It has been three years, since the real hard core,
cat and mouse games started, with rarely a day, I actually feel I just let my hair down and relax . . . and the last three weeks in Spokane were no exception, even after helping them draft their shirt camera policy, saving them from bad ass con law chicks like me--whatever! I guess they got pissed at the latest and greatest rendition of my attempt to make sense of what happened in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, TX, November 22, 1963, that I remember, while only 9 years old at the time, like the back of my hand. I remember everything about that day, plus hearing President Kennedy's famous words,
ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country, which is a guiding principle for my life, among others. Who in the hell do you think, inspired me, to work endlessly to fix this country! All I care about, it that America works the way it it suppose to, and the rights of the people, especially the oppressed are protected, which is the number one job of the government, believe it or not. You could have fooled me, but this is an ideal we are working for, I just never knew it would, or could, be so hard to achieve.
Roughly, 1986, the CIA Came Recruiting on Weber State College, Now University . . . at Least in the English Department
All I remember about the recruiter, is that they, he, she, came to one of my classes, on campus, around the time I was getting ready to graduate, and they were recruiting, for the CIA, and were holding some type of interviewing process, up at the University of Utah, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Had I not had 4 little kids at home, I would certainly, have at least gone to the interviews, that is, if I could have found them. That was part of the game, as my friend, who actually did go, try to find the meeting, with a location, that was purposefully, not disclosed to the attendees, and invitees. As I understand it, this was done on purpose, to see how the individuals, that were trying out, withstood extreme pressure of having the whole U of U campus, which is huge, by the way, even back then, and they had to find, the whereabouts of the meeting.
I don't know if it was like a treasure hunt, or if they gave them clues, because, my friend, did actually find the meeting, that was in a room with about 13 suits, that all looked, dressed, and acted alike! They put them through some type of psychological torture, and grilled the hell out of them. They probably would not have liked me, or have found me to be too willing to go along with orders. That is why I am on this side of the fence, and they sit across the political, rational, and sensible isle from me. I would like to say, that I don't play games, but if I don't, my sorry ass would be in some FEMA camp, detention center, without a warrant, no charges, and without a hearing, let alone, with a release date. No, we just don't fucking think alike! Not at all, that is probably why me and my father, who was OSI, or the precursor to the CIA, have never gotten along, he being jealous of me going to law school, when, he, himself, always wanted to, and didn't dare. He screamed at me for three hours, the day I told him I was going to law school, then told me I was totally worthless, when I told him, I was going to practice in the areas of family and criminal law, and when I reactivated my law license, after thinking I was going to die for 9 years, he went ape shit! No, I was not daddy's little girl, no way, no how!
They say, you can fix anything you want to in life, IF YOU HAVE THE GUTS! And I, do have the guts . . .
Turn it, Learn it!
Last time I was in Spokane, the woman's shelter, or the Hope House, in particularly, because I always have more month than money, and would be fine, barely, if I didn't have to be on the run, 24/7, for fear of false arrests, bogus warrants, merit-less charges, if there actually are any, because I have never been served with a warrant, yet, twice criminally incarcerated, illegally, unlawfully, and unconstitutionally, and from what I can possibly imagine, their crimes against me, are 400 fold, what mine ever could possibly at the most wild projections ever be, but another Mormon connection, it was an alleged, orphan, who told me about the homeless shelter, and was the homeless daughter of a Mormon couple, who allegedly were killed in a car wreck, her father being a doctor at the Deaconess Hospital, which looms, largely, over the women's shelter, and will come into play in my tale of woe, but fucking awesome escape from 5, armed and dangerous, Spokane PD; however, one was actually very good looking, but depending on the circumstances of the outcome, could turn very ugly, if what I thought might go down, happened, and it did, but, this foxy lady, outfoxed, the fox and his crew!
So, last time I was in Spokane, there was a sting planned, and they failed, with little Ms. Not-so-Goodie two shoes, Mormon chick involved, and several others, with one, being whisked away, out of sight, for the last two days, I was in Spokane, Peggy Sue Peterson or Shaw, after opening her mouth and telling me of the $189 that every woman in the shelter, could get, added to their EBT or food stamps, card, on a grant, from J.P. Morgan, who is a bank, guess they thought I didn't know that, with the representatives from the CHASCLINIC, with Rebecca, claiming that J.P. Morgan just made the credit cards, that the grant money was put on, and she knew nothing of the foundation or grant, that provided the women with the money . . . with Peggy Sue, insisting the opposite, being the one to tell me about the addition to their monthly amount, would come until they no longer needed it . . . great, I don't have a dime in my pocket, don't get food stamps, but I would be glad for $50 at this point. All denied . . . but, they knew I was onto, the bribe, or grant, the money laundering scheme, the thieves, have used, and abused, buying loyalty, and lies for years, getting everyone to lie, and say that I was, Kay, who had, Deb B., who looked and moved so much like Kay, she almost fooled me, and she came to the shelter, the day I got there, and was there the day, I left, unbeknown to the undercover, dike, female, butch ass cops, who were masquerading as homeless chicks, who could actually come and leave, get into the building, whenever they wanted . . . DA!
It was rematch time, last time, the cops lost, be their ilk, local cops, FBI, or CIA . . . they were fucking cops, and I can smell them, pick them out of a fucking line up; if they walk like a cop, talk like a cop, act like a cop, they are cops, and they were! I wrote about the tough gal cop, a few blogs back, she blew it, and showed up with a cover, for her alleged disappearance, for not showing the night before, thinking, they either got me, or they were going to get me, or the game was over, but, I slide out of the shelter, at 3 a.m., hours before the sting was suppose to go down! LOL! Then I showed up to rub it in the next night. The cop that was plodding her cover, before the gig went down, after missing a night at the shelter, showed up with an ACE Bandage, on her hand, with her fingers, flipping me off! LOL! Nice try, bitch. She brought in a second, dike ass bitch cop, who was not less smart! Hell, she played cop, breaking up domestic disputes among the females in the shelter, just like a cop, who is trained in domestic violence, would separate couples, like I am not trained in this? Fuck, I wrote the book, they most likely were trained out of . . . LOL, Domestic Violence 101 . . . for cops and prosecutors, national award winning, model for the country, and being adopted by the Department of Justice, for Human Trafficking! Stupid bitch, you don't know who you are dealing with, did my family, who is lying tell you Kay, Shelley, Rachel, Sue, Tiff, Marcie, or whoever is me, and I am ill, mentally deranged, and you fucking believed it to your own fucking detriment . . . LOL, LOL, LOL!
The Venice Fly Trap . . . Lull Her In, Playing Nice
So, everything calmed down for a few days; however, there were other strange events on the streets, the CIA or FBI boys, take a pick, hits, stake outs, tracking, and the whole shebang. So, I am walking along, on these trails that are not for motorized vehicles, they are trails for bicyclers, walkers and joggers. I am coming over a bridge, reading a sign to notify me, that I am where I am, while not really knowing, where the hell I am going, on miles and miles of great trails. But, I see this green, Outback, approaching me on the trail, and wonder, what in the hell, this guy is doing; is he senile, lost the road a few miles back, or thinks he is a service vehicle? So, to my surprise, he drives right up to me! I had just written my expose' on the shirt cameras, and how I would start to formulate the policy making manuals, dictating cop use of the new devices. Now, the FBI and crew, usually likes 24/7 contact with me, so they can shadow me with my government doubles, and claim, as I am sure, they want to on this analysis and help, because it is fucking good, and better than their own or most assistant attorney generals, by light years could do! In my humble opinion, they have not had the experience, the depth and breath of the scope I have, nor have my multiples; therefore, to continue the lie, the cover-up, and my existence, they must watch me all the time, to make sure they bribe, everyone I even talk to.
To the average person, these dumb asses, could probably pull this shit off, but to a seasoned runner like myself, they are as transparent as we would like our government to be, but not in fraudulent cover-ups. So, this guy, pulls up to me, and asks if there is anything he can help me with. I said, no, this map is telling me I am here, and all I needed to know, was, where I was . . . YOU ARE HERE! So the next, rather telling and stupid thing this guy says, is what are you doing right now? Are you asking me on a date? What the fuck are you doing? So, I tell him I am going for the rest of my walk around the park. Oh, then, what are you going to do? WHAT? Is this guy as dumb as he looks, well, open your mouth, and remove all doubt! I was literally, from the direction he was coming, a long way from any road, that this car should be allowed on . . . guess I can't figure out, he is tracking me! At least he alerted me to the fact that, there was something going down. Very strange, indeed.
The Black Cowboy & Other Dudes Show Up
The CIA, is into acting the clown, or the cowboy, or the drag queen, if they have too, transparency. So, I am sitting there, wondering what the hell, this out of place dude, who is trying to mix in with the local chicks, back in the alley, while we are waiting to get a bed for the night, but he was not fooling me. I had been there for a week or so by this time, and he is not one of the normal guys, but he is trying to look like one . . . Sammy Davis Jr., in a cowboy hat, boots and a cane! While he is not looking, I get up and saunter, back to the wood, shelter, in the alley, to get off his radar screen. I am sitting in the shadows, where normally, I am the first one, right by the front door, but a get away, is looking necessary.
Not, 5 minutes, later, the black member of the Rat Pack, slowly and trying to act cool, passes the shelter, but has to strain his eyes to see me, in the shadows! He could not have been more obvious. Then several seconds later, another guys, is straining his eyes, younger ones, to see what the older guy, might, actually not have seen, and this guy may not have either, because, once you are in the building, you are fine, the workers are not to give anyone's names out, due to abusive husbands or boyfriends, looking for spouses and girlfriends. I was a victim of systemic violence, or violence of the system, cops, prosecutors, judges, FBI, CIA, NSA . . . so they are suppose to keep my identity confidential. Or they would have just come in and kidnapped me in the night. My Intel man, God, usually, gives me, minute by minute updates, on who, what, why and when . . . I didn't feel threatened once I got in, and I did, so I slept well.
NSA just joined the story, and erased these last two paragraphs . . . but, I reverted to draft, and was able to reclaim it, which isn't always the case! CATCH YA! Things calm down again.
Blessings Under the Bridge--Pizza, Music, Treats, Hand-Outs . . . Cute Guy, Cop!
Before, Peggy Sue, disappears, she tells me about this charity event that takes place under the bridge, every Wednesday, I don't know most of the food joints, so I was starving after leaving hours before the rest of the girls, off and going, so I was extremely happy for the fun night. Peggy Sue, yes, named after the song, Peggy Sue, was involved in the sting op, last time with the Mormon chick, who is now where to be seen. Something is up, why is she waiting for me, and introducing me to everyone of the volunteers? She takes me over to meet, Robert, the mechanical engineer, who allegedly purchased the 70 pizzas for the homeless crew, great guy, has a sweat shirt on that says, Live, Love, Serve . . . my kind of guy, fits the profile of the two other guys, that I either have liked or do currently like, so in roads to the heart, immediately, tempting me to stay in Spokane, and the music, didn't help . . . HUNGRY EYES!
He was a sight for sore eyes. And by the looks of his, looking at me, so was I. I kept asking Peggy Sue, if this good Samaritan was married, where was his wife, his kids, girlfriend . . . he is too good looking, and a good guy to be single, something is up. She insisted that he was single, worked in the Valley, had never been married, no kids and was in his fifties . . . he is sounding better and better already! Every possible objection I raised, she seemed to put my mind at ease. This guy is a plant, I know, it . . . I would like to think otherwise, and Peggy Sue is there to either point him out to me, or set up the heart bond, heart bomb . . . that is the pattern, to get you attached, then, start with the (I just typed the word, "spy" by accident!) psychological battering, that I have been through at least 5 times before, too savvy for this shit, as much as I would like to partake of the forbidden fruit, no go! Although tempting, I must admit . . . I need a guy, they don't set me up with! Psychological profiling at its best, the FBI Dating Game! He/she who cares least controls, this is an assignment, not going there again! Oh, and I forgot the hot black FBI agent, who tried to pick up on me, Alvin, while I was sitting on a bench looking at the river . . . he came right after, the weirdo in the Outback on the walking trail, so I figured, just another one of theirs . . .
I do want to mention, that this charity event, started with one couple, serving food, drinks and giving clothing and blankets to the homeless, who are young crowd, like skaters and their girlfriends, who are the kids of old hippies, and reenacting their parents fond memories of days of peace, drugs and free love! But, the growth, community support, and the church of the community, is awesome, and was a fun experience, and they were featured, along with Peggy Sue, in People Magazine, in one of the last issues. TOTALLY AWESOME, AND A GREAT TIME . . . I TOLD THE GUY WHO STARTED THE WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNERS UNDER THE BRIDGE, TO HAVE A DANCE! He thought that was a good idea, and me and Peggy Sue, who is really fun, were rocking it ourselves, while waiting for the pizza, the salads, drinks, and desert! I am getting heart weary . . . a girl can only take so much of this trained battery to the heart. A lifetime of celibacy is looking better and better all the time. Don't need my heart, in one more jar of hearts . . . brutal life I live!
Are You Buying Your Bus Pass Tomorrow? Translates to, Are You Getting Paid Tomorrow?
You know, women, who are cool to you, one day, and act cooler, than cool, to you the next, have been bribed, as were all the chicks at the shelter, and I can't say, I blame them. This lady, a former general's wife, who after 34 years of a loving, happy, relationship, was smashed in the mouth, and knocked down the stairs, by her Air Force, husband, she still loves dearly, after he returned from his third mission to Afghanistan--a country club type girl, with sons working on Wall Street, and one a Navy SEAL. The first night I was there, she was so sweet, helped me make my bed, told me where to go in town, and was overall a great source of knowledge for survival, one step from the streets.
With a about face, a 180 degree turn, which I have experienced, time and time again, the changes of money, self-importance, being bought and sold, selling one's soul to the devils, is highly evident, and has happened to me by the hundreds. But, this woman, out of the blue, without having talked to her, asked me if I was buying a bus pass today, Tuesday. The thieving sisters, don't know exactly when my SSI money drops, but they do know, approximately by my travel, and usually under great heat, that I take off, under pressure, at a particular time each month, generally . . . although, I had entertained the thoughts of staying and possibly starting a new life in Spokane, I really love the city. But, my travel plans, are cop driven, generally, and rarely do I leave on my own choice, while not tired, just want to get a fucking life that I deserve!
Again, something is up, she was put up to ask me this, with the suspicion that I am possibly taking off, and their plans for you Suzanne, will put an end to you . . . I always thought that I would see you again, song. Thanks for the heads up, just when I was thinking of staying! But no case, no house, no car or truck, no city, no country scenery is worth, my life, or my liberty! I am on guard.
The Take Down Op . . . All the Usual Suspects Are Gathering
After a great day, and the anticipation of actually being able to re-buy the make-up, about $150 worth, that was stolen from me, not by the girls, but by the chicks that work at the shelter, they want me to look like shit when I get picked up, looked to good for the shelter, getting a bus pass, and getting a second look at Robert, the Blessings under the Bridge guy, life was looking up, Spokane might be the place, but then I noticed, little Air Force wife, having a pow wow, with one of the staff, that I had burned in the last failed attempt to get me, also there last time I was in Spokane, and playing the nice gal after my make up was taken . . . a government taking . . . I started to anticipate a night that may not turn out like I like. The lesbian cops, were both, looking for me, and one pointed out, that I was not in my normal spot, creatures of habit.
Once, she pointed me out, and they had their pow wow, the first tough chick, started to text message someone. I moved out into the alley, thinking a night on the streets is better than a night either locked up, detained with nobody knowing where I am, without ID, stolen in Vegas, or a dead body floating in the Spokane Falls river . . . none seemed good. Then I noticed, the cowboy, Sammy Davis Jr. there, hiding down the alley, and several other men. I AM FUCKING OUT OF HERE! So, I picked up my ticket for a bed, with a half hour before going in, and pretended to be just hanging out with the girls, which I never do. After I saw all the cop extras, I calmly exited passing several other undercover cops, who didn't expect me leaving so soon, but going to take me out before I got in the building! I found some stairs in a building up the street, and sat there, listening for any signs that someone had followed me.
There was a skateboarder, who I think might have been doing a stake out, because it was dark, and he was close to where the dinner under the bridge was served, so I didn't move, like so many other times on the run, not even knowing what the fuck I an running for, but not willing to find out either! The plans they made, put an end to you . . . I am sitting at McDonald's on Idaho Street, writing this blog, some chick is sitting here, typing away, has something near her with a spider on it, symbolic to me, as a spy, with kids, I am in the playground area. I leave to get a refill, thinking, no, just a mom, until she stops or finishes her text and gives me a long strange look. Remember the compliance blog, following authority . . . FBI can cross deputize anyone they want, just like the old posse days, of a marshal or sheriff! Everybody wants more money than they have . . . and there are also a ton of Mormons here in Kalispell, and who makes babies better than the Catholics, Mormons! As usual, I might have to leave unexpectedly.
Deaconess Hospital & 5 Cops
Okay, so I finally ditch the stairs, figure I could hear the skateboarder any more, so I am going up to wait for my money to post, and either catch the bus at 5:50 a.m., or wait until 10:30 p.m. and catch the train straight to Whitefish, faster, smoother, and cheaper, but I need to get the hell out of Dodge! I usually mark the lay of the land, before, I get on the radar screen in any city, and the hospital is always a pretty safe place, seeing that some Indian chick, at the breakfast, at Shalom Ministries, earlier, informed me how mean the streets of Spokane were, and how the cops were pulling for her, trying to help her get into drug rehab. I thought, yeah, I am not worried about the thugs on the streets, they don't bug me, it is the cops, who have the power to lock this ass up without reason, cause, warrant or charges!
Due to the Air Force chick questioning me on the bus, I know that there would be a battle for my check, and I had given my cousin, Edward, in Vegas, my Walmart Money Card, number, hoping he would send me some of the $200 I had given him for food, but took off, for similar reasons from Vegas. He is on their side! I told him not to give out my number, but I knew he would, better, one woman parish, than a whole fucking extended, Southwick family, who is trying to be me, so they get all that me and my family are, all they we have spent a lifetime achieving, and stealing, killing and murdering anyone who attempts to either help, get in the way, or stop them and help me. I have escaped Edward's several times too. As my mother said, you are the smartest in the family, but you really do need to take care of yourself! REALLY, who would know better, Mommy Dearest!
The only thing between me and total extinction, is one little money card, that can connect me to my Social Security Card, thus validating, that yes, I am the one who was poisoned, connecting me to the alleged brain disease, which connects me to my job as general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, and the feds who poisoned me, and took me out of my life for 8 god-damn fucking years, as if that isn't enough, then took it again, and again, and again, because they stole my name, my virtue, my life, my constitutional battles, my cases, my children, and whatever the fuck these blood-sucking, butt fuckers can get . . . $900 is one machine fuck away, tonight, and they know it! They would get away with millions if not billions, plus my good name and reputation, and all I have accomplished in the last 59 years! Then I don't exist . . .
Gray Uniforms vs. Blue Uniforms--I Notice These Things
As I enter the hospital, I noted that the security guard was wearing a gray uniform, while looking for an ATM, that I am going to have to hit, within minutes, or they will freeze all the banks in the whole city, then I am stranded, with cops fucking all over the place looking for the escaped shelter chick who just made fools of their butch ass cops for the second, well, third time, if you count the first time, a year or so ago . . . I sit in the dark, bored out of my gored and decided to get on the Internet and watch some Bill Maher, political satire to keep me entertained for a few hours, until sometime after the stroke of midnight. I have had these battles before, but with ID, now is a different story, they are more me, than I am, with a 14 year history, since they poisoned me. With me being a secret, that never came out of the brain disease, which is so far from the truth, but they have access to pull this shit off! But I am checking the ATM, trying to take in the Pacific time difference, not knowing how that is playing into the equation, but knowing it will.
Sure Enough--ATM Follies! The Money Had Posted, And Hands were Flying!
I check my balance, and the money posted, so good, now I need to get at least as much out as I can, enough to get out of town, in a few hours, better hit the bus, if possible. But, as I tried to type in my pin numbers, the picture on the screen, with hands, stationary, over the key pad, showing you that it is time to punch in your numbers, is going bisque, with the hands, blocking me, through the computer, from getting my numbers in . . . fighting with a machine! The only time, I had seen something similar, was after the cops, in Parowan, had cut my "O" rings, put incendiary devices, to blow my oil filter, sabotaged the engine, and my oil gauge was going fucking nuts, up and down, as fast as the needle could go! Just one of the other times, they tried to kill me on my way to U.S. Federal Court in Salt Lake City, so they could steal my win, saving Mack Milner his $750,000 home, with Shelley waiting in the wings, claiming the victory that I saved, from a signed motion to dismiss, when she was playing attorney!
I try several times, with the flying hands, and I get a bright idea, which, I calmly try, and it worked! I can't tell you, because, you see what they have done to me, somehow, isn't a crime, even trying to KILL ME! No Social Security fraud here, oh, hell no . . . they stole my card, that I have had since I was 16 years old, so they are now, for all intents and purposes Me! But not this time, Shelley has been trying this gig for 14 years! LOL, even with top security access, through the Mormon NSA, guarding shop, around the corner from LDS church headquarters, where the fraud reaches, they were covering, not my ass, but hers! Good GOD almighty! But, I get at least $400 and every bank from that point, will not give me anymore of my money, only a fragment of what the government owes me, with their fucking tits and ass bitches and bastards, getting, living my life!
I Finally Get a Well Fought and Deserved Dinner . . . And Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, Not Sydney Portie'
Just about the time I am finishing my dinner, the first in 3 weeks, that I could buy, and not eat the shelter food, I notice, a blue uniform come into the very large dining room, that has just opened at 1 a.m., for the graveyard shift to eat. I thought, that can't be security, they have gray uniforms, but, I kind of dismissed in, and thought, well it is a large hospital, and maybe the guy in the entry way room, is a different staff level of security guard. Then, another blue comes in, then another, until there were 5, at least . . . huh, looks like we are having a cop reunion! I just mark it, and decide to chill out and give them the benefit of the doubt, for about 2 seconds. I walk over to get some M&Ms, and I notice that the patch on the sleeve of the good looking young officer's shoulder, says, Spokane Police Department! Shit! There is another officer of the same uni behind me . . . I always error on the side of safety!
The benefit of the doubt is gone, I am out of here. So, without making much of a scene, I am thinking that they are just getting their food, maybe they didn't notice, that I was done, but they did see that I was buying M&Ms, so I very non-chaulantly walk over to my table, clean up my mess, like a good citizen, without a mother who even likes me, let alone one who is following me around picking up after me! I don't look in their direction. Now the one advantage I have, is I just don't look my age. A guy earlier in the day, said, I bet you are younger than I am, and I said, I doubt it, he was 44, I look even younger without make-up, to the theft of the stuff, didn't help them any, and I told him I was turning 60, he didn't quite know what to say, but I don't think he believed me, which is how they get away with stealing my kids, I don't look old enough to have a near 40 year old daughter, hey, it's that Mormon Muffin thing, you start while you are a teenager, at 19, by 21, you are an old maid and are sent on a mission with the other spinsters, who missed their ship coming in! Total insanity! I had 4 kids by the time I was 28, Rachel, more worldly than myself, who they are claiming is their mother, or older Shelley, by only a year, going on 20, is another, if not Sue, or Kay . . . as I grow younger than my children, Tiffany is the next Southwick sister in line of succession to be me! LOL! I love this part . . . I am just not old enough; therefore, I can't be the mother! I do feel younger then my children, LOL! I did such a good job, I can be completely irresponsible.
I don't think the officers through much, until I casually got up and left! I hit the bathroom, just in case, and a fucking good thing! As I came out, and looked out the windows, to see if the coast was clear, I clearly saw, two of the five cop cars, screaming down the street, in HOT PURSUIT! LOL! Fooled them again, but they are going to be doubly pissed, the almighty penis factor! LOL! I had just slipped passed 5 cops, not going to go well with the boss, LOL! Fuck, sometimes I really love the game, the chase, the bounty they must have been promised, and how Keystone cops they are! I love it! The second great escape of the evening, but we have the bus terminal, they are surely going to be watching for me, and sure as shit, they were . . . but fooled again! ONLY GOD CAN PROTECT ME LIKE HE DOES! He said, in his holy scriptures, he would meet us in the battlefield, and he does daily for me! Thanks Intel man!
I had been awake since 3:30 a.m., stressing out, but out the door, with nowhere to go, by about 6 a.m., with nothing open for hours, on the streets of the city, except, McDonald's, whom had a no trespassing sign in the window, and I kind of figured that the only way a customer, could trespass, was to loiter, and not buy anything, and without money for 3 weeks, that was a venture, I was not willing to take, although, I did, get away with it, twice, but with make-up on, they don't think I am one of the gals from down the street, which I an sure was one of the reasons staff took the make-up and pretended not to know where it was! Backfired, or they gave it to my doubles, they really have a strange obsession for anything I touch, the Midas Touch, but I don't get any of the gold, they do! I fell asleep, under the escalators, waiting for the ticket booth to open at 5:30 a.m., with the bus leaving at 5:55 a.m., so not much room for error.
As Luck Would Have It . . . The Jack Booted Thugs of the Border Patrol Were Waiting for Me at the Top of the Stairs! Shit, Just Walk on by . . . word from a song!
As youthful looks and fun attitude would have it, for surely a woman they were looking for would be hiding in the shadows, not joking with the bus driver, who was paying extra attention to her, and telling me, as I told him the horror stories of the night, that I better ditch my Victory 360 hat, that was on my head! I think he knew, and had probably been told, that they were looking for someone, Border Patrol are not typical at this bus and train stop, that I have frequented at least 10 times in the last year and a half, but he was a fun loving Indian, laughing and asking me if I had talked to the BP as I passed, fuck no, we had hit it off down stairs, before I knew, these two, clowns, standing at full attention, in a Marine stance, one posted at the top of the escalator and the other one between me and the bus, outside, not going to let this bitch go three times in one night! Oh, yeah, fellows! I walked right passed them, they didn't change their stance one bit, while I sauntered passed the two. LOL!
I was just waiting for them to get smart, but they didn't even when they walked down the isles of the bus, acting like they were checking the only Hispanic on the bus, who was most likely a plant, some 1500 miles from the Mexican border, for a Canadian, would not have looked any different than myself, and would not have given them a reason to racially profile this plant, and check for his papers, to get a better look at the people on the bus! I was shocked, that once the government, Homeland Security goon, got on the bus, like one of Hitler's SS men, that I had just written to disband, the day before in my blog, with all the fucking authority they think they have, just violated this guy's constitutional rights, to the chagrin of most of us on the bus . . . this is god-damn America, this should not happen! Me and another chick, just out of the military, informed him of his rights, and that should not have happened! What was this motherfuckers probable cause, to think that this guy was illegally in the state or country, that he had darker skin that the rest of us! God almighty . . . who shielded me from this staged bull shit!
They probably thought that I would stand up and confront the goon about this guy's rights . . . I am smarter than they give me credit for . . . underestimating this female all night! They must believe my fucked up, jealous as hell, even of my street life, is telling them . . . don't let the poverty fool you, they haven't extracted my BRAIN yet! Anyone can steal money, not many could survive this night! I actually think the bus driver, was trying to trick me too, because he actually told the goon searching the bus, that there was a guy in the bathroom who was trying to hide from him . . . REALLY? The total opposite of what he had been telling me? He, like many, was fishing to see if I was the one, in fact, that they were looking for; however, when I left the shelter, I had my hair down, and no cap, I hat the hat in my purse, to fool them, but they most likely got the discription of me from the female lesbian cops at the shelter, at least I was banking on it, and there was no dice, when the guy, who had no way of warning the cops upstairs, that I had changed my appearance, amazing what small changes will do, like a hoody, glasses, had, no hat will do to fuck with their minds, who have one image of what I should look like! Too bad kids, a bad night for one and all! Except me, I was booking it out of town!
God Does Exist, And HE is a Bigger, Bad Ass Than I Am!