In Over 510 Blogs, Having No Other Motive Than to Bring America Back, The Constitution Back, Through the Masses, I Hope That I Have Gained Your Trust, With No Other Incentives, To Now, Lower the Bomb on the Patriot Act, Before It Destroys America!
There are enemies afoot, in very powerful positions, and I am not indicting anyone, without due process, equal protection, and all the rights, powers, and guidelines that United States Constitution permits, in fact demands for citizens of this country. As the secret societies, intents, motives, and actions unfold, it is time, to expose, reveal, and hold accountable, those who have other than loyal intents and actions for America, with no other nation, demanding allegiance, putting in check, those who would aid and comfort our enemies, and further, anyone but the sovereign interests, way of life, economic systems, and general welfare of the people in the United States of America! The Patriot Act, is the tool, the insidious method, and the means, to make, true patriots, considered rebels, subversives, enemy combatants, and homegrown terrorists, under control, through means of unconstitutional actions, arrests without charges, detentions without probable cause, other than to oppose, the fuckers, promoting the Patriot Act, or allegiance to things, ideas, leaders, systems, that are foreign and estranged from our American governmental system, as put forth by the United States Constitution, the ruling and supreme document and law of the land! This act was ramrodded through with break neck speed, leaving Congress, lacking the time, power, and availability to check out, read, and decide if this was in the general welfare and best interest of the American people, or WE THE PEOPLE!
In the next two days, Congress has the opportunity, to take back that seditious and unconstitutional act, that never should have been passed, in the first place! As, a constitutional law attorney, having clawed and scratched my way, through a huge learning curve, to the heights of the legal world, in a huge ass constitutional law case, ending up at the U.S. Supreme Court level, slamming the Utah Department of Commerce, Division of Securities, along with 9 or so, attorneys, who should have known better, and investigators, along with those who were in supervisory positions over them, like the Utah Attorney General, and the Utah Governor, with the state of Utah, a named defendant for, violating, at least 110 financial planners and a legislative audit acknowledging that fact, while I just represented two plaintiffs, Brock and Rice, claiming that federal statutory and constitutional civil rights, were violated by state officials acting under color of law, or with the power of law, and forcing these planners, and other planners within the state, and this was happening nationwide, too, to chose, between their constitutional rights or their securities licenses, acting as if, one was not conditional on another, or were mutually exclusive, and acting independently of the other, which is pure and utter, bull shit! Citizens, even white, middle aged, males, who were Republican, Mormons, and millionaires at the time, are afforded, provided, and protected with constitutional rights, both under the federal and the state constitutions!
That was a $357 million lawsuit, and I followed that with a $56.7 million lawsuit, for similar violations of three plaintiffs' civil and constitutional rights, that were equally violated by local county officials in Iron County . . . and these actions by law enforcement, regulatory agencies, and others, is a direct, result of the fucked up attitudes, of those trained, learned, and acting under the Patriot Act of 2001, passed in an alleged reaction to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which again is fucking bull shit, and what it did, was basically make the U.S. Constitution, null and void, which is exactly what should have been done by Congress, when the Patriot Act passed over their desks, or the votes in the House and the Senate were taken; however, due to the extreme nature of the alleged foreign attacks, everyone, in an act of panic, was ready, willing and able, to give away all constitutional rights and protections, to the government, which was exactly the plan of the promoters, drafters and powers behind the Act! Opening the door, for true Patriots, in the real sense of the word, centuries after the rebel label, was replaced by allegiance to America, to be targeted, trashed, leaving the government goons to use character assassinations, detentions, and incarcerations, to control, true PATRIOTS!
I will retract these allegations against the Act, and what it took to get America to this point, if anyone can explain why, all FBI agents and their children, where out of the Murrow Building, at the time, that allegedly, McVeigh and Nichols, allegedly blew up the building, with bomb experts, reporting early on, that it would have taken, 16 strategically placed bombs, in the parking structure under the building to have blown the shit out of the building the way it did, and that the manure filled truck, could not have done the damage, it was claimed to have done. Or, I will change my mind, a bit, at least on the reasons, that backed the need for this overhaul and wholesale, vacating of constitutional rights, protections, freedoms, and liberties, that were the result of the Patriot Act, and encroaching on more and more rights, as time is allowed to go on, under this insidious Act, that Congress has the power to let sunset, or vanish from our sights, as disgusting as it is, in its entirety! NSA is doing its, bull shit, when I click the, ABC, spell check, on MY FUCKING COMPUTER, the spell check will not work, but when I let if off, it, magically works, if you wait, long enough . . . which leads me to my next point . . . controlling powers over the owner of this computer, and the alleged one account, controlling this blog, under my gmail account, that I just changed this morning seeing, fully and clearly why, I was not the one in control of my own, FUCKING BLOG!
That was a $357 million lawsuit, and I followed that with a $56.7 million lawsuit, for similar violations of three plaintiffs' civil and constitutional rights, that were equally violated by local county officials in Iron County . . . and these actions by law enforcement, regulatory agencies, and others, is a direct, result of the fucked up attitudes, of those trained, learned, and acting under the Patriot Act of 2001, passed in an alleged reaction to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which again is fucking bull shit, and what it did, was basically make the U.S. Constitution, null and void, which is exactly what should have been done by Congress, when the Patriot Act passed over their desks, or the votes in the House and the Senate were taken; however, due to the extreme nature of the alleged foreign attacks, everyone, in an act of panic, was ready, willing and able, to give away all constitutional rights and protections, to the government, which was exactly the plan of the promoters, drafters and powers behind the Act! Opening the door, for true Patriots, in the real sense of the word, centuries after the rebel label, was replaced by allegiance to America, to be targeted, trashed, leaving the government goons to use character assassinations, detentions, and incarcerations, to control, true PATRIOTS!
I will retract these allegations against the Act, and what it took to get America to this point, if anyone can explain why, all FBI agents and their children, where out of the Murrow Building, at the time, that allegedly, McVeigh and Nichols, allegedly blew up the building, with bomb experts, reporting early on, that it would have taken, 16 strategically placed bombs, in the parking structure under the building to have blown the shit out of the building the way it did, and that the manure filled truck, could not have done the damage, it was claimed to have done. Or, I will change my mind, a bit, at least on the reasons, that backed the need for this overhaul and wholesale, vacating of constitutional rights, protections, freedoms, and liberties, that were the result of the Patriot Act, and encroaching on more and more rights, as time is allowed to go on, under this insidious Act, that Congress has the power to let sunset, or vanish from our sights, as disgusting as it is, in its entirety! NSA is doing its, bull shit, when I click the, ABC, spell check, on MY FUCKING COMPUTER, the spell check will not work, but when I let if off, it, magically works, if you wait, long enough . . . which leads me to my next point . . . controlling powers over the owner of this computer, and the alleged one account, controlling this blog, under my gmail account, that I just changed this morning seeing, fully and clearly why, I was not the one in control of my own, FUCKING BLOG!
The Mormon Controlled, NSA, In Utah, That Controls The Computer Spying in the Western United States . . . Did This To, Give Access, To My Government, Evil Twins!
So, how does in feel, you god-damned motherfuckers, to lose control over my blog, my email, my computer, and me, since, yesterday, when you were stupid enough, to allow, that bitch Kay, to get on my blog and put advertisements, to do what, lower my credibility, since I vowed to my readers that I would not take money or put ads on my blog, so they would see that I had no other motives, that to educate, expose, train, and teach, the American people, on the Constitution . . . problem was, that the fuckers, in the NSA, had other allegiances, and allowed, bitches and bastards other than the OWNER OF MY BLOG, ME!, to have their way, through changing, editing, redacting, taking out the swear words, or giving you a child's version of my great blogs, that they salivated over, each and every time I wrote! YOU see, that these fuckers, wanted to use, my cleanliness in the law, my name, my prowess, my virtue, my connections over 20 years with constitutional law and credits, to twist, pervert, alter, change, and adapt, to their less than noble means, inch by inch, deception by deception, one degree at a time, lead you, the reader, the patriot, down the primrose path to Patriot Act hell!
So, this morning, after a tirade, yesterday, when I saw the fucking ads on my blog, and on some sites that I didn't even know had my blog on them, like Pandora, duckduckgo, as well as Yelp, and AOL, recently, flattered as I am, still knowing full well, while writing all the blogs, wondering what fucked up version of my blogs you were getting, the Mo version, the NSA version, the government version, because, they knew, these entities, that no one is going to listen to Shelley Southwick Anderson Yeman, Kay Burningham Brown Buttars Stewart/Stuart, Rachel Southwick Hickey-Moosman, Susan Southwick Schmidt, Tiffany Southwick Harris . . . or any of the other, alleged, government bitches, and sorry ass babes . . . I know these women's histories, they are not fooling me and they all would gladly, as they have, ride piggy back on my back, and jump off, right in time, as the Mo controlled NSA, tells them someone is going to discover, that they are not JoAnn, or that they are being investigated, and need to take their own identity back, or that they are being exposed . . .
This is the shit, that the NSA is doing, that the Patriot Act is allowing, condoning and paying for, with, they will claim, MY money, which they consider their money, because, hey, I am them, and they are me, in Brett and Kay's fucked up, hold hands and sing Cumbyah, coffee shop world, of narcissistic personality disorder and borderline personality disorder, co-dependent as hell on each other sickness, but hey, both are charming, manipulating people! What more could America want, in a JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., bad ass con law chick, extraordinaire? Really? Good God, please, this chick, as well as my sisters, have wanted to be me, Shelley, since birth, Sue the same, Kay since she met me in 7th grade, Rachel, who stood in my legend and shadow, even in high school, Tiff too! LOL! Brett, was scorned and rejected, so he took Kay as a substitute, and did everything in his sick power, to fuck me over, as a means of revenge, Kay was right there with him . . . go check out Bountiful High School photos . . . LOL, they can't have ditched all of them, and they are probably online too . . . Kay is a big believer and lover of high school, the last place she excelled! At least in my thinking . . . shitty attorney, and Brett, couldn't give up my name, my resume, my credentials, my kids, my cases, and he helped Kay, and others, try to steal all that was, is and will be mine . . . I don't know about jilted lovers and jealous sisters! LOL!
Computer Foolery! And The NSA is the FOOL!
I wrote this blog, after being chased, for two solid days, up at East Glacier, back in September of 2013, after I didn't get caught and murdered, or taken to some detention camp, and got out of the mountains alive, and back into civilization, only to write of my ordeal, finding that both of my email or gmail accounts had been absconded, stolen, hijacked, I believe was the term and I could not longer access them through my passwords, and didn't know, what the evil twin thieves, passwords for my name, and gmail accounts were! So, I set up my blog, under one account, and a new email or gmail address, . . . I know, ridiculously long, but I wanted to try to fool the NSA and their access bitches, and use a legal name, one I thought was kind of a cowgirl name, Jo Bess, last name via, Allan Rex Bess, my client, and husband, the fourth time around, but I married a government proxy, Frank of Interpol, but I really think, he is a serial killer, from Truth and Consequences, New Mexico, kidnapped, tortured, sexually abused, and murdered, up to 30 women, who was finally convicted, and allegedly died of a heart attack, around 2001, the year the Patriot Act was allegedly passed, bringing him out of prison, claiming a heart attack, but sicking the sick fuck on me . . . Shelley digs him . . . she joined him in killing Allan, check out, The Toy Box, David Ray Parker! Shelley was into serial killers, and this ass wipe would fit her bill, of the ideal lover! And a possible candidate to take care of little sister, JoAnn, who was back practicing law, on HER OWN license and her own name, and big sister, Shelley, wanted those honors, credentials, resume, awards, degrees, and whatever back . . . just her type of guy, he was to replace Allan, and she was to replace ME! Perfect . . . he looks just like the fake Allan, the biggest asshole, I have ever met, with his history of murder, with government protection, the ideal guy for the job of murdering her sister, Shelley picked a guy, who is her equal!
So, back to the mornings computer joy . . . I missed 8 years, I didn't even touch a computer, but I am not stupid and have beaten the NSA, Shelley, Kay, Brett, Richard Glen Southwick, Ed Southwick, and the other 30,000 spies, and maintained control of my blog, or at least access, fighting 24/7 to just publish, or post, but getting the job done . . . so, this morning, I was getting the little dotted circle, going around, over and over again, even though I was on the Internet, at McDonald's, connected and all, but getting delayed action on the series, under I.D. Network, dealing with Wicked Attractions & Couples That Kill! Wow, it is so amazing to not have the interference of the NSA, and the evil twins, and just be able, to just deal with the few bull shit things they can do, that are computer driven, like underlining and spell check, so not powerful! LOL! But, I decide to go into settings, and clear the history of the browser, and look up at some of the other controls and decided to just go check things out . . . and low and behold!
My Gmail Account is Non-Existent, or Not Listed as the Owner, and All Other Forms of Users, Are Checked Off and Allowed!
Holy shit, what a discovery . . . it is amazing that I was able to write at all, or I guess I was not, and my account, didn't control JACK! What was checked off on my computer, was the following: (1) enable guest browsing, and I had used that, back to fool the NSA, hackers, but after that, my guest screen saver had been changed, from ugly sand to uglier black and white graphics, that were whatever, double ugly, like my doubles; (2) enabled supervised users . . . what, supervised by who, what, where, how, and when?; and (3) show usernames and photos on the sign in screen . . . mine disappeared from my blog, less that two days after it was put on! In a similar browsing history check, back in October of 2013, I noticed that my entire account that controlled my blog, had been redirected! So, while I was writing, they were scanning, stealing, making money, changing to fit their motives and intentions, not mine, while using my name, bio, and whatever! Can you believe this shit, and we are paying for this, or the government allows this, permits, through the section that is being sunset in two days! Congress, the NSA, and the Mormon church is aiding and abetting, given comfort to America's enemies, in acts of treason! That is why the fuckers want control, is they are allowed access to my accounts, taking about 15 former gmail accounts, and giving access to my blog, making, judged on the numbers, before being buried, ditched, and going everywhere on the Internet, with up to 155,000,000, yeah, that is million, in less that a minute, X60 minutes in an hour, X24 hours in a day . . . you do the math, and that was a year ago, February, 2014!
I would guess, that I have circled the billion hits/results, over a year ago, easy! You see, just like my cases, my son's music, my blog, my legislation, everything I was doing, involved in and connecting with . . . they had ACCESS TO STEAL, GIVEN LICENSE TO STEAL, KILL, AND THRILL, the world with my work! Due to the label of rebel, in the good sense, in this fucked up Patriot Act world, with the Act, authorizing America to be the world policing agency, Homeland Security, that is why we were in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and other countries, we wanted to be the world police! And on the home front, we were creating a police force, that became militarized, keeping troops trained under the military oversees and the cops, the nations military, controlling the citizens, terrorizing them on the streets, with unlimited power, to be judge, jury, and executioner on the streets, under the police powers of the fucking, unconstitutional Patriot Act . . . that is why, Trayvon, Michael, Garner, Rice, Davis, and others got shot with not reprecusions . . . two separate legal systems, one for the cops and one for the citizens . . . read the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE . . . we have gone full circle back to England!
Illuminati, CIA, Yale--Skull and Bones Society, Mormon Church, with 70% of the Intelligence Community Mormon--Mitt Romney, Documentary to be Aired on BBC, in the UK, Right, With Kay, Me . . . and Me, JoAnn, Out of the Way, Mitt Could Be a President for the World, Bush's I, II and Now Going for III!
History of the key role Mormons play, in this one world order, as the only major world religion, started on American soil, or the American church, with a ton of converts, the original ones, coming from ENGLAND!
Not all Americans, or colonists, were in favor of breaking ties with England . . . and those members of the Skull and Bones, were among, those loyalists to England, or the motherland. Then you have other powerful European influences, that came along with the pilgrims over to America, the masons, some of the key architects, of places like the Capitol Building, and the pentagram, that marks the bizarrely laid out streets in Washington, D.C., with Joseph Smith, being a 33rd degree Mason, here is another connection. During recent history, or maybe not so recent, you can take my family, with my great-uncle, Phil Christensen, being in the FBI, as was his son, Bryce Christensen, who worked in the LA FBI Office, and was one of the two Mormons, over that office, with the first spy charged with espionage and sedition, being Mormon also! But, due to the missions of the Mormon boys and girls, they are a shoe-in, especially for the CIA, with jurisdictio around the world, unless, that is you are stealing my cases, the $700 million worth of cases, I had against the government, with my client, Thomas G. Vail, of Henderson, Nevada, having lunch with the CIA?, which ended in stealing my cases with him, that I had worked on for a year and a half, starting the day after the Brock case, his New York Investment News, clearing Tom's criminal charges, just with my filing of the Brock, $357 million securities case, I mentioned above, with Kay, signing off on the cases, as if she were me! Kaboom, my two cases, one against the Las Vegas Review Journal, and the state of Nevada, which I had written demand letters, were just at the negotiation stage, with me demanding, $10 million settlements, to drop, about $440 million worth of cases, in those two, and ready to sign, talking to attorneys, and government representatives . . . now, how in the fuck, do you think that, little JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D.'s cases, got on the CIA's radar screen? They don't even have jurisdiction for financial crimes, in the U.S.A., maybe it was those off-shore banking accounts of Brock and Rice?
Now, in addition to my family FBI connections, my father, when I was born, on Port Hueneme, Navy Base, in or near, Ventura, California, was a spy for the Air Force, working for the OSI, or the Office of Strategic Intelligence, or the precursor to the CIA! I was born for this shit! Not only am I the only kid in my family, to be an attorney, I am the only one, born out of state, and on a Navy Base, symbolic of my loyalties, to the U.S.A.! The rest of my family clowns are loyal to Mormons and that is it! Both my father and mother's ancestors, came from England, and or geneology, links into, not only Lord Nelson, of Trafalga, one of England's war heroes, although through illegitimate lines, a mistress, highly fitting, but we are connected into the kings and queens of England! In the Mormon Temples, we are initiated into a secret society, and we can become kings and queens, priests and priestesses! Wow, Joseph Smith, founding prophet of the Mormon Church, took from the masons, their order, but also, was imitating the Monarchy in England! Which brings me to the Monarch Project, a combined effort of the Illuminati and the CIA! With 70% if the CIA, FBI, DIA, NSA, being Mormon, with the indoctrination of kings and queens, it is not a hard one, to bring, members, to the full circles, Joe Smith, originally set up . . . my family lines, also hook into the BUSHES, scream, I bleed red, white and blue, not the British, red, white and blue . . . just stripes and stars!
Not all Americans, or colonists, were in favor of breaking ties with England . . . and those members of the Skull and Bones, were among, those loyalists to England, or the motherland. Then you have other powerful European influences, that came along with the pilgrims over to America, the masons, some of the key architects, of places like the Capitol Building, and the pentagram, that marks the bizarrely laid out streets in Washington, D.C., with Joseph Smith, being a 33rd degree Mason, here is another connection. During recent history, or maybe not so recent, you can take my family, with my great-uncle, Phil Christensen, being in the FBI, as was his son, Bryce Christensen, who worked in the LA FBI Office, and was one of the two Mormons, over that office, with the first spy charged with espionage and sedition, being Mormon also! But, due to the missions of the Mormon boys and girls, they are a shoe-in, especially for the CIA, with jurisdictio around the world, unless, that is you are stealing my cases, the $700 million worth of cases, I had against the government, with my client, Thomas G. Vail, of Henderson, Nevada, having lunch with the CIA?, which ended in stealing my cases with him, that I had worked on for a year and a half, starting the day after the Brock case, his New York Investment News, clearing Tom's criminal charges, just with my filing of the Brock, $357 million securities case, I mentioned above, with Kay, signing off on the cases, as if she were me! Kaboom, my two cases, one against the Las Vegas Review Journal, and the state of Nevada, which I had written demand letters, were just at the negotiation stage, with me demanding, $10 million settlements, to drop, about $440 million worth of cases, in those two, and ready to sign, talking to attorneys, and government representatives . . . now, how in the fuck, do you think that, little JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D.'s cases, got on the CIA's radar screen? They don't even have jurisdiction for financial crimes, in the U.S.A., maybe it was those off-shore banking accounts of Brock and Rice?
Now, in addition to my family FBI connections, my father, when I was born, on Port Hueneme, Navy Base, in or near, Ventura, California, was a spy for the Air Force, working for the OSI, or the Office of Strategic Intelligence, or the precursor to the CIA! I was born for this shit! Not only am I the only kid in my family, to be an attorney, I am the only one, born out of state, and on a Navy Base, symbolic of my loyalties, to the U.S.A.! The rest of my family clowns are loyal to Mormons and that is it! Both my father and mother's ancestors, came from England, and or geneology, links into, not only Lord Nelson, of Trafalga, one of England's war heroes, although through illegitimate lines, a mistress, highly fitting, but we are connected into the kings and queens of England! In the Mormon Temples, we are initiated into a secret society, and we can become kings and queens, priests and priestesses! Wow, Joseph Smith, founding prophet of the Mormon Church, took from the masons, their order, but also, was imitating the Monarchy in England! Which brings me to the Monarch Project, a combined effort of the Illuminati and the CIA! With 70% if the CIA, FBI, DIA, NSA, being Mormon, with the indoctrination of kings and queens, it is not a hard one, to bring, members, to the full circles, Joe Smith, originally set up . . . my family lines, also hook into the BUSHES, scream, I bleed red, white and blue, not the British, red, white and blue . . . just stripes and stars!
Family Connections to Bushes, Romney's
Like I said, my father, who was in the OSI, with that agency, allegedly out of operations, bull shit, still one of the 40 agencies, in the intelligence community, my father, may have been, in CIA, with connections to Bush, Cheney, who is a jack Mormon, from Star Valley or Jackson Hole, Wyoming, but Mormon roots. Bush HW, was a former director of the CIA, as well as an agent, and was, ironically, in Dallas, Texas, along with other presidents, Ford, Nixon, and Johnson, who directly was to benefit, from President Kennedy getting gunned down, or assassinated! The Kennedy's, were of the true, rebel, patriot, modern day, American built nature, and they were going to rip the CIA apart, for them giving false information on the Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, in addition to bringing back the gold and silver standard, backing the banking systems, like originally set up by the founding fathers, and the federal reserve, part of the downfall of America, in addition to the world bankers, would have nothing of that, and he was a Democrat, and concerned for civil rights, the poor, and women! So, you had the young, Kennedy upstarts, that the established, Monarch, of America, didn't want . . . the Bushes were very much, right in the middle of the Kennedy assassinations, with George W. Bush, being one of the only living presidents, not to go to JFK Jr.'s funeral!
Where the loyalties are: (1) Prescott Bush, funded Hitler's Germany . . . Congress, which he was a member, was going to charge him with treason; (2) George H.W. Bush, very close to China, another system with king-like figures, or an Emperor, and the Emperor is naked!; sold us and our debt to China . . . both members of the Yale Skull and Bones, as is President Clinton, John Kerry . . . and George W. Bush, and others; (3) George W. Bush, Iraq, Afghanistan, Patriot Act, mortgage crisis, putting the American economy on its knees! Sister, Rachel, one of my evil twins, was the flight attendant, chosen to represent, United Airlines, at a campaign luncheon, in D.C., I think, or somewhere. My father, had the Bushes, Laura and George W's pictures on his office wall, for years, even after he was out of office. Both Brock and Rice, are Mormons, Republicans, and financial planners, a huge ass group of contributors to elected offices, and presidential elections! Now for the Romney, elections . . . of course, Mitt is a Mormon, with morals, values and loyalties much closer to Utah, with Mormon Church headquarters, in Utah, rather than being closely aligned with Massechusetts, where he was governor, but in Kennedy territory, having run, unsuccessfully against Ted Kennedy! James are you following this?
NOTE: THE NSA, is NOW ON THIS BLOG! Going to spin it differently, cover, shit, fucked up fuckers, you will not get the real shit, from them, cover-up! How do I know, because, the spell check used to work, in reverse, !and now, it doesn't work at all . . . so they got on my account, somehow, and they have access!
NOTE: THE NSA, is NOW ON THIS BLOG! Going to spin it differently, cover, shit, fucked up fuckers, you will not get the real shit, from them, cover-up! How do I know, because, the spell check used to work, in reverse, !and now, it doesn't work at all . . . so they got on my account, somehow, and they have access!
Once On Internet . . . Always There, Go To Look Back and Track, Find these Fuckers, NSA, Access Hacker Mormons, Evil Twins . . . Okay, Here is the Schmidt/Romney Connection!
I want this to get on the record! So, someone, somewhere, can get on this blog, know the real author, the real attorney, the real brains behind it, and get the real money to me, where I will build America . . . don't want money, but prefer it to be in my hands, than America's enemies, treasonous assholes, NSA, in the Mormon CIA, FBI, DIA, NSA . . . fuck the bastards, I will take my own money, give it to my kids, this is my will, and let them set up a foundation, to further their careers, education, political aspirations, and whatever they feel is a good use of the money, I trust their hearts, their judgement, their souls, and their American values . . . and thank God, only one is active in the Mormon Church, as she is smart and may look at things differently after reading this, and if not, freedom of religion, first amendment, rights, a good training school, but when I was a child, I played with childish things, and when I became a woman, I put away, child things, and took on Jesus Christ . . . I am grateful, to not smoke, drink, do drugs, and was a virgin when I got married, unlike Kay, Shelley, Rachel, probably Sue and Tiff, maybe, you never know! But being Christian, is so much more rewarding, thank God, for Greta and Dallas!, the non-Mormon at the Mormon BBQ! This is my last will and testament, just in case the Mormon mafia gets me tonight, or soon, and kids, sue the shit out of any and all search engines, under about 5 versions of bad ass con law chick blog, mainly a play on the word, "ass"! Oh, my electronic signature, accepted by Utah Court System, /s/ JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D. Last place seen at the time of this blog, and will, McDonald's in Durango, Colorado!
Okay, with that out of the way, Mitt Romney, was a stake president, a geographical boundary, over a number of wards, in an ecclesiastical calling under the Mormon Church, with an organization, with regional representatives, general authorities, area presidents, and finally, under the current Prophet of the Mormon Church, Thomas S. Monson. Kevin Jon Schmidt, was a Mormon Bishop, over a particular geographical area, within the Boston area. Kevin served under Mitt, and sister Sue and Kevin, have been on Mitt's yacht, and maybe in his house, but are well familiar with the Romney's. I believe that Jay Rice and Henry S. Brock, with Brock's parents, serving as FBI informants for 20 years, another connection to the government, probably both, back in 2001, during the Olympics, met and spent time with Mitt Romney, the adopted son of Utah! So, when, sister, JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., was pulled out of retirement, and took on the securities case for Brock and Rice, of the Rice/Eccles football stadium fame, where the main events, opening and closing ceremonies for the Olympics were held, hired me to represent them, in the $357 million case, they were well aware of my background, and my current activities in the political scene in southern Utah, having tried to get an attorney to take the case for 10 years.
Taking MY Name Off My Emails Started in 2008!
As I said, a blog or two ago, I was in fear of my life, back in 2008, at the time that I knew my son's music was being stolen, by Brett, Kay, Shelley, my father, Allan aka Frank, FBI, CIA, and being helped by the NSA, which I knew little about, back in the day! But, I got involved in everything, and the Tea Party movement was just getting started, and I was giving the Utah contingency credibility, having been a former assistant attorney general, and I was doing tons of constitutional analysis, that were even getting guys, who were using my emails, on ceding from the nation, and other questions, and funneling my writings to Glenn Beck, another Mormon, who was rising in fame and prestige, because of my legal accuem, and prowess, but with my work, being taken advantage and given credit, to whomever, was willing to not only plagerize, because they didn't, they just took my name off the emails, and put their names on, at, way back, the direction of "them." They told us to take your name off . . . who, the FBI, CIA . . . just them! Probably my family! But, Brock and Rice, and others, had a pretty good idea, that I was the one attorney, of any, who could be used to earn a shit load of money for Mitt, the Republican Party, and could get the deep pockets of the financial planners in the nation, to see, Mormon Utah, and thus, Mitt, as the savior of the securities industry d professions who was being prepared, I believe, for the Wall Street bilking of America, to the tune of $700 billion, the same amount, Lehman Brothers, was worth, back in the fall of 2008, right during the elections, with McCain and President Obama!
I had voted for Barack Obama, and was not ashamed to do it again, in this reddest of red states, in the reddest county in Utah who was being counted on to help pull off a win, for McCain . . . this was early in the election year, around January and February with my leanings moving more and more toward, President Obama, and away from Sarah Palin, whom I wondered, if she was sister, Rachel, in a CIA, dumb ass scheme, to put heels before heads, of women, like Hillary Clinton, who lost the nomination to Prez. O, back in the summer, but my mother, if I even said anything derogatory about Sarah Palin, she threw me out of her house, at least three times! To be that into this lame ass bitch, I would think that she was, Rachel, whom had disappeared for about two years, had Shelley, and Isaac, at the same time, that my son's band, God's Revolver, was kicking the nation, as Hard Rock Band of 2008! and going on a nationwide tour, until I told, son-in-law, Dallas Hyl
and, whom I was sure was undercover FBI, along with son-on-law, George Mayor, with the CIA, and with picture of President Karsai of Afghanistan, and marketers for the Mormon mafia, run by Kay, Brett, Shelley, my father, and other family members, along with Kevin Schmidt, who retired at about that same time!
All in the family, or circle of friends, family, and others, in this money making scheme, racketeering and RICO shit, but with Kay Burningham, being inducted into my family as me, deliciously sweet, not like JoAnn, the outsider, and now back in the swing, and maybe scouting out these fuckers, and watching, marking their every move . . . they just underestimated me! LOL! And they will all pay in prison for their stupidity . . . should have seen the writing on the wall, guys who used my name, like Glen fuck Beck, and Rick fuck Nelson, went up in ratings, and Rick went from 3 unsuccessful mayor races, to being asked to run for SENATOR! LOL . . . this blog is periodically being scanned by the fuckin' NSA, hackers and those fearing going to PRISON, yeah, yeah, yeah, the happiest day of my fucking life, get them the fuck off my son's band, off my back, out of my blog, off my emails, and out of my life, before I go terrorist on them so sick of this shit, and as for law enforcement, CIA, FBI, and others who should be doing this, FUCK YOUR SORRY ASSES ALL TO HELL! But, anyway, I got the impression that there was this competition between the only two attorneys . . . the new Joann, and the original JoAnn, not Shelley, but I guess she was there before Kay, but there are only two legitimate attorneys, and Kay should be disbarred and hung, but first, she should be skinned alive, along with Brett, Shelley and my father, the masterminds behind this shit!
I think this whole thing was a game, but I beat Kay, over and over and over and over again, on each stage of the Brock/Rice security case! LOL! She was brought on after I WON, the winning brief, at the 10th District Court of Appeals, where Brock and Rice took bribes, and Brock did a no-show, the night before the alleged hearing, with the Court Clerks, lying . . . my house was taken, all my briefs, my computers with the contract between me and Brock, and other clients, and they were going to run me out, take the case, because my case, kicked the shit out of the Utah Attorney General's Litigation Division and two outside law firms! LOL! I won easy . . . it was a deal and a steal on that case, and all my other cases . . . Kay is not even in my class of attorneys, I am PEERLESS! And I am FEARLESS! I will take on all the fucking hags, of the alleged, fancy ladies, and beat them, like Rush, their hero, with my brain tied behind my back! SUE, YOU TWO, YOU FUCKIN' MORMON CUNT! YOU Make me SICK! AS does your whoring daughter, Meg! See if you are smart enough to figure that one out, BITCH! And your Bitch litter!
and, whom I was sure was undercover FBI, along with son-on-law, George Mayor, with the CIA, and with picture of President Karsai of Afghanistan, and marketers for the Mormon mafia, run by Kay, Brett, Shelley, my father, and other family members, along with Kevin Schmidt, who retired at about that same time!
All in the family, or circle of friends, family, and others, in this money making scheme, racketeering and RICO shit, but with Kay Burningham, being inducted into my family as me, deliciously sweet, not like JoAnn, the outsider, and now back in the swing, and maybe scouting out these fuckers, and watching, marking their every move . . . they just underestimated me! LOL! And they will all pay in prison for their stupidity . . . should have seen the writing on the wall, guys who used my name, like Glen fuck Beck, and Rick fuck Nelson, went up in ratings, and Rick went from 3 unsuccessful mayor races, to being asked to run for SENATOR! LOL . . . this blog is periodically being scanned by the fuckin' NSA, hackers and those fearing going to PRISON, yeah, yeah, yeah, the happiest day of my fucking life, get them the fuck off my son's band, off my back, out of my blog, off my emails, and out of my life, before I go terrorist on them so sick of this shit, and as for law enforcement, CIA, FBI, and others who should be doing this, FUCK YOUR SORRY ASSES ALL TO HELL! But, anyway, I got the impression that there was this competition between the only two attorneys . . . the new Joann, and the original JoAnn, not Shelley, but I guess she was there before Kay, but there are only two legitimate attorneys, and Kay should be disbarred and hung, but first, she should be skinned alive, along with Brett, Shelley and my father, the masterminds behind this shit!
Competition for the Brock Case . . . I WON, Kay Lost!
I think we, I just accidentally typed, was, a competition, with this plan to make money for Mitt, long in the workings, remembering that he ran against McCain, if I remember, back in the 2008, elections, and lost the nomination! But, the FBI, CIA, NSA, and others, my family, who had subbed in Kay, as me, because, Shelley was not an attorney, never has been and never will be, as much as her little fucking jealous heart wants to be one, couldn't do the Brock case, so Kay, who was fucking Brett, and pretending to be me, aka, JoAnn . . . Kay, the normal breed of shitty attorneys, wasn't good enough for this narcissistic bastard, who wanted it all, all that I could give, and all that my family, aka Elliot and his band could give, and my background, resume, career, which dwarfed Kay's ambulance chasing sham, of a career, with me seeing her get fired, by former boyfriend, whom I am sure would lie for the Mormon Church, and Mitt, will attest and lose his fucking soul, saying Kay was me, or Shelley, or someone, whatever, he was fat, boring slob, that I was ready to ditch anyway, and seeing him less and less, with the Republican Party, recruiting me, since they didn't know Greg, but after one dinner with Salt Lake City, or County recorder, Nancy, I think, I was bored, having to carry the socializing for Greg, just like with ex-husband, and that bugged the hell out of me, and Greg was at least the Parlimentarian for the Republican State Convention, back in 1999, going into the 2000 elections, when I was poisoned and taken out of the race for everything, attorney general and Congressional seat, that didn't come for another 15 or so years, which is why I built a house down in St. George, knowing that was going to be part of the area for the new congressional district! HISTORY!I think this whole thing was a game, but I beat Kay, over and over and over and over again, on each stage of the Brock/Rice security case! LOL! She was brought on after I WON, the winning brief, at the 10th District Court of Appeals, where Brock and Rice took bribes, and Brock did a no-show, the night before the alleged hearing, with the Court Clerks, lying . . . my house was taken, all my briefs, my computers with the contract between me and Brock, and other clients, and they were going to run me out, take the case, because my case, kicked the shit out of the Utah Attorney General's Litigation Division and two outside law firms! LOL! I won easy . . . it was a deal and a steal on that case, and all my other cases . . . Kay is not even in my class of attorneys, I am PEERLESS! And I am FEARLESS! I will take on all the fucking hags, of the alleged, fancy ladies, and beat them, like Rush, their hero, with my brain tied behind my back! SUE, YOU TWO, YOU FUCKIN' MORMON CUNT! YOU Make me SICK! AS does your whoring daughter, Meg! See if you are smart enough to figure that one out, BITCH! And your Bitch litter!
The Brock Case Was A Sham, And the FBI is in the HALL OF SHAME, Right there with Mitt, and the CIA! NSA, I Won't Forget You Either!
All You Baby Mormons . . . These are Your Leaders? Your Heroes? Your Heroines? LOL! Got the Wrong Gals . . . You Are Honoring Them for What I Did! And Continue to DO!
WHAT A FUCKING JOKE! /s/ JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D.!
Set a Trap for Someone . . . You, Including the Mo's, Will Fall in it Themselves! /s/ Jesus Christ
P.S. this will show you the extent of the theft, of this blog, the original, blog, bad ass con law chick blog, has the limited, 220,000 hits or results, the bad as con law chick blog, has over 32,000,000! Go figure . . . that good old, Mormon, American GREED! Banking on my intellectual property, you damned fucks! Get a grip, that song, Take that Money and Watch it Burn, the Lessons I Have Learned, but they haven't, they are still trying, second by second, minute by minute to be ME! Good Lord!
Take the envy, jealousy, deprived souls out of these losers, and Congress fuck the Patriot Act!
Go Get'em, Senator Rand Paul, Thanks!
Add another, 15,000,000 hits on, never even heard of that, but a huge money maker, for my kids! NSA, do the right thing, in my last will and testament! LOL! Another, 26,600,000 in less that a minute! If you added all of these search engines, the 6 I know of, times the hits, on all the versions of this blog, holy shit, about a billion per minute . . . not bad for this bad ass con law chick blog, and the attorney brain behind it! And they have been taking the money for the last, year and a half, other than the first three weeks, with me getting 13,500,000, per 54 seconds right off the bat, so there stupid, pride in performance, if shit . . . they click buttons, and know search engines . . . hey, I missed 8 years of computers, and was a reluctant user from the start and I can still beat the NSA, and Hacker chicks, that are too stupid to write this . . . I know, I will give them, all 6 of the fraud broads, a week, and I will refrain from writing, giving them no competition, and we will compare hits and numbers . . . if they get more hits than I have today, they can have the blog! BUT AMERICA WILL SUFFER! I dare them, I double dare them to write just one!