Confederated Salish-Kootenai Transport
Your driver has gone to Ronan . . . what? Um, your driver has gone to Ronan . . . Okay?
Last Sunday, my friend, John and I, went up and drove around, Hungry Horse Reservoir, I absolutely love the land owned by the Federation of Indians . . . we drove around the entire, huge ass, Lake, and it was pristine, wild, primitive, deserted, off the charts gorgeous, quiet, silent, deer running everywhere, as we wound around the massive Lake, there was a feeling that this must have been the way things were during the time the Natives roamed the streams, mountains, lakes, hunting bear, mountain lion, fox, elk, moose, while their women, gathered berries, watched children, and washed their skins of clothing in the breathtaking waters, in the shadows of the elegant islands, of rocks and pine trees, that mark various eddies and whirling pools, rock, pathways, taking them close to the water, where Tee Pees, would have marked tribal territories, fires, cooking, horses . . . a brave and noble people!
As we neared Spotted Bear, I was under the impression that it was a small fishing village of some sort, with a few restaurants . . . John, assured me that there were not restaurants . . . what? Where are we going to eat, he just shrugged, we wait until we get back to Hungry Horse. Okay. We got to the campground, and it was not as well kept as the state parks or the Forest Service areas; however, there was something very authentic about is, pure, unadulterated, gentle, and more natural. We got out of the car, and walked down to the swinging bridge, that John could remember from his childhood . . . one of the luckiest kids, who had parents that took him camping and hiking all over Montana, with both parents working for the school system, and having all summer off, to hang with their kids! Priceless!
Spotted Bear Swinging Bridge v. Power Park Bridge, Rattlesnake Canyon
We hiked down to the bridge, that hadn't changed since John was young. I loved it . . . just wooden planks, very secure, narrow, but a bit of give, enough to make it fun, with just wire fence, with big squares, so as not to block, the amazing view of the river, you felt like you were suspended over the water, almost like Peter, attempting a walk without help on the waves, very real, raw, and realistic . . . and right there! I told John about the Plexiglas bridge, that took visitors to the Grand Canyon, out over the canyon, about 250 ft, if I remember, with the Indians, providing an exhilarating view of the canyon floor, that you can not get, even from a helicopter . . . this land is sacred to them and they have a need to share it, thank God!
It reminded me of another swinging bridge, that I fortunately got to visit, every year at Easter, the Bridge to Emerald Pool, in Zion National Park . . . we used to love to scare the shit out of each other, or cousins, our little brothers and sisters, by jumping, swinging, and causing as much turmoil, as the bridge could sustain, and then one year, we returned, as we did yearly, and the cool old wooden, swinging bridge, with so many memories, had been replaced by a more secure, metal or wood, metal combo . . . sacrificing freedom for safety, or just taking away fun! I can't imagine a group of kids, so rambunctious, as me and my cousins, a herd of us, and no one ever fell, got hurt, even fell down, because you knew, that you had to hang on for dear life! So, what is up with the change?
John, who is only about 5'4" and I, 5'7" or so, both walked up to the Power Park Bridge, that was made of steel and iron, massively secure bridge, with no give in the walk way . . . I could barely look over the, what I would say is the equivalent of the helicopter parent, but in bridge form, this bridge that was so secure, so injury proof, and big brother, big sister, type, protectiveness, that you can hardly enjoy the water below, and the bridge is useful, but is not fun . . . I don't even think John attempted to look over the bridge, he had to peek through the metal, 8 inch moldings that secured the bridge . . . no fun at all!
So I was glad to see that the Indians, had preserved the original bridge, or at least one, that was just as functional, and tons more fun, one that gives you a thrill to be on, and is a delight to stand and look over, feeling so free, that you are just right there! Thanks for an amazing drive! Believe me, parents since the beginning of time, are watching, protecting, and yelling at kids, to be careful, watch what they are doing, so just a cool bridge, is enough, let parents do the rest!
New Native American Indian War Memorial
Much like the Vietnam or other war memorials, Custer's last stand, and monuments like that, now the Indians, have fought to get their own memorial, listing the names of their ancestors, who fought for their land, their way of life, for their people, the animals and land they loved. It is about time! Just because they were on the other side of the American Indian Wars . . . their ancestors, were no less brave, courageous, tenacious, and valiant, in their cause!
This new memorial is going to be, or is, located in North Dakota, if I remember right. It sounds like the founders or supporters, had to fight long and hard to get the approval on this project. I do, know that one thing that the Montana state Constitution says, is that the schools, need to teach about the Native American Culture, preserve it, and educate all school children of what history teaches, about the people, the pride, the lifestyles, the hunting, fishing, language, customs and culture . . . showing respect, and reverence for the beauty of what this nation loves, lost, preserves for us, to enjoy now, and we are the better for it.
If you have not seen a Pow Wow . . . you are really missing out! My daughter, Nicole, was on the city track team when she was young, her best friend, an Indian girl, was also, her stiffest competition! But she invited us to attend a Pow Wow, and WOW, is was so cool, the drums, the dress, the war paints, the chanting, the rings they dance through, so cool, take advantage of those that are part of summer and fall celebrations throughout one of the 6 Indian Reservations around the state of Montana! And don't forget to eat some Indian Fry Bread and Indian Tacos! SO GOOD!
Missoula Undersheriff, Josh Clark--They Just Throw the Tickets in Our Faces! LOL!
While me and the other passengers, on the CSKT or the shuttle, were waiting for our driver to get back from Ronan, myself and this other guy, were laughing about an article about the overcrowding in the jails and what to do with the homeless and the street people, who go through the jails, like they are revolving doors, and could care less, getting a warm night stay and a free meal, then go right back out and do the same thing again! I shouldn't laugh, but I used to sit at the Break Cafe on Higgins, in Missoula, and write my blog each day, watching the circus across the street!
There were a group of about 4 Indians, who regularly sat at an empty, or partially empty business building across the street, from the Break . . . inevitably, some frustrated shop owner, would call the cops, usually the bike cops, and he would try to get this yahoos, under control. But they were having none of that, and soon as second officer, would come and try to talk some sense into them, but to no avail. LOL! It was always a show, and took forever, if it was resolved at all. These regulars, knew the game, knew what they were doing was ticket material, not a serious crime, so they would just bug the hell out of the cops, who generally, don't have much of a sense of humor on these things. LOL!
So, I guess a group of community members got together and held a POW WOW, on what to do with this unruly crew. Who, Josh Clark, the candidate for sheriff, who I wanted, like a true Montanan, just told it like it is . . . that these Indians, just laugh and throw the tickets back in the cops faces! LOL!
What is even more funny to me, is that I, somewhat, know of the personalities on both sides . . . the Indians, often eat and hang out at the Poverello Center, everyone knows them, and digs them, hangs with them, laughs and talk to them and we walk around the town. And having worked with cops, and been somewhat involved in the sheriff's elections, or interested, and feeling strongly about the position, getting a bit of a feel for the type of man, Josh Clark is, to me, striking me as nicer than the average sheriff, at least from his frustration and wanting to be fair to these wild Injins, really pretty cool, but getting caught between the shop owners, who see them as a nuisance, and want them vacated, Clark may be glad to turn the problems over to the sheriff elect, McDermott! LOL!
Like the Very Christian People, Montanans Are . . . Someone Set Up a Couch for This Crew!
One day, after a particularly long exchange between the cops and the sidewalk surfers, someone set up a couch, right near where these guys and gals, hang out! LOL! Now at first, I thought it might have been the cops, themselves, who out of frustration, decided to somewhat clean up the streets, but then I thought, nay! And is seemed like, I just got up and went to the restroom, and came back and the couch was gone! LOL! I figured the cops, where going to have none of this, didn't want someone to encourage their apparent, bad behavior, and egg then on, to sit on the street more than they already do! LOL!
Right after that, I noticed that the Indians, started to take their naps, out in the back alley . . . one of the Indian Princesses, still treated like that by the boys of the streets, always, greets me, and brings a big smile to my face . . . I, much like the cops, know, that they are as harmless as a deer, but still get pressure from the angry shop owners. You have to wonder, what putting them on the reservation has done to their pride, their ambition, their lives, their children, the government pay check . . . I just don't know? I really dig them! I have the heart and soul of a moccasin . . . I love nature, like they do, the trees, the water, the pines, the mountains, . . . I find and hold sacred also, thanks for making us see it through your eyes on the Rez and the Federated Lands!
The Hellgate Treaty of 1855, Is a Great Compromise
Thank heaven for rational leaders, like Governor Bullock and Attorney General, Tim Fox . . . I republished my analysis of the Hellgate Treaty, which is really all we need, even today, in 2014, to solve the water issues, on the Flathead Irrigation Indian Project, the jurisdictions, rights and responsibilities are all spelled out, not only in the Treaty itself, but the analysis, I prepared for several members of the legislature and some interested groups around the Flathead Lake and range lands, that depend on the water for irrigation. But these two men, said, they think it is possible to make all parties happy, without the pending lawsuits that were filed in February, 2014 . . . we simply don't need to litigate this . . . I know there are egos, that are at stakes, careers, etc., but really at the risk of messing this up for generations?
After I did the first constitutional and statutory analysis, before going to the Montana Legislature, I was asked to either review, Senator, Verdell Jackson's, newspaper, opinions, or take some of the material provided by the group, Concerned Citizens of the Flathead. When I am asked to do an analysis of this sort, on a constitutional law issues, or a treaty, I have no preconceived notions of the outcome, nor do I side with one side or the other . . . I simply, read the document, look up words and definitions, apply my knowledge of water, constitutional, and statutory law, coming from a background in all of those areas, and give it my most educated shot at the material, not favoring, or representing anyone!
The Treaty says what it says, the constitutions say what they say, the law, states, what it says, in light of intent, history and plain language, with definitions to help with the understanding of the law! I don't feel a need to do, represent, or favor, one side in this controversy over another . . . a good compromise, always, gives both parties something, and requires both parties to give up something in exchange. The Constitutions are compromises, between the represented parties of the day, and they did a hell of a job, making sure that everyone got pissed and also got something, but not everything! And that is exactly what this controlling Hellgate Treaty does! And does so, well! You can't beat it . . . the Gov, and AG, both attorneys, can see that all parties can be happy, simply by following what the Treaty says, or that is my take on what newspapers articles say!
Careers that Fit--Water Compact Frauds
While I was living in Missoula, my landlord, Tony Osthemeier, a rancher up around 9 Pipes, in St. Ignatius, asked me if I would write a law brief for him, suing or interpleading or joining in the lawsuit, filed by the Attorney General or cross, claiming, as a John Doe, with standing, in the lawsuit, filed by the Indians, he also wanted me to write a letter, or do, a constitutional analysis of the water compact. I gave him all the files I had done, except for the one, for the legislature, that I did at the State Law Library and didn't get a copy, for NSA interference, and I was lucky to get a cut and paste on, to Krayton Kearns, head of the House Judiciary Committee, I reported in April 20, 2012, video tapped, for evidence, if gone, messed with, but I informed Tony, that many people, most of them he knew, personally, had copies of all my analysis, because I kept them in the loop, so to say, with any water compact issues that I did, or analyzed.
I also told him to read the Hellgate Treaty of 1855, that I had just posted again, or for the first time, other than sending it by email to Verdell and others in the controversy. I remember, Verdell coming to me, and grilling me, on whether or not I was loyal to the ranchers . . . I thought that was a strange question, since to me, the law, is the law, is the law! The Constitution, is the Constitution is the Constitution! Likewise, with the Treaty! I in very specific terms, call it like I interpret it, coming from a somewhat, educated and informed background, in many of the areas, that are needed to do such an analysis! I don't know it that was the answer, he wanted . . . one side or the other! Damn it, we need to know if you are on our side, and asked, what would happen if the Indians, paid me to join them . . . my analysis would be the same!
I was really glad, a few weeks ago, at a Tea Party meeting I attended with Tony, where constitutional law attorney, and former professor, Nadahl . . . not sure how to spell it, but he said, he took the same approach, that whatever way the dice rolls, coming out this way or that, was not his aim, it was simply to get it right according to the Constitution! I couldn't have agreed more with him. I am not some one's hired gun, I was asked to use my skill, education, and knowledge to analyze it, and I did! I gave Tony all that I had, said I would not do it again, since I never got paid anyway, and had already done about 8 briefs, or analysis, out of the goodness of my heart, and wanting to help the people of Montana . . . and they had all they needed from me!
The Cover-Up is Always Worse Than the Crime--Identity Theft is a CRIME!
So, Tony gets pissed off at me, because I am wise to his game . . . he wants me to do another analysis, so the originals, back in March and April of 2014, that I did for Carolyn Soloman, had been claimed by my government doubles, either Kay, Rachel, Shelley, or Sue . . . they are expendable and interchangeable, because, you see, when I got involved in the medical marijuana issues, the November before, after attending a presentation at the Whitefish Library, on the document, Code of the West . . . I was chased out of the area, allegedly died in Hamilton, the fall of 2012, so Shelley or Kay were moved up to take credit, for my work and analysis of that issue, so they could not let me do the water compact, because that would reveal the lies of the medical marijuana!
Carolyn, Claire, and several others, not to mention, Verdell, know, damn, well who I am, so does Jerry O'Neill, and several others, whom I just saw, Friday, at the Republican Pachyderm meeting, with Clerk of the Court, Peggy Allison . . . covering for Judge Allison, no reflection or connection of the final outcome and what the transcripts or the trial was on . . . probably had to claim on the of the cover girls, did it too, because, I wrote the first 20 page brief, followed by another 28 page brief, that Peggy would not admit, which was simply taken to my client's home, and what I had written on her computer, and long gone by now, was, as usual, given credit to another woman! LOL!
I not only embarrassed the judge, but attorney, Duodis, too, and we gave copies to many attorneys, and people around town . . . but, the superior writing, of a United States Supreme Court level, was attributed to either my client, or one of the gals in the Flathead, who was placed there cover any work I did, either past, present, or future! Nice! They could not do this in 200 years! LOL! Tony knows that too, that is why he did the high pressure job, yelling at me, that the ranchers would lose if I wouldn't do my analysis . . . I already did, they just wanted the email date, to be later, than my original, because they already said it was the cover girl, my sister, who was taken to the ranch after me, or my other sister, switch-o-change-o, according to what works best . . . a big fat, NO!
The History Lesson/Non-Constitutional, Non-Water Law, Non-Statutory Analysis! LOL!
I always like to give these guys enough rope to hang themselves with it. Tony gives me some piece of shit, history of all the water meetings, or the historic look at where the project has been, where it is, and maybe what should happen, totally lacking any substantive legal, constitutional, or statutory law, little case law, nothing about the Treaty, the controlling document . . . I just laughed, and wrote my critic of the history lesson, and wished them all luck, whom ever paid for this, got fucked!
Careers that Fit . . . Shelley has a degree in biology; Kay a shitty attorney in personal injury; Rachel, is a flight attendant, or waitress in the sky; and Sue is a history and political science major . . . take your pick! LOL! I have seen Kay fired from the only job or trial I saw, I had to finish her job and won the motion! She couldn't do anger management, nor teach my family law class! LOL! Nice picks for replacements!
I told Tony, who took me up to his ranch once, wined and dined me, but made sure I sat right out in front of his ranch, on a tractor or lawn mower, while he mowed the lawn . . . letting surveillance get a good look at me? Seem to be, I didn't jump at the prospect of sleeping with him, therefore, the destruction, fraud mode kicks in . . . like all of his buddies of that era and age . . . LOL! I am no broad, no dame, just one smart cookie, whoops, that is one of my symbols for Kay, I am not just another pretty face! I am sure, he had one of the cover girls, up to the ranch, with a wig or just Rachel, with a similar hair cut . . . one of the paid crew, at Walmart, would not cut my hair short, twice!
Had to keep it long like Shelley's, Kay's, or Rachel's . . . oh, hell, NO, found a woman in Kalispell, at Great Clips to do it! I told Tony, when the ranchers, want to lay down $10,000, we might have something to talk about . . . another attorney, without the background I have, having already researched and written on the water compact, wouldn't look at it for less . . . he yelled at me, know it would cost $15,000 . . . well that is even better! Pay up or shut up . . . I see what a gift got me, fucked, substituted, lied about, and the cover girls, got paid for their shit!
With This Pathetic History of Fraud, I Might Just Join the Legal Team of the Indians--I Respect Them More!
That might be the only way, I expose the Temple Decor, or the Best Tattoo Parlor . . . about as clean! LOL! That might be an interesting stand-off . . . irrigators history degrees, against, a member of the United States, Supreme Court Bar, and constitutional law attorney, worked with the nation's expert in water law, while in law school, Kay aka JoAnn, flunked his tort class, I was Professor Ray Jay Davis's research assistant and teaching assistant . . . not to be confused with Shelley Southwick Yeman, whatever the hell she is . . . fucking twisted sister, wants to be me so bad, she aches . . . may be we should ask, Mayor Mark Johnson, he has seen me, including Friday, at the Pachyderm meetings, or maybe Tammy Fisher, former, mayor, or now, Senator Tester, Tracy Stone-Manning got a nice promotion to Montana Energy Department Director . . . she met me several times, got my resume, so did the Helena and Kalispell staff . . . ask any of these people who is the real JoAnn S. Secrist . . . reporting right here, from Super I, in Kalispell, at 9:59 p.m.