Daniel Webster Makes a Pack with the Devil!
Early American writers and poets were mesmerized by the forests--Headless Horseman, the Scarlet Letter, and saw them as haunted places. You see stories like the Crucible, written by later authors, demonstrating the fear of these alleged spooky and devilish places, when the girls, along with a black slave girl, if I remember, got into the forest, take off all their clothes and dance around an open fire, conjuring up spirits and devils from the forest walls, the idea of the possessions, when women, of the town, puritans, disgusted at what the girls had done, use the fits of spasms at the women's presence, to call them witches, who cast spells on the girls, making them go into contortions, being invoked and controlled by the spells of the witches and warlocks, usually the most pious of the townships, taking down the best, most noble, and honest, like my great-great-grandmother, accused of flying across town, because there was a rain storm, and she made it to a neighbor's house without mud on her shoes! She laughed in the faces of her accusers, and said, when asked to admit that she was a witch and had flown across Salem, showing that she was capable of redemption, rehabilitation, if she admitted her hidden sorcery and witchcraft, laughed, when they read the charges against her, in spite of her 6 children and husband, whom she had left at home, and said, boldly, though my life depends on it, I cannot lie . . . and they drowned her!
Daniel Webster, as I recall from 30 years ago, was walking in the forest, when the Devil approached him and offered him a deal he just could not refuse. Much of Montana, is forest, timber, mountain lands, and are their hauntingly, mythical qualities, that peak our imaginations, leaving us wondering what is going on here, in those deep, dark, mysterious places, where just about kind of activity can take place, including making a pack with the Devil, or Dancing with the Devil . . . as accusations of me, whom most law enforcement considers a witch of the most horrendous levels, and would assume that it is me, who is making a deal or dancing with the Devil, when in reality, it is themselves, and the people they are listening to, whom would lead the people astray, using my name, credentials, biography, resume, cases, and blogs, to conjure up allegiance to the United States Constitution, while, deviating just enough, to make a one degree deviation or detour, and taking you right straight to the Patriot Act, that is so contrary to anything I believe, and anything I would support and admit to. Their girls, are like the girls who literally, danced with the Devil, and lie, contort, retort, and lie about lying, and law enforcement, worse than buying off on a bra size as indicative of intelligence levels, has been duped, played, manipulated, and dogged, by lying females, who have played on the frailties of man, their visceral lust, their attractions, and their sex drives, weak as they are.
That Honest Witch's DNA Runs Deep In this Heart
Much with the determination of my great-great-grandmother, though my life depends on it, I refuse to tell a lie, and fight for my name, rail against its abuse and use, by less than noble women and men, who would, as the Devil, lead the masses straight to their destruction, with a smile on their faces . . . you better fucking wake up and realize who is who, and realize, who has done the unimaginable and taken on the powers that be, much as seemingly impossible as flying across town, in a rain storm, while not getting my shoes wet, one woman did all that 6 of their girls are claiming, would be impossible to do, and that must be the acts of many more women, with the help of armies. The forces are mounting, the enemies gaining recruits, the false flags are waving, and the troops are getting restless, patterns, patterns, patterns!
Just this morning, at the Butte Rescue Mission, where the poison has been cast, the deals made, by some, the spin masters, are working their black magic, with a message stating, something like, don't say that you are more than you are, that you have done all these things, feeling the need to be more important than you are, blah, blah, blah! It sounded like right off the Devil's computer himself, not one sentence reminded me of what God would say! He is all about knowing who you are, that you are his child, and heirs to his throne . . . he also, said, don't say that you are more spiritual than you are? What, probably in reference to me, stating, that if God, be with you who can be against you, as the cops and bounty hunters, a week in the running now, have tried to catch, corner, trap and trick me! In other words, don't fucking believe what God tells you; you ant, you imbecile, believe what Satan the father of lies says, don't read your scriptures, which I do, and make a pack with the Prince of Darkness, or the Devil, don't believe you are God's daughter or son! I know who I am, and you have a problem with that, let the games begin!
Truth Hurts, And It is Also A Defense to Slander & Libel
To put it mildly, the bounty hunters and the detective, have been a dismal disgrace; therefore, the cops, who now have been on the rampage, since yesterday about noon, have been looking for me, desperately driving around strip malls, stopping in at the bus terminal, cruising around the Mission, and generally, out in mass. So, the message, this morning, was basically, trying to shame me into, not being who I am, hitting every aspect of what people know about me at the Mission . . . Jesus Girl, God on my side, happy, aware, a ghost, when the need arises, and making the trap setters, step in their own shit, and they are sorely pissed! What is the first thing that happens, is the character assassination, starts, right in front of the faces of those who, know the lies to be blatantly untrue, like that I am lazy . . . hell, I am up at at least 5:00 a.m., or before with my job, waiting for the rest of the dorm to get their sorry asses up, so I can get my job done; I take a bath a day, and a shower each morning, have fresh make-up on, and are never mistaken for being homeless, and making more and more contacts as the days progress, which scares the hell out of my enemies, because as a general rule, your average Joe Citizen, is a pretty darn good person, loves Jesus and God, believes in the 10 Commandments, and loves the hell out of the Constitution; therefore, they have to squelch the rumors that, yes, the blogger, is really me, and I am really in Butte, at the Mission! PERIOD!
So, as usual, I am trying to help, 34% of your people get their record's expunged or cleared, so they can get a job, get an apartment, or even rent a long term motel, until they can get on their feet, but, currently, that is impossible, because the statute or law, that allowed that was rescinded back in 1989; therefore, for a year, at least, I have been concerned, even written a blog, taking on a Judge, up in Columbia Falls, Judge Tina Gordon, whom I deeply and most regretfully, apologize to, for accusing her, on the opposite of what she was trying to do, scare the hell out of the defendants, telling them to get an attorney, and telling them that this charge would follow them the rest of their lives! Bull shit, I called, fowl, that the people can just expunge or clear their records, and I trashed her in my blog, which brought the ire of the Columbia Falls, Evergreen and Kalispell, cops out in force, surrounding the Mexican restaurant in Evergreen, that I was eating at, after a quick trip to Libby and Troy! I had not idea, until last summer, that the good Judge was right, and I was wrong, I was just relying on what I thought every state had, by way of record clearing, and SORRY!
Each time, I do something of note or worthy of attention, to help the state, my lying enemies, step in and take credit, or try to discredit me, telling, people, like the public defender, here in Butte, that I am the fraud, the scam, the liar, or the non-attorney, by the bitches, witches and warlocks, who follow me around, stealing any good I can do, claiming that they are the real, JoAnn S. Secrist, having lied and used my name, since, 2000 when they poisoned me, and took me out of commission and have been trying to suppress, knowledge of me ever since, they saw how powerful, pure energy is, and how to use, easy virtue, that I spent a lifetime and career building, that they just stepped in a stole, being, me for the last 9 of 15 years, while I have only, and blocked, come back on the scene of my life, as of late 2009, when I reactivated my law license!
Live Hard, Die Free . . . Chick from the Mission, With Charges, Alerting Me of Legislative Meeting, Radio Announcers at McDonald's Yesterday!
Story time, boys and girls, and this is non-fiction! So, this chick, who is not staying at the Mission, but did for a few days, when I first got there, and who hooked up with the guy, from California, who wanted me to help him with a case, against the California cops, due to injuries, for asserting his rights while incarcerated, and then, once out, the landlord was contacted, and was told to kick him off the property, the guy, waited a day or so, and the cops, showed up and beat him nearly to death, broke bones, ribs, arms, until he was laid up in the hospital for 2 months! He has metal plates, screws and pins, so all over his leg, and some of the screws were coming loose, and he had to go to the hospital, due to unending pain, and hurt, that the doc took the screws out, but that didn't fix it, and the poor guy, couldn't navigate the Mission well, and tried to get a place to rent, but couldn't, until low and behold, a cop, undercover, overheard us talking about the case, and him telling everyone, that I was going to help him, the cop left, and magically, the guy disappeared, the next day too! I would say, he was bribed, jailed, threatened, or sent packing, or he is dead, which is consistent with getting rid of a problem, that many people saw and heard. Lazy . . . HELL, NO!
James, whom, allegedly lost his wallet, and left for Billings today, without money? Actually told me, about the night before, after a frustrating day, of not getting me, that I should go work for the sheriff's department . . . I said, oh, yeah, my body would be dismembered and sacrificed up at the Lady of the Rockies, and my bones, left for the wolves, bear, mountain lions, and coyotes to eat! I had mentioned that I had asked the public defender's office, if they have any opening for a conflict attorney? Guy, the other part of the not-so-dynamic bounty hunter team, along with the side-kick, or the detective, who, 6 out of 6, split, showed up at the library I was at, three at the Mall Library branch, and the rest at the Main Library, sitting right next to me, on computer #3, me on #4, being Guy's excuse to show up, and be, his alleged driver . . . where was his personal fucking computer? LOL! Guess I am too flat chested to notice, stuff like that! LOL!
Since, I had previously, gone to McDonald's and watched the trackers, track me, for several days, James, bringing up the money end of the deal, giving me $3 . . . two for the bus, and one for a Diet Coke at McDonald's, the plan was set. This chick, who was both at the Mission, and later, at the Public Defender's Office, at the same time I was, on Wednesday, approached me on Sunday, having not been at the Mission for a week or so, and not really staff, but I was shocked to see her in the kitchen, chumming with the staff, and looked closer to see if that was here, and having had a dream of her and James, just talking, wondering the connection, as she showed up, the night before, but didn't stay? So, she approaches me about this radio show and legislative stuff at the local McDonald's, something, generally, I would be very interested in, if all this strange shit with her hadn't happened. I told her I was aware of it, and thanked her for the reminder, and she said, I just wanted you to know, in case, I need your help on my case, public defender, cover!
I Will Admit, I Was Tempted, Until I Saw, Something that Reminded Me of Sue . . . Legislative Sister Double, History Major, Un-Extraordinaire!
At the last minute, I decided, not to go to McDonald's, because, I thought, yeah, they will have me, answer the tough questions, be on the air, not on TV, and then, that will take care of two birds with one stone, satisfy people in Helena, at the Legislative Session, who think she is me, having not seen me for two years, and with the others bribed to cover, and especially any Mormon, who would over her ass, and trash me, and might have questions, about blogs that leaked past the Mormon NSA, 30,000 spies in Utah, who are suppose to censor and stop my blog, or any objectionable material, that might damage, Mitt Romney, Mormons, Men in Black, or their colluding masses. And, that would satisfy, the locals, who have met me, and they would be assured that I was here, and I was fighting for their town and their rights, and all would be well. NOT!
Too many times in the past, I have let my passion for the law, and for helping people, cloud my better judgement, knowing damn well, that they are using these, allegedly, and normally, good attributes, against me . . . so I refrained from going, and if there was someone by my name, she, sure as hell, was not me, I came up to the library at 10:00 a.m., and had my blog done by noon! Like I said, that is when the detective, dude, with his own computer, showed up, sat next to me, and later, Guy called to pick him up, and the lies persist, he just says, either JoAnn was not there, or she was at McDonald's and not at the library . . . lies, lies, and more lies, constant and consistent, works either way for them, with liars! There was absolutely no reason for dude to be here! And the Ryan, who first helped me with the research, the very first day, has been gone, since the following day, and another lady, who was helping, and I gave my blog name to, was later, reprimanded that afternoon, and she has never been back! LOL!
Promoting, Montana's Guide to the Courts . . . Hidden Behind Newspapers!
Anyone, following my blog, will know, that several days ago, I trashed the Utah Supreme Court, and Utah Office of the Administration of the Courts, booklet, that I wanted to give to some of my clients, to help them navigate their way through the court system in Utah . . . book did nothing I could see, to help. On the other hand, I promoted, The Montana Citizen's Guide to the Courts, with such a good overview, that it took me, 20 years, and learning on my own, navigating myself, as an attorney, through the maze of the federalist system of courts, at a state and federal level, not to mention, the administrative levels, and mediation and arbitration, plus water law, and Indian law, touching on all of them, in my practice of law. If fact, this morning, I went to get, four copies, for all my adult children, so they could understand the court system, with a daughter, attending the University of Montana, School of Law, in the fall! I wanted to save her the 20 years, have her stand on my shoulders, so to say, and be a far greater attorney, than her mother.
To my dismay, but not surprise, the Guides to the Courts, were covered up! LOL! So, typical of these clowns who are so jealous, of even a suggestion that benefits people, something so simple, can't come from me . . . are you fucking kidding me? Good God! How childish, but, I forgot, corporations are people, and I am a legal fiction, much like corporations used to be! LOL! A person, who died outside Hamilton, back in 2012 after an Election Law Seminar, in Missoula, can't be here in Butte, or in Helena, or anywhere in Montana, because the doubles are me! Can you believe this shit, they do! LOL! They believe their won lies, fucking amazing! Every issue from medical marijuana, to the water compact, to expungment or record clearing, to guides to the court, all helpful and good stuff, just can't come from me, the real McCoy! Will they ever grow up, and just work for the good of the people, like I always did in Utah, have in Montana, or wherever I go next! Get your cops under control, and you will have half of the battle won!
As Daniel Webster Found Out, Making Deals with the Devil, I No Deal, He Exacts a High Price in Return . . . Remember, DON'T DANCE WITH THE DEVIL!
P.S., the NSA shut my blog down, several days ago, never to be found, but I found it, they wanted me to start over on Yahoo, but I found a way to get to Google, and published on my normal site, and glad to say, even when they, the NSA, or the sister/friend attorney hacker bitches, shut it down, with the access by the government and NSA, starting from zero, my numbers are back up, at about 1.6 million, per 35 seconds, just on one site, and about 400,000 on the other, not to mention the other social media sites, anyone is welcome to blast it anywhere . . . hopefully good stuff!