Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Two Teams: One Trophy

To fully understand what happened in the securities world of Utah, and I believe the Wall Street Bail Out, under Bush, in the final months of his reign as president, with his war on the U.S. Constitution, through the Patriot Act, two wars, a mortgage crisis, followed by the bail out for Main Street, causing an economic disaster, that nearly bankrupt America, you have to know the competing ideological and philosophical battle grounds and the playing field, most fertile to win the trophy, America . . . but which version?  

The one you and I are most familiar with, one nation under God, under the U.S. Constitution or the one run by secret societies, world bankers, the fed, one world order, foreign and domestic threats, playing both sides of the battle, claiming a win on either.  I firmly believe, having watched the news, every night from 5 to 12, all channels, from MSNBC, to Fox News, and CNN, channel surfing to get every drop of information I could, to understand, what happened at the end of 2008, with the Bush administration exiting the White House, and 2009, with the Obama administration, entering in on the scene.

I do not think the economic melt down could have happened without, first, taking out the best and brightest of financial planners, securities agents, and commodity dealers, working in areas connected to the bail outs, the buy outs, and mergers, and the transfer of Lehman Brothers to Braun or some other financial institution in England, home of the world bankers.  I watched news and followed the alleged bankruptcy of Lehman Brother, just 2 weeks before the melt down, one of the longest and secure financial institutions in the nation, worth, the exact amount of the Wall Street bail out, of $700 billion, so a direct exchange, give England and the world bankers, the $700 billion, in exchange for the debt on the tax payers, at a time the mortgage fiasco, allegedly of the misappropriation of loans, predatory loans, sub-prime interest rates, robo-signers, and mortgage refinancing. 

Utah Legislative Audit, 110 Securities Licenses Suspended from 2002 to 2006

You tell me, how, 110 securities agents, lost their licenses, during that time, and not one, was able to beat or win, in basically, and administrative law hearing, or district court?  The findings of the audit, was that the Division of Securities, was participating in overzealous prosecutions and investigations, violating due process, and equal protection . . . a breeding ground, for the Shurtleff/Swallow type bribes, gifts, vacations, campaign contributions, tampering with evidence, and with witnesses.

These attacks and wrongs, were not just a Utah phenomena, but a nationwide epidemic, from what I heard from planners and securities dealers and their attorneys, calling me and Henry S. Brock, to get help in states throughout the country . . . so, what in the hell was going on?  Brock, said that he had held a federal securities license, for 27 some odd years, but, after getting a license under the state of Utah, it was not 5 weeks, before he was getting complaints and was under investigation.

Both Jay Rice, who had just received a national award for dealing in options, and Hank Brock, who had formerly been the state's president of the Financial Planners Association, had a radio show of his own, and was cruising the nation, going to book signings for his book, Your Complete Guide to Money Happiness. So what else was going on . . . Marc Jenson, who was, not, as I remember, from Hank, even a licensed financial planner, in the state, got a hand delivered deal from, none other than Mark Shurtleff, with an offer that was so lenient that the judge rejected the deal, and imposed a restitution or repayment to clients for $4.2 million.  However, when Marc failed to repay, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Interesting Conversation With a Securities Attorney From New York

My friend and I, Sherri Lasoff, of Washington City, Utah, were on a drive up to Navajo Lake, at the height of the Brock/Rice securities or civil rights case against the state of Utah, the governor, Mark, the attorney general, the Department of Commerce, Division of Securities, and the state officers, attorneys, and investigators at the time, and we were just sitting on the lake side, and Sherri, who knew Hank from being in his California Mormon Church Ward, which is a connection that may shed some light, on my theory that this whole thing was orchestrated and planned, using me, knowing I had name recognition, and was back in the limelight, working with conservative groups, like the Tea Party, Republican, but still associating with Democrats and Constitutional entities, and militia type characters, so spanning the spectrum.

But, as Sherri asked how the case was going, and I began to tell her of the comings and goings of the case, just outside the small cabins that lined the Lake, a man stuck his head out of the door, and mentioned that he overheard our conversation, and said that he was an attorney, who represented a New York Investment Firm, and several of the investigators from the Utah Division of Securities, busted in his clients office, with video cameras, demanding information and access to computers and client information.  What the hell were Utah agents doing in New York?  I asked the attorney, under what authority and jurisdiction did these assholes have to demand anything from his clients . . . he was puzzled also, but said that they had been totally aggressive, and obnoxious!

I also, remember, Hank Brock, telling me that he had some deal going, even after he signed his alleged deal with the Securities Division, with an insurance company from Ohio, is memory serves, and Robison, Kline, or some other employees, actually went to Ohio, and interfered with the agreements and contracts, Brock & Associates, had already agreed on, and messed up the deal, sending Brock into complete and utter ruin. Not to mention the fact that both Brock and Rice, were blasted all over the Internet, as the Fraud Poster Boys of Utah!  So, the abuses in the Utah state government, were not contained in Utah, alone!  By what audacity, arrogance, and pride, let alone authority, could this happen?

Utah Securities Division Seemed to Be A Springboard to Wall Street Jobs

I don't want to look up the defendants in my civil rights case, but I do remember that Tony, someone, landed a job, at Goldman Sachs, and was able to avoid service of process on our lawsuit, or allegedly so, but I found that curious, that he went straight to Wall Street.  Mark Griffin, a former director of the Utah Securities Division, went with, another national marketing company . . . nice perks for lowly little Utah! There seemed to be a history of assistant attorney generals, who started in the Utah Attorney Generals Office, and then to the Department of Commerce, Securities Division, and then gained a reputation for being bad asses, and then went on to nice cushy jobs.

Strong Mormon connections to Wall Street.  One of my former classmates, Steve Quinn, from Bountiful High School, in Utah, after graduating from, BYU, I believe, landed a job, with Goldman Sachs, with a $30 million signing bonus!  Nice.  With just a undergraduate degree?  Really?  But, financial planners are high rollers, make big campaign donations, and are wheeler dealers.  So, a prime target for Shurtleff and Swallow, to capitalize on the bad ass reputation of the Division, and hit up those planners and firms that are being investigated, and offer them deals, to hang onto their licenses and avoid fines . . . for a small donation of between $15,000 to $50,000 all this pain can go away!

Enter, Politics, Past, Present, and Future

At the time, I was working on the case, starting in December, the 18th, 2009, I had no idea what the hell was going on, but I do remember Hank approaching me at one point, and asking me if he should donate money to Shurtleff's campaign . . . absolutely not, like sleeping with the enemy, and a big time conflict of interest!  Period!  I can't remember exactly when that question was raised; however, I did know that Shurtleff had eyes on Senator Bennett's position.  The primaries, were right at the time, we filed the amended complaint, in the Brock case, somewhere around, January 10th, 2010, with an article coming out of New York Investment News, January 17, 2010 . . . that would have been during the primaries for the U.S. Senate.

I do believe that Shurtleff backed out, and Mike Lee eventually unseated Bennett, coming with a backing from the newly formed Tea Party organizations.  I think that Shurtleff briefly entertained a run for governor, because, I was invited to attend a Republican Woman's Luncheon in St. George, shortly after the 2008 elections, early in 2009, before I had reactivated my law license, but very involved in politics, and Republican Party Chairs, told me, when I entertained a run for the 4th Congressional seat, that I could not be considered because the party already had several men selected, and I would need to start at the bottom, at the city council level . . . with 5 states wide jobs, teaching at three colleges, and two nationally recognized or awarded training manuals, under my belt?  Really?

But, he did tell me that Shurtleff, would consider me for a cabinet position, after he became governor. Prior to getting poisoned or a genetic terminal brain disease, shortly after taking out 9 attorneys and investigators, from the Utah Fraud Units for Medicaid/Medicare up-coding, as general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, I had been considering a run for Congress, and was being courted, along with Greg Erickson, to run for attorney general.  Mark and Frank Myler, had asked me if I was running and if not, would I be their campaign director, and I told them both, that as early as 1996, I had entertained the idea of a run for the 4th Congressional seat and learned that gerrymandering would put district in St. George, somewhere, so I bought a house, to set up residency, in Moon River Estates, and tried to get Chief Deputy Attorney General, Reed Richards, the heir apparent to Jan Graham in those days, to let me move with the AG's office in St. George . . . he said, the office would need a three state tracking device on me, therefore the answer was no! 

With Bennett Going Down, Hatch Was Worried, He Was the Next Target

To put this all in perspective, I approached, both Shurtleff and Swallow, in early November, 2009, right after Kirk Torgensen, must have been leaving, and Swallow had just been appointed, as I recall.  But, I tried to settle the Brock/Rice securities issues with the two men, having met with them, up at the Utah Attorney Generals Office, to see what could be done.  Mark assured me that his hands were tied, and seemed to indicate that he had issues with Francine Gianni, director of the Department of Commerce, over the Division of Securities, also, and he indicated that there was something going on by way of the FBI, and an investigation and he had previously tried to get some changes in the Division, but couldn't.

Dick and Helen Chamberlain Southwick, met, while my mother was doing her student teaching.  My oldest sister, Shelley Jean Southwick, was born in the same hospital, one the same day, with Mike Leavitt, who later became the governor of Utah, and head of Health and Human Services, in Washington, D.C.  My father was also friends with my client, Michael Shane Clark, grandson, of the prominent Clark family of farmers and ranchers, Shane was one of my three plaintiffs in the section 1983 civil rights suit, for $56.7M, against Iron County, cops, DCFS, and prosecutor or county attorney, Scott Garrett, another family dynasty in Cedar City, successor to Scott Burns, former county attorney, and the drug czar, under the Bush administration, working in D.C.

Other family connections with Iron County and Southern Utah University, Susan Southwick Schmidt, Richard and Kara Southwick, Marcie and Rachel Southwick all attended the college.  Richard and Rachel graduated from there, I believe Sue graduated from the University of Utah, as a political science and history major, after she married, Kevin Schmidt, a gerontology major at the U, later getting an M.B.A.  My grandmother's picture, hangs in the Great Hall, at the college.  My Uncle was dean of finances, also.  Many cousins, aunts and uncles attended the college, so deep connections with Iron County . . . me filing the suit, was closely followed by my father, who intervened, facilitated the steal of the case with Garrett, Burns, Clark, Cheeks, Carters, Brauns, Shelley . . . 

After the entire Iron County law enforcement, along with Delta Force Intelligence agents and Inter Pol, NORAD, and other military, law enforcement types, circled the wagons, and put the Iron County heir apparent, Shelley, in my place and started the steal my identity, not only for the Brock case, but for the Cheek case too, along with other million dollar cases, up to an including Thomas G. Vail, of Las Vegas, who outright told me he had lunch with the CIA, who then stole my cases, with him, two big ones, Las Vegas Review Journal, and state of Nevada, Governor, AG, Secretary of State, and Insurance Commissioner, a year and a half worth of work, with a total asshole dip shit, whom called me the minute the Brock case hit New York Investiment News, and said he was the "Hank Brock of Nevada!"

The Iron County D.C. Contingency, and Hatch Connection

Prior to activating my law license, I was very politically involved, and Scott Holyoak, a member of the John Birch Society, met me through my work on developing with Patricia Kent, a Tea Party member, who heard me speak at a politically motivated seminary or institute class, held a Dixie High School, studying the Constitution, and hearing from me that I wanted to develop a pocket sized copy of the Utah Constitution. Patricia, being a former member of the Civil Air Patrol and a high school, civics teacher, who just happened to run a small printing operation out of her basement, working with a commercial print shop, said she would like to help me create the booklet, with me.  We met Scott, together, when he heard about the Utah Constitutions, from somewhere?

Scott arranged for me to speak on the Brian Hyde Show, Cherry Creek Radio, 70 people showed up to talk to me after the show, at the John Birch Society, that normally had 10 people, if they were lucky.  That is when the ground work for the Iron County connection exploded, and I hit Cedar, Parowan, and Washington County, like a wrecking ball.  It seems to me, that was in the fall, and shortly after that, because of the Brock case, I reactivated my law license, October 1, 2009, and signed an employment agreement with Brock, October 9, 2009, as I recall.  I was an independent contractor, working tangentially as general or house counsel, which led me to call the bar, who told me to forget the house counsel, idea, and looked at my employment record, and was shocked at the jobs I had, especially, as general counsel with the Utah Medical Association, and said, just pay your dues, and you are reinstated.

My father went ape shit, when he heard the news, that his daughter, whom was suppose to die, not only was not dying, but taking a case, in an area of law, that had been a pain in the ass to him, too . . . my father was investigated 5 times by the Utah Division of Securities, for fraud . . . Shelley, at the CIA and NSA's approval, gets to hack into my blog, on a regular basis, to change facts, delete, erase, and steal the hits from the blog!  Here is proof!  The proof will remain at the end of this blog.  I can't go any further, beneath the message, I copied and pasted, right from off my blog page.  So, it can't remain in the spot is was originally in.

Shelley Jean Southwick, Just Took Over This Blog--Hopefully, the Good Guys Are Watching This With Her & the Bad NSA, CIA, FBI!

Shelley, is the one who stole my identity, and I, JoAnn S. Secrist, sitting her, at the Kalispell, Medical Center, at 2:10 p.m., having taken the Eagle Transit Line Bus, Earnest was the driver, a woman, from Cross Fire Church, who works at McDonald's in Evergreen, with a husband named, Matt, and another woman who lives at Blue Sky Manor, was also on the bus, to this location, am typing this on the patio, outside the little cafe, on the main floor of the hospital, but I will not, a chick, whom I think is FBI, Amazon woman, brown hair, light gold jacket, with black pants, walked past me twice, looking strange at me, and another girl, with blue scrubs, and Mormon garments, showing from her shirt, blond hair, black glasses . . . I guarantee, that all are on the payroll, to say, that I am Shelley, and she is me . . . I told Jack, John King Strode, Wade . . . last night, that Shurtleff and Swallow, had been arrested, and he had a sick look on his face, and I told him heads would fall, he said, they need to run! 

Jack is a spurned ex-whatever, who fucked Shelley, after me, and is in charge of the Kalispell operation, to steal my identity.  Here is the pattern, FBI or CIA, send an agent, who originally hooks up with me, I reject them, or simultaneously, they start to play the piggy back . . . that would be Shelley, most likely trained at the CIA, on my back, pretending to be me, shadowing me, then, she will jump off and be me, and they, the government, or the Mormon CIA, within the CIA, will pay everyone to say, we are the opposite of reality . . . SADDLE EXCHANGE!  Same pattern with all the other girls, over and over and over, again, until, I just fucking don't exist, and all that remains of me, is the double, divided about 7 ways, or more!

The leading me, in this play of deception, are key, feds, REDS, Retired And Extremely Dangerous . . . nothing else to live for, but fucking me over, through having sex with Shelley or one of the girls, and saying it is me, after, I dump them!  I am suppose to be handicapped, in a nursing home, or dead, so these guys, get to claim my knowledge and split the proceeds of cases, blogs, resumes, and kids, plus music!  Amazing bull shit, and they need to be caught, but Shurtleff and Swallow are right there with  Shelley, Dickie, and the liars from across Utah and Montana, from churches, to buses, to Walmart and McDonald's . . . my work foots the bills!  One of Shane Clark's girls, has even seen Shelley, go into court, and be allowed to claim she is me, the attorney, with Iron County, 5th Judicial District Judges, playing along, with Utah State Bar Approval . . . the Mormon connection in DC!

On Patio With 3 Feds, 4th Just Walked Through Patio--How Shelley, the Government Rat, Stole the Brock Security Case!

I am a sitting duck, when it comes to technology . . . you have to remember, that I was poisoned, in retrospect, that had to be the case, because no one with PIX disease, has ever lived more than two years after they are diagnosed!  Therefore, given the fact that I have outlived my prognosis by 12 to 14 years, would indicate, that I was lied to, or it was wishful thinking, but one thing I know for sure it that, I am a technological disaster waiting to happen!  I fought my ex-husband, Richard Secrist, on getting a PC in the early days of home computers, took a computer programming class at Weber State College/University, and hated it, an eleven line program took me 6 hours on a huge, main frame computer!

When I went to law school, I not only had to learn the law, but I had to learn to use the computer at the same time, torturing anyone who was sitting next to me!  Shelley, on the other hand, has lived, breathed and studied the computer, since its inception, is very technologically astute, and entertained her children, by sitting on the computer, and having them watch her.  She, somehow, either by the help of the FBI, NSA, or CIA, plus, Rodney Yank, who was in the home at the time and a paralegal from Las Vegas, and very key to the mortgage issues, that go to the root of Mark Shurtleff's relationship with Bank of America . . . Shelley was trying to do a pro quo quid, lawsuit, that would allow her to get 10% or so of the class action, government lawsuit, against the banks!

Shelley, Rodney, Mortgage, Mark, Bank of America, Utah State Bar, Brock

While I was first working with Henry S. Brock, Shelley was working with a mortgage refinance company, with Mark Snow, and Roger, something? maybe not, but another securities connections, is alleged attorney, Thomas Croft, real estate attorney, who knew jack shit, who struck me as FBI, but later became an attorney for Jeremy Johnson, defending against the Federal Trade Commission, donating tons of money to Shurtleff and then Swallow, with access to his private boat and plane or helicopter!  Shelley, Mark and Roger, brought Tom Croft, on board to handle Shelley's new mortgage refinance business, she was taking up, after leaving the company on River Road in St. George, Utah.

At the time, I was busy with the Brock case, I as sending Shelley, my father, and other interested persons, copies of the briefs, the emails, explaining the case, and my constitutional analysis of the case to several people, in addition to my four children, so they knew what I was up to.  Shelley, unknown to  me, at the time of the Brock case, told me that she knew Francine, Mark Griffin, and wondered why I was suing someone who had previously been a friend of mine, or a colleague, about the last 4 paragraphs just disappeared!

  • as early as 1995 or 1996, Shelley brought a black and white rat, dead and decomposing to my office, at the State Capitol Building, while I was a staff attorney to the Utah Prosecution Council, to see if I could have fingerprints identified
  • it took me until 2010, after filing the Brock securities case, that Shelley, had known all the key players, because she had turned states evidence against her former husband, David Yeman, and boss, Alan Wolfson, who is in prison for life, for securities fraud, I then put two and two together that, Shelley had ratted Dave and Alan out, to save her own sorry ass, from securities violations, with the investigators, using similar tactics, as in drug cases
  • so, Shelley was the state's darling, and I always wondered, after I had been poisoned, and was not working, how Shelley became connected enough with the Utah Attorney Generals Office to head up the Cache County Children's Justice Center . . . had she taken over my ID as early as 2000, or had it even been sooner?  Shelley's neighbors seemed confused, when I first moved up with Shelley, after leaving Jerry Owens, my 2nd husband . . . who seemed to have a big secret with Shelley, and it may just have been, he participated in the fraud, he would have had to!
  • I believe, that Shelley crossed over both Jan Graham's and Mark Shurtleff's administration, with both at one time or another, being concerned about the legal, political, and popular prowess, I had as an attorney . . . from the first day I started with the attorney generals office, people said, I would be the next AG, I was often top billed as a speaker before Jan, often covered her speaking engagements, due to no show, or lack of evidence, I ran her programs, created them and promoted them across the state, had jealousy set in with her, and future assistant attorney generals, who decided to get rid of me, because I would have easily won office, over Mark, Reed, or Frank!
  • Shelley had a very tight relationship with cops, who hated me because of asset forfeiture and fraud unit defeats . . . there is no way in hell, they would have wanted me as their boss, and I surely would have, had I not been poisoned!
  • Shelley seemed to have control over the local cops, who called her each time, they talked to me; she often at a whim had me either put in the behavioral health units or in jail, for going to the bathroom, in an elementary school, close to her house, even after stopping in at the office to ask permission . . . Shelley was selling books to schools at that time, and wanted to put posters up around Logan that I was a person to protect your kids from . . . hell, I gave custody to my husband, before I went to law school, why in the hell would I want someone else's kids!
  • I found a folder in Shelley's desk, making a profile or trying to make a criminal or mental health record on me, with her or her son, having me locked up for going to the bathroom, for one month . . . I had no access to my money, Shelley, my mother and father, told me they were going to leave me in their forever!  
  • Shelley, went ape shit, when one of her boyfriends, actually liked me better, and bailed me out of jail, that the family had decided to leave me in for life!  LOL!  But is sounds like they had the control and connections to do it, but John Schuster, from Logan and now, I believe Sun River, outside of St. George, bailed me out, several of Shelley's friends, daughter-in-law told me Shelley did nothing but trash talk me to her family, tried to protect me, from her . . . remember, after the poisoning, that she probably concocted the poison that was suppose to kill me, I had been diagnosed at a 5 year old mental level, with the approval and knowledge of the attorney general . . . both Jan Graham, Reed Richards, going out, and Mark Shurtleff, Kirk Torgensen, coming in, end of 1999 and 2000!

AG, Mormon Church, Shelley, Brett, Kay, Jesse, Isaac, Southwick Family, Dallas, George, Rachel, Family Intimates, Connected with Parallax, God's Revolver & Maraloka Music--$$$$$$$$$$$

  • with mother bear attorney, out of the picture, first 4 kids were killed in the Provo Death Cave Incident, where lead singer for (Old School) Parallax, Blake Donner, Elliot Secrist, Brandon and Danny or Andy, didn't know him well, were kicking out CDs and gaining popularity, nationwide, with a huge following in Provo, and the west coast, I strongly believe, that the cops and firefighters were involved in a coop to kill my sons, who were both invited to the cave that night . . . there was extreme prejudice against me, by cops, prosecutors, attorney generals, family, for getting rid of the cop cash cow of asset forfeiture, that spread from Utah to 27 states, by way of ballot initiatives, to curtail police incentives and monies from merely the accusation of drug use, under new interdiction programs, with large grants, and surpluses from homes, vehicles and property, allegedly being seized by narcotics cops and others
  • do not think for one second that Mark Shurtleff, Kirk Torgensen, Scott Reed, Reed Richards, who later became the director of the Utah Sheriff's Association, Shelley, Brett a fed, and my 3rd husband, Kay Burningham--Kay's Uncle, Kim Burningham, who was on the state school board, and also a legislator, did not see the money, from both Parallax, God's Revolver & now, Maraloka, dripping with money, power, influence, access, glamour, the high life, rock style living, etc.
  • in the sick criminal minds of the law enforcement community, and the attorney generals office, in addition to the Mormon Church, and the Southwick family circle of friends, and associates, including Henry S. Brock, in the same Mormon Ward with Richard and Helen Southwick, Morningside Park, on about 700 South and 650 East, almost right next door to Brock & Associates!
  • God's Revolver was Hard Rock Band of 2008, had 3 world wide interviews, like Hustler Magazine, Cape Magazine out of Sweden, and others, including New York Writer's Guild, comparing the band to Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchel, or great works of art, like writer, William Falkner, contrasting and comparing the beauty of the landscape in Utah, to the strange religious atmosphere that created a band like this?  
  • with all the success and help of exchanging mothers, including endowing Shelley and many more since, with law degrees, splitting resumes, blogs, cases, and payments, the band of robbers, decided to try out stealing from the band!  And they did with the help of Utah, all power and entities of power in the state!
  • Jan Graham, Mark Shurtleff and John Swallow, are all involved . . . you failed to arrest the 3rd AG!  She was right there, before Mark came, and so was Governor Leavitt and Governor Herbert!
  • God's Revolver's second CD with Sony, or Translation Lost, was stopped, never named, and just up and disappeared?  No, they framed Elliot, I am convinced, Isaac is at the root of many of the evils against Elliot, . . . who would benefit . . . Isaac!

Now, You Have the Background for the Brock, Cheek Case Thefts

  • Henry S. Brock contacted me in August or September of 2009, about the case
  • Hank has Brock & Associates, employee, give me a psychological profile application--Hank's father and mother, where both FBI informants for 20 years!  Not a stretch that this was an FBI job, and Hank had been reading my political and constitutional emails, knew I was the gal for the job to make money for Mitt's campaign!  Hank's mother, wrote a book, called, Operation Housewife: FBI Informant . . . last words in the book, Hank and wife, saying, we can do that!
  • my constitutional analysis were being used by everyone from Mormon talk show host, Glen Beck, to other conservative groups like the Tea Party and Republicans, Rick Nelson, who had run for mayor several times, but unsuccessfully, was asked, after taking my name off emails, with in depth analysis of ceding from the nation, health care, immigration, and anything people wanted to know about, with me, sending copies to AG, Mark Shurtleff, who used my Obamacare analysis, for violation of the 10th amendment, to gather support from other state's AGs and challenge the health care plan on constitutional grounds!
  • I was everywhere, when Hank called me out of the blue and asked me to take his case . . . there was not doubt, I was the lawyer with the connections for the job, but I was not the image, many of Brock's allegedly wealthy clients, wanted to represent Brock & Associates, I told Hank, I didn't want him to lose his clients, so I quit, and he can get a more suitable attorney for the job, he had looked for 10 years, talking to attorneys, like Max Wheeler, Bob Sykes, and Ron Yengich . . . the last two shied away from the case, when they saw the 521 pages of evidence I had collected and the brief, . . . out of their league!
  • I would guess it was my father, who went absolutely crazy, when I told him I got my law license back, he screamed, yelled, told me if I were a smart attorney, why did I give the bar his phone number . . . I didn't, that was the last number they had listed on their records, when my father took over my finances after I collapsed at the Utah Medical Association . . . there should be no trouble connecting my past and my present . . . check social security disability pay checks!  Constant for the last 14 years, got one at about 1 a.m., last night!  I do know, that several months ago, Shelley or someone, got cut in on the deal, getting doubled with a split, because the check used to post the same day, that I got the money, recently, however, the money posts, and I can't access for another week! Someone else getting the first cut, and I get the second!  Get my father, Brett, Shelley and a few more on Social Security Fraud, Brett, when I was with him took $800 of the $900!  My father still could be collecting my private disability from the Utah Medical Association, of $3000 per month, he was always jealous and mad that I got that, and told me I stopped getting it, after the two years I was allegedly to live, stopped in February 2002 . . . he could have collected a half a million by now, calls suggested, that he had collected $350,000 up to 2007, when Greta and Dallas came from Georgia, when Dallas was still on my side!
    • My father also took my equity in my home and $15,000 worth of savings, plus all  my money per month, totally, $3800, giving me $25 per week!
  • As soon as I got the Brock case, I called Social Security and told them to stop the payments . . . they told me, given the serious nature of the brain disease and possible death, that practicing law might cause a relapse of whatever it was!  That should be on government documentation, I told the woman to write it down, so I didn't get get charged with fraud!  Thank God that woman told me to stay on it, or I would never have been able to do what I am doing now!
  • through Shelley's magical connections with the law enforcement community, she had my license revoked, while I was living at the pink and white apartments, up the road from the Valor School, near Harmons Grocery Store on 7th, two cops came and informed me that Shelley had my license revoked, why, I hadn't driven in a year, and let her use my car, and my charming father, gave Jesse, my car, after it was paid for, instead of Chris, my own son, who needed a car . . . as if the Anderson mix of mutts, goes with Mitt's Mutts, had just taken the Secrist families whole existence, accomplishments and all, with total sanctions, knowledge, and aid by the Utah Attorney Generals Office, from Jan to Mark to John!

I Was Easy Prey to Hacker, Shelley a Pro!

I used to be able to e-file with the federal courts, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, on my own account, then all of the sudden, I could no longer, file from my computer, but had to do it from Shelley's, email her a copy, or use my travel or flash drives . . . making appear, that my work was actually coming from her computer, rather than the original source, my computer, my account, and my e-filing history, record, and trail of evidence of the cases.  Shelley, never left the home for 8 months, never set foot in the front yard, rarely, only when I insisted she help around the house, did she ever appear anywhere!

Mark Snow and Roger, Tom, and others always met Shelley at that house, where she was obsessed with the mortgage crisis and who to make some money on it, via helping the attorney general with Bank of America, one of the biggest offenders!  Shelley's former co-workers, commented to me one day, on how much Shelley had improved intellectually hanging out with me, and attorney!  They were shocked and said they thought she was quit the air head, while they worked with her earlier, but now . . . I was constantly training her, sending her my case briefs, and emails, keeping her right up to speed on the Brock case . . . she may actually have been getting paid, or getting back in the graces of AG Shurtleff, rekindling old issues, or giving away my intellectual property, game plans, analysis of the case to Mark!

After the Washington County Constables that Shelley seemed tight with, told me all my stuff was gone, said that she was sorry, but felt that Jean Dickson felt that She was me!  Oh, really, I had talked to Jean of several occasions, she had been in my office, had looked around the house, etc., so how in the hell do you mistake a brunette for a blond?  I was always gone to court, jail, travelling . .. actually, Judge ? on the Max Millner case, seemed to drag me to Salt Lake City for 5 minute hearings without pay . . . keeping me out of the way, for computer reasons . . . I caught Haylee Cheek in on my computer, this Egyptian, Homeland Security sent to wreck my world . . . taking over the cases, while I was going . . . all the time, Colorado, California, Nevada, Salt Lake . . . plenty of time to totally have their way with the computer, my cases, my emails, and whatever!  At court appearances, Shelley's clients, after talking to me, due to me, doing the trial work, usually just an hour before court, would often say, to Shelley, I thought you were the attorney . . . seeds of ID theft being laid, Judge Westfall, Walton, Ludlow, Shumate, Higby, Anderson, Salsbury, Noonan, Faulkner, Ted Stewart, Tena Campbell, and Clark Waddoups, all in on the game!

United States Constitution, Article III, on the Judiciary . . . judges only retained under good behavior?

Federal Court Clerks, IT People, FBI--Protecting Shelley!

  • I moved to Parowan, after AG, 5th Judicial Judiciary, Clerks of the Court, Judge Campbell, U.S. Marshall, Constable, bank attorneys, bank property owners, etc. took the St. George house, client, Allen Rex Bess, gave me his house for payment for legal fees, and to help . . . he was killed for it, and government double came in, International Police, Frank, aka, Allan
  • Shelley and Isaac, came a planted their asses, in the Parowan house, just like they owned the place, Shelley had 2 weeks, once while I was travelling, to have 100% access to my mother's laptop computer, that she let me use, because the government, or the boys up north ordered my house and law practice shut down, go figure, the day before I was to fly to Denver . . . from that point, Brock and Rice had no interest in the case or securities, whatsoever, Shelley somehow, started using my computer, later a local IT or computer person, right before the Supreme Court, and other critical cases were due, came and messed with my hard drive, while I was paying him to secure the computer, repair the damage Shelley had done, by this time, I was well aware, Shelley was double routing all court communications to both of us, because I would alert her of the e-filings, and she would say, I am already on it . . . how?
  • I didn't think about his until right now, that my younger brother, Jared Southwick, cop wanna be, most likely got granted wish . . . was the IT person for all the Utah Department of Education in the state, and could remote change, view, and reprogram computers from Salt Lake . . . I remember, wanting to get a new password for my mother's computer, so I could control the account, and Jared got really pissy with my friend who had a degree in computers, started to cop and attitude with my guy . . . probably, because that may have messed Shelley's redirecting and doubling up!
  • I even started a new account, for e-filing and that would not work, so I would have to drive all the way up to Salt Lake, to file in the Frank Moss Federal Court House . . . on one occasion, hurried, pissed off, and rushing to get both the January 18, 2012 briefs for both the Brock case remanded issues and the request for a settlement conference with a U.S. Magistrate, to Ted Stewart for Travis Braun, my last an remaining client in MY civil rights case against Iron County!  I could see the writing on the wall, and I took extra special precautions to put a copy of both my driver license ID and my Utah State Bar card, picture ID, on the last page of both documents, due to seeing the FBI, run into the building, as if to beat me to the clerks office, where I was headed to file and to get a new account number, which I never got!  Both IT people, were out of the office at the same time, making the clerks uneasy and me furious, so I put the picture ID . . . and those IDs are not on the documents, then the court clerks are being paid off and corrupt, just like the FBI and the judges!
  • I headed straight for Washington, D.C. to get sworn in . . . knowing full well that it was a race to control the case, so I told no one, except, Hope Carlton Levin, who had been paid off by that time, but owed me shit load of money, and she called Allan aka Frank!
  • Since, when is there an ice storm on the way to Washington, D.C. but only on the side of the road going to the Capitol and the Supreme Court?  The other side was moving as usual, going 75 mph, while we, on the other side, where going off the road, getting in wrecks, and having the freeway closed for hours!  That is how big this cover up is!  They wanted to stop me, and get their JoAnn S. Secrist, sworn in to the U.S. Supreme Court . . . and you are shitting me if you don't think this is as corrupt as hell!  Up to and including clerks in the court, and the court itself!  I wrote a letter to Antonia Scalia, to inform him that there had been fraud on the court!is 
  • one my way back, with the U.S. Supreme Court, allowing, through FBI, CIA, or top security clearances, maybe George, my son-in-law, someone was sworn in, and the next day, I could only sit in the Bowery, behind the military getting sworn in before the session was over, January 23, 2013 . . .
  • I can't believe the level of fraud! lies! theft! conversion of intellectual property, starting with the 10th Circuit . . . I  never, never, allowed them to represent me!  NEVER!  I have fought all of this for years . . . and falling on deaf ears . . . thanks Sim Gill, Troy Rawlings and Mary Rook!
Ms. Levin, Stopped Me on the Way to Utah, Wrote Two Briefs, Intercepted or Claimed by Doubles in the Cohabitation Appeal, Where I Rewrote the Law Regarding Alimony!
  • FBI showed up at the girls celebration Super Bowl, with Hope playing along . . . Kay is a shitty attorney, Shelley is not an attorney, and Rachel is a fucking flight attendant!  Good God!  What is this world coming too?
  • Hope slipped a copy of my briefs to the FBI agent, the next morning, after I did all the work, she said she was not going to appeal . . . bull shit, they gave me work to Kay Burningham aka the CIA JoAnn S. Secrist . . . my computer just made a typo, typed SEX!  Damned right, that is what the Penis Pledge is all about . . . is boils down to the Hokey Pokey!  Simple!
  • Hope claimed that she withdrew the appeal, which was the reason, that I had been protected from arrest; therefore, allegedly opening the door, to allow Judge Lyle Anderson, on the pay roll, with the fucking Jewish attorneys, allowing him to claim, he now had jurisdiction over the Levin v. Levin case, where I rewrote legal history, with a ten point test to determine cohabitation and alimony payments . . . right there along the line with the level of work, I fucking always, always do . . . and the Utah State Bar is going after ME!  I am a legal legend!
  • when I got back to Parowan to pick up my legal mail, I was arrested, no warrant, nothing on the statewide system, jailed, strip searched, shipped across the state, finally got a warrant, a day and a half after I had been arrested and booked in Grand County Jail, for 9 days, solitary confinement, 23 hours a day lock down!  I already paid $500, even after being extorted by the judge, the sheriffs, and that was after appealing in November, this was January!
  • surprise, surprise, surprise, to Brock, Rice, Kay, Shelley, Dick, Rachel, I had filed the brief, the attorney generals office, later defaulted on, because, the clients didn't care, the deals, bribes, from none other than Shurtleff and Swallow, had been paid . . . so what's up, AG filed to respond!  
  • Mark, Brocks, office manager, came to get me in jail, sure they were rid of me, and nobody knew where they took me, and the $357 million heist was secure with not witnesses . . . whoops, they needed me to finish the case, and my picture ID was on the briefs . . . what about Kay?  I wrote 5 or so more briefs, after Judge Clark Waddoups, allowed the AGs office, after a default to continue the case, while FBI stood on, and Waddoups, ignored the 10th Circuit Court remand, tried to bring a federal statute, filed in federal court, into a state court jurisdiction, and basically rejected the argument, the United States Supreme Court relied on in my 10th Circuit Court final brief in the 4th amendment case, U.S.A. v. Jones case, almost mirroring my arguments and case lists!
  • my case made the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, look like fools, having misread the plain language of the 11th amendment wrong for at least 33 years, refusing to take this case that was covered by Harvard Law Journal twice, both times on our side, also, Denver Legal Review, who did a synopsis of the case in their magazine . . . I am sure, with Kay having lived in Boulder with David Buttars, in the shadow of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, only miles away, and realizing that she, would never, never, never, make it there herself, CIA, FBI, feds, clerks, all decided, this little pouting lousy attorney, with a 15 year head start, could just slip in a take my place . . . you should have left is alone, now the whole world knows your a shit attorney!  LOL!
  • I love it, the scriptures say, if you set a trap or snare for someone else, you fall in it yourself!  LOL!

And The Fraud Continues!  Until Yesterday--Justice Does Exist!

  • oh, big bad mean big sister, JoAnn, forgot the poster girl, Rachel . . . the image of the Mormon Church!  Fake boobs, fake teeth, tummy tuck, ass suck, peck lift, fake teeth . . . that about sums it up for the image the Mormon Church wants representing them . . . BUT NOT ME, I CAN'T RESPECT ANY OF THESE FAKE WOMEN!
  • Hank met Rachel, early on, in the case, before I even filed . . . Rachel was going through a divorce and needed a job, so I thought she might make a great receptionist for the office, but she didn't have any office skills!  LOL!  Couldn't get the receptionist job, but hey, that attorney job is up for hire!  Can you believe the Anthony Wiener Club!  The never, never, never cease to amaze me, with their total stupidity, but, they say, like is attracted to like . . . I don't like them, and they don't like me, I am too smart for them!
  • Shelley, didn't have anything to do, no money and I was supporting her and her brood of kids and grand kid, so I hooked Shelley up with Scott, in Brock's office, to do a trust for the office, since I had not interest and was too busy with cases in 4 states, so Shelley did what she did best, pull everything off the Internet and take credit for the plagiarized material, so taking credit for my work, was all in the average days work for that girl, and Scott, Brock, Rice, the state of Utah, got just what they wanted a non-attorney, that doesn't know jack shit about the law . . . I guess Verdell Jackson, Tony Osthemeier, and Carolyn Soloman, are getting what they wanted, and what they deserve, a non-attorney, who just regurgitated information they gave her and stamped a watermark Draft on it, because she is so, insecure, you are not attracted to a real constitutional law attorney, even when you get the win, because you are all against the US and Montana State Constitutions!

How Much More Clear Can This Be!  Shurtleff, King Pin, Jan Graham, Queen Pin, Kirk Torgesen, Prince Pin, Swallow, King Pin . . . Learned from the Best!

Forgot the Reason for the Season . . . a Mormon, Agenda 21, Bush Loving, Bain Capital and his Capitalist Cronies!

  • I had been writing for a year, on constitutional law issues, writing briefs for locals on immigration, Obamacare, ceding, polygamy, constitutional law questions and answers, speaking and training
  • my emails, were just as popular as my blog, going to 10s of thousands of people, now millions
  • Dale Ure, Patricia Kent, Rick Nelson, and others, total Mormons, Tea Party, were being told by someone to take my name off the emails, and replace it with their own . . . who is telling you?
  • Brock was in my Mormon Ward and friends with my father, and Julia Warner, the grandmother of the wife of the bass guitarist, who took my son's place, red headed, Ryan Chambers . . . may you not rest in peace Julia, as big a betrayal as my parents, and the grand parents!
  • Brock and crew, hatched a plan, actually with Senator Hatch I am sure, to use my knowledge, that was common knowledge around Utah and other states, basically conservative in nature, and the new thing in politics, adhering to the document, so popular, with a frustrated nation, under Bush!
  • not a risk to have me on his case, that no attorney in their right mind would take, unless they knew a combination of constitutional, administrative, civil, criminal, and securities law, superimposed with 281 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure . . . no small feet!  But for me, having worked in the government, come up against them before, and not being impressed by one of them, even as a new attorney, having beat the largest law firm in Utah, 6 months out of law school, on a patent case, another area of legal specialty, I was not intimidated, and never ever, doubted that I would not win . . . I just never counted on such opposition from my own team, family, attorneys, government and private, federal agents, and a million others, impeding a great case . . . unless you are one the other TEAM!  Remember, one trophy, you know that little, AMERICA!
  • I was surprise at the amount of damages, but more surprised by the two clients, who were hiding behind my legal skirt, to try to tell me, their attorney, where my money should be spent!  They wanted me to include the fact that 10% would go to the Church for tithes . . . in informed my clients, that was not something the judge should give a rat's ass about, how deadly wrong could I be!  It was all about the Mormon Church, its agenda, the merged agenda of one world order and world bankers, etc.  But I convinced the two financial planners, that we were not going to include that in the complaint
    • then, they wanted me to donate to the Marriott Business School at BYU . . . what, I graduated, in case you didn't notice, from the J. Reuben Clark Law School!  And anyway, I hadn't given a red cent in tithes to the Mormon Church, in twenty years, and I was not about to start NOW!
    • I was going to set up the constitutional law firm from hell, recruiting the best and the brightest, and boy, does that have meaning right now, from all 150 plus law schools, then train them in my interpretation of the Constitution and its application
      • no, Hank tried to talk me into creating that under his brother's non-profit educational organization . . . hell, no, I will do my own, typical Mormon Male attitude . . . I am your goddamn attorney, not your wife!  And even then, it was you who got your dick in this ringer with the government that I am saving, your ass!
        • Priesthood aside!  LOL!  You are about 30 years to late for that bull shit!
    • I guess that just decided, if they couldn't control my money, it was going to be their money, much like the Relief Society, who used to control their own budgets, but were sucked under the men, when the correlation committee took away female Mormon's separate entity from her husband, and the society from the priesthood, CONTROL!
  • Mitt was not on the radar screen until, I won the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, or the deal was cut, after I brutally cremated the government's Litigation Division and two outside law firms!  Originally with a 65 page brief, that I had to reduce by 10,000 words, with the government's elementary, Dick and Jane, primer reader, looking more like a first year law student's attempt at an appeal brief, when they don't know what in the hell they are doing!  
    • I was a legal writing instructor and TA for two years to under class men and women
    • I was also, an argumentation and research professor, in the English department, UVU
    • and had every argument nailed!  enough so, that the FBI ordered the courts, to cancel, at least me doing my own arguments . . . I think Kay Baby, may have done it the hour earlier, after the bribes and deals were cut, thinking I wouldn't recover after the raid on my house, clothes and briefs that were stolen so I had no proof of my work, my family pictures, my certificates, and all Kay needed to be ME . . . lazy ass bitch, jealous fool, jail bait!
  • after May 9, 2011, Brock and Rice lost total interest in the case, the practice of securities, and traveled the world, sporting tans, Hawaiian shirts, and giving Liberty Lectures on cruise ships, or at least that is what Hank was doing, I never saw another client, and did see him for about a year, nor did he take the common interest in the case, even going to the US Supreme Court!
    • oh, I guess he was discussing it with JoAnn II, aka, Kay, the wanna be JoAnn, since 7th grade, the first time she laid eyes on me . . . Hank used to love to chew up the case, discuss, write on the white board, edit, wrangle over wording and length . . . at total nothing, from the night before the alleged or cancelled oral arguments, the deal, the steal took place as only, I purused the case, how ironic!
      • Hank was to meet me for dinner at 6:00 p.m., he must have met Kay, the surrogate for my stellar case that she could never have done in ten billion years . . . she was trained in acting, therefore, like a monkey, she could pull of the oral arguments that were in Hank's opinion, BRILLIANT!
      • Kay probably played her normal, fuck the producer role to get the lead, but I was the producer, the playright, and the leading lady, both were low life losers . . . I didn't need Hank, nor Kay to win, they couldn't do it without me . . . and later, had to pull my ass out of jail, headed to a detention camp forever, but, whoops, JoAnn filed a brief, neither Hank, nor Jay, knew about, and Kay, Shelley and all the KIngs attorneys, couldn't pull out, so we had to go get the touch of the master's hand to finish, but she did it too well, and Judge Waddoups, couldn't win, and I won his arguments, not the AGs, 7 different ways to Sunday!
        • do you seriously think, for one second, that any half wit attorney, couldn't just look at the briefs and tell the level of expertise?  Get REAL!
        • no mysteries here, totally bet on my work to this day!
  • in December, Hank stopped paying me, even stiffed me after 5 briefs, saving the case, and a federal court appearance!  REALLY . . . are you that pussy whipped by Kay, the little girl from the wrong side of the tracks who knew latching onto me, was her only salvation  . . . and that little girl was and is right, but prison time your you bitch!
  • by this time, I was absolutely sure that Hank and Jay had no interest in the case, but to save face, or collect after I won the next level of the game, once remanded to the federal district court . . . but, I wrote in a brief to the U.S. Supreme Court, knowing full well, I was working with the enemy, that deals had been reached, and my part of the payoff, that was forged, was going to Mitt's campaign . . . I had not seen a client, nothing, but a shit load of young, FBI, return missionary looking guys running around the office, with nothing better to do that celebrate birthdays, and collect camgaign donations from grateful financal planners around the country, who took my letting the public know, that Hank hadn't paid me, took that, that the poor man didn't have the funds, so they sent him money from around the nation to fund the litigation and fight, without a dime going to me!
  • Hank and his right hand man, computer guy, can't remember his name, at one point after they rescued me from jail, to cover their sins, of insider trading of attorneys, even stating on docmenents to lead the court to believe that there was a new JoAnn, hired as counsel, right, but this one still did the work! Without pay, of course, they say, that the more money someone gets, the the less likely they are to give . . . but they owed big time!  But seeing the writing on the wall, but not wanting to believe it, that Kay had in fact, been involved or Rachel, Shelley, whoever, while I was jailed, there seemed to be an insider's joke, when I said, we ought to get some press on this, and youngster, can't remember his name to save my soul, looked at Hank and Hank at him, as if, to say, well they did say, the press will come knocking on our door . . . as if I were locked up, arrested, falsely, and jailed, so they could have their press conferences without fear of me finding out.
    • Hank also told me that he had a dream that he got a billion dollars from the case . . . legal fee contributions to help with a case that saved a nation of financial planners . . . no ordinary case!  No ORDINARY ATTORNEY . . . ME, not Kay, normal as the day is boring!
    • he admitted to getting a billion dollars for my case!
  • I promised Jay and Hank, back in December, that I would take Mitt Romney down personally!  And I did . . . sick of writing, trust me on this one, it was worth $118 million to fry the Church, my clients, my family, my ward, my other clients, and the rest of the insider's club, the most rewarding day of my life, first when the Salt Lake Tribune endorsed Obama . . . I was writing to several reporters, sending them info . . . and then where there was shock and silence over the state of Utah, while the rest of the nation celebrated, that corncob up the ass guy!
    • I wrote the Mormon Moment, that took the church 2 months, visits to college campuses, and many people taking their names off the record of the church!
    • I would write Senator Tester's staff, and they would pump my info to the Obama administration
    • I collected email addresses of reporters from large newspapers, Times, Post, Sun Times, etc., and sent my researched info to them as well as my email list
    • I got all my email accounts stolen, Novemember 1, 2012, only to set up a new one, and without any effort, the whole Obama administration, through NSA loyalist, not from Utah, popped up seconds after setting up my new account, valuable stuff, that I heard on the streets, heard at my stealth church attendance, or read about . . . with both President Obama and former President Clinton quoting my lines on national TV!

    • Rewarding indeed . . . cops tried to arrest me at the library IN BOSEMAN, MONTANA, on the way out of town, in Yellowstone, Targee and Tetons . . . but they never got me, I CAME, I RAN, I CONQUERED!

  • I Almost Forgot David Doddridge, P.I. & Jeremy Johnson
    • David Doddridge is the private investigator who got me into the Cheek, Clark and Braun cases in Iron County, he is the connection between Rachel and me, and probably the liar, who set much of this sting operation against me up, the lack luster, middle man, a former LA cop, turned private investigator . . . I met Dave through Rachel, one of his Charlie's Angels, and boob woman to distract the court, for lack of good investigation . . . I have that fucking bitch Shelley on my ass, can't just type . . . covered by those above her, but poor llittle man Dave has not guarantee by government, nor immunity, connected with both Rachel and Shelley, sucked me into the Iron County cases, and I am sure lied about Shelley being me, and Rachel being me, and so forth on the Cheek case . . . and taht is  history, fighting ever word I write
    • Dave hooked me up with Jeremy Johnson, got a hold of me in Montana, fought like hell to get me on the case, that I knew would eventually show up on my door step as the #2 civil right defense in the nation . . . my niece, Margaret Schmidt, a UNLV law graduate, nanny extraordinaire, was working with a law firm who was handling the Johnson case, but the firm got dismissed, and Johnson, decided to represent himself . . . here is another Shelley, Mark Shurtleff, Swallow, connection, with Doddridge too . . . Dave begs me to come back to Utah, to help Johnson with his case, with the Federal Trade Commission, I have him set up a bus ticket to get back to Utah; however, Johnson, only gets it to Salt Lake City, Utah, then leaves me on the streets of Salt Lake, without money, a place to stay, and no plans to get me to St. George . . .
    • Dave informs me that Johnson, had to go to a family reunion in Texas . . . really, Allan, aka, Frank of Inter Pol, hanging with Shelley in my house in Parowan, stealing everything from my identity, going to court, to my Walmart money card, to the Brock case, and all . . . husband included, but I figured, they deserved each other, like is attracted to like . . . I am not like them, not attracted, think they are both pigs, but anxious to get a case better than Hank and Jays, and with national attention and going against old enemies, I come, sight unseen and without purse or script, just come, with Jeremy and no show
      • I think, Johnson was used as bait to get me back in the state, Iron County had taken my truck and had bogus, still do, I presume, warrants out for my arrest, after the sheriffs department took about $20,000 worth my stuff
      • I got to Salt Lake, I believe there was possibly a hit, or a trap, or a bounty, something, because, the first day, I am in Utah, I can't get a hold of David Doddridge, for days, and when I finally do, he tells me Johnson will be out of town for 2 weeks, then what the hell did he bring me down for?
        • A guy named, Sam O'Casey, is walking down the street, and stops to tell me, I don't know what you are doing against the feds, but if you don't stop it, they will put you in prison forever . . . and I said, if the feds are corrupt, I will go after them and he respnded by telling me, than THEY WILL KILL YOU!  
        • Nice!  Not intimidated, not scared, had contacts and had a great time on the streets, but I did feel that there was a hit out on me!  I can't remember the details now, but I remember being followed, some close calls, and possible attempts, plus finding my truck and my new buyers being threatened . . . I believe, that Shelley had been driving my truck and using my license too.
        • But as usual, I have a great time, meeting, most likely undercover cops, that just can't get me . . . because under the U.S. Constitution, I haven't done anything wrong, just pissing off people who want to be ME, or MY SON, or get rid of me, but very much okay, and survive for the two weeks, and finally Johnson gets me on a shuttle, to St. George . . . alleged attorney, Tom Croft, is the broker, and the go between man . . . when Johnson, gets back, he has little interest in doing anything with his case, he checks out my ass, and leaves everything else to Tom and some chick attorney, named Pat!
        • All of us, me, Tom, Jeremy and I figured Pat, who seems not interested either, are suppose to go to court the following Monday in Vegas . . . and I am going to dig in and get this brief done, so I can be prepared for Monday
        • Jeremy, kind of directs me to the website, and tells me to read that, and gives me a few documents . . . the case seems superfalous to my stay, in this 10,000 sq. ft. house, I get about business, like I always do, and in one day, devour all the content he gives me, never speaking to Johnson again, until I catch him with Susan, after meeting Rebecca Newell, who is introduced to me, as his second wife . . . what Susan is number 3, and I am charity case #4?  No Thanks!
        • I get down there on a Thursday, as I recall, read through everything by Friday, and by Friday, night kick out a 16 page, sarcastic kick ass, mean ass brief, making fun of the terminology, common in business, like P.O. Boxes, referred to as drop boxes, as if some kind of illegal exchange, like in drugs, diamonds, or whatever . . . actually, I have a great time, writing and tearing the feds arguments to shreds . . . Jeremy doesn't seem the least bit interested, Tom and Pat, neither . . . deals, bribes, hits, plans, what?
      • Monday court rolls around, and Tom and Jeremy are sneaking out to the car . . . I call Tom and ask what the hell is going on, oh, just Jeremy and I are going . . . you are our secret weapon, not again, Shelley, Kay, Rachel . . . who is getting credit for my brief?  Polygamy . . . really, NO!  I call Kay Lynn Reilly, she gets me and I leave . . . however, I did the work on Johnson''s computer, so I had no copy, and he doesn't pay me, other than the original $500, rally, should have paid about $500 for the time, and time and a half for the inconvenience and travel!
        • I become friends, with Rebecca, and one by one, I help her, do a kick ass job, and she turns, doesn't file, tried to get me in the state, sympathy calls, kids, heart strings, and an area of expertise, but all goes to hell, and she doesn't even file the briefs I write . . . A, B, C, or 1, 2, 3 . . . contact, help, bribe, contact, help, bribe . . . usually getting whatever they want and then a payment of an RV, a car, or whatever, all the while ratting me out, setting me up, and cops showing up all over the place
        • I am out of here, back to Montana, too nice for my own good!  And usually, for Rebecca, and Dallas, son-in-law, on the payroll as well, total change from when he first came, and used to pick me up every Saturday night to stay the night, play with the kids, watch video and hang as a family . . . now, still wants my help, but calls me the beast, for what reason, come from Montana always to HELP!
          • noticed, several times, he was or appeared to be setting me up also, stopped coming to the state!  Too bad, kids love me, Jenny has had to tell Dallas, I am welcome any time, guess he got a fair share to call Shelley mom-in-law, and Greta goes along, until she misses me, or the kids, scream . . . I am worried, that Sarah Schmidt whatever the hell her last name is, Jason is her husband and she lives over by Sue and Kevin Schidt, on Casino Real . . . or something like that, over by Washington fields  . . . you see this is all about the appearance of family, not reality, money and Elliot's music, or my cases, but $$$$$$$, Dallas is a good dad, and cooler, than the Mormon bred and raised, pussy boys of the Church, like Sue's and Kevin's boys, putsy Sam and doopy, Stafford . . . Yuck!  Oh, and I forgot, Sue is the new, or next me, with new hair style, blond, like my last cute style, claiming to be me . . . 
        • I don't think Johnson got the deal, he wanted from the AG's office or the feds, so he copied my style of attacking enemies through social media, and started to go after Swallow . . .  and I was actually his secret weapon, that the AGs office new full well, was a formidable opponent from the Brock case, so I had Jeremy's back, but who in the hell has MINE?
          • with me at his back, Jeremy started to get some traction, with both assistant attorneys, AGs, the litigation division, and outside law firms, having paid to read my cases, financial planners, my Brock case, and cops and prosecutors, my Cheek case
    • Last fall, while on the run, from Kalispell to Missoula, the cop network, Mormon network, or mafia network, always having to pick up and get out of town, but on this particular time, I happened up to the second floor of the library, and saw the headlines of the Salt Lake Tribune, having long forgotten Johnson, Swallow and crew, but read, the FBI was dropping probe against Swallow, that was either late October, or early November, and I said to myself, oh, HELL NO!
      • I contacted reporters from the Trib, made comments, as I recall, sent out emails, particularly to Johnson, who had contacted me, orangecat, or something like that, for an email address . . . get my email addresses taken so often, that I lose me contacts, but I had several good ones, and some legislators, and blasted them off, and was happy to see that Gills and Rawlings were on it!
  • Shortly after than, Swallow resigned, just a week or so, ago, I called again, for Shurtleff to go down, had met some guy, over some holiday, Memorial Day, a U of U grad, from Montana, who said, or we both agreed, shock if these guys don't go down, I wrote my blog, knowing that many people from Salt Lake political circle read it, so I was sure, someone would get it into the right hands!

Curious Securities Attorneys--Jan Graham, Plaintiff's, Brett Tolman, Defense

  • I contacted, Brett Tolman, in August of 2008, about the marijuana grows in Washington, Garfield, and Iron County, cops sporting new cop cars, bike cops, federal agents growing, and no suspects, in discovery, always, 2nd week in August, Harvest Season . . . oh, this is assigned to Rachel, I guess, the Nelson case, in Iron County, qualified her . . . really, this is some from of mafia, you are no longer my daughter, JoAnn, but all your accomplishments since the beginning of time, have been reassigned to your worthy liars, murderer, cheater, fake, fraudulent sisters!  Amazing!
    • Bett took the call serious, I think, 8 cops got caught and fired, but there were no feds, no other of the 13 law enforcement and military entities involved, a token gesture . . . I was glad, but only sacrificial lambs, unless I didn't get the whole scoop!
  • I sent emails, to Tolman for about a year, and then I took the Brock case, and soon after that, Brett quit the U.S. Attorney's Office, and became a securities defense attorney, more money?  I see he is representing Kirk Torgesen, he is going to need one, a good one!  Hi, Brett!

Jan, My Old Boss at the Attorney Generals Office--I Was Hired to be Her Twin--I Was Thin in Those Days, Now, She Must Have Been Alluded to as a Plaintiff's Attorney to Protect all Those Old People from the Likes of Hank and Jay . . . Merely a Publicity Stunt!

  • Jan started her career as an office manager for Ray Quinny, Nebecker, a glorified secretary!
  • I remember someone in my division, going to court for the first time, we were under, Billy Walker, who is over Utah State Bar discipline . . . knows how kick ass I am, recovered, almost a half a million dollars from a personal injury case, took on the defense bar, invited to that section of the bar, so they could crucify me, after, winning, a pit bull attorney, nobody ever thought anyone could win, but I did cross both Billy and a chick from ORS, who I was not sure had a high school diploma, and attorneys had been scared of her for years!  The statute, Billy helped pass in the legislature, clearly said, that we as assistant attorney generals, do not represent the agencies we work with . . . all the attorneys, in the hall, listening to the argument, said, she is right!  I don't think Billy liked me much . . . he is a pretty, straight laced guy, and nobody, but me, questions him and I acted according to statutory construction, plain language, intent and history . . . plain language rules the day, followed by his intent!
    • I probably collected more money in the year, than other attorneys before me did in 8 years!
    • you can't argue with success . . . hubris, or pride is a natural reaction to such a long string of successes!  LOL!  Just the facts, mam'!
  • so this chick in the division, goes to court for the first time, said she did a terrible job, the judge take her back in his chambers, seems to be a sexist type activity in Utah, Nevada, but he told her she did not do a great job, in fact that only attorney, who had ever done a worse job, was her boss!  Jan!
  • I can say what I think, Jan was photogenic, a figure head, but didn't know jack shit what she was doing!  and sure as hell is NO trial attorney, if she has ever stepped foot back in a court room . . . I doubt it!  LOL!
    • she too, wasted tax payer's money, once, we, Me and Jan, I was her chauffeur, and had to drive her and her 15 year old step daughter, at the time, must have been in August, before school, but we had to do a presentation to all the army or military out at Doug Way Proving grounds, outside of Toole . . . but Jan, shows up, one hour late, with this kid, and then, as I am freaking out, about time, schedules and the brass asses and their brass ass wives, waiting for us, she asks me to stop at the McDonald's for breakfast!  What!
    • so to make up for lost time, now an hour and a half, I drive like a lunatic, Jan is holding on to my arm, freaking out herself, while I am nearing 80 mph, trying to save face, and present a dignified AGs office . . . I didn't care what she said, I told her she should not have made us late!
      • there are about 50 brass and wives, with very wilted salads, I am mortified, but they are dignified, I am trying to act like a fly on the wall, blending in, as we bring a new video projector, that neither of us, knows how to work!  This is getting worse by the minute, and people are getting annoyed, Jan is oblivious.
      • she leaves me with the machine that doesn't work, and gives a fucking 5 minute speech, and leaves, with her daughter, being flown home on the tax payer's dime, to take her step kids school shopping!  Scream, leaving me to deal with the pissed of brass, a machine that is a nightmare, and a drive home
      • luckily, I knew the subject better than she did, and was able to pull of the affair in a somewhat dignified manner!  I was pissed as hell, driving home!
  • Jan, who had a new baby, or maybe a three year old by the time I got there, having been pregnant during the campaign, rarely showed her face before about 10:00 a.m. and left about 3:00 p.m. each day . . . I was lucky to get time with her, or approval for something, so I just fucking took over her Safe at Home Programs, and created 7 videos, brochures and kicked off a statewide training, setting up a resource library, a newsletter, for 1800 volunteers, and the morning I am to pull this off, with a packed house, the administration, never thought I could do, at their dime, volunteers that is, was amazing, with a full day of training!
    • my thanks for running 3 statewide programs, 13 staff, with 1800 volunteers, was having former mayor of Salt Lake City, pull me in his office, and thanking me for 6 months of break neck pace, never seeing the time of day, and doing in 6 months what Jan wanted done over the next 5 years, then telling me, now it is Jan's time to shine! 
      • Barbara, a political appointee, who couldn't pull of this program, nor leadership was introduced . . . not me, so this not getting credit for a job, well done, is a 20 year thing for me!  Scream!
  • rightly so, I started to get top billed a speaker over Jan, who normally did a no show, often leaving me with a room of 200 doctors, doing hers, mine and ours, a panel discussion, covering her sorry ass, doing her job . . . any wonder, I didn't want to be AG, I already did Jan's job!  Why the hell do you think all these guys turn on me . . . Amadeus!  Jealousy!  Plain and simple!  Across the board!

Cleaning Up Corruption in Utah is Long Over Due!  This Blog Just Got Hi-Jacked!

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Tuesday, July 15, 2014


It is About Time!  This is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Corruption within the Utah Attorney Generals Office, started before Mark Shurtleff was Attorney General, before the 2000 elections, with a conspiracy deep and wide, not only in the state of Utah, but going to the stop levels of the Mormon Church, back to Washington, D.C., involving the intelligence community, and a presidential candidate . . . and I along with others, have seen it from the get go!  Expand the scope of your mind, looking a the big picture, covering about 20 years of legal history in the state of Utah, involving prosecutors, assistant attorney generals, and cops, local, state, and federal, including CIA, FBI and NSA, crossing continents, involving foreign dignitaries, ambassadors, consulates, and even presidents of countries.

You are dealing with the epicenter of a worldwide church, with tentacles and arms reaching around the globe, with a missionary force of around 60,000, plus secret service, intelligence, military, government agencies, universities, colleges, the music industry, marketing and promotions, legal entities up to and including the United States Supreme Court, and inferior courts, going from top to bottom and bottom to top. Nobody wants to believe that religious leaders, law enforcement leaders, political leaders, at all levels, city councils, county commissions, special service districts, and down to family, friends, clients, and acquaintances were involved in a grand conspiracy of this breadth and width, as unbelievable as it seems, it is true, nonetheless.  Put on your thinking caps, brothers and sisters . . .

Mormons, Mobsters & Men in Black--No State Has This Combination

I am thinking more and more, that the roots of this corruption, comes from the earliest days of the Mormon Church, even starting with the founder, Joseph Smith, the first prophet and founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, don't know if they are worthy of that name, but I will let you be the judge and jury, after laying out the evidence of over 183 years, since the inception of the alleged, only worldwide religion, that is truly an American Church.  But one must look beyond the shiny shield of religion, dig deeper, darker, more sinister, to the climate and conditions the Church was created, with heavy connections with free-masonary . . . the highest level of the Masonic Order is a 33rd degree mason, Joseph Smith was that. 

I know this is going to be a stretch, but I had written in the last few weeks about, the fact that the Illuminati, starting in 1776, by 13 families in Italy, either entirely coincidental or on purpose in reaction to the American Colonies, declaring independence from Britain, the exact same year, in 1776.  Now the colonies had been around for a century and a half, starting with the landing of the Pilgrims, in America, on the Mayflower, somewhere around 1620.  That is a substantial amount of time, for many of the ancient order of the old world, in Europe to come and establish roots in America, like the Masons, Knights Templar, and others, with loyalties to European countries, with eyes on the riches, the land, the resources, and the political minds of the new settlers.

The Mormon Church was established, somewhere around 1831, with Mormon Prophet, Joseph Smith, an amazing man, in and of himself, allegedly receiving the heavenly visitation, leading to him believing that none of the current churches of the day, were right, completely . . . and most of them had roots in Europe.  As I have said, in previous blogs, there were two Americas developing, simultaneously, with each other; however, with very different goals, objectives, and rules of law, followed by members, secret initiatives, and modern day temple goers, often at odds with the United States Constitution, which can clearly be seen in the practice and doctrine of taking more than one wife, or polygamy!

Mormons are encouraged to follow the laws of the land, follow presidents, kings, and leaders; however, history will manifest the fact that, when the Mormon beliefs conflict with the basic tenants and principles of the Constitution, the paths split, with loyalty to the Church doctrines, philosophies, and ideologies, often making it appear, that Mormons think they are above the law, and they have been, as seen in the case of Attorney Generals, Mark Shurtleff and John Swallow, the epitome of both Utah, Mormon, born, raised and bred, with all that entails, including the attitude, that they are following a higher law, or the law of the Church, or God's law.

Mormons, The Perfect FBI, CIA, and NSA Agents

You have a group of clean cut, basically morally clean, non-smokers, drinkers and druggies.  They serve two year missions, in foreign lands, with the elders and sister missionaries learning the languages of the earth, and are often put in contact with dignitaries and leaders of countries.  They learn leadership skills, techniques, and salesmanship styles that are sought out by business, government, military and intelligence communities, at a higher than national representation of other religions and creeds.  I believe the Mormon population, like the Jewish population, in America is roughly 1% of the population, with a 70% in intelligence work, and I would venture a guess in the other areas as well.

In addition to that, they are raised to totally follow authority figures, like the prophet and their bishops, stake presidents and other church leaders without question . . . when the prophet speaks, the debate if over, for most Mormons, no questions ask!  This early training, lends well to working for the government, following your up line, carrying out orders, assignments, and missions, with, almost blind obedience, regardless of the legality or the constitutionality of the orders.  Two Mormon attorneys, were the ones who drafted the Bush torture and water boarding policies, that were to be followed at Guantanamo Bay and other FBI and CIA run facilities.

With this high level of representation, and connection with the Mormon Church, there is a dangerously wide open window, for these government connected entities, to promote a Mormon Agenda, rather than an American Agenda, which is scary, opens the door, for protection, cover-ups, corruption, that would not be available to other groups of people, not only in Utah, but in the world at large, with a general consensus that Mormons are honest, true, devoted, American loving citizens . . . but should we be so quick to assume that?  I don't think so, and for damn good reason . . .

Mormons & Mobsters

This is not only a movie that came out some years ago, but a connection that is often overlooked, by both law enforcement and prosecutors, that is a huge oversight.  If, Mormons, are high up in the intelligence world, especially in the FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, dealing with crimes within the borders of the United States, and they investigate mobsters, who turn states evidence against other mobsters, the witnesses are put into the witness protection program, protected, relocated, and given new identities, with many of those mobsters, ending up in Utah, often taking cover in the Mormon Church, with all that brings by way of friendship, fellowship, and freedom, to pick up and carry on their practices of illegal and patterns of criminal activities, and many times without much suspicion.

Another strong connection with Mormons and mobsters, comes through the back door of Las Vegas, with early settlers, being sent to colonize or settle the Las Vegas region, along with settling the entire western part of the United States.  If you drive down the streets of Vegas, you will see, many of the same good old Mormon names, that you find in St. George, Utah, only an hour and a half from Sin City!  I have a friend, who is Italian, who was married first to a kid from a mob family in Las Vegas, and also with a family very influential in the area, when it was small, like St. George in now, with family members of boards, city councils, and government agencies.  After her divorce, she married a Mormon, who is related to what he calls the Brass Asses, or the 6 or 7 men, statues, standing in a circle, at a government building in the City of Washington, near St. George.

I asked her once, what the relationship between Mormons and mobsters was; she crossed her fingers, indicating tight, connected and locked into one another.  We had a former deputy sheriff, Rob Tersini, an Italian Mormon, or at least he wore the next best sign, next to a white shirt with visible Mormon temple garments on, and that is the CTR rings, that active Mormons wear, standing for Choose The Right. Another interesting fact that is connected with the sheriff's department in Washington County, is that the former sheriff, I think if was Sheriff Smith, was fired for corruption, from the Las Vegas Sheriff Department, and was sheriff in the county for 27 years, running unopposed!  That should tell someone something about the level of acceptance or tolerance for corruption, in southern Utah, and Utah in general.

Pioneer families can literally get away with murder, and there is this sort of wink, wink, nod, nod . . . we are all Mormons here, so . . . people turn a blind eye to corruption, if the person goes to church on Sunday, or seen in religious circles, there is an inner circle understanding, that there are just things we can and cannot talk about, and you need to be smart enough to know the difference, to survive, you better know the difference . . . Shurtleff and Swallow, surely were chosen sons of both Utah and Mormons, I know personally, that Mark was a Boy Scout, got his Duty to God Award, one of the signs of a true Mormon boy, the pride and joy of family, ward, and church alike, must have worked for AG too.  I would not be his campaign director, because he cried about his boy scout years at the first precinct meeting I attended, while deciding to help him with his campaign . . . glad I didn't!

The Utah/Mormon Climate is Ripe for Corruption

In the added scripture of the Mormons, the Book of Mormon, there is a description of the pride of the world, a warning about the riches, the positions, the respect of man, rather than the love of God.  There is cycle of civilizations, that is referenced in the book of scripture, that only Mormons have; therefore, it is written for them, the people who wrote the plates, the scriptures were written on, never got copies, but Mormons did.  The average civilization last basically 200 years, before, pride, prosperity, and corruption destroys the very fabric of the society.  The Mormon Church, is approaching that landmark of 200 years, in about 15 years!

The two Mormon boys, Shurtleff and Swallow, just sped up the process.  There is also, Mormon prophecy and folklore that says that the Church will go into a state of apostasy, and there will be a great cleansing in the Church, starting with Salt Lake City, Utah . . . I think we are there!  With this foundation laid for prosecutors and investigators as they go through, all the ins and outs of this, they must also, keep national connections in mind, like Senator Hatch, Harry Reid, and Mitt Romney . . . and others!  I think you will find a broad net, needs to be cast out into the sea of men, government, and power, to get to the bottom of the culture that would foster, protect, and cover these two, that you will find, are much worse than you ever would imagine.

And I am talking, starting before Mark Shurtleff was even attorney general . . . with intersections to me, Republican leaders, law enforcement entities, federal agencies with Mormon connections, state and local, like the Utah Medical Association, that I was working with, when being recruited to run for attorney general, the background of legal activities I was involved in with asset forfeiture and investigation of doctors, fraud units, firings, and unlawful activities, like attempted murder . . . of course, disguised as a terminal brain injury, to access to my son's music, to the Brock securities case, taking of houses, law practices, vehicles, furniture, as per direction of the boys up north . . . to the offer of bribes or help, with investigation, in securities cases, to all the schemes and corrupt accusations of this day of arrest, and far beyond.

Other Key People Are Involved

Back in the early days of my years as an assistant attorney general, there were about 30 attorneys, who kind of ran things, and progressed out into other branches of the law, to judge ships, top legal attorneys, on both sides of the criminal and civil system, the bar association, the courts, and such, that all connect up, with Shurtleff, as a big time king pin, anointed by law enforcement, followed by his self appointing of his successor, Swallow . . . the inner circle of a ring of corruption that goes to the top of Church and government . . . Governor Herbert, a sad day for Utah, really, I think it is a great day, for Utah, we are finally getting the guilty, and it is only the start! 

I am starting at the point, I as an insider, in the sanctums of the attorney generals office from 1994 to the present day, knowing key people, background, insider trading, bribes, promotion in exchange for favors, bribes of federal judges, my clients, assistant attorneys dealing with other issues, but connected to securities cases.  I will just list a group of suspects, that are buried knee deep in the corruption, that permeates Utah or did, back in the day, laying the foundations and conceptual framework for what is finally coming to surface in the arrests today: 
  • President Monson, Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Jesus Christ, or Mormon, his grand-daughter, Kelly Ann Booth, attorney, who stole the Cheek et al v. Garrett et al case, $56.7M
  • Mitt Romney, Presidential Candidate and recipient of my contingency fees of $118M, with Brock & Associates, being a front for a political campaign and contribution headquarters!
  • John Doe, CIA, FBI and NSA--over 70% representation, covered, up and down
  • Senator Orrin Hatch, directing the federal level, on identity fraud, orchestrating activities between Washington, D.C. and Utah, sabotage of write in campaign for U.S. Senate, and much more
  • Senator Harry Reid, (Mormon) involved in the Federal Trade Commission case with Jeremy Johnson
  • Governor Mike Leavitt, former federal director of Health and Human Services, roots in Iron County
  • Bush's Drug Czar, former Iron County Attorney, Scott Burns, on Utah Prosecution Council
  • Francine Gianni, former director of the Governor's Consumer Protection, then Department of Commerce--attorneys and investigators, also named defendants working in the Division of Securities
  • Tracey Gunnarson, former assistant attorney general, representing real estate division, now, new director of Department of Commerce
  • Governor Gary Herbert, named defendant in Brock et al v. Herbert et al, $357M 
  • Assistant Attorney General, Thom Roberts, counsel for the Governor, involved in several cases of ?
  • Henry S. Brock and Jay Rice, plaintiffs in the securities case, that I was offered help with, eventually succumbed to bribes, deals, and doing it behind their attorney's back, or with a proxy attorney, without permission and knowledge, new JoAnn S. Secrist
  • U.S. Federal District Judges: Ted Stewart, Tena Campbell, and Clark Waddoups--other federal court employees, involved in the theft, deal, and termination of cases, including identity theft of attorney on two multi-million cases; Amy, IT personnel, tampering with e-filing accounts, even with picture ID on cases, allowed, non-attorneys, and false attorneys, to sign deals, settlements on cases, worth up to $200 million worth of contingency fees, or a 1/3 
  • Utah National Guard, Utah Draper Prison, Iron County Sheriff's Department, Utah State Bar Association, Utah Medical Association--Directors Leon Sorenson, and Val Bateman . . . poisoning and fraudulent misrepresentation of who fought the good fight, who was general counsel . . .
  • Dr. Taj Becker and Adolf Becker, misrepresented general counsel, and who the attorney was, lied and said, Rachel Hickey, or Kay Burningham, JoAnn S. Secrist
  • Tim Lawson, Shurtleff's henchman, candidate for governor when Shurtleff ran . . . contacted me, as he did other securities entities, only I was suing them, and didn't need anything but the U.S. and Utah Constitutions, and was puzzled by what exactly was going on . . .wanted to get me to his house in Orem, Utah, promises of steak, lobster, and help with my securities case, different from other securities cases, I was suing them, he and Shurtelff were the ones who needed help, guess he was going to offer me a bribe to drop the case, often contacted me about settlements, behind attorneys on the cases backs . . . the reverse of what Shurtleff and crew did behind my back
  • Kirk Torgensen, Chief Deputy, and the behind the scenes director of law enforcement harassment, intimidation, and threats, during final days before the deals with both the Brock case and the Cheek et al v. Garrett et al, case in Iron County, including county attorney, Scott Garrett, and other, for $56.7M
  • Billy Walker, former boss at the Health Division of Utah Attorney Generals Office, current attorney over bar discipline, burying her shitty work, and putting it under my name and going after me . . . Utah State Bar, team player in exchanging attorneys, dropping charges of practicing law without a license, against sister, Shelley Yeman, Southwick
  • Reed Richards, former Chief Deputy, under Jan Graham, Utah Attorney General, later, director of Sheriff's Association, key positions for taking me out, putting Mark Shurtleff in as attorney general, knowing full well, that I would have won, if I had run, poisoned me, took me out of the race!  Cops were not going to let me be their boss!
  • Jan Graham, might have some culpability in the securities transaction, she was AG, when Shelley ratted out her former boss, Alan Wolfson, and David Yeman, her husband, or estranged husband, cutting deals with Mark Griffin, former director of the Division of Securities . . . friendships, that spilled over to the deal and steal of the Brock case . . . once I filed the case, all of the sudden, Jan was allegedly representing plaintiffs against financial planner defendants, in civil cases, there is something more there than meets the eyes, Jan had never been to court, was first a law firm manager, then AG, and I believe a Judge in Salt Lake, told a friend of mine, after her first day in court, that the only person who had done worse in court, was her boss, Jan!  Court?  Sister Shelley, chaired the Children's Justice Center in Cache Valley, after I was poisoned . . . connections all over the place! 
  • Mark Nash, former boss, Utah Prosecution Counsel, gave him a copy of lawsuit against Iron county attorney, Scott Garrett, took actions . . . I was targeted, truck tampered with, attempted homicide--insider track to cop and judge associations, plus legislators
  • David Clark, former Speaker of the Utah House of Representatives, orchestrated unconstitutional removal of section in the Utah Constitution, dealing with polygamy being forbidden forever!
  • Michael Waddoups, former President of the Utah Senate, involved in harassment of Karen Mayne, over committees at the Utah Legislature, and also brother of Judge Clark Waddoups, who just up and terminated the Brock securities case, without cause after being order by the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals to finish the case . . . tried to say, not federal jurisdiction but state . . . bull shit, it was filed under federal statutes, 1983 civil rights suit!
  • FBI showed up, several times, to pull court IT personnel out of the building when I was trying to check on what happened to my e-filing account, that had fraudulently been taken by Shelley Yeman, after someone from within the NSA or CIA, switched my computer, or made it impossible for me to access my e-filing account, making me go through, Shelley's computer, to file!  Amy at federal court facilitated theft of ID and e-filing, worth a billion, with financial planners sending money to Brock!
  • Richard Glenn Southwick and Helen Janeen Chamberlain Soutwick, and all other 7 children, including Kay Burningham, my replacement as the second child, married to Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart
  • Elder Steven Snow, of the Mormon Church, area supervisors, or general authorities, Morning Side Park Ward
  • Mayor McCarthey of St. George; Shawn Guzman, former St. George, City Attorney
  • All clients of mine, in Washington, Iron, Salt Lake, Cache Counties, Colorado, and son-in-law, Dallas Hyland . . . etc.  Both criminal and civil cases

Let the Utah Cleansing Begin!


Farm Aid--New program a dose of fresh air for the elderly, people with disabilities . . . why I love this place!

A great program, Maarten Fischer developed through A Plus Health Care, after working on similar programs in the Netherlands and saw how successful they were, so he set up a similar program in northwest Montana, and the programs took off.  I for one can tell you, I dread the day that I would ever be put in a nursing home, a needed and necessary evil.  I know my 83 year old mother, is a gardener, and still maintains a beautiful yard, spending several hours a day in her back yard, tending to flowers, scrubs, digging in the dirt. In fact, my father who is the same age, wants to have his body dumped down a mine shaft, when he dies, and my mother, doesn't want a coffin, because she can't imagine being stuck in a box, and not being able to get her fingers in the soil!

So, when I heard about this program, in the Daily Inter Lake Newspaper, NW Montana Section, A3, Saturday, July 12, 2014, I was thrilled to see that local churches have teamed with local farms to get people who are home bound, elderly or struggling with dementia and other challenges, can get out into the farms, and work in gardens, pet farm animals, and dig in the dirt.  Now, I don't know about you, but Montanans are outdoor loving people, 1 in 5 now days, work either on farms or ranches, and I bet that back in the day, these seniors had vocations at even higher numbers, on ranches and farms, so even more pressing love and passion for the agrarian lifestyle, longing for the familiar and the loved of their pasts.

Gardening is the world's number one hobby, why, because it is so good for the soul, mental health, getting vitamins and minerals from the ground, the vegetables and fruits that come from farms, and getting our hands in the rich black soil and dirt of Montana.  What a wonderful program . . . this is not free farm labor, but a labor of Christian love and sharing, that Montana is so well known for, how totally awesome.  And they say, you can tell the nature of the nation by the way they treat the elderly and children, which rolls us right into the next absolutely amazing activity that this community does for their special needs children who want to play on a baseball team and mingle with friends, families and community members, just like other kids in the world.

Miracle League Baseball

My nature loving, music freak, and hiking buddy, John Bagby, hates, literally hates, sports, because his father pushed him to participate, when he was small, still only stands 5'4" now, at age 41, and with a brother who is an ESPN sports announcer for the Montana Griz or the University of Montana, in Missoula, the sibling rivalry hurts even more . . . bad memories, as a geek in the sports nut family.  However, when I told him about the Kalispell Miracle League Baseball, his ears immediately perked up and he said, that sounds like something I wouldn't even mind, getting involved with.

John, may not be a sports guru, but he is a strong Christian, who practices what he believes.  His father might have ruined him for ever loving sports, but his mother, a principle for a parochial school, Catholic, in Billings, along with the Nuns, taught him a deep understanding of the love of Christ, or pure charity.  I was not surprised, that even in an area of life, he detests, his soul, would love to work with kids, that are sports challenged, maybe mending and healing some of his own issues.

My friend has never been married, nor had kids, and I keep telling him, he needs that experience.  And as a guy with short man syndrome, I call the Napoleon Complex, he needs a wife and kids, and that will cure any one's focus on themselves.  Plus, from what I read from the article, he might come closer to meeting the type of woman his mother is . . . coaching him out of a good/bad relationship with a girl, his parents tried tow warn him about . . . but as most children, they don't listen and need to learn for themselves.  And he did!

To read about the full league, it was in the newspaper, the same day as the above article, but was a front page story, entitled, A Level Playing Field.  The article and the league is interesting and inspiring, Kidsports President, is Dan Johns . . . if you have a child that wants to get involved, or you live in a city that would like more information, he is your contact guy.

Exchange of Nations--For a Better World

I have a special connection to the Netherlands, through the family members.  First my, husband, and the father of my four children, Richard Clifton Secrist, went on a Mormon mission, to the Netherlands or Holland.  The two years he spent among the people of Holland, and the experiences he had shaped his life, he was so impressed with the system of dikes that held back the ocean waters, to give the country more land, and also inspired by the cities and towns, that he came back to the United States and got his degrees in geography and urban development, and became a city planner, to this day, in Mesquite, Nevada, and formerly of Ogden and Provo, Utah.

When our first daughter, Greta was born, I wanted to name her a Dutch name . . . she is called Gretchen, Gretel, and every version of closely related names, because it is not a common name.  I only know of one other Greta, and that is movie star, Greta Garbo, of another generation of time, and had nothing to do with the naming of our daughter; however, I think Garbo is beautiful and so is Greta, movie star material, for sure! Greta was a little prima ballerina, as a child, and she performed at the Weber State College/University performing arts building, where I attended many a communications class, and the outfit, she wore was a dutch skirt and blouse, with tulips on the skirt, if I can remember . . . family pictures have long been stolen or claimed, destroyed, or disappeared, when state battering systems, staked their claims on even my personal family pictures!

Craig Secrist, a nephew and his girlfriend, several summers ago, went to Holland to learn to farm.  They probably went to one of the farms that the Kalispell program director went to, to learn different methods of farming.  And I would guess that Craig, was influenced by my first husband, and his uncle.  I am not sure what Craig has come home to do, but, I am sure the experience in the Netherlands will have a lasting affect on his life, as it did on his uncle's life.  Thank you Holland, you blessed my families life!

Other than the big, Dutch clogs or shoes, with painted tulips, and windmills on them, that were on display in every home we ever had, Zeke, as I call him, learned another valuable lesson on families from the Dutch.  As a Mormon missionary, visiting with Dutch families, he would present the Mormon, family night idea, of spending one night a week, devoted entirely to the family.  The Dutch, just shook their heads, and said, only Americans would be crazy enough to have to set aside a night for their families . . . every night is family night in Holland!  The families would often side around and have a glass of wine, play chess, and other board games, play musical instruments, or enjoy music together, or just watch TV.

Mormons, often have to set aside a night a week for families and a date night for couples, because the church has you so busy, going to meetings with the kids, going in one direction, husband another, and the wife too, that they have little time to spend with each other!  In fact, I would attribute much of my divorce from my children's father, to the Mormon Church schedule and demands, that, to me, now, are ridiculous . . . a million and one things to do to get into Heaven, void of grace . . . much simpler now!  And the extra time, frees you up to do things like Farm Aid and Miracle League Baseball!  

The Strength of Nations

Every nation on the planet, has something of value to give to other nations, either traditions, cultural, educational, thoughts, ideas, programs, and what not . . . so, why don't we share, care, and help, bring about a fucking wonderful world, filled with great ideas and contributions.  Books like Taoism, Koran, Torah, the Art of War, adapted, not to the battlefield, but to business, relationships, and about every area of life, knowledge and ideas from the Greeks and the Romans, etc. . . . thank you for your brilliant scholars that have not only helped me in life's struggles, but enlightened me and challenged me to be a better person, with a broad vision of life, interaction, the world.

This is such an amazing a beautiful world, in all its pain and misery, that we ought to do more to change things, and we have the power, knowledge, tools, energy, and talent to do it.  We can make peace happen! The day of the fighting man, fighting nation, imperialists, treasure hunters, exploiters, slave traders, human body traffickers, needs to end, and be replaced by a world of plenty for everyone, not just the wealthy nations . . . there are enough world resources for all of us, for all to prosper, to enjoy freedom and liberty.

The journey of the world civilizations is absolutely incredible, with growth in technology, industry, ingenuity, space travel, ocean exploration, that think what we could accomplish and do for mankind, if we worked together, pooling all the brain power of man, woman and child, to pull of something truly awesome, rather than racing toward the total destruction of humanity!  I just don't get it . . . why?

Monday, July 14, 2014


The tragedy is not that things are broken.  The tragedy is that they are not mended again.  Alan Paton, South African Author (1903-1988)

The Power of a First Impression--You Can Never Make A Second, First Impression!

I got the phrase, I came, I ran, I conquered, off the back of a t-shirt, some kid, going into the Kalispell City Library, was wearing, and I thought, that is basically, the story of my life since coming to Montana, as of somewhere around March to April, of 2012, just months after I got swore in to the United States Supreme Court bar, January 23, 2012, and on the second visit to Montana, having felt inspired, if not driven in life's course, to come to Montana, combined with concurring events taking place, almost simultaneously in Utah. 

However, as good endeavors, were accomplished, starting with the medical marijuana, water compact, testifying on issues from wild horses and burros, to helping people in the law, with issues of guardianship's and conservatorships, a dark shadow of the shadow cruiser, dropping in place after place, taking credit, one by one for any good, I had done in the state, and using people, churches, politicians, clients, friends, to state, that I was other than me . . . as I started this blog, God, as my Intel Specialist, put a movie on my screen, with a picture that looked like on of my doubles, Kay Burningham, who either predated me, as a romantic interest, with my third husband, or took my place, my name, my resume, my children, my cases, and basically stole my identity with the help of government, mafia, family, church, or the combination of such.

And a woman rolled into the second floor, off the elevator, handicapped and in a wheelchair, with blond hair, a shirt that is symbolic of me, known, only to me and my Intel Man, indicating that this crew of criminals, who gain easy virtue, access, and promote themselves or their band of chickettes, who play me, like actresses in a movie, play, or show, continue to pull of this charade, of mistaken identity, and even people who know me, seem to have no qualms of perpetrating a lie.  Or perhaps, it is harder than I think to identify someone, even when, traditionally, a man's eyes will land on a woman's chest first, face after, and can't tell the difference between a size 44 DDD and a handful, or a platinum blond, and a natural, or a brunette or black haired woman, and a blond, a large or tall woman and a shorter woman, or and average height and either a tall or a small size . . . but, giving the benefit of the doubt, let's assume, they just could't remember what I looked like . . . if not, my bad ass con law chick attitude, should have tipped them off!

While I was the one who originally made the first appearance, the frauds, moved in shortly thereafter, with an easy switch.  Just the other day, while riding on the bus, an old bus driver, Alan, who is currently working in the office, but was one of the first drivers, I met, substituted for Sam, and I didn't recognize him after less than a year, being a driver when I jumped on the, in my mind, free bus, when I saw four cop cars, cruising through the Walmart parking lot, where my car was parked, and I was out of gas, after first being driven out of Kalispell and Whitefish by cops, on earlier visits, due to cop networks, and a hatred for me taking on cops, the getting involve in the medical marijuana issue, an apparent false flag attack on the freeway, outside of Hamilton, and a claim that I was dead . . . the substitutes started to roll into Montana, wherever, doing whatever, and taking credit, either through negligence, people being bot, political differences, or whatever would motivate a lie, of this nature, even after, being the one to help the state, interpret laws, save the state money, coaching, training, and doing constitutional and legal analysis for entities, like legislators, and other politicians, and doing it all free of charge.

I have a long history, of doing above average things, in fields I work in, and getting awards, honors, accolades, that I never even showed up to the awards ceremonies for the recognition, or give minor players, the chance to take my place or fill a spot, that belonged to me, as the main mover and shaker, because I had other things to do, so I had no idea, that leaving Utah, where this had already happened, would follow me to Montana, and go from lawsuits, to legislation, presentations, cases, and my blog!  As a do, like good Marines are trained to do, adjust, they just have no problem, taking the next area that I thrive in.

My Barn, My Rules

Perhaps, my Intel Guy, just answered my own question, my friend, Scott, that I know from Cross Fire Church, but kicked out, just walked in, wearing a t-shirt with that saying on it.  And I wondered if that meant, that I am in Montana, who will go by their rules, their preferences, and their politics, much like Utah did, preferring the Hollywood versions of me, even though, these women, are just not that hot, or don't have histories, to back that up, but, the almighty cocks, decided, they just liked these women better than myself . . . two cop cars are just creeping down the back alleys . . . Scott has ratted me out before . . . not breaking laws, just exposing the bull shit, better run again!

I always, always, error on the side of safety!  Who knows where this band of dirty cops, dirty CIA, mafia, family paid hit men and women, will take me, or what they will do with me, when they get me . . . I just don't give them a chance to find out.  Really, to only way to prove to you that I am right, is to be killed, and I am just not willing to go there, so I run . . . I came, I ran, I conquered . . . it is amazing what a small change will do!  I saw one of the bus drivers, Sam, on the wrong road today, over by the Cattleman's Bar, and wondered if that was a sign, that I was to stay off the buses today, bad karma, and I ran into Sam, when I went to get a Diet Coke, he seemed pissed off, remember, he had switched shifts, with Alan, and I was a bit surprised on Friday, Sam normally has the day off, but opts to drive, so I thought something is up.
I waved at Sam, just across the street from the library, while I finished the Diet Coke I bought, minutes earlier, when I ran into Sam, all most likely on the payroll, of Fat Jack, and enemy crew, he has called the cops or alerted them that I was on the bus before, so . . . no surprises here!  There are territories, and certain rats cover each area, money talks, the Money Code is what drives these people, and if they want to say, Rachel is me, or Shelley, or Kay . . . their barn, their rules, the Kalispell Liars, Pod Squad, the usual suspects, use cops, sporting new white cop cars, and given in this game, launder the awards, through grants, cars, scholarships, foundations, donations, all tax free!

The Pledge

I pledge allegiance to the Cock, of the United Anthony Wiener Club of America, and to the Penis for which we stand, one rogue nation, under pussy, with tyranny and injustice for all! 

With continual thanks to the YouTube Gods, who electronically read my blog, and kick up great movies and music, that reflect, just what subjects, and topics or issues, I have just written on, egging me on to write, more blogs, dealing with asinine clown ass bull shit, like the two movies, listed in the post title, dealing with the alleged of America and British best, military men and women . . . that so perfectly demonstrate some of the points I want to make, and give me actual true life stories of criminal investigations, and cases, that rocked the nation, with their shock value!

The Officer and the Murderer

These are true stories, and really, fact is stranger than fiction, the officer, at issue, don't remember his name, had just been commissioned, a commander over a military base in Canada, under the Crown, of Britain, glad to see that you have your General Betray Us too!  This guy was a sick puppy, but from all intents and purposes, was an upstanding military man, relatively handsome, in fact the quote at the beginning of this blog, was written by an Alan Paton, we all know who General Paton was, involved in the efforts in Russia, stopping Hitler's troops, and saving the allied forces . . . my fourth husband, the substitute for Allan Rex Bess, my real client who was killed a doubled, by Frank of Inter Pol or Paton for this special op called steal, kill and destroy, JoAnn S. Secrist!

Why, to protect $700 plus, million worth of cases against, Homeland Security, Department of Justice, CIA, FBI, securities entities, state and federal, National Guard, California and Utah Prison systems, Iron County, Nevada, and so forth and so on . . . brought in specialist from NORAD, Delta Forces, not Marines, but Intel!  Allan Paton Bess, took over the troops, of local cops, local attorneys, and judges, threatened to either lie, side with them, or die . . . not much of a choice!  I am much more understanding that the liars would think, money is just not a big deal to me, but my fucking name and identity is, plus, if I decide to help Montana, and others, I don't need credit, but I sure has hell, don't want my enemies to get the credit!  And then use money and people against me!

Back to the movie, this British bad boy, was into originally, looking up women in his community, or under his command, and first, taking their bras and underwear, then it escalated to breaking in and tying women up, making them change underwear, pose and take pictures, blind folded and gagged, then releasing them.  And then that was not a challenge enough, and it got amped up to underwear thrills and murder!  Another interesting Intel from my guy, the first woman this base commander or general killed, was a woman under his command, a pilot, who refused his sexual advances, and request for French lessons, access to her, and that triggered the murder . . . 

The victim's last name, was Comeau, in my symbolic tax code brain, that my Intel guy who reads my brain, like someone who has been feeding me signs, symbols and protecting me for 14 years, knows that the last name of the woman killed, was a sign to me, that assassin, Chink Chick, one of the China Dolls, who had been riding the bus, talked to me, and has disappeared since, that I became aware of by a movie called China Dolls, really did come @ U, after I retreated twice!  And her intent was to kill, and may have been directed by Allan aka Frank of Inter Pol aka Paton, who was rejected by me, not only sexually, but as a husband . . . and has been trying to kill me for 2 and a half years, using the state battering systems to abuse, intimidate, threaten, chase, and approved or sanctioned attempted homicide!

Love's Deadly Triangle--Don't Flatter Yourselves, Brett & Kay!

In this movie, you have a young hot to trot couple, with the girl, delaying her boyfriend, encouraging them to wait for sex, until they are married.  He, like most high school guys, athletes, with a bright future in the military, good looking, and whatever, convinces her to give up her virginity to him, and within several days, he convinces another chick to give up hers!  Get real girls!  The second girl, asks the guy, outright, if he has a girlfriend, and says, she does not sleep with other girls, guys . . . has always been my code!  One chick, the first one, and the guy, had already gotten sort of engaged, and when he tells, the dark haired chick, that he slept with the blond, she says, the only way to fix this, her devastation of losing her virginity to this fucker, was to murder the blond . . . a little close to home, only throw 4 great kids in the mix, and few billion dollars, great resume and cases, for the loser attorney, 15 years head start, and you are getting the picture, a set up from the first, or ID Network stars, Couples that Kill!

The murder is originally blamed on a kid named Brian, my son, Elliot, bass guitarist for God's Revolver, has an uncle named, Brian, so this character and his part in the movie, also took on significance . . . and I just saw a book next to me, down in the kids section of the library, where I ditched to, I used to leave the state, but now, I do less drastic and costly hiding, but genius guitarist, is someone, like the book, entitled OUR SUN OR SON, whom Kay and Brett want to claim as theirs, replacing their loser kids, has a crush on the murdered girl, and between meds (Elliot not on) and alcohol (whiskey . . . wild work out in band, and shots of whiskey), can't remember if he called the victim on Sunday night.  So, the cops, much, like I believe happened, in the framing of my son, to get him to release his music to the modern day, Bonnie and Clyde, who stole, set up the fake band, and promoted, GOD'S REVOLVER MUSIC, AROUND THE GLOBE, did this to my son, set him up on a murder!

And the Fucking Cops, FBI, Just Can't Figure Out, that Simple DNA Testing Would Determine Both Maternity and Paternity!  Cops are Part of the Problem, Neither of Those Fuckers Even Look Like Elliot, but They Sure As Hell Could Pass For Isaac's Parents!

Kay suffers from male pattern baldness and so does baby Isaac!  I guess we are just so fucking unsophisticated and backwards, that we just can't test DNA, and stop crimes that have spanned at least 14 years, and have netted the crime syndicates, billions of dollars!  Just like the alleged, All American Couple, murderer and his girlfriend, fiance, both go into the military, to achieve their highest potential . . . at least the young couple, unlike Kay and Brett, really do, on their own merits, go to the Air Force Academy and Annapolis!  To reach my full potential, Brett and the Wiener Club of America, came up with some fucked up game, that they decided that Kay earned being ME!

Kay Burningham Brown Buttars Stuart/Stewart, may have been smarter in high school, but by the time I figured out the brain game, and my claim to fame, she couldn't hold a candle to me, which brought about the BAD BLOOD between us, or in her mind, plus, me dumping Brett's sorry excuse for a husband's fucking ass, after a weekend with Kay . . . they planned!  You see, before I got PIX, Kay was fired by her boss/partner attorney, who at the time, was my boyfriend, she begged me to meet, and go out with, so she could get a job with him, after her second husband, David Buttars, dumped her sorry, lazy ass, for a Molly Mormon, who had a black lesbian lover!  LOL!

Top of the line, gentleman's club, un-extraordinaire!  I dumped all of your sorry ass, CIA, FBI, Mormon, alleged elite, this was payback, but the girls, you picked, were all canned by their spouses, boyfriends, lovers, and husbands . . . hell, Shelley's, second husband, David Yeman, at their engagement lunch, slipped his knees, between my legs under the table!  I never told Shelley, so as not to hurt her, for she was allegedly carrying his baby . . . and he dumped her when she wasn't, I can't remember which mutt that child came from!

Eventually, the Murdering Cadets, Get Caught!  Just As These Guys Should Have!

The girlfriend, tied in murdered and knee deep in blood, finally, tells some roommates about the murder, and were girls who took the military code of honor very serious, and turned the girl in, and finally, the guy was caught, when friend was interviewed by the cops, who, unlike the ones, that I am aware of, have done in this case, refuse to give up, until the murdering couple is caught!  

There is one scene, that is hauntingly disgusting . . . this good looking, Kay and Brett, not close, look wise, but this attractive couple, other than the murder, were excellent young adults, pose for a couple's picture, just before she is ordered to return to her home town, to face the fire, and the couple, both dressed up their individual military uniforms, and striking couple, standing in front of the American Flag, made me think, of Brett marrying me, to sub in Kay, as the constitutional law attorney, who had done many great things to further the American cause . . . but, my antics were against cops; therefore, they decided, or were bot, and lied, many knowing me, and said, that Kay, as Me, and that my son's music was Isaac's, now they want to claim my son, Elliot, as theirs, the ones who framed him, stole his music, that was copyrighted, and pulled off the heist of the century, easily, because all levels of cops, were in on the fraud! 

Standard for Choice, Was Not Smart v. Dumb, but Fat v. Thin!  I, as a Cop, Would Rather be Beaten by, Even a Fat, Smart Attorney, Than a Thin Stupid One!

My Intel guy, just sent in two women, one was fat and the other was thin!  The fucking penis club, didn't want their stupid asses kicked by me, fat now, but not so, at all, when they poisoned me!  Greg Erickson, an attorney, and worth $40 million, as one of the founders of Orbit Irrigation, in North Salt Lake, wouldn't have given a plug nickel for Kay!  I was thin, classy, dressed well, on top of my game, when I was poisoned!  After Kay got hired, and was jealous as hell, of me, always, was, always, will be . . . she would try to join me and Greg, in his office, separate, but that he shared with Kay, until she couldn't pull of a trial!  LOL!  I substituted in for her, at his request, and she hated him and me for that . . . I was as innocent as a new born attorney, just helping my love interest out, after Kay got canned!  Brett was payback to me!  You two deserve each other . . . once a cheater, always a cheater, balance of power, I guess!

Greg and I would be talking in his office, with the door shut, and Kay would knock and come in, interrupting conversations about the law, judges, cases, legal theories, and building a law practice, together, I had taken pictures of office buildings in Provo, to start to help that joint project along.  But, Kay, would come in, sit on the floor, and start doing stretches, showing off cleavage, her flexibility, lifting her leg, behind her head, and doing kind of like drill team or cheer-leading type muscle warm-ups.  Greg, unlike Brett, was disgusted and appalled at her lack of professionalism as an attorney, never fell for her feminine wiles, and told me, behind closed doors, that disgusted him!  Like it would most professionals!  Kay, NOT!  

The Tits & Ass Brigade Are Gals for the Money!

I remember, Kay, getting pissed off, after having to deliver something up to Greg at his 10,000 ft. home, up around Eagle View, or whatever the area is called, overlooking the Great Salt Lake, in the Bountiful, Val Verda Area, of North Salt Lake, kind of near, old flame, Larry Walls, home he grew up in, and Kay telling me, that if I married Greg, I would have a bigger house than her . . . it took Greg, three months to get me to the point that I even cared what his house looked like.  I didn't give a rat's ass, and I was busy as hell!  Greg, finally, had me look at an appraisal done by the bank, when the property division of his divorce to overly thin, Bonnie, doped up on diet pills, therefore, the judge awarded, Greg custody of all but their youngest son!  

I am not a fucking gold digger like Kay, Shelley, Rachel, Sue, my father and mother, the Mormon Church, cops, Brock, Rice, Cheeks, nor am I vindictive . . . they have brought this on themselves, and shame on the cops, investigators, and detectives that have let this go on for years! Brett and Kay, like Allan, and the real life murderers, were never even suspected of lying, but I was continually, even though, every ounce of evidence, supports what I am saying . . . living on the streets, staying at shelters, having car and truck, either blown up or taken, riding the bus, and on and on!  Showing up all tailored and clean, with diamonds and jewels, in nice vehicles, doesn't fit this story at all!  None dare call it conspiracy!

What Does a Smart Person Look Like?

The statement, military brass, made when the charges were brought against the general, and the kids too, to some extent, was I would sooner have believed the Pope to have done this than the General!  Stupid, stereotypical projections and profiling . . . these are exactly the people, you should first suspect, basically, because the masses are asses, and can't match a story, with the facts, the evidence, and even believe their own dumb ass minds, when they even see me writing my blog . . . one dumb fuck, who I showed my blog, after he witnessed, me, not him, being blocked from Internet access, as was the case, at Roseaurs and Super I, if the troupes figure out where I might write the next blog, only surprises work, said . . . I have a hard time, believing the woman I am talking to, wrote this amazingly smart blog . . . he had just read a few!

The other day, in the local, fun paper, the Kaleidoscope, around the 4th of July, they listed all the tragic deaths that the founding fathers, or the signers of the Declaration of Independence, suffered, for their part in the revolutionary war against the Brits.  House on fire, murders, hangings, family killed, and so on, and I told the guy reading the excerpt to me, that things haven't changed much in 238 years!  My life is very similar to the revolutionaries of that day . . . I am just trying to mend, what is broken!  But, somehow, we started talking about, modern day troubles, presidential candidates, and he is somewhat aware of my travails, and I said, thank God, people back in the day, were not as shallow as we are today, thinking that politicians, need to be Barbie and Ken, Barack and Michelle, or Mitt and Anne!  

George Washington had wooden teeth, and was not great looking, Ben Franklin, bald and fat, Abe Lincoln, down right ugly, but an amazing president!  Some of the founding fathers, couldn't get a date, others never married, or when they did, it was late in life, some just fucked slaves, for relief!  Come on . . . since, when did attorneys, male and females, who sit on their asses, look that great!  I did before the government poisoned me.  I remember, Rachel, sister, and double, flight attended and P.E. major, world focused on looks, say to me, as a young or new attorney, who always, dressed and looked nice, but never spent time thinking much about looks, said, Oh, Jo, you think about your looks!  

I said, if you mean, that I get up and take a shower, get dressed and put on make up and do my hair, yes, but I hang out with fat, smart chicks, who care more about winning a case, that going to get a pedicure or manicure, facial or hair highlights!  Careers that fit!  Rachel had a college major that helped her stay fit, and she worked in the shallow, glamorous world of the airlines, I was in a government issue office, in the Capitol, worrying about saving victims of domestic violence and sexual assault!  I was presentable!  So, please, cop world, penis paradise, don't insult me with flight attendants, bad attorneys, biologists, historians, janitors and single mothers!  Smart is as, smart does!

More Than Seven--Brand of Condom

This morning as I hike up the Pig Farm Trails, just off Farm to Market Road, there was a small package on the ground . . . being the curious blogger, who is always looking for catchy statements, or titles, to use as attention grabbers, I was thinking about my blog, and noticed this bit of trash, and realized it was a condom, but the name on the garbage was, More Than Seven . . . now a male, might look at that as you can use this condom, more than seven times, or they might take it as a challenge, in this male culture of cocks, dicks, and penises, I have been dealing with for years, but I took it as God, my Intel Guy, telling me, there were more than seven woman, claiming credit for my work, or claiming to be me!

My mind, ran through the usual suspects: Shelley, Kay, Susan, Rachel, Kelly, Tiffany, Georgeanna--had just seen a truck with a fake license plate that said, Ronan, to most would be the name of a Montana town, but to me Ron An . . . Ron is the husband of Georgeanna, the client, I first helped, up here in Kalispell, last April, or so, whom I wrote a 20 page brief and then a 28 page brief, with attached living wills, and other legal documents, that kicked the shit out of the Judge's ruling . . . I, due to not being, officially licensed in Montana, had Georgeanna, write her contact information on the top, doing the work, pro se, with me listing my name as her legal coach . . . Court Clerk, Allison, with the same last name as the judge, allegedly refused to take the second brief; however, due to attorneys in Helena, having heard of the brief and the case, and the attorney, local, I crucified along with the judge on the second brief, Georgeanna, was told, she could take credit for writing the stellar, above average brief, one of U.S. Supreme Court level expertise, plus, being a former staff attorney for the Utah Division of Aging, so not a dummy in this area of law!  Then we have clients, Kay Lynn Reilly, and Rebecca Newell-Baker, two other Utah cases, I traveled back and forth to help.

Then, I can't forget, son-in-law, Dallas Hyland, going to help him, with his case against Dixie State University, with a new civil rights attorney, Aron Prisbey . . . I was listed as #2 in the nation, several years ago, for civil rights defense . . . but I encouraged Dallas to get an outside attorney, but most would be the run of the mill, or Dallas could be claiming one of the gals did it . . . mother-in-law, Shelley, Sue or Rachel?  Who knows how many, who and what constitutes the pile of shit, burying me, so I am not seen by the naked eye, nor held in the high esteem, I should be, for all the great briefs, cases, and legal wrangling I have done, in both states!  Guilty of a Selfie!  Dragnet, only the facts!


If you look at the blog, several back, entitled, Crimes of Passion . . . you will see that there are two with the same titles, at least to start with, but they are entirely different.  That is because, I wrote the first one, and the NSA, or someone, they allowed to hack in or try to stop the publication or the material contained in the blog . . . good shit, froze my computer, with YouTube, music, playing the same note over and over, and me, not being able to find the cursor to stop the repetitive beat, nor get to save or publish my blog . . . Intel guy, just informed me, that, my blogs are the same, they must have hacked in, left different titles, and put the second blog text in place of the old or the first one, that was brutal to the bitches . . . bastards took promises and oaths to protect the twads and their sexual interests and the girls . . . fuck the money maker me . . . they love to hate women like me, and love to love the ones who cry and fuss when they get the truth told!

Anyway, someone connected to the penis club, protecting the government harem, put the deep freeze on the blog and stopped it, so I shut my computer, hoping to save the material and return later . . . this is what we would call the interference with my first amendment rights, of freedom of speech.  Not only to redress grievances with my government, but to say whatever the hell I want!  The NSA, has never served me personally with a warrant to notify me of any probably cause of a crime being committed . . . as for swearing and such, tons of musicians and writers, blogger do . . . and as per the possible charge of slander and libel . . . truth is a defense!  So, my ass is covered on that one too.

Oh, I probably wrote about the Salish-Kootenai Water Compact, and Senator Verdell Jackson, who lost his attempt to enter into the lawsuit, as a John Doe!  LOL!  Shelley or Kay probably wrote the fucking alleged legal brief, or interjection!  Should have stuck with the one who really knew the water compact and the law . . . not the fake bitches, trying to pass themselves off as me, or the ones who did it.  I guess you were working with Tony Osthemeier, with his dick in Shelley!  LOL!  Who screamed at me, that the ranchers and irrigators would lose, if I didn't write a constitutional analysis for him, and a legal brief, so he could get in on the action as a John Doe also!  

I Opted Out of the Girl Fight!  To the Boy's Clubs Dismay!  LOL!  Stopping the Blog is a Violation of My Constitutional Rights, 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, and 14th!

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Deliverance of a Different Kind

Back in the days, before Christ's birth, when the children of Israel were under Roman Law, and rule, under constant taxation, threat of imprisonment and fear of death, the people were looking for a savior, that was promised by their prophets and wise men, would come.  So, when Jesus came, not as a military leader, but one teaching the principles, of love, charity, kindness, mercy, turning the other cheek, walking the extra mile, and the inheritance of the earth belonging to the meek, the pure in heart, and the repentance, the people or many of them, rejected his message, missing the missing the more victorious triumph and deliverance, a superior kind, that would transcend death, hell and eternal damnation.

Roman soldiers walked the streets of Jerusalem, Copernicus, Nazareth, and other cities Jesus frequented; however, Jesus had little conflict with the Romans, for he rendered unto Ceasar, what was Ceasar's, and gave to God, what was God's, even Pontius Pilot, found no wrong in this man, the Jews called to be crucified, but did, have many differences with the Sanhedrin, or the learned men of the law or the Jewish high councils, his thoughts were foreign and strange to this group of Jewish scholars, and they didn't like this blasphemous, man claiming to be the literal Son of God!  Children, the sick, the lame, the prostitute, the sinners were his crowd, humble fisherman, tax collectors, with an occasional physician, were among his friends and disciples.  Much as in the world today, that particular group of individuals, are not looked up to, admired, or even given the time of day.

In a world, where many of the countries of the world are oppressed, beaten down, murdered, and enslaved, imprisoned, sold by fascists regimes, much like the Romans of old, who ruled with an iron fist, using whips, chains, inflicted pain, desolation and despair, among their lower classes, or not those in the ruling class.  And just like, in the days of old, Jesus, offers much more than just food and drink, but he is the living bread and water of life, literally, who the son sets free, who the son sets free, is free indeed!  His law is the perfect law of liberty, making his believers, children of God, but joint heirs with him, to have all that our Father which are in heaven has to offer . . . simply for taking up his cross, and following him!

Nothing Will Separate Us, From the Love of God--Accept Our Own Beliefs

Just recently, the pastor of Fresh Life Church, Kalispell, Montana, traveled to England and Budapest, where 33 people accepted Christ and turned their lives over to him.  It is interesting, during that same time period, there was a pastor from the Church of England, or the Anglican Church, who visited Whitefish, if I remember, and was planting the seeds for a church here . . . competition?  I don't know, I believe in no establishment of religion, the freedom to practice if you want, and a huge separation between church and state, the constitutional approach.  So to me, each man, woman and child, is ultimately responsible for their own lives, relationship with God, or even to not have a relationship with God, that is a personal choice and studies have shown that people who attend church, are happier, overall, but again, I don't believe in forcing people to be happy.

But there was one thing that concerned me, and I guess you would say this goes to options, understandings and opportunities to worship as you please.  As this world gets more and more connected, and with many teachings in common, with the great religious teachers of the earth, I do however, worry about those who do not know Jesus Christ, are not given an opportunity, or the teachings, that might be of use to them in not only their personal lives, but in their feelings and beliefs in the afterlife . . . and this comes from my experience with a former wife, Japanese, of 24 years, married to my favorite cousin, who just recently went through a divorce after a long and relatively happy marriage, with one draw back, their beliefs and understandings of Christ, she was Buddhist, with many of the solid human relationship rules and dictates, but when the sunami hit Japan, several years ago, she was devastated, wanted my cousin to sell everything they owned in America and move to Japan, to be by her aged mother.

Basically, she freaked out, because, she didn't believe in an afterlife, nor that the people who lost loved ones, would ever see them again, that created much anxiety, fear, crying, devastation in her life, and ultimately in his.  My cousin, served a Mormon mission in Japan, and spent at least 17 years of his 24 year marriage over in Japan, mainly, then wanted to move back to the states, as his own parents aged.  I was sad, not only to see a long term marriage break up, but to know over the years, Edwards, passion for Jesus Christ, in his life, not only from his Mormon upbringing, but from his exposure to the Urantia Book, with about 2,000 pages on the life of Christ.  He always longed to be able to speak about religious concepts, principles, and thoughts, and that was the one element missing in his relationship, and perhaps, many.

Pastor Levi in Budapest

Last week, at Church, Pastor Levi, spoke to us, from Budapest.  He went into a little of the background on the name of the city . . . that it actually used to be two cities, Buda and Pest, and eventually, the two cities merged into one, and took on the word, or name, Budapest.  As he spoke of the words, making up the various parts of the current name, my mind wondered, to the thought, Buddha is a Pest . . . don't get offended, because I don't mean it the way, I am sure it sounds, but, the teachings of Buddha, like Christ is often referred to, is considered a great teacher, leader, and religious thought leader, but as far as I know, neither, Buddha, nor Mohammad, ever claimed to be, the Son of God, the Savior of the World!  

The devil is in the details, in and of the fact, that with no concurrent teachings of Christianity, or of the saving mission of Jesus Christ, making us conquerors over death, leaving us without a belief in the afterlife, I personally, believe that Buddha was doing a disservice to his people.  I don't know the coronological order of the prophets, in regard to Christ; however, I do know, that what you don't know, could hurt you, as it did my cousin's wife.  I do believe that she could have been comforted, by the fact that she would indeed, not only see her mother, but the 250,000 people who lost their lives, in the Sunami, would surely live again, and see their loved ones again.  In that I find great comfort, no fear of death, nor dread, that someone I love will be forever gone.

The Dream, The Big Bad Wolf, My Brother, Angels & The Afterlife

That is just too damned final for me.  I had a brother die when he was 48 years old, leaving 10 children and a wife.  Just the other night, I had a dream, that Richard, who had been dead for 10 years, appeared out of now where, and when a wolf, approached me in a city setting, he backed me behind him, and having a newspaper in his hand, rolled up, extended his arm, with the newspaper in his hand, toward the wolf, who approached me, never snarled, growled, but did come closer, but was kept at arm's length, by my dead brother.  In the dream, I said, thank you . . . most people don't find me too sympathetic of a person, and think I am more than able to fend for myself; however, Richard, said to me . . . that is my job!

I have never thought much of angels, or guardian angels, I know people talk of them, but, for one of the rare occasions in my life, I truly felt protected.  I am not a crier either, in fact, I never shed a tear at his funeral, never really believed he was dead, in fact, given what I am going through now, thought he probably didn't die, but it was a government charade, and they figured he was such a great husband and father, that he was entitled, under Mormon Law, to take another wife, and breed 10 more kids with a younger wife!  So, this dream, really took me by surprise, but also, let me get a glimpse into a possible afterlife, and what we might be doing there . . . Richard, was protecting his sister, much like he had done in life!  I love you, Rich.

Some claim, to have experienced, near death, or afterlife experiences, and have come back to life, to live to tell of what they see.  I have no reason to doubt their tales or experiences, but believe that, as they say, death is just like walking from one room into another, that simple.  Some have said that they walk through a tunnel, into a blinding light, with Christ waiting with open arms . . . that's sounds much better than Satan, sticking his pitch fork in my butt!  It has been said, that there are no atheists in fox holes and prisons, and many do find, salvation there, in fact, I had the whole Christian Brotherhood, in the Draper Prison, in Utah writing me . . . sad to say, I was too busy to write them back.

Jesus Said, Suffer the Little Children to Come Unto Me

He also said, that if anyone harms one of these little ones, it would be better for them to have a millstone, tied around their necks, and drowned in the depths of the sea!  Christ is our leader to take us into a New Beautiful World, away from the wages of sin, but also, from the natural man, woman and child, showing us a better way to live, relate to people, conduct ourselves in government, as bosses, worker, mothers and fathers, and much, much more.  But, a situation came up yesterday, that was not only a concern for me, in Utah, as children were taken from their parents, my daughter-in-law, included, without merit, after even winning a lawsuit, with many similar stories throughout the state, but with many here in Montana too.

Don't even ask me how, I got into the conversation about a McDonald worker, having her child taken from her and her husband, by Child Protective Services.  This woman, gave me a skeleton sketch of her case, and I told her I would write about it.  She came to me today, and told me she had been crying all day, and needed to give me a few more details about her son, and what happened to her.  First of all, she cannot have her own child, and she and her husband adopted a that was older, I have listed age 6, in my notes.  The child had PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, from being abused in a previous home, I am not sure if that is a foster home, or his original family home.  

But, Samantha, who told me I could use her name, said, one night, around Memorial Day, 2013, after having the child for a year, her husband lost his temper and used a belt to spank the child, allegedly abusing the child, the neighbor heard, and called CPS, and the boy was removed from the home.  Now, the mother, never abused the child, and is now facing termination of parental rights, due to failure to protect.  I asked Samantha, if she herself had been abused, she said yes, but she had done nothing, and was loosing her child.  In my not so humble opinion, and from experience, I find, that child protective services in both Utah and Montana, not the first story I have heard, in fact, many, are too slow to remove the really abused children, and take ones that are marginally abused.

I Would Have Been More Traumatized By Removal, Than the Abuse

When I was practicing law, dealing with abused women, children, and the elderly, from the legal perspective, and also teaching family law, my mother told me one day, and I was in my 40's, that I had been abused as a child, although, I didn't remember it, which explains a great deal of my aversion to authority, any type of power and control, and my passion to defend the powerless, and the oppressed!  My father was not an abuser, but he did, one time, spank me, over and over again, to get my mother's point across, until the next morning I was black and blue from my shoulders to my knees!  Today, prison time, removal, and possibly jeopardizing a family of 8!  

I refused to cry, and stood up and said, I just brush it off!  Abuse or a willful child, with a mother who wanted me punished, and a father, not mad, but trying to get the point across, and I probably didn't even remember what I did wrong . . . but I will say, the abuse, I suffered has benefited many.  Before I knew of the spanking, that crossed the line, people, would ask me after a presentation, on domestic violence, if I was a victim, I would laugh, and say, no, I am more likely to be the abuser, than the abused, but a state and nation . . . the situation, while not advised, might lead to a profession, in the field, and may just have been the right course for a life, sometimes our weaknesses, or that of our parents, becomes our strength.  

As I talked to Samantha, I thought of the total devastation, that removal might have been, how different my life may have been, with an overzealous child protective service . . . that, rather than, do what state law, at least in Utah suggests, that only in the cases of serious bodily injury, sexual assault, or a threat to life and limb, or failure to seek medical attention, all other forms of abuse, should be handled by keeping the child with the family, and providing services to aid and help the family, stay in tact, if possible.  The standard, is generally, what is in the best interest of the child!

There is a new development in family law, child reunification, to be exact, that they are finding, the bonding, between a parent and child, even in the situation of drugs, alcohol, and even abuse, is so strong, that most kids, if given a choice, would prefer their natural parent, any time over an foster, or adoptive parent situation. And in more progressive legal states and jurisdictions, judges are actually returning children to parents, who had previously, lost their parental rights.  New studies list a whole list of considerations.  But, I think the true problem is the fact that DCFS or CPS, is failing to follow, the plain and simple language, intent and history, behind the laws and standards of legislative recommendations, to do all in its power to keep the family together, through support and services, and they are just going in a taking the child away, making money through adopting them out, or putting them in foster homes!

Courts are just as guilty, for destroying families, rather than following mandates to use the least intrusive means, in handling sensitive family issues!  The balance of power between the branches of government: (1) the legislative branch, makes the laws, and usually with committee meetings, testimony, and hearing the stories that make them pass a particular law, from parents and state workers alike; (2) the executive branch, enforces the laws, that is the preview, that DCFS and CPS would fall under, they don't make new laws and standards, nor be more invasive in families than the law makers say they can; and (3) the judicial branch, interprets the law, they don't just follow, assistant attorney generals, who are bulldozing parents, and taking away children . . . Utah had a 26,000 case, backlog, on termination of parental rights, I was shocked they could even do that!  I had volunteered to help with the backlog, not knowing what it was, but when I heard, I got up and left the room.

God is a Better Child Placement Agent than the STATE!

This to does not mean, I don't think there are good adoptive parents, and, like in Samantha's case, she loves her son, is doing all CPS is making her do, which I think is very burdensome, but she has to attend, domestic survivor's group, counseling every week, weekly visitation, and psych evaluations.  I have had clients, that are being more damaged, by having to leave their children to attend court ordered classes, than the damage of the abuse, and the kids have generally forgotten, or never thought of it again, like I did, and are on with life.  Too many times, they, remove the bread winner, and put an even worse burden on the parent who never did abuse or hurt the child, and I know of cases, where the father was ordered to leave the home, as a condition for the mother to keep her children . . . no abuse, just a slap on the head, of an unruly child, state laws allow, parents, to use corporal punishment to discipline a child, especially one who is out of control, in a public place, doing it because the child knows it embarrasses the parent at their work. 

And, we wonder why kids are brats today, the Bible recommends or warns, spare the rod and spoil the child!  I only had to spank my daughters once, the boys never.  But is was always an option, if they got out of control, for no good reason, like a late night at Lagoon, overly tired and worn out, is expected, but just manipulating and throwing tantrums, hell no!  I used time out with my kids, and that seemed to work, most of the time; however, I was not opposed to stiffening the punishment, if they needed it.  I hate bad behaving kids . . . I was always, firm, but fair . . . that seemed to work!

When Does A Parent Cross the Line From Corporal Punishment, to Abuse?

Every year, in my family law classes, as we covered this subject, and got opinions, we had great discussions, stories, the good, the bad and the ugly.  I personally, just pushed my daughter, into her room, once in anger, and felt, that I had crossed the line, without hurting her, or even coming close to abuse, I had acted out of an emotion, rather than being the good parent, who acts out of discipline, for the best interest of the child, training, and teaching the child.  One of the best pieces of advice I ever got, as a parent, was to deal with your children, as if you were their counselor, not their parent, unemotionally removed, and make the best judgement call, and punishment, using natural consequences for choices and behaviors.

Parents, don't get an instruction manual, with each child, to tell them what means of discipline works, and what doesn't, we are all human, have pressures and demands, that may actually, make us a bit out of control at the time . . . but, I knew in my heart, that this was not the way to deal with my child, and that was the last time I ever just reacted out of natural instincts, to strike out.  I became the unemotional and removed counselor.  Too many times, parents, discipline, based on how the child's behavior reflected on them as a parent . . . not too cool, what would the neighbors think, is not a great standard for discipline!

Failure to Protect Children from an Abusive Spouse Laws, I Never Liked!

The problem with these type of laws, is, it makes the actions of one parent, responsible for the actions of the other.  I have a firm sense of justice, and this is not just to me.  I believe in boundaries, jurisdiction if you will, your rights and your responsibilities are restricted to your nose, and your person.  Again, this has to be used with prudence and thought . . . if you can protect a child, we are, as parents responsible for our children, but two abused people is not cool either.  I don't know the kid, but it seems that a mother, who booted her husband out of the house on her own, is complying with all the requirements, of reunification, and may have done all she could, should not be held responsible for the abusers, or alleged abusers, conduct and the consequences of his actions, when his actions are not within her control!

I don't know, the facts, the child's behavior, or how fast the father may have used the belt on him, but, I just don't believe, that Samantha, should lose her rights as a parent, because he was an ass!  The child does have past trauma, and Samantha, was understanding PTSD, and protecting him from his dad, she said, that she would work with his counselor, and work with his school, no matter how many times her son needed to go, but they still said, she could not protect the child . . . hell, the mother was not even home at the time the father, took a belt to the child!  Now, if the courts, CPS and case workers, who lied, and were fired, can tell me, how in the world, the mother, could have protected the child, when she didn't even know that it happened, until she got home, is beyond, my wildest imagination?

To Me, This Case is Nothing But A Tragedy--Just Do What They Say!

I know that the state has a special role in protecting children, but, in this case, it seems, that they are taking a child, out of another home, one where the mother is doing all the courts told her to do, and she was not even home, and now, she is paying for her husband's crimes, under what legal theory is this systemic abuse being perpetrated against the mother!  And inadvertently against the child?  There is no magical formula for raising, rearing and bringing up a great kid.  Abused kids turn out fine, spoiled kids turn out shitty . . . but I do, know, that the natural parent/child bond is strong, and many kids, even love their abusers, and many survive! And many kids are given everything, never spanked, and end up protected by their parents in the schools, on the streets, and in the courts, and that is not in their best interest.

I know many exceptional people, myself included, who were spanked with belts, spoons, paddles, hands, and in my day, nobody thought anything about it, the neighbors and teachers spanked kids, my 6th grade teacher, Mr. Hallows, used to hit his students, with a ruler or yard stick, some hard enough to bring tears, even chased me into the girl's restroom, where I thought I would be safe, NOT! and the we learned our lesson and we obeyed, helicopter parents, drive me fucking insane!  He was my favorite teacher, and he followed my junior high and high school years, calling me and congratulating me, when I won an elected office, or became a cheerleader, he was my cheerleader!

I don't condone abuse, but I do encourage discipline . . . children, need to learn limits, boundaries, the law, to respect other people's property, to not infringe on the persons and property of others.  My father, who raised, 8 pretty respectable children, firmly believed that before the age of eight, they were spanked, and after the age of eight, they were talked to, reasoned with, and instructed, and that worked pretty well!

The Scriptures are Replete with Parental Advise--a Soft Answer Turneth Away Wrath!  I Think the Bible is the Best Child Psychology Book in the World!  Top Ten Best Seller, Since The New York Best Seller List Started!