- middle aged, hot brunette, recently divorced, meets, Mr. equally attractive, middle aged, man
- the two date for four or so weeks, and the sparks just were not there, so they both parted ways, but remained friends . .. . that was until, this, new gal, an engineer, moved to town with her, teenage son, and started dating, the man, among others, just playing the field, and both, just enjoyed each other's company.
- the first chick, would hang out with, dude, and one day, they werehanging as friends, and, the new chick, either dropped by or, she sas there, and the two pass each other in the hall . . . allegedly, there were words, and, the first, chick, said that, Ms. Genius, she had an I.Q. higher than, that requried for being a member of Mesa.
- from that point on, Ms. Genius, started, to send, dude, email, after email, and, after only a few dates, with a very open relationship, Ms. Smarty, said she thought, that, she ought to move in with this guy . . . he was like, no, we don't even have a serious relationship. He thought this was, totally out of character for this new chick, but then, the first girlfriend, now friend, said she was getting texts from, this chick too, threatening her, that if she didn't leave, whatever his name was, alone, she was going to start doing this or that to her, and him . . .
- now at this time, Ms. Smart, suddenly, up and leaves her job, ditches her son, and basically, disappears but for the crazy texts, both the man and his old friend, were getting . . .
- the cops, get a missing person, report filed, and they start checking around, and finding out what is going on, who was who and what was going down, between the parties . . . the missing chicks family, said, she would never leaver her son, nor her job, or just disappear?
- the cops finally called in, both the parties, who were involved in a sort of lover's triangle, and, both the originals, showed the cops, all the texts, the dude got about, 1500 in one day! He was shocked, and said this was, so different than the non-committal chick, he met, and got to know, so he was as puzzled as, her family. There was one person who was not puzzled, and that was the brunette, and, the more, she co-miserated with this old lover, and as they shared the texts, together, the closer and closer the old flames, got . . . hanging out and just, laughing a joking about this nut-bag chick, who, seems to be having a melt down, over, this guy . . .
- the dark haired chick even got texts, from, crazy land, when she was with, waht is lookig, more and more, like her boyfriend, that is for the time being . . . eventually, this chick, in fear of this new, chick, shows the cops, some texts threatening her and her children, that is she doesn't stop seeing this man, Ms. Crazy is going to burn down her house, with her and the kids in it! Then the house burned down! This was getting too serious for the cops, and I believe they brought in the FBI, to help with the missing person case . . . it had been 10 months, when, all the sudden out of nowhere, the missing lady''s, SUV, shows up parked at the dudes, apartment building, but again, nobody had seen her in months. The brunette, kept trashing, the missing gal, who, from, everything her kid and mother, along with friends, said, was not the type to do any of this, stuff . . . but, these two kept getting, these hideous texts . . . and, the alleged, victim, just kept saying the missing gal was a bad mother, and, didn't know, engineering and blah, blah, blah, and the missing lady's, friends, and the cops, started wondering if they were missing something about the brunette?
- as the cops started to think that the apparent hatred, of this woman, who merely passed the other chick, in the hall, was, just, seemingly, overly trashing, this other woman? The cops started to look into this woman's background, and her ex-husband, and found out that on one occasion, he was exchanging their son, and, this chick went balistic on, her ex, and, attacked him, and battered him, in a McDonald's . . . he never reported the incident, he just wanted to get his son out of her presence, she threatened him with a gun, too . . .
- as the cops, started looking into the computer forensics, of all, the parties, involved, they started wondering, if the brunette, was making this up and writing these texts to herself . . . at about that same time, the brunette, started to blame, the death and the texts, on the man's first wife! The first wife, said she didn't want to get back with her husband, and she seemed, bothered by the cops asking her about the whole affair, but she was in fear, and worried, that, this missing woman, had never shown up again? The cops started to worry too . . .
- finally, I think it was an FBI forensic computer specialist, who said, tthat the text, appeared to go through, several, masks, of, what the IP number was, but, the texts appeared to have been written by, this chick herself? She denied it, but, the cops, didn't let her out that easy, they kept digging. Again they questioned the ex wife, but she just didn't seem the type . . .
- all the sudden, the brunette's house was set on fire and, she got herself and her kids out, but ther pets all died in the flames. Then, out of the blue, she got shot too . . . at a park one night. the cops though, who would shoot themselves and start, there own home on fire? Then, they started to wonder where, Ms. Genius was?
- finally, they stopped taking the dark haired, chick's, bull shit and called her one it and arrested her for murder of the missing woman!. It had been three years now, and no body? Where was, this, engineer? Finally, the cops did a search of the accused, home and found a letter, that, for sure, written on this lady's computer! They never found the body, of this woman who threatened this woman, so much, even with a man, she, had, previously, decided she didn't want . . . so, why, and who, would go to the extent, to cover, up, their crime, and, protect their reputation while attacking the woman, who nobody, saw, ever again, after the two met? who sets their house on fire, and shoots themselves? The bullet trajectory, was, at an angle, that, only she could have done this . . . first degree murder, and no parole! The cops might have found, the head of the rival, in a barn, on the dude's property, but I can't remember.
- Ms. Genius, family and friends, did all they could, to put back the reputation of this brilliant woman, who loved her son, and would, never have missed, a football game let, alone his graduation! This murder had done so much to destroy her rival that, it was almost, impossible to do a reputation, repair! But the family, and her friends, one crying, every time he had to talk about her, said, he wanted everybody to know of his friend, that she was an amazing mother, very bright, and fun, if not funny . . .
- opens with, a table of men, playing cards, and Kitty, is talking to a young, Burt Reynolds, interesting, and, at the end of the game, one of the men, stood up and yelled, that oneo f the men, maybe the dealer, cheated, and took the card from the bottom of the stack, rather than the top, like he was suppose to--the cheater, took out his gun, and shot the accuser, dead . . . as everybody, scrambled, for cover, as Burt, jumped behind the bar, and started to shoot, but got shot himself, and Kitty was just disgusted, and shocked, that a man just died over, a card game?
- the man was immediately taken into custody and, Marshall Dillon, came to Dodge to pick up the prisoner and to take him, somewhere . . . bathroom o r snack break, but the man, knew he was going to the gallows to hang, after he got convicted. I came back and, both men, were, knocked out by the fight, and Matt had, a mean gash on his head . . . I am not sure where their horses, went, but, both men, looked like they fought, almost to the death, with Dillon, waking up, just long enough to crawl over and put one handcuff on himself, and leave one on the wrist of the prisoner.
- as the two lay on the sand, in the hot sun, knocked out, a family, in a wagon comes on the scene . . . the mother is pregnant, and the father and the son, are in search of the right way to go, to get to Dodge, so the wife can deliver her baby. When they first see the two men, hand-cuffed to each other, both are knocked out; however the prisoner comes to, first, while, Marshall, is still, cold, stone out! His head is bleeding, and he, looks, like he might not make it, if, something is not done to save him. Typical, husband and wife--he is worried about getting his wife to town, having enough water for her and themselves, and suggests, before either man wakes that, they leave the dead, because that is what they thought. The woman will hear nothing of it . . . how can you be for life and then, leave, life int he desert ti die? The prisoner overhears the father and the son, pondering on who is the Marshall and who is the prisoner, and you, just know, he is going to jump on the opportunity to get the higher honors and possibly get set free before, Dillon wakes up. So, of course he declares himself the law man, and, states that, Matt is the prisoner. IN the meantime, the son, discovers, Dillon's U.S. Marshall badge on the sand, and he grabs is, and, the prisoner, tells him, he can keep it . . . the kid thinks it is a sheriff's badge, so he knows, it is some, law enforcement officer's badge. He read the kid well, and, he told the kid, he could keep the badge to remember, this and for all the help he gave them. The father would often or always, turn the guard duty over, the prisoners, for all the dad, knew, as his mom, took care of Dillon's wounds, so the prisoner had some alone time to talk to the kid, and convince him, he was the real, law enforcement officer, before, Dillon was with it enough to speak for himself. Believe you me, you never have a second chance to make a good first impression. Both men, claimed to be the marshal, so, it was all up to the family to decide and they just couldn't, decide. The father, made a stick structure to drag the two, still handcuffed to each other, because, the family just couldn't tell, who was who, as the fast talking criminal, seemed, more alert, and willing and able to be seen as the man in the right!
- the husband was, looking at the evidence and he, asked the man, as, Matt, went in and out of consciousness, if he was the law man, why didn't he have the key to unlock, the handcuffs? You were on pins and needles, because, you could tell, that, they didn't really know, who was who and, the dad, wanted to leave them, and the mother refused, and even gave her water to them, so they could survive . . . So the dad is reserving judgement until he has more information, not really believing either of them! Mom, she just wanted them to live. Son, he actually, believed, the prisoner, didn't he give him a badge? How do you give someone something, if it is not yours? So he reasons, this man, due to the badge, is, the cop. At one point, Dillon, wakes to hear the father, cutting them loose and he, yells, don't cut the rope, then he passes out again! Scream, as this man, is indoctrinating the son, each time, the dad, leaves to get something or take care of his wife who is very pregnant!
- all the dad wants to know, is where Dodge is? The prisoner, has a vested interest, in misleading the family, knowing there is a noose, waiting for him, so, he lies and tells the family, with this mother about to deliver, and out of water, that he knows there is a pond of water, going west, and Dillon, tells them the truth and, regardless o f where he needs to take the prisoner, Dodge is that way. They father and son, actually, believe, the prisoner! Matt Dillon, is, trying to persuade the prisoner to listen to his better angels, but he will not, and he is winning this fight. The two men, get in a fight, and the father is pissed, so he cuts the two loose from their wagon, that is pulling them, through the sand, after they get up, and, leaves them handcuffed to each other, but as he is cutting them loose, the son, passes a shank, or cut piece of bone or something, that can be used as a weapon against the much, weaker, lawman! Oh, shit! The dad, cuts the pair loose, and takes of with his won to find water, leaving mom, starting to have contractions, in the back of the wagon, and when the son, goes to get, water for his mom, and his dad is gone, to get water, with the two men, walking a long way back, they see the water is gone, and the wagon wheel falls off! Dillon, the prisoner, and the kid, get the wagon wheel back on, as the dad comes back with no water! Finally, Dillon, gets his shit together, and, convinces, the family, that for their own, good, Dodge it that way, and if they listen to this man, again, he is likely to have their wagon, their water, their, horses, and will leave them all stranded in the desert! TRUE OF THESE FUCKS TOO!
- as a result of the con, the baby dies, but the mother, father and son are fine, and they get water and rest. Dillon gets control of the prisoner and takes him where he was going before the dude, jumped him and almost killed him!
The Virginian
- in this episode, and I am giong to try to make is short, but the blonde, brother or friend, it's been, 30 years since I have seen these, but I thoroughly enjoyed them . . . no true crime, I have found so far, on 120 channels of cooking and shopping! Lol, but hey, these westerns are, getting right to the point! I never . . . as a kid, you don't see the deeper, meaning and facts, in these old TV shows, they just entertained you, but, I was shocked at the depth of the ingight, on these . . . in this, an ambitious go-getter, is called in by his rich, railroad, owner boss, and he is told to get his young wife and go take this old ghost town, and bring his friends, to start a twon, that will grow and be built around, this insider secret that the railroad is coming through, and, they can all get rich and control the town!
- on one of his trips back and forth to the big town and the new town, the young man's, team of horses gets away with the wagon, and the horses, in wild abandon, is looking like, they are going to tip the wagon over and the man, could die . . . the Virginian, shows up at just the right time and saves the day, stops the horses, and joins the man to make sure he makes it back to his new town, that, the Virginian is shocked to find out is, coming back alive and the railroad is coming through there, for fortunes to be made!
- the old timer is amazed at this bustling, new town, where everyone seems to like this new, adventuresome, man, who hires, an older, retired sheriff, with little to do, until, the bad guys show up, to force the settlers or the man, to sing, rights to the town over to them. Before that, the one attorney, in the town, says, he and his wife, are not, thinking that, this is the life for them, so they are leaving. The wife encourages, her husband to not get discouraged, and, go talk to the attorney and his wife. The Virginian, just, observes and is waiting for his horse to be cared for, getting hurt in the run away wagon incident. He sees that all is not well in this desert oasis, even with the opportunities.
- while, the husband,wife team and the Virginian are out, at the homestead, of the attorney, three men, ride into town, looking for, the developer, and the sheriff, sends the men over to the young man's house, but when, they knock on the door, and nobody opens, they find the door to be open, and they just walk in the home of this man--the sheriff is shocked and throws them out of his friend's house! The three are hot shots and ask, who is going to make them, stay out of his house? Soon, the man will have no choice and he will want to turn all rights to the town over to to them, or they will burn the town to the ground! The old retired lawman is pissed, and said, that is not giong to happen. Who's going to stop them? They come with power and gifts of money, and opportunity, but they have to play by their rules. The sheriff tries to throw them out, but, when he goes to kick them out, because the man is not around, they shoot him. s As the sheriff is being treated, the husband, wife and the Virginian, come to town.
- the three men, offer, this young ambitious man, a deal he would be crazy, to refuse . . . he doesn't feel good about the deal, but the wife, sides with the men, wanting her husband's dreams, and hers for the town to come true and to keep, some of the people, who want to leave. About the time, all this is happening, the Virginian walks, in and, he and the lead guy, pull guns on each other, then, fight, pretend to fight, and the whole saloon is worried, until they find out the two are old friends and playing the competitive games they had, since they were young boys, growing up together. This friendship, puts everyone at ease that this is a good guy. The two laugh and catch up on old times. The sheriff, warns, all, that he has seen many men like this one, and they nned to be aware, but greed, or the promise of riches, controls their minds, and at the encouragement of his wife, the dude, signs this contract with the men, wnho work for someone else, a ruthless man, who has a reputation that proceeds him.
- after the man hears what the sheriff said, about these men, in light of the old friendship, wonders if he made a mistake? He runs back after the men, leaving on their horses, and says he recants, his deal, and doesn't want to make a deal with the devil! the men, laugh at him, and, all throw their ropes around him, and ask he struggles, to stand, and defy the men, they laugh and make a fool of him, in front of his friends and his wife. The Virginia, again, is coming on the scene late and cuts his new friend loose from, the ropes of his childhood friend, giving him a look, like what the hell happened to you????? The men, leaving, threaten the whole town, that if they don't live up to this contract, that has just been signed, they will burn down the town! They get the attorney, as ask him to look over the contract to see if they really have to keep the elements of the deal. YES. Everyone is sick. The talk about how hard they have worked, how much, the town, means to them, and they decide to fight.
- the next, day, for some reason, or maybe, because the attorney is leaving, the men ride out to his house and, when he fights them, they, burn down his house! Hello. The legal eagle, is pissed, feels helpless and rides to town, now ready to stay and fight these menacing men! The town people, men, women, and children, build up barriers, at each end of the town, and those who can shoot, arm themselves, and they wait for these men to return . . . and they come back, taken back to see that the town, folk, are not only armed and ready for them, but they have been blocked, from getting into town! At this time, the Virginian, is leaving, but, when, he sees, the town, needs his help, he takes the sheriff up on his offer, to put on the deputy badge and get a dollar for his services. He goes out and joins the rest of the town, and his friend was stunned that, his buddy would get in this fight, against him.
- the Virginian, leaves the barricades and goes to talk to this man, who has about ten men wiith him, to see if he can talk him down. Before the two can talk, the bad guy, pulls his gun on his childhood friend, the Virginian, and, the "V" kills him, or almost. The friend's last words was, I guess we know who's fastest now. The two had been playing quickest draw, all their lives, now on e was dead. The Virginian, finally, talked some sense into the other men, paid to harass and fuck with the town people, to force them to see things their sway! They turned and road away . . . good call!
- the town celebrates, and they rip up the contract, and vow to make it the best town ever.