The United States Constitution, Is Power Of the People, For the People, By the People . . . Get Involved!
WE THE PEOPLE, created the government, they didn't create us! PERIOD, and often our government leaders, elected officials, cops, prosecutors and judges, fail to remember, that they work for us, the tax payers, and they are to adhere, within reason to what we think if important, the way things are suppose to work, and what rights, privileges, freedoms and liberties, that they are to protect for us, and sometimes from us. If you look back at history, the pilgrims left Europe, in hope of religious freedom, and a better life; eventually, they formed governments, while still under the crown of England, they formed local governments, that them spread into state governments, but taxation without representation and all the other grievances, that the colonies has with King George and crew, were driving them to revolt, and quickly.
The Declaration of Independence, short as it is, an easy read, especially, since we, in America, with the shadow government, competing for our country, the Illuminati, Mormons, Masons, CIA, to some extent the FBI, NSA and DIA, plus the 40 some odd, spy agencies, we don't even know about, are competing with the issues, problems and grievances, that were addressed to King George, back in 1776, but cloaked in secrecy, deception, and the dark web, where these entities operate, conspire and collaborate, they seek a different path that you and I . . . therein lays the problem with the Patriot Act, to whom are their loyalties, and to what is their allegiance, for it is not of AMERICA, nor its value systems of rights, freedoms, liberties, accountability, or rational thought, serving American citizens, but creating secret FBI surveillance planes, programs that are not used on terrorists, but on citizens, and most telling of all, is who their target are, and why?
The Patriot Act, if applied to terrorists, terrorists cells, foreign enemies, is great, I am all about it and all for it; however, when it is turned on great Americans, who have shown, through every word they write, every case they file, every act that take, to be, full blooded, Americans through and through, but being targeted by the Patriot Act, fucks, there is a problem for me, and there should be fore all members of the class of WE THE PEOPLE! The executive branch under this act, has gotten way out of control, and we expected our elected officials, to do something about it, and through logic, rational argument, and appeals to the basic tenants and principles this country was founded on, wanted them to vote differently than they did on Monday, extending the programs that are so controversial, and have proven, without a shadow of a doubt, that they have no specific instances, where there is a single case, that these programs deterred, some terrorist attack on this soil. But, I on the other hand, having been a target of their insidious and unconstitutional act, when applied to U.S. citizens, have proven over and over again that they have caused much suffering, loss of property, real, personal, and intellectual, and through the pain and suffering of being taken out of my way of life, my profession, taken away from my family, children and grandchildren, through the confiscation of my property or chasing me, sabotaging my vehicles, and threatening my safety, liberty and life, on a continued basis, without due process of law, nor equal protection, and even participated in stealing my identity, giving million dollar cases to even non-attorneys, stealing legislation, both verbal testimony and written, dubbed over presentations, and done all in their power to SILENCE THIS ONE VOICE!
I Can't Take the Piece of Shit Act Down Myself . . . One Man, One Vote! How Can I, Knowledgeable as I Am, Put Pressure on Your National Representatives . . . I CAN'T! If You Love America, Like I DO, You Have To Get Involved!
You see, if there is no ramification for not voting out the Patriot Act, or letting it sunset, then, with all the pressure from the President, and other members of the executive branch, who use there unconstitutional tools, to get sloppy and lazy on their jobs, collecting huge pay checks, getting perks and benefits that the average American will never get, having access to steal, the property others, through spying on them, or denying them jobs, property and access, because they have access to cell phones, or computers, which are the tools, we the people use to get jobs, houses, apartments, cars, etc., and those are exactly the target pieced of equipment that these programs give cyber cops, and their federal, state and local counterparts total access, spying capacity too, then, anyone, who is at odds, with their secret agendas, they will go after and I am one of the lucky ones! Many of the people you know who were activists, that have died in car accidents, or freak heart attacks, or by strange diseases, or through embolisms, etc., may have been considered government subversives and taken out! Re-think some of the suicides, that were actually homicides, think, think, think, and I think you will find the Patriot filth all over a ton of people and their alleged, strange deaths, that were actually, as in my case, poison, and I have not been hit once or twice with it, but at least 4 times . . . I am just more aware than your average Joe Plumber, since I already lost 8 fucking years of my life to these CLOWNS!
Just yesterday, on the Rachel Maddow Show, MSNBC, she had a run down of all the Soviet or Russian activists, who had been killed as of late . . . poison, hits, assassinations, strange accidents . . . I believe that there were about 12 people, the Russian are just more open and let people know that it is because they oppose Putin, or they are fighting for things that may even resemble, the rights that we as Americans, have taken for granted, but should not, because this Act of Treason, the Patriot Act, is a ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! You need to stand up for your rights, fight for them, and defend them . . .USE THEM OR LOSE THEM! I have done my part, I have given you stories, cases, deaths, that are up close and personal to me, so I turn this piece of shit, legislation when turned on Americans, over to you, to do something about!
Solutions to the Patriot Act
Just like Congress tried to rescind or un-ratify, move to strike the Act, much like the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, taking a vote on it, some 40 or 50 times, unsuccessfully, the Patriot Act, too, comes up for votes, like it did the other day, or you can get your representative, Kansas, Senator, Rand Paul, and a presidential candidate, was the SHINING STAR this last go around, but even he can't do it himself! He can through friendship, reaching across the isle, through pressure, through "I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine" voting for another Senator's pet project, maybe sway a few, but it is YOU, THE VOTER, WHO CAN CHANGE A SENATOR'S MIND! And you must, or we well turn into England, with fucking 17 security and surveillance cameras on every lamp and light post, traffic stop, etc. Or we could be South Korea, with surveillance cameras in the restrooms and you are ticketed, if you fail to wash your hands! Or we could make President Obama a dictator, and he can just openly kill people like me, who opposed him on the Patriot Act . . . America does the same fucking thing that Putin is doing, we are just more stealth, due to the tools, Congress or the Senate just voted to extend and expand, on MONDAY! WAKE UP AMERICA . . . you are in a whole new world!
- every elected representative in Congress, the House of Representatives, elected or re-elected every two years, so they actually are more representative or have to answer to the people more often, are a great starting point, and the Senate, with elections or re-elections every 6 years, so a bit more removed from the people, and not having to face them as much, are still there to represent YOU, the VOTER! But they all have home pages on the Internet, with little text boxes, allowing you to write them an email, right on the spot and then send it, usually limited to about 10,000 words, which for me is not enough, but for most people is plenty of space. The White House has a similar program for the electorate to voice their opinions . . . YOU vote, colleagues don't for the candidate! So?
- personal hand written letters work. When I was a new Utah assistant attorney general, my boss, said, the doctors, are doing an end run around our reporting laws for domestic violence, do something, as he ran to check on another piece of legislation. I had a class in law school on the legislature and the only thing I remember learning from the class, is, if all else fails, write the committee a letter! I am a kick ass mean letter writer and was concerned about the victims of domestic violence, so that is exactly what I did . . . and that was it . . . to my surprise and my boss's delight, the letter was so convincing to the health committee of the Utah legislature, that they put the bill on the consensus calendar, meaning, there is not further debate on that bill, it is DEAD! That one letter shot down, high priced lobbyists, and the battle was over! Later I was offered a job from the Utah Medical Association, with the docs, hating me, for more than that letter over the years, and the director said, We would rather pay her to be on our sides, rather than have her be against us! LOL!
- if you think you have to be an assistant attorney general to make a difference, think again . . . my daughter, Nicole, who lives back in the Washington, D.C. area, got involved in some local issue, and wrote her county commissioner, and within a few days, his staff contacted her, and offered her a job, and she got to work on issues, the one she had written on, but also on many more, and Loudan County in Virginia, is one of the wealthiest counties in the nation, and had a budget, probably larger than the state of Montana, and my beautiful, very political daughter, rocked the job, and did so many of the same things that I had done, working in the administration of the Utah Attorney Generals Office, which is also a political office, working with the public. Later, after the county commissioner wanted more and more of my very competent and confident daughter's time, working only part time while her kids were in school, wanted her more and more, her husband and her, had been contemplating home-schooling their children, and I think, my son-in-law, George, wanted to see his wife more, especially at nights, so he sold her on home schooling my two grand kids, Yuri and Gracie, smart as their two brilliant parents. But, Nicole, wrote to her representative in Congress, and said that home schooling parents ought to get a tax break, seeing that they spend around $4,000 per year per child on supplies that the public schools don't need to spend on; therefore, it is the parents who should get tax break . . . he also wanted Nicole, based on her smart letter, to help him, with a growing population of home schoolers in his district, to help him write and try to pass legislation that would give home schooling parents a tax break . . . she knew, once she was schooling her kids, she was not going to have time, at least during the days to do much, but he wanted her to stay in contact.
- remember . . . in general, all good ideas, come from the grass roots and spread upward and outward, not the other way around!
- phone calls work, attendance at town hall meetings work, getting involved on a local level with your political party of choice works, and talking to neighbors, starting a voting block works, protesting works . . . an active citizenry is the way to keep our American way of life, and start other good new ideas, and kill self-interested shit like the Patriot Act, or license to steal, kill and destroy! And sometimes, destroy your best citizens!
Take a Number . . . Hits on My Life! Indians, Indians, Indians on My Bad Ass All Morning? What is Up . . . Something in Montana? Native Roommate? Identifier? Three Different Sets of Braves, Following Me This Morning? I Wrote That the Water Compact in Montana, Was Passed Unconstitutionally, and it Failed to Go through the Approval of Both Houses of the Legislature, House and Senate and be Passed by a 2/3rds Vote . . . Did Someone Call the Gov. on It? Something is Up! All that Needs to be Done on the Flathead Water Compact, is the Indians to Quantify the Amount of Water they Need! Period . . . the Water Rights of 300,000 Montanans in 11 Counties, Don't Need to Turn their Water Back to the Indians . . . a Treaty is a Treaty, And the Hellgate Treaty of 1855 is Totally Fair! The Compact is as Fucked up as the Patriot Act, and probably with the SAME MOVERS BEHIND IT!
Durango, Colorado, Botanical Gardens and the Pop Can
Yesterday, I was sitting up on the top floor of the beautiful library in Durango, sitting out on the balcony, on the second or third floor, eating an orange, waving at the train passengers, watching the rafters, the bikers, the skateboarders, and two young dudes, just out of school, for the summer and feeling their oats, tossed a white, Rock Star brand soda can, along the side of the awesome trail, just steps from the Durango Botanical Gardens in full bloom, purples, reds, whites, yellow, orange, green, pink, flowers, flowers, flowers . . . so beautiful, delicately tucked near rocks, greenery and other cool things like the art circle of the Durango to Silverton railraod, going around in a circle. I sat there for a minute, and with this other guy working on his computer, enjoying what I was looking at while working, I yelled out, hesitant at first, to reprimand these two cute teens that reminded me so much of my own skateboarder, but thinking, I would want someone to correct him, if he littered, hey, pick up your can!
Citizen surveillance is best, and works well, these kids, looked over their shoulders, as if my voice came from heaven, and they seemed just as scared, and to their parents who raised them right, they said, okay, and grabbed the can, looking over their shoulders for the voice from on high! LOL! And to the boys' credit, they were totally respectful, fast, and obliged the voice they didn't have to listen too, but did anyway, with no, fuck you, giving me the finger, they just took responsibility for their act of omission for failing to put the can in the nearest garbage can, which are generally pretty well represented on the walkway along the river.
The guy next to me busted up laughing, and we had a fun and lighthearted conversation, about the boys' shock, their reaction, and their compliance! LOL! But there are visitors, probably from all over the world, looking at, not only Durango, but Colorado, and the United States . . . we are 4th in line of countries visited, we need to put our best foot forward. I know that in St. George, Utah, one of the biggest draws for the often number one retirement communities in the nation, is who well trained the youth are . . . open the doors for the elderly, and do other random acts of kindness. I was impressed with these two young men and how quickly they did, probably what their parents had taught them, but they were not in their parent's view, so . . . well, there just happened to be a surrogate parent there, on the spot, to keep them to the teachings of their parents. Fun, morning, fun kids, good parents.
They say that behind every good kid, there is a great mother . . . and the best thing a father can do for his kids, is to love their mother . . . and behind every good family, of whatever make up, single, married, divorced, widowed, there is a great community taking up the slack in the home! Recently in the newspaper, there were statistics, that La Plata County, Right here in River City . . . that kids, even below the poverty line, far exceed other kids in income making capacities, by the age of 26, by about $3,000 per year, because there are better schools, less crime, and community programs for youth! Durango is very kid friendly and it is paying off! Grass Roots Ideas!
P.S., The Durango Botanical Society, located, I think in the Durango City Library, is willing to coach, help, or educate citizens, who are interested in conserving water, in these times that other states, and maybe someday, Colorado, experience a drought or water shortages, to grow indigenous plants, flowers, and scrubs, that need little water or adept and the climate and conditions here in the area. The garden is in full bloom and a spectacle of beauty and glory for the train riders and locals, check it out, it is worth the trip to town and the library. Great job and with every color in the rainbow and more! Wonderful!