- some dude, on the talk show, or someone who called in, joined, late, after lunch, said, he was, visiting some theme park or something in either the Everglades, or Florida, somewhere, their are alligators, in the waters. This man, was, from what I could gather, sharing, a ZIP GLIDE, with his very overweight, father! LOL. I thought that was a single sport or event, but, for some reason, dad, chicken shit, or whatever, this man, was riding with his fat father . . . he said, he noticed he was in danger, in several ways: (1) the zip line might break under the extra weight, sending the two tumbling into the gator infested waters . . . he said, he new there were crocs, but, never did he think they would all gather, waiting for a tender morsel of meaty dad, as the two, got closer to the water and the gator gathering for a Sunday afternoon, rump roast! LOL. (2) son was concerned, about getting too close to the water and the zip line breaking? Dad, assured his son, that there were ride engineers, that knew what they were doing and they would not, make a ride, that, didn't hold, the people, that they put on the ride? Dude, said, they are just, engineers, not fortune tellers or have a glass ball, as to who will sustain, the extra strain on the ropes, and who might break them or it! LOL. (3) he had no idea that, crocs would gather, together, like family, waiting for thanksgiving dinner! LOL. DANGER! I AGREE!
- when, I listen to these guys, I am always, sort of listening, sort of laughing, sort of paying attention, to my own surroundings, and, so, I might get some of this wrong, but, again, half, paying attention and half not, because, for what it is worth . . . but for entertainment, I got, that, in this man's family, it had become tradition, to re-enact, his ancestor's river run, or means of being settled in this particular area. There are tons of lakes, rivers and even the sound and, the ocean, in these parts, so, that is very plausible the man was a local? So, he, decided to mimic, the river trip, that, brought his ancestors to these here parts, but he, unlike, the handmade boat, carved and roughly hewn, by his forefathers, he either purchased or rented, a nice, safe, well-made, wooden boat, that, seemed to give some authenticity to his pioneer, ancestors, plight and pilgrimage to these parts of the country, probably a territory, or maybe even a colony, back in the day. He had all the latest and greatest, REI equipment, that money could buy, for comfort and protection of food and gear, for this, what he thought, pretty simple journey! Famous last words, from what I could gather, coming in late to the story, or not paying much attention, men, so, I just consider the source, lol, but, it sounded like he capsized the small wooden boat, and lost all his nice, REI stuff, in this little river run, he thought was no big deal! LOL. Yeah, my daughter, thought the LSAT or the law school entrance exam would be easy too! You ain't seen nothing yet, darlin' . . . .law school kicked the asses of the best and the brighest, some who left before, the first two week were over! You see, in medical school, once you are accepted, they baby med students and do all in their power to retain them. No so with, law students, you are being weeded out, from the first introduction to the last day of school, and throughout your career! LOL. Attorneys don't cover for attorneys, like docs cover docs, mistakes! So, one of the radio show talk show hosts, connecting, this ancestor worship, being prepared, and going on this journey, if he was a Boy Scout? Dude's answer, cracked me up, HELL NO, I'M A SAVAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL. I WANNA MEET THIS GUY! LOL. White water, currents, time of year, capacity, and tons of other, shit, can, play a big part, in either, making the journey, one of pleasure, o DANGER! LIKE I SAID, OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK--THIS IS "DANGEROUS BEAUTY!" All the fancy, expensive, equipment, doesn't do jack shit, for you, when dangerous, situations become, part of a lazy afternoon, float down the river, our ancestors, floated!
- I have been reading that book, called, DEEP SURVIVAL, and, even the most benign experience, can turn into a life and death situation or dangerous activity, turned, deadly in just seconds! ONe morning, I decided, to take a walk, to St. James, place, a newer home development, or neighborhood, where my sister, Sue and her, husband, Kevin, were considering moving to, from, Boston or Philly, when he retired. I left, my house, about, 7:00 AM, to get a Diet Coke, and decided to further my walk, to see what their new digs might, look, like. Now, this was, in July, or August, as I recall, and the late morning or early afternoon, sun, can, beat down on you, anywhere from, 100 to 117 degrees, the hottest, I have encountered, but, it was, still early, and, I had a cool, icy Diet Coke in hand, and ventured out on my walk. Now, I got to St. James Place, and, it was not too hot yet, but, it was getting there. I remembered that there was a river, bike and walking trail, that, I thought, parallels, the road, on River Road. I had never walked the trail, but, I had seen bikes, and, noticed, the trail from the Post Office, so, after crossing the old historic bridge, I took a right, thinking that was leading me to a trail that you could see from the road, just in case, I got disoriented or lost. All the sudden, I noticed that the trail I was on, started to turn back to where I had been, at least an hour earlier? Where the fuck? Why am I going toward, Bloomington? Why am I not seeing the traffic and the road? I could see the buildings and businesses, across a stretch of desert, that didn't look too far. I am not going to stay on this fucking trail, I can get back to the road. Or so I thought. Now, mind you, I had, just flip-flops on for shoes, my first mistake, then, I had no other water, but for DC, and, that is a diuretic, or doesn't quench your thirst! It was nearing temperatures, that I hate, and can't stand, so, I was approaching, that point, where, I knew, I was in a dangerous, situation! To make a long story short, I had to cross through, sage brush, hot sand, weeds with stickers in them, a fucking river, that, was more like quicksand, than a river, that should have had a bottom or at least hard ground under me! I was knee deep, in mud, with my flip flops, sunken, deep, still going down! Shit! The worst thing you can do is panic, so I didn't, but, the thought that I could die, just one mile from civilization did occur to me! By the time I got out of the mud, reached down, elbow deep, to retrieve me flip flops, the worst of foot ware, ever, I was sliding on, duck shit, green slim, and slip, sliding away, almost going back in the water, losing my balance and cursing the day I was born! LOL. Now, if that was not enough, I got close to the buildings, on River Road, but, to clear, the way for construction of these new, edifices, massive amounts of lava rock, had been deposited, in what, at this point in my day, with temperatures, well over 100 degrees and it being about, 4:00 PM, now, being in the sun, on hot desert, sand, baking, with the duck shit on me, green without envy, now, I had to climb over, what I called the Chinese Wall, or the Great Wall of China! A three foot, black, lava, porous, bolder, stacked, one rock on top of another, was again, a daunting, task for this, hot, green slimy, cooked, in the sun, chick! Again, flip-flops, were hideous, as far as foot ware! I had to burn my hands, to climb over the rocks, cutting my knees, and feet, in the process! Finally, I have arrived alive! Time to celebrate! What was the first, building, I came to? YOU GOT IT, A BEAUTY PARLOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUD COVERED FROM HEAD TO FEET, CLOSE, WET AND DIRTY, I DROOPED OVER THE FRONT DESK, AND THIS CHICK, SAID, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU???? AS OTHERS, LOOKED, WITH THEIR HAIR IN FOIL, OR WITH COTTON BALLS, BETWEEN THEIR TOES, WITH, BRIGHT RED, NAIL POLISH! ALL LOOKING AT ME, LIKE SOME, LITTLE GREEN, ALIEN, THAT GOT BUMPED OUT OF A SPACE SHIP, LODGED IN ROSEWELL, NEW MEXICO, READY TO BE, TAKEN TO AREA 51!!!!!! MY MOTHER'S FRIENDS, IN HER SCRIPTURE STUDY, WAITED WHILE SHE CAME TO GET ME . . . IT WAS REAL, FUNNY, NOW THAT I WAS SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.
- when we get in this type of danger, deep survival skills, replace, fear emotions, with rational, actions, that will save our lives, or we will die!
- last night, I read, about two every experienced climbers, who were climbing a shear, cliff, when, the wind, or something, knocked, one of the climbers, away from the rock they were on, the face, and slammed him, against the rock wall, breaking his leg, putting, not only himself in harms way, but, possibly, creating a situation that, they both might be killed.
- Survival is a very private thing! Both men, knew the gravity of the situation. Without much talk, without, protections, the top guy, climbed back down, to his friend, both knowing, that, this was not going to turn out well. The one man, took some, pain meds out of his backpack, and administered them to his friend to kill the pain. He, made, his hurt, friend, as comfortable as he could given the sitatuion, then, he turned, without a word, and left him to die. There was no need for botyh of them to die, on the rock, and they both knew it, and there was nothing more to say. Our strongest instincts are to survive! This is stronger, than, hunger, sex, and whatever.
- Sometimes, it is easier to survive, alone. People, who have never faced this danger, can't understand, the reality or the gravity of the crisis, nor will they likely, ever. So, sometimes, like, the climber, words, just can't explain, or convey, anything, so, it is best, to just leave and not say anything. UNDERSTANDING MIGHT TAKE YEARS! HOW DO YOU FILL SOMEONE, IN ON 20 YEARS OF SHIT?????????????????????? OFTEN THESE SITUATIONS ARE FORCED ON US, BY OTHERS, WITHOUT ANY BLAME OR REASON, BUT, WE ARE MADE TO DEAL WITH IT, AND THAT CAN BE HARD ON THE PEOPLE WE LOVE, OFTEN BEING THE REASON FOR THE LEAVING!
- IT IS, WHAT IT IS . . .