Enough Already . . . Sick of this Duggar Buggar Shit!
Now, if we look historically, at probably the most startling example of a man, King David, back in the early days of the Bible, he had 700 wives and concubines, and he still had to have that one woman he couldn't have, Bathsheba! King David, even went to the extreme measures of having her husband, Uriah, sending him into a military situation, he knew he would not return from. So, none of this bull shit, blaming the wife, because the man can't keep his own dick under control! Seriously, a man can win the whole world, and lose his own soul, and what does it profit him? God, just is not going to hold some wife, true, faithful, loving, and good, responsible, for her fucking, loser, husband's inadequacies as a man, needing multiple women to satisfy, his weak ego! And it is always so amazing to me, that it is generally the men, who most proclaim righteousness . . . ah, as in Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the House, in Congress, who was accusing President Clinton, of having the affair with Monica Lewinsky, all the while carrying on an affair of his own. Then the Republican Party, tried to replace him with another guy, who was also having and affair, so next they went after, an allegedly good guy, Dennis Haster, who seemed above reproach, while he was fucking a young man, and paying huge ass money to keep him silent, for what, 20 years! Come on, weak men . . . we all want that man, woman, we can't have, it is human nature. There is that old saying, Marriage is a business, if you want romance, have an affair!
Just given the nature of marriage, the bedrock of civilization and society, is hard to keep that daily buzz, sexually, and that is why, a mature person, which is the Greek or Latin word for, perfect, as in Be ye therefore perfect, as ii the Beatitudes, in the New Testament, that it takes a mature person, to look at all the advantages, purity in marriage holds, committed sex is better than uncommitted sex, married sex is considered, better than single sex, and men who are married, are the most happy, of the four categories, of married men, women, and single men and women. And it is the married female who lands at the very bottom of the scale in this foursome. That should be analyzed men, and that is why it is shocking that the less happy of the married couple, is the woman . . . and it is YOU, men who cheat! Well, historically, that is true, but not any more. I have read statistics, back a few years ago, that said, 75% of the divorces, now, are initiated by women! And the more money they make, the better their education, the less religious they tend to be, and the less hang up they have, leaving a man, and they have the ability to do so without much financial pain!
The song, I'm going to walk like a man, talk like a man, you can call me a MAN! It is about time! I think the reason, these allegedly righteous men, want to keep the status quo with ISIS, so they can keep having their cake and eat it too! And if women are stupid enough to go along with this bull shit, they deserve the cheating bastards they get! Christ, continually elevated women, always, always, always . . . in the Gnostic Gospel, uncannonized, of course, we couldn't have Christ, elevating women, we might have to actually respect them . . . Donald Trump! Christ's mother, Mary, taught in the upper rooms of the temple! Christ had a cadre of women, missionaries and teachers, who followed him around and promoted him. He appeared to Mary, after his resurrection, and used her to go tell the apostles that he had risen. Scripture has it, that God is not respecter of persons, black, white, Jew, Gentile, male or female . . . do ya, think you could vote for a female? God good, do we not want to progress, as is the plan for humanity, for America, for the world, and give women equal status . . . WHAT the FUCK ARE MEN AFRAID OF?
I look at the ungodly number of Republican presidential candidates, what 15, now that Governor, Rick Perry dropped out, like he had a prayer of a chance anyway, even coming from Texas! LOL! But, I just don't see that the alleged, Grand Old Party, even with the number of candidates, has much to offer America! I mean, a real estate broker, what the hell does that have to do with running a country? A billionaire, better on Hillary's cabinet, dealing with domestic economic policies, that she may or may not be weak on . . . I mean she did rule the roost from behind the scenes, during a very prosperous time in America, when the economy was thriving! Ben Carson, a physician . . . yeah, and your point? Even a great surgeon, what in the fuck does that have to do with serving over a country of roughly 400 million people? Bernie Sanders, a Senator, well, yeah, cool, but Hillary, has done that too! Come on! We have one of the best resumes, most experienced people, female aside, in the country, and you will not consider voting for her? WHY? Because of party label, her sex, you don't think she is trustworthy, really? Why, because she didn't handle her emails, like a man? Like Colin Powell? As far as I have read and seen, in all the hearings, questioning of both the email situation, and Benghazi, the two, bugaboos, that seem to cause a burr up the butts of the Republicans, there is really, not much to go on!
In, what 22 hearings on Benghazi, the talking points came from the CIA, whom would want Mitt, and might be accused of having played politics, giving the President his morning briefing, with Mitt's mouth flapping, before the President had a chance to digest what happened over in Libya, with the Embassy and the Ambassador, again, putting responsibility on those least responsible, and most removed from what was going on in that region of the world. Of, course a President, a man, will take responsibility, like President Obama did, because he is not only a great president, but a great person, who says, the buck stops here . . . unlike the Duggar men, the Republican men, who want to blame the women for their ills, which in this case, would be Susan Rice and Hillary . . . who did nothing more than take the CIA, talking points, not being in Libya, themselves, and then in turn, tell the American public, what was going on, or appeared from the field officers in the CIA, who then transmitted what they thought was going on, something related to a video, trashing the Prophet Mohammad, connected with protest in Cairo! The President was in a hot race for re-election, running the world, and Hillary, Secretary of State, was busy, taking care of business around the world . . . the CIA, had the job of reporting from around the world, what the fuck was going on! Nobody was told to stand down, Congress had just cut, 300 million, from the needed assets, to protect our embassies, and the talking points went to other CIA, probably Mormons, who wanted to make it look like President Obama was weak on foreign policy, where Mitt was totally weak! CIA motives . . . a Mo President!!!! Come on!
Find Me, One Person In America, More Qualified?
So, the elephant in the room, is HILLARY, but she is a donkey, or a Democrat! So, you will trash the most qualified, by light years, and tons of experience, from knowing the world leaders, to having seen up close and person, the blood and guts of running the White House, a governor's office, a law office, working in the Senate, campaigning, and you are going to dismiss that experience? Why? Because you don't like her clothes, her hair, her personality? What the fuck does any of that have to do with being president? I just don't get it, this woman, has served, and served, and served her country, for what, her whole fucking life! Do, you seriously believe, that while she was first lady of Arkansas, of the country for two terms, she was just sitting there twiddling her thumbs, or do you think the most powerful man in the free world, at that time, President Clinton, was discussing strategies, plans, ideas, thoughts, pillow talk with his WIFE, a very, very smart woman . . . even with his human frailties, that were HIS fault, not Hillary's, hell, he is at least smart enough to stick with, what could be the most powerful woman in the world! Monica Lewinsky? Blah . . . whatever! Jennifer Flowers . . . Yuck! What's the other chick's name . . . that should say something about the comparison between the affairs and the real thing . . . AMERICA'S POWER COUPLE!
And on top of Hillary, no pun, intended, you get two for the price of one, just like you did when Bill was the Prez., EXPERIENCE COUNTS! Boyz . . . in my case, and in Hillary's case . . . put the fucking bedroom, away, totally, from the boardroom, the war room, the Oval Office!
When the nation, even considered, Senator McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin . . . one heart beat away from the presidency? Are you serious? I remember after the vice presidential debate, looking at the Drudge Report and seeing, what a mockery of women, jokes, thong swimsuits, with McCain, kissing Sarah Palin's exposed ass! Many men, said, well, if we can't stand listening to her . . . at least they were honest about that, shrill, to the point of screeching, they said, at least we can LOOK AT HER! What, a classification and plus in voting for her? Put the bitch in Playboy, don't vote for her for V.P.! Good God! Seeing Sarah Palin, bitching to the crowd, about the Iran Nuke deal, just reminded me of how, stupid, people were to even consider her for White House maid! It is a huge jump, going from Wassila, Alaska, to governing the state of Alaska . . . which she never even finished her term of office, those scandals! But to go from Wassila, straight to the White House, are you FUCKING KIDDING! We have a nation at stake, we don't need looks! Don, and you are the last one to be commenting! We need someone smart! experienced, thoughtful, cautious, insightful, calm, cool and collected under pressure . . . as Secretary of State, we know that Hillary can do that . . . she was fucking perfect, in 8 hours of Senate confirmation hearings . . . the woman is good! Get real, who is the best, the most qualified, and that should determine, who you vote for, not someone with an elephant or a donkey stamped on their asses!