Walk Yourself Beautiful in Grand Funk Junction!
Man, I thought that Durango Community Shelter and the Manna Soup Kitchen, sitting atop a huge ass killer hill, had a built in exercise program . . . Grand Funk Junction, puts you guys to shame . . . the Homeward Bound Shelter, is about 30 blocks from the public library! I guess we can say that GFJ is a bit larger than Durango! I thought, I can walk that far, no problemo, we are out of the place by about 7:30 a.m. and don't return until 6:00 p.m., which I think is a good idea, because you get shelter and mission groupies, who bug the shit out of the staff, make me worried about my stuff I hid, so I didn't have to carry my life in my purse, one of the big pluses for me--my purse is deceiving, while looking like a normal purse, in it really the black hole! I have my computer, office supplies like pens, business cards, cell phone, sometimes money, ear buds for my computer, my Walmart Money Card, whether it is reloaded with cash or not, 3 pair of underwear, three shirts, wearing 1 of each, socks, one on my feet, and two in my purse, make-up, lotion and perfume, a mending kit for my black zipper hoodie, with wholes in it . . . shows the wear and tare of the last year, constantly on either my back or around my waist, without a day, that I don't use it, either in the library, because walking there I got sweaty, and now in air conditioning, I am chilled, or a freak snow storm, or pounding rain, like happened, yesterday, in Grand Junction! So, being able to unload some of that stuff is a nice relief.
One of the sad, discoveries made while at the Roaster's Cafe and Expresso, typing my blog, was that, low and behold, some of the government poisoning stooges, Mary and Bobby, showed up, on the payroll, to drop the jet black, evil ink of lies in the shelter! I first met this alleged travelling hobo show couple, at the old Poverello, in Missoula, Montana, where Mary, a former women's prison guard in UTAH!, with a brother who molested her for 16 years until she married an abusive man to get out of the house, being raised in Butte, Montana, a prison warden in Billings, Montana! I could tell she was a pain in the ass, and thinks she can literally throw her weight around, once a cop, always a cop, either fist fighting or pushing some other resident in the shelter, or writing them up like you would in a prison situation! Mary counts on her younger brother, to get her out of sticky situations, now that she is retired, because she has so much shit on him, from years and years of sexual assaults and abuse! And she thinks he is going to run for attorney general, ah, no, you have to be an attorney to do that . . . or governor, not as long as I am alive! And I am sure that is one of the reasons, the cops keep bringing these butt fuckers on board!
You see, the CIA, FBI, Mo geniuses, have me covered from state to state, shelter to shelter, with goons who either have charges pending, or just need money, which is all of them, myself included, thanks to the geniuses, that under estimated me, being female, fat, or whatever, just like the male attorneys and judges, clients, whom I used to climb on, to claw and scratch myself to the top of the legal heap, just to be clawed back down, by professional jealousy, and jealous siblings, and bitchy, lame ass, average female attorneys, who would fuck the boys club to get just a chance and playing my lead role in this government drama! LOL!
Aside from Mary and Bobby, her silent, but deadly partner, dirty biker lookin' dude, who just flares his nostrils at you, and gives you those beady eyes of his, but, without much to back it up, but posturing and bad ass biker image . . . not surprising, since I ditched the planned sheriff and cop, raid at the Durango Shelter, by ditching out the alarmed doors, at 4:00 a.m., probably a short hour or two before I general get out of the place, with Zach on the payroll, and in on the planning of this special op, if not an agent himself, knowing damned well, I had made a shelter break! LOL! I am not in prison, and I am free, white and over the age of 21, therefore, more than able to relinquish my bed, and book it out of there at any damned hour I want, which I did, but that would have alerted the genius dumb asses, that they better get someone on the bus to track my ass, and say that I was the fake, fried and frozen chicks, the government hookers as Lady G would call them and me too, both of us divas and rock stars in our resprective rights!
I think the gals, who also live their own lives, doubling up on mine, the only one I have, and they are trying to bury me, make me go away, silence me, kill me, and if they can't do that, put me in some fucking federal detention center, without charges, hearings, and an end date, like when hell freezes over! Grow the fuck up and get some real balls, for god sake! This is entire bull shit . . . like I said, the more money Congress, states and cities, throw at the cops, the dumber, lazier, and more shoddy the police work. Like, a, a DNA sample from me and my four kids, almost routine in any investigation, would not have revealed, what I want, but what they were afraid of . . . that yes the kids, you were told were cop kids, are actually MY kids, ah, yeah, like in Elliot Taylor Secrist, bass guitarist, aka Jimmy Hendricks, incarnate!
You know the one who was one of the brain children behind, God's Revolver, music and lyrics, the great western epic, that was originally stolen and marketed by the Mormon mafia, through their worldwide network of government agents, missionaries, and members! Yeah, that Elliot, the Red Jesus . . . whom you have now, I believe, used your brainwashing techniques to take him from a very grateful, loving son, to a fucking NSA cop! or some other flavor of you assholes, creating him in your god-damned images, when he has my soul, my training, my goodness, and my values system, you would turn him into an FBI agent, Female Body Inspector! FUCK YOU! Stop fucking with MY family!
There Is No Crime, Torture, Punishment Great Enough, for What You Fuck Heads Have Done to My Family! This is Not a Game . . . And I Am Not Rachel!
Let's me count the ways how, absolutely stupid, you god-damned fucks are . . . let's see, Rachel is either 5'11", roughly, with size 11 feet, huge ass, fake boobs, fake teeth--mine have a gap in them, platinum blonde hair, dark roots, longer hair, thinner, and dumb as a door knob, at least last time I spoke to her, which was I believe somewhere around the third debate with Mitt Romney and President Obama, when her son called him a Muslim, and Rachel called him the devil and evil . . . and they refused my offer, to sit down and watch the debate to see what President Obama was really like . . . Rachel said she gave up politics, when she went, allegedly, to one Sarah Palin rally, and then her and McCain lost, so that is it . . . I still wonder if Rachel, who looks very much and totally acts like Sarah Palin, with dyed hair and glasses, the two could be more than sisters! LOL! And either, you know about the switch, the fraud broads, or you are as dumb as a door knob too! And you want over an $80 billion budget, when you can't do, what most eye witnesses could do with their bare eyes? Really?
While allegedly we look somewhat alike, we don't talk, think, act, do, anything alike! She is the shopping queen, and you can't get me in a store, even at Christmas, because it bores the fucking shit out of me, always has, mindless . . . a Sara Lee truck with the words, "Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee . . . great, elect her to office, fuck her, have her do your Christmas shopping, but just don't make her ME FOR GOD SAKE . . . that embarrasses the hell out of ME! I am a god damned great attorney, replace with the HEADLESS MOOSMAN, or Rachel . . . Kay and Shelley are bad enough, Sue makes me puke, and so do Kelly and Hope, Rebecca, yuck, I don't respect any of them, even Tiffany who bought into this game shit, to get money, makes me want to vomit, the one sister I had hope for . . .
NSA Must Have Just Rolled Out of Bed With Their Whores . . . I Am Getting Interference! Had I Been Left Alone, I Might Have Been President!
You know what, anyone, put under the pressure that I have been under for the last, at least 15 years, having to fight, scream and battle to even breath, let alone, get credit for what I have done, for the kids, I raised, for the trophies I have won, for the cases, the legislation, the blogs, and what not, and just been allowed to climb the natural progression of some one with my background, experience, education, family, credentials, and yes, fucking, good looks, even now, but back before I was targeted, poisoned, trashed, locked up, beat up, without as much as a damned parking ticket . . . Kay got the ones in front of the Office of the Administration of the Courts, back when the alleged, geniuses, her and Brett, had my Toyota Yaris, white, repoed, at Brock's establishment, not at my house where I told Stephen Miller, to pick it up, because it was literally a piece of shit lemon car, just like the sour grapes, Kay, and fits her, and probably worked great, when she got it and was pretending to be me, ah, with brown eyes . . . I think her hair had been dyed!
You are so stupid, intelligence community, either part of the solution or the problem, because you play with wigs, contacts for eyes, and shit like that disguises all the fucking time and you can't again, figure out the difference between me and Kay? Equally as easy to any half wit, she is fucking 5'4", and that should about do it . . . easy to the untrained eye, let alone, the alleged trained . . . fire JoAnn S. Secrist, aka Kay and hire the real JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., extraodinaire! Do something to fix this . . . Female Body Inspectors or FBI! Your image has gone down, far worse than MINE . . . hell, mine will take a mere few months to fix, yours a lifetime!
At this rate, your witnesses, your credibility, your veracity as being somewhat believable, are about as much so as Office David McIntyre, who when I had him under cross examination, in a preliminary hearing, in front of Judge John Walton, for and on behalf of Travis Braun, bought, purchased and sold out, in the Cedar City, 5th District Court, interrogated him about the raid on Travis's townhouse in the Meadows, I think it was called, but Haylee Cheek, lived just around the corner from him, and she and Shane, my other, of the three Plaintiffs in my $56.7 million civil rights suit against Iron County's world, and part of the mafia, Mo's that is, driving this assault on me . . . but, I grilled Mc, at the time, or maybe he had been demoted by that time, after we caught him, on recorder, breaking in Shane's house with Fritz and Wade Lee . . . wow, I know a lot about these cases for not having surveillance, access to the court documents, etc., but . . . I grilled the former narcotics task force leader, for a fucking 78 minutes, on the witness stand, having not even reviewed, Travis's files for a year at least, if not more, because I fucking did it all myself, no partner, no assistant, no secretary . . . I know these cases, Brock's included, like the back of my hand!
But, at one point, after remembering the Officer's sworn statement, and at the time, when Iron County cops ruled the roost, in the county, I asked, McIntyre, how many cops, SWAT, narcs, fire fighters, etc., invaded my clients, house the day, they used their new toys, flash bangs, to blow all the glass windows and doors out of his new townhouse, that his brother built, and now he was managing for his brother, with allegetations that the heat lamps that were being used by Travis to grow, edible plants for his other brother's landscaping company, were allegedly, marijuana plants! The Mc, attacked by, me, said, like a smart ass, but one who was about on the verge of tears . . . said, somewhere between 2 to 50! I said, in open court on the record, if your testimony here, and your oath and affirmation, in your report, is as accurate as your, not close at all, estimate, of between, 2 and 50, then, your honor, we can discount his testimony and this case should be dismissed. Judge Walton, turned to the Mack and said, Officer, your testimony is borderline perjury. I piped up in court, and said, for the record, Your Honor . . . I would not call him that today, . . . but, I said, he is bold faced lying! John Walton, who shouldn't even be an attorney today, said, Ms. Secrist, that is not helping! I like to call a spade a, spade . . . he was bragging in his report, that he had 50 officers in on the raid, coordinated, orchestrated, and obviated by him!
It is funny, that the only evidence left on my record, are the bad things, but this is not even a bad thing, for that fucking lying piece of shit officer, who used his position to intimidate and get revenge on Travis, before I met him, for doing his own, civil rights suit, against the officers, all six of them, who tasered him, while he was having an epileptic fit, on the grown, and beating the hell out of him, calling him a piece of shit, after he had been pulled over for a routine traffic stop and field sobriety tests, 5 of which he had already passed, asking the officers to turn off the lights to the three squad cars, then passing out, with 3 other officers, coming to join in, one turning to the other cops and his own dash camera and telling them to make sure their cop cameras are turned off, before they moved him from the streets over to the side of the road, and proceeded to kick the shit out of Travis, who was gasping for air!
Ferguson, Baltimore, move on over, Cedar City's finest are coming on board! Oh, I started to say, check the bar complaint that Officer David McIntyre filed against me after I grilled him for the 78 minutes, that he got a recording of and sent to the bar, for me battering him while he was on the witness stand! LOL! I believe my friends at the bar, just laughed, and thought, she is doing her job, maybe a bit more aggressively, that most of her female counterparts, but, she is doing her job, none the less . . . I think my house had been taken by that time, truck's engine, transmission and oil filter, plus the front end of my truck's suspension and nuts, screws and bolts, sabotaged by Iron County cops, of all shapes, sizes and colors!
I don't think the bitch squad would claim that one, they are fucking all the cops! LOL! I would rather kick their asses than suck their dirty dicks!
Girls, Girls, Girls . . . You Can Get the Image Boys to Help You If You Want . . . But, I Am Going to Turn Over My Precious Blog, With a Billion Readers To Your Sorry Ass Poor Writers Hands . . . For One Week, You Can Write, Present Yourselves as ME, Your Dream Come True!
When it comes to the work side of being me, not the fame, not the adoration, not the camera shoots, not the accolades, and the stump, dumb speeches, where you can, possibly, pull off being me, but right here, on the Internet, in the blog, you have had access to from the third week, you get it, totally, I will not, and I promise . . . and for me that is binding, will not touch it for a week, which will kill me, because I have a ton to say, and love to write . . . but, I want the readers, who might have met one of these bitches, masqarading as me, and want you to know your heart, in your heart, who is an is not JoAnn S. Secrist, not the FBI, female body inspectors versions of me!
Have at it team, hey, you even have a published writer on your staff, Kay, who has had all pictures, books, as far as I could find, in doing my evidence check on the fucking cunt . . . I think they have cut all her boring ass writing about, anti-Mormon shit, while she is in the documentary, aired in the UK on, March 27, 2012, after stealing my case, and having the Mo's, non-judge, Waddoups, Clark that would be, terminate my case, double docket it, and have you forge my name, on the $357 million lawsuit, that I created, that just happened to get nationwide recognition, unlike any case, you can point to you fucking dumb ass fake attorney, I saw you in court with Greg Erickson, 15 years my senior, your ass was fired and I had to fill in and stay up all night writing a brief on a motion, that I fucking won, without being either a trial attorney, at the time, nor having done much with civil cases, and covered the sorry, ambulance chasing, lack of ass, you are! LOL!
I was better than Kay our of the shoot, of my typo, and Intel Man, God, said it was Shelley, who forged, not Kay, both one in the same, operating as must extensions of me . . . put all the bitches abHave out 6 or 7, and they can't do ME! LOL! Chris, my oldest son, who was beaten to hell, financially and legally, not to mention his heart, and love for his step-son, Donny, might have also been inducted, they break'em, then make'em . . . all my kids are worthy of old school, FBI or CIA recruits, and would act like old school, not some fucking body inspectors, and the winner, gets to be the attorney! Woman are like Mitt's, binder full of women, when asked for suggestions on whom or what women he might appoint to his cabinet if I can remember correctly, but an asinine answer, for sure, but, for the culture he was raised in, RIGHT, SPOT ON! But, Chris said, mom, stop worrying, all they would need to do is to put you in a debate with these women, he is too nice to say bitch, or was, and they would know the difference between you and them . . . problem is, they would never, never, never, ever, ever, ever, do that, because they know I would eat them alive, thrash, trash, and beat them into a bloody pulp, of course figuratively speaking! LOL!
I Am Going to "Halt and Catch Fire"
I Never Give My Blog, More Than 24 Hours For Readers To Catch Up!
In Your Heart of Hearts, You Will Know the Writer of This blog, I the One on Vacation . . . And, Staying at the Homeward Bound Shelter, in Grand Funk Junction, Colorado!
P.S., if there still is a decent member of the local FBI, who is into verifying statements and checking the facts, before siding with the most beautiful body as attorney, lol, what a joke, but Randy Silinner . . . sorry can't read his writing, is staying at the Rescue Mission on 6th Street, and for the NSA, who might just want to use their section 215 tools, to actually prove, what I am saying, rather than the Mormon Mafia's cover story, you can check the owner of the cell phone, belonging to 970.317.3169, to verify, who this dip shit is . . . could be one of yours. He kept saying he had been a preacher for 20 to 30 years, and was making a million a day, just like me, on his TV preaching . . . probably being paid to look crazy and trying to hang out with me, thank God, they only took men, and I was able to ditch this asshole, who was trying to pick up on me . . . I can verify the numbers, I doubt he can, or at least I can, until the NSA part of the MO Mafia, reads my numbers on a new pop up site . . . too much of a good thing, spills over, somewhere else on the Internet! LOL! But, lwt the truth be known, the numbers are astronomical and were back just months after I was writing, that is why the NSA helped monitor and steal my writing, from, none other but the WRITER!
P.S., #2, MYHABIT shopping ads are on badass con law chick blog . . . which I never authorized, see the Mo Mafia, is trying to make it look, like the one writing this blog is a shopper! LOL! When oldest, daughter, Greta, started junior high, back when I lived in Provo, Utah, married to Richard C. Secrist, check my credit cards, before I was divorced and got my own, while up near campus more . . . but rather than going shopping with my daughter, I gave her the credit cards, and dropped her off at the mall, and she brought back about $400 worth of clothes, which I promptly made her take back, and she admitted that she almost lost the credit cards, bad idea, but that is how bad this JoAnn S. Secrist, a serious woman, an, while not an attorney at the time, back in about 1988, or there about, I thought shopping was for dim wits, and I still do. And after I took the Utah State Bar, it was over the same day as my 20 year reunion for Bountiful High, even Kay, and Bart, her high school, flame and my boyfriend, in law school, tried to get me to go to the reunion, but I opted to take Elliot, who had to be patient while I was studying and taking the bar, so this was a reward for being so good, as he always was . . . not sure after the propoganda and brainwashing of the family, to his child, who used to bring me Mother's Days, on how grateful he was, and that no one, had a mother as cool, who would drive him and his band all over, and sit in the car, while the youngsters, went to some back yard concert, somewhere in UTAH!
But, when Elliot and I got to Bellevue, where, my old, sister, I used to like and be close to lived, with her then husband, Chris Hickey and her 4 kids, not my four, even though, she has two girls and two boys, I have two girls and then two boys, she had every other one, girl, boy, girl, boy! And her kids ages are about 10 years behind mine . . . I had 4 kids by the time I was 28 years old, Rachel started her family at about 28 years old, and I am 7 years older. But when I came after taking the bar in 1993, with Elliot in tow, he was about 10 years old, Rachel said, I know what to do when the other sisters come visit, take them shopping to Pike's Market, or there was some little boutique type place, nearer to her . . . we did take the kids to Pike's Market, because they had fish throwing and stuff that both me and Elliot would like . . . but she said, I don't know what to do when YOU come . . . I said, just sit and talk to me! We used to have fun, gossiping about all the sisters. Not any more! VERY SAD! I didn't do this . . . they did! I would not have trashed them, like this . . . but, they just would not leave me alone, top the theft, until they were too deep into stealing Elliot's music and my resume and ID for Shelley, then it came down to a choice between sisters, as if they had the option of giving me away! Like due to them poisoning me, my life was up for grabs? Hell, NO!
Have A Blessed and Holy Sunday, Get A Day of Rest! Jesus, Jesus, All My Hope Is In YOU!
I have fucking ads on all my top hit sites, versions, bad ass con law chick, badass con law chick, bad as con law chick, bad con law chick . . . this is total bull fucking shit, and I want all search engines to take the fucking shit off, and if the NSA, FBI, CIA, over financial crimes, you will charge, arrest, hear, and prosecute these fuckers, this is not their fucking god-damn blog . . . I have the proof, right on the off shoots of this blog root, and I will sue if you don't go after them criminally, as you should! Stop defending criminals! THIS IS YOUR FUCKING JOB!