Sunday, November 2, 2014


The Philosophies of Man

The natural man, is an enemy to God.  Now, why is that the case?  Because it is fucking true.  If you take any of the scriptural thoughts from the title of this blog, man thinks the opposite of the way God thinks.  By way of example, normally, a man wants to use 100% of his money for himself and his family, and it does not make sense, for him to give a tithe to his church, or make offerings, with a true tithe, representing about 10% of his earnings, profit, or surplus, depending on which religion you are looking at, or who is calling the shots, in the church, or the family, or your definition of tithes . . . in years gone by, you may have made an offering of a chicken, if you were a chicken farmer, or brought a tenth of the deer or elk, you just shot, and contributed it to the local food bank, or you make an offering, of your surplus change, and put it in the hand of someone needing another 50 cents, to catch the bus, or they will be late for work.  Again, are you going to live by the letter of the law, or the spirit of the law.  I believe the point that God is trying to make, and modern day thinkers on wealth or business growth is, there is a universal principle of truth, that when you give something away, there is a vacuum created, that allows for something new, and possibly better to fill the void.  He also said that it is harder for a rich man to get through the gates of Heaven, that for a camel to get through the eye of a needle, or the gates of the city . . . pretty bad, when you look at it.

God also knew, that it is more blessed to give than to receive, and that the giver of alms, especially in secret, is blessed in his Kingdom or the Kingdom of Heaven, where moths and rust cannot corrupt.  He who gives, and gives his alms before men, to be seen of men, has his reward.  Is it not better to be blessed by God than man.  There is a selfless act, in giving, that creates something more noble, grander, greater, makes better men and women of us, than we would have been without the giving.  I believe that is the beauty of children, you are forced, if you are good parent to get over your selfish needs, and give or share with each new child that comes into the family, and there seems to be enough to go around; you may have to give up that new $5,000 computer, and settle for one that works as well, for what you need, but is less expensive, making you a wiser shopper, or give up that new sweater, or $150 pair of pants, that 6th coat in your closet.  It has been proven that the average person, generally, only wears about 5 or 6 combinations of clothes in their closet, because they either fit the best, or they are always in style, regardless of trends, or they are just their favorite, and they tend to gravitate to them on a regular basis, yet people will literally have, from what I have seen, closets the size of bedrooms, some with electronic machines that you see in the dry cleaners, to bring their hundreds of clothes around, but they always look the same!  Giving is a good thing, and helps the person giving as much as the person that receives . . . in fact, Christ said that they poor are here, to bring out the higher natures in us, for our benefit, to teach us to improve our own lives.

God's Ways Are Not Man's Ways

One thing that I really love about the law, is that it teaches you to think different than you did before, it shakes up the brain, and what was considered smart, or got you good grades in undergraduate school, will not have a carry over effect, and many valedictorians and Rhode Scholars, can't cut law school, and many who barely made it in to law school, actually end up doing great, may make top 10% of the law school, grade wise; therefore, there is a way an attorney thinks, or is trained to think that is different that the way most people think . . . that is true for many professions, I just happen to be trained in the law.  There is a process, by which you learn to think like a lawyer, with some more adept to it than others, but you have to basically, destroy the way you think, and start over, with a different type of thinking.  One time after, roughly 16 years of being a lawyer, my daughter, asked me to read a philosophy paper of hers, and I have read a lot of philosophy, and I had classes in college, but it had been a long time, but I had to go through this process, even to critique her paper, of decomposing my attorney brain, and thinking the total oppose, to think more like a philosopher, or the way you need to think to help a daughter, with her paper.

Well, I would say, that is kind of like reading the scriptures, you have to think different than you normally do, and break down the black and white thinking, that most of us learn as a child, for the scriptures, say, that when I was a child, I thought like a child, and now I put away childish things, or when I was a child I lived on milk, and now that I am an adult, I can handle meat, or higher levels of thinking.  We have an election coming up, a childlike, or black and white thinker, will, as in most studies, just vote the way their parents did, either being raised a Democrat or a Republican, with little thought at all.  

Or relying just on platitudes, that ring true with us, like more jobs, less government, or change . . . those make for a nice, excuse, to not flesh in the candidates true position, it is a lazy, but effective way of getting votes.  People, at first glance, say, hey, I am for more jobs in this economy, and I really hate the government encroaching on my life, more and more all the time; therefore, I am going to vote for this person, that had the nice, but, evasive, vague, and lacking information about the candidate, masking, at times a life, a career, and a practice of doing exactly the opposite, like outsourcing jobs to China, or putting all our money oversees, or not paying a fair share of taxes, or taking government bail outs, and then crying fowl, when a single mother, the elderly, a vet, or a disabled person, gets a government check, or what is considered an entitlement, when the rich candidate, has taken enough money from the government, in corporate, farm, or whatever welfare, to cover thousands of checks, of a person in need . . . we need to study things out in our minds, then make a decision, a good decision . . . when the people elect, unrighteous leaders . . . by God's standards, not by man's, which is a different animal all together, the people will suffer . . . what is this candidate all about?

Ebola, The Nurse & The Judge--Common Sense & Rights Ruled the Day!

The judge also decried the "misconceptions, misinformation, bad science and bad information." circulating about the lethal disease in the U.S.
This quote is coming from an article in the Daily Inter Lake, called, Judge rejects Ebola quarantine for nurse, on Thursday, after Kaci Hickory, and nurse who had gone to Africa to help with the Ebola virus and treatment, with the great organization that is called, Doctors Without Borders, a group of docs, that are, doing what President Obama called, the work of God, and I would agree, with him, God or Christ, stating that there is no greater thing than for a man to lay down his life for a friend, and in other scriptures he even states, and here is one of those examples of different thinking, that a friend is the highest relationship, because love, comes and goes, partners, spouses, and it ebbs and wains, but a friendship is always there; therefore, it is a lucky man or woman who truly has a friend . . . so, going to Africa, with the risk of treating these infected people, and the possibility, of catching the deadly disease, yourself, is truly not only a selfless act, but shows a person of character, and a friend to the people of Africa, doing the work of God, I couldn't agree more.

So for this valiant act of courage and love, the state of Maine, and the governor, who is still pissed, wanted to quarantine for 21 days--state officials were willing to let her go out on her jog or bike ride, but wanted to bar her from crowded public places and require her to stay at least 3 feet from others. Ms. Hickox, balked at the idea, and the state decided the voluntary quarantine wouldn't work, so they went to court  to force her, through voluntary means to stay away from people as if she was infected, or better, the fear mongers, without any evidence of a fever, or other symptoms, want people to stay in their homes, or a hospital while they are being observed.  

Well, on Thursday, Hickox, not being at all sick, refused to say home and abide by this voluntary quarantine, and actually exercised her own will and rights, and went out and I think just went in her backyard, twice, as I recall, and good for her.  The state, when ape shit, and the governor and AG, filed a law suit trying to force her back in her home, by order of the court.  I loved the way Judge Charles C. LaVerdiere ruled, when he said, that Kaci, was Ok to go wherever she pleases, handing the state officials, a defeat Friday, in their bid to restrict her movements as a precaution against Ebola.  Hickox said it was a good day, and her prayers had been answered, and Gov. Paul LePage said, he disagreed with the ruling, but will abide by it . . .

In his ruling, the judge thanked Hickox for her service in Africa and acknowledged the gravity of restricting some one's constitutional rights with out solid science to back it up, the quarantine, that is.  And I love this part, The court is fully aware of the misconceptions, misinformation, bad science and band information being spread from shore to shore in our country with respect to Ebola, he wrote.  The court is fully aware that people are acting out of fear and that this fear is not entirely rational.  Chalk one up for reason, the Constitution, and science!  Fucking awesome!

Montana's Election Official Dismisses GOP Complaint Over Mailers

There were two allegedly offensive mailers that came out to voters in Montana over the last week or so, one from two out of state colleges, and another group, called Montanans for Liberty & Justice, who were supporting a candidate for the Montana Supreme Court.  Like any person, trained in the law, Election Commissioner, Jonathan Motl, ruled that one was in violation of election protocal, and the other one was okay.  Due to the fact that Motl, had been a former trial attorney, and some of the money collected for this fund, came from trial lawyers, the opposition felt that Motl, could not be unbiased, because he had been a trial lawyer . . . 

In response, Motl, said he has no conflict because he sold all of his financial interests in the law firm last year after becoming commissioner, and he was not consulted on any decisions about any contributions the firm planned to make. He went on to say, I realized that to do this job I had to server myself completely from my former law firm, and I did that, Motl said, I did that because it was required in order to put someone in here who efficiently and quickly makes decisions.  It is always best, as a judge, or a commissioner, or any type of judicial officer, civil, criminal, and administrative, to disconnect, entirely, from your former ties, life, associations, to avoid the very appearance of evil!

Judge Should Have Conflicted Out of Case, Instead of Benefiting Friends & Former Clients

I had a judge in Utah, who presided over a case, dealing with Wells Fargo Bank, and come to find out, when he held secret hearings, without proper notice, was caught up in judges chambers, with the attorney, for one of the defendants in another law suit, and chumming with the judge, that Wells Fargo had actually been, his client, when he was working with a large law firm in Salt Lake City, Utah, and he was definitely doing everything in his power to benefit, either his former client, or his former law firm, who was still representing his client.  He even came in a took a house, after a win, in the federal court on the same piece of property, involving the same players, giving them a second shot at winning, having lost, as the rules of procedure state, through default for failing to answer or respond to the complaint . . . you fucking loose if you fail to appear in court!  Period, you don't get to file another lawsuit for the same thing, in the state court now, and then cheat, to win, using the judge, having been caught, in a sting operation I did to catch the judge, the clerks and the attorney, and when I did, they took the house!  REALLY?  And this guy still on the bench and is still an attorney?  Good ole' boys network, at work!

Beatitude: Be Ye Therefore, Perfect, Greek, Latin, Hebrew Translation, Interpreted to Mean . . . Be Ye, Therefore, Mature!

Just like in the law, which really boils down to facts, application of the law, hair splitting, and definitions, the literal or interpretive meanings can make a whole, hell of a lot of difference.  I think to most of us, being perfect, is completely overbearing, an unrealistic requirement, and totally out of most of our reaches . . . and this is what leads, many of the self-righteous, the GOP Tea Party, prosecutors, and judges, and others in our society to become judgmental, favoring the alleged, more perfect, in a case of good, better, best, or the good, the bad and the ugly, by man's standards, that may be in total conflict with God's judgment or in his eyes, that are covered with, or Rip With Love, I stole that mantra from McDs, who, to my delight, is making all their slogans, love related, helping remind people or inspire them to love, that it is forever, and a great thing of goodness.  God, said, Judge not that ye be not judge!  End of story!

The self-righteous, who feel on a scale of 1 to 100, that they are more perfect, than their neighbor, or the other party, or the defendant, or opposing counsel, or the other candidate, feel, it not only their right, but their duty, to bring down judgment on their fellow men, women and children, and doing so with all the fervor, righteousness, and judgment, that they feel this person, who is in their eyes, less perfect, less blessed, more cursed, with poverty, sickness, trials, challenges, and if they were as righteous, as the self-righteous, they would be more blessed, richer, healthier, have less challenges, and therefore, the more perfect have every damned right to judge!  They hate entitlements, but they feel entitled to judge the world!

But, as for the definition, through whatever translation or interpretation, giving insight, to the actual meaning and intent of the proponent of the word, or the thought, or the Beatitudes, Christ, with a definition, that seems to be at least somewhat of an achievable goal, or at least worth striving for, and along with repentance, and the sacrifice of the one and only perfect man, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, making up the difference of our attempts at maturity or perfection, and combined with the demands of justice, and a perfect sacrifice, of the Lamb of God, laying on the alter of justice, so we could have mercy, and setting an example of what maturity means, like to the adulterous woman, simply, go and sin no more, we can possibly reach, maturity, relying on the teachings in the scriptures, or I believe, firmly, that the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution, while a secular document, with deists, and even atheists, among the original signers of the inspired document, to me, religious principles, are very much evidence, incorporated, and inculcated, within the meaning and intent of the founders, or a secular attempt to find the value in all men as children of God, through, the fact and belief, that all men are created equal, and there is justice for all . . . and so on!

We Are Getting More Mature, America!

Keep the Sabbath Day Holy, According To Your Conscience . . . Taking a Day of Rest, Is Mature, and Needed!

Super Smart Guy,  that God

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Don't Hate Me Because I Am Beautiful

My third husband, picked me up, outside of Albertsons Food Store, in Logan, Utah . . . and yes, he was beautiful, and I was vulnerable, at the time.  I still thought that I was going to die, so caution went to the wind, and I needed to find a place to live, which came into play also.  Brett, tall, dark and handsome, said hello to me, while I was standing up against the wall, drinking, of course, a Diet Coke.  I didn't think much of it, until he came back out and started up a conversation with me, again, and he told me of a project he was working on, dealing with, non-violent communications, working with kids, and I told him that I too had been involved in a sort of related field, up at the Utah Attorney Generals Office, back when I was practicing law, touching on non-violent communications through my work with domestic and dating violence, anger management, child and elder abuse programs, and all the tangential factors that, like an octopus, start in the center, or in the head, and branch out, into every segment of society, through the arms, and suck relationships dry, went violent communication starts, and with the suction cups, or tentacles of violence reaching into our schools, the workplace, on our roads, in our communities, etc.  So, we hit it off on an intellectual level right off the git-go.

As is typical with most obsessive relationships, there is an immediate attraction, physical connection, generally, but not always, involving sex, which was the case with us, a fast commitment, marriage, then comes the isolation, the power and control, the various forms of abuse, not necessarily physical, but emotional, mental, financial, spiritual, and may come in many forms, kinds and flavors, some that most of us would not even recognize, and many might consider it just another condition of the evidence that this person loves you, and some may even be jealous, because a woman's number one want is to be desired; therefore, an obsessed guy, who won't let the woman, with more obsessed relationships being this pattern, feels, loved, desired, protected, pampered, sexually desirable, passionately craved for, and there is this complete, engulfing, surrounding, all powerful attraction, that masks itself as love, but it is far from that . . . as seen in the three movies I watched last night, way into the night, wanting to understand, not only past relationships, but current, even unseen, relationships, that while not in each other's presence, is an obsessive relationship, none the less.

I think these are the names of the ones, that show the terror, the trauma, the stalking, the involvement of people trying to protect the one who is the object of the obsession, from the obsessed, who will stop and nothing short of destroying this person, who has hurt them so much, even though, it was the actions of the obsessed person, who drove away the object, and who actually started out, really loving the obsessed person . . . and now that I think about it, the object of the obsession, takes on the characteristics of being an object of desire for the obsessed, who has objectified the woman and now, she is not a loved person, but she is property, the man feels that he owns her, nobody else as a right to her, and any rival, will be driven from her life, and death is a total reality . . . 

High Profile Cases, Oscar Pistorius & O.J. Simpon

By way of high profile example: Olympic Champion runner, Oscar Pistorius, who was just sentenced in South Africa for shooting his girlfriend, model and attorney, also, was noted for speaking against domestic violence, just days before the alleged accident, when boyfriend, claimed that he was asleep, and girlfriend in the bathroom, thinking, it was robbers, in this high crime country, he shot through the bathroom doors, not noticing a nice, hot, warm body, that was next to him, had left to go to the bathroom . . . come on!  Not to to mention the fact that he had to be cognitive enough to get up and put his legs on, to get to the bathroom, to shoot his girlfriend!  And then you all know of O.J. Simpson, If I can't have you, no one can!  Divorce, make not difference to men who see their obsession as property, with them entitled to everything, including their lives, if necessary to keep control on them!

The Really Scary Stories Deal With the Revenge Stage, Which Involves Punishment 

I can't remember the first one, but it is the Teresa something story, this is why I have to take notes!  If you go into true crimes movies on YouTube, this genre of movies, dealing with stalking, domestic violence, obsession, will all come up together, in kind of a smorgasbord of choices, once you get into one of them, so if you can find one of these, you will find the others.  Okay, I know, the one, that I related to the most, and reminded me the most of Brett, and gave some really good psychological and telling information, was called, A Dangerous Affair, with a psychologist in the movie, telling the victim, about what was happening to her.

I recognized what the therapist was telling the victim, who was so confused, only dating this man, who happened to be as charming, handsome, with a body very similar, charisma, but nuts, that I knew, but hadn't thought of since I wrote the cop part of the domestic violence manual, dealing with stalking, or consciously factored into my current situation, and that is the revenge stage, where I realized I was, in this relationship of ghosts, spooks, spies, agents, their allies, that has stolen everything from me, including my children and grandchildren, three men have been murdered, who dared like me, one being murdered September 1, 2014, so fresh, and something I thought would never happen again, although, I feared it might, but the attraction, had not ever gone to any physical contact, but it was very definitely there.

Love Transformed to Hate . . . You Have Given Me Scars So Deep, They Will Never Heal

There seems to be no limit to the revenge, retaliation and retribution, of these, now collective body of powerful men, very much, taking on a fascist element of do whatever it takes, with no exceptions and no limits . . . there is nothing too sacred, so as not to be considered fair game . . . all property taken, all claim to my life's work, destruction of all relationships, isolating me more and more, going after friends who would help, plus controlling and watching all means of travel, escape, and public transportation, being continually eliminated, like a boxing in . . . with the punishment for causing him/them pain by leaving him/them, and their pursuit has escalated from jail, to death . . . a symbolic word, I forgot to mention, yesterday, that came up in the Flathead Beacon, was "Diegel" . . . that was some one's last name, but after the "tikrit" with law enforcement complication involved in the obsession, stemming from long before I even met Brett, Frank, Michael, Tony, and in retrospect, even Jerry, all with law enforcement connections, and federal, if I have guessed right, so jail has been a reality, and this time, with the Shelby, surveillance, tracking, stalking and stake out, the retaliation, will not only include jail, which has happened twice, unconstitutionally, and with no charges, the obsession has escalated to death . . . die jail or once they get me in jail, I will be murdered!

In the movie, A Dangerous Affair, a former cop, turned private investigator, offers his services, to the professional woman, who is hiding from this obsessed lover, and he is cocky and confident, that he can handle the obsessed idiot, who, then turns around and frames the PI, knowing that he likes the woman, so he the old flame, fuels the fire for the new, one, knowing full well, he will take the bait, goes to the restaurant, that the pair, newly attracted to each other are at, in a place that they don't expect Mr. Obsession to show up at, and when the old lover, of only three weeks, it can only take an introduction or not even that, shows up at the dinner, unexpectedly, without warning, offering, what appears to be a ring box, the new guy goes ape shit, and punches out the other, obsessed crafty, rival, while he smiles on the floor, after calling the cops . . . he does this several times, just baiting and lying to the cops, neutralizing the guardian, and now love interest, leaving the woman, or object of this other guys affection, alone, and vulnerable . . . she takes matters in her hands, and finally tricks him, runs from him, is forced into a self defense situation, and shoots the asshole, and kills him . . . often, it gets to that point, sadly.

Obsessed Spies, With Satellite Access, Don't Make Fun Ex-Boyfriends or Husbands

Before this point, when the private investigator, a cool guy, who kind of just volunteers his services, later in more than one way, and the woman, are out on the town, with the stalker watching, and following them, there is a street sign, that read, Arizona, which has significance to me, knowing that I am being watched, as if my imaginary boyfriend, and a sign for a great escape for me, is a red, older Jeep . . . with that driving down the street, about the time the obsessed guy gets shot.  And on the door of one of the movies, is the word, Beacon, which had the words, tikrit and diegel . . . indicating to me, that there was another great escape, and the outcome of this capture would, most likely have been fatal!

Sad to say, I found, that the only way, that I could get an obsessed lover under control, is to not reject them . . . taking the source of the fuel out of the fire . . . there is something deep seeded in this type of relationship, an abandonment issue with a mother, former high school love, something unique to just this couple, the guy has often had normal relationships before, or maybe has just not been rejected.  But the only time this guy, drops his relentless pursuit of this woman, a professional woman, much like myself, who sees few men, she actually likes, or respects, preferring to remain single, or in may case, basically single, but for some circumstances beyond my control, but related, like being poisoned, cut up, forced homelessness, or whatever, and every once in a while, I think it sounds good to have someone to watch the sunset with, or make love to, or go for a ride, and do more than listen to music, in the beautiful fall afternoons in the mountains, or someone I just want, which is rare than to just look at as eye candy . . . so, rejection, just comes with the territory, and throws a lot of guys, who are basically pursued by other women, equally as attractive, but not as much of a challenge; therefore, the high octane is missing, but hard as it is, the woman, at least has to fake it long enough, to make the guy chill out, so she can get control of the situation . . . and as this and the other stories, show, these guys are smart, often elude the cops, can follow to other states, and in may situation, have surveillance tools, buddies in the local, state, and national battering system, even on the bully pulpit, or the bench as in the case with judges, with access to phones, computers, etc., so as to never lose contact, mine appears to be 24/7, with someone asking me yesterday, as before, if I think that I have a chip in me . . . I saw the word, Doodlebugged . . . that may lightly describe what I think happened with my third husband!

There is a guy, mentioned on the cover of the Daily Inter Lake, a Montana Highway Trooper, who has the name, Rick Mehring . . . Me Hell Ring!  LOL!  Let's assume the guy, I like, were to like me back, and it went to the point of marriage, which, he is one in 40,000, of course that is including women, in the population, but a rare breed, of man, that I would actually like to get to know, and let's say, he was a cop, with what I have written, given, the cops, universal, hard on for me, just to get rid of me, any guy, even entertaining, getting to know me, let alone, marry me, would definitely feel like this, sorry, just the way, my symbolically wired, brainiac, cranium on steroids works!  Some guys reading this is going to say, oh, hell NO ring . . . and if he is a cop, fuck NO, no ring!  LOL!  Like my son said, Mom, you just are not marriageable material, my daughter has agreed in that conclusion, after watching me over the years, and I am coming to the idea, not a new one, that I am pretty damn happy single, and that is a good thing, because, any man dealing with me, enters at his own risk, I can't recommend it in good conscience, whether I want to or not!  I consider this fair warning, as if, he doesn't see the signs already, this is not, no ordinary girl!  LOL!

The Irony of the Men I Am Dealing With, I They are the Ones, Who Would Say . . . Don't Hate Me Because I Am Beautiful!

This is an interesting and very bizarre twist, in the dynamics of this game of power couple matching, that the guys, FBI, CIA, Interpol, and others have started, is that, I truly believe that many of these guys, who are now getting older, probably fell in love with me, back in about 1997, starting with asset forfeiture, a huge power stroke, giving a blow, in 27 states, to guys, who are fucking into power . . . and I was 140 lbs., sexy, smart, dressed like dynamite, great hair, make-up, and totally into protecting the U.S. and state constitutions, which, newsflash was my power!  When you are dealing in the world of law, there are more weighty laws than others, all are not created equal; therefore, when, always siding with the supreme law of the land . . . in this game of kings and queens, I fucking, ALWAYS WIN!  Or you should!  They are emissaries and believers in an inferior, if not totally unconstitutional law, the Patriot Act, that violates the letter and spirit of the Constitution, and it totally repugnant, therefore, it is void as a matter of law, it should be automatically be done away with!  

You lose as a matter of law!  So, there is a complete bludgeoning, that happens, on top of the love gone bad, the increase in weight, which they hate, but they keep trying to make me jealous, with other women, who they could never be obsessed over, because, lesser women than me, are enamored by these powerful men, feel lucky to be hanging with them, when I am a totally different story, I have beaten them, challenged them, have risen to the top of every segment of law, or related fields, and I can still, bloody their fucking faces, because, they fail, to see that I am not doing what I do, for sex, for love, for honor, prestige, money, but I am doing it, just because, that is what I took and oath to do, and I believe it is the saving grace of this country!  They just don't get my motives, because theirs are disingenuous, and my motives are pure! 

So, the very thing, that might attract me to them, having been matched by the FBI Dating Service, is that they tend to attract, match, meet, insight love, respect, admiration even, for accomplishments, education, work experience, but when push comes to shove, the internal guts of the love is hollow, because, while like is attracted to like, there is an underlying repulsion, because, they believe in fascism, power, control, abuse, no rights, and I believe in freedom, liberty, and rights . . . at the very most base level, we are polar opposites with eventual outcome and goals, being light years apart, and that will eventually play out, making me an enemy, and the reverse, true also, the the end games could not be further apart . . . and it is a zero sum game.  Therefore, looks, degrees, pedigrees, power, money, property, all the things that float these other females money digging boats, does absolutely nothing for me . . . the rejection enters, and game on . . . with fucking huge stakes, like a war between two visions of American, BEARCATS or MWraps anyone?

So, with a trophy husband(s), who all the women want, rejection from a lesser version of me, than back in 1997 to 2000, is particularly painful . . . I beat their politics, their minds, their hearts, and their souls, because they sold out their oaths, and I never did, never will . . . these men, brag about the number of women they have fucked, and the number of women who have fucked them, is a big fat zero, until they meet the likes of me, who is driven by principles, concepts, constitutions, and I will admit power, where we all hook up, and that is far superior to penises, pussies, and perks!  I always beat them down the stretch, because, I always take the high road, and they, know it.  Nothing hurts more than someone you have known about, get a chance to be with, even being extremely attracted, with sex always on the table of possibilities, but being rejected, due to fundamental differences, in beliefs, destroying, what on the surface, for all intents and purposes, should be a rockin' relationship, the new power couple!

Macro-cosmic Relationships--With Massive Ramifications

Now, most women, will deal with a single man, involving maybe a community of first responders, who are trained to deal with obsession, rejection, stalking, escalation, punishment, and revenge . . . but few understand or get the scope of what I am dealing with, nor the ramifications, the eventual outcomes, the stakes, the egos, the hubris, the far reaching effects of this, seemingly inconsequential relationship, of this, basically homeless woman, without money for a Diet Coke, today, basically, just trying to stay alive, while she is striving to save the country!  And the ambitions are even more far reaching than that, save the world, which I listed on my resume, under personal interests, when applying for the staff attorney position, with the Utah Prosecution Counsel, Criminal Enforcement Division, dropping my ass, right in the middle of the power players of the state of Utah, that is connected into the power brokers in Washington, D.C., through Mormon Church connections, and infiltration by the Mormon Mafia.

If, the Department of Justice, were to file a RICO charge or lawsuit, against my enemies, the association, which is a necessary element of the mob type crimes, or patterns of criminal activities, racketeering, money laundering, conversion of property . . . has been carried out, they would have to sue the Mormon Church!  Not those good people, the great neighbors, with the amazing families, like Dick and Helen or Jean Southwick, certainly not, with Sue and Kev on missions, over 150 extended family members, pillars of society, except that JoAnn . . . just the one, who put the family on the radar screen, in oh, so many ways, with two jealous parents, and 7 envious siblings, no, it can't be . . . well she is homeless, was suppose to die, has been to the behavioral health units, doesn't have a license, doesn't even have a car . . . what's up with that, all part of the punishment and revenge, not only of obsessed men, but an obsessed family, with many of the same stages of this type relationship.  

Mormons, Republicans, one world order freaks, the love of war and military complexes, big business, the us vs. them mentality, the 47%, Mitt's thoughts are the thoughts of the whole fucking Mormon Church . . . I know with Brett, and many of the men in the movies last night, they were abused as children, well the Mormon Church, symbolically, was an abused church, with extermination orders from Governor Boggs, of either Missouri or Illinois, can't remember, the death of a tragic hero, first prophet, Joseph Smith, the fight with the United States, which is still raging, wanting a theocracy, not a indirect democracy, with not separation of church and state, the power hunger, abused men, can exert their wishes, their sex drives, and unlimited passions, in unlimited sex, through polygamy, which fuels the fires of extremism, for in the current Mormon doctrine, woman are destroyed, if they will not go along with polygamy and 10 other virgins, and they are the entity to bear the vessels of the children of men!  

Going right along with the war on women, the fight over the reproductive rights of women, the killing of abortion, the curtailment of birth control, the backlash against feminism, that the propogation of the male seed, is all powerful, filling the man's quiver with arrows, or symbolic of children, it feeds into both sexism and racism, it is the white females, who get abortions, some minorities, who have been held down, can't afford them, and thus, the illegal aliens, are taking over the nation, soon, the white male patriarchal system that came over with the Mayflower, and those puritans, with women, subject to men, if going down the tubes, new demographics are encroaching on this nation, they are changing the vote, the power is shifting, the young millenniums, don't buy all this bull shit, and thank God for students, like those who protested in Egypt, in Hong Kong, in Bozeman, Montana, raging against the war machines that are rolling out on the streets of America . . .

This is a Family Feud, that is Playing Out on a World Screen

This is a battle of ideologies, of religion, of politics, of monumental proportions, a battle for the hearts and minds, not only of Americans, but of the world citizens, freedom vs. tyranny!  My name has been synonymous, with the United States Constitution, and state constitutions, for 20 years, even before that, from 1990/91, when, I scored the highest, as far as I know of the 180 BYU law students, who had the eye of the government, with Mormons taking over the intelligence communities, government agencies, the military, and possibly with a plan hatched, now that I mention it with key players, like Senator Orin Hatch, working from behind the scenes to further the Mormon agenda, that blends so nicely with the Bush agenda, the Skull & Bones agenda, the agenda of Wall Street, with the world banking headquarters in London, the Brits, the Germans, who claim the war was never lost . . . Hitler, may have lost, but the war is not over, the war for world domination, making America, a third world, country, therefore, controllable, as never before, bringing it down to the level of prosperity of the rest of the world, or just becoming an average country, which has never been the case, from its inception with, even Mormon scripture, stating that the Constitution, that many believe to be inspired by God, even Mormons, who seem so at odds with me, therefore, at odds with the Constitution, believe, that it is also, for all mankind!

Now, if this were the case, with a focus on the ideals of the Constitution and America, I would, totally be on board, but they, the male contingency, or the good ole' boy system, or the patriarchy, are not mature enough, nor secure enough, to deal with a woman like me, nor a fat woman, who beat the living hell out them and their fucked up policies and politics, preferring women, like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, or Rachel Soutwick Hickey-Mooseman, aka, Joann Secrist, intended to be confused with JoAnn S. Secrist, or even be her, in the minds of the Republicans, Mormons, Mittites, who are really right in line with, Muslims, because, they both want, will die, and would strap a bomb to themselves, either literally or figuratively, to get that pussy!  Or those 10 to 70 promised wives, which, God hated starting with Sarah, the wife of Abraham, the source of discord between Israel and Palestine, finding David and Solomon, in Mormon scripture, having wives and concubines, and abomination . . . don't know how the book that allegedly will get you closer to God than any other book, just misses that point with the men and the stupid women, who are their own worst enemies!

Just remember, it is a universal, male attribute, to always want the female you can't get . . . case in point, King David, still wanted, lusted after, and had, Bathsheba, after seeing her taking a bath, this is the fallen male condition, get over it!  No, men, who are this mindset, fucking and literally, while attracted, hate women like me!


P.S., Talk about obsession, there is this young, very young guy, sitting in the booth across the room, in McDonald's, who doesn't have any food, has been sitting there for at least an hour, totally staring at me, and almost unabashedly doesn't look away . . . he is watching me type this, and my thoughts go to the fact that he is either a confidential informant for the cops, who are pissed about me exposing the lack of reason for a BearCat or MWrap, especially, with a daily written report, on the types of crimes, that we have around here, with little explanation, for just how to deploy the armored vehicle, and under what circumstances, would justify, this military presence on the streets of Kalispell, or surrounding areas, or the kid is just obsessed!  I have caught him looking at me, non-stop . . . so what is up, like I am old enough to be his mother and then some!  Whatever . . . fact is stranger than fiction!

Friday, October 31, 2014


Pimple on Tongue, Ticking Heat Vents

I planned on writing about my fun high school days, scaring the whole Bountiful High football team, along with a few close, drill team, accomplices, willing to be scared to death along with the guys . . . taking the boys of fall, up, behind the Farmington Cemetery, up a dirt road, about a mile, with plenty of time to scare the shit out of the boys' club, with tales from the crypt, mixing imagination with the reality of the spooky place, with the road winding up to the witch's house, forcing adventurous teens, getting more and more frightened with each step, grabbing friends, arms gripped, locked, or pushing each other toward, old creepy animal sheds, not knowing what night horrors could jump out at them, allowing little more than a crack of a twig, to send them scurrying in different directions, the October, harvest moon, showing just enough wicked structures, that may have held untold tales of tortured animals, possibly used for blood sacrifices by the witch, who allegedly killed her husband and son, hanging them from the gnarly twisted burned tree, just outside the front of the house, with a strange wishing well, strange and ungodly circles of decorative color tile, indicating some type of ritualistic ceremonies, this throwback from the Salem witches, maybe a daughter of one burned, drowned, or hung . . . black rod iron, gates, leading to the basement of the house, moon exposing a large field, leading straight to the mountains behind the bizarre house, blank fields open and wild, mountains that seemed to jet straight up into the midnight sky, touching the clouds, reaching for the moon, for some type of solace, and recompense, for the gory fight, that must have ensued prior to the hangings, maybe a dinner, laced with arsenic, a potion, poisoned, clubbed, tricked, a spell . . . I warn the team and the drill girls, of the contents in the house, the broken glass, crackling like the the witch herself . . . and the words on the ancient walls, with the words . . . help, I'm dying you PIGS!

But, those days of fantasy, chills, and night thrills, pale in comparison to the real, scary Halloween realities, I face daily . . . and yes, help, I'm dying you pigs, still applies!  As the innocent, is pursued, while predators, daily stalking their prey, live hits, perpetrated by both male and female, assassins in a creed for power, money, influence, greed, prestige, using a special terror of their own, often hidden behind badges of alleged justice, protection, service, really, just badges of betrayal, knowing full well, identities, of their prey and the protected, full of lies, deceit, secret horrors, of intimidation, threats, stalking, and the reality of sanctioned, sought after, and excuse for murder, without merit, cause, justification, other than ill gotten gain, unjust enrichment, fraudulent transfer of name, real, personal and intellectual property, using the local, state and national battery systems--cops, prosecutors, judges, to pursue, chase, trail, track, arrest, jail, invade, intrude, and fight for inequities, unjustifiable lies, working for perks, power, pussy, prestige . . . perfect fraud!  With little or no concern for laws, regulations, rules, constitutions, class, honesty, integrity, preferring wrong to right, illusions to truth, and aiding and abetting crime syndicates, mafia, patterns of criminal activity, money laundering, gifts, bribes, favoritism, promoting insiders, and even killing whistle blowers, patriots, the loyal, the good, the honest, and the right . . . with fascist mantras of do whatever it takes, without limits or exception . . . all for the almighty pussy and penis, or sex!  Down right archaic, debased, barbaric, and ugly.

Classic Battle Lines of Good & Evil . . . Divine Intel . . . the Good, the Bad & the Ugly!

A guy, just came in wearing sun glasses, trying to act, nonchalant, innocuous, and unnoticeable, and keeps looking outside, much like Georgeanna Hartung, the former clients, who just happened to show up at McDs, coming right to where I hangout, wearing a bright orange and black shirt, with the saying, DROP DEATH GORGEOUS, with the symbolic black gloves, and straining to look this way or that, as if she was expecting someone, a cop, someone, to identify me, so they can do their thing, whatever it is they have planned, not going unnoticed by her former attorney/friend, who has never seen her here in two months or more . . . and at other times, having her show up, looking for me, it seems, by saying, Oh, here you are, or showing up, just days after I started working out at the Summit Health Center, calling me out to the front desk, and her standing in bleachers, wearing a Santa hat, and looking for me, when I didn't come up to the desk, and with several other fed looking people walking around the pool area, totally out of place . . . she, as well as her son, David, turned cop snitches, with her husband getting community service washing sheriff's vehicles, for the 4th or 5th DUI, after crashing his car in a ditch out in Kila . . . he would have been in prison, in Utah, or at least when I was the assistant attorney general over all the DUIs for the DMV . . . special treatment, for George's daughter, Tabitha, who was a deputy sheriff for 7 years, just the way things work around here! The Darrows and the Hartung's, much like the pioneer stock of southern Utah, old family names, dating back to early settlement days, smoking marijuana without a care, charges of $5,000, just up and disappearing, or light community service in exchange for what?  Heads up, something is up!  Thanks for the warning God!

Heat . . . Pimple . . . Heat

The night I spent with federal agents next to me, at the hospital in Shelby, ditching out, while they were staking out the restrooms across the hall, leaving at 3:00 a.m., there was another, symbolic incident to alert me, that the heat is on me, as if I didn't already notice, with the undercover cop dining with me at Kow Loons in Shelby, a truck, not so stealth, following me down the main street, to the Wells Fargo ATM, driving into the empty parking lot, across the street, going up, doing a U turn . . . nice aerial sign, and coming back out, another truck picked up the trail, with the agents following me to the hospital.  At first I thought, that I was fine, and didn't need to worry, since they had not come in the chapel by 12 midnight, but, usually, the normal drill for the hospital, in that room at least, is that the heat coming from the heaters, turns off at midnight . . . but that night, the heat never turned off!  

Thanks for the warning . . . continuing on with that thought, as I sat in the reclining chair, watching my true crimes movies on YouTube, free, staying at John's house, where I am paying to couch surf, never knowing how long I can stay, or how long I will be left alone, generally not more than a few days, max two weeks, without taking off around the state, or to another state, is the norm, but, I noticed a small bump on my tongue, that seemed to have developed out of nowhere, with oral intrusion, I wondered, if there was some significance, warning, or sign, that my Intel guy was trying to let me know what was up . . . while watching the first part of my movie at Super One, getting warm by the fire, until I noticed this guy, who I know damn well is assigned to rat me out, whenever I am at that store, with some little nerdy clerk, giving me strange looks before this guy showed up, he is called Cowboy, not the one who used to set up the Republican Pachyderm Club meetings, but, a more distinguished, older gentleman, with a dry sense of humor, and sometimes has either a grand kid or a kid, with him . . . but, he is another one of the local pod squad along with Georgeanna, Dave, DJ, under Jack Strode's direction, who are always signs of trouble . . . he shows up, if I am there in the mornings, afternoons, or evenings, just popping up out of the blue, he showed, and looked suspicious, so I left, went over to Taco Johns, and started to read the Flathead Beacon, still wondering what shit the cops were up to now?  

My Intel Guy . . . often gives me symbolic words, in the texts of the material I am reading, as he did last night, when I was thinking about what I had written in the last few blogs, and I ran across a word, as I thought about the exposure of the BearCats or the MWraps, the armored vehicles that are wasting tax payer's money, making them pay for the cops, to stop protecting and serving you, militarizing and protecting themselves against you!  As that thought crossed my mind, the work, tikrit . . . showed up, strange word, and not one I have seen before, and don't remember the context, but it did seem to fit in this situation, hell, yeah the cops are ticked, right . . . about filling in the possibilities of actually using these, really ever . . . unless, you have a lock down in Evergreen at an elementary school, where a couple was fighting in a car, which is not illegal, with the cops, blocking off all the streets surrounding the school, using the BearCat, or the whatever the Kalispell version of the armored money pit, is called, along with SWAT vehicles, and riot gear, and you don't think this is a bit of over kill?

Old School Smarts, Talking Down, No Contact . . . Not Deadly Force! 

In Utah, several years ago, because they have more money, people, thus tax payer waste, there were two domestic violence situations, that the boys and their toys showed up to, full military gear, tanks, helmets, camoflauge uniforms, and both alleged, stand offs with the cops, turned deadly . . . both guys were killed for having a fight with their wives, not wanting the cops intruding on their personal lives, one guy went from the street and the car with his wife, in hot topic conversation, that he didn't want to stop, so the couple moved in the house, which appeared to be, what, a standoff, with the militarized cops, getting a chance to use their new tanks, clothes, rifles, and helmets, and they, using a no-knock warrant, exigent circumstances, I guess, used a battering ram, if I remember, and shot the guy!  That was in Eureka, and the other domestic dispute, that ended up with the cops using deadly force, in Davis County, they even brought in new robots, they got from the Homeland Security Catalogue!  Really, the old fashioned guys, who didn't have millions in federal grants, actually, just talked the guy or gal out of the fight, and if they resisted, or there were signs of violence, they arrested them, gave them no contact orders for 24 hours, or longer . . . but they just handled the situation, respecting the Castle Doctrine, this is this guy/gal's castle, and I am an intruder, in their personal and private space! 

Tick Right . . . John's Heater, Woke Me Up At 5:00 A.M., Ticking Away

John and I have been friends for about just over a year, and I have spent time at his house, since last winter, when it was fucking freezing outside, and I had just paid David Russo rent to couch surf at his trailer, with the same limitations on my short stays, but with the necessity of a place to lay my head, and once paid, this baby brother of the former deputy sheriff, who calls the cops at the drop of a hat, may be undercover himself, threatened to call the sheriff, for some reason, I think because I had asked him, after being gone a month, and showing up again, if the frat house, with naked maids and swinging sex parties, would rather have me find another place to live . . . no, then the day I paid, Dave either got drunk, or something, but threatened to call the cops, and I said, go ahead, and I will insist you give me my rent back . . . I think he was given the assignment of taking my money, then kicking me out, or acting like an ass, knowing I have zero tolerance for asses, and would leave, with cops hoping I would die in the frigid and brutal weather . . . John came and picked me up and saved my ass from freezing with no where to go, being pissed as hell at Dave, for asking him, the night before I paid if he just wanted the guys at the trailer . . . so, what I am trying to say, is that I know the drill at his apartment too, with the heater, and this heater, was tick, ticking away, leading me to believe, that the cops that were tracking me last night, were even more ticked this morning, so forgoing the morning shower, I followed the warning, not really knowing the roomies and whether they are undercover cops, very likely . . . so I split, and headed to McDs.  

Go figure, the other part of the mom/son spy team and rat pack, showed up out of the night, plopping her ass down across the table, acting like this is just part of the norm, kind of like her showing up at Wally's world last week, making statements, like, you are still here, huh, or showing up to the Summit pool, or wherever else, she and Dave, who showed up, just before I left for Shelby, last week . . . all red flags go off, every time these two clowns show up!  Trouble, Trouble!  These two sheriff connected dip shits, have tried this clown show for at least a year, and have failed miserably . . . but I have to give them the old college try!  I think each time they fail, they get more determined to succeed the next time, LOL!  Like I am not totally aware of this shit . . . really, boring.  But, there is not a day, that goes by, that I don't have to be on 100% alert, through one threat or another.  I was just wondering if someone told George to wear the shirt, as a threat . . . Drop Dead Gorgeous, and as I left the restrooms here on Idaho Street at the Big McDs, there as a truck in the parking lot, that said, PAPE . . . Applied Materials!  

My dad or PA or in some other language, PAPE, is one of the major players, and a paid hit, is not out of his purview of menu choices, having offered at one time, to send the Polynesian mafia to take care of an obsessed and unwanted boyfriends who was causing me trouble . . . with good old dad, having been one of the originals, along with Shelley, Brett, and Kay Baby, stealing my life, wanting any daughter, but this one, who became an attorney, like he wanted to become, and then, after a near death experience, family planning at its best, saved financial planners and CPAs, for the SEC, state and federal level, through constitutional protections, making them look at their investigations and administrative subpoena's, different, they are not, warrants, as demanded in the Constitution and investigators don't get to download computer hard-drives without a warrant, probable cause, a judges signature, oath and affirmation, listing with specificity what they are looking for, and not some bull shit, letter, regulators and investigators are using in place of a warrant, or writing themselves, then going on fishing expeditions to find alleged fraud!  My father and daddy's little girl, Shelley, spent, seven years, hanging out together, while he was hiding from the SEC and she was having her 4th illegitimate kid, out of wedlock . . . first hubby, doubts even the first kid was his, got that last year!

Family Plot Has Two Meaning . . . One a Plan, the Other a Burial Plan, in a Cemetery!  

This family plot was hatched a long time ago . . . they just needed Bret and Kay to help!  And with a shit load of money from my son, Elliot's band, God's Revolver . . . Hard Rock Band of 2008, coming on the heels of Brett meeting my two son's and hearing the talent, testing in on NPR, with 350,000 hits, just for a kid jamming on the guitar in his bedroom, easy surveillance, and pump a test run, holy shit, sign Isaac, Shelley's son up, as El, and get a fake band, and steal the bank!  Same patterns, still steel!  Last night, about the time the spies showed up, I was watching a movie, a true crime movie, where a boyfriend or a look a like, for a boyfriend, who allegedly murdered his girlfriend, the daughter of a wealthy couple, a second marriage, with step-dad, working with the doubles or look a likes, involved in the plot, and actually killing the boyfriend, but a look a like for the beloved daughter, working with the crooks, shows up on the very day, that a new part of an ocean front park is being named for the dead daughter, with the look a like, moving in on mother's hopes that her dead daughter is channeling through the look a like, bring her comfort from her dead child, and guidance as to what happened to the daughter, with boyfriend, not hubby being the one blamed for the murder, and him disappearing . . . but spies showed up, and I couldn't find the movie again . . . but, the cops are suspicious, having handled the case, and they ride the double . . . who is convincing more and more people, she is actually the daughter, or it looked that way . . .

Double, Double, Toil & Trouble . . . The Three Witches in MacBeth!

But, my sister, Rachel, 7  years younger than myself, lived in Shaumberg or Shamberg is more like it, Illinois, at the same time I lived in downtown Chicago, and it never failed, when we, who have very similar bubbly personalities, both blond, both blue eyes, even though she is 3 to 4 inches taller, and now extremely better enhanced through surgery, was always considered, or thought to be my twin!  That was in the summer of 1992, and Rachel was pregnant with her second child, Matthew, and I was just heading into my last year of law school . . . did that give the family ideas, and as my career, and resume, notoriety, and contributions mounted, not only in the law, but in teaching at three universities, and having a son, kicking out CDs and his band rockin, did they, la familia, work a trade with the government, with daddy and daughter Shelley, being investigated by the same people I sued, or listed as defendants, entertain, the identity switch way back . . . I thought that maybe after I was poisoned, with Shelley a biologist, connections with the Attorney General's Office, and dad, the Gov. Leavitt, family friends, with Dixie, and Shelley and David, born the same day, in the same hospital, plans were firming up and I challenged cops and prosecutors, with associations with the big guys, at the state level, getting more and more pissed, with Rachel, a flight attendant, going to visit both of my daughters, when they had children, as did Sue and Grandma . . . was that with malicious intent, that down the road, they could claim, that Rachel, or Sue, were actually the new grandmas, as it appears now?  Dastardly deeds, and real scary, Halloween stories!

Pimped Out Armored Militarized Vehicles & the Pimple or Bump on My Tongue

I almost forgot the pimple or bump, that appeared on my tongue as I sat up, unable to sleep, the new addition to my tongue, that I hadn't noticed before, and that is missing this morning, did get my attention, and always looking for reasons, answers, thoughts and inspiration, if not downright signs, through symbolic representation, I thought about the root word of pimp . . . and remembered that I had mentioned in my blog on the militarized armored vehicles, that now grace the hollowed streets of Kalispell, Great Falls, and Bozeman, that I said a pimped out version of the BearCat or MWrap, would cost another $50,000!  To adding "tikrit" to "pimp", equals, they are ticked off at the fact that I said, the pimped out versions would cost more, to the tax payers, to get all the possible bells and whistles.  Somehow, comparing armored vehicles to low rider, rap singing, cop hater, pimped out rides, must have pissed the cops off even more than just ratting them out!  Anyway, God moves in mysterious ways, and fact is stranger than fiction!

Scared Jack-O-Lanterns on the Front Porch

As I left John's house, on Glenwood, remembering a cop car, slowly, coming out of the Gateway Mall, right at the time I was walking home from Taco Johns, taking my time, thinking that DJ had guests, of the excuse to try to get me to sleep somewhere other than at John's house, who is just the guy in the middle, who is the messenger, between the parties living in the house, with Shannon, Greg and John, wanting me to get rid of DJ the only non-paying resident of the place, with neighbors complaining, allegedly, at just the time Shannon and Greg want to get rid of him, that they are going to report him to the management, so he needs to go . . . politics makes strange bedfellows even in a small groups, with the couple, getting a letter a month or so ago, giving them 30 days to clean up their act, or they were out, and trespassing beyond that, which was the kick in the ass that they needed, great people, but things were going down hill, so the letter worked, and now, they wanted the squatter who had taken over the entire front room, never leaves, and has stuff spilling out of the apartment to the landing, bugging the hell, or allegedly so, with the neighbor threatening to call management, and getting John and them kicked out before winter . . . but, I never felt right, after seeing that DJ cleaned the house, just that day . . .  privy to surveillance?  

My gut, told me this was a planned plot, most likely with Shelley, Greg, Shannon, and maybe DJ, if he is undercover, showed up, out of the blue too, but I realized that if I bought the alleged threat, that they could then use the same one on me, or DJ would complain that I, also am just a guest too, but I am paying rent, but management could be used to get me out, kill two birds with one stone . . . and vindictive roomies, who teamed with DJ, now that it is clean, to get rid of me, after paying . . . but that all going on, with John, the real name on the rent, and a long term tenant, just staying out of everything, it struck me as strange that DJ, who could have just as easily, as planned, been booted out of the apartment, but for my sympathies, and feeling like I should wait, and might be being played by Shannon and Greg, who never mentioned the now mounting angry neighbors, who just as I thought, didn't do a thing in the last two days, since the entertained expulsion, but now the tables turned on me!

So with that background, cops, cops, and more cops, all friends with George and David, connected with the sheriff's department, but with local city cops, stalking me last night, with them totally slowing down at where I am staying, making me turn back down the street, and coming in the back way, behind cars and the other buildings, thinking there might be another stake out, going on . . . but as I walked down the street this morning, hours before it was light, I noticed lights dancing and flickering out of my peripheral vision, not seeing them the night before, but the two fake pumpkins, appeared to be shaking, scared, in a state of fear.  I thought, this could have several meanings . . . my sons and maybe my daughters, and probably their spouses, read my blogs, and they could have read about the close call in Shelby, that could have gone terribly wrong, with me having my ass shot, drug up and dumped over the Canadian border, just miles away, and without ID, having been confiscated from me over the last year, and with all means of getting new ID blocked, border patrol cops, or their buddies, who are all located in the Shelby area, and with the prison near, could say I was an illegal alien, trying to sneak into the USA, and shoot me, like they do the Hispanics, and nobody would know the difference between me and a Canadian, without ID . . . or, they could have hauled my ass to the nearby prison, and either detained me as an government, enemy combatant or homegrown terrorist, for forcing law enforcement to follow the U.S. Constitution, in opposition to the Patriot Act, that does away with all rights, leaving this constitutional law attorney, on a collision course, in a game of chicken, with the guys who were never trained old school, and believe it their right, their duty, and their power to take this girl back of the woodshed and give me a whipping, or just kill me!

The Really Scary Stuff is REAL . . . Worth Shaking Over

I am sure, that my children, having written about them just yesterday, and referred to Jack-O-Lanterns and Edgar Allen Poe, with them knowing full well the risks their mother is taking everyday, fighting guys and gals, not to mention family with connections to the FBI, CIA, NSA, and all the power and access to either set me up, frame me, arrest me, incarcerate me, detain me, without charge, or cause, for an indefinite amount of time, without a hearing, or any rights, or just murder me, know too well, how it feels to not have contact for a whole year, before, when I first left Utah, for fear of my life, and not wanting to expose them or cause any harm, not calling or contacting, for fear of reprisal, retribution, and retaliation!  I referred to Greta, my oldest daughter, who is going to attend the University of Montana Law School, next fall, wanting to move up now, will add some needed support, therefore, the deed needs to be done soon, with job apps and resumes flying, and a move coming at anytime, but I wished her a Happy Birthday, October 3, and referred to her as My Little Pumpkin . . . the October Baby!

We had rust or dark orange carpet, in the house, my children were raised in, in Ogden, Utah, on Eccles Avenue, and that was a time of vast study, intellectual growth, smart educational toys, reading the classics and long lofty dinner discussions between their father, who had a master's degree, and myself, getting first a bachelors, and then starting a masters, having much the same thoughts as my grandmother, former dean of women, at Southern Utah State College/University, that children are to be seen and not heard!  And overall, during a normal, nightly dinner for the first 15 years of their lives, they heard their parents discuss politics, religion, philosophy, and other enlightened discussion, therefore, the orange carpet became my sign for smart, intelligence, good decision, etc.  And pumpkins, are very much a part of my children's lives, we had a great pumpkin patch with 64 pumpkins in our garden in Provo . . . so, that is how this brain works, with only God, able to keep straight, all my colors, signs, and symbols, that have developed into a code, as complicated as the federal tax code, as my husband, and nemesis, Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart, said, knowing full well, the way my mind works, and using it to send messages, like, Drop Dead Gorgeous . . . with head stones in a cemetery, with the word, RIP, Rest in Peace . . . on the orange shirt of Georgeanna's, seeing it first thing this morning!

However, the Pumpkins on the Porch Were FAKE, JUST LIKE MY DOUBLES! 

The scared fake pumpkins, can have a double meaning for he doubles . . . these orange signs of Halloween, shaking, with flickering lights, can also mean that the fakes, for the multiples, or doubles, are scared shit-less, with the recent blogs, the Zip Trip to Shelby . . . done to ditch their sorry asses, and leave them in the dust, without time to make up the trip, with mindful motion, separating the real from the fraud broads!  I know, that for every sex crazed rogue friend of Brett's, there is a surveillance crew on my side, working to figure out what there former bosses, and possible heroes, and heroines, relying on my accomplishments to get money, power, perks and you know the drill . . . who are going after their superior up line, due to age, time on the job, experience, longevity and access, trying to get an education, with spy on spy . . . cop on cop, and agent on agent, being, not only duped by their tactics, but with the older guys, knowing the weaknesses, the follies and the typical failures of new agents, spies, and Intel.  But, the fakes, should have been arrested, but for alleged and imagined credibility through access, lies, fraud, conspiracy, collusion, and the illusion, relying on past graces and power, yet stealing it now . . . have refused to listen to me, assumed I am the criminal, fallen for twisted roots, T&A, if not preferring  . . . see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil of superior agents!

Charlie Brown, While You Are Waiting for the Great Pumpkin, Think, Second Example!  LOL!  May the Headless Horseman, Not Find You, While You Are Trick-or-Treating Tonight!

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Sittin' Here in Playland

You see, NSA, FBI, CIA, rogue agents, wild cats, and such, this is all fun and games to me.  LOL!  Generally, when I write a raunchy blog, knowing the locals, political block, cops, single party, favoring a not so popular party, or candidate, that I think . . . I think, therefore, I am . . . I stole that saying from, I believe, the philosopher, Descarte, but I know for a few days, there is going to be some backlash, increased surveillance, an up tick in police presence, roommates, who, just might be undercover cops themselves, or are being paid to set me up, rat me out, mark my comings and goings, all start to add up to a sting op is about to land on my ass, with dyer consequences.  And since I am a fun loving, pleasure seeker, an unexpected trip to a federal prison camp, or FEMA camp, jail, or being taken out in the woods, to disappear forever, is just not on my agenda for, what I would consider a fun day.  Therefore, all precautions, need to be adhered to, always to error on the side of safety, I will go to great extent, to protect myself, from unjust outcomes, to exercising my 1st amend rights of freedom of speech, freedom of association, hanging with Democrats will get you killed in this part of the country, or taking every opportunity to redress grievances to my government . . . 

Knowing fucking well, there will be consequences, not so pleasant, in the past, therefore, aversion therapy, has worked for me, a warrantless arrest, being striped searched, held for a day in jail, then transported, after another search--I am the goddamn attorney, on a civil divorce case, not a defendant in a drug case . . . taken to the far reaches of the state, in shackles and chains, including a metal bar, across my lap, as I am transported several hundred miles, to a jail, with about 7 deputy sheriffs, leaving me handcuffed in a cell, rifles all in plan view, not the normal side arm or holster arm, but rifles, as I demand a warrant, and each man or woman, in attendance, signature on the warrant, that is coming to me, a day and a half after the arrest, looking more like some first year law student took a crack at the less than legal looking document, with the deputies, actually writing me up as harassing them on the transport, to a secret jail, in the nether lands, with both jails lying as to my arrest and my whereabouts . . . then being locked in a cell for 9 days of solitary confinement, 23 or 24 hours, with the judge violating not only almost every constitutional right, but up to 30 due process and equal protection based laws, not to mention, civil and criminal proceeds . . . so, yeah, I have some aversion to this type of treatment!

And all of that comes, after paying the judge's extortion fee of $500, for his constitutionally bull shit mistake, with this just evidence of a power tripping judge, who, is even on the civil procedure committee, even used to head it, at the Office of the Administration of the Courts, judicial council, not having a clue, that procedurally, once I have exhausted all trial court remedies, and appeal, his patently prejudicial rulings and orders, he know longer has jurisdiction or power to drag my sorry, attorney, ass back into his jurisdiction, to beat the hell out of me, which he ended up doing, in violation of a ton of rights, in total violation of the LAW . . . the law is the law, is the law, even for fucked up and stupidly arrogant asshole judges!  United States Constitution, Article III, judges are only to be retained or on the bench, in good behavior, don't think this judge ought to be a judge, nor an attorney!  Biased as hell against my Playboy Bunny, centerfold, client, who was ordered to pay, a half a million dollars, for her cheating husband's 3 Jewish attorneys, who charged more per hour than the 5 she had representing her, until, this attorney, took over, trying to even the score, only making her pay, $500 per month, after a $5,000 retainer, knowing she got fucked in the first place!

Note: of course, when all else fails, like me getting up earlier than the NSA or their hackers, and I get on MY blog, they always first, turn off the spell check to get me to allow them access, by clicking some, lame ass, text box!  So bare with me!  Did I spell bear right?  LOL, that one always gets me, and even spell check can't save me from that one, because they are both spelled right! Ha!

Colorful Tubes, Slides, Baby Stairs, and Look Out Points

Yes, this would describe my trip to Shelby.  Okay, so on Tuesday, I had not intentions of going to Shelby, but, as fate would have it, when I opened my little acer computer, that I have in my American West cowgirl purse, at all times, I happened to be, somewhat taken back, by a copy of the shuttle schedule for the great, Golden West Transit, the free shuttle service, that has saved this sorry ass on way more than one occasion, since, I discovered it about a year and a half ago, and love it dearly to this day, but, their brochure, colorful as it is, has about 6 brightly colored, routes, that take you about 200 miles, on a straight shot, from Kalispell to Great Falls, point A to the final destination, unless you decide to get off at East Glacier or somewhere along the way, with one of the most magnificent trips, through the Crown Jewel of the Continent, Glacier National Park, decked and adorned with all the late fall splendor, early snow capped, majestic mountains, golden tamarack trees, mixed in pines, rivers, rocks, grandeur, beyond description . . . and you get to just sit back and enjoy the ride, absolutely AMAZING!  To say the least . . . awe inspiring!

Me, the dude from New York, who is living the life, just like me, with both of us sharing tales of travel, talking politics, and informing of travels passed . . . with the bus driver, listening intently, and a group of Indians, who travel this route, more often than I do, but tuning in to the conversation, after picking up nature boy, New York style, in East Glacier, who hitched a ride, just for the day, leaving a sun-up and getting back at sun-set.  

Now, these drivers, know, my general story, but they don't quite get it, that when I say, I have been on the run for 3 years, since the day, I was sworn into the U.S. Supreme Court, that it is government shit that is driving the great escapes, as this one was today; therefore, I thought, at the trailing started, right after dinner at Kow Loons, a Chinese Restaurant, okay, if any good guys from any of these agencies, who have been chasing me for 3 years, cares, to check, to validate that, it is actually me, name JoAnn S. Secrist, on the card, expires 2/16, dinner and tip, $12.00, can trace the string of cards, back to 2009 or so, when I first got one, several card changes, as they have been stolen over the years, but traceable to me . . . the same gal who used her Walmart Money card to pay for the dinner, you can start going after, Shelley, who is not me, but would like to be . . . or right now, you could, get one of your lazy ass FBI agents, who is suppose to stop crimes like this, or one of your secret service guys over Internet crimes and get his ass out of bed, and come play with me, or at least check me out, writing this blog, in PLAYLAND, Idaho St, Kalipsell!  But, hell, that would be to fucking easy . . . they all prefer, heels over head, therefore, they are part of the problem, when this head over heels, chick, continues to beat the shit out of them at their own dumb ass games! Babes at this game, and I am training you . . . but far be it from me, to help you solve this seemingly mystery, to you, because you just don't want to see, that you got your ass chewed for 3 years, by the real JoAnn, and you were being lied to, played, and fooled, actually by Shelley, aka, Joanne!

Good Looking Guy at the Restaurant . . . Reading My Blog, Laughing & Glancing at Me, Glance at Him, Wearing his too Clean Work Clothes!

I am starting to get bored with sneaking off, and getting away with it ever time, so I decided to make things a bit more challenging for me, and reported my exit from Kalispell, while on my last run on the city bus, knowing full well, that they have surveillance, because the bus drivers, and I had a debate about it, last year, before they put in on the buses, in violation of my rights to privacy, and liberty, to travel about town, or get on another shuttle without them knowing, but this time, I announced it, to let, my imaginary boyfriend, sitting at the front of the bus, pretending not to be listening, while I am very loudly telling another passenger, for two reasons, so, heart throb, will know, that as normal, I am leaving, but, I am, like I always do, coming back to Kalispell, knowing, right where to find him, when back in town . . . and so the fuckers, listening to me, through the vents, because, after the debates, they, didn't want the Eagle Transit, to have to pay for a lawsuit, or deal with the hassle of dealing with me.  

Like the prosecutors in Salt Lake City, Utah, 20 years ago, who, when I questioned them, as to whether they had enough evidence to convict a man, who was so upset, during the trial, I was in, we had to dismiss the jury for a while, and as they high-fived each other, and looked at me shocked that I was concerned that the gates of justice, they were to be the keepers of had shut, to get a skin to hang of the wall, or a notch on their belts, and for sure I was right, when they said, anyone can get a guilty man, the real challenge is to get an innocent man!  The man was screaming in the alleged halls of justice, in the court hallways, while he slammed his head against the cement walls, that he was innocent.  So along that line, someone like me, can get away with giving the FBI the slip, with the secret shuttle, booking it out of town, on the spur of the moment, without notice, but the real test to me, it to actually, let them know, and still ditch their trails, and spook out their spooks, which, this witch is good at, after 6 to 14 years of being trailed!  So, game on in playland . . . headquarters of the central Montana, FBI, both team A & B, the CIA, border patrol, local cops, city and county, railroad cops, etc. . . . last week, I was in town for a whole week, before they figured out that I was in town, and the final night, they were patrolling the area around my motel!

This time, I might get a run for my money . . . and give them a better training session!  LOL!  Not too funny, if I get caught, however . . . So, while I am eating Chinese and reading the newspaper with the locals, this guy walks in, appearing to be right off work, even though it is 7:00 p.m., by now, so a bit late for a guy who looked, or was wearing a uniform, as if from a service part of the auto dealer, or working for Les Schwab, or some tire, car repair shop.  Doesn't look messy enough, no grease on clothes, nothing on face or hands, FED, undercover!  He appears to know, that the person his is watching, is also the one who had written the blog, or very long writing he is reading and laughing at, at all the right amounts of intervals, on the blog, I wrote about Frankenstein, the Bride of Frankenstein, U.S. Senate contender, Amanda Curtis, being called a communist, and me comparing her to being accused of being a witch, forced to either admit she is a communist, or be burned or drowned, half naked, for the public flogging . . .  pretty fun stuff, and he was reading all the way through dinner, and looking at the author, but most likely thinking, that I am the Bride of Frankenstein, rather than the author, and he is going to take me down, once he points me out, comparing notes, picture, etc.  We both kept catching each other looking up from reading or dinner, looking at each other, smile . . . he appeared to be greatly enjoying my blog, if my intuition is right, 97% of the time it is, and I don't give a rat's ass about the other 3%!

Once the ID Was Made, I am Trailed to the Hospital, My Not, Now, So Secret Hiding Place in Trips Gone By . . . Especially, When I Run and Have NO Money!

The only reason, I am revealing my secret hiding place over the last year, since discovering the shuttle, is to train, these pathetic agents.  So, the hospital is a great place to at least be safe on the streets of a town, which I have done from Spokane to Pocatello Idaho, and everywhere in between, to at least have a roof over my head, free from rape, assaults or murder, and having worked for doctors, as their general counsel, not only saving all the docs in Utah, from the federal fraud units, but helping docs nationwide, protect themselves against investigations and prosecutions, through federal regulations that require the Medicaid/Medicare units, to give a doc 24 hours, before raiding their records, with a warrant, not nearly enough time, to doctor them up, to cover up-coding and billing the government for their services . . . so, I figure all comes out in the wash, that they basically, owe me a good nights rest in their territory, so I don't ever feel bad.  Plus there are three shifts of people, visitors, family coming and going, all through the night, so I don't stand out like a sore thumb, they have Internet, so I can watch true crime movies, while in the chapels and sanctuaries, seeking asylum from the world!  Plus, if the docs or staff, ever ding me, I will just say, they took the Hippocratic oath, to save lives, and turning me out on the streets, sometimes in snow, would make them loyal to the hypocrite oath, risking a live they swear to save!  Sorry, spell check if off!  LOL!  And yeah, I am an English major, LOL!

I Know the Drill at the Maria Hospital, Shelby . . . and These Two Are Not Part of It!

Having been to the hospital on more than a few occasion without any notice, or trouble, quit peaceful, actually, because there are two parts to the hospital, out the chapel door, on the right is a long term nursing home, and on the right, there is the hospital, and right across the hall, there are restrooms, which make it the perfect place . . . need a potty break, look to the left and the right, you can see down both sides, and then sneak across the hall to the bathrooms, and go back again, without notice!  So, the feds, tracked me to the hospital, but, I am not sure if they were just there to intimidate, me and knew where I was, or they were staked out across the hall, in the office, right next to me, watching the bathrooms, hoping to snake me out, and nab me, for what, I guess what they have framed me for, or whatever, not sure, and really don't know, other than they think, I am Shelley, the sister, who is really the criminal, mafia, liar, fraud broad, and they assume that she, aka, Joanne, is actually writing about me, aka, Shelley, crossing the wires, after a 14 to 20 year ID theft, maybe starting in law school, for all the fucked up things, but that is the way it is looking . . . so they think I am Shelley, whom I had just written about, and they are going to get this bitch, but, they are getting the wrong woman, but they have been led astray by their old former bosses at the agencies, and told, that Shelley, probably an agent herself, by now, or mafia, is me and I her, along with the other sisters and attorneys, who collectively make up, the imaginary, but real, JoAnn S. Secrist, who had been taunting and tampering with cops and prosecutors for years!  I am their, law enforcement's watch dog!

Generally, the normal hospital staff, cleans the chapel, around 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. and the doors are open until 9:00 p.m., and at times, I actually just go in the break room, down the hall, or have even talked to staff and tried to see if there is a cafeteria to get dinner at, but there is just a kitchen for the old people, but I will talk to staff, write a blog, watch a movie on the computer, and they rest for a night, sitting up, just being entrapped into leaving Kalispell, when generally, the roommies, appear to be up so no good, or old roommies, with mother's as former clients, who have a daughter who worked with the Flathead County Sheriff's Department, and who seem to be involved, in the special ops, to cover up, the real, JoAnn S. Secrist, in favor of the fake, Joanne Secrist, or Shelley, who has her hands on my money, and who gives everyone great gifts, easy buy . . . or gives grants, I wonder about the grants, for the matching land conservancy, out in Whitefish, which is where the fakes, first landed, after I attended a viewing of Code of the West, on the medical marijuana issue, the FBI raids, and the fight at the legislature . . . I attend, write, and even signed the list for the ACLU, who never emailed me, because, these fuckers, shadow me, and have 6 women, who take credit for everything I do, because I rarely take credit, nor stay around long enough to be associated with my work, like on the Salish-Kootenai Water Compact, and then the vultures, pay the key players, telling them I am a Democrat, or a criminal, and to people in the Flathead, that is one and the same! LOL!  And they ditch the one who did all the work, or the money gals, who got the money from me, or my son, and our work product!

9:00 p.m. While Watching a Movie, I Hear Two Male Voices in the Office . . . 9 to 5 Only . . . Next to the Chapel, No Garbage Can Dumping, So, Late Meeting?

Always, innocent, until proven guilty for me . . . I close up all computers, ear buds, get my shoes on, for a quick escape, if necessary.  I can hear the two talking, rattling around, and eventually, I fall asleep, having been up watching true crime shows, until about 4 a.m., and up by 7:30 a.m., very late for me, so I was tired. I awake, at about 1 a.m., again hearing them hit the wall, or bump it, moving around on chairs, or whatever they were up to, talking about T&A girls, or whatever . . . I drift back to sleep, wondering what the hell, if they know, I am here, they don't seem to be coming in to get me, so, back to sleep, chair against the wall, sitting somewhat behind a free standing closet, and might even go unnoticed if they did actually come in, unless they looked good . . . 

Pretty peaceful night, other than a bump or two on the other side, but so far, so good, until about 3 a.m., then, the words, GO, as if stamped on my, minds, eye, wakes me out of a dead sleep.  I can hear movement, and freak out, thinking, they might have figured out that I am here, and luckily, I never needed to go to the bathroom, after a three hour drive and deciding to give up Diet Coke for the 2000th time, and just drinking one glass of water during dinner, rather than 6 Diet Cokes, making me go to the bathroom 3 times during the night, I never needed to go, but did then.  I heard both of the guys next door, go to the restroom and that was a little too close for comfort, knowing damn well by now, that they are there for me, not a late scheduled meeting with the hospital staff, but tired, I complain, but get up, put my hoodie on, and split, into the cool early morning night, still . . . for about 4 more hours, and zig zag through streets, back alleys, up over the viaduct, to the Town & Pump Gas Station, and hang with the truckers, watching TV and talking politics!  LOL!  Great morning, caught up on all the state catch in dead heat elections, leading from the middle.

Once Talking About Politics, I Didn't Blend in with the Truckers Too Well

One of the guys working at the gas station, whom I had been talking to, took off and came back, not as friendly . . . not part of the morning, so, did the cops, knowing that there was not much open in the early mornings in Shelby, could have called the station, and told them to watch for me.  When things change, they fucking change . . . heads up, don't stop to read the newspaper, or write your blog, as planned, and get the hell out of dodge.  With it still dark outside, and needing my addiction for reading the newspaper, every word, I decided the family restaurant, now filling up with early morning truckers, might be safe, and it was for about two hours, until morning light, the week before the change for day light savings . . . so, about 9 a.m., I start heading toward the library, up back hills, ditching again through alleys, working may way, oh, so slowly up over the back of the court building, next to the library, and over to the library that I know damn, well, is not open to the public, until 1:00 p.m., on Wednesday, getting caught in kids story time last week, or so when I was there last, but stayed the whole week in the Glacier Motel & RV Park, but I paid with cash, so you can't check on that, Mr. Agent . . . but you can check the Wells Fargo ATM, where I withdrew $300 the morning of the 16th, to verify, my existence and whereabouts, and compare that with my doubles!

I thought of stopping in at Cara's Java Java, or whatever it is called, right up from the Subway, but, last time, I heard them tell someone, that, yes, the lady is here, so I took off, without finishing my blog and went to the library, waiting for story hour to end and lunch, so I could get to business, writing and researching on the Dempsey fight . . . . but I needed to meet with head librarian, Heidi, who might have been contacted by Shelley, who used to sell books to librarians around Utah, Nevada, and sometimes covering for a partner in Idaho . . . so, the book lovers would hit it off, and Shelley would sell her poison, sis, is not who she claims to be, but she is trying to be me, reversing the roles, and stealing the Dempsey/Gibbons Fight & Shelby, right out from under me, just trying to help the city, economic growth, through a great true story, capitalizing on the influx of Glacier Park traffic, and hooking tourists by the stranger than life, amazing story of some local businessmen, actually bringing the world heavy weight champion, to a town of 500 out in the middle of Montana, close to the Canadian border . . . you can't make stories up like this!

Librarian Has Been Contacted--Not So Friendly This Time

Again, you know the drill, when someone is so excited that you are in town, love the Dempsey story, have come before, and someone just can't wait to let you read old newspaper articles, watch videos, and give you everything she has on the fight, and then the next time, you see her, as she is trying to hastily leave, like she, of course, getting a heads up by enemy liars, had the second time you came to work on the fight research, been in Great Falls for the day, and was going there today, also, and having written a blog before about Shelby, a few months ago, and then, this time, she looks shocked to see you, acted as if she didn't know you, and is hurrying to get out of the building, not expecting me, until after noon, and I show up shortly after 10:00 a.m., and catch her in the library by a fluke, with the mailman showing me the building was open, giving me access to the Internet, to finish the movie I was watching from the night before, but had to cut short, due to 2 agents, parking their asses in the office next door for the night, you know, just like abc, the shadow has contacted, may even have promised to make a movie, to cut me out of any participation, trying to drive me out, of the newly claimed territory, as done hundreds of times in the past, taking friends, clients, cases, jobs, water compacts, medical marijuana . . . we just finish what JoAnn starts, BULL SHIT, YOU STEAL, WHEN THE REAL WORK, THE FOUNDATION IS LAID, AND EVERYTHING THAT IS HARD TO DO, STEP IN BRIBE WITH MONEY, ACCESS, AND PROMISES, GIFTS, ETC.

Intimate Partner Pattern--Love Bond, Love Bomb; Kids, Exclude, Destroy if You Can . . . Can't Beat Them, Thrive Anyway, Include in the Clan, Love . . . But Get Rid of Mom!  The Price!

I grow it, they mow it . . . Heidi, did however, gather some information, after I reminded her of who I was . . . really?  I am sure she was purposefully out of the library the week before, but her unsuspecting staff, were helpful and would have told her, and she knew damned well, about the blog, and she would have known that I wrote about 4 the week before, when I didn't see, her, and they were getting rid of her again, being the only one to know about all the information I wanted, the stuff from Chicago!  Go figure, patterns of theft, over and over again . . . the T&A girls, are the smart ones, JoAnn aka Shelley, is the criminal, so chase her, while we steal what she sets up, follows through on, promotes, and writes, all as easy as 1,2,3 to see!  And being aided and abetted by fucking local, state and national law enforcement!  GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY!

Mind you, children and grandchildren, are not off limits for this same type of activity . . . we break'em, and then we make'em!  They destroy music, relationships, opportunities, work, homes, advances, chances, and then come in, at the most critical time, and save them!  Acting like they are not the ones, who did the damage back for years!  Kind of the way the government rogues work, or the Wall Street, Bush boy Paulsen, we destroy the economy, then come in with the stimulus package and save your asses, that would have been fine all the way along without, our acts of economic terror, and then act like your saviors!  Same pattern, used on my children . . . Kay and Brett, Daddy Warbucks, Shelley, Frank, Jack, Tony, Michael, Rachel, Mommy Dearest, and the Southwick family circle and friends, all with a common enemy, me, fucked my kids, along with their spouses, to break them . . . Now they fix them, save them, love them, include them . . . after trashing, sabotaging and breaking them, now, they love them . . . hell, my kids, thrived in spite of their spite, malice, jealousy, envy . . . and now, they want to steal them from Me!

Friend John to the Rescue!  Back, Safe for the Moment in Kali!  Thank God, for Christian Boys!

  • newest developments in the Ebola scare . . . quarantine victims, saying enough is enough . . . making them feel like lepers, going after anyone who had contact in bridle shops, or other places, restricting or watching 143 people, who might have made contact, with one of the alleged exposed persons in the U.S. who is planning her wedding, is going beyond the point of ridiculous, and she is stepping out on the town . . . fucking hell yeah . . . as the rational President of our Country, deal with FACTS not FEAR!  
  • constitutionally speaking, the United States government has the duty to protect the general welfare of the citizens, but the states, traditionally have been responsible for the health, safety and welfare of their individual states citizens, but, putting irrational, and crazy 21 day quarantines, on people who don't even have a fever, or any symptom, or one sign of being infected with the virus, is ludicrous, and fucking, so big brother, Orson Wells, 184 creepy, helicopter mayors and governors . . . who are now facing lawsuits, the best use of your tax payers money!
  • the clown I talked to at the Town & Pump Gas Station, in Shelby, up with the truckers, maybe an undercover cop for all I know, in his knee jerk reaction, and hatred spewing mouth, agreeing with white supremacists, in Idaho, other than the kid painted to look like Hitler, and the kids showing up in white sheets, like their daddies, members of the KKK, said, he would take all those suspected of the disease, after shutting of all borders, airlines from African countries, and put the people who have contact or been around someone who might have been exposed to Ebola, and put them in tents down in Arizona for a 6 months quarantine!  Are you fucking shitting me!  What a dumb ass!  He just hates the President's skin color, therefore, everything he does, and joins the extreme right, wing nut element in the Republican party!
  • like I said, vote smart, smart, smart, and people who have pleasant personalities, who will work with others, get along, hold hands across the isle, actually respect different opinions and arguments, making them sharpen and clarify their own arguments and positions, and be willing to change their mind, if facts, statistics and examples, the most persuasive tools, in an argument arsenal, expose you to different ideas, better positions on a subject, and are willing to dump party positions for the betterment of the nation!  Those are the types of people we need to move America forward . . . we are 20th in pay equality . . . we are better than this America!  The European countries lead in these areas, and recognize that women, and their minds, over bodies, should be valued beyond their fucking T&A!

A Date With Edgar, Your Kids & Yourself for Halloween

One of my favorite things to do with my children, when they were really young, was to carve pumpkins, put candles in them, turning them into Jack-o-lanterns, placing them around the front room or the bedroom, with freshly bathed children, no matter what age, and me, flashlight in hand, and in the dark, read, the master of Halloween terror, early American author, Edgar Allen Poe, friends of people like, Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, along with her husband, Persibus Shelley, a poet, and several other writers, Emerson and Thoreau maybe, who would fuel their imaginations, telling each other scary stories around a raging fire . . . bringing the public, tales of dark magic, intrigue, haunting, black cats, tell tale hearts, crows knock, knock, knocking at your window, on a blustery fall night, with wind and leaves, dancing under slithered moon skies, with visions of witches on broomsticks, crossing the fractured orb . . . the Mask of the Red Death, the Poem, The Raven, the Black Cat or the Tell Tale Heart . . . so very cool, and don't use any pictures, then stop and ask your children, what do they think the Mask of the Red Death looks like or is . . . 

I was always shocked at the amazingly long attention spans of my children, ranging in age from 8 years to a one year old, who just loved to hang out and look at the wickedly fun pumpkin faces, his family had just carved . . . magic, creating and developing minds, bringing a fun, almost adult Halloween experience to life, right in their own, safe front room, with brothers and sisters to cuddle up to if you get scared . . . remember a young mind in not a vessel to fulfill, but a fire to ignite . . . smart, kids, one and all, with creative magic, lighting fires, and imaginations, for a lifetime.

Have Fun With All Those Little Ghosts and Goblins . . . They Grow Up, Way Too Fast!