Monday, May 5, 2014


 NRS 248.090  General duties.  Sheriffs and their deputies shall keep and preserve the peace in their respective counties, and quiet and suppress all affrays, riots and insurrections, for which purpose, and for the service of process in civil or criminal cases, and in apprehending or securing any person for felony, or breach of the peace, they may call upon the power of their county to aid in such arrest or in preserving the peace.
      [5:38:1861; B § 2956; BH § 2123; C § 2244; RL § 1647; NCL § 2148]
      NRS 248.092  Searches and rescues.  The sheriff is responsible for searches and rescues within his or her county.
      (Added to NRS by 1983, 1354)
      NRS 248.100  Attendance at sessions of district court required in certain counties; duty to obey lawful orders of district court and to execute process, writs and warrants unless constable authorized to do so.
      1.  The sheriff shall:
      (a) Except in a county whose population is 700,000 or more, attend in person, or by deputy, all sessions of the district court in his or her county.
      (b) Obey all the lawful orders and directions of the district court in his or her county.
      (c) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, execute the process, writs or warrants of courts of justice, judicial officers and coroners, when delivered to the sheriff for that purpose.
      2.  The sheriff may authorize the constable of the appropriate township to receive and execute the process, writs or warrants of courts of justice, judicial officers and coroners.
      [6:38:1861; A 1873, 115; B § 2957; BH § 2124; C § 2245; RL § 1648; NCL § 2149]—(NRS A 2001, 14552007, 21892011, 1128)

Sheriff Gillespie, It Is All Good

Under the Nevada Revised Statutes, Clark County Sheriff, did exactly what his general duties required, to the tee; however, Cliven Bundy, bushwhacked the good Sheriff, when he went to see if he could work out a negotiated settlement, alone, and found camflouged military looking guys, standing around Bundy's alleged bully pulpit . . . demanding that the sheriff do his job and kick the BLM off the land.  Tell me, Clive and the rest of you, who showed up to support the effort to protect the cattle, or Bundy's personal property from being removed from grazing lands, and sent to auction in Utah or Colorado, under what authority, or law, statute, rule, order, or any law abiding manner, Sheriff Gillespie was failing to do his job?

I was somewhat taken back by the sign posted behind the microphone Bundy was speaking or yelling from, in the face of the Sheriff, telling him, he was not doing his job.  The heads moved back and forth, at various times, only showing a few words at a time, but the sign appeared to say, He great danger . . . I never caught the full sentence, but I was alarmed by those words.  Here is the one person, who was actually doing all he could to defuse, what could have been a very tragic and horrific end to this conflict.  I know, myself included, have tried to support sheriffs, in fulfilling the entirety of their responsibilities, one tough job!

Federal agents who stormed the Bundy ranch, stomped on Bundy's son's head and throat, killed cattle, bulls especially, were totally out of line, and using heavy handed government tactics, much like used at Waco, and Ruby Ridge, over a seemingly small issue, not worthy of the boot, gun and man power. You are referred to by many as jack-booted thugs . . . Clive Bundy, on the other hand, is a welfare bigoted rancher, as long as he refuses to pay for his grazing and lease rights, all 20 years of free food for his cattle, a ease into the 21st century.  I believe, that at times, you have to go to war, to get to peace, so good for the militia and cowboys, who showed up in force . . . force begets force, almost a self defense, that is precisely why the founding fathers gave the states, to remain free, the right to form militias and have guns!

Only the Small are Cruel--Hot Rods or Cool Classics?

Amide all the pissing, muscle flexing, guns, anger, with both sides, right and wrong, there was one, rational, calm, dignified voice of reason, who knew his job, was neither bullied or forced into doing more or less than his official duties and responsibilities permitted and allowed, the loan person, who represents, not only the citizens who elected him, but law enforcement, in a peace keeping capacity, doing all in his power to keep the rebellion under control, brave enough to step up, stand, while angry mobs with guns, threatened, ridiculed, and tried to push him, to do what he knew he didn't have the right to do.

A great resolution to a very emotional, hotly charged issues, that could have exploded into a very ugly situation.  I listened to one video, in which, Daniel P. Love--interesting name for the guy in charge of BLM operations, but a pretty cool head under the situation, talking to a cowboy, with both siting authority under the Constitution to claim to have the Sheriff's services on their side.  I loved it, searching for authorization under the Supreme Law of the Land . . . AWESOME, AND WHERE WE WANT TO BE!  

Although, Officer Love, doing the typical fed bullying act, stated that the rancher's supporters, better hope 10,000 militia members showed up . . . I am sure, after he and his men, saw these guys were not messing around, he was probably glad, that only 300 at a time, stood firm, and controlled the bridge . . . great made for TV footage of the whole thing . . . GOD BLESS AMERICA, THE WILD WEST, AND THE U.S. CONSTITUTION!

Two Guys Running for Sheriff in Missoula, Montana

I do not know either candidate, nor the third person running; I just happened, one morning to read the Opinion Section of the Missoulian, and noticed that a particular endorsement, of one of the candidates, a fellow co-worker, it sounds like someone who works with the officer seeker, in the Sheriff's Department, already, as deputies or under sheriff, not only endorsed the professionalism of the candidate, but commented that the man, if elected would uphold the laws, he took an oath to defend and enforce.  Then the writer even went on to say, that there were additional parts of the oaths, that Montana Sheriff's attest and affirm they will uphold, to serve the community, safeguard lives and property, protect the innocent, keep the peace, and ensure the constitutional rights of all are not abridged.

That alone, is reason enough for me to live in Montana, since coming from Utah, where they would rather kill a constitutional law attorney, rather than admit they are wrong, haven't been doing the very basics of their jobs, and even the perpetrators of a threat to life and property, going after the innocent, allowing the guilty to use the system to batter the innocent, with egregious acts of abuse of power, failure to keep the peace, but acting in concert with not elected officials, unauthorized rogue federal agents, to put the citizens, unlawfully under martial law, without the property constitutional support, and authorization, and have sorely violated constitutional rights, as if that document, never even existed, confiscating property for their own benefit!  So, kudos to the Missoula, Montana sheriffs!  Iron and Washington County Sheriffs, working in unconstitutional collusion with other idiots who follow the UnPatriot Act, can rot in hell, in Utah!

Beware of Wolves in Sheep's Clothing--Sheriffs Have to Answer to the People

The other candidate, appears to be coming from within the ranks and file of the police department, maybe even a former chief of police, with endorsements from the Mayor and other city officials, but lacking one important element, the pro-constitutional position, that may just pit a sheriff against a mayor or others who have endorsed him.  There needs to be an allegiance to the concepts and principles, the dirty details of a particular factual situation, may create a sheriff to compromise his or her belief system, oath, and value system.  And if the Constitution is not your value system, the people should not want this person, regardless of how many endorsements he has.  

Make up your own mind, electorate, stop being mindless ninnies, without a firm belief in whom to elect, movie stars, and other elected officials, do not change the nature of the job--in a large article, I read, there was not one mention, among all the great honors, awards, positions within the cop agency, of the U.S. Constitution, the controlling document, along with the state constitution and state statutes or laws.  That would concern me.  The final straw for me leaving Utah, was three clerks from the Lt. Governor's office, after asking me what kind of law I practiced, said, simultaneously, to my response, that I was a constitutional law attorney, Does anyone still believe in that anymore?  Not in Utah, that is why I am moving to Montana!

Police Officer Says He Will Take Off Uniform, Rather Than Betray His Oath

The government, in its usual intrusive way, stole this blog several weeks ago, so I set up the Internet Sheriff: No Country for Stupid Men & Women, Elected, Tradition & History . . . , which, luckily was up for the two weeks that the Bundy situation was going on.  My daughter, Greta Secrist Hyland, was literally about an hour away from the rebellion & insurrection, if you will, legal as hell, under the 2nd amendment, although defending a law breaker, with the BLM, fully constitutional in their right to manage our public lands, now rationally dealing with the situation through court and legislative means, rather than show of force . . . but as a consequence of that two week blog, that has now been hijacked--don't want you to know you don't have to abide by the UnPatriot Act, but the Constitution is still the law of the land, I took the time to look at a lot of videos and interviews with both sheriffs and police, and it was thrilling to see how many are taking stands and defending the Constitution against the feds!

This particular officer, while I didn't catch his name, was cool, passionate, and strong in his resolution to literally take off his uniform, rather than support the thugs that beat up some lady, if I remember, for doing what, I can't remember, but he was exercised and pissed, beyond what you normally see, and good for him . . . there are times in life, you have to draw a line in the sand, and this officer and the interviewer did . . . the video is under Anthony something show.  I know that police chiefs are hired, appointed, or commissioned; therefore, they are not held as accountable to the people, as are sheriffs. But, I would guess, that all of them hired, or sworn in, must take an oath to do something like, protect, preserve and defend the U.S. and their state constitutions, as are all officials who serve the local, state and federal government and the people!  So, no excuses . . .

St. Charles, the Largest County in Missouri, Just Voted To Force Sheriffs to Become Part of the Police Force!

This is not a wise move, yes, sheriffs, along with their other duties, are peace and law enforcement officers, but they do much more than that.  Serving as officers of the court, dealing with protecting property, lives, but also, being the entity to serve process and execute on foreclosures, notices of default, or serve warrants, this is not typically, the duty or the responsibility of a police department.  There is distinction between the two, while both law enforcement, the law is about definitions and hair splitting, one size does not fit all cops!  That is a very stupid move for the county, you need both cops in the county and the city, with different duties and issues, that may, in fact, cause some conflict between the traditional role of a sheriff, and that of a city cop.  Think, before you enact this law, most citizens, don't know there is a difference!  You have until 2015 before this error is put into motion, and your sheriffs are pissed!  And rightly so!

In Salt Lake City, Utah, there is a Unified Police & Firefighters Association, for jurisdictional, safety, and logical reasons, that may work, but the sheriff is not to be lumped into that category, he/she is the law enforcement and peace keeper in the unincorporated areas of the county, where cities may not connect, citizens have not incorporated for one reason or another, and some are so far outside the city limits, that actions will tax the budgets, and take away from the city, where the majority of crimes are committed.  So blending, the two very different, while is some ways the same, law enforcement agencies is a huge mistake . . . plus, citizens, are losing that unique and traditional role of a sheriff!

In essence, the people are losing their voice, their representation, their guy who has to answer to them, and replacing it with an appointed or hired individual, that is at the beckon call of the Mayor, will still elected, the police chief has to keep the city officials happy, while the sheriff acts, and has to worry about his constituency, the people.  If he/she is gone, good luck, what is your recourse, how to unseat the mayor, so you can get at the chief of police, or just elect another or new sheriff, if the old one doesn't do the job.  Like I said, my blog is messed with, deleted, stolen, frozen, numbers manipulated, if I even get to see them at all, and I am dealing with nameless, faceless, enemies in the NSA, CIA, and FBI, that really, don't at times answer to anyone, so a sheriff is one tradition that you want to keep, and he may, as was this police officer above, side with the people, rather than the feds, or the mayor, or whoever!

Both California & Utah Sheriff's Associations Have Sided With the People, Against the Feds for Usurping the Constitution

When all the conflict over gun control and rights, surfaced after the Sandy Hook, Connecticut incident where 21 elementary students and teachers were gunned down, and Congress was being pushed to adopt more strike gun control legislation, nationally, the Utah Sheriff's Association, wrote a letter to President Obama, literally, saying that they would defend their citizens' rights, to bear arms, with their lives . . . now that is powerful medicine, and cool as hell!  I didn't get a chance to see the video on the California Sheriff's Association, but the fact that they are taking on the feds, and protecting your rights, is awesome.

There is no reason for cops and sheriffs to be at odds with each other, so knock it off, there are two states, fighting between the two--back off, you both have different duties and responsibilities, get your city and county attorneys to run off a copy of your statutory authorizations, and respect the differences!  Both entities are valuable in their own rights, so don't trash, merge, or disenfranchise either one, and they need to remain separate . . . Ms. Conspiracy Theorist, wonders if there is not some national sinister movement afoot, to get sheriffs out of the way, so the feds can have their way with the people, city cops are not tied to the people, other than through the mayor!

Government Immunity From Liability, Rests on Whether or Not Officers Followed Well Established Rules of Law--238 Years of Constitutional Law, Precedence, and Authority Keeps Law Enforcement Officers Safe . . . the Patriot Act is Unconstitutional, Void if you will, so be careful, the People Won't Like It, If They Are Informed--Protect Yourselves, Follow the Accepted, Supreme Law of the Land, the U.S. Constitution!

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Freedom in Christ

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

General Rule: Love God, and Do What You Want, In Jesus Christ

I am going to let you grapple with that scripture and the general message of church today, at Fresh Life, Missoula, campus . . . since you didn't go to church, this will give you something to substitute for it.  Now, I want you as you think about this scripture and concept, minus the religious dogma, liturgy, formality, conformity, religious pressure of your parents, pastor or bishop, to think about this is the context of your life, career, relationships, local, state and federal government, world, or about anything you want to apply it to.

The two great commandments are: (1) to love the Lord thy God; and the other is like unto it; (2) to love others as I have loved you . . . now that makes life pretty darn--see, I even have been purified a bit from my normal use of the English language, said, darn, not damn--that will make a lot of people happy, but that makes your life very simple--and all other commandments, hang on these two.  So for those of you working, hiking, at ball games, or watching sports on TV, shopping, or whatever, a good Sunday activity for a few minutes, would be to think about these concepts, their simplicity--KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid; avoid the minutiae.

The lesson was about the will of God . . . most of us would like to be in harmony with God, but we just don't know what he wants us to do, what college, what job, what spouse, what church, does he want . . . at times, he gives a rat's ass, but most of the time, he just wants you to do what you want, but love him, and do it in the name of Jesus Christ, that is, if you are in harmony with those two members of the Godhead or Deity.

Think about that, chew on it, let it cook in your brain, synthesize, analyze, but at least think about it, and what meaning that freedom has for your life.  I am now going to transition into other topics, and maybe, there might be something that will click.  These are just a few of the billboards, signs, or businesses, that I saw, walking from the west side of Broadway, all the way to the Break Cafe, great quiche, pastries, I would guess coffee, the Diet Coke is always good, breakfast sandwiches, and I haven't tried the other food items, but, I am sure they are great, staff, excellent, cool, these baristas, are the guys called the same or is there a masculine version of that word?

Brain Zone Exhibit at the University of Montana

I don't know if I will ever visit the brain zone exhibit, but the entire University of Montana, is a brain zone for me . . . I love colleges in general, but this one is particularly cool, love the law school.  In less that one week, I got to hear, Leon Panetta, former director of the CIA, and also former Secretary of Defense; and this last Thursday, I heard Robert P. George, and off the charts credentialed, smart guy of jurisprudence and religion, he sits on some International Religious Committee and came to talk about the concept of liberty, within the context of John Stuart's, philosophical framework of utilitarianism, and Newman's framework of liberty and the roll conscience plays in determining what an individual should or should not do with the rights they have.

While I have been working in the very heady area of law, even up to and including the United States Supreme Court, there is nothing quite like academia, to force you to dust off the cobwebs.  The law has a special vocabulary; however, that has almost become second nature to  me these days, common if you will after 20 years of working in the area of law, so to bet a vocabulary baptism of fire was fun and an exercise my brain needed, added to applying the principles that Mr. George was trying to get through our thick skulls.  

Oh, and I forgot that the week before that, the Montana Supreme Court, heard oral arguments in the Dennison Lecture Hall, on the doughnut or property issue of who should control the area, unincorporated, outside of Whitefish, Montana--the city, with more stringent ordinances, codes and regulations, or Flathead County . . . fascinating stuff, active judiciary, and bright attorneys, did our profession proud!  I used to think, that city planning was boring, my ex-husband is a city planner, down in Mesquite, Nevada, with a masters degree in urban development, but after taking one property law class in law school, I changed my mind . . . amazing what an education will do for you, teach you just how much you don't know!

Great university, and I get to live right across the river from the law school and the college, a dream come true.  I was raised with a grandmother who was dean of women at Southern Utah College, at the time, sitting in her children's literature class, as Guinna pigs, for her students, to read to, or when a bit older, get out of grandmother's hair, and go bug the actors in the Adam's Shakespearean Company, just down the street from granny's house a block.  Then following in Elaine Christensen Southwick's foot steps, and teaching at three colleges myself . . . my playground!

Majestic Madness

Along these lines, I had a fun conversation with my oldest son, who doesn't want me to use his name, because his wild ass mother, is a bit too open with areas of her life, like her sex life, online . . . but he is missing the principle and concept or the bigger picture of why I am writing some of this stuff . . . when I heard, President John F. Kennedy, say, ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country . . . I took that challenge personally, so if my experience with two black lovers, will help change a person who discriminates, or is a bigot, or a racist, which we saw big time, with Cliven Bundy, Nevada Rancher, last week and LA Clipper's owner, Sterling, who got fined $2 million dollars, has to sell his basketball franchise, and is banned from ever attending their games . . . thanks Adam Silver, for imposing that, as a new commissioner of the NBA--it is time!

There is method to my madness . . . I have had up to 155 million hits, so you can't argue with success, son!  And I hit that twice in one day, writing two articles; since then the government has split my blog, changed the name, taken 7 hits for everyone I get, and now, you have to know the entire name to get into the blog, it used to be that you would just type bad, or bad ass, and the blog would jump up . . . not any more, then, they shut down the whole blog, and so I started the Internet Sheriff: No Country For Stupid Men & Women . . . blog, and they stole that too!

People have freaked out, seeing the numbers I used to get, and said, you could have made millions with Google paying you one cent per hit, big time money, and that is not the whole day, that is within seconds to get that many . . . I need money, I am guilty of majestic madness, but I want the blog to be pure, untainted by American greed, influence, or the appearance of endorsing anything but . . . A BEAUTIFUL NEW WORLD!  Very different, indeed, from the One World Order, both President Bushes and the world bankers foresee . . . I want one based on the concept of FREEDOM!

The two biggest enemies to the one world order, is Christianity and the Constitution . . . both advocate freedom . . . this is not a selfish effort, this is an effort of love, not just for the people of the United States, but for the world!  I care what is happening in the Ukraine, Iran, Russia, Syria, South Africa--I wrote about female circumcision, back 20 years ago, and was so pissed off about it, I was going to skip the bar exam, and go straight to Ethiopia, because some international law group was going to help that country write their constitution, but my friends were sure, I would get on my soap box, and have some tribal chief spear me with his weapon . . . shortly after that, a female missionary was killed in just that manner!  But I care!

I Told My Son, He Could Get A New Mother--Glass Tree Concept

Every year, it seems, like my son, whom I can't tell you his name, but he s the brother of Elliot, or bass guitarist, of God's Revolver and Maraloka, have either a political run in or this year, some lame ass exchange that ends up with me hanging up on him, as happened yesterday.  Last year we fought over politics, and I told him to get a new mother, two days before Mother's Day, of all the horrible times to tell your son that.  But I called him and apologized, and he told me he was looking in the want ads for a new mother!  At age 17, he wanted to be a comedian, he still has the flare.

A month ago, I had a dream that this son,  you will never know the name of, was going to be president some day.  The more I thought about that, the more I thought he would be a great President, his wife, a great first lady, and my granddaughter, a great first baby.  My son, and his wife, had their baby within days of Prince William and Kate, and they have the same coloring, blond husband and dark haired wife, but I thought, in England, they make a prince, in America, we make presidents!  And when we are lucky, they come from good, but common stock--that is the American dream, this is open to anyone, not just royalty, or the blue bloods, but any man or woman, or child could grow up to be president, amazing what freedom does!

When My Son Demanded I Take My Blog Down, I Text Back "NO"

When the brother of Elliot, Greta and Nicole, was little, we would walk through a store, and my children, like other children, would ask for gum, and I would simply say, No.  Period . . . my children knew, when I said no, it meant, NO!  There was no debate, no tantrums, no crying, kicking or screaming that worked . . . and it didn't this time.  So for a while, he called, and text, but to no avail, his sister called and told me, my oldest son, he did say I could refer to him that way, if I didn't take the blog, saying he would be president . . . now this is a dream, mind you, he was never going to talk to me again.

So, I tested him, and didn't take down the blog, or call him, nor take his calls.  So, when we talked yesterday, it was a bit energetic in tone, mood, and threats.  I reminded him that he was to honor his mother and father . . . he told me that I should honor him; I love the scriptures, and the law . . . and I said, it, referring to the 10 commandments, doesn't say that!  I told him, he could pick any of my sisters or brothers to exchange places with their children . . . he didn't get the brains, the looks, the personality, the law abiding citizen he is, nor the tolerance he got from his parents, he got the whole package, if he chose to change his lineage . . . and I reminded him that ingratitude was the number one thing God hated, I think all things considered, and straight exchange, was out . . . his cousins don't  hold a candle to him or his siblings, in my mind!

After this strict constructionist in both the law and the scriptures, made my point, I took the blog down . . . he said, Thanks you, Mom with a smiley sign . . . so all is well; however, our conversation, did give me and new interpretation to the dream!  It all makes sense to me now . . . in the dream, simple as it was, the brother of Elliot, was standing at the podium, in the White House press room, and I was sitting where the press generally sit, nobody else was in the room, except for the person, who whispered in my ear . . . your son will be president.  That was it.

New interpretation, my oldest son would be amazing as president, but nobody will ever know, because he won't let me use his name, the powers that be won't know where to find him, or who he is . . . they will just remember I wrote about some guy, I had a dream about being president . . . not a bad thing for a parent to think or dream, in the subconscious realm, but, sad, nobody will know his capacity, compassion, his brilliance, his wife and baby, or his name!

But all is well that ends well.  However, as I was looking for the news on the Internet last night, right after taking the strange dream, not so strange dream blog down . . . there was a shot of President Obama, reaching out and holding a baby, that looked about the same age as, the cousin of Kael!

I Just Saw a Sticker on a Car--Life Without a Conscience--with the picture of a stodgy looking guy, like a world banker, or venture capitalist!  That fits!

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Rape Nation--Why?

Just yesterday, there were several articles in the Missoulian Newspaper, locally, there were two rapes, that were reported, one of a young man getting raped by an older man, and another with a woman in an office, then statistics on rape in the military, with 26,000 sexual assaults, with 14% being men, suspicion is that is way low on the male reporting . . . so what the hell is up with this?  I am going to take an educated guess, having written the domestic violence and sexual assault manual for cops and prosecutors in Utah, now on its 5 edition, last time I checked, with national honors, and now being adapted by the Department of Justice dealing with human body trafficking, so somewhat up on this issues, and we need to look deeper, than just sex.

America has more rights, women are advancing in what has been traditionally a male dominated domain, like the military, where many men object to their presence, use passive aggressive means to let women know who is boss still . . . a passive aggressive approach to women, might take the form, not in outright objections, or even in discrimination on the job, but in secret, while she is alone, walking, or even hanging out with the guys, or on a date, that anger may surface without the perpetrator even actually realizing he is pissed a women, and really in his mind, knows it is inappropriate behavior, but the aggression, force, power trip, and act, may express his subconscious emotions.  

That is not an excuse, a justification, an escape from punishment, but I believe, especially in the military, that struggles with the good soldier allowance for this behavior, kind of shows the schizophrenic manner in which rape is dealt with.  Superior, generals, bosses, and others, are mistakenly seeing rape as a sexual crime against a woman, the guy just liked her so much, or boys will be boys, mentality, wink, wink, its his word against hers, and he is such a good guy in every other way, so . . . we turn our heads to the real issue of power and control over a woman, a underclass man or someone vulnerable, either by size, age, position, physical strength . . . we can't fix it unless we understand it!

America, Home of the Brave--Giving Education, Rights, Even Sexual and Reproductive Rights Women Have Never Had, Still Don't In Other Countries Is a Challenge!

I was one of the few female attorneys in Southern Utah, and especially, one of the few to handle hard core murder, attempted murder, civil rights, taking on the good ol' boys club, even in a the law, which is still with 51% of the law school enrollment consisting of women, mind sets haven't changed much!  I have been denied jobs, because I was willing to leave my children with my ex-husband, to take a clerkship in another state away from Utah; I have had law firms that have basically told me to go on down the road, women are not accepted in this bar association, Iron County, should have taken the warning; I have been disgusted at the male bar and judge cronyism, refusing to sit with butt patting boys, yucking it up with the judge; I have been forced to talk to my clients in booths for family visitors at the jail, rather than in the alleged confidential booths, saved for attorneys and their clients . . . and the male have tried to kill me for taking on the criminal justice system, cops, prosecutors, and judges!

Women Spoiling the Party--Men Have to Act Better

In essence, I was upsetting the apple cart, changing comfort systems, that never have had to consider even thinking about a women entering the field, with more credentials than all of them put together, so they are going to show this woman her place, proper place, as some man's property, some one's mother, grandmother, not a woman that kick the shit out of men in court, out of court, and take them to task on about any issue or field, with the honors, award, experience, someone the judge can't take in chambers and reprimand, telling her, see should consider something other than trial work, because she did a shitty job in court, just like all new male attorneys, who will get mentored and tutored, not a woman, but his one was just too pissy to leave, stop taking them down, so they knew they couldn't beat me in court, therefore, the resorted to character assassination and harm, physical harm, threats, intimidation, life compromising situations . . . 

I can't imagine, what is going on out in Afghanistan or Iraq . . . where the women know their real places, as non-entities, under barque's, or black robes, uneducated, or down in Ethiopia, where they perform female circumsision, which they did to me, after I got 9 federal attorneys and investigators fired!  Social controls and morals, religious indoctrination, controlling female reproduction, polygamy, you name it, everything to hold a women down, so rape is just the most invasive, brutal and violating act a man can do to a woman, or another man.  The men even have it worse as far as getting help . . . one night in Salt Lake City, Utah, I thought I heard a rape of a male, at a church late one night, and called the police . . . told them I thought a man was getting raped across the street, they never came!  The next night, there was a domestic violence call, and 10 cops cars pulled up and down the street, what the hell!

Don't Fight Rape Like A Girl--Be Unemotional--My Close Rape Experience

Luckily, the day before I almost got raped on a Sunday, waiting for church to start, up on the Logan, Utah, Mormon Temple grounds, while a 18 year old student at Utah State University, back in 1974, I had listened to a program on rape the day before, which gave me the tools, to understand what was happening to me, and I was able to get out of the situation, unhurt, without much trouble, using my brain to stay calm, until, I could fall apart, and tell a friend what had happened to me.  Now I should have been smart enough to see the writing on the wall, long before the actual throw down, and attempt.

I was up at the temple grounds, being a good little Mormon girl, waiting for church to start, reading my Book of Mormon, shoes off, wearing a dress, and fell asleep, bright spring day, sometime in the afternoon, but full sunlight.  Some guy comes and wakes me up, he was older, about 6'4" and seemed a bit strange, but I sat and listened to him, still a bit early for church.  He told me he had fantasies about going to prison and building a building in the shape of a 7Up bottle, a bit weird, but I was leaving soon, so before that statement, which made me want to run and get the hell out, I had told this guy where I lived, where I worked, so not smart at all, very naive, so thank God and all the angels who should have been watching over me or did, I got up to leave and he started to walk with me!  But I was raised to be nice . . .

Have You Ever Noticed the Bricks on the Temple?

No, so he says come here, I will show you something unique about them . . . what is the harm, so I walked, nylons and bare feet, holding my book and shoes in my arms across my top torso area, stomach and breasts, all of the sudden this huge guy, tackles me and throws me to the ground, I think I was too much in shock to even know what the hell was going on.  Generally, I am one that is slow to react, until I access the situation. I was laying there with this guy crushing my then about 120 lb. frame, waiting for God to send angels down to beat the shit out of this guy with their wings . . . they didn't come, so my thoughts went to the radio program, that stated that rape is fantasized in the rapists mind, and he has a picture in his mind what it will be like, so I needed to break that fantasy of power and control over me . . . so I said, what are you doing?

He said, I am going to rape you . . . and I calmly said, no you aren't.  He stopped breathing hotly on my face, doing whatever he was trying to do between my legs, and trying to force my dress up, and said, oh, I am sorry, and he pulled me up and started to brush off all the grass that was on my navy blue dress.  He started to panic, and said, are you going to the cops, do you have finger prints on you?  And seemed very distressed, and the power totally shifted from him to me, and I said, I am not going to the cops, just don't do this to any one else, it is not cool!  I brush death all the time now, given my line of work trying to stop corruption and greed, so daily after some really great escapes, the threat somehow dissipates, and it doesn't dawn on me the seriousness of what I have just been through . . . that works in my favor, usually and I am easy to forgive, even rapists and attempted murderers.

Do You Want to Go Swimming With Me?  NO!  Will You Give Me A Ride to the Swimming Pool--Fuck, I Guess

Of all the stupid things, you try to rape me, and you really think I am going to go swimming with you?  Get real!  He said, well, I am afraid you will go to the police.  No, I am not going to the cops, I am going to church, so get out of my car . . . I am running out of gas.  He got out, and shortly after than, reality hit, this buy actually could have raped me!  Oh, my god.  I started to react like a normal girl would, skipped church and went directly over to a fraternity house, another rape central, and went to see a pre-med student I had been dating.  Luckily he had more sense that I did, and told me that I am going right down to the cops, and see if you can identify this guy . . . Logan is the rape capital of the state!

But I told him I wouldn't go to the police . . . being the guy who was going into medicine, he must have known or thought like a doctor already, I think his father was a doc in California, and he grabbed me by the arm and took me straight to the police station.  By this time I was a wreck, and crying, so it is good, that he had a clearer head than I did and did what needed to be done, try to prevent this guy from carrying out his fantasies on someone else!  Smart guy.  I went to the cops and looked through all their books with former offenders in it, but never saw anyone I thought looked like him.  But he made me do what was right!

Don't Tell Strangers Your Contact Info, Your Schedule, Where You Live!

For about two weeks I was worried he would come to my house, if the cops questioned him and take second shot at me, or come to my work, or whatever.  But, girls and guys, need to be very cautious; we are raised to be good little girl scouts and boy scouts, especially in religious communities, to trust everyone, treat people nice . . . better wise up, and realize there are bad people out there, and you can get yourself in a bad situation fast, and you might not be as lucky as I was.  Thank God, I heard that radio program, this guy could have raped me and forced me into my car; I had my keys in my hand also . . . don't go to places people can't see you, even on a Mormon Temple ground, nobody would have heard or seen a thing . . . the temple is way up on a hill, with a gate, and it appeared that every one in the neighborhood was at CHURCH!

In other words, better to error on the side of safety, don't go places a rape could happen, even with people you know, like the young lady in Missoula, with a co-worker in an office or room in the building they worked in.  I am one of the lucky ones . . . you may not be, so avoid the every appearance of a place, that you could put yourself in a situation you could get raped.  My daughter, got drunk for the first time in her life, and had a guy come in the bedroom she was trying to sleep it off, at a party, and started to take advantage of her, she barely had enough strength to fight him off!

Most Acquaintance Rapes, Involve Alcohol!  Have A Few, But Never Cross the Line, Making You Out of Control of a Situation

The quarterback of the Montana University Grizzlies, got accused of rape, when he was a bit drunk, and I am not sure, but I think the girl had been drinking too, and they started to get undressed a bit, and one thing led to another.  After he left, she text to a friend and said, I think I just got raped . . . the guy was acquitted, and the prosecutor shouldn't have filed the charges, if the girl is not sure beyond a reasonable doubt, that she was raped, then why would a jury think she had been?  Stay out of bedrooms, leave your clothes on, and don't drink and date, PERIOD!

Girls and guys are hard wired for sex, so protect against it.  What I guys goal is, may be way passed your stopping point, there are times, that especially, when drunk, two mutually consenting college kids, just have different lines, so be clear with intents, what is okay and not okay, and be strong, if things get out of control, which they can, easily . . . if you leave your clothes on, things are a lot less likely to go south!  If you know what I mean, so decide before a date or a party, what your lines are and stick with them, don't be so enamoured with some one's sport position, that you allow stuff you don't want--this little drunk date, cost the school fines, fees, humiliation, national attention, and now they are paying $2.1 million, to help get enrollment back up to the level it was at before this alleged rape . . . I wasn't there, I am looking at it as a defense attorney, a juror, or a prosecutor!  

He said, she said cases are rough . . . so don't get stuck in one, on either side; this is not boys expect the girls to protect them or say when to stop, she is just as turned on as you are, so you have to protect yourself and make sure you don't cross her lines either, it is your body that penetrates her BODY, not the other way around; therefore, you are responsible for where that thing parks!  You can park illegally, unwanted, and in violation of some one's boundaries, so have your wits about you . . . it is your future!

Crusty Old Waitress Knew How To Break Fantasy of Rapist

Before I went to college, I used to be a waitress at the old Hotel Utah, in Salt Lake City, Utah, now the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, amazing place, but I worked at the coffee shop and restaurant in the basement, and most of the gals working there were lifers, or had been waitresses forever.  One day we were all siting around talking, and the subject, some how turned to rape.  One woman, started to laugh, she had a guy climb through her apartment window just days before.  The guy had a bag over his face and approached her in the bed.  She rolled over and saw this masked intruder standing over her . . .

And she said, hey, take off your mask, and if you are good looking, we can both enjoy this!  LOL!  The guy turned and ran back out the window,not the nice little U of U coed he expected, but an old woman who could have given him the ride of his life.  I loved it!  Couldn't believe she was so brass and tough, loved sex and thought, his might not be such a bad thing!  I wouldn't recommend this, but a fun story, and a good laugh was had by all.  I always thought, taking that approach and telling the rapist that you would love to have sex with him and share your vaginal cancer with him!

We Are Here To Stay--So Deal With the Power Trip Over Us

Men need to do some soul searching, so evaluation of their feelings, their true thoughts, and if necessary get counselling, America is the dream, the new world, the experiment, giving full faith and credit of rights, opportunities, access to careers, the military, the professions and you better adapt, just tuck and roll with it. What is the old Marine saying, Adapt!   We are the light of the world, woman and me can work together, go to war, just like in Israel, where both men and women serve in the military, we don't hear about their off the charts rape and sexual assault, they respect these women and work together.

Cronyism, the boys club, the no girls allowed signs on the old tree house and club don't work anymore, so . . . people are change resistant, they don't like it, but it is coming, has come and will come in other areas, so get a grip on your thoughts, emotions, and sexual desires, power and control issues, and it is about time to pay women equal for equal work, and maybe that would help! They are not your subordinates, your property, your punching bag, nor your sex object and toy!

The Battle of the Sexes Is Not Won Yet!

A good rule of thumb is, treat every older woman as your mother, if you treated your mother right, or your sister, with respect, gratitude for the unique contributions they make to colleges, the military, the boardroom, the law, and all other areas of life.  They have found that the most progressive and successful businesses have both men and women on their management.  So, don't go back to the cave man days, where you have to hit a woman over the head, drag her by the hair to get her to do what you want!

I apologize to all the men, who are so great, so kind, so nurturing, serve as mentors, protectors, kind in every way and have help advance women to positions of power, respect, and profession.  We are embarking on a beautiful new peaceful world, help the process, be an example, and let's advance!


Friday, May 2, 2014


Now, the Government or NSA Stole My Internet Sheriff Blog!

I had about 10 things I wanted to write about today, and I did discover that enemy combatants, like the government thinks I am, just because I don't buy onto group think, can actually arrest a citizen, without a warrant or charges, and hold you in detention, forever, until they either kill your ass, or let you go. The fucking Republicans, sorry, failed to vote to curtail the Bush administration insanity,  So, when you see all kinds of Arab names, and mine, it is because I fight for the constitution, and a calm way to handle uprisings and insurrections, according to constitutional mandates, without bloodshed, injury, and wounded egos, just follow the instructions, in the big ass instruction book that is over 238 years, old and works, and make everyone settle things the right way, rather than call in the troops, storm the compound and kill people, blowing them to kingdom come, like they did at Waco . . . sorry!

So, here we are, back where I was two weeks ago, when the government or the NSA, shut down my other overly successful blog, and I set up the new one, just in time to help the situation out in Bunkerville, and stand by Sheriff Bill Gillespie's side, while he did all the right things!  And I am not so sure, that is the way the government wanted it to end.  I am not a mind reader, but the fact that they stole my blog AGAIN, would imply, that they don't want sheriff's complimented on their preserving, protecting and defending the U.S. Constitution, that the government, since 1933 has tried to get rid of!  Case in point, that is why they want to get rid of me, oh, and I guess I am a bit fat, so I should be buried and let the skinny stupid bitches get credit, that are not even cute at all!

Martial Law is Authorized Under the Habeas Corpus or Suspension Clause

United States Constitution, Article I, Section 9 [2]

Habeas Corpus, literally means, you [shall] have my body, or you have my body and you should not have it, as in being falsely incarcerated, which I have been twice, but never used this clause to get my ass out of jail, for violation of my constitutional rights, but if they ever falsely arrest me again, for they will be hard pressed to prove that I am an enemy combatant, for enforcing the very document, they too, took an oath to protect--they may not like it, or me, but as far as an enemy to the United States, it is they who would fall into that category or class of persons, not me!

My foreigners, and even some citizens have used the habeas corpus action, when their bodies have been held, for no reason.  There are a few times in history, that martial law, under this clause has been invoked, because it states further, that in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it, as in the case of Pearl Harbor and Hurricane Katrina; however, that doesn't justify disarming the citizens--that is not a part of the job of marital law, they, or the government troops on the homeland, have made that a part of their job, but it is not.

Under the 2nd amendment, of the Bill of Rights, it states, that Congress shall not, infringe on the right to bear arms, and there are to be state militias to keep freedom or a free state!  So all these little martial law videos all over YouTube, showing you what martial law is going to be like, are just boys with their toys, trying to act tough, without any authority, unless there is a rebellion or invasion, and it looks like an invasion could be considered, and natural disaster . . .

A Better Way . . . By Example, Iranian Mother Who Forgave Son's Killer, Spared Murderer's Life, Mothers Embraced!

What a wonderful example of making love, not war . . . or turning away from war, and choosing love! An Iranian mother, chose lately, rather than kick the chair out from under the feet of her son's murderer, which is what she had wanted for 2 years, instead, walked away and granted him a pardon.  Under Islamic law, it is an eye for an eye . . . the mother had a choice to let the young man live or die, she chose life and the other mother, embraced her, loving her and this woman was congratulated from all over the world.  

Killing the other woman's son, who had been waiting in prison, would not have brought her son back. For the two years he was in prison, there was a day go by, that she didn't feel she had to kick the chair out from under that boy's feet, but when all was said and done, she chose to love, rather than hate . . . WHAT A POWERFUL EXAMPLE, WE ALL CAN FOLLOW!  I was just telling a friend about the story, and cried as I told it, and I have tears in my eyes now, so thank you, for your more than Christ-like example, of turning the other cheek!

The world watched and the world loves!

Condolences Go to the Parents of the Foreign Exchange Student from Germany, Who Was Shot in Missoula, Montana, After the Homeowner Heard the Boy in his Garage, After Several Burglaries . . . You Can't Do that In America--WE ARE SO, SORRY!

We do have a gun culture in this country, we are trying to hang on to that right, have to fight for it all the time. Montana is a rural state, and the average number of guns a homeowner has is 27, therefore, it is not wise for any teenager to ever go into a garage, and totally wrong for the homeowner to set a trap, that might lure a teenager into your garage . . . we don't know that this was the kid,  or even if it was a kid that broke in your garage the other times . . . I would say, you may be right to use deadly force, when threatened with deadly force; however, no piece of property is worth a human life,, no cow is worth a human life . . . etc. 

We need to clarify, define and make limits and parameters, in the new, stand your ground laws . .  . too many people, mostly young people, have been killed, since that law is enacted in a lot of states! Treyvon Martin's death was a travesty of justice, and the outcome was wrong--Zimmerman was the pursuer, told to step down, and the cops were coming . . . innocent child killed!  I have no idea, why your son, was in this families garage, curiosity, theft, or whatever, just a shout, probably would have scared him away.  We as parents, need to train our children, they can't steal, there is a right to privacy, other people's property is not theirs.

This is a sad lesson, on both sides, however, this is how we all learn, live and forgive each other for our humanity, our stupidity, and Zombies eat the best of brains at times . . . we are better than this America!  We are sorry for your loss, for the bad experience your beautiful son had here in the U.S.A.  Hopefully, this will not deter other high school kids of taking advantage of coming to America, this is a rare horrific accident, that never, never should have happened.  We need to learn the why, what, who, how, and where of this story, to fix the laws and protect people, value people over property, ego, fake claims of being in eminent danger!

State legislatures have work to do, it is your job to fix the law, write a better law, this one is not working!

Stay Away From ZOMBIES, They Eat Your Brains!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


All The Devils Are Here

Last week, I attended a seminar on various kinds of violence, from murder, to domestic violence.  I sat there somewhat depressed, feeling like I was back about 20 years ago, as an assistant attorney general in Utah, dealing with many aspects of what was being discussed that day, at the Missoula City Council Chambers, with representatives from the Montana Attorney General's Office, private non-profit organizations, the YMCA, Victim Assistance, and advocates in other areas of working with the victims of crime.

I believe, as staff attorney, for the Utah Prosecution Council, in the Criminal Enforcement Division, Utah Attorney General's Office, I was one of the first groups to apply for grants under the Violence Against Women Act, signed under President Clinton.  A year later, I was put in charge of victim assistance and community programs, like domestic and dating violence, child abuse, gangs, elder abuse and scams, etc. While I really respect and encourage these champions of victims rights, advocates for people who are hurt and damaged through violence in our communities, I was somewhat depressed, not seeing much encouragement, with regard to things getting better or changing through all the programs, committees, monies, and grants.

Cultism of Violence--Do We Need to Change Directions?

Several weeks ago, there was good news in the area of curtailing abortions nationwide, through availability of contraception and birth control, the morning after pill, education and other reproductive rights programs--a success as I would look at it.  And hopefully the trend will continue to decrease the number of abortions in this country, until we are so good at the preventative aspects of the issue, that abortions is the exception and reduced dramatically.  I guess, I was expecting some sort of report in the reduction of deaths, victims, domestic violence, murders--I do think that number has been reduced, but . . .

One panelist mentioned that she was the only person in her position, as an advocate or victim rights service providers, but she soon hoped that others would either be hired or there would be more involved.  I am not sure that we want to want more positions dealing with abuse, but a reduction in people, grants, and programs, due to the lowered rate in violence and victims.  I can't believe with all the educations, we haven't stopped more of it.  At times, I wonder if we haven't created a cult of violence, in someway, glamorizing it to some extent, making groupies of speakers, victims and stories, all good, to some extent.  Are we fueling the fire?  Maybe we need to change our approach, if there has not been less numbers and statistics . . .

Males Going Back to Being Protectors, Not Abusers

Some type of social pressure needs to be put on by men, to men--a statement, that real men protect women, not abuse them!  My father taught my brother from the time he was a baby, that one day he would grow up to be bigger, stronger, and more powerful, than most woman, and he might as well get used to controlling his temper with his sisters, and he had six of them, 3 older and 3 younger, until my baby brother came along, some 17 years later.  So my brother, could be taunted, bugged, and sometimes tortured by his sisters, but he very much grew up to be the protector for his sisters, both older and younger.

I remember walking out of the elementary school and getting a snowball to the back, in jest and fun of winter frolic, but my younger brother of two years, did see it that way, and fearlessly tore into several older boys, to protect me from their, apparent or alleged attack!  Richard was bigger than most boys his age, and did grow to be 6'4" and weighed about 250 at times, so my dad's teaching influenced him young and continued throughout his life.  I think it got around the school, to leave Richard Southwick's sisters alone, because he could pop out of anywhere and get even . . . Richard was shy in his younger years, afraid to say hi to me in junior high, and about had a heart attack if I tackled him or jumped on his back to give a little big sister attention to him, but I always felt good to know that he was in the shadows somewhere, protecting me, getting my back.

Two Stories, Not Advocating Violence, But Protection--Cops Can't Be Everywhere!

My aunt was abused by her husband, so of course, her son, while loving his mother grew up with the example of his abusive, alcoholic father, until his parents divorced.  Jimmy was a Vietnam Vet, and married a beautiful girl, but he made the mistake of hitting his wife once.  Well, she just happened to have 6 big brothers who were ranchers, who showed up at his door, and told him if he ever hit her again, they would take his body, cut it up and spread it like manure over the 2000 acre ranch the family owned--do you think he ever hit here again?

I had a friend in law school, from Columbia, that hot Latino blood.  His sister married an abuser, but he only abused her once.  When my friend and his father heard about it, they went over to the house of the daughter and sister, and took the brother-in-law, son-in-law, respectively, and threw him through the front glass window--guess what, he never hit her again either!  That might be a bit violence, but not really when you hear of some of the horror stories of abuse, with one woman being attacked by her husband in the dark, he had a box cutter and hacked her to the tune of about 400 stitches--violence escalates, so stop it early.

Just another male being aware of the situation, the first time it happens, or even warning a son-in-law at the time he asks for your daughter's hand in marriage, might be a fortuitous time to have a come to Jesus meeting with your new in-law, before there are any signs of violence, just as a precautionary measure.  It is better to have a fence at the top of the hill, than an ambulance at the bottom of the hill!  A stitch in time, saves nine . . . get it before it starts.  Just like it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to stop violence, make it socially unacceptable, ugly, disgusting, totally against the morals, values and code of actions--a community should have zero tolerance for violence, of any kind!

Room Full of Cops--We All Hit Our Wives

One time, I was doing a domestic and dating violence presentation to a bunch of rural cops, and told them they had to make it clear to the members of their community, that it is never okay to hit their wives, or husbands, either--cuts both ways . . . but I was shocked when they all, without shame, said almost in unison, we all hit our wives.  What?  Cops are used to being on a power trip, because, people automatically have to listen to them, they have the authority to arrest and jail, offenders or those who resist their command and directions.  And often that same attitude dictates how they treat their wives and children!

I had a situation come up, in a large, very rural county, in central Utah.  Several new deputy sheriffs called me exasperated, and beyond frustration.  They said, JoAnn, we did exactly what you told us to do, and over the week end we arrested two other deputy sheriffs who were abusing their wives, locked them up in jail, but when the sheriff heard about it, he came over and demanded we release them, and if we didn't, it was our jobs, he would fire us!  I told them to vote against him in the up coming election--they said, there are only 935 people in the whole county, no county attorney, and he is related to everyone!  So, we went on up the chain to get the attorney general involved.

Two of the toughest cases I had to deal with, was a former high school chum of mine called me, she was being abused, her husband was a cop in Davis County, Utah--20 years ago, but all the cops were her husband's buddies, and actually, helped him perpetuate the abuse, refusing to lock him up, and laughed at her.  Again, she went up the food chain, getting me involved, we were able to call in bigger guns, cooler heads and get the situation under control.

Star Athlete, Rich Rancher--Football Hero, Cops Friend--Maybe I Ought to Abuse You

As a an assistant attorney general, over the victim assistance program, I got a call from a woman, married to the high school football hero, rich, well respected family, and cop's friend, telling me that she got her lip split, and her foot slammed in the door, and when the cops came, they sided with the husband, and joked about the injuries, and did nothing to our big strong hero . . . NOT!  So I started showing up to court and evening the score, forcing the cops to actually do their job--the sheriff, was so intimidated, he would duck out of the picture at community events.  A guy I dated in that community, was afraid that he was going to run into this guy in a dark alley, knowing full well of his temper, infamous for it . . . and get beat up, because he was dating me.

Eventually, we got her protected and out of the house, up to Park City, about a half hour drive, an ankle monitor on our anti-hero's leg, and a radar alarm on this guy for anywhere within 500 feet of his wife.  One day, while I was at my boyfriend's house, this guy pulled into the driveway, with my face barely able to look over his supped up brand new jacked up truck.  I wasn't afraid of him, but he figured everyone was--I was alone.  I said, how's it going Ronnie?  He threw the door of the truck open, and pulled up his pant leg, showing me the monitor, and growled at me . . . he said, maybe I ought to abuse you!

I said, go ahead, I will have your ass in prison so fast, it will make your head spin, asshole!  He backed down, and slimmed out of the driveway, pissed, but put in check--there is always someone, bigger, badder, and with more authority than some local small time punk!  He never bothered me or her again.  I did get called into the Chief Deputy Attorney General, and warned to watch what I was doing . . . guess the sheriff, and the boys didn't like me pushing them around, and upsetting the apple cart up in them their parts!  LOL.

I just saw an old movie, well not too old, but a few years, about a cops daughter, who got to the point with her husband, that he forced the situation, that either he was going to kill his wife, or she was going to kill him, a rifle involved in the situation of her trying to leave him--usually there are 8 to 9 serious beatings, before a woman will leave her husband, but that is when she is most at risk of being killed, when she either gets a protective order, or is ready to leave, as was the case in this true story.  The cop dad, didn't know, and had been letting his neighbor abuse his wife for years, refusing to arrest, just calming the situation down . . . he was devastated when his daughter killed her husband--she was acquitted, due to all the abuse leading up to the fateful day.

Alcohol Use Plays A Huge Role In Abuse & Violence!

Almost without exception, if there was a domestic violence call, the guy or gal has been drinking, so limit that consumption, and we can cure a lot of the violence, abuse, and murder.  Just that one element, would do a world of good, to curb and curtail the violence--there is no excuse for abuse!  

The upside of medicating yourselves with legal and medical marijuana, from what I have heard, is that is mellows people out . . . lesser of two evils, we need to legalize it nationwide, but moderation in all things!

Love Better, Live Better--It is About Time!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Ukraine Blog to Heart & Soul of Love

I know, I know, I said I wasn't going to write a blog until next Sunday, allowing my enemies who fight me daily for content, hits, blog names, and just about anything--part of my forgiveness penance, to share my blog with my enemies . . . well, the only thing consistent about me is my inconsistency, in the place I want to live, in my choice of living arrangements, and in landing on just one man, at least at a time . . . my son, bass guitarist, God's Revolver & Maraloka, Elliot Taylor Secrist, said, Mom, you just are not marriageable material . . . my oldest daughter, Greta Secrist Hyland, dittoed that sentiment.

I guess my enemies, the NSA, CIA, FBI, and their chicks, are at a loss for words--never my problem--I always have about 10 topics, and growing daily, I can think to write about; but news in timely, so are heart-felt thoughts, rare indeed for me, so I, failed to even check if they competitors from my life juices, even wrote or not, and I am sure, they, pros at deception, will actually make, the wait look, like they orchestrated, and I am the fraud, when all is said and done . . . so think what you want, but as I waited for the Learning Center, at St. Patrick's or St. Peter's Hospital in Missoula, Montana--I never paid much attention to the name, until I need to write it . . . so, I apologize, if I were not lazy, I would go check right now, but I am too lazy, so the hospital, I have frequented since last year, using their Internet and Learning Center, to open, so I could write a scathing report on the organized and funded alleged protesters who are taking over government building after building, with military precision, and new camouflage uniforms . . . just remember, the Central Bankers, connected to the Central Intelligence Agency or the CIA, who is tied into Wall Street, fund both sides of the war . . . they want to turn east against west--more money . . . but it is your kids who are getting shot up and killed!  All for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Now I think Israel, who requires both males and females to spend 2 years in service to their country, have come upon something, with requiring females to fight--while the men, may dink around and play war games, the women, have kids, houses, and shopping to do, so traditionally, the Israelis, just get it done in 6 days, or now, I think they have perfected this war thing down to, 4 days, if I remember in their latest scrimmage with the Palestinians . . . if you want a job done right, give it to the women, they have better things to do than fight!

Make Love, Not War . . . I Met Two Alleged Black Chefs, Both Trained at La Cordon Bleu Cooking Schools, Within Three Days--You Know the CIA, Culinary Institute of Arts Kind of Chefs--LOL

I am sure the CIA, got tired of sending white guys, who were attracted to me, but adverse to the ample butt I have, that black men dig, and that is one of the reasons, I dig them . . . the white CIA agents, the agency laid on the sacrificial alter, all in the name of national security, would make statements, as one did yesterday, always the caviat, JoAnn, with your looks, you could have any guy (what do you mean, I do) . . . or if you would just lose, 30 or 40 lbs.--try, 150 lbs., I put on after you jack-asses poisoned me, I would be chasing you around the bedroom; really, I hadn't noticed that stopped you!

Seriously, in the last 5 years, since I reactivated my law license, after my stellar activities against the government prior to my 8 year hiatus, after I got poisoned, the CIA, has sent agent after agent, to try to reduce me to the, um, alleged womanly things of life . . . whatever in the hell that is now days, I guess cooking, which I haven't done since 1989, or is that doing anything but taking on the big boys in government, they have sent literally hundreds, I married three . . . power is attracted to power, but what you marry for, you usually divorce for, or just write my own annulments, when I find out they are really my enemies, not lovers!

Anyway, my love life has been down right interesting, if not entertaining, and more.  But, my black lovers, by far, and in a large part, have softened, tenderized, civilized, and done a great deal to tame this Amazon Warrior Queen, who prides herself in not needing men . . . and makes war with them, not love . . . because, while trying to hide, their feelings just can't do it . . . one gets silent, will not talk, let me touch him, let me kiss him . . . and the other, my sparing partner, with an I.Q. of 168, goes the extreme from fucking me, to fighting with me and nothing in between!

Between Miles--Al Green & Howard--Teddy Pendergrass, This Tag Team of Heart, Body, Soul and Mind, Has Done A Number on Me!

I have had men, my whole life, starting with a group of 10 guy in my neighborhood, growing up, and chasing me home, everyday of second grade, to a group of junior high boys, who me and my friends busted out every night of the summer of say 1969 or 1970, to a group of 20 guys, sitting a the then, new McDonald's in North Salt Lake, singing, JoAnn takes me down to a place by the river . . . then chasing me and my girlfriend around town, until they got us cornered in a church parking lot, near, South Davis Junior High School, where my mother taught health and P.E., to post-divorce, BYU wards, with guys calling and telling me, I was the most desirable girl or woman in the ward, but none of them dared ask me out . . . to my stalker, Paul, and Mike, and law student crew from Provo, the Old Mill Apartments, whom I used to write boys, club notes to, knowing full well they were all reading them, and now, I have just graduated up to federal boys clubs, with not much more sense in women . . . but Miles and Howard . . . holy shit, the two . . . combo team take down . . .

And, I have failed to give acknowledgements to YouTube, who at the worst, or best times, being possibly fed by these two Culinary Institute of Arts scholars, stratigically placing either Al Green, aka, Miles or Teddy Pendergrass, aka, Howard, whom, I tried to contact 3 weeks ago, after tracking him down, working on the ranch, where we were both going to work at together, thus, seeing Teddy Pendergrass coming up on my YouTube God recommended songs for the day . . . scream, wearing a cowboy hate and coat, that would be worn on the ranch, with the song, I Don't Hurt Now . . . which brought me to tears, as a black guy, walked in the hospital just that moment!

With the words of the song, and the thoughts of Howard, the warrior queen, cheering for the Ukrainians, who favor the west, with me being incredibly competitive, left me with a heart melted, crying and missing Howard, like crazy . . .come here woman, let me do what I want to do, let me make sweet love to you, oh, baby, so good baby . . . song on right now!  Sceaaaaammmmmmm!  So good, sweet woman, I like the way you make me feel . . . so good, so good, so good, so good, baby, uh . . . sexy as hell!


I actually, met Howard, at the God's Love Homeless Shelter, transitional housing, after I left Miles, whom I met on the Amtrak Train, in Chicago, while both of us were going to Washington, D.C., but split trains at Chicago, him taking the upper train, and I had tickets on the lower train . . . he had three days, to break me in so to say . . . cute, smart, informed, knew more about the government, the intelligence community, conspiracy theories, and all than I did, with a father that worked at the Department of Transportation in D.C., so it shocked me, and made me somewhat suspicious, when I met Howard, also, a trained chef, both at La Cordon Bleu, but from different schools, in different states--Howard, grilled Miles, and told me he had to be undercover, because he would not give his graduation date, or something like that, but I was, well into a text and sext relationship with Miles, before I met Howard . . . so both of them were fully briefed and all was disclosed, before I had done anything more than hug Miles, who taught me how to text, so I learned to express my sexual desires, feeling safe I would not see him again!

Miles, looked like a pro basketball player, Howard, looked like he could have been a pro football players, but very smart politically, so no . . . but he had a father who was a college administrator at Rutgers University and a grandfather, who was a doctor.  Howard's father always wanted to be an FBI agent, but discrimination, stopped him, but that left a nagging question in my mind, was Howard, following in his father's footsteps, was an FBI agent, and possibly the agent, I blew off, after meeting him outside the Federal Building in Chicago, 20 years earlier, that I told after going to lunch, and him kissing me, but resolved, back at Americans United for Life, my internship, that I didn't believe in interracial dating--and that went to Hispanics, Asians, and everyone!  Was here to get a second shot?  We hit it off right off the bat . . . he seemed like a husband, more so than all of my other four put together!

Howard, was kind of like one of those cuddly, big bear type guys, who I couldn't keep my hands off--we both loved the mountains, he had hiked almost every major mountain range in America, worked at national parks, ski resorts, and now a ranch . . . politically, we saw everything the same, except gun control or no gun control . . . he would drop me off at the gym every day, and drop pick me up, then we would head for the hills outside of Helena, or by a lake, he would relax in my lap, after working all day, while I would rub his tired feet or chest, while he napped, and I read--he was like the All American male, into cars, trucks, sports, women, sex--like a high school kids, bumping, pushing, grabbing, touching, kissing, laughing, pushing limits, fun as hell . . . the racial tension even made if more fun, the newness, discovery, all to thunderstorms, rain, dirt roads, lakes, pine trees, and shear beauty, and not just in nature.

Howard, satisfied the nature, husband needing side of me--breakfasts, holding hands, both in glasses, him reading sports, me politics--he would be pissed if the Yankees lost to the Red Socks, I would be pissed over about everything political.  He would smile as I would start to rant about something, too early, Honey . . . and then he would tell me, if we got together, he was going to censor the newspaper, and cut out all the articles he knew pissed me off, what the whole newspaper . . . and I in turn, when he would rant, about sports, said I would do the same . . . equal protection, Honey, too early, smile.

If You Like It, Put A Ring On It--Beyonce' and Glacier National Park

I kept telling, hot to trot, playboy, of 56, Howard, who had never been married, nor had children, at least any the mother's connected him too--Miles, just got caught at 42, going to be a new daddy, which I informed both of them they needed to get married and have a few kids, gift the world with your kids, I.Q., personality, physical traits, etc., if you like it put a ring on it . . . no sex, until we are married, I know your type, he wanted to move in together in Helena, but I told him, if he ever wanted to trick me into sex, get me to the mountains, that is where he would have the best chance, so he got me a job at Glacier, with him, he was one of the chefs at Swiftcurrent Lodge, I was to be front desk.

I think Howard, figured, this ring thing was not going to work, so get her in the mountains, and the sex would eventually happen, and it did, the first night, we broke the single bunk bed we shared, before the other two workers got there, and took up shared beds, on taped together single mattresses, on the floor . . . nothing was going to stop this boy and his mission, so all night long.  LOL!  I had  been doing the Mormon thing, while not practicing the religion, law practice had totally killed my sexual desires, for the actual part of it, sex, but seven years, abstinence, was enough . . . so I caved in.

Now, Howard, had the demeanor of a bad ass Chicago cop--stone faced, sunglasses you can see yourself in, and a pissed off attitude, while sweet at the same time.  I was like a giddy school girl the next morning . . . laughing, kissing, hugging, singing to the music, and talking . . . finally, on our drive, Howard, spoke up and said, I tried to fuck you to death last night, you are either on drugs, or I am going to have you committed to the mental hospital . . . LOL!  As I laughed and kissed him again, he said, JoAnn, I have a headache.  LOL!  I was laughing so hard, I was crying . . . I said, Well, you did all the work, I just laid there . . . LOL.  He took an 8 hour nap, after we got back to the cabin.  LOL!

Between Howard Faking or Not Pushing Me Off a Bridge and a Waterfall, And Clients in Utah, I Left Glacier--Killing Howard, Who Didn't Know I Left

With the CIA, assassin, thoughts, always in my mind, and at a lodge that was so remote, that there was not Internet or cell phone, and I was dependent on Howard, to drive me 12 miles to get cell phone reception, and his worked but mine did not, and then trying to fuck me to death, and his reaction, humor aside, might be a red flag, I needed to pay attention to . . . and two clients needed me, at the same time I was doing training, so I left.  I tried to come back a week later, and Howard, seemed a different person.  So I left, again, but I broke my back to get back up in July, to celebrate his birthday . . . which I traveled 4 states to make, and he could barely take 30 minutes to have dinner . . . new girlfriend, likely . . . men are like trolley cars . . . one coming by every 10 minutes, and Miles, was still hot on the plate, so . . .

Howard, came once more to Helena, where I spent the summer, we saw each other briefly, but he didn't talk, wouldn't let me touch him, no kissing, really wondered what was going on, but he was the last one that was going to tell me what was going on.  I figured he got some girl pregnant up at Glacier, and she was waiting for him . . . this was for the best, but love them and leave them, that's what I used to do, use and abuse them, then I met you, it was pain before pleasure . . . that was my claim to fame . . . Teddy popping back into my conscious mind, I wasn't very nice back then, then I kissed your lips, and you turned on my fire, and you burned me up in your flame, took me higher, you turned on my fire, then you showed me what a love could do, fire and desire, feel it coming through, oh how, I thank you baby, you showed me so much love and sensitivity, you taught me so much . . . thinking his is God's gift to women, how fast he can change . . . now the flip side, but a woman . . . pain before pleasure, that was my claim to fame . . . maybe we cancelled each other out, two peas in a pod . . . break each other's hearts, change . . . fire and desire!  You burned me up in your flame, and we are both to blame for the flame . . .

Every attempt to contact Howard, since then, has been denied, even from people who should do it, knowing both of us, Glacier, God's Love, the Ranch, etc.  I know Howard, got the message with my phone number on it, just a month ago, but it looks as if, he can't forgive me, and I hope the song, I Don't Hurt Now . . . applies, and that he has found someone that heals his heart . . . never meant to hurt you!  Sob! LUV . . .


We text 300 texts, before we actually got together, but Miles is more about the mind, business, legal, questions, grants, and the like, with sex, kind of like a sideline, but necessary.  He is more my sparing partners . . . nothing in between fucking and fighting, which is fine with me, but he doesn't want to be my sparing partner, but who can start a fight over me going to see him, while he is sick, on New Years Eve?  He acted like I was some self-righteous, well person, coming over and rubbing in my wellness?  What is that all about, how does anyone fight over that?  We did . . . the last time we talked or fought, I think text and sext, may be the more sexually healing, but I love him just the same!  LOL.

Miles fills a very base need in me, the tension between brain and brawn, mind and body, with sexual tension fueling the fire and flames there too.  In law school, after finals, I would have to have something physical that equaled the mental expenditure, usually took it out dancing in Las Vegas, from midnight to dawn . . . Miles, does that for me.  He has this sophisticated thugness about him, he sneaks up to my back door, after smoking a cigarette, and in the rain, black hoody, comes around the back of the house I was staying at, like a boyfriend your parents don't like, and grabs my waiting ass, pulling Little Red Riding Hood into the arms and mouth of the Big Bad Wolf . . . LOL, and I loved it . . . walking hand in hand over to where he is staying, sex first thing, no words, just directions, positions, getting the real reason both of us are there, done first, Saturday morning fights next . . . sexual tensions, racial tension, age frustration, love frustration, taboo relationship . . . it's you that I need . . . come back . . . TEDDY!  Stop the misery . . . how could you do this to me, holding on to a memory . . . it is you that I need, baby, it is you that I need . . . words to the song, baby, it's you that I need . . .

Don't listen to music while writing a blog, it's you that I need, baby, baby, it's you that I need, things are going to be right, . . . can't you see that I need you!  I really got to have you . . . it was all that fucking texting, I fell in love with him, before I really even knew him, the damage was done, now I am crying over him . . . what the hell, the head has always ruled the body for me, so whatever combination Miles and I have, can we try, love was never formed to say good bye . . . can't we have another try . . . song!  In case I don't get to see you again, I wish you well, but can't we give it one more try . . . at least we'll have an honest moment here, in all the pain, and lay your head down on my heart . . . we can't go back to yesterday, God I wish you'd stay, can we start, love was never born to say good bye, touch me one more time to make me feel alive . . . just another helpless fool in love . . . once before I set you free, just one more time before i set you free, touch me one more time . . . and if we don't survive, we can end the way we began . . . let's go back to yesterday!  Just another helpless fool in love, that is what I am . . . I've got to have you . . . love was never born to say good bye!

Shit, tears all over my face, make-up down my face . . . now, I have been up to see Miles, at least 5 times, usually on the spur of the moment, but I have only actually been with him for three times, and not for long. So, I always figure, that a man's treasure is where his heart is . . . and, until, three days ago, I figured Miles heart was not with me . . . and then he calls me and tells me he got a girl pregnant, so I am not sure what to think, he says he has to see me, and I owe him . . . I am not sure how he figures . . . other than I always take off, like I did last time, and ditched my cell phone, losing Mile's phone number, at the time on purpose, but then regret it latter . . . then frantically trying to find it!

Miles is even willing to come to me this time . . . but, the baby thing, makes me wonder, is this a test of some sort?  Given the fact that there is somewhere between 20 years difference in our ages, which is what pissed him off last time, we fought, added to the sickness, and self-righteous comments, I am not sure where we are?  I told him I would call him the day after we talked, but didn't . . . am I breaking up a family, will not do that.  He said he was shocked, and I always thought he should have a baby, I am beyond that point, so, what does this mean--he says he is dedicated to be a father, and she is to being a mother, but family?  My moral side, says to not call him and just let this love die a slow death, now I am crying again . . . I thought this thing was over, but obviously not.

We really have never been settled, enough to actually really get to know each other, or appreciate each other, just let happen what happens . . . we always have the legal help thing that gets us together, the bait and hook, or is it the real reason, use and abuse?  Who know?  I know that I always pull the age card, or the attorney card, and that kind of kills the heart, but then he always uses that to get with me, is the sex just a hook for me, and an obligation for him.   I told him when I met him that he didn't need to sleep with his boss, so to say, or do that to get my legal help . . . he assured me he wanted to sleep with his boss!  I don't think either one of us, knows what the hell this relationship is, basically, cutting edge to tell the truth!  In every way.  My point . . .

Make Love, Not War!

P.S. Culinary Institute of Arts (CIA), and the Nasty Sex Agents (NSA), will not turn on the spell check, jealous, jealous, jealous . . . could have been you, I am an easy lover . . . oh, I tricked them, and when I went into draft, the spell check came on, thank goodness!

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I Was So Pissed, I Almost Forgot It Was Easter--Until Little Bunnies, Eggs, Chicks, and Lady Bugs With Antennas Started Coming in the Breakfront Cafe Where I Hang These Days

Okay, so I am having a melt down on my blog, due to the more than common interference with my blog--You have just logged off at another location.  Do you want to log in again?  Yes, I want to log in again.  Close . . . well, that is the way, the other side, the frauds, get on my blog, or off, when they get pissed at what I am saying, so they split the blog, and log off, while I am still on the computer!  You already know this, but needed to be reminded, so after I realize that it is Easter, celebrating Christ's Resurrection, and victory over the tomb and death, hell and whatever--thanks--I look for some type of religious program online, preferably the one I attend, Fresh Life Church.

Well, after trying several times to tune into the live broadcast, I know is going on at the Majestic Stadium in Kalispell, Montana, I am getting a substitute, really, some Seacoast Church, I would imagine somewhere near the sea or ocean, Seattle, California somewhere, not to hip on this change, nor any change for that matter, since I have been victimized by the substitutes.  But the title of the message intrigues me: Outrageous Faith . . . I can see, say, do, outrageous things all the time, so I got that part covered.

My son, Chris, when discussing my travails, travels, and trials, will say, you just say what everyone else wants to say, but is afraid to say it . . . dreams, newsprint with messages from God, my Intel guy, is pretty outrageous.  The message section on tell it to the mountains, is kind of like this blog--I tell nameless, faceless, millions all my crazy symbols, dreams, ideas, proposals, and thoughts--truly go tell it on the mountains, if you will.  So, okay, that stuff comes naturally to me, and has gotten me locked up before, or at least held in disrepute, no big deal, I just consider the source . . . usually a cop or a sister, they are trying to promote, so no biggie.

Christ Specifically Says--You Have To Forgive Anyone--Fuck That

So, all morning God is hearing me venting and raging angrily against my enemies, who have wronged me, stolen my son's music, my cases, my name and resume, my blog, my kids and grand kids, my health, my good name and reputations . . . with righteous indignation, I just really don't think so God!  I have forgiven 70 X 70, or rather 365 days a year for the last, at least 6 years, looking back and having to forgive for the ones that I was like in a fog and suppose to die . . . really, really?

Then the damn pastor, just stops right there . . . on forgiveness!  That is just simply too much to ask, no, in fact, hell no!  Just like when I was young, God has this habit, of when I say, why me Lord?  He starts the parade of horribles starts going past me, instead of the bunnies, eggs and chicks . . . the wheel chair bound, the blind, the lame, the poor--that would be me . . . but shouldn't be, and that is part of what I am so totally pissed about God, but I see your point . . . okay, I am going to stop blogging, to show them!

Song--There is no power that can stand before the GREAT I AM

By this time, I am crying and my heart is softening, until the camera, just at the point of singing, the great I AM, pans over to a girl singing that looks like a younger version of that bitch, older sister of mine, and my thoughts turn to all she is claiming, that she did, that was me, and is still doing it, and the fucking Michael Willis, just helped her do it again, along with my father.  In the paper, this morning after I saw the words, that substantiated my fears, that this latest text, attorney substitution, and whatever, was going to make it look like I was not an attorney, because I didn't want to argue with an idiot, that is too stupid to realize, that I was not suing or taking on the Girl Scouts, but the fucking government, Mormon Church and its subsidiaries, the FBI, CIA, NSA--30,000 spies in Utah, and the Secret Service, my family, clients, and whomever needs money, or wants it . . . like everyone will take a bribe!

I think God was testing my new found resolve to forgive, by leaving the writing to the doubles, to see if their numbers go down, or if they could pull it off without me?  Then a scripture, that comes from Philippians came to mind . . . that he will work good through both, but one is to perdition and the other is to salvation. Okay, God, as long as she and my other enemies, end up in HELL, with fire and damnation, I can give up the honors in this life that I am entitled to . . .

Another Painful Situation I Would Have To Forgive--Could I?

Next, my mind, went to the dream I had last week of my oldest son becoming president . . . and all of the sudden, the dream made sense, but incensed me . . . my son and I were the only ones in the White House press conference room, except for the person, who said, your son will be president, now had new meaning.  I am the only one who is going to know that he, Chris is my son, just like Elliot, Greta and Nicole, these other fuckers who raised dumb ass kids, are going to take credit for my stellar children! 

Again, my faith was tested, and failed, too much to ask, they have shit heads for children, I took all kinds of flack for reading, studying, praying, and finally, coming to the conclusion, that it would be best, if I had my children go with their father, who was much better prepared financially, emotionally, a homebody, and hadn't helped all that much, raising the kids, the first 15 years of marriage, and I was burned out, plus got accepted to law school, during the 90 day waiting period for a divorce in Utah.

Mocked For the Outrageous Conduct, They All Envy Now! 

My family mocked me for having a dream to marry my first husband, Richard Clifton Secrist, the father of all four of my children; they mocked me for having a dream to get a divorce, for having a dream to go to law school, for everything . . . but 20 years later, when the sisters, friends, husbands of sisters, parents, who wanted all hell to break out in my family, because I didn't follow the program.  Not only did the chickens fail to come home to roost, but my children, myself, and grandchildren continue to thrive in sprite of their purposeful cruelty, blacklisting, sabotage, slander and libel against my family, or persecution for me gaining weight . . . my father used to bring me to business meetings to show off my beauty to his partners.

His bragging rights, in his mind, had become tainted, with the weight I put on, no longer the brilliant, beautiful, talented daughter, of yesteryear, so we will substitute in a younger, more man-made version, of liposuction, silicon breast implants, and porcelain teeth!  But what in the hell do with do with four equally beautiful, smart, talented, and cool as hell children . . . the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree . . . so we will just claim that JoAnn's four children are Rachel, or Shelley, Sue, Kay, Brett, John or Jacks, Michael's, or Allan's, aka, Frank of InterPol!

Today, I Committed My Life to Jesus Christ for the First Time

Next on the parade of insults, or challenges, God hurled at me, came with a pop up or note that said that . . . I thought, I was baptized at the age of 8 into your alleged church, or at least I was buried to emerge as a new person; next at 17 I wanted my calling and election made sure, willing to make any sacrifice, which I have, and been tarnished for doing so, even though it turned out well.  Then I married who you, God, wanted me to marry, not whom I loved, wasn't that enough?  How about having a baby 10 months after the prophet said to not put off your family, for your education . . . 14 years later, and 4 kids, we finally reached our early educational goals, but our marriage was the cost.

Then came the dream to go to law school, and the decision, after much agony to give the kids to their dad, then the schooling, the work, then came the slap down by either the government or you, with the PIX Disease, the death sentence, etc.  Now you seriously think that after I honestly tried my whole life to follow, at least what I believed to be your direction in my life, I am asked to not get credit for a damn thing I have done, after the humiliation, the taunting, the talk, the gossip, and all, you want me to forgive these people, who took everything from me right at the time, I was actually recovering from the first death sentence?

I forgive a second time, and rebuild, go to the U.S. Supreme Court, build a second home, just for my grand kids, and again, everything stripped from me, in less than one year, houses, cars, trucks, art, furniture, law practices, I just got built up again . . . children that are wonderful, chased, harassed, trashed, lied about, robbed, while watching the pain of my children paying the price, while those that are using my and my son's money, to go after, bribe, buy, pay off, and cover up the crimes against me . . . really, you seriously, want me to forgive these assholes, are you kidding?

Take Up Your Cross & Follow Me

The same scripture, that gave me the strength to give my children up to their father, with me seeing them all the time, more than my sisters who lived with their children, and assured me that if I left, that I didn't get any credit for their accomplishments . . . really, what divorced father, who gives the mother custody, and remains a faithful father, doesn't get any credit, this is all part of the punishment for pulling it off, outside the program!

If you are not willing to leave father, mother, sister, brother, property, or lands, and take up the cross and follow me . . . you are not worthy of me!  In bitterness, I decided, okay, I will quit blogging, let them suffer trying to explain their pathetic writings, just stop, cold turkey, on one of the activities that has brought me so much joy, more than any case, any piece of legislation, training, manual, etc.  I will give it up for you . . . reluctantly, but as always, ultimately making that decision, hard as it is . . .

As I walked past the little bunny treaters and their parents, I noticed a young couple that looked a lot like my so Chris, his wife, Kat, and baby, Yulia--as if God, says, he can see what you  have been trying to say all the way along, your motives, your sacrifices, your rational, your reasoning, that may not have been so clear at the time I made the decisions, just expecting my children to understand and go with the program, just deal with it, that has ultimately made them who they are . . . so fucking wonderful!!!!!!

Outrageous Leaders, Do What Other People Won't--Do What is In the Best Interest of Their Children, Even When It Doesn't Seem Right!

I don't know what the future brings for any of my children, but public notice is a small thing to sacrifice, for great men and women, my children to thrive, without the interference of their mother, who is, to say the least, very strong, opinionated, and loves them desperately, enough to once again, let God take his course with them . . . they didn't disappoint me last time, they had the responsibility of making their own very enlightened decisions for their own lives, and I am sure they won't at this time, if mom, steps out of the picture for awhile . . . if these people, who couldn't raise their own children right, can help mine, to serve and shine where God wants them, then who am I to stand in the way?

I have to work on the forgiveness part, but I will let go, let GOD, have his ways in my children's lives, and in mine, he has never failed me, not once, even when I think he is asking the impossible!


There is No Power, Like the Great I AM!  Keep the Day Holy!