucking lying also, all rot in fucking hell, I am getting sick and tired of this total fucking bull shit!  Good God, reign down hell fire and bloodshed on these assholes . . . Christ said, whom is my mother, father, sister, brother, and I will add children, those who do the will of the Father . . . and he is just not going this far!  FUCK YOU ALL!

The Cat/Dog Analogy Will Have to Wait, I am Too Pissed!