The Standard of Review, to Prove a Case of Sexual Harassment, is that there was a "Hostile Work Environment" and that may Differ From Person to Person! You Take Your Victims as You Find Them, What is "Hostile" to One, Might Not Be "Hostile" To Another . . . The "Eggshell Theory" of Torts, it is the Luck or Unluck of the Draw--You are Playing Russian Roulette!
By way of example . . . when I was an assistant attorney general, over three statewide programs, also dealing a lot with domestic violence, reporting laws for physicians, I happened to come in contact with a doctor, who was a spokesperson for the Utah Medical Association, before, I later, became general counsel for the UMA, but, often, both of us, had to testify before, various, legislative committees, on domestic violence and related issues. As me and this doctor, ran into each other, more and more, he started to get more and more friendly, wanted hugs, and there were times, he called me, and said that his wife, had Lupus, or something like that, and that he would need a wife, after his wife died, to help him raise his 10 children! I just kind of blew him off, having four children of my own, and having, not one ounce of attraction for this doctor, not really even listening to him, as he rambled, when he called, every once in awhile. Now, I supervised, 13 staff members, and three of them were in charge of constituent services, and handled the majority of the calls to the Utah Attorney Generals Office, redirecting them to various government agencies, that would or could best serve their needs, but they also took personal calls for me, and I was generally, never in the office for one reason or another, so they may have gotten, more than an ear full, from the doc, that I was unaware of. But, I remember, not giving any heed, to this man, never was attracted, never would be, and, male attention was something, I had never lacked in life!
But, I remember, one of my employees, saying to me, JoAnn, you would not recognize, sexual harassment, if it was standing right in front of your face! referring to this doctor, who later ended up, not only president of the UMA doctors association, and the AMA, or American Medical Association, so a big shot, but, not my type! Now, obviously, the woman, taking this man's phone call, was bothered by what he was either saying about me, or making reference to, or the fact that he was getting, somewhat, carried away, but, as a female attorney, much like Fox's, Greta Van Susteren or Laura Ingraham, there is much less, likelihood, given the level of education, and power to do something, even against powerful men, that, say, a female anchor with a communications degree or broadcasting degree, would not have, and might be, much more vulnerable, and generally, with an uneven level of power, that makes, the other women, more vulnerable, that an attorney. What would be threatening to, an underling, would not have the same impact, on someone like me. I don't think, I gave another thought, to her, statement, and just basically, while not, flattered in the slightest, kind of laughed, that, he would be presumptuous enough, to think, he could pull some stunt, off like that, and that was the end of it. So, when there is power for power, without supervisory positions, over someone, the level of what would constitute would be much harder to prove; however, if someone had the power over your job, position, promotions, or salary, such as a partner in a law firm, making demands on a new female attorney, who, would or might be under the control of a senior partner!
There is Much Less Sympathy, When the Male or Female, Is Not Under the Control of a Superior, and Then Scream Foul, or Sexual Harassment, When, there was No Power Exerted Over a Subordinate! or They Have the Latitude and Mobility, to Freely Move About Their Profession with Ease!
One of the areas, that attorneys, juries, judges, or administrative hearing officers, might look at, is the level of "supervision" or the "uneven" power between the two involved parties, whether male or female, because both sexes can be sexually harassed, pressured, experience a "hostile working environment." Anytime, someone of power, a general, a staff sergeant, a supervisor, a principle, a director, someone of substantial power, over the other person, and these allegations, or charges are brought, it is much more likely to be the case, if there is an uneven, playing field, and the more uneven, the power, the more likely, there is the potential, to have the opportunity, availability, and potential, to have the power, to commit, or be involved in pressuring someone, or putting undue influence on them, to create a hostile work environment. Although, that type of work environment, can be created by equals, or even inferiors, especially, in fields, professions, trades, where there is a predominance of one sex, over another, just due to the amount of support, one might get, from fellow workers for harassing, say a female boss, with all the men, in support or agreement, with the harasser, such as in a police or fire department, or in my case, in the legal field, where all female attorneys, in southern Utah, had been either trashed by the judges, or felt uncomfortable with almost all males in the local bar, or where, only the big boys, get the murder cases, not the females who are relegated to kiddie court!
In large, departments with options and mobility, if there is a complaint, of someone, within the department, harassing, or creating an environment that is not conducive to a healthy work atmosphere, and it is easy to get transferred, or to just be put in a different location from this person, and there were ample options, to avoid the abuser, then, it may be wise, to just realize that, there are personality conflicts, that can come into play, and for every one's sake, it my do you well to move, even if it is somewhat, uncomfortable, takes you out, of your friends and coworkers' circle, there may be some expectation, that, is preferable to the alternative of upsetting the whole office dynamics, or disrupting important business and work, ethics, being just easier to make a change, even while being the one harassed! Now, when sexual harassment, happens, it is imperative that the person, being harassed, make it clear and known to the person, creating the negative work experience, that they don't appreciate, their advances, or the extra attention, or being singled out, and being treated either better or worse, because, while getting privileges, from a boss or superior, may at first seem, innocent, believe me, it will later come with strings, and just taking up, an offer, even without harassment, can create a "hostile work environment" just knowing there are favors, gifts, allowances, and corners cut, for someone over all the others, who may later take it out on the singled out person.
A List of Commonly Know Events or Comments That Can Be The Start of an Unhealthy Work Environment, Leading to a "Hostile" Encounter
Back in 1994, when I was first hired as an assistant attorney general, staff attorney for the Utah Prosecution Council, we were required, to take a training, on what, sexual harassment looked like, what it constituted, what the signs were that it was taking place, and what to do about it; however, that was a fucking long time ago, but, I do remember a few things, and I will see, if, after 23 years of practicing law, working first with government, colleges and universities, later, in private practice, etc., I have had enough experience, that I might be able to just drag thoughts and ideas out from my experiences:
- sexual comments on dress, body parts, movement, reading contact, or accidental or even purposeful touching, that could or couldn't be considered, creating an unwelcome contact or environment, or taking everything in a sexual context, more like locker room talk
- gatherings of either male or females, at a water cooler, or in an office, and seeing a co-worker, go by, turning and making facial comments, rolling eyes, or raising eyebrows, or whispering, or even loud comments that, would indicate, that the group is talking about, this person
- anytime you have a high concentrated number of men, in a system, and the first women, comes on board or starts to crash their previously, male bastion, and who may even be better than the males, setting a new standard of excellence, the fangs, claws, jaws, come out, putting pressure on the one female, to get out, now, not giving them time to root into the system . . . this happened to me, in the criminal justice system, going from government, protected, ivy tower work, dealing with cops, prosecutors and judges, more in a training, legislative, and representative capacity, to getting down, and dirty in the trenches, in the heated battle of criminal law defense and civil rights, against some of the same people, I had trained, 15 to 20 years earlier, and believe me, it was hostile, with no other female, that I ever saw, most driven out by the boyz clubz, right off the bat, not having dealt with someone like me, who had a resume and history, of taking to the systems, now facing off against them, in court, in the jails, and out on the streets, often turning a criminal defense into a civil rights case, when situations and matters got out of hand! The big push back, putting the hands and cuffs on, law enforcement, forcing them to abide by the Constitutional rights and protections, they took an oath to do, and they did not like, me doing what they do to every one else! The transition, from being treated, like an attorney, to going to pussy! I first noticed and increasing disdain for me, in the jails, and some of it, I believe was related to an obvious, but, controlled attraction, to one of my clients, who ended up being a plaintiff in a civil rights case--the guy was a local football hero, and was going to play for the Nebraska Cornhuskers, but, for some reason, had a class that he failed to either pass, or didn't take, stopping him from going, but, the man was a physical specimen for sure, handsome, fit, good looking as hell, and you had to be blind, not to see that . . . I was expecting some meth-ed out, skinny, druggie type, with greasy hair, and sickly, and this beautiful, buff man, walks into the lawyer's booth at the jail, and we hit it off, right off the bat, even being, 30 years different in age, bound by the case, liberty, justice and rights! We used to tell stories and talk the case for hours, and we would both, laugh until we were sick! The jail central, monitors, started to notice, the weekly visits, and the $56.7 million case, and they started to put pressure on me: (1) they started to ask for my driver's license, all the sudden, like they were looking for warrants, and pissed they didn't find any, generally, all I had to show was my Utah State Bar Association card; (2) they had to have put listening devices in the lawyer's booth, that should have been completely confidential, but, now appeared to be something to be used, to gain information, and both me and my client, would notice that stuff we talked about, had immediate ramifications, in the jail population, like moving this guy, to another jail, who had just been ordered to spend the next 4 months in this jail; (3) then on a very hot case, all the sudden, I was being denied, even access to the lawyer's booth at all, and was put in the family booths, like any other citizen, and suppose to carry on confidential conversations about cases, that involved, police framing and setting my client up . . . I had been, up to that point winning, almost all my motions and was getting my clients, either off, or substantially hitting, the system, and getting like 45 year prison, sentences down to three year probation, etc., so the "hostilities" started to amp up, and (4) is was denied access to my clients, some facing murder wraps, with me as second chair, now ready to take on a capital murder case, trying to tell my client, who had originally wanted me to defend him, that now, 10 months later, I could, and to withdraw his plea agreement, they refused me and him, both our 6th amendment rights, by denying me contact, which I had always had, but the plea deal had been reached, another case where I thought the cops, killed my client's wife, then, pressured him, drugged out and drunk, to confess, or so they claimed to the murder, with all the evidence pointing to the cops! (5) blocking access and representation, was just the beginning, then it escalated, to blocking me from making it to court, to see him, at sentencing, waking to find, two of my tires on my truck with nails in them, and my client, being moved from 23 on the docket list to 1 or 2nd, so, that they could get him sentenced and out of the courtroom, before, I could get my truck tires fixed and take care of business in the Washington County Courthouse and cases; (6) then, it went to packing courtrooms with cops, undercover, plain clothed, and denying the public, or friends of the defendants to attend court, violating more rights, from 4th, 5th, 6th and 14th, in this court process; (6) finally, the conflict, because, like a good little girl, I didn't back down, the harassing and "hostile work environment" turned to danger on the streets, with incindiary devices, being placed on my tires, making one blow when I hit freeway speeds of 80 miles per hour, my truck tires were loosened, engines fucked with, transmission, oil filter, and on and on, attempting to kill me through an accident; (7) cops started to break in my house at night, taking key pieces of evidence, and stealing computer flash or travel drives out of my purse, then putting them back, a few days later, containing, intellectual property, and case notes and briefs; and finally, (8) an all out assault, on my character, going after everything from my life to my bar license, bribing clients, to bringing in cops approved, doubles, in the form of non-attorney sisters, to chasing me for the last 4 years, not remaining in Utah, but spreading to the whole fucking nation, going to my cell phones, to computers, following me, 24/7, on planes, trains, buses, and shuttles, creating a hostile work environment even on my fucking computer! I am a trailblazer, and beat the living shit out the system, the players, the cops, prosecutors, judges, and whoever, gets in my way, taking on a system from top to bottom . . . and they look at me, my blog, as creating a hostile work environment, for them! LOL! I love turning the victim, into the perp! not new, not creative, no novel, they do this in RAPE cases, domestic violence, sexual assault and often in sexual harassment cases! Case in point, daily turning off the spell check on my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In four short years, due to a hostile work environment, hostile family, a very Republican state and counties, I have gone from a thriving law practice, listed as #2 in the nation, to being reported as dead, having my car blown up, and non-stop surveillance, chasing, intimidation, and harassment, going from a $1.4 million home, $700 million worth of cases, lined up and waiting, a national image and reputation, down to homeless and a backpack, to my name, explain that one!
- I had a secretary at the AG's office, who was a very attractive, middle aged woman, who was very busty, and my boss, her boss too, always had his eyeballs glued right at her boobs, never looking at her face, while he talked to her, and, this was making her very, very uncomfortable . . . I don't think, he intended to make her feel bad, or thought he was creating an intentional "hostile work environment" but, I would more put it in the category of a clueless male, who was not, even trying to look, but somehow, subconsciously, always, rested his eyes, right on her chest area, never ever looking her in the eyes! Finally, she came to me, and asked me what she should do, and I said, next time he does this to you, look straight at his crotch, area, and address him! She did this, and it worked, made the point, and made the obvious, while silent, statement, that, his glare was making her as uncomfortable, as her staring at his dick! She got it, and that was the end, but, this small, thoughtless, staring was creating for her, a "hostile work environment" and, being someone, without that endowment in that area, I personally could not relate, but, I do know, it would piss me off, and being the feminist, I am, I would have done it a long time ago, but again, he was an attorney, and so was I, and she was a secretary!
- dirty jokes, off handed sexually charged comments, assigning machinery, as male or female, or making reference to parts of some machine, equipment, or tool, and giving it, a sexual play on the instrument, can make people feel uncomfortable, and the comments are not welcome, and make others feel, bad about going into that room, say a printing press, or a mail room, or an area, that is heavily laden with the members of the opposite sex, who are not offended, because it doesn't refer to a male body, or it can go in the converse of that, too, the other day, while I was in line, to get food at the Poverello Center, there was a piece of chicken, like the only one left, and the person serving, looked at me, and I looked at him, and the chicken, seriously, looked like a male penis, and, he asked me if, I wanted that piece and I laughed and said, no, that looks a little risque for me! We both laughed . . . now, that may have been offensive to someone, but, we were not in a working environment, nor was I a supervisor over him, and, there was no doubt, what it looked like, and rather than, embarrassing him, which, it did not, but it could have some guys, we laughed, knowing fully well, what part of the male anatomy, that piece of chicken looked like. Males, tend to be a bit, less sensitive than females are, and they only have one part of the body, to be talked about and referred to, so, they tend to roll with things a bit better, and very importantly, it was, a volunteer position, and so, there was not much risk of something, becoming a habit!
- this situation, was very uncalled for, and not appreciated . . . sometimes, women, who have learned to get places with their bodies or have been successful, can come onto, a male, making him feel uncomfortable, as in a scenario, between three attorneys, me, my boyfriend, the partner, or boss, of his private practice, who hired my attorney friend, because he wanted to go out with me. Me and him, were sitting in his office one day, and my ex-friend, came in, with a see through, low cut blouse or the buttons, loose, revealing her breasts, and she, sat on the floor, pulling her legs over her head, acting like she was doing some type of yoga exercise or something, he and I were sitting up, having a lawyer's discussion, when she came in and started doing this sexual exercise, to the shock of both me and him, being so inappropriate and unwelcome. Eventually, he fired her, but, it was not, him, doing the sexual harassing, she wanted him, was going through a divorce, was afraid that I would be richer than she was, and so she started using what had always worked for her in the past with other male attorneys, using sex to lure them, into a relationship, or way from other female attorneys, as she had done in law firms of the past. Well, this attorney, had some sense about him, saw her for the skank she was being, and ended up firing her. But, had she been a full partner, and their law practices very involved, women, can create just as "hostile work environment" for the male, who is not digging what she is forcing him to deal with each day!
- now, there are people, who, we see about town, or every once in a while, who make us feel uncomfortable, and create a "hostile" environment, but that is not the same thing, because we are not dependent on them for a job, or for our pay, or for a promotion, or have to deal with them, every fucking day! I had one such dude, who was just a simple, man, a dishwasher, type, not educated, but, every time I saw him, is was like, why don't you run away with me, go to Vegas and marry me, or why don't you come on over to my house, cook me up a good meal and we will, you know. This went on for three fucking years, off and on, and I only saw him, once or twice a year, but just seeing him, made me, pissed, because he never failed to put pressure on me, and I had absolutely no interest in him, didn't want to be mean, but eventually, I had to . . . I told him, that what he was doing was sexually harassing me, and I didn't like it, and if he didn't stop it, I was going to have to call the cops or something . . . now, he will not even say, hi! But, I prefer that! Both guys and gals, don't push a relationship, sexual in nature, if, this person, never, ever, responds, or moves in that direction, give it a break and let it die! I hated his attention in that area, but I liked him, as a person!
- sex, does not belong in the work place! Sometimes rejecting someone's sexual advances can, then in turn, create a "hostile work environment" when they pout around, get pissy when you come in the room, or start making disrespectful comments around others, or during staff meetings, pressuring you, through social media, or generally, distancing or isolating you from the rest of the office, through trash talking and negative comments
- while we might think that, adding a little sex to our work to avoid boredom, or to spice our lives up a bit, or to make people feel were are liberated and can deal with sex and work at the same time, there is likely to be some repercussions that might come back to bite us in the ass, later, or when, the fun and games are over, or when a wife or husband is contacted, or when someone has a change of heart, and the two people have to see each other daily, things can get very messy!
- I just noticed that, on one of my recommended sites, there is a free evaluation of a hostile work related case,, for a list of what constitutes a case of sexual harassment!