Contextual Framework and Background
As is the case with Israel Keyes, who was born into a family of 9, who were very religious in nature, almost cult like, as most Mormon families are, and having a low regard for that family, and they for him, he rejected that religion, and Christianity, in whole or in part, under the surface loathing it, while clinging to it, for the sociability, and familial ties of extended family, in particular his cherished grandparents who died in a tragic accident, crossing a street, after the theater, and who up until he met and married me, had never dated a Mormon girl, but liked the fact that it seemed to be a bridge between, him and his, somewhat estranged family, although, pretty close to his mother, but distant to his father, giving him, an acceptance, he had not known for years, previously, those he dated or married had been non-Mormon, professional women, whom he seemed to have a very stormy relationship with, other than, his first wife, whom, he merely served as a sperm donor, because she wanted a child. He seemed to have somewhat of a grandiosity, to the point of delusional, seeing himself, at times, as looking more like he thought Jesus should look as a Jew and also from the middle east, whom he seemed to want to try to rival, with his dark hair and more Mediterranean looks, and brown eyes, like he thinks, Jesus should have looked, rather than the light brown hair, and the blue eyes, that is the adopted version of the Mormon version of Jesus, being almost atheistic in his beliefs, going to church, at the Unitarian Church, for the coffee and the companionship, believing, more, in Eck, founded by writer, Eckhart, a philosopher, of a sorts, with the ideas that we are all one in each other and one in the same, probably the reasoning behind, his ability to swap out one wife, for another, and retain the name, children, family, and career, and cases, that vaulted, him, into money, credibility, and power, bumping me out, having left him, and bringing in Kay, while seeing nothing wrong, with this shared deception, because, in justification, we are all in this together, while he erases the lines, the privacy, the ownership, and the familial times, that bind traditional marriage, families, and societies, mixing it all into one, to the benefit of one person, and that was HIM!
People or Animals, What is the Difference, You Hunt One on Two Legs and the Others on Four! Evidence of a Confident Serial Killer
Brett picked me up, while I was standing in front of the store, and in like predator fashion, he breezed in the store, purchased his items, and started up, a more in depth conversation with me, putting out that school boy charm, the trusted boy scout, living on a farm, working on community programs for teaching non-violent communication, to families, teens, and those with anger management issues. To make a long story short, Brett asked me if I wanted to see his farm, soon, changing into shorts, getting his guitar, playing and singing to me, and asking me to rub lotion on his very nice and muscular legs . . . why not, later, begging me to stay the night, why not, I was dying, or so I thought, why not go out, having a handsome guy, romantic evening, and waking up to sunflowers, the next morning, and the fall leaves and cool air. Although, there was one point, that first night, that led me to believe, that I might have been at risk with him, and as he loomed over me, in a imposing position, that, could have been, deadly, as he held my hands down on the bed, locked in his large hands, he gave me this puzzling look, and said, I like you, as if, he had the power to let me live, or die. I was into abnormal psychology, and somewhat fascinated, by the thought, that he could be a serial killer, but I was suppose to die, anyway, and we had great sex, and we talked, as we hiked up to the pipeline. My favorite time of the year, and I am a risk taker, obviously, and that first day was a glorious and fun day.
Brett's conversation, was somewhat alarming, and I wondered, as he told me tales of a serial killer, who targeted prostitutes and runaways, with the attitude that they were just throw away people, also giving me numbers and statistics, of the possible killings, that this man got away with, I thought, he may be talking of himself . . . but he was so nice, so sweet, so accommodating, so, tender, and he read me bedtime stories each night, so, how could he be the guy, who kidnapped and murdered women? I thought, I have to die someway, and so, there was this dark, interest, and wonder, about this seemingly harmless man, yet a dark foreboding feeling, that, I was not seeing all, that was in the history of this guy, so handsome, tall, with all the cliches, of being tall, dark and handsome, with an air for danger. I thought, I wanted to ride this thing out. He also, mentioned that he thought, that all fat people ought to be killed, lent support, to his notion of being a killer.
Another time, we were stopped at Hastings book and video store, when Brett got in a confrontation, over the movie, I Married an Ax Murderer! Another time, we ate at McDonald's, and while Brett was reading the newspaper, there was an ad, or something on the back, that said, The Ice Man Cometh, which I found to be even more strange, when we stopped by Shelley's house, and she was reading a book, on the Ice Man, one of the most deadly serial killers, contract killers, who carried on a normal life, married, with kids, always the model dad, taking his kids to school and carrying on, like any normal dad. Then one night, Brett and I were watching the fireworks, over the valley, and he said, in a rather serious tone, I am the Ice Man. I just blew him off, and ignored him, saying, you are not! But, as we hiked up to a higher spot, on the hill, where four horses were grazing, all four horses, surrounded me, as if protecting me . . . you know, who they say, animals have a sense of people, good or bad, with all four, blocking me in a square, between their heads, with my only escape, to climb through their legs, until Brett came and forced the protectors apart, and we peacefully watched the fireworks, although, right now, I recall, that he was colder, than normal, and seemed bothered by something, and I wondered, if he planned on killing me that night?
As far as seeing a violent side of Brett, that only came, once or twice, but, remember, that, due to the Pick's Disease, I was more like a happy 5 year old child, with a woman's body, not like I am now, or got, like as time went on, and I think, I was healing, and the normal life, wore on, with old girlfriends, Kay, Shelley, Ruthie and others, coming into the picture, as I left the picture, at least emotionally. But, there were a few times, that, I could tell, with my background in domestic violence, that, this man had a temper, a darker side, that came out once when I was going to leave him, and he pushed me back, rather forcefully on the bed, and I lost my balance and fell on the floor, with him, I believe, throwing his empty water bottle at me. I never tested the limits, or pushed anything much, and just kind of went along with the program, at least for awhile, and I think, he figured, I was, hooked on him, and so he was free to do what he wanted, so the flirting, came in, and he started to exert some power and control over me, so I decided to get out. Staying with Kay, at Jeremy Ranch, with Kay and Brett, acting like I was some, picture on the wall, with Brett stating, that Kay, who was wondering if she should move to Logan, being engaged, or moving in that direction, testing the waters with Brett, and him responding, You can park your boat, in my garage anytime . . . the statement, that ended our relationship!
When, I kept sarcastically, mimicking, the two, parties, either to a fatal attraction, or at least to a total lack of marital conscience, with me, laughing and joking, at their stupid, exchange, about, parking her boat in his garage, and I told him, he could have her . . . Brett, got pissed and almost drove us off the road, at Cove Point, and almost crashed us into a ditch if I recall, and again, hit me on the leg with an empty plastic water bottle. I know that he had domestics, with girlfriends in Salt Lake, and he told me he was fired for being a womanizer, and sexually harassing women at the University of Utah, Medical Center. I know, he came over, several times, would track me down, after I left him, and he would say he wanted to love someone, or this an that, but neither of us, pushed anything, until one night, he came over to Shelley's house where I was staying, and he was drunk, and he started to cry, tell me he only loved me, he came in and tried to make love, and that night was about it. One night he did get drunk, and told, again, of a friend, who was 17 years old, was drinking at a party and got in a fight, and slit some kid's throat, but his father was a sheriff, or mother worked for one, and he got off, free, with no charges . . . he also, had tree starts, and I wondered if he got those from the prison program, that, I had learned about, when working with the AG's office? Anyway, I am going to give the traits of these two guys . . . nobody, believed, that Israel Keyes, could ever kill someone, and he got away with it for 14 years! The other guy, he was charming, but people got a bad vibe from him.
Psychopath + Sociopath + Narcissist + These Traits = Serial Killer
This is the profile of Ned Snelgrove, the name of the serial killer, with a name, that is so symbolic, as are the names of two of the known victims . . . Brett showed me a movie, called, Ned Lloyd or Lloyd Ned, and there is a long time, well patronized, Snelgrove's Ice Cream on 4th South in Salt Lake City, Utah, symbolically linking, this man, who looked a lot like Brett, to a connection to Salt Lake, and his first victim, was, his girlfriend, Jane Goodwin, a "J" name, and the girl looked much like me, and in a way, he symbolically murdered me, and the other victim, has a totally Mormon connected name, Karen Osmond, of the Donny and Marie Osmond, or Osmand family, no name, more Mormon connected for decades than this family, so, watching this, encouraged me to write this, and the next guy, was probably the smartest serial killer, with victims, that spanned the country, coast to coast, and I am just doing this out of duty, knowing what I know, hearing what I heard, almost admitting to me, he was a serial killer, because he thought, I was simple minded at the time and not paying attention, or because he was going to kill me, or I was going to die of the Pick's Disease, there are many reasons he may have confessed, in a cleansing, and there were many women missing in Logan at that time, with pictures on walls at the gas stations, I got Diet Coke from, especially after I left Brett . . . I would check the time frames of when I was with Brett and before I came, with after I left, any patterns, was there fewer missing girls? Brett used to give me a melatonin each night, he would take it to, but I am already a very sound sleeper, he could have crepted out at night, I am like I am dead, without any aid, it is almost a joke who sound I sleep . . . the reward for living a good life? Oh, he also had two trucks, one he parked in the field, a white Chevy or something with a shell on the back, and the one we always drove, a maroon, GMC, Sonoma. Comparisons:
- a fetish is a fetish
- he just wants to kill women
- he has a thing for big breasted women, whom he gets alone, strangles them, poses them in seductive or sexy positions, takes off their clothes from the waist up, and stabs them in the breasts
- FBI and cop interviewers . . . If you didn't know all the horrible things this guy has done, you would just think of him as a normal guy.
- when Ned's darker side came out, it just exploded and he ran into his ex-girlfriend, and he killed her with his signature patterns, I believe after she either let him come over, or he just showed up, later in the evening and murdered her
- his second victim, was hired where Ned worked, and she would wear low neck, dresses, that exposed her ample and over-sized breasts, and this very pretty woman, was dead, within 2 weeks after starting her job, killed in much the same manner as the ex-girlfriend
- he was confident, good looking, a real charmer, women liked him, and were attracted to him; he had good manners, and treated women very courteously, just appeared to be a good guy, until women showed up missing and mothers of the victims, both said he gave them the creeps, or they never liked him
- even after he turned himself in, he was cleaver like a fox, because, he knew, if he turned himself in, he could get a better deal, no death sentence, and with 20 years, he would be up for parole in 11 . . . he said, Ted Bundy was his model, and he should have planned more, like Ted! Bundy was his pin-up boy serial killer, whom he wanted to emulate, when he got out . . .
- experts in the field of serial killers said, Ned, was one of the most dangerous types, because, he didn't look like a bad guy, and there was nothing that would alert a woman to his darker side, at all, until they got alone with him!
- he was charming on the surface, but deadly on the inside, with a volcanic rage nobody would suspect
- even at work, Ned was fantasizing all day long, about, what he would do to various women, how he would, strangle, pose, stab, each of them . . . I don't think he sexually assaulted them?
- his main goal was to fly under the radar, it was more important, where he killed than who he killed, male and female, it didn't matter, and he often, planned the murders, planting killer kits, two years before he killed his intended victims, or his victims were just victims of circumstance
- he claimed that nobody knew him, really knew him, appearing to be one person to the public and a monster, killing people, but nobody would expect it
- he was such and nice person, that he couldn't do such a thing, but he was organized, systematic, strategic, never killing close to his home, sometimes flying from Alaska to Illinois to do a kill, then he would get rid of the bodies, and then leave, generally with no trace.
- he got caught, when he killed close to home, a late night coffee expresso drive thru, that he dismembered, stitched her eyelids, open, after torturing her, and sexually assaulting her, taking her cut up body parts, and cutting through the ice, where ice fishers generally fished, and dumped the body parts, in plastic bags, into the frozen lake . . . he violated all the rules he had had, and got cocky and reckless
- he used to only pay for anything in cash, he would ditch his cell phone battery, but he always used his real name, when flying, so showing that confidence
- his planning seemed more like a military exercise, with that in his background, he knew how to care for weapons, guns, knives, and to store his killing kits, burying them in the ground, until he is ready for the kill
- while he was in custody, he was calm, cool and collected, and he played this game of cat and mouse with the FBI, wanting to be executed, soon, and only giving bits and pieces of evidence and information . . . they said, knowing secrets, gave him power, like, I know something you don't know, therefore, I have power over you, but out of the 71 days, before he committed suicide, there was only one episode, that he displayed the other side of himself, and he unscrewed his leg irons and tried to escape out of the courtroom and it took about 8 large men to tackle and subdue him, he was very physical, and fit, and a rather large man . . . I remember seeing Brett, also very physical, mix cement, outside, and put the cement in buckets, like a 5 gallon bucket from Home Depot, and literally run, the cement, one in both hands, into the house and pour it, and I was shocked at just how strong he was!
- a neighbor hired him to build a fence for him, and he said he was the most reliable, responsible, hard worker, never showed up late, never even took a lunch break, in 6 months, but every once in awhile, he would, say he was taking 10 days straight off, and go to Texas, or somewhere like that, and then return. This neighbor, said he was the nicest guy, and he was in complete disbelief, that he could ever do any of the things, he claimed or was charged with, and anybody would like the guy, trust the guy, and work with him.
- he killed for his own pleasure, and after killing, dismembering, torturing and raping, the 18 year old coffee worker, leaving her body in the garage, he went in a talked to his wife and daughter about, their trip to here or there, extravagant trips, fun, loving family man!
- experts said Israel was very dangerous . . . he was the type of man, who could come in rape your women, kill your men, rob a bank, which he did, and burn down the town!
- he was organized, methodical, meticulous, careful, and repeated his successful patterns for years
- one of the smartest serial killers of all time, and they have only begun to figure out what he did and how many people he murdered!
- he was safe and secure and at home in the wilderness, where many of his victims, were dumped in lakes, or the forest where nobody would ever find them
- he took 20 flights over the years, to Hawaii, Canada, Mexico, Seattle, Texas, down South, and they figured he was likely to have killed people in all of those locations, and on each trip . . . the scope and scale of his killing and madness, creates horrors for experts and those wanting justice for families of victims!
- the scary thing about this type of killer, is the fact, that one day, they could be working at a soup kitchen, handing out food, and money, and the next day, they could be picking their victims from that same group!