Extrapolate What You Will From These Movies, Based on True Events . . . Scary, Worth Noting and Warning About! Experience is a "Great Teacher" but it is a Fool, Who Learns from None Other!
In this story, you have a happy family, made up of a smart 16 year old daughter, graduating from high school, ahead of her class, with a step-father, and a very busy mother, who work together, and provide a very nice lifestyle for their daughter, who wants nothing more than to spend more time with her pressured and busy parents, getting along fine with step-dad, but both parents, due to an emergency, a corporate truck wreck, miss their only daughter's graduation, already feeling the odd girl out, because, she is playing leap frog, and getting ahead of the game, looking at early college entrance . . . and she is on her bed crying when her parents finally get home, after graduation is all done, feeling alone, left out, and without the two most important people in her life, there to sustain and support her, her parents! A sad commentary, that many professional parents, or anyone for that matter, deals with, and faces on a daily basis, time, priorities, and choices, and sometimes those do more than compete with each other! But, the mom, is optimistic that her daughter, will not only forgive the errant parents, but be thrilled when she drops, the keys to a brand new, shiny, red BMW convertible, but the daughter, however, asked for a small truck, and seems disappointed.
Two problems here, parents, who are proving that they don't listen to their daughter, and purchased the car, they thought, their daughter, ought to drive, especially going off to college, and an ungrateful daughter, who turned an thanked her mother and step-father, by saying, "You bought me again, Mom!" And she sarcastically gets in and pouting, takes the car for a spin with step-dad, proud of not only his smart daughter, but also of the flashy car, the two just surprised his, somewhat earthy girl with, who has much simpler plans for her life, and how she wants to spend her summer, as will be evidenced, soon, by the decisions she makes, to go to a local community college, get involved with a horse riding ranch, for girls, before going to college, later dropping out of college, all together, when she gets her own horse for her birthday, that is kept out on this ranch, for girls, with tough cowgirl and her rough neck, but dumb mindful husband. Slowly the mother, sees that her, formerly, sweet daughter, is changing right in front of her eyes, and she doesn't like what she is seeing, having had a close relationship, with issues, like all mothers and daughters, this girl, is more and more, staying out with the ranch girls, boarders there, and the horses, and not going home. The mother, of course is growing increasingly alarmed, and concerned, at the daughter's attitudes toward her, and her husband, becoming belligerent, sassy, refusing to do even the minimum, her mother asks her, and the girl even orders the mother out of her bedroom!
Ranch Owners Daughter, Champion Horse Rider, Murdered By Jealous Girls, Starting to Look at this Other Ladies Daughter, as a Replacement Daughter, for Her Own Daughter! The Cult-ish Atmosphere at the Ranch, Alarms the Girl's Mother, as well as, the Godmother and Aunt, Who Also Sees the Changes in the Girl!
The family and Aunt, along with the daughter, get together for a BBQ, and the dad, who is Irish, makes some fun party drinks, and offers to let the girl, join the adults and have her first taste of alcohol, the way parents should introduce alcohol and moderation to kids, but the girl, is over on the side of the pool, pouting and acting annoyed that she even has to be there, wanting to go back to the ranch, and be with her horse and the other girls. The Aunt, steps in to fill the void, between the shocked parents and the girl, and calls for a family picture. The Aunt, points out to the mother, a comparison of a picture, she took, just months, before the daughter started going to the ranch, and it showed her, happy, loving, close to her parents, and seemingly enjoying life, and the latest pictures, showed a sour, sad, depressed looking girl, bothered to even be with her parents, or her favorite aunt. Then the mother's sister, tells her, that she has heard of a woman, who is good at deprogramming kids, who have been inducted into this type of cult type situation, and she thinks the mother needs to intervene, immediately, to get the girl away from, this bizarre situation, she is getting deeper and deeper into. When the girl, refuses to leave the ranch one evening, the mother decided that she was going to take some control of the situation, and she tells her daughter, she is removing the horse, and it will no longer be boarded at the ranch, hoping that would bring her daughter home. WRONG! it only increased the animosity between the mother and the daughter.
The cowgirl at the ranch, now threatened with losing, what she has now, seen as her replacement daughter, even moving her into her own dead daughter's bedroom, she starts to increase the brainwashing of the girl, saying your mother is crazy, she is mean, look what she just did to you, she never cared about you, she never had time for you, and now she is even taking your horse. Sometime later, the mother, basically freaking out about losing her daughter, permanently, goes out to the ranch, and after getting a court order, demands that her underage daughter, return home with her! The other lady the cowgirl, is pissed, she actually gets in fist-a-cuffs with the real mother, she is screaming, this is MY daughter, and she pulls a gun on the mother, who is physically, pushing her daughter in the car, while the girl is fighting to get out and back with the gang of girls at the ranch, under the tutelage of this cowgirl, gaining more power and control, brainwashing the girl, daily to hate her mother, and turn on her, with the other girls, as backup, filling the girl's head with all kinds of shit against the mother. Eventually, the mother gets the daughter, away from this woman, only to find, to keep her daughter, home, she had to handcuff her to the bed, and the daughter turned into a raving banshee, a feral cat, fighting to get free, screaming at her parents, and eventually, the cowgirl, who is stalking the parents' home, somehow gets in contact with the girl, who used the end of an electrical cord, to unscrew the bolts on her chains and cords that are binding her . . . and she escapes, leaving her parents, sick and dumbfounded, at the hatred, their daughter, now seems to have, not only for her parents, but for the home, her previous life, etc. The ranch, finally, gets a restraining order on the mother, who is now stalking the ranch, to make sure her daughter is safe, because, the girls and owners of the ranch, lied, and said, the girl wasn't there, she got pregnant and ran away with a boyfriend! Sheriffs go to look for the girl, but the ranch girls all lie, even with her hiding in the hay.
The Girl's Family, Friends, and Co-Workers Who Have Known the Girl Since Birth, All Decide to Rescue The Girl, On Her 18th Birthday, Feeling That If They Don't Act Now, They Will Lose Their Daughter to the Cult Forever!
This mom has the ranch all staked out, the parents and friends, about 6 of them, have black ski masks, and maps of the ranch, and they are serious, about getting the daughter, away from these folks, who are exercising, undue influence over her, and trashing the mother, all the time, in a manner, that is basically brainwashing the daughter to hate the mother. In fact, there is one situation, that one of the older horses on the ranch, needs to be put to death, because it is getting old and lame. The cowgirl, pulls all the girls out onto the dirt, in a fenced pen, and she decides to make the daughter shoot the horse to toughen her up, telling her that taking care of horses, is not all just fun and games, although, this woman was brutal, and used the girls, as chore hands, to run the ranch, and she ran it with an iron fist . . . but the girl is reluctant, and so the cowgirl, starts telling her to pretend, that it is her crazy mother, who has outlived her purpose and usefulness in life, and needs to be put out her misery and her daughter's misery. This woman just trashes the mother, and keeps pushing the girl to shoot the horse or her mother, symbolically in the head, as no longer, being of any use, and old, which the mother was not at all, and a very viable person, business owner, and beautiful. The girl can't do it, and so the cowgirl, just grabs the rifle out of her hands, disgusted at her weakness and refusal to see this horse as a burden and needing to be put to death, and she in anger, walks up to the horse and shoots it in the head! The girl is horrified. Slowly, after time, the girl, is starting to see, that this ranch situation, is getting crazy with, the cowgirl, waking her up at all times of the night, if she didn't think the girl did her chores well enough.
Finally, all the parents' friend, co-workers, employees and her Aunt, stake out the place, early, one morning, and, the girl comes out, to feed the horses, and the gang of guys, with black ski masks on, run to the girl, grab her, locking down her arms and legs, and put her in the back of an SUV! The cops are called at trace one of the vehicles, to a rental car agency, so, that will lead them to the parents, who take the girl, miles away, to a remote cabin, prepared for her deprogramming, with pictures of her and her parents, loving family memories, fun times, all over her bedroom cabin walls. There are no chains and cuff, just 6 loving adults, concerned about her, and the deprogram expert, who has had court orders, been accused of kidnapping, even going to jail a time or two, to help parents, starting with rescuing her own son, years earlier and becoming an expert in getting kids out of bad situations, there they are actually brainwashed to hate their parents, to further the interests of the person doing the psychological games on the unsuspecting kid. The girl, almost immediately with nowhere to run, starts to first, rip the pictures off the wall, until the de-programmer comes in and talks to her, encouraging her to eat, and she tells her exactly what she is there to do, and the girl, as if in a trance, starts, looking at the pictures, remember, her life, remembering the loving parents, her wonderful home, yes, with problems, like all homes, but pretty damned good! However, the rescue, now considered a kidnapping, and a possible murder, is all over the evening news, and they can hear, search planes flying overhead, so they know, they are going to get in trouble, for what they did, especially, now that the daughter, was 18 and free to make her own decisions.
Loving Mom, Buys Her Daughter Some More Time, To Readjust to Family Love, Life, and Return to her Own Home, By Going Home to Be Arrested By the Cops, Who Book the Mother, Charge Her With Kidnapping and Murdering Her Own Daughter . . . Until Her Daughter, Comes to Mom's Rescue, Running To "The Greatest Mom" in the World . . . a Pin the Girl Had Given the Mom, Giving Mom The Strength To Do What Was Best For Her Daughter, Even If That Meant, Spending Time In Jail!
The movie starts with the mother being arrested by the cops, and them doing a search of the family home, with no daughter, but with all the gear still up in the room, chains, handcuffs, etc., so the cops, don't know what they are looking at. The mom is booked, but she keeps, pulling out the over-sized, that the daughter had given her for Mother's Day one year, that she kept in her car, in her bedroom, and now, a constant reminder of the daughter, she raised, the one she loved, and cherished, and would do anything to fight to get back, from this mother suffering loss, from losing her own child. When the pretty mother is first arrested, some black, inmate, starts the jail house, interrogation, and trash talking with the mother, joking about the mother all over the news, who kidnapped her own daughter, and maybe killed her. By the end of the movie, the black chick, looked at the mother, who told her how she got to jail, and the woman said, you did all that for your daughter? And as, the mom was released from jail, when her daughter came to her sense, and told the 6 family friends and her step-dad, that she had something she needed to do, and they took her to the jail to exonerate her mother, from all charges . . . but as she left the cell block, the black woman with tears in her eyes, just simply said, MOM!
The ranch family and gang of girls, tried to civilly sue the parents, to get money damages, and to get the girl back, with all in court, the daughter, finally could see, where she had been, whom had controlled her, and what they tried to do to her and her family, especially her mother! Nothing came of the civil case, it was dismissed promptly by the judge, and a restraining order was issued against the ranch cult! No success compensates for failure in the home! Both the parents and the girl, learned from this experience, and at the time of the movie, being made and released, the girl graduated from college, was happily married, and had a daughter of her own! SMILE!
I am sick of writing, but, this movie based on true events, is also well worth watching. It is about a cop husband, who is abusive, nearly killed his wife, but he didn't stop there, after she took a new identity to escape his clutches, and moved to Seattle, changing her residence and name every six months, she meets a man, who comes to the restaurant, that she is working at, and at first, she rejects him, will not go on a date or to get coffee, but he is persistent, sensing, that she likes him, but, is afraid of him or men, in general, until finally he gets her alone, and is gentle and conscientious of her past, and realizes this relationship is going to take some time, gaining her trust, and eventually her love, devotion and body, soul and mind. They are in love, but, this is not the end of husband, the abuser, who still sees this woman as his wife, and he wants her back, sits and watches there wedding tapes every night, cries and obsesses over her, and he is bound and determined that he is going to get her back at any cost, and he keeps tabs on her sister, his niece, whom he loved and never mistreated, but he pressures her for information, and she gives, the abuser cop, a gift, that the wife, got from the new boyfriend who is a toy maker, and on the back of this small gift, was Port Something, near Seattle.
The cop husband, talks one of his cop buddies, who owed him a favor, into putting a wire tap on his wife's phone, a federal violation, which the other cop is not hot on doing for him, knowing the story behind, the wife's disappearance, and worried about, her life, her safety and protection, but also, about him, breaking the law . . . the cop, who uses brutal force, not only on the suspects, his wife, but also on his coworker, having done them a favor, back 10 years, earlier bending the rules for this cop's kid, to get him off, I think, running over someone, or something like that, he used the guilt, that he never hesitated a second, to help him, in his time of need . . . compromise once, officers, and you got it hanging over your head for life. The cop, even asks, his buddy, to not only do, illegal eavesdropping on his old sister-in-laws phone, in town, but he asks the cop to cover his shift, while he takes off to Seattle, not only to track his wife, but to put the hurt on her new lover, showing up at his work, and framing him for his, own, ex-wife's murder, when she learns of the new girlfriend, the cop's wife, she comes over to the boat, he is living on, and the new girlfriend has been staying at, and the cops mistakes, this for his wife, a battle ensues and the cop kills the toy maker's ex-wife, and the dog who tried to protect her, puts the body in the backroom, leaving the abused wife's old wedding ring and chain, he wore, under the door of the bedroom, where the body was.
Boyfriend is Framed for Murder, New Girlfriend, Is Terrified, Scared to Help Exonerate Him . . . Out of Love, She Finally, Confronts Her Fear, Goes Back Home, To Where This Guy is a Cop, Breaks in Their Old House, and Finds the Pictures of Her Hospital Stay, and Proof of Her Injuries and His True Nature . . . A Cop That Helps Her is Killed, Same One Who Sees This Nutcase Cop, He Has Defended Since He Was 17! for the Abuser/Murderer He Is!
Love concurs all, and between the two lovers, and his attorney, they resort to luring the perfect cop, back to Seattle, after the friend cop, promised to testify in the case against, the husband, abuser, now murderer, but ended up, in a car accident on the way to the airport, after, the cop, uses a pencil, to decipher the note, and address, he took down, pretending to be talking to his own wife, not the fellow cop's abused wife, needing his help, telling him, he has been paying her husband back, 10 years, for helping him, and this lunatic cop, followed the cop, who met with the wife, she disappeared, but the crazed jealous cop, even accuses his buddy of sleeping with her, pulls a gun, and fires it, with, planks or it just didn't fire, but that is before, he found out he was going to testify in Seattle, at boyfriends trial, so he kills the guy, stopping him. But, the wife, boyfriend and attorney, are successful, in trapping the cop, getting him to Seattle, and after confessing to the murder, with his hands on his wife's neck, SWAT, comes crashing through the window to the rescue, knowing the situation is lethal . . . the husband, the alleged, perfect cop, stares at his wife, now with her new boyfriend and his attorney showing up, after he realized that he was caught on camera admitting guilt and to the murder, framing and all, puts his hand in his jacket, pretending to get a gun and with his wife, yelling that he didn't have a gun, because he told her he didn't have one on him, he is blown away, and falls several stories through the old floor of the dilapidated building--SORRY, NSA turned off spell check, must be allowing access and theft, to my ex-cop husband, and sister, mean cowgirl! LOL! And the lovers, get reacquainted, walk into the sunset, to the boat, hand in hand!
The moral of the story, is that, abusers, just don't stop at the abused, they go out like the ripple effect, taking in kids, families, work places, lovers, and anyone, they can gain power and control over, to keep the power and control over the victim! We need to stop the cycles of violence . . . sons who protect their mother, from an abuser, eventually, start, identifying with a father, or the abuser, and become abusers themselves, and that goes both ways, men are abused too, and girls learn their relationship patterns, in intimacy and marriage from their parents, I just wrote about a movie, When He Didn't Come Home, about a cute son, from the country, hooking up with a sophisticated hottie from the city, who is a hot tempered bitch, who kills him, when he wants to break up with her! There are always red flags, for male and female abusers, this chick's mother, got pissed at the father of the girlfriend, in this story, and started hitting him, hard on the back, as he left the room . . . the boy from the country, never saw his parents' fight or use physical violence, so he brought it up, but the girl, dismissed it, only to have the boy, end up dead, slaughtered at the hands of this bitch, with her family covering up the murder, dumping the kid's body in the ocean, never to be found again!
Devastating stuff!