Sunday, June 1, 2014



A few months ago, my daughter, Greta, who often writes for St. George News, online newspaper, and Utah Adventure Magazine, brought an alarming bit of news to my attention, that the wonderful, news source, The Salt Lake Tribune, was either going out of business, due to competition with online news sources, or it was going to have to be bought out by the owners of the Mormon owned, Deseret News, part of the Mormon Bubble and Mormon Mafia in Utah, and I am sure the pressure is being put on the Tribune, for having the guts to actually, as the largest newspaper in Utah, come out one week before the elections, and dare, as all good newspapers will do, when they learn shit about candidates that the normal public can't hear or doesn't know about, and in Utah, behind the Mormon Curtain, neither newspaper dare write about . . . but, the happiest moment of my, wonderful adventure of taking on Mitt Romney, 2012, presidential candidate, while hiding out in Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Jackson, Calamity Lake, my Golden Circle of Beauty, while going undercover, writing emails, to Steve Oberbeck and Nathan Carlyle, during the elections, having either been interviewed on various Utah cases, or trying to make my plight known to news sources, with the hopes of getting some leverage against the perpetrators, the conglomerate of Mormons, attacking me from all angles . . . but as I came down the mountains, in a very scary, snowy drive, even for late October, and headed into Jackson, the radio news announced that the Salt Lake Tribune had endorsed President Obama!

The second, the Tribune, announced the likelihood, of Mitt getting the Republican nomination for president, I went into high gear, and wrote a letter, via email, to all the citizens of the United States, that the headlines in Utah, were indicative of Mitt's potential election, entitled in the headlines, with Mitt's Mugshot, A Mormon Moment . . . I knew damn well, that was exactly true, it was not a conservative moment, nor a Republican Moment, nor even an American Moment, but exactly what the headlines said, a Mormon Moment.  I took up poison pen from that moment on, started the Republican War Against Women, through Mitt and the Mormons, polygamy, patriarchy, lowest in the nation equal pay for equal work, 55 cents to the dollar, large meth use among Mormon housewives, national highs in domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assaults, suicide . . . and of course, I sent direct, named emails to several Trib reporters, hoping they would get the picture!

Thank God, the Salt Lake Tribune Had the Guts!

I am sure as I read articles, like the one in Rolling Stone Magazine and Mother Jones, reporting stories of the 47% and the $30 million bail out for Bain Capital, and these great investigative reporters, took the time to do their own research, so as not to get shot in the foot by some female attorney, with a vendetta against Utah, made sure of the reliability and credibility of my sources, as I reported for weeks, leading up to the elections . . . I am sure that these professionals, took the time to find other reliable information from verifiable news sources of what I was reporting to them, along with my own spin on things, but I almost started crying when, the radio, said, the largest newspaper in Utah, endorsed Obama . . . all my suffering at the hands of the Mormon, Male Patriarchy, that runs the legal arena too, with no separation of church and state, had to have been kicking themselves . . . I know the Trib took personal hits, attacks, people withdrawing their subscriptions by the thousands, but they stood strong, and with conviction did what their 1st amendment rights said they could . . . exercise their, responsibility as a news source, to make a statement as they saw it, and endorsed a candidate, that not only was disliked, but in a the most Republican red state in the Union, with at least 75% or higher of the voters, supporting, homeboy, Mitt, used free speech to make their educated point . . . hell, yeah!

Mormonism as a Cult

While growing up as a Mormon girl in Utah, I often heard Mormons called a cult, and of course, I defended the Church, and refuted their statements, until I grew up and put away childish things . . . and started looking critically at the church through mature, legally trained, intellect, not controlled by family, cult, Sure, church, society around me, and I started to think, hell, they are a cult, and now where is this more apparent than in the area of the media . . . there are Mormon newspapers, magazines, radio shows, talk shows, TV shows, programs, etc.  And I remember, being totally alarmed when, there was an TV that was only run, twice, that I saw, but it had both news anchors from all four major TV news channels, all sitting on stools, together, and they announced that they were all coordinating or collaborating, rather than competing, all under the name of Four Points Media . . . if memory serves!

Now, what this translated into, was, all news channels, taking on the likeness of a directed, one source of news, all under the auspice of reporting from HAPPY VALLEY, UTAH!  What you got was the same news on all 4 channels, same story, same slant, same bull shit, about 5 minutes of news, a bit of national news, and very censored at that, selective viewing, is what I would call it, Mormon, Republican slant on everything, negative for anything related to President Obama, or Democrats . . . then you would get the little cutesy singing group of kid performers of the week, to be seen at the local mall, or what not, then the ladies section, with cooking and new products, pushed by a nice looking news reporter in the field or on the spot, then you got, about a half hour of sports, and that was it, then the same news would be repeated for the second half of the hour news show!  Total pablum, boring as hell, murders, barely reported, didn't fit the Mormon state image, oh, heaven forbid, people won't think we, the Mormon Church have control of our state, all the crime, and negatives in society, that we just want to pretend is non-existent!

Investigative Reporters, Long Time Journalists at the Deseret News, Replaced by Bubble Gum, BYU, Zoobies . . . Who Got the Nice Offices, and Reported on Family Values . . .

I was sensitive to this change also, because long time good reporters, like Linda Thompson at the Deseret News, were being replaced with recent grads of BYU, taking the place of hardcore investigative journalists who were great writers, and had also interviewed me on cases, like the Brock securities case, and did an excellent cover of the story . . . a former, Bountiful High Brave, Joseph Walker, who wrote a weekly column, in the Utah section I believe, who wrote one about 10 boys in my Bountiful, Utah, Mormon ward, who used to chase me home from school everyday, being mortified when I tripped, ending up on the asphalt, with my dress up around my head, exposing my underwear, to a shocked group of boys, I guess making the point, that as back then, me tripping up now, was equally horrifying, after I was poisoned, when general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, a professor of family law at the University of Utah, had my own anger management business, and writing programs for the elderly or their caretakers online . . . while flattered, this is not news!

Well, my take down might have been, but I am sure there was some other Mormon Motive to it, like your three very Mormon or very Mormon controlled sisters, will step in and pretend they are you, so your legacy will continue, even though it is so far from the legacy I would leave, but that was the point, we will capitalize on your good name, your credentials, your legal license, but it will be the Mormon version of you . . . even though I can out scripture them, my sisters, any time of any day . . . PERIOD!  But this was a Mitt Romney for President, power play, get rid of the daughter, who would not pay tithing, hadn't for 20 years, wasn't going to profit the Mormon Church in any way, wasn't going to contribute a million or so to be a chair at BYU, nor was she going to set up her constitutional law firm from hell, under Brock or Rice, who she saved their asses, now she wasn't smart enough to invest or spend her own money, her way, fuck no!

Salt Lake Tribune Hard Copy News Reached Me In Missoula--Changed History!

Things in Utah, may have been different, had I not seen a copy, and the headlines of the Salt Lake Tribune . . . FBI drops probe against AG John Swallow . . . over my dead body!  Last October, late in the month, but that or early November, I was staying at the 5 star hotel, Poverello, and happened over to the Missoula County Library, to read the newspaper, and as I walked up the stairs to the periodical and newspaper section, I saw the headline, I just mentioned, and went into action, wrote to some news reporters, addressed the issue of John Swallow, on my blog, and did all I could, knowing, the FBI, is just an extension of the Mormon Church, who is protecting the man, who teamed with former, AG, Mark Shurtleff, to take me down, directing Washington County Sheriff Constable, Judge John Walton, and others in my vicinity, to take my house, fuck with me in court, little things like try to kill me, teaming with the feds, and whatever, whoever, under the direction of Church leaders, who would in turn, protect Shurtleff and Swallow!

I also contacted, Jeremy Johnson, under investigation by the FTC, or the Federal Trade Commission, who was offered deals through Shurtleff and Swallow, in conjunction with Mormon, President of the Senate, Harry Reid, that they would make this investigation go away, if Johnson, did certain things . . . well, Johnson had hired me to come down from Montana, to help him, when he was facing the FTC, but magically, when I hit Salt Lake City, Johnson, took off, allegedly to Texas, home of my government groom, who killed my real client, and was most likely being offered a bribed, not to work with me, and me being stopped on the streets of Salt Lake City, threatened by a guy I had never seen before, Sam, can't remember his Irish name right now . . . but told I better drop what I was going to do against the feds, and if I didn't I would be in prison for the rest of my life . . . when obviously not shaken by that, and responding, if they are corrupt, I will take them down . . . he said, then they will kill you!

Jeremy, like the normal, dick-head, Mormon male, left me on the streets of Salt Lake without a dime to my name, until he got back, and decided to bring me to his mansion in St. George, and make me one of his polygamist wives, checking out my ass, as he pretended to care about his case, while I was getting all the documents to read, and write a 16 page brief, you know, I was his secret weapon, cheaper to marry me, than pay me, type thing!  I was introduced to what he joked was his second wife, Rebecca, then I was introduced to his real, legal wife, Shar, and there was another woman, named Susan, that I caught Jeremy with, on the stairs, just off the upstairs kitchen, having a little love fest, at 2:30 a.m., so seeing what this was all about, they brought me down, promising to pay me, leaving me stranded in Salt Lake, to break my will, good luck on that one . . . then bring me into this 20,000 square foot mansion, with a pool, and I should be happy . . . hell, no, I would rather live under a viaduct, than be a spiritual wife of any fucking cheating ass husband, no matter how rich . . . so I sneaked out of the house at the wee hours of the morning, without pay, but saved Jeremy's fucking, cheating ass, with my name backing him, my 16 page brief to prove it, going against John Swallow and Shurtleff, who were not about to tangle with me again, after the ass whooping on the Brock case!

I guess Jeremy didn't like the 10 year prison sentence, he was still looking at, even after he brought me on board, and he started to copy my email or social media, blitz, trashing tactics, and started to go after John Swallow, and after I saw the FBI, within the FBI was dropping their probe against Swallow, I was all about helping Jeremy's smear campaign, and wrote him an email in support, validating the same pattern of scheme, the AGs, used to trap him . . . only I am a lot cleaner than Jeremy!  I talked to one of his spiritual wives the other day, and asked how he was doing, she said fine, that he was trying to offer her a car for her youngest kids, who is probably his!  She looks like him.  But I had a dream that I was in the back seat of car with Jeremy, and he was wearing a red sweater, indicative of fame or power, and I was rubbing his back . . . symbolic of the power behind his power and fame . . . but nobody but those in power know, I am there.

I was in the Missoula, Einsteins Bagels, getting breakfast the other morning, and some guy, probably undercover, walked in wearing a University of Utah hat and sports shorts, a sure fired target that anyone knowing me would know I would strike up a conversation with . . . as we talked, he said if both Shurtleff and Swallow, didn't end up in prison, something was wrong . . . absolutely, Swallow learned from the best, Shurtleff, but this little whimpering, Boy Scout, crying about his stories of being a card carrying Duty of God, boy, carries more weight in the Mormon Church, than me going to the US Supreme Court, even for an attorney!  LOL!

Swallow, did not get corrupt within 11 months of being elected, he was dirty with his former boss, former attorney general, Mark Shurtleff, but like I said, that boy scout image, that Shurtleff, wore on his sleeve worked, getting him three terms as attorney general . . . that is how far a connection with the church will get you, and they will overlook all corruption, all about image, thus the tits and ass girls, heels before head, rather than Gloria Steinhem of Utah!  LOL, they don't like women like me.  LOL!  And I am sure, Swallow is the sacrificial lamb on the alter for Shurtleff, who used my writings to challenge the constitutionality of Obamacare, and on immigration.  LOL!  If I had not been poisoned, I would have beat his ass as attorney general, and he knew it, and so did all the cops in Utah, too bad I wanted the 4th Congressional seat, 16 years too early.  Oh, well, I am happy, this blog is more powerful than any fucking seat in Congress.  LOL!

After Dancing at the Carnivore Fest at Caras Park, I Sat Across the River from the Missoulian Newspaper Agency--Song on Right Now--All She Want To Do Is Dance . . . Oh, Yeah!  Don't see the heat coming off the street!  All She Wants To Do Is Dance . . .

I am new to Missoula, so I had not idea where the Missoulian News Agency was located, so it was nice, to look across the swollen river, the Clark Fork River, and see the place I get so much joy from, addicted to each work, all articles, the pictures, and all the knowledge I get from the newspaper everyday.  Montanans are hard copy newspaper reading people!  I love it!  I can jump on the bus, just a half a block from my townhouse, every morning, and read the bus, while it takes an hour to get to the transit center--love it that buses have copies on the bus for the riders, awesome!

Even at the Poverello Center, all the homeless guys and gals are up at 4 a.m. waiting to get their hands on the newspaper, about 20 copies are dropped off each morning, I am sure as a gift, or donation from someone, and they devour the news, look for jobs, and housing, what a great gift!  They live for it, every morning and the political discussions start just shortly after the newspaper is delivered!  There was a two page add the other week, with a place patrons of the schools, could help with the $35,000 cost of delivering the newspaper, many copies, to all the public schools in the area, so the teachers can teach through the newspapers . . . amazingly wonderful!

Students learn through lessons that are relevant to their lives . . . and I bet their parents love talking to the kids about current events!  They say, that if a kid sees dad, reading for 10 minutes a day, probably the newspaper, if he is from Montana, it makes a huge statement to his children, not only about the importance of reading, but of learning and staying up on current events, PLUS EDUCATION.  Moms, sorry, we don't make a hell of a lot of difference in this area, and many more.  I remember my children, say to their stay at home MOM, other than going to college, but mainly home, well, we know what dad does, he goes to work, but we don't know what you do . . . are you fucking kidding me?  A thankless job, you guys, see what I do with your own eyes, every day--someone has to clean the dirty bathroom, the house, vacuum, bug you guys to clean your rooms, sweep the front porch, cook breakfast, lunch and dinner . . . I guess that stuff doesn't count!  I should have gone on strike!  Then they might have gotten a clue, and they wonder why I eventually went to law school!

Love the Ads on the Mountain Line--I Graduated From the University of Montana, But Continued My Education at the Missoulian!

I went to law school at Brigham Young University, but continue my daily education at the Salt Lake Tribune and the Missoulian . . .  thanks for all the All Night Longs & All She Wants To Do Is Dance Nights, you have, sleepless to get us our morning fix each day, in the newspaper, may hard copies never be replaced by online news sources . . . I can't underline, star and highlight, so I can go back later to write about in my blog, that you are so much a part of . . . some great things I have learned this week:
  • Pope Francis, got the leaders of Israel and Palistine to come to the Vatican for lunch--he might be able to do what Presidents Jimmy Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and Obama haven't been able to do, sit down and set up two states, recognizing the state of Palistine--Satan Steals, Jesus Heals . . . as the leader of 1.2 billion Catholics, 3X the population of the USA, you carry a lot of clout around the world, thanks for using it for peace, GOD BLESS!  P.S., Hey, Catholics have a lot of money, the robes and all give it away, could you have the Cathedral of the Madoline, in Salt Lake City, Utah, purchase the Salt Lake Tribune, so we can at least have a balance of power in the state and in the news?  Just a thought.
  • Congress, Republicans included, joined in denying the Department of Justice some of their budget requests, due to the fact that they are using it to harass state rights, to make decisions by voters, to control the health, safety and welfare of their citizens, by legalizing both medical marijuana and recreational use, in Colorado and Wyoming, thus following the 10th amendment, and making the rogue FBI agents who just raided a marijuana grower in Washington State, with the states saying it is okay, kind of like it was in Montana, who now has a hellaious law, driven by the federal bureau of investigation and the department of justice, you always, capitalize federal and state government agencies, I have worked for 5 government agencies, always, always, so this was an intentional ploy by the two fed agencies to mislead Montanans, in a very slick, throw in the kitchen sink type legislation, leaving every medical marijuana grower, with strict reporting, open to FBI raids! Thank you, Congress for getting off your asses, and doing something right, for WE THE PEOPLE, who elected you to take care of us, like you just did, and slapping the feds back into their place as a safety net, over general welfare, and taking them the hell out of our state jurisdictions where they are not invited and wanted!
  • Great pictures and article today, about VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, worldwide, with a shockingly horrifying picture of several Asian girls, with chains around their wrists and duct tape across their mouths . . . women in Egypt are being murdered by the thousands, two girls in India, were gang raped, murdered, then hung in a tree, a young pregnant bride in some Muslim country was stoned in an honor killing, by her family for marrying the man she loved!  The International community is starting to get involved, enough, is fucking enough!  Politicians, and celebrities, like Angelina Jolie, are getting involved and using their star power to help, worldwide.  Thank God for good people around the world, helping centuries of abuse, not only abroad, but here in America . . . mine situation was extreme prejudice!
  • Up to date, coverage of the Ukraine, Syria, Thialand, and other world hot spots . . . great, I care about my brothers and sisters, worldwide, so thanks!  One of the smartie, high school students here in Montana, is going to the Ukraine to teach English, before, entering college, local connection, there is also a guy in Whitefish, who brings students from the Ukraine to America, why do you think they just voted for a pro, western president . . . they love what we have, welcome to the wild, wild west, my daughter, was called a Communist, by a Ukrainian, who got her email address from my blog, or a relative, when she was reporting on the Clive Bundy, rancher against the BLM!  LOL!
  • Kick ass article on Boulder, Montana . . . hot springs, healing Uranium mine, ghost of a local prostitute or Lady of the Night, magical stuff that makes small towns come alive!  Now I want to go there!  Just this morning, I was talking to my friend and landlord about my grandparents living to their late 90's, going to their hot springs in Honeyville, Utah, every morning . . . maybe a trip to the mines, hot springs and Boulder might help his hips!
  • Amazing Art Contest, in Ravalli County, Hamilton, our neighbors to the south, I think, great shots of an Eagle and a Magpie, buffalo, winter scene with a barn and horse, and a bunch of others . . . beautiful Montana!

Beautiful God . . . Thank You For This Bless Day, And Save the Salt Lake Tribune & Utahans From One Owned News Source!  Amen!  And We All Say, Amen!

Saturday, May 31, 2014


Once Someone Has Served Time, Paid for Their Crime, Satisfied the Courts--They Need to Have a Remedy to Wipe that from their Record!  The Jewish Sabbath Starts Today--Look at it as Repentance . . . I Know, I Know!

Tim Baldwin, an attorney from Kalispell, and I believe a constitutional law attorney, like myself, answered, the question of getting a record expunged, in the following way:  Expunging a criminal record is allowed only if statute allows it.  No authority of courts to expunge criminal records absent statutory authorization: Montana courts have jurisdiction to expunge criminal records pursuant to statute, but absent explicit legislative authorization, courts have no inherent power to expunge criminal records. St v. Chesley, 2004 MT 165, 322 M 26, 92 P3d 1212 (2004).  With your particular conviction, I am unaware of any statutory authority to expunge your conviction.  WHAT THE FUCK?

One of the reasons, I love Montana, is that they actually do follow the law, love the constitutions, and really try to follow it the best they can; they also have term limits for elected officials, which I am coming to find, like everything else is both good and bad!  The problem is, every session, the legislature has hot topic items, last session, the most money was spent on dignity in death or physician assisted suicide, with attorneys from other states, setting up shop, model legislation, and outside influence . . . but, there is no voice for the homeless, few for Vets, and absolutely none for the alleged criminals, of yesteryear, especially, but we are all paying for that oversight!

Law School Commencement Ceremonies--JUSTICE FOR ALL!

In the week or two, the University of Montana, School of Law, celebrated graduation, and the bold headline in the newspaper, was Justice for All!  I was particularly interested, because just days before, my oldest daughter, Greta Secrist Hyland, had just been admitted to the law school, and I referred the article down to here in Dameron Valley, Utah, just out of St. George, Utah, so she could see what the school focus is, and I know that has always been my bent on the law, justice for all!  And as I have clawed and scratched my way, all the way up to the top court in the land, with tons of opposition, to see that justice is for all, regardless of price, personal, high, even life-threatening, at times, that is my goal, and I know, my daughter will fit, why, because she is my daughter, her value system is highly evident, and I know, she will fight for JUSTICE FOR ALL!

I would have failed as both a mother and an attorney, had I not conveyed to her the importance, critical implications of not providing justice for all, not only in the strictest sense of fairness, but just downright justice, and the backlash against society as a whole, if there is not justice for all . . . I know my children, I know the values I instilled in them . . . teach correct principles, they will govern themselves, and they will not depart from them!  That is Biblical, so is justice, so is mercy, the word hearsay, and many legal terms, come from the New Testament, and so is payment for crimes/sins!  

It always amazed me, that our advocate, with the Father, was none other than Jesus Christ, who will stand before the judgement seat for us, arguing our case, and he also, after getting us the most lenient sentence, with the minimal amount of punishment, took our place!  If our legal system is based on Judeo-Christian principles, then should our response to former perpetrators of crimes, be that in response also, with concepts like, judge not that ye be not judged, and turn the other cheek . . . not necessarily, in this secular system, but after they have completed what the courts feel is their obligation?  Come on!

Shelters Across this State Have Fed, Sheltered & Clothed Me, While I My Travel Plans Have Been Dictated by Law Enforcement, Allegedly for Being the Person, Who Committed Crimes Against Me!  Double Vision, Mistaken Identity, With Very Powerful People in High Places, Wanting My Demise!

As I escaped Utah, after suing the state for $357 million, and the county I lived in for $56.7 million, trying to get justice for all, including two financial planners, who use to both be millionaires, now bankrupt and broke, and three kids, all basically good, who were targeted by cops, and who were trying to do their best to take on the powers that be, for their crimes . . . the venom turned on the attorney, who really did have the skills, had the tools, and the credentials to give them, as formerly being one of their own, a run for their money; however, they switched sides, the plaintiffs that is, and sided with the Mormon Church, once I won the cases, took bribes, I think two of the guys are now cops, or one a detective now, agreeing to let the real criminals off and chase the only one with a pure heart and clean hands, out of the state, after taking 2 homes, with all the belongings, up to and including my toothbrush, 5 vehicles, books, computers, and files in my law practice, that was raging with constitutional vigor, kicking the shit out of law enforcement agencies in multiple states, and at a federal level, so for fear of my life, I fled to Montana, as the last best place!

Once while in Helena, I walked past God's Love Homeless Shelter . . . and told God to never, never let me land there!  LOL!  At that time, I still had my truck, then my car for shelter, haven't seen my home in Utah for almost 2 years, now, cabin, also, but as fate would have it, someone put a pipe bomb on my car, they already took my truck and about $20,000 worth of art, electronics, computers, TVs, and whatever they wanted from my house, in addition to my truck, so I was in my new throw away vehicle, I bought in Great Falls, where the DMV, kept my driver's license, and just couldn't find it when I went back to get it . . . feds, and my Utah State Bar Association Card, picture I.D., was taken in Helena, last July 4th, when staying with friends, new roommate, just had her boyfriend picked up on a warrant, I am sure he got out, in exchange for her getting in my purse, I left, while going to honor Vets at the VA Hospital, in Helena, that day! 

So with no I.D., my means of getting money, and no protection now, from the elements, as unpredictable as Montana weather is, I found myself on the streets . . . at none other than, God's Love, which I am sure, was in fact, GOD'S Love, both for me, and what I am now seeing, probably was part of the plan, for all the guys and gals, who are there due to the lack of means, remedy, statute, or whatever, to get records expunged to move on with their lives!  I have been driven from state to state, from sea to shining sea, for the Patriot Act, or alleged infractions, due to entrapment, by cops, tricking me, or putting me in difficult situations, by what they have done first, straining at a nat, and swallowing a flea, their crimes, are so monumental, and mine in reaction to their actions, like taking my truck, stealing my house, belongings, etc. that a jury would laugh in comparison!  

Giving Back to the Shelters for Their Love!

I first thought of the idea, after Dave and I, talked at God's Love, and we decided that something that would really help the homeless, was to get their records cleared so they could function in society again . . . many were out of jail or prison, but couldn't get housing or jobs, due to criminal background checks.    I am making good on my promise, Dave, just a little later than planned, staying alive is my main goal now days . . . but providing the shelter, now shelters, across the state with an easy way for staff to help the homeless get records cleared, has always been on my mind!

Two weeks ago, after one of the homeless guys from the Poverello, asked me to help him with 10 year old charges on his record out of the state of Washington, and another guys, who has 40 year old charges from Georgia, asked me to help them expunge their records, I decided this was the time.  Wow, I was shocked how easy it was to get relief in Washington, not only were their forms readily available and user friendly, in the small print below the forms, there was a number connected with an organization called CLEAR, just in case someone needing assistance is reading this blog, call (888) 201.1019, and they will even do it free if you don't have money.  That was easy.

Shock of Shocks . . . What the Hell, Montana Doesn't Do Expungements?

Now, I am not going to criticize my adopted state, again, the good and bad, you barely have 1 million people, so the state, is basically not very populated, but the down side is, with the fourth largest state, and no people, they don't have much of a tax base  . . . but I am always impressed with what they do, with so little money, and they always have a surplus of, right now, about a half a million dollars!  But it is not money, but legislation we need.  But up until, late yesterday, after spending a hour and a half on the computer, trying to find a form on the Montana Court Forms, website, after looking up the statute, having just read the bold titles, not the details, and just assuming they had expungement methods, and after stopping at the Missoula County Court and Missoula Legal Services, I was still not sure what was going on . . . they were both unaware of any forms to help people get their records expunged.

So when all else fails, call people who know what is going on, I called the Montana Supreme Court, the Montana State Library, the Law School, the Law School Librarian, a Constitutional Law Professor, the Innocence Project . . . and they all kind of hinted that there was not a statute or law, or at least not a form, or no way for someone to get their records cleared.  I still didn't believe them, that can't be true, really?  Finally, Susan, the head law librarian, very efficiently, and directly, told me in no uncertain terms, that the state did not do expungement, or rarely did, and the court, did not have jurisdiction, there was no legislation, and the person would, on a rare occasion be allowed to go before the Board of Pardons, to get a record expunged . . . what, this should be a matter of law, almost . . . in Utah, you can get a misdemeanor cleared in 3 years, and a felony in 5, if memory serves!

Susan, gave me the name and citation of the case, I mentioned in the attention grabber, and I told her, that I thought, or by first glance was sure that a record could be reversed or expunged and the law even provided for someone to get their DNA samples, dismissed from evidence in the case of an alleged rape . . . she said she was aware of that, but would have to look up the law again, and so was I going to!  

Searching for Friends in High Places--We Need Some Legislation on This!

I promptly called my landlord, Tony Ostemeier whom I helped gather signatures, Monday, to get him on the ballot against, Ellie Hill, in House District, 94, I think?  And I told him, he couldn't shoot his renters up at the ranch, he couldn't die, he thinks he is too old, na, my grandpa, lived to the ripe old age of 96 years old, and was driving his car to the week he died, so Tony has a good 18 years left, he is a Marine, tough one at that, stout, and sharp, too, that early higher education at Harvard, did him some good!

And on top of that, I needed him to carry some legislation for me . . . I testified 3 times last session, so some of the legislators already know me, and I think, Ellie Hill, was actually on my email list for a while, after I testified, and wrote on the Salish-Kootenai Indian Water Compact, along with Krayton Kearns, and a few others on the House of Representatives, Judicial Committee . . . like I said, I am principle, concept, and values oriented, not necessarily party, aligned, therefore, I don't care who carries this bill, or writes it, as long as we get one!

The down side of term limits, is a legislator just gets their feet wet, and then their time is up, and they either have to run in another branch or section, like the senate, to continue whatever work they started, and most are so green around the gills, that they are just cutting teeth; however, I didn't like the alleged kings and queens of the Utah Legislature, that kicked assistant attorney generals out of the Capitol Building, who worked their all year, for 45 days, and a special session now and then, with the top of the line decor, and even that wasn't good enough, they built the Roman Gardens, and multi-million dollar buildings to match the state Capitol, out back, fountains and all . . . is there a middle ground, one breeds corruption and the other, vacates seasoned legislators and puts them out to pasture, about the time they are getting effective . . . possibly, longer terms?

The Pov, Just Reached their Funding Goal of $1.6 Million--Total Donations About $6 Million--Great Social--Expungement is Going to Take Longer!

Since, at one time or another, I have found myself in different shelters, due to Rimrock Bus Company getting grounded by the feds, or Salt Lake Express, or Greyhound cutting services, I have been stuck in various parts of the state, but the up side, is, if I am ever homeless again, or just travelling through, either too cheap to get a hotel, or not staying long enough to get an apartment, or don't know anyone, I have always had the reassurance, that if I could make it back to Kalispell, Great Falls, Helena, or Missoula, I could have a roof over my head, a bed, whether in the hall, on the floor, or on a bed, and a good meal . . . I can't say that for Washington, or Spokane, nice clean bed, but the food, wasn't as good as in Montana.

Montanans Practice What They Preach--But I Do Have Preferences--Ratings

While not a five star hotel or restaurant, but extremely grateful, I have surmised a thing or two about the shelters . . . now the new Poverello Center, is amazing, beautiful, high tech, and just off the charts a great act of caring by the community!  And I promise, Director of Veterans Services, Tessa Johnson, MSW, at the Poverello Center, and Valor House, serving families, I think . . . that whatever I have to do, I will get a law passed to help, get criminal records cleared for the people you serve, and so well, do you serve, that is my promise!  Here we go for the rating system, take it for what it is worth, I know, beggars can't be choosers . . . put, hey, look at it this way, I was instrumental in getting the water compact tabled, having written constitutional analysis, first for the Federation of Republican Women, in the Flathead, testified before the Judicial Committee, who tabled the compact, and gave me the opportunity to testify for almost a half hour, as to why I thought is violated the U.S. Constitution, the Montana State Constitution, and Montana State Code . . . then, Krayton Kearns asked me to write my testimony.  I later, worked with Senator Jackson . . . so if Montana is smart, this homeless waif, who is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court Bar, and there are others like me . . . and you have no idea what we have sacrificed for your freedoms and rights, but if the state is smart, it can save itself and tax payers, $55 million in repairs to water systems, under the sole jurisdiction of the U.S. Government!  A few meals, a bed, and an occassional coat, might have been worth it for the state . . . I hope!
  • Best Food Category . . . Poverello, Missoula, chef stuff, while you are all buying the unhealthy food, in the grocery stores, with the foods that need to be taken off the selves, for time dated foods, go to the Pov, who cooks it up in a 5 to 7 course meal . . . after that, local farmers can pick it up for pig food, so I think you would be happy, waste not, want not, going to a good cause!
  • Cleanest Shelter Category . . . Samaritan House, Kalispell, as in most shelters, people have chores they have to do, but Samaritan House is spotless and shines!
  • Cutest Rooms Category . . . Mission of Hope, Great Falls, nice comfy quilts, Bibles on the beds, stuffed animals, carpeting, residents feel warm and safe . . .
  • Most Lenient Rules, Funnest . . . God's Love, Helena . . . we are adults, not planning on being nuns, or giving my life to the cloth, we had BBQs, and on a rare occasion, a male pal, got to come in and watch, Jon Stewart, and Colbert, which made it fun . . . Dave was even planning a wedding for us, and had little Asian kids for adoption . . . funny, Dave!

Two Years Ago, I Never Would Have Imagined!

The other day, the day after the Poverello Center celebrated reaching their fund raising goals, some jackass, wrote an article, playing on the theme of the movie, Field of Dreams . . . build it and they will come. slamming the 100 or so homeless who have on an average night, received a warm bed, great food, and friendship . . . good friends, loyal friends, more than I can say for my clients, and family in Utah . . . two years ago, I had a ragingly popular law practice, with a million dollar home, my dream truck, my family close, $5k to $10k in my purse, cash, at any given time . . . guess what, that disappeared in the blink of an eye, and I became, an unlawful fugitive, in the eyes of the Patriot Act boys a girls, seeking to arrest without warrants, jail and kill me . . . just fighting for your rights and your freedoms, so judge not is a great standard to live by . . .


Thursday, May 29, 2014


Don't Be Confused By the Facts

Yesterday, I was on the bus, and got into a discussion with the bus driver, and as usual, it turns to politics, so politics as usual.  The bus driver, very emphatically in formed me that he was a conservative, and proud of it, as if that was all he needed to say, and all discussion of anything was off the table, implying like all of his ilk, that isn't it highly obvious, that we made a mistake in the last election, and only time had revealed that, with President Obama.  I promptly informed him that it was his Republicans who had created so much grief in my life, under the (un)Patriot Act, Pres. Bush's baby, Clinton would not sign it . . . and that I found out just last week, that it was his party, who refused to vote against legislation, that made it legal to arrest someone, without a warrant, no charges, and hold them indefinitely or detain them without a hearing or trial, and I had been arrested, under exactly those elements, and had clients and family who would not give up looking for me, in a jail, all the way across the state!

I was sure that I had been picked up under the tenuous detainment statute, intended for terrorists, but, for my protection, and adiment obedience and defense of the U.S. Constitution, but after my release 9 days later, a client came a got me, I was told that law had been overturned--that was in 2012, and I just read last week in some document, that was not true and the unconstitutional detainments were still on the books!  I heard the horror stories of a former CIA agent, who was likewise arrested, without charges, warrant for arrest and detained, among other female activist--amazing that being true to my oath of office as an attorney and officer of the court, would get me locked up as a homegrown terrorist!  The bus driver apologized, and said, yeah, President Bush was pretty bad . . . hell, bad, he threw out the whole fucking Constitution!  I would say bad!

Right Up To the Polling Booth

In 2008, I watched all news channels, from the most conservative to the most liberal and in between, every night from about August to November . . . I was worried about Palin, one heart-beat away from the presidency, but I wanted to make the right decision, having never fallen prey to voting entirely for one party or the other, nor being closely aligned with one or the other.  When I was younger, I read the Republican Platform, didn't agree with all of that, likewise for the Democrats, nor did I agree entirely with the Libertarians . . . so a woman without a party, who now knows why, I basically fall, right where the U.S. Constitution falls, kind of a deep seated sense of justice, embedded in both me and the document, secularist, grounded in common sense, rational thought, and the practicalities of life.

But in my TV and newspaper reading, trying to be a smart voter, I saw one advertisement or study, done by the Office of Veterans Affairs, in which they gave a grade to Senator McCain and Senator Obama, as the time--now McCain was a POW, or Prisoner of War and a Vet; therefore, logic should tell you that he, not Obama, should get the higher score on voting for or against veterans issues.  But to my surprise, Obama got a "B" and McCain, got an "F."  Since, four members of my family had served in the military, covering all four branches, I decided to vote for President Obama . . . 

And, this morning as I read the Judicial Watch Special Report, entitled, "Yes, Mr. President, You Will Wait" an Updated Examination into the Unprecedented and Radical Attempt by the Obama Administration to Expand Power, it struck me again, that many things that this report demonized the Obama Administration over, were long held beliefs that rang of constitutional vigor and protection, like exercising his executive powers to immediately stop enforcing minimum mandatory sentences for prisoners, or taking offense with states, who wanted to curtail or make the voting process more stringent--not for the people, but for Republican advantage!  Politics, when the founding fathers, said the federal government is to ensure a Republican form or representative form of government, and protect against domestic violence . . . which I would say, states, all 19, are trying to make it harder for seniors, the poor, or others to vote . . . when the whole reason for the Boston Tea Party, talk about an oxymoron of the abuse of the name of Tea Partiers . . . was to get rid of taxation with out representation, or a voice through voting!

This past election, I happened to be at my sister's house in Cove, Utah, now she lives in Mendon, on the date of the third presidential debate, which I couldn't wait to see, and I asked my sister, if she wanted to watch the debate with me, she immediately said, No, after Sarah Palin, and campaigning for her, one day, mind you, I am done with politics!  And Obama is Satan himself . . . and her son, piped up and said, and yeah, he is a Muslim!  At first I considered the source, Republican, and totally uneducated, nor do they care to get educated, don't confuse them with the facts, and of course, Mitt Romney was their man, no good, card carrying Mormon, would vote for Obama over Romney . . . she doesn't know her own church . . . or state, like I do, nor Mitt Romney, like I do . . . I actually know, he took $30 million in government bail out, was shipping jobs off to China, or his former company was, right during the elections . . . and you know the rest of the story, the 47% and all, but hey, what does all that matter!

If Rachel would have known, in the last election, everyone tried to bash Obama on his choice of Christian Churches and ministers, alleged radical, Black preacher . . . President Obama's dad, was Muslim, but he and Michelle, have always been Christian, attending the same Church for 20 years!  Again, don't confuse them with the facts!  It was interesting, here is another shocker, for the black and white thinkers among you . . . a Christian University, forgot which on, actually rated, President Obama and Governor Romney, on their Christianity, and if my quick glance at the tally, from the flash on TV, was, the President actually scored higher than the alleged, righteous, Mormon, Mitt, being a former Mormon Stake President!  I mentioned that to someone the other day, and he said, yeah, I don't think Mitt Romney is quit the choir boy he makes out to be . . . none of them are!

Transparency in Government

The Judicial Watch was screaming about all the executive order the President has used to circumvent Congress, with his Can't Wait campaign . . . with a Congress, who only cares about getting elected or re-elected, who just got back in session, and the newspaper said, they had no intention of getting anything done, just keeping the status quo, and doing nothing, until after the fall mid-term elections, with a less than 6 percent approval rating, less than Parliament had, shortly before the Declaration of Independence was sent to Britain, who can blame President Obama, who is actually trying to take care of business!  Congress sure as hell isn't . . . they probably would rather discuss Benghazi for the next 5 months, rather than take care of business!  The Nation can't wait!  You should be fired!

In speech after speech, the President is announcing, exactly what his intends to do, agree or disagree, he tells you . . . there have been, I have heard, about 119 executive orders, done at the stoke of a pen, by President Obama . . . hell, during the lame duck session, after President Obama won the 2008 elections, in November, early November, at January 20th, 2009, while no one was watching . . . President Bush, signed something like 1200 executive orders!  Timing is everything, what Bush signed by executive order, President Obama inherited, along with the group carrying out those orders, unbeknown to the public, that he has had to contend with!

Check Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, who was watching what President Bush was up to during those day, and I was still hooked on the news, going through withdrawal symptoms, soaking every drop of news, until it started to dwindle in notoriety, which is always does . . . you would be shocked at what your past, Republican President signed into law, with a single stroke of the law, what the Patriot Act didn't do, through Congress, Bush mopped up the details in executive orders, like making it legal for local and state cops to search your house, while you are not home . . . very consistent with the rest of the bull shit, in that act, signed, I heard, one minute after midnight, 9/12, but wasn't announced to the nation, until just short of a month after the suspiciously tragic day . . . due to the pre-prepared act, that President Clinton, would not sign!

Constitutional Law is as Complicated as You Can Get

In a perfect world, between the three branches of government, you have the Legislative Branch, or Congress, who is suppose to make the laws; the Executive Branch to enforce those laws, and the Judicial Branch, that is to interpret the laws, or actions enforcing the law, and determine if they are, in fact, constitutional . . . there is a rule in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedures, that actually gives attorneys, the right to challenge the constitutionality of an act of Congress . . . but, the division of powers, rights and duties, are not always so clearly distinguished, and 238 years of case law, has shaped, filled in the gaps in the actual word of the Constitution, and often the lines are blurred . . . 

Tip for law students, past, present and future, grappling with the complications, juxtapositions, anomalies, and complexities of this federalist, state and federal government, plus Republican form, with a balance of power between the branches of government, there is cross-over duties, that even muddy the waters further. My constitutional law professor, told us we could make an outline of a con law book that was about 4 inches thick, to bring into this open book test.  The night before the test, I decided, perhaps, I should prepare something easy to take into class to help me with the test.

So being the former graphic artist I am, and very much into the kiss idea of life, keep it simple stupid, or Henry David Thurough's mantra, simplicity, simplicity, simplicity . . . I took a single piece of paper, a tea cup, and drew three circles, basically, separate, but equal, however, with a bit of overlap between each and every branch with the other two branches, for the exceptions, like executive orders and the like . . . as small as I could write, I penned all the rights, duties, powers, and prohibitions for each branch, in the main part of the circle, then going through my notes, I covered the case law, that made the whole thing much more complicated, as the U.S. Supreme Court, the final say on matters of competition for powers, and there are many, created this overlap, that is the battle ground.

Just recently, I was shocked to read, that my disdain for the modern Court's, ruling on Citizens United, the case that gave corporations the right of free speech, giving them the right to unlimited spending, actually had some precedence, back in the late 1800s, or at least 100 year old ruling, making corporations, legal fictions, or persons, for business ease . . . so, we can't be so sure, there is not some precendence for what we now hate that, eve the U.S. Supreme Court is stuck with, historically.

Project Vote Smart

Leave social issues alone, that have been decided by the U.S. Supreme Court to be constitutional, like abortion and now, Obamacare, they have been ruled on, decided, and revisited, Congress has tried to rescind the law they voted for, 40 times, and have not been successful, the law is the law, is the law, like it or not.  You hear politicians, running on the ignorance campaign as did Sarah Palin, she was going to personally overturn, Roe v. Wade . . . really.  More states are on board with Obamacare, the typical whipping boy, for the time, than were when it was voted in back 3 years ago.

After the 2008, trouncing, I remember, Michael Steele, the new director the NCR, or National Republican Committee, and he and others, decided, rather than to broaden the base of voters, actually came up with a 20 point check list, that if political hopefuls didn't match up on all 20 points, they would not consider supporting them . . . enter the Tea Party, and the civil war in the party right now!  Remember, that back in the days of the signing of the U.S. Constitution, there were actually, 12 political parties, maybe indicative of the factions, within each party now, there is good, better, and best candidates and ideas.

Remember that money doesn't make a viable candidate . . . Karl Rove, had $300 million to spend, and not one of his candidates, he vetted, got elected, which was a relief, and a statement against the law case, Citizens United . . . the voters, still made the elections, not money!  You may personally agree with 2/3 of a candidates positions, so don't let that 1/3 deter you from voting for them . . . reasonable people agree to disagree!  Hell, spouses, don't agree, why should politicians!  Be open, be flexible, and look for people who have the basics, based on traditional principles, concepts and values, taking into consideration, we live in a diverse nation, the melting pot, with competing interests and groups, and we all have to live together and get along!

Good Luck, Primaries are June 3--VOTE SMART!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Like I Have Said--the Battle of the Sexes is Not Over

Males are more likely to pursue occupations where compensation is risky from year to year, such as law or finance.  Perry & Biggs, p.27.

Now, all the excuses this clown ass writer comes up with can be dispelled by this one female attorney's story, and I am sure, that I am not the only women attorney who has horror stories that would follow much the same patterns.  Author Selwyn Duke--symbolic, sell win, with the mentality of John Wayne, nick named the Duke, this cowboy attributes much of the female plight, to the fact that she chooses to work less, due to family responsibilities and child bearing . . . okay, well, I didn't go to law school, until I was 36 years old, and I graduated when my oldest daughter, graduated from high school, with all my children in school, while I attended 3 years of law school, at the J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, 1990 to 1993, well after the 70's push for the Equal Rights Amendment . . . I was totally ready for embarking on this male oriented profession, to play in the big leagues, go for the heavy weights, play in an equal arena, with the soul intent to fight and win!

My first case I ever filed, was a $357 million lawsuit, in a specialty area of law, securities, suing the governor, the attorney general, the director of the department of commerce, the division of securities, and about 8 attorneys and investigators, acting in their individual and official capacities, for the state of Utah! Henry S. Brock and Jay Rice, two financial planners, men, actually that got their asses in a ringer, and could not find any male attorneys in the Salt Lake area to sue the Division of Securities on their behalves, turned to this little female attorney, pit-bull who tore the state of Utah a new ass!  So, I was playing in the big leagues, securities is a specialty area of law, and this case involved a knowledge of securities law, administrative law, civil and criminal law, in addition to constitutional law . . . and guess what, there was not a fucking male who dared, or was smart enough to take this case, and I did it against the Litigation Division's assistant attorneys generals, and two outside law firms!  This little chick, was not chicken shit, like her fellow male attorneys, who were charging anywhere from $500 per hour, to $700 per hour in states like New York, all who followed my case, as I took it to the United States Supreme Court, single handed without a secretary, a legal assistant, nor any other attorney to help or consult with!

My Resume Coming Into This Law Suit--And Simultaneously About 30 Other Lawsuits, Against the Department of Justice, Homeland Security, Immigration Customs Enforcement, National Guard, States of Utah and Nevada, the Las Vegas Review Journal--$700 Million Worth of Cases + a Ton of Pro Bono, Family and Criminal Law Cases!

I started practicing law at age 40, after teaching argumentation and research, in the English Department, Utah Valley College/University and family law, in the Child & Family Studies Department, Brigham Young University . . . this is a skeleton sketch of my jobs, before I was poisoned for taking out 9 federal attorneys and investigators; you wanna talk doing dangerous jobs, this one almost cost me my life!  Now, within 2 years after graduation from law school, when people saw the beefed up version of my resume, they wondered why I wasn't governor, so you are getting the abbreviated versions . . .

I was former, staff attorney, Utah Prosecution Council, assistant attorney general, Criminal Enforcement Division, Utah Attorney Generals Office--also teaching both argumentation and research and family law, at the University of Utah, and after finding out that I owed $1600 in taxes, helped a local Salt Lake attorney, of about 25 years, beat the largest law firm, if memory serves, Ray Quinny Nebekur with 87 attorneys at the time, on another specialized area of law, patent law, representing a man who got his invention for highly technical equipment for speakers, stolen, due to the shitty work of this big boy law firm!

I was sucked into the Utah Attorney Generals Administration, over 3 statewide programs, 13 staff, and 1800 volunteers, doing constituent services, community programs, and victim services, still teaching at two universities with two manuals under my belt, one on domestic violence and sexual assault, getting an award under the Clinton administration, serving as a national model, still in use, and now being used and adapted by the Department of Justice in their manual of human body trafficking.  During that same time frame, I defeated prosecutor and cop legislation, asset forfeiture, which led to reforms in the practices of law enforcement and prosecution, in 27 states . . . talk about playing with the big boys, heavy duty, fucking take down they are still making me pay for to this day!

Later, I was, as always, from my first job on, offered a new job, almost to the day, starting a new job, almost every years, with the Utah Division of Aging, stealing me from the Utah Attorney Generals Office, stating that everyone can see what happens in any job you go into, it turns to solid gold!  Mind you, I was in several other divisions in the attorney generals office, prior to being whisk away, when Congress appropriated monies for new staff attorneys, in each state, to assist the aging services in the 50 states . . . these guys hand picked me for the job!  I was still teaching at the University of Utah, had my own anger management company, doing public speaking on anger management, for a minimum of 2 hours, at $500 per hour.

I went on to being offered the general counsel position with the Utah Medical Association, over some 3,000 plus physicians in the state, just at the time, the federal government was going after doctors, for alleged billing and coding fraud, for Medicaid and Medicare . . . instead of the docs getting eaten alive by the feds, we ate the feds, for violating doctors federally protected statutory and constitutional rights, with 9 falling to the efforts of a physician and her husband, after I found the federal regulations the fraud unit was fucking up on, saving the docs, and making national heroes of my docs for standing up to the feds.  Still teaching at the U of U, still doing anger management, and now doing online programs for the elderly, dealing with conservatorship and guardianship's . . . and in high demand, until, magically, I was struck down with a terminal brain disease and told I was going to die, with no hope of ever working again, hello, poison, car bombs, etc. . . . try that on for fucking dangerous, you asshole, Duke!

 Now, Let's Compare My Boss, Mark Nash

Sat on his fucking ass for the next 20 years, never got offered a new job, never tried for a new job, never taught at a college or a university, never applied for a grant, nor wrote a manual--he did teach out of the two that I wrote and won grants for, and still used them up to his retirement.  He was making a fucking hell of a lot more money than I was, and the guy who replaced me got a bunch more too, even though I was above him on the food chain in the attorney generals office . . . now explain that again, why women don't make as much as men . . . less marketable, people-oriented, safer jobs . . . I fucked my former bosses, Mark, Reed, and Jan, plus ever prosecutor and cop in the state of Utah, plus 27 other states . . . so shove it you butt fucking lunatic!  Good God!

Mark, my old boss, did however, join with Mark Shurtleff, the attorney general who should be in prison forever, along with his crony, John Swallow, who all teamed with the local prosecutors, cops, and judges, not only in the federal courts, but the local courts, to practice asset forfeiture, taking my $1.4 million home, with all my furniture, my law practice, my artwork, my baby grand piano, plants, vehicles . . . SUPPRESSION OF GIRL POWER GUSTO, DUMB ASS!  And that comes of the heals of taking out narcotics cops, getting judges disqualified or taken off the bench for a time, suing Iron County for $56.7 million for corruption . . . and about a million other things this woman who is too afraid to play in the big boys leagues, afraid to fight to succeed . . . really, do you want to take me one?

Mark even had a 15 year head start on being an attorney . . . we can even say we started at the same place. Guess what, Mark never got more than his first law license . . . I had four bar licenses, with Certificates of Good Standing, at the same time I was going to the U.S. Supreme Court, actually being sworn in, back in D.C., while the state of Utah was trying to yank my bar license, so government doubles could be me, and steal over $200 million in contingency fees, already won! . . . SUPPRESSION OF GIRL-POWER GUSTO!  Nothing more than professional jealousy, envy, greed, collusion, conspiracy, and as my undercover husband said, every cop, prosecutor and judge in this state hates you, because you make them look stupid . . . pull up any brief and it is total fidelity to the rule of law!

Blow You Struck For the Patriarchy

I can't even get the male dominated patriarchy, within the state of Utah, with 70% of the FBI, CIA and now NSA, to dare go after the assholes who did this to me . . . they wanted the money for Mitt Romney, wanted the tits and ass girls, the government brought in as me to get credit, you know that image thing, adulterers all, but I swear . . . going to hell for sure!  You want to talk about dangerous jobs . . . really, try being chased, tracked, stalked, set up, jailed illegally, unconstitutionally, and even criminally, had your clitoris cut off . . . wanna lay your dick on the line for your job, fuckers!  Come on, really, not being attracted to dangerous jobs, only a woman would take them on, never will be part of the good ol' boys club, nor would a woman worth her salt be tits and ass fodder for the boys club, I don't need to sleep my way to the top.

There is new campaign out, called Stop Bossy . . . actually I love it, bitch is fine too . . . I love Justice Sandra Day O'Connor response, much like I would say myself . . . I am not bossy, I just have better ideas!  I had two very feminist grandmothers, my own mother, said, I must have gotten both DNA strains in me, but my grandmother who was roofing a house at age 83, said, If anyone is going to miserable, it is not going to be me . . . and anything a man can do, I can do better!

Tell the teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary, that they were not in a high risk job, not dangerous at all, really?  Nurses, work in the place with the sickest people in the community, exposing themselves, way more than the doctors, changing clothes, taking blood, helping them go to the bathroom, etc.  What does the doc to, walk around, look at their chart, and ask how they are?  Are you kidding.  And, as far as I know, they don't give any discounts to students choosing degrees in social work, or seeing them charge more tuition for business oriented degrees, so why in the hell, would they pay a  professor of business more than someone in social work?  I don't get it?  If you chose to teach, for better hours, you get less pay!  Same work, should be paid the same . . . period, distinguish for me, why, now, market demand . . . he could make more in the private sector, well, then get the hell out of teaching and go make more.  So could a social worker in private practice . . . and your point is?

And comparing us to Norway, Saudia Arabia, Pakistan, India, Singapore or Malaysia . . . really? This goes beyond apples and oranges!  WOW, and what did you say this guys credentials are?  I guess bigot, misogamist, sexist, pig, might be better . . . I will match you resume, for resume, buddy!

I Am Totally With You, Prez., This is a Disgrace in 2014!

Monday, May 26, 2014


Home of the Free, Because of the Brave--Memorial Day Salute

Montana was or is, Senator Tester is trying to find out, either the top state, per capita members who served in the armed services in the Nation, or second, either one, hats off, hearts and allegiance to keeping it free--thanks to all who served, are currently serving and who are willing to serve!  I want to pay tribute to five members of my family, who have served: deceased husband, US Marine Corp; daughter, Navy Intel; son-in-law, Navy SEAL; daughter, Air Force, linguist; son-in-law, Army, linguist . . . so proud, believe me the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree . . . Memorial Day and July 4th, Services provided the opportunities for my children to honor service men/women and their country . . . something stuck!

Patriotism is more than just waving a flag at a parade on the 4th of July, or having a BBQ--it is a lifetime commitment to the core values, principles and concepts, that this country was founded on . . .

Sunday, May 25, 2014


There Really is Something Magical to Chicken Soup--There Has to be, It Took Me 3 Hours to Make!

Okay, the chicken is in the pot, skin and all, so I can get every drop of good stuff, skins are ugly, but whatever--our fore-mothers used to have to go out in the farm, catch a chicken, then cut its head off, pluck the feathers off, then put it in the soup pot; therefore, I will not bitch and moan about just unwrapping the bird and washing the blood off, that grosses me out a bit, but hey, being healthy just doesn't happen.  And I am here to tell you, if I had to run around the yard, trying to catch a fucking bird, being healthy, just wouldn't happen!  Lucky for me, but not for the next meal, that I can just go to the store and buy the former wild fowl.

While the naked, formerly fine feathered friend is cooking, I will cut up the veggies, clean out the fridge of all that good stuff, that sounded good the day you shopped, but never sounded good after you got in the vegetable drawer, so now is your chance to grab all those vitamins and minerals, in carrots, potatoes, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, summer squash, fresh cut beans, corn right off the cob, and whatever else you want to put in the soup--I have no recipe, that doesn't look right for the spelling of recipe, I haven't cooked since 1989, so I haven't seen that word much since I became an attorney, got divorced, and decided that I had done as much good or destruction as I could up to this point in my children's lives, so dad gets an end to his 15 year vacation . . . the kids need money now, not someone to watch them, so, your career wins, by about $60,000 per year, or until I get through law school. 

Every time my kids came to me and said, I don't feel good, it was time for chicken soup, summer, spring, winter, or fall . . . the total cure all!  Power pack those veggies and chicken meat and broth, into their small systems, that have to tough out playground, pre-school, and school exposure, from other little ones who seem to be sponges for everything that can ail a body, perhaps, to slowly inoculate them, one disease at a time, so when they are adults, they can save up their sick leave and convert it to vacation time, a better use of a day off, in my humble opinion, or cash it in at the end of your stay at that particular job, getting enough for a few months break before you have to go to the next job.  Chicken soup, was always the first attempt at stopping a cold, flu, sore throat, or about anything.  You have heard of the popular book and lecture series, Chicken Soup for the Soul, or anything else . . . well, that is because there really is something to the concoction, I will attest to that!

Broth, Natural, Purchased, Cubed, Plus All the Herbs in Your Cupboard

Yesterday, I had a box of chicken broth, the broth my chicken was cooked in, then I added, about 6 cubes of chicken broth, the dried kind--I like a powerful, soup that will knock the socks off any disease or foreign agent that is starting to invade my body, the ones I love, or the ones I am responsible for taking care of--my landlord, is a cool old Marine, we can talk for hours, and both have a passion for politics, and other shared interests, but he beat the hell out of his body, and has to use two canes, to walk.  He is 79 years old, but really seems about 59, but for the canes--he has to use two to walk, which always throws me for a loop; therefore, there is ulterior motives in getting him healthy, I can imagine benefits for both of us, chicken soup, is magic and has cartilage from the bones of the chicken; therefore, Dr. Secrist, diagnoses his tendinitis as the root of the disease says, ten, as in tension, so his tendons are under stress and that can kill.

After I made my diagnosis, and thought of a few other things that might help with the tension . . . he informed me that was exactly what the doctor told him to do, the chicken soup, that is . . .  I told him that grapes, pomegranates, and I think walnuts are also good for joints and tendons.  He lifted up a bag of pineapple bits, and said these are good too . . . looks like we are reading the benefits about the same and equally motivated. That is always good, you can lead a horse or cowboy to water, but you can't make them drink.  I haven't expressed the other part of what I think his therapy should consist off.  I don't want to abuse the elderly, so I better wait until the chicken soup starts to kick in . . . dammit, I don't know why I have to be so logical and ethical.  I could tell him that God told me he was to . . . but he was raised a Quaker, and I might be breaking some Quaker code of conduct, or maybe there is some Marine deal I am overlooking--they are usually pretty wild, so?

Next is the herbs--there is something in the Mormon Religion, called the Word of Wisdom, or a code of health . . . that states that herbs are given for the healing of man, so I went through all his herbs, and blasted the soup with every last one, oregano, parsley, cumin, paprika, basil, dried parsley, red cyane pepper, curry powder, bay leafs, herb mixes, etc.  I don't measure, I just open the lids and start to shake that little herb can or bottle and dump whatever . . . it always tastes great.  The final touch is to add salt and pepper.  I made a huge Crock Pot full, enough to last the two or three of us, a few days . . . spooks may have come in last night . . . and tried my soup, I noticed the counter had some of the soup residual on the counter, and I know when I went to bed, the counters were clean, with salt and pepper shakers, a spoon to dish up the soup, and crackers . . . so if he went to his ranch, the front light was still on, and so was the front room light, and the van was gone, so who in the hell, messed up my counter top?  So, there you have it, wonder soup!

God is sending me a message, through the music I am listening to . . . Part-Time Lovers . . . I'm game, if we can get rid of the canes!  It is Sunday, I skipped church, but, hey, I am all ears . . .

Saturday, May 24, 2014


What's More American Than Rocky Movies & Rockin' Roll?

What a great surprise, yesterday, when this song, Living in America, came on, while I was just finishing my blog and checking into the song that was rockin my ears, that had been tuned out, until I was done with the blog . . . I listened to it about 10 times, rocking out in my chair with my ear buds, and watching the visual delight, of Ivan Drago, the Russian boxer, as he was shocked at the Las Vegas show, that was accompanying his fight with Apollo Creed, dressed from head to foot, in red, white and blue, who was dancing around with the showgirls, and singer, James Brown, on a stage with fireworks, American Flags, and all things American, while the song lists large cities in the country, LA, Dallas, New York, Kansas City, Atlanta, etc.  My heart burst with pride, with a huge smile on my face, I thought, with all the struggles, this country has gone through, and still will, in my humble opinion, IT IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH!

Every Memorial Day, my family, both when I was young, and now, attended some type of service with speakers, who honored our dead, those who fought for freedom around the world, gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives, for us, for liberty, the American way of life and values, so I could be sitting here right now, writing this blog . . . and with pride, can say, what my father said 50 years ago, while the Blue Angels or jets, often accompanied the celebration . . . THIS IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON THE EARTH, AND HOPEFULLY WILL, shining as a standard of rights, freedom, liberty, and individual dignity, and respect for the individual, protection for minorities, and seeing all men as created equal, with that lofty goal of the Preamble of the United States Constitution, ever before us, pointing to the vision of what the founding fathers saw, when they set out on this idealistic venture and experiment called, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

We Are the People Our Parents Warned Us About--Jimmy Buffet

This quote is on the back side of a restaurant or bar and grill, down an alley, behind the Iron Horse Grill, in Missoula, Montana . . . this statement totally applies to me, from the first time I saw James Brown in concert at the Cow Palace, at the Utah State Fair Grounds, in the early 70's, if memory serves . . . my boyfriend, who got called to his Mormon mission to Holland, was suppose to take me to this concert, but missed it by a couple of days, having to go in the MTC, or the Missionary Training Center, in Salt Lake City, Utah.  So he gave me the tickets, and I took a friend of mine, equally as naive, sheltered, and shocked by the concert.

This was at the height of the hippie era, and these two little, Bountiful, Utah, very straight Mormon girls, crashed into that world, we had only heard or read about, up to that point, now sitting right in the middle of people much older than us, who were freely passing marijuana roaches, up and down the isle, drinking beer, and other drinks forbidden by the Mormon Church, along with clothing, that was tie dyed, matching the free loving atmosphere.  In no time at all, the dusty arena, used for cow auctions, or exhibits at the fair, was so smoke filled, we couldn't even see the stage and singers.

I was 100% sure, lightening from God was going to strike this concert at any time . . . this was hell and I was going with these guys, guilt by association, even though I was wearing white Levis and a modest red shirt . . . this was it, what a place to get caught in . . . stand ye in holy places, and this sure as hell was not it!  Perhaps the fact that my boyfriend was going to serve a mission, might serve as mitigating circumstances, since he is the one who gave me the tickets, and I had not idea this stuff existed, except in the movies, which I usually walked out of, embarrassed and totally shocked.

I Survived James Brown, Pot, Free Love, Lightening & the 70's

My, my, how things have changed since then; however, we have seen what was once totally legal, back in the 70's, going full circle, to legalization of recreational marijuana, not only surviving the drug interdiction programs of the 90's, but coming back with a bang in Washington and Colorado, with other states, waiting with bated breath, to see what happens, what the feds to, and if the rest of the states, dare follow.  It is amazing to see, that trends and customs, seem to make a comeback, about every 30 years or so . . . I totally relate to my children, who are not necessarily, flower power freaks, but have very similar beliefs, much more than I had with my parents, or do to this day, there didn't seem to be much of a generation gap . . . I think the 70's show, may have had something to do with that . . . my kids look at pictures of us, their parents, and dig the clothes, the hair styles, and think we were beautiful!

I actually, would say, that I may be much more liberal than my children . . . Elliot Secrist, bass guitarist for God's Revolver & Maraloka, told me several years ago, while I was practicing, and doing a lot of criminal defense work, that I really should stop hanging out with people who had been to jail!  I said, honey, I am a criminal defense attorney.  None of my children have been to jail, but their mother has.  LOL!  I feel that I have raised very responsible children, who now, seem more mature, and level headed than their mother.  My son without a name, worried about his reputation, guilt by association, when I asked, thinking he would totally be on my side, the fun mother, if he would want me to be like his Aunt Sue and Uncle Kevin, boring Mormon parents, who are going on a Mormon mission to Turkey?  Yes . . . are you kidding?  He wasn't . . . some day he will see it.

I have become the person, my parents warned me about, too free, happy, carefree, not tied down, and digging the hell out of life . . . my parents lived for their retirement and death.  I have not burial plot, I don't intend to be buried, I have adopted the old Native American Indian ways, when I become a burden, I will walk out into the sun or the snow, and become a meal for the coyotes, not contained in a coffin, giving me claustrophobia, kind of like all the restrictions my upbringing taught me.  There is not such thing as being too happy!  I am glad that there are people like Sue and Kevin, the salt of the earth, that perpetuate the myths, and keep this country grounded, I just fucking couldn't do it . . . that James Brown concert had more of an impact on me than I thought . . . lightening, to my surprise didn't hit, and I am still here!