On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust.I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions.I will always uphold the Constitution, my community and the agency I serve.
Managing Public Image
The very first meeting, I had, as staff attorney, Utah Prosecution Council, Criminal Enforcement Division, Utah Attorney Generals Office, back in May, of roughly 1994, if memory serves, I was sitting in the upper sanctums of the Utah State Capitol Building, with the prosecutors, representing the Utah Prosecution Council, the cops, represented by the Utah Police Association, the sheriffs, represented by the Utah Sheriff's Association, and with members of the bench, representing judges, through the Utah Office of the Administration of the Courts. So, a pretty, heady, powerful group of individuals, with a ton of credibility and veracity, dealing with issues, that, frankly, for this housewife, turned, attorney, naive, as I may have been, not even one year out of law school, and hired into the upper echelons of the state, really who's who, in the state of Utah, and being the idealist that I am, I was shocked to see these, dignified, agencies, departments, and associations, disputing the percentages of the surcharge, additions to criminal fines and fees. So, you are telling me, that the cops that issue a citation, get a cut of the money pie, or the sheriffs, the city, the revenue farmers, as I called them, back in the day, work for, get the original citation, fine and fee money, and the prosecutors, who are to be the gateway of justice, determining, whether to proceed with a prosecution, or decline prosecution, get a cut, and the allegedly, impartial judges, get a cut? What the fuck, only I didn't swear back then, because I was on the power broker side of the alleged criminal justice system . . . I started swearing so much, when I was stripped of the Constitution, my arguments, and my clients, were standing there naked in front of this indomitable power structure, without even the Bill of Rights, with the Patriot Act, leaving them defenseless!
It must have been the social worker, aptitude, my 7th grade test, showed my skills were in social work and law, can't remember which order, but that day, I took a side with WE THE PEOPLE, and took up symbolic arms, voice, mind, power, abilities, and became, not Cat Woman, but the constitutional law attorney for the people, the tax payers, the citizen, and yes, even the criminal, as far as justice would serve, or should serve . . . and self appointed myself, the UTAH PROSECUTOR! Or the person, the attorney, representing the group just mentioned above, the ones, who are not here to defend themselves, those without a voice in the system, and those who are adversely affected by this, absolute MONEY MAKING MACHINE! My sinister plot to overthrow, the government started that day, that second, that minute, and has not abated since! I was an enemy from within, that soon took root outside for the whole justice system to see, when I opposed the Utah Attorney Generals Office, Prosecutors, U.S. Attorneys, and the cops, on asset forfeiture laws! Game on . . .
- Action + Official Capacity + Personal Benefit/Gain = Public Scandal, Mistrust, Disdain
- surcharge of 90% above the fees, citation, fines, jail, and restitution, asset forfeiture--unconstitutional legislation, personal gain, incentives, surplus sales of seized property, going to cops, not the state or school funds, where reforms said it could go, gratuity for service and protection, selling drugs out of evidence rooms, for street drug culture, license plate scanning--with evidence of computer error, human error, glitches in the systems, changing legislation, so laws stating that cops can't request insurance information, unless there is $1500 worth of damage to the vehicles, so county coffers, can be enriched, by, as in Washington County, Utah, scanning in violation of 4th amendment rights, netted, just the jail alone, $1.8 million in revenues, not counting some alleged, fee splitting with towing and impound companies--legislative authorizations, were $350, I had clients, that were charged $500! What used to be a fix-it ticket, for insurance and registration, is now, $1,000 bail, generally not refunded, when proof of insurance is shown, plus impound fees--big time money maker. Purchases of what I call Big Boy Toyz, or militarization vehicles, as in Missoula, Montana, to keep control of the Rainbow Gatherings, mistaken and classified as an extremist group, grant application was withdrawn, but cops were pissed, said they had plenty of equipment, that could terrorize people, but didn't . . . such extreme show of restraint, but what in the hell do you need another vehicle if what you said was true, that you had tons of equipment, and always used it right, then what is the need to spend more tax payers money?
- Lawful Authority + Lawful Objection = Lawful Action
- The "Headline Test" or avoiding "Lawful but Awful"
- we are all familiar with the issues that brought Ferguson, Missouri and cops to the attention of worldwide news . . . your department, agencies, officers, and administration, doesn't need to go through this. Regardless of how painful, whether on not, one of your own, are on the line, follow standard procedures and policies, with Constitutional principles and concepts, the Supreme Law of the Land, as well as your own, state constitutions, with dual citizenship rights and protections, always afforded to the citizen. Remember, you are not the judge, jury and executioner on the streets . . . we have system of laws, rights, protections, that must be followed in ALL but the most rare, occasions even after a high speed chase, an alleged misdemeanor or felony has been committed, and regardless of the Patriot Act, the 4th amendment and others, are very much alive! If you want the fast track to the guillotine, these days of social media, Internet, blogging, newspaper, realize, that people are getting very savvy to things that used to be inner circle knowledge, is now becoming common knowledge, and that is my mission, with this blog, that literally goes to up to a billion a day, counting the skimming, the ditching and burying, killing, and assaults, that are taken against, it by another newsworthy, organization, and also a cop entity, the NSA or the National Security Agency, whom I fight and write about almost daily, in my battle to just publish, under my first amendment rights! Federal cop agencies are no less touched, CIA, FBI, and Secret Service have all had negative press this year.
- Celebrate and message your own stories
- we need to hear about the good stories, to counterbalance the bad . . . I know there are daily acts of valor that go unnoticed every day, we have no way of knowing
- after all the negative press lately involving the shooting of unarmed black teens, trust needs to be re-established, faith in the system is low, and you alone are not suffering from a lack of faith and credibility in communities, the whole system is taking a beating, and for good cause, from my life, examples, and the facts, surrounding someone who had, legally, taken on the fight, to stop, the headline stuff, unconstitutional legislation, violations of the Bill of Rights, and the Patriot Act, being turned on citizens, rather than keeping it to the terrorist organizations, it was intended to target, on constitutional law attorneys, who, literally, bleed, red, white and blue!
- Think of everyone as a future jury member
- earning future trust by accurately reporting past facts . . . this is what went wrong in Ferguson!
- that is pretty much my shit list, so, now, I would like to get your help, on, what, to me personally, seems to be falling on deaf ears, from cops circles of high and low, that of identity theft, and the law enforcement work, protecting the guilty, and going after, chasing, intimidating, harassing, threatening, ME, just because you don't like me, or don't like what I am saying or the legislation, I have killed or passed, or am associated with, doesn't mean that you get to select my replacement, or replacements, regardless of education, experience, credentials, degrees, licenses, and T&A, regardless of how much you like them, that doesn't count as on the job training, the gals you might want to fuck!
- Check out the movie, Ruthless People, I wrote about yesterday, and check out the Police Chief, and his mistress, with the huge tits, flopping all over the place . . . character is what kind of person you are, when nobody is watching you, fantasies of Charlie's Angels, is just that, fantasy, made for TV, and will get your sorry ass in a shit load of shit!
- surcharge of 90% above the fees, citation, fines, jail, and restitution, asset forfeiture--unconstitutional legislation, personal gain, incentives, surplus sales of seized property, going to cops, not the state or school funds, where reforms said it could go, gratuity for service and protection, selling drugs out of evidence rooms, for street drug culture, license plate scanning--with evidence of computer error, human error, glitches in the systems, changing legislation, so laws stating that cops can't request insurance information, unless there is $1500 worth of damage to the vehicles, so county coffers, can be enriched, by, as in Washington County, Utah, scanning in violation of 4th amendment rights, netted, just the jail alone, $1.8 million in revenues, not counting some alleged, fee splitting with towing and impound companies--legislative authorizations, were $350, I had clients, that were charged $500! What used to be a fix-it ticket, for insurance and registration, is now, $1,000 bail, generally not refunded, when proof of insurance is shown, plus impound fees--big time money maker. Purchases of what I call Big Boy Toyz, or militarization vehicles, as in Missoula, Montana, to keep control of the Rainbow Gatherings, mistaken and classified as an extremist group, grant application was withdrawn, but cops were pissed, said they had plenty of equipment, that could terrorize people, but didn't . . . such extreme show of restraint, but what in the hell do you need another vehicle if what you said was true, that you had tons of equipment, and always used it right, then what is the need to spend more tax payers money?
- we are all familiar with the issues that brought Ferguson, Missouri and cops to the attention of worldwide news . . . your department, agencies, officers, and administration, doesn't need to go through this. Regardless of how painful, whether on not, one of your own, are on the line, follow standard procedures and policies, with Constitutional principles and concepts, the Supreme Law of the Land, as well as your own, state constitutions, with dual citizenship rights and protections, always afforded to the citizen. Remember, you are not the judge, jury and executioner on the streets . . . we have system of laws, rights, protections, that must be followed in ALL but the most rare, occasions even after a high speed chase, an alleged misdemeanor or felony has been committed, and regardless of the Patriot Act, the 4th amendment and others, are very much alive! If you want the fast track to the guillotine, these days of social media, Internet, blogging, newspaper, realize, that people are getting very savvy to things that used to be inner circle knowledge, is now becoming common knowledge, and that is my mission, with this blog, that literally goes to up to a billion a day, counting the skimming, the ditching and burying, killing, and assaults, that are taken against, it by another newsworthy, organization, and also a cop entity, the NSA or the National Security Agency, whom I fight and write about almost daily, in my battle to just publish, under my first amendment rights! Federal cop agencies are no less touched, CIA, FBI, and Secret Service have all had negative press this year.
- we need to hear about the good stories, to counterbalance the bad . . . I know there are daily acts of valor that go unnoticed every day, we have no way of knowing
- after all the negative press lately involving the shooting of unarmed black teens, trust needs to be re-established, faith in the system is low, and you alone are not suffering from a lack of faith and credibility in communities, the whole system is taking a beating, and for good cause, from my life, examples, and the facts, surrounding someone who had, legally, taken on the fight, to stop, the headline stuff, unconstitutional legislation, violations of the Bill of Rights, and the Patriot Act, being turned on citizens, rather than keeping it to the terrorist organizations, it was intended to target, on constitutional law attorneys, who, literally, bleed, red, white and blue!
- earning future trust by accurately reporting past facts . . . this is what went wrong in Ferguson!
- that is pretty much my shit list, so, now, I would like to get your help, on, what, to me personally, seems to be falling on deaf ears, from cops circles of high and low, that of identity theft, and the law enforcement work, protecting the guilty, and going after, chasing, intimidating, harassing, threatening, ME, just because you don't like me, or don't like what I am saying or the legislation, I have killed or passed, or am associated with, doesn't mean that you get to select my replacement, or replacements, regardless of education, experience, credentials, degrees, licenses, and T&A, regardless of how much you like them, that doesn't count as on the job training, the gals you might want to fuck!
- Check out the movie, Ruthless People, I wrote about yesterday, and check out the Police Chief, and his mistress, with the huge tits, flopping all over the place . . . character is what kind of person you are, when nobody is watching you, fantasies of Charlie's Angels, is just that, fantasy, made for TV, and will get your sorry ass in a shit load of shit!
TV Episodes of FBI Files: "Stolen Identity" + "Fatal Friendship"
It is interesting, that the deeper, I dig, and write, about what happened to me, with this stolen identity and fatal friendship, the more and more close the FBI episodes and cases get to the facts, or the inspiration for the alleged crimes against me, that could be solved, simply with a DNA test, as to whom is the true parent of Elliot Secrist, alleged, son of nobody, son of everybody, orphaned son, the cops, feds, Mormons, MIB, and Mob, want you to think, the bass guitarist, of the Hard Rock Band of 2008, GOD'S REVOLVER, formerly, Old School Parallax, and concurrent band, Maraloka, new band, Ditch in the Delta . . . hopefully, they trash the Delta Force Intel, who are behind, much of the ID theft, the irony of my son, taking you fuckers down, thrills the hell out of me! Generally, when you think of stolen identity, you think of someone getting their wallets, ID, credit cards, and personal bank information, stolen; however, in this case, it goes way beyond that, down to literally taking over your fucking life, your accomplishments, your stories, your cases, music, blogs, history, and everything connected to your life, with the help of, none other than the very agencies, who are charged with protecting people from this sort of horrendous crime! I am not your average attorney, and my son is not your average musician, we are in all respects, above and beyond, the call of the normal, PERIOD!
A cops, hatred, for what I have done, written about, protested about, complained about, sued over, and legislated against, is fine, but when you cross the line, and ad and abet, a conspiracy, collaborate, conceal, cooperate and coordinate, in a cover-up, that includes and completes, the utter and complete, annihilation, destruction, up to and including murderous plots, poisons, sabotaging vehicles, using the system to take property, intellectual, real, personal, and do all in your powers, how do you expect, to have any one's trust, or confidence . . . and covering it up, makes it even worse! I am not paranoid, crazy, insane, incompetent, a lunatic, a law breaker, a criminal, or hysterical, the catch all for women, you want to get rid of, or discredit. You are taking what I write, right here, sitting at the Durango City Library, of sound mind, competent, enough to have, probably, over 2 billion readers a day, on a daily basis, who must be crazy too, and, as is the case, yesterday, some blond, 70's styled, librarian, who might have taken donations, grants, or bribes, was sneaking around the stacks of book, later to cover, his totally obvious actions, that he was pretending to look of something, a lost book or something, but peeking at me, coming back to check where I was sitting, and not doing a great job of it, so I put on my hat, glasses, and went down stairs, where an equally, stupid, library worker, appeared to be looking for me . . . what the fuck for?
Dirty Money, Is Dirty Money, No Matter How Good the Cause It is Supporting . . . And It Is My Money, If It Comes From the Following People!
It is funny, how, totally, symbolic, the names of both of these episodes of the FBI Files. In Stolen Identity, if I am not confusing the series episodes, one of the crimes, takes place in either a town or city, called, Henderson, which has come to represent my sister, Shelley, not the gal sitting her in Durango, don't know where she is, but she wanted to live in Henderson at one time, my client, who bilked me out of millions, Thomas G. Vail, whom I am sure, since he called me, before he had lunch with the CIA, suddenly, at the time we were about to settle, not just one, demand letter, and cease and desist, but two, both asking the price of $10 million each, going against the Las Vegas Review Journal, state of Nevada, the governor, attorney general, and secretary of state, and securities officers . . . for criminal charges of selling "fake" CDs, financial instruments!
I firmly believe, that Kay Burningham, one of the JoAnn S. Secrist, pretenders, actually, broker, signed, and settle, as if she were me, since I was the one dealing with the attorneys, general counsel of the governor's office, and had been working with the client, while not wanting to, actually got the parties to the point of settlement, due to the $357 million securities, Brock case, MINE also, not Ms. Buttfuckers! That is a slam on her second husband's last name and her's, Kay Burningham Buttars! She lived, deputy, sheriff, Mike, in Boulder Colorado, in either 1998 or 99, well Kay was probably in Utah, by then, but here husband, of the time, David Buttars, had a mistress, who allegedly moved in Kay and David's house, while Kay was in Utah, throwing away all her clothes, and cancelling her cell phone, etc. And all of the sudden, the lesbian, who stole, David, from Kay, and the cops, FBI, CIA, want me to believe that Kay is this hot commodity, only as ME, but the lesbian's black lover came over to the house, Kay's house, and went ape shit, and the cops had to be called, for a domestic! You might want to validate that call, that incident, David Buttars, would have been the caller! LOL!
Kay is not the only one the cops, of all levels, not excusing the cover-up, but Shelley, Rachel, Susan, Tiffany, Marcie, Kelly, Hope, Georgianna, Meg Schmidt, and others, have all shared in the name sake, because, I have character, competence and consistency, winning me acclaim, cases, and status, they envy! But in the Stolen Identity, key names, Charles Stewart . . . Brett Todd Stewart . . . Detective Frank Grup . . . Frank, aka, AB of InterPols Group, is the ring stealing people's identity, killing, for just a driver's license or someone actually refusing to lie, that I am not who I claim to be, or that one of the T&A brigade is Me, and I am the liars, even judges, for God, fucking sake!
Fatal Friendship
Kay Burningham, was a chick, from the wrong side of the tracks, back in the day, when nobodies parents were divorced, but she was not without background and connections, with both her father and uncle, debate coaches and the rival high schools, in Bountiful, Utah, where it is so damn easy, to get a fucking year book, and check out the chicks involved, a family, the Southwick girls, and a few extras, like in Kay Baby, that daddy dearest, replaced me with, because, when the family poisoned me, back in 2000, with the help of the feds, after I got 9 federal agents and investigators of the newly formed Medicaid/Medicare fraud units, fired, I allegedly got, out the blue, PICKs Disease, a terminal illness, that no body lives, after 2 years of diagnosis! Really, I went to the fucking, United States Supreme Court, and had the two largest, by far, civil rights cases, the U.S. has ever seen! And you are trying to make people think that one of the gals are me! What a fucking, dumb ass, stupid arrogant joke!
Kay, saw me, a class officer, Valentine's Queen, student of the month, blah, blah, blah . . . and decided she needed, had to be friends, with this, the gal, sitting right here at the library, being lauded as the crazy sister or aunt, the only one of the Southwick gals, that did anything, until they became Me! Check there histories, but, no looking in a fucking year book is too damn hard, not it would blow the covers of the fuckers who are doing this going from Mitt Romney, to President of the Mormon Church, to Governors, Attorney Generals, two of which, I blogged about, for 11 hours, after the god-damned, FBI, dropped the probe, and I haven't heard much, so a deal must have been reached, oh, Rachel, baby sister, must have reached a settlement in the case, over the house she said was a House of Cards, that she and her stupid husband, never should have had, the one, they took from me, after beating Wells Fargo, American Title, and Chris Hickey, Rachel's cheating, wife beating, criminal, mortgage fraud, husband! You see, I, mistakenly just typed, Kay, or a "K", was the one who took those bad boys down . . . no, it was me, and she probably got them off the hook! I haven't seen much, since they were indicted for corruption, bribery and taking gifts, Utah doesn't report, like, Virginia, or Texas, Chicago, and now the Congressman who is up for corruption charges, this was all an inside job!
In short, Kay has wanted to be me, since she first met me, jealous of my life, my family, my husband, if not planned, my children, my career, outranking her, 15 years my senior in the law, and out trial lawyering her, with huge cases, prestige and fame got to her, and she hooked up with the right family, church, criminal cops, to pull of this shit, but in the Fatal Friendships . . . there was a Special Agent, JoAnn Overall! Symbolic, that is, and also, a Detective Shelby or Shell By! Brett, the mastermind, behind the theft of my identity, although Shelley had already colluded with state of Utah and federal authorities, as the appointed and anointed heir of my legacy, when I started to practice law again, they needed a lawyer. Several blogs ago, I wrote about the symbolic, Private Needham's War . . . playing on the last part of burning "ham." Using my resume, my reputation, Kay could be passed off as, extremely qualified to be about anything in the law, Washington, she wanted to be, a U.S, Attorney General, probably, got to outrank, the Utah Attorney General, and with the Mo, CIA, FBI, and NSA, all the players were in place to pull this bull shit over the eyes of the agencies, known or not known!
A Private War To Save Their Own Sorry Asses!
Just this morning, I noticed that I could not answer or get to may text messages, nor could I log into MY ACCOUNT, GOOGLE . . . pissed about yesterdays blog, huh? I am writing on my guest account of my computer, because, they are going to try, as they have many time, to steal the bing account, which they cut in half, skimming off about 12,500,000 hits, that is after taking the initial, billion from Google, it spills over into bing, did a few months ago! So, the NSA is out protecting, special agent, JoAnn Overall, or Kay, pretending to be ME! Her resume, couldn't get her jack shit, with a 15 year head start, "C" grade attorney, and we wonder why the government is so fucked up! We have Shelley, Rachel and Kay passing themselves off as the brain, and golden child, ME! You are getting three inferior products, cerebrally speaking . . . separate the bedroom from the boardroom!
Bountiful High Alumni & Reunion . . . Kay's a Groupie!
- Shelley Jean Southwick, 1968 to 1971, graduate of Utah State University, children, Jessie, just did a typo, U . . . no, I am JoAnn S. Southwick Secrist, 1970 to 1973 . . . easy, check pictures, worth a thousand words! Her children are, Jessie Anderson, Skyview, Logan; Isaac Anderson, don't know if he graduated, Alexandria Maughan--pregnant at 15, married to Cliff Maughan, originally of Mendon, near Logan, Utah, now of Amarillo, Texas, I think, somewhere down there . . . and her youngest, one of the triplets, Tyrone Southwick, Logan, born the same month, as Rachel's daughter, Emily, and Marcie's daughter, Tipper or Mary Jane Nelson, of Bountiful . . . 4 sisters were pregnant, I got an abortion, first month at the attorney general's office, Utah Prosecution Council, opted out of the baby plan . . . Shelley was wonderful for being a single mother who carried through with the program and dumped her family and kids on everyone else to raise . . . not my fucking kids, wouldn't claim them and Kay and Brett the parents for hell to their own kids, doesn't, get to step in an claim my kids, once I did all the hard work, even if my kids want to throw Mama off the train! LOL! Sorry, you can choose your spouse or your friends, but not your family and you had a great one! Shelley gets her own kids, not my stellar ones! LOL! She has or had, brunette hair, and hazel eyes! Shelley was on the Logan, Chamber of Commerce, right about the time, I dumped Brett's sorry ugly ass! LOL! Kay picked up the stray DOG! She is constantly in heat also! LOL! Bitch in heat! Have Him! DIDN't want him! Shelley had him for awhile . . . government hookers, had them all . . . I didn't want any of them!
- JoAnn S. Southwick, Secrist, 1970 to 1973, sick of school, shit by then, started to focus on intellectual pursuit, debate, senior year, pep club and drill team, worked with Kay, got her the job, at Pepperoni Pizza . . . I am sure there are tax returns, boys, evidence, evidence, evidence! Greta Secrist, Orem High School, Navy Intel, graduate of American Military University, masters from AU too, married to Dallas Hyland, 3 children; Nicole Secrist, graduate of Orem High or was it Provo High--father, Richard, built a new home, can't remember when moved in, poisoned by that time, she graduated early and started taking classes at UVU, before going in the Air Force, graduated from American Military University, married to George Mayer, 2 children; Christian Southwick Secrist, graduated from East High School, in Salt Lake City, Utah, early, married to Katerina Jeleva-Secrist, from Bulgaria, 1 daughter; and Elliot Secrist, got his GED, now a music major at the University of Utah, accepted to the Berkeley School of Music, Boston, girlfriend, Lauren. Weber State University, English Major, Communications, minor, 1986; law graduate, BYU, 1990 to 1993. Utah Prosecution Council, and teaching argumentation and research, UVU, first jobs, after law school, not counting teaching family law for half a semester at BYU. Currently in Durango, Co., attended Great Decisions and Cop Ethics Training, Tuesday and Thursday . . . give a polygraph test to Mike the ethics teacher, good text for cops, tell the truth about who's who . . .! Ethics fresh on his mind, maybe the first cop not to lie, and cover the gals, asses, while doing so, covering theirs! He was good enough to be FBI presenter! LOL! Kay your boss? Just kidding!
- Susan Elaine Soutwick, Bountiful High, 1971 to 1974, attended Southern Utah University and University of Utah, with a major in history and political science--graduated, I am guessing between 1978 and 1980. She taught at South Davis Junior High, English, go figure, mommy connections, sure as hell was not an English major? Kids, Sarah, Samuel, both born, in Bountiful; Margaret, Anne, overseas, and I think Stafford, born in Boston or New York . . . Germany, England, Boston, New York and Pennsylvania, now St. George, and allegedly on a mission, or a cover-up, while she is me, in Montana at the legislature, but a Mo mission in Turkey, hot shot! Meggie, their third child, attended, UNLV law school, and all the others, did undergrad at BYU . . . none of mine would be caught dead at BYZOO! LOL! Sue has been a housewife and faithful member, with hubby Kevin Todd Schmidt, a bishop, even in Boston, in Mitt Romney's stake! Ring any connection bells, that might put my securities, case, $357 million, in reach? I believed Kevin, retired from Norton, as a personal manager, fired people like Mitt, then worked at a grocery store in Pennsylvania, before moving to Utah.
- Marcie Helen Southwick . . . not sure, don't think she is involved, married Mark Nelson, graduated with me and Kay, Bountiful High, 1973 . . . just had our like 40th reunion . . . sure Kay and Mark attended, and possibly Sue as me, LOL! I have never gone to any of them, but I believe at my 20th, I had just graduated from Law School, still didn't go, took the bar and headed to Rachel's house in Bellevue, Washington! So, no, Rachel is not me either, too bad, so sad!
- Rachel Marie Southwick, she is 7 years younger than myself, so that would put her graduating, around, 1980, that material girl, and big time sun tanner . . . I am white as a ghost, so anyone claiming to be me, who is TAN, is not me! I saw Rachel and her husband, Kay Moosman, Viewmont, rival high school, and dated Rachel in high school . . . I think Kay and Rachel were suppose be be the look-a-like for me, and Jerry Owens, who was my second husband, and probably the one, who started the original lie, stating that my kids were Shelley's, or saying that he adopted them, and Shelley was JoAnn! I aborted his baby, motive? Hell, yeah, but I didn't want two monsters in this world! Liar. He and Shelley hooked up while I was in Salt Lake City, dating, Greg Erickson, who Kay lined me up with, when she left David Buttars with the lesbian and her black lover, and asked me to go out with Greg, to get her the job with him at his solo practice in Bountiful, he was married to Bonnie, Kay tried to get him, worried that I would have a bigger house than her and more money! Rachel dated Brad Freckleton, and Taz Murray, before marrying Christian Hickey, of Bellevue, Washington, after being a flight attendant for United Airlines, until she was furlowed after 9/11 for 7 years . . . kids, are Stephanie Marie, I think, born in Chicago, Matthew, also in Chicago, I think, or at least she was pregnant with Matt, when I was an intern at Americans United for Life, living on Polk Avenue, working at the Fisher Building on Dearborn Avenue, Chicago! Emily, was one of the Southwick triplets, that I opted out of, aborting Jerry's child, he wanted, thought he would get girl, I was planning on ditching him, once I started at the AGs office! Then Rachel's youngest son, Scott, was born in Bellevue or Seattle, Washington . . . so, no, while being at some of the same places, as Shelley and Rachel, and even Kay, they are not me, even if people in Chi town, thought me and Rachel, 7 years my junior, were twins, now they think that I am 7 years her junior, adds to the mix up, that is planned, but may have been a mistake at first, and they just capitalized on it! Rachel was also, a or being trained as a private investigator for David Doddridge, one of his Charlie's Angels, remember, Chris Carter, ex-cop, housewife/private investigators, reality TV, actors, drugs, and sex? Now it was Brett or Charlie Stewart's housewife/attorneys! LOL! Nice try? Stephanie is married and living in Logan, last I saw Rachel and Kay, they were going to build a home on grandma's property in Cove, Utah, but they bought one in Mendon, Utah, or that is last I heard, don't talk much to family for obvious reasons!
- Tiffany Lynn Southwick, she was 9 years younger than Rachel, so she must have, graduated from Bountiful High, in 1989, she served a Mormon mission in the Philippines, speaking Togala, married to David Harris, from Johnsville, Colorado, meeting while Tiffany was living with Richard and Kara Southwick, in Greeley, where Rich was teaching, or in Colorado Springs, where Tiff was a cheerleader, might have the two schools, mixed up. Glenn was born in Colorado, and so was Jennifer, but I think all the rest of the kids, Jessie, Jed, Lucy and one other one, can't remember, too long since I have seen them, but they are all young and live in St. George, think Glenn is on a mission. They live in Little Valley, suburb of St. George, I think, can't remember, been about 3 years since I have seen anyone . . . Tiffany is holding the Southwick, traditional Easter festivities. Tiff started back into school at Dixie State, but decided to be an EMT, crossing guard, and school playground supervisor, and home school, two of her 6 kids. As I get thinner and younger, they have to go down the Southwick line of girls, running out, Mom and Dad . . .sorry bull shit will not last forever.
Signed, JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., Here I Durango, Colorado, and Lovin' It! No One is Better Qualified to be Me, Than ME!