President Obama--Hand Me the Baton, Hand Me the Baton!
Powers granted to Congress . . . to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.
He, referring to the President, shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may on extra ordinary occasions, convene both houses . . . he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed . . .
State of the Union Addresses . . . I Watch Every Year, Immigration is Always on the Agenda
So, year after year, speech after speech, the President has all but pleaded with Congress to get an immigration bill passed, taking care of the outdated immigration policies in this country. The government should work, like a well oiled machine, with the Congress making all laws necessary, to run the government, they have had tons of time, and the President, going, give me the baton, give me the baton, so I can run the next leg of the relay, to finish the race; however, Congress is busy, playing their Congressional games, and not getting anything done! And if they do, with the Republicans regaining control of the House in 2010, stopping the progress that was made when the Democrats controlled both houses, and with a Democrat as President, he gave the lead, made his requests to Congress, and the bills were passed, and then, once they bantered over the specifics, they passed legislation to meet the needs of the public, as they are elected and paid to do, and then, the President could to his job, and actually execute the laws!
I.C.E., Immigration, Customs Enforcement
ICE, the law enforcement agency, that is in charge of enforcing naturalization and immigration laws, that have needed reform for a long time, and maybe at the request of ICE, an agency, that is under the President, in the executive branch, probably see, the mess, that many Hispanics face, when coming to this country, and many not illegally, but actually working with INS attorneys, who charge a fortune, then rip the Hispanics off, making their money and not doing their jobs, knowing full well, they can get a way with it, because, all they have to do, is threaten to get a hold of ICE, and then after all their work, preparation, time and effort, to get the opportunity to come to America, the land of plenty, they are basically, criminally robbed of their long earned and saved savings accounts, and taken advantage of by our legal system for immigration that is, outdated, and has been for some time. So, who is the bad guy here? Is it a President that is pushing Congress to do their fucking job, or the lack luster, lazy ass Congress? I would say the later!
As we have seen in Arizona, who really does have problems with immigration, Texas, Oklahoma, Utah, Nevada, etc., taking matters into their own hands, and trying to pass immigration policies of their own, because Congress just can't get their shit together enough, to make a law, or pass a bill! So, in desperation, with mounting emigrants, pouring into this country, we started to see, state by state, those states, most effected by the lack of a national immigration and naturalization process and enforcement, as in Article I, Section 8, [4] giving Congress the power, then failing to do so, cost the states money, lawsuits, challenges to their newly and unconstitutional state immigration policies. The Congress is to pass, uniform rules on naturalization! New emigrants, migrating to this country, don't need, fucking 50 state legislatures, coming up with 50 different immigration laws, then fighting them in the courts, against the ACLU or American Immigration Policy Attorneys, who then challenge the state legislators who are trying to do, CONGRESS' JOB!
Okay, so the states pass some lame ass piece of legislation, that cuts the country, in 50 different pieces, on an issue that is suppose to be a uniform set of rules for the whole nation, and ICE was forced to sign memorandums of understandings with state attorneys generals, to talk local and state cops, into cooperating with federal cops, who had their hands tied, and were hampered by the state laws, now fucking up their jobs, and pitting local and state cops, who are busy doing their own jobs, being sandwiched between the people and the feds, Homeland Security and the Department of Justice, which then, forced them to do the feds jobs, of enforcing state policies, rather than dealing with the general health, safety and welfare of their own state, and handling immigration laws! I just heard, that some states, like California, I think, just recently, local and state cops, told ICE to fuck off and do their own jobs, and they are not going to participate in immigration type arrests, checking on whether citizens, actually are carrying their papers! When just because they are dark skinned, doesn't mean they are illegal, and they have every right that all citizens of this country have . . . therefore, opening law enforcement officers to civil and constitutional rights, challenges for enforcing archaic and unconstitutional laws, in the same respect as people are alleging the President doesn't have the power, neither do the STATES!
So, who is the 10,000 pound elephant in the room, Congress is botching up the wheels of justice and law, and doing fucking NOTHING, and getting pissed, because the Prez. is actually trying to do something! I was hoping that the American people would vote clowns like Mitch McConnell out of office, and instead, they actually voted more, do nothing Republicans in office, to play bull shit games, like they have foe the last 6 years! In all your voting, vote smart, and I am not so sure you did, but we will have to shame these assholes into doing something, or shut the hell up, when the President runs right over them, and little more than dead weight, and a speed bump he has to slow down for! Good God!
For all the denigration I have done against cops over the years, they have a fucking hard job, with all the federal drug programs, immigration, etc., encroaching on them all the time, taking away from their actual jobs, of handling rape, murder, assaults, robberies, etc., taking on more than their jobs, to serve and protect the citizens of their jurisdictions! I actually teamed with Salt Lake City, Chief of Police, and Mayor Becker, actually did the leg work, and I wrote the Utah Legislature, and worked with cop organizations, but these two guys were taking heat, back in 2008, I think, with the whole state of cops, crawling up Chief Chris Burbank's ass, who said it was illegal and unconstitutional for cops to do racial profiling, and it is, but he took a ton of shit, and I contacted him and the Mayor, who were the only jurisdiction, large enough, and with city lobbyists, who could possibly have the power to counter, or make a dent in the actions of the legislature, with the final result, the legislature, actually did get the bill passed; however, do to the efforts of these men, and a bit of help from me, talking to sheriffs, sending emails, to associations, I had worked with as an assistant attorney general, and staff attorney for the Utah Prosecution Council, knowing damn well how the cop shops work, I lobbied the cop networks, letting them know, that they were getting sandwiched in the middle of the people and the feds, losing their precious state police powers, forced to answer to the feds, if they entered into memorandums of understanding, taking on one more federal issue, and watering down their own jobs and responsibilities . . . I pushed for one word, change in the legislation, that made all the difference, changing, "shall" to "may", giving the cops an out . . . 27 counties, went our way, and 2, Davis and Washington Counties, were the only counties to enforce the law! LOL!
The United States Government, Federalist System, Through the U.S. Constitution Is Set UP to Work In Unison, Each Branch, or State, Taking Care of their Responsibilities, What Do You Do, When On Branch, Refused to Do Their Job . . . YOU TAKE ACTION!
Some armchair pilot, wanna be attorney, kind of like my flight attendant sister, wanting to be me, and re-invent herself as an attorney, with the CIA, Make a Wish Foundation, for helping fuck me over, wrote, what many Montanans or Flathead County residents, would consider a well researched and rounded opinion, having a hobby for reading U.S. Supreme Court cases, and pulled on lame ass case, or maybe it was two, and used the situation, of President Harry Truman, being found to expand his constitutional duties, by forcing some war manufacturer, to continue doing something, to further the war efforts of the day. A far cry, forcing some private business, to do what he says, as opposed to taking constitutional executive orders, and doing an interim action, granting illegal aliens, WORK PERMITS, so they don't live daily in fear of being deported, not for committing crimes, but because they have not completed the citizenship process . . . THAT TAKES UP TO 20 YEARS, IN SOME CASES, TO GET!
ICE, should be able to focus on felony criminals, deporting them, rather than breaking up families, and deporting HARD WORKING EMIGRANTS, WHO JUST WANT A CHANCE! The danger in the armchair attorney's remarks, is that, he has now formal training, doesn't know the law, lacks the credibility, other than liking to read cases . . . constitutional law is one of the toughest areas of legal practice, complex, intricate, layers, intertwined and hard, even the U.S. Supreme Court Justices will disagree, that is why they have a majority opinion and a minority opinion, who writes a dissenting opinion, and that is without discussion, lower court decisions, attorney's briefs, and a shit load of law clerks, the best and the brightest, doing their best to come up with a decision! So for some pilot, no matter how much money, Mr. Bennett of Belgrade has, he is not attorney, and constitutional law attorneys, are in a class of their own!
I dig and appreciate the fact that Mr. Bennett, a pilot, cares enough to get involved, and write a good article, but the public needs to be warned, that he lacks the credibility, the veracity, the knowledge, to may other than a public comment, and it should be considered as just that, his personal opinion! I write, to prove some type of educated, trained, schooled, writing to help and aid the lay public, on the issues, the challenges, and to give them a little better understanding, so I don't need to defend the President, rightly so, with every person I run into, or have to listen to around town! When I took the Brock securities case to the 10th Circuit, and beyond, I called the clerk of the court, and asked them a question, apologizing for my lack of knowledge of the 281 pages of federal rules of civil procedure I had to have a knowledge of to get the case to that court, and the clerk, making me feel a whole lot better, said, Don't apologize or feel bad, you are literally, walking on sacred ground, and only .001 percent of the attorneys, in the whole United States, will ever make it as far as you have!
After that, the court, who I don't know or think, actually sends, certificates, at least I never got one from the U.S. Federal District Court of the District of Utah, when I became a member of that bar, but they sent me a great certificate, with a colored American eagle, with two flags, as I recall, in each of its talons . . . that has since been stolen, along with the light oak frame, $200 worth, that I framed and matted the personal treasure with . . . now in the hands of the pretenders! None the less, you need to know, that this is tough law, and only the best and brightest, like the President, will really ever, fully, deal, or understand the full ramifications of powers, branches, and the workings of the government, doing all he can to fulfill, at least his duties as President, and being willing to take on the Congress' challenges in court, or even risking their lame ass attempt to impeach him . . . you fools!
Last night, I went to the new movie, with Brad Pitt, and others, the WWII, flick, focusing on a machine gun tank, named FURY, and its amazing crew, who held the Nazi SS soldiers at bay, out numbered by about 100 to one, with only one American survivor, probably the one who told the story, if it is true, I didn't catch whether is was, or was not . . . but, out of the five men, who manned that war machine, through many missions, there was a Hispanic soldier . . . and there are many, and many more who want to serve in the armed forces, but for their citizenship status! But, I thought as I watched, who these men, were a team, with a duty, and there was not discrimination, just a band of brothers, fighting in unison, for what they believed in. Knowing that the President was giving his speech, at about the same time that I was in the movie, I thought of all the Hispanics, and other races that have fought for the freedoms in this country, many of them fourth and fifth generations, subject to discrimination, immigration policies, that taint their love for this country, with many willing to lay down their lives for this country, not Mexico . . . and we won't welcome them? Indians, played a huge role in battles with Japan, blacks, so when are we going to stop thinking this country is only for whites, people of European descent?
Some lame idiot on the bus yesterday, went off on President Obama, and immigration. Racist and bigoted as he could be. I finally asked him, where is ancestors came from? Scandinavia . . . well, mine came from England, and on the Mayflower . . . perhaps, they should have blocked your ancestors from coming to America! Come on, we, almost all are emigrants, through our ancestors! So, why in the hell, do you think, we have the right, because these people come from across the border from the south, and a neighboring country, that we should shut the doors . . . I don't see the same fervour and rejection from Montanans for Canadians, they are glad they bring their spending money across the borders. I guess they don't stand out as foreigners, like the Hispanics. My daughter, Nicole, who served the country, four years, in the U.S. Air Force, and later, re-upped, to become a military linguist in SPANISH, shared the Monterrey, California, Language School, training all military linguists, saw the dedicated Hispanic service men and women, doing full duty, then several more years, making military careers! Bragging rights, though, she got #1 in her class, of almost all native speakers! She even helped her husband, finish his language training in Arabic! LOL!
Talking Turkey . . . A Thanksgiving Emergency?
.Talking about foreigners, in America, with Canada, just over the border, in the Law Enforcement Roundup, for the day, always, hysterical, a Canadian woman called 911 to ask when Thanksgiving is, according to the Kalispell Police Department . . . LOL! You gotta love it . . . fun holiday, our neighbors to the north, are just as welcome to celebrate it as our neighbors to the south! To me, the more the merrier! People, customs, holidays, celebrations from all over the world, are wonderful, and reason to have peace, sharing the good times. You, all world citizens, are invited to join in, with Americans, to celebrate the first Thanksgiving, where allegedly, the pilgrims and the Indians, shared a feast of thanksgiving together! How cool is that?
Many of you Americans don't know, but George Washington, and Congress, actually, officially made Thanksgiving a national holiday, to, not as you think, celebrate food, but to celebrate the U.S. Constitution, a day set aside for joy over that freedom and liberty, oriented document, we have been discussing today, some 240 years later, mainly having peace in this country! So, this Thanksgiving, give thanks, that we can fight, debate, argue, and decipher, the meaning of this God inspired document, that is for all mankind, if they want it! Over 100 countries, have taken various parts of our U.S. Constitution, and adopted it, making it part of their own! We are honored! They say, imitation is the highest form of flattery!
A proclamation by President George Washington and a congressional resolution, established the first national Thanksgiving Day on November 26, 1789. The reason for the holiday, was to give "thanks" for the new Constitution!
Learn to love, learn and live this document!
Signing out from Conspiracy Central, right here at the other, Kalispell McDonald's, the golden arches, up here across from the other golden American company, Walmart . . . although, someone told me that the Waltons sold it to the Chinese? Mrs. Walton's charitable foundation still reigns on the walls of the store! Anyway, have a good one!