Verify, Dumb Asses . . . I Ate At the Laughing Grizzly
Okay, I am giving you, ammo, ammo, and more ammo against these fuckers, if you are smart enough to use it, and use it against them, even if they have sat by your side at the FBI or the CIA, for fucking years, presenting themselves as the person writing this blog, as top attorneys, top cops, or top criminologists and psychologists, bosses, deputy directors, but, the criminals, perpetrating the crimes, your asses are suppose to be investigating! I used my Walmart Money Card, my bank, I had the chicken fried steak, because, that is what you are appearing to be, a bunch of fucking chickens, too afraid to go against, these assholes, leaving me raw and dealing with this on my own, for fucking 15 years, and writing about it almost daily, between 2009 to the present, the last 2 years on my blog, addressing, U.S. assistant attorneys, Paul Kohler, from the git-go, FBI agent, Seth Foot, same, or you might check the two former attorney generals, who are or were under indictment for corruption--FBI dropped its probe, I saw a copy of the Salt Lake Tribune, November of 2013, in the Missoula Library, and said, fuck NO--wrote for 16 hours all the shit I knew about these two--a month later, Swallow resigned, some months later, thanks to Sim Gill, and another Davis County prosecutor, these two, Duty to God, fuckers, were, both arrested--looking at 30 years each--in the state of Mormon!, all on the Mo Mafia, payroll and all need to get their asses kicked or fucking FIRED! along with multiple other key persons, of interest, that need to be TAKEN DOWN or I will take your sorry ass down with them!
Think I can't? Think again, try, taking down cops and prosecutors, nationwide on asset forfeiture--cops and prosecutors didn't think I could do anything either, taking down fraud units, Medicaid and Medicare, alleged up coding, getting 9 feds, fired, retired or moved from the unit, taking down, state, and putting the breaks on federal, SEC investigators, saving financial planners, civil and constitutional rights, and writing the most read blog, in the GOD-DAMNED UNIVERSE! regardless of where the hits go or the alleged, IP numbers, my blog is redirected to or from--do the math fuckers!
Here is all the information, you need to verify! who I am, and who the bitches you think are me, are! You see, the powerful offenders, many got their start, with my resume, and history, in the law; they think I am a hog--no, only the facts, man, I am just smart, raised my children smart, that is why I raise, rock star and hip hop, rap star musicians, and hot mama daughters, who have carried AK47s, and wore army boots! LOL! Their children are all fat, Buddhas, fags, rent boys, for the feds, CIA to be exact, or the DIA, for got about that fag, Frank! with not necessarily a pencil dick like I said, last week, and his double, took off and refuses to be identified with him as the cowboy, in the black hat, after my blog, but, I would venture, he, Frank, has a dick more like a bird, and you would not even know you had sex with the guy, that is why Frank goes after little boys! Here's the shit . . .
Think I can't? Think again, try, taking down cops and prosecutors, nationwide on asset forfeiture--cops and prosecutors didn't think I could do anything either, taking down fraud units, Medicaid and Medicare, alleged up coding, getting 9 feds, fired, retired or moved from the unit, taking down, state, and putting the breaks on federal, SEC investigators, saving financial planners, civil and constitutional rights, and writing the most read blog, in the GOD-DAMNED UNIVERSE! regardless of where the hits go or the alleged, IP numbers, my blog is redirected to or from--do the math fuckers!
Here is all the information, you need to verify! who I am, and who the bitches you think are me, are! You see, the powerful offenders, many got their start, with my resume, and history, in the law; they think I am a hog--no, only the facts, man, I am just smart, raised my children smart, that is why I raise, rock star and hip hop, rap star musicians, and hot mama daughters, who have carried AK47s, and wore army boots! LOL! Their children are all fat, Buddhas, fags, rent boys, for the feds, CIA to be exact, or the DIA, for got about that fag, Frank! with not necessarily a pencil dick like I said, last week, and his double, took off and refuses to be identified with him as the cowboy, in the black hat, after my blog, but, I would venture, he, Frank, has a dick more like a bird, and you would not even know you had sex with the guy, that is why Frank goes after little boys! Here's the shit . . .
- Laughing Grizzly, 2300 West Broadway, Missoula, MT 59808, (406) 926-3375
- server: Andrea
- DOB: 11/03/2015
- 08:57 AM
- 6/1 3/3004
- VISA 3145732
- Magnetic card present: JOANN S. SECRIST
- Card Entry Method: S
- Approval: 097509
- Amount: $14.50
- + Tip: 3:00
- = Total: $17.50
Not My Father's Root Beer!
The number one problem that I see, other than we are suppose to have a representative government, and that includes in our police departments, FBI and CIA, is that alleged, good little Mormon, boy scouts and girl scouts, is that, they are too fucking sheltered, they can't see a psychopath, sociopath, pathological liar, serial killer, or pack of wolf, serial killers, when the are sitting, standing, living, and eating with them, they just don't have the experience, nor the sick minds, twisted and perverted, so when these, fuckers, play their games, lie, twist the facts, cover each other's asses, the very ones, who are allegedly suppose to detect, investigate, prosecute and try these deadly fucks, they are completely unprepared to deal with them, or even understand the wicked, evil, perverted, deviant minds, enough, to see through, their we teach clean, images, clocked in the Mo priesthood, all completely inactive their whole lives--Brett, Shelley, Kay and their ilk, and do completely, utterly, and deprived, acts of violence, sadistic sex, rent a boys, pedophile and prostitution rings, under the guise of polygamy! wife and husband swapping, or swinging!
Most Evil--Shelley and Frank, aka, Allan Bess . . . Making a Game of Murder!
It is a noted fact, that 93% of the murders are committed by men, but not all evil acts are of equal horror and shock value; Dr. Michael Stone, created a graph depicting the varying levels of pure and sadistic evil, and rated them on scale from 1 being the least evil to 22 at the worst, evil, with people like, Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, and the prolific and notorious serial killers, as hideous and egregious as their crimes--generally against strangers--it is the familial crimes that shock us the most! So, however, it is a woman, who tops the charts, of the most evil, ranking at 22, due to the fact, that she was a sadistic killer, jealous of her own teenage daughters, abused them, tortured them, starved them, shot one, then removed her bullet, leaving her to bleed out in the bath tub, later, burning her alive, and all the while, enlisting the help of her sons, whom she was not threatened by, seeing her daughters, prettier, thinner and younger, making her appear old and ugly.
The most evil and sadistic killers, are those among us, who have a duty, a supposed loyalty, at least an alleged caring attitude toward or tenderness, for their own children, their siblings, or their parents, those in our own families, or intimate circles. So, when going after, or killing, preying on, or hurting, one other their own blood, tends to rise in the scale of the worst type of people, and enlisting or eliciting the aid of children, bringing them into a crime, of any kind, is totally unconscionable, and of a shockingly, callous, and deviate, depraved nature . . . that is why my case, has been so hard to decipher, predict, and detect, because, even at some one's worst, they would not have done these things to someone, society, believes, assumes, and pretends, loves or should love their own, flesh and blood! The next, would be a spouse, but that is not flesh and blood, but related through marriage, but again, a person of duty, alleged devotion, and while every marriage has its share of trouble, most of us, while, cops, know to check out the spouse first, sad to say, would assume that divorce, or some sacred bond, would prevent the normal, the reasonable person, for committing crimes against the mother or father of their children!
Why Are Men More Violent That Women? Smaller Brains In the Orbital Frontal Region, The Area That Controls How We Respond to a Threat!
So, Reuben Gurr, looked a the physical aggression in men, and then examined the male and female brains, and he said, that, when you look at certain, regions of the brain, males and females, tend to appear to be so different, that they almost seem like another species. The most evil and prolific female serial killers, tend to have brains, that more resemble the male brain, lacking the larger, orbital frontal region. Men, along with female killers, have a larger, amigdula or threat center, and when, there is a threat, due to the larger amount of adrenaline, causes a more violent reaction, and along with the smaller, orbital frontal lobe, that controls how we react, put two and two together, and you have more violence!, men have less tissue, to inhibit, a violence response. This does not excuse violence or abuse, but, if men, know, why they have these feelings, and with less control, they need to come up with an exit plan when they are angry, or some type of anger management method, to add that, control that is not there in the brain. Most females, who murder, murder, those people closest to them, and generally through less, violent means, like poisoning, or something less bloody, but there are female exceptions.
There is an interesting, game of murder, where two nurses, named Wood and Graham, who had become, lesbian lovers, and decided that through playing Scrabble, they would kill their older patients, with the first names, that started with letters, in spelling out the word, MURDER. They decided that killing their patients would bond the two, making them less likely to leave each other, and partners in crime, would make them less likely to go to authorities, if one left or turned on the other. It was interesting, as the psychologist, looked at the backgrounds of the two women, to see how they got to this point. Wood, had been married, and was severely depressed, and while in this depression, she started to read, crime thrillers, study the most, horrific serial killers, and fed herself on a constant diet of this mind set. She refused to clean the house, didn't seek counseling as her husband, recommended. She very much exhibited, and anti-social personality, disorder. Now, I would compare this the Shelley, with book shelves filled with serial killers, crime novels, off shore banking, how to money launder, and filling her nights with crime shows, the Sopranos and Riches, where, people would, find rich people, kill them, and move in their houses, taking over their lives . . . hello, St. George and Parowan!
Eventually, Woods got a job at a nursing home, and she suddenly became more social, pulling out of her depression, and started staying out all night, dancing, drinking, and this seemed to be a turning point, in her life, where she started to be encouraged to do things that she had never done before. At the nursing home, she met, Graham . . . a symbolic name for me, since the attorney general, I worked under, was Jan Graham, who later, hooked up with Shelley, after she took a deal on securities, clearing her and her father, in exchange for turning in her ex-husband and boss, then as part of the deal, being involved with the Children's Justice Centers, that Jan was just starting at the time, later, getting to know, new AG, and former friend of mine, Mark Shurtleff, through the justice center. The normally, reclusive, anti-social, Shelley, who for most of her life, stayed in and read, books, having little to do with family, and siblings, with my mother, very much, relying on me for child care, in our younger years, since Shelley hated, being raised in the large family and had a thing against me, for being born, 13 months after her. Once I talked to her, long after we had been married, and you would have thought, we were born in totally different homes, me taking the positive spin on things and Shelley, taking the negative spin, seeing my mother and father's relationship as controlling, all the 7 other siblings and an annoyance, and staying in her room as much as possible, helping, little with the ins and outs of running a home with 10 people, and a mother, who taught school, and father who was around if he had money, and gone if he didn't! Shelley said, the only memory she had of my mother, was butt up in the air, working in the garden! WHAT?
For some reason, having a clean slate, working with the attorney general, started to give Shelley a since of mission, goals, she started to get out of herself, and serve in the community, then she was on the Cache Valley Chamber of Commerce, and a new social butterfly, appeared, where the anti-social person, had been. That seemed to be the time, Shelley, after I had been poisoned, started to move in, try to regain, territory, she had lost, or given up, through lack of interest, being the oldest child, normally the overachiever, left to me, having both the traits of being the social butterfly, and the overachiever, and, so this role reversal started to happen, very much, with the help and aid of my political enemies, who now, saw Shelley as the government's gal, and me that anti-government gal, who needed to be control, much in the same way, Nevada's state, controller or treasurer, needed to be control, through death! or complete neutralizing, and Shelley was the agent, if they could not kill me, she would, just take my place, she was obedient, controllable, and eager, to get revenge, against an unsuspecting victim, who never, did anything, other than to be herself! And that self was more than, the good ol' boys, the Mormons, the cops and prosecutors could deal with, latter spreading to the judges, and opening old wounds, when I started practicing law again!
Kay and Shelley, Seemed to Have a Wood and Graham Relationships!
While both, seemed to have men in their lives, sharing Brett at one time, when I booked it out of his life, ASAP, these two older sisters, with rival, younger sisters, not more than a year, difference in age, got in their way, both being closer to their fathers, rather than their mothers, seeing their mothers as the weaker, controlled sex or partner, these two formed a deep bond, and shared the older sibling traits, with sister, ME, subdued and waiting to die, both, with long held jealousies, teamed with my rejected men, for an entire, evisceration of my life, stealing, all they could as psychopaths do, taking every morsel of meat, like the vultures they are, feeding, ravenously, on every penny, enjoying the fruits of my work, stealing my resume, honors, awards, claim to fame so to say, made the plot and bond, even closer! The two women, already sharing, my identity, and sleeping my husband, also, wanted my children, and like I said, would have, licked the very blood off the cement or dirt, had they ever been able to kill me . . . thinking, that everything I did, wrote, case I took, legislation I touched, political conquest, or even my own blood, was fair game, to these two, who sucked and bled the life out of me, seeing, much as the daughters of the top women, on the evil scale, that everything, I did, was a threat to them, and needed to be stopped, control, claimed, and they would get the money . . . I would say, that bonded them, much as the two lesbians, and with the mindset of these two, psychopaths, I would not have put lesbianism past them . . . anything goes, and the more they could fool, the useful idiots, the better!
Knowing These Two . . . Murder Was a Game!
Stealing my men, was all part of the game, with Shelley, following, ABCD, from Jerry Owens, to Brett, to Frank or Allan, to Jack or John, to Michael, Tony, Howard and Miles, and I believe with Shelley and Kay, allegedly married, James was left for Rachel, who joined the game. And killing any man, I was attracted to, or paying them and bringing them into the fold, was all part of the fun, deny, JoAnn, who had many men, her whole life, take them all, or kill them if they will not, join the club, using, JoAnn's money, made the steal, a kill thrill, even more than the normal criminal would feel and enjoy. I never even thought, or even after all this started, was actually willing to just leave the state of Mormon and go to Montana, but the fucking bitches followed me up here, stealing or taking credit, the star characteristic of a psychopath, for my work on medical marijuana, the water compact, testifying and writing on wild horses and burros, on abortion and planned parenthood, then claiming my blog, and also a case in Kalispell, every job, I applied for, they interfered in having access, access, access, either though Mormon church contacts with the government, through the NSA, overseeing the spying in the western United States, and knowing every phone call, or interest in housing, jobs, travel information, or persons of interest, that I liked . . . all was, in their minds, with no boundaries, now that they had claimed my I.D., actually, belonged to them, in their sick minds and world, and then, my rejected, male lovers or husbands, once they knew I wasn't into them or left them, teamed with the bitch squad! Finally, as other nursing personnel, started to notice, this strange relationship, and becoming suspicious of the two, motives, dead patients under that care, the truth came out, and I believe, Woods, turned on Graham, and ratted her out, as psychopaths will do, the own, who can blame the other, the fastest, is the winner, in their games, turned on each other!
I stand corrected, on Gacy and Dahmer, they did get the worst score, of 22 on the evil chart. But, Teresa Norr, was also right there with them, at 22, and the most evil, due to the prolonged torture of her daughters . . . the third one got away! One thing that I would add to Kay and Shelley and doing a psychological work up on them, is both are very vindictive, revengeful, vicious, brutal, and nothing is beneath them! I have seen Kay, mischievously, rubbing her hands together, loving causing, pain or injury to someone, over the years, but I think with Lisa it was the worst, and she was almost gloating in her misery, while trying to be seemingly, sympathetic! Remember, the psychopath, does not have empathy or sympathy, and they are very revengeful, without remorse for what they have done! What would upset these two, most, is me, being smarter, and nailing their asses, with all the help, all the lying, all the scheming, the smoke screens the attempts on my life, going after my sons' music, and after all that, stealing everything they could, ending up. losing to me! LOL! Like all psychopaths, they think they are smarter, cuter, sexier, more charming, and even if they did get caught, they could charm a judge, or a prison guard and eventually, find a way out of their trouble . . . I WAS THE TICKET OUT OF THEIR TROUBLE, FOR BOTH OF THEM!
Shelley was the master mind, then, joined by Kay and Brett, followed by my father, then Rachel joined, I am sure with promises, she would never get caught, then came the clients, cases, music, had already, been, in and stolen, And just like all petty criminals, if they get away with the smaller stuff, they escalate to the larger stuff, like taking staged pictures, inside the U.S. Supreme Court, Sunday night, when I was being sworn in, Monday morning! The mindset is so foreign to decent people, to the rational, the reasonable, but not to the psychopath, and yes, I believe, that many are born with these traits, but, I also believe, that in this case, and in others, there are people predisposed to becoming a sociopath or psychopath, and given the right, stimulators, and factors, they will cross that line, on no return, to being, beyond hope, other than to get caught! Note, spell check is off, so the fucking NSA must be on my ass, and in my blog!
Bring In the Penis Factor, And You Have Big Time Trouble!
Catch My Killer--Serial Killers--James Marlow "Folsom Wolf" and Cynthia Coffman Documentary . . . totally, Brett and Kay's relationship. The guy playing, James, looks, almost like Brett, exactly, handsome, proud of his physical appearance, intimidating, and imposing, see him, in Elliot's band, God's Revolver, video, with the punk hair do, standing a good foot taller than any guy in their, and to me, taking a second, look at the video and at the way, Elliot is acting, with his hair completely over his face, I am not sure that Brett was not there to intimidate, Elliot! Brett has that, crazy switch factor, and again, he was raised in the country, and there were times, I saw the man, work like a demon, hauling, cement bucket, after cement bucket at break neck speed. Do, I think, Brett is a serial killer, absolutely . . . he bragged about, being the Iceman, a mafia hit man, who killed between 100 to 250 people, and so if Brett is identifying with that man, I would say, with his looks, his psychopathic personality, with absolutely NO boundaries, as evidence by claiming that Kay was me, Elliot was Isaac, and dividing my family, life, career, up, as he or his bitches saw fit, hell yeah . . . and I think that Shelley's egging on, to murderous ventures, would be all Brett would need! He didn't kill me, because, most serial killers want the thrill of taking what doesn't belong to them, forcefully taking sex, and inflicting pain on their victims, I probably threw him for a loop, and never resisted, had as much sex as he wanted, and probably more than he could handle! LOL!
I am sure after awhile, he probably got bored with normal, husband and wife sex, and that old, killer, predatory, serial, hunter, kicked in, and he went night stalking, not needing much sleep, and going on the prowl, looking for victims, that I would not know anything about. I believe, that Shelley and Kay were conquests, and once he got bored with them, he would move on to another, with cheating, just the way it was, with these women, okay, but not with me. Like I said, I think, he actually loved me, and was pissed that I dared leave him, and that I got away. I took off on his bike, while he was in the house, or doing something, and by the time, he caught me, I was at the freeway with tons of witnesses, who could identify him, if something should happen to some woman, who disappeared. And for two weeks, I hid, so he could not find me! By that time, I think, he had given up, but, he did come, tell me he loved me, and cried, right in front of Shelley, which led to me getting kicked out, and when I took off to St. George! Predators are after prey . . . I offered no resistance, didn't have anything going on in my life, so I was a happy camper! I think, my father, may have had a hand it this break up. My father, always acted like a jealous lover or boyfriend, when I would introduce him to dates, with him treating them rude, or with Larry Wall, he would always say sarcastically, your boyfriend is in the newspaper AGAIN! Larry was a super star athlete, good in football, basketball and baseball! My father, used to always, drag me to his business lunches, I think, to show me off to his friends, the beautiful daughter . . . to pay me back, now it is Rachel, kudos from other men, getting a rise out of dad's beauties! He was not about to give up MY resume! Bragging rights!
I Was Not Sick Enough, To Be A Match for These Boys!
Like is attracted to like . . . in this series of Wicked Attractions . . . Couples Who Kill, James and Cynthia, are amped up on sex, power, violence, ruthlessness, and control. No one could determine, which controlled who, because, both controlled the other through, their strengths . . . physical dominance of course was the male partner's strength, but once he took the woman, accused her of cheating, a real worry with these couples, hell, Brett accused me of having sex with a farmer? when there was no one for miles! but, he took Cynthia, and said, she had a choice, between having her hair cut, making her more homely, or having her eye put out . . . he cut her hair, like a boy, then stripped her clothes off, and put the tattoo, on her ass, Property of "Folsom Wolf" the name he was know by in prison. Kay, has been in two, at least other abusive relationships, and I think, she would see this as romantic, a demonstration of how much he loved her, and in the episode, it showed the pair making out, after the violent incident . . . normal men, don't do it for these women, they want danger. The power for the woman, comes through controlling the sex life. And with this couple, the female, would first try, some twisted sex with the abducted female, and then she would turn the victim, over to James who would torture her and sexually sodomize the girl, something Cynthia could not do, herself . . . these two operated, like a big fused, self, meeting their appetites for adventure, sadistic sex, violence, torture and murder!
Both partners, were good looking and sick, and together, they had a powerful force, that sexually charged the relationship, and everything, once on drugs, became a heightened sensation, feeding on sex. Watch this and you will understand, how, Brett and Kay, operated. Shelley, seemed, less willing to share, loved the fact that Brett, came to her, after I left him, and I am sure, they had wild, depraved sex; however, both Shelley and Kay, have had abusive partners . . . I think what bothered Shelley, was the love, that Brett, exhibited that night, when he came over drunk, something, I don't think she had with him. I think, Kay and Brett were the ying and the yang for each other, both cheaters, and both, as leery as the other, with a history of cheating. I think the buzz for Kay, would have been, me, going nuts, paying me back for Greg Erickson, who would not give her the time of day, and fired her ass, right in front of me . . . but, Greg had a different JoAnn, and the only time, either, Shelley, or Kay, Rachel, Sue, my father, or whomever, had a leg up on me, was, when I thought I was dying, and just resigned to it, even though, I never believed it! So, when I came back, after these guys had enjoyed the high life, on MY life, and on Elliot's life and fame, through Isaac, they just could not go back to who they were, and so the effort were amped up and energized by all, who had jealousy and envy in the past, which was all of them!
To see, Brett better, watch, this "Folsom Wolf" and Dealing with the Devil--Prolific Serial Killer Robert Browne . . . symbolic name, Kay's first husband, was Tim Brown, but this guy was good looking, had a vicious temper, something I never saw, but that is because I was for the most part, compliant, so there was nothing to force me into. Hell, I was with the Italian stallion, he cooked, he cleaned, he did everything, what was there to complain about? It was beautiful, he was fun, we had great sex, and what was there to be bothered about! I think, Brett, if he could have, would have just kept me, there on the farm, and pursued, other prey, but always had me there . . . as I healed, and for that, I will be forever, grateful, but he wanted more from the relationship, by way of wifely duties, and the lawyer was kicking back in, and so it became a mismatch. If dynamics in a relationship, stay the same, generally things, go pretty smooth, but when one starts to change, and not the same person, that the other partner met or counted on, and when expectations change, sometimes the reason for the relationship, either evolves or drops off. I was getting better, and not used to having anyone tell me what to do, or even expecting, anything from me. See ya later . . . I think that shocked Brett, to say the least, as it does most men . . . I have been single, for 25 years, and every 5 years, get the feeling, I need to be married, so I do, and about 18 months later, I decide, I liked to roll myself better! LOL!
The death of Heather Dawn Church, a 13 year old girl, left home with her younger brother, while mother takes, two other boys to scouts, comes back to find, little brother in bed asleep, and Heather, gone. Her murder investigation, leads to the neighbor, Robert Browne, with all his 5 previous wives, being beaten and raped by him, and victims of his violence. But, the investigators learn about another victim, and Browne in jail, now, starts to play mind games, indicating that he had killed, no just several other women, 7 virgins, but up to 48 other victims in 9 states, making him one of the most, undetected, prolific serial killers of modern day. For some reason, and love or not love, has nothing to do with this . . . I don't think anyone should get away with even one murder, but my suspicions are, that in his previous life, before he met me and may be while we were together, he did kill women, and maybe, many, seeing he told me of some serial killer in Oregon and Washington, who killed, what many people consider, throw away people . . . as Brett did, seeing fat people as worthy of being killed, shocking me, with his attitude, throwing it back in his face, that I thought we should kill smokers, or drinkers, way for menace to society, that fat people! He never brought it up again . . . teaching sympathy, empathy, maybe, letting him see how obsurd it is for anyone to determine the life or death of an other person! maybe translating to women, he might have objectified.
My Family's Money, Alleviated Some Pressures That May Have Trigger a Killer, Gave Brett, Kay and Shelley, All Whom Suffered Financial Strain, so That Contributing Factor May have Stopped Some of the Killings!
I wrote yesterday, that I saw a dog that looked like Brett's dog, Budgy, and I have never seen a dog, before or since, that looked like that dog. On the one hand, he could have been like his master, very docile, and laid back, but, when Bandito, the other dog, whom you would think, would be the alpha dog, got in his way, or they were hungry and we fed them, both together, Budgy, was definitely the alpha dog! To the point of being scary. I only saw two occasions, where Brett, lost his temper, once he pushed me on the bed, and the other time, he had an empty bottle and slapped me on the leg with it, so I would imagine, had, I ever pushed it, Brett could have been a monster! He started, as I got better, to exhibit all the characteristics of a very possessive, controlling, and could be frightening man, like the time, I took off, with a couple who happened to get lost on our road, off the main road, and I jumped in, asked them for a ride to town, Brett jumped in the truck, and said, I was his schizophrenic wife, and he would take me off their hands! That, one incident, that made me, see, all the signs of domestic violence, the isolation, the total control, the psychological, manipulation, and other evidence that this could be a bad thing, started to show up . . . I just knew what I was looking for, planned an escape route and took off, and hid for two weeks with nobody knowing where I was!
The way, I took the dog symbolism, was that Brett is like something, we have never seen before, and with me writing, that might put some of the old pressures on him, he may be separate from his support system, with me writing about Kay and Shelley too, he may have been discovered as a fraud, with false dog tags, so to say, and the other day, I noticed, a guy who looked like Brett, just looked like him, but I would think he has been reading my blog and would consider, going to homeless shelters, putting him in touch with the very people, he claimed this serial killer, in Oregon and Washington, killed, drug dealers, user, prostitutes and runaways, the throw away people! Brett is an imposing physical man, and that would be to most men, and surely to all women. I am just afraid, that with his connection and identification to the Iceman, he maybe has killed, as many people as that man did. He was married, and he had two daughters, he took to school each day, while he was the hit man for 5 mafia families! And all I know, is I have had, 26 people murdered in connection with my case, someone killed them!? CATCH MY KILLER!
Wonderful Halloween Parade Last Night!
I took some great pictures at the Halloween Parade, last night, on Higgins Street, in downtown, Missoula, last night, so cool, almost Marde Gras feeling, with color, banners of goblins, skeletons, dancing witches, lighted hoolahoops, zombies, vampires, and all kinds of fun. Masks, hot chocolate and coffee, moms and dads, babies in knitted pumpkins hats, big brothers and sisters, the grime reaper . . . so cool, so much fun, and I will have to see if I can get the pictures, from my cell phone to my blog, now, my phone, not me, will not give me back the letters and all I can get is the numbers, so I can't do my email address to forward my pictures, to my email, then to my Blog! Shit, so cool, so fun, so haunting, so very scary and awesome. I am going to try again, and see if I can figure it out without the help of a librarian or someone!
If I can't get them in today's true scary blog, and horror stories, I will get someone to help me back at the Poverello Center, plenty of help. So, cute . . . I thought I missed Halloween, writing 8 hours on my blog and then too late to do much, but, last night, with computer interference, I left McDonald's, and went to the Break, and kept seeing, people dressed up, in costumes, and figured it must be, a costume party, after Halloween, then tons of people came in, and I looked outside, and there were tons of people, ready for a parade! How fun . . . I didn't miss, my favorite holiday, fitting don't you think, with two ancestors burned, hung or drowned for refusing to admit they were witches, showing they were not willing to change, therefore the must be quilty, so this witch thing works! In high school, I went from JoAnn Southwick, to JoAnn Southwitch, to JoAnn Southbitch, now it is just BITCH! LOL! And I love it! LOL!
Okay, patience, patience . . . and thinking logically, to transfer these great pictures, so my kids will want to move to MONTANA! They love Halloween too, except Nicole, who had a whole bag of candy, she worked hard to get, and some teenage boy, came by a swiped it way! I didn't know that, until about a year ago . . . I think it happened when she was 4! Nice! Okay, I got to step one, now, I will see if I can get these pictures, not great, but fun, give a feel of what it was like . . . bands, rockin' Halloween music! Okay, I am going to need help. So, you can look forward to fun pics, tomorrow! Oh, one thing I wanted to mention, as I asked people what they were going to do for Halloween, and I was shocked, how many people said, they were going Trick-o-Treating! What, in Utah, we thought by the time we were about 10 we were too old, and had to wait, for high school and college to have fun again! I love Montanans, they just have fun, there is no being too old, or social control, saying you have to stop getting candy, at a certain age, and I fucking love it! And that was highly apparent, last night, the kids got their night, and then the parents and adults enjoyed theirs, with or without their cute kids, fun, seniors, college students, and everyone, just having a great time . . . hopefully, I can figure out, how to separate my name from my email address! Scream, never miss, 10 years of technology, one of the down falls of being told you are going to die, then waiting for it, and finding out, 8 years later, you are still alive, and behind technology curves, that change every 3 days!
If I can't get them in today's true scary blog, and horror stories, I will get someone to help me back at the Poverello Center, plenty of help. So, cute . . . I thought I missed Halloween, writing 8 hours on my blog and then too late to do much, but, last night, with computer interference, I left McDonald's, and went to the Break, and kept seeing, people dressed up, in costumes, and figured it must be, a costume party, after Halloween, then tons of people came in, and I looked outside, and there were tons of people, ready for a parade! How fun . . . I didn't miss, my favorite holiday, fitting don't you think, with two ancestors burned, hung or drowned for refusing to admit they were witches, showing they were not willing to change, therefore the must be quilty, so this witch thing works! In high school, I went from JoAnn Southwick, to JoAnn Southwitch, to JoAnn Southbitch, now it is just BITCH! LOL! And I love it! LOL!
Okay, patience, patience . . . and thinking logically, to transfer these great pictures, so my kids will want to move to MONTANA! They love Halloween too, except Nicole, who had a whole bag of candy, she worked hard to get, and some teenage boy, came by a swiped it way! I didn't know that, until about a year ago . . . I think it happened when she was 4! Nice! Okay, I got to step one, now, I will see if I can get these pictures, not great, but fun, give a feel of what it was like . . . bands, rockin' Halloween music! Okay, I am going to need help. So, you can look forward to fun pics, tomorrow! Oh, one thing I wanted to mention, as I asked people what they were going to do for Halloween, and I was shocked, how many people said, they were going Trick-o-Treating! What, in Utah, we thought by the time we were about 10 we were too old, and had to wait, for high school and college to have fun again! I love Montanans, they just have fun, there is no being too old, or social control, saying you have to stop getting candy, at a certain age, and I fucking love it! And that was highly apparent, last night, the kids got their night, and then the parents and adults enjoyed theirs, with or without their cute kids, fun, seniors, college students, and everyone, just having a great time . . . hopefully, I can figure out, how to separate my name from my email address! Scream, never miss, 10 years of technology, one of the down falls of being told you are going to die, then waiting for it, and finding out, 8 years later, you are still alive, and behind technology curves, that change every 3 days!