True Detective & the Voice of Satan
Last week, before leaving Missoula, and venturing down to warmer weather and Las Vegas, for my brief, but eventful stay, I was trying to watch the third episode of season one, in the new, well new to me, not a TV watcher, series, True Detective, produced and starring Matthew McCaunahey and Woody Harrilson, which is can say I am hooked from just the music, the setting, the intro, the haunting nature of the bayou, and Louisiana . . . the satanic ritual of the first killing, the naked girl, kneeling over, kind of like in prayer, with her head in a nest of some sort, with deer horns attached to her head, as if a crown, and small triangular bird like-looking cages, that are some sort of symbol to ward off evil spirits or bring them in this case . . . very much, leads to the mystery of the deep south, with roots in Cajun, and French cultures, with voodoo, blood lettings of chicken sacrifices, and other strange religious rituals, that make the move, I think, based on the real True Detective, the real guy, whom, I believe had solved over 368 murder cases, ID Network, or some insane amount, during his career in law enforcement, and set many of the standards for homicide investigations . . . amazing feat, in and of itself.
My mystery and fascination with the law, in Louisiana, started, back when I was an legal intern with Americans United for Life, in Chicago, the first time I was exposed to the law, statutes, and state differences, on a broad and national scale. Any law we dealt with, had to be researched in all fifty states, since we were the clearing house for legislation and court battles across the nation, dealing this life issues, like abortion, assisted suicide, sperm bank laws, artificial insemination--one doc, impregnated 72 women with his seed, not the selected, hybrid vigor the women selected, funniest thing I ever saw, was a family tree, with 72 babies with ugly old doctors face on all of them, and we handled any tangentially related issues.
The thing that struck me in my research, was that most states, had relatively similar laws, based on British common law, constitutional law, with many issues arising under King George, and addressing grievances with the government over the American colonies. However, Louisiana, had laws that had origination in Creole, Cajun and French roots, so you never knew what type of strange aberration of the normal legal system and related laws, you would find, but it was always, fun, entertaining, and insightful, to compare what Louisiana Legislatures did with the issues the rest of the country, just copied, one state, with a good idea, and being modified for political locals, but remaining very similar in content, nature, elements of the law, punishments, and exceptions . . . take that and throw it in a bag, and mix is up, and you might, come close to a law that at least had the same title, or close, but everything else was different. It seems to me, that just recently, Louisiana, decided to join their American neighbor states, and let go of this foreign legal system they had used, and chose to ride along with the rest of the 50 states, who basically copy each other . . . not bad, but the truth.
Satan & Me, Watching Episode 3--Visual, But No Sound, Other Than a Strange, Slow, Language I Didn't Know, Commenting
So, back to the strange event at St. Patrick's Hospital, while watching True Detective. Okay, so I am already creeped out by this scene of the naked woman, with the deer horns on her head, so it didn't take much to bring me around to sheer terror. Okay, the normal introduction is played, a recap of the scenes from episode 2, where the two detectives, find out that the girl, a former prostitute, had recently become active in this small southern revivalist church, out in the sticks. Even in southern Utah, as I traveled the state presenting on domestic violence, and related issues, I would see, real remote houses, in disrepair, isolation and wonder, what crimes, atrocities, and horrors took place in those homes, with nobody watching . . . sometimes, cops from across the state, would tell me some of the horror stories, that I never needed to be convinced of . . . one young 14 year old hitch-hiker, picked up by a couple of Utah rednecks, was taken to a place, an old trailer, she was raped, her breasts had been cut off, as well as her hands and feet, if I recall, and she was buried alive, according to autopsy reports, in a shallow grave . . . as I came home from Thanksgiving in St. George, Utah, a small grave marked the place, I thought this horror story might have taken place, some 20 years earlier . . . she may have been discovered by highway patrol, but I think sheriffs told me about it, some from Castledale, I think . . . but, I am already horrified, haunted, believe these people who do these things, are possessed, and deranged, but I was never prepared for what happened last week.
After all the introduction, recap, and all, the episode is playing, but there is no sound, like in the beginning . . . and I could hear, this deep, beyond baritone, voice, slow, methodical, other world language, or something you might hear in the Exorcist Movies, but there is nothing alarming, just really very strange, so low key, that I thought, it was some new artistic TV stunt, to show the satanic nature of the religious revival that was taking place in the traveling tent, with worshipers, seeming possessed themselves, while the detectives just watched. But as the series and scenes progressed, and all I could hear was like this bizarre voice, like discussing the events of the show with me, but sounding more and more, as I listen to him, like he was in some huge underground cavern, with a few worshipers of his own, gargling in unison, as if agreeing with him. After about a half hour, I thought, is God trying to tell me something, about this religious experience, or the girls, you keep seeing the girls,double flanking the guys, two to one, wearing old fashioned dresses, much like the ones you see down in southern Utah, as part of the polygamist cults, and I wondered if this was a message from God that this stuff, was entirely of man's making, and satanic at best. Finally, it dawned on me, that this was just me and my uninvited guest watching this episode, that never did go back to the normal sound, so I got creeper out, and got off, still puzzled, as to what that was, or just who is was?
Pope in Critique of Vatican Bureaucrats . . . Gotta Love Him!
I am just going to bullet a recap of his remarks, that are classic, warranted, with merit, and powerful speech:
- Francis issued a blistering indictment of the Vatican bureaucracy Monday, accusing the cardinals, bishops and priests who serve him of using their Vatican careers to grab power and wealth, of living "hypocritical" double lives and forgetting that they're suppose to be joyful men of God
- Francis had some singers:
- How the "terrorism of gossip" can "kill the reputation of our colleagues and brothers in cold blood"
- How cliques can "enslave their members and become a cancer that threatens the harmony of the body: and eventually kill it off by "friendly fire"
- How some suffer from "spiritual Alzheimer's," forgetting what drew them to the priesthood in the first place
- Francis is making good on his name sake, St. Francis of Assisi, who threw off the riches of his father, wore sake cloth and asses, set up a country side church, live a humble Shepherd's life, much like Christ, being a shepherd of men, in following Christ admonition to be fishers of men, going after the lost sheep, and the worth of a soul. He and several of his fellow disciples in Christ, went up to the Vatican, and prostrate themselves, in front of all the power, the money, the wealth of the Vatican and their myriads of bishops, priests, and cardinals, in their robes of fine silk, many of whom looked down their noses on these humble servants of Christ . . . the Pope, took his ring off his hand, took St. Francis and had him stand, put the ring on his hand, and turned to reprimand, those in Rome, and stated that this man was the one doing the work, they were suppose to be doing, and that was done to the shock, and disdain, of the clergymen of power.
Physicians Seem to Be a Pretty Solid Group Overall . . . But?
As an English major, I was schooled in the area of critical thinking, and by no means do I want to give physicians a free pass, on this . . . because I have heard a few dooseys of my own, working with other assistant attorney generals, who were over physician licensing that told me a few horror stories, that I will just throw out, so the docs don't feel left out, we all need to police our own professions, and take out the bad apples, to save the whole bunch. So, here we go. There was this physician named, Harlan, in Ogden, Utah, he was one of the elite, plastic surgeons, and was cleaver enough, to make himself, judgement proof, but he was alsays getting into some type of legal wrangling over something to do with his patients . . . you know when you are god, and can transform an average woman into a starlet, and believe me I am shocked a what a fake parir of boobs will do for a woman, sister, case in point, trumps a law degree, and honors out the ying-yang, cuold have just taken some time off to visit old, Dr. Harlan . . . forgive me if I get my stories crossed, but he deserves in regardless of whether this story is truly his, or one of his colleagues.
This is hearsay, coming from a friend in the AGs office, she told me, that Harlan or this other doc, was having an affair with one of his patients, and he was trading sex for drugs. So when Mrs. X, was coming in for her weekly exam, rather than do a pelvic exam with his hands or his steel, instruments, those scary things that women had to have implanted up them to check to see something, Harlan was using his penis, for the exam, and quite to the satisfaction of his female patient, who then in turn, would get her fix, of drugs, prescription drugs, and be on her merry way, until next week, to fill the doctor's addictions, while feeding her own. Well, this woman developed a conscience, or the cops, nurses, or someone was onto the once a week pelvic exams, and put some heat on the small fish, drug king pin style, to get her to turn over on the big fish, who was probably doing pelvics and drugs for more than one patient, a wicked apetite thing . . . you know.
When Mrs. X, told the doctor, that she was done with the relationship, he somehow, maybe through one last, deluxe pelvic treatment, was able to do a female circumcision on her, painful, I would guess, but maybe they were into S&M, but he was able to cut off her external female sex organs, the O.J. excuse, if I can't have her, nobody can . . . , and was also, able to stitch her up. Now how you do that without putting someone under anesthesia, I don't know. It is not a simple, no pain procedure, that can be carried out while someone is unaware, of what is going on. Therefore, is must be concluded, Watson, that the woman was drugged, earlier than normal, a freebie, on the side, separate from the normal prescription, and the operation was performed. The guy who did this, was being gone after to remove his license . . . I would think, criminal charges, prosecution would be in order too, that is criminal in nature, and almost of the worst means, through a person of trust, much like a clergy, making them being held to a higher standard of care, I would think?
The Killing God-Doc . . . Mercy Killings?
While I was general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, I was approached by one of the doctors, from Davis County, a member of the UMA, who wanted me to defend him, in a charge of 18 homicides, for putting patients under his care to sleep, or using drugs, or induced death . . . a Dr. Kevorkian, if you will. I was glad to tell him, as I was with all the docs, who found themselves in trouble, that I was general counsel, not individual counsel, and they needed a private attorney, for private issues . . . nice set up. Through other doc issues, I had become acquainted with several malpractice defense attorneys, who handled the slice-n-dice gang, of docs who took medical experimentation a bit beyond the normal realm of medical practice, by any one's standards. I think, the death toll, continued to rise, and ended up somewhere at about 25 potential homicides, as the case wore on, or the doctor's ego, refused to admit wrong doing, or the god complex, continued to escalate, as the investigation proceeded.
It was during that time, that I was poisoned, therefore, I am not sure what the outcome of the case was, it may have been that he had his license revoked, but was not charged with murder, is what seems to come to mind, this was some 15 years ago, so, not too fresh and a lot of water under the bridge. But, in all professions, there are the ones who would hurt the reputations of the many and the good, so it is in any one's best interest in a particular profession to clean house, when there are problems, as the Pope is doing now.
My Own Profession, How Do I Count the Ways?
Read the rest of this blog, for an insight, too much to write. But, when I was coming back from Las Vegas, I sat by a very lovely older woman, whom we found out, had been a legal clerk for my great-uncle, United States Federal District Judge for the District of Utah, Judge Sherman A. Christensen, sharing her services, with the famous, or infamous, U.S. District Court Judge, Wallis Ritter. Long before I knew much about the law, my famous great uncle, and lofty legal positions of power, I heard of Judge Ritter, due to his reputation as a cantankerous, crotchety old federal judge, who reprimanded most attorneys, reminding them often, only the facts, gentlemen and ladies, only the facts, keeping the process in his courtroom, clean, efficient, and under his control . . . Sherm was much nicer, and didn't have that old law school, professor, attitude of the Paper Chase Movie, of the 70's, I believe. Professor Ray Jay Davis, of BYU law school, fame, was much the same type of guy, he was raising the bar, and he knew it, and his did it with a strict hand.
It was fun, to talk to this woman, a piece of legal history in Utah, much as my great-uncle, and I would venture a guess his notorious great-niece, might have a hand in legal history too, for good or bad, being instrumental in bringing cases like Brock et al v. Herbert et al, securities case, or Cheek et al vs. Garrett et al, Iron County corruption case; State v. Lameroueax, Japanese Mafia, Neo Nazi, National Guard/Iron County Sheriff connections . . . and many more, in addition to award winning manuals, adapted by Department of Justice, for Human Body Trafficking, to asset forfeiture kills in the Utah Legislature, to the take down, or at least indictments of two former Utah Attorney Generals. No, I have plenty to say, about the cleansing of the legal system from cops, to prosecutors, to judges, and beyond up to and including federal level cops, prosecutors and judges. But most of that has been addressed in this blog, the best thing I have ever done politically, legally, and sanity wise, giving me a voice, to express concerns, give scathing critiques, as the Pope, and do my best to protect a system I love.
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