Shelley started her career, saving her ass, from security fraud charges, and my fathers, by working with the Utah Attorney Generals Office, after I left, trading information and turning in her, boss, mafia, and her ex-husband, who both served time in prison, and made the Utah Attorney Generals Office look good . . . this is where the idea for the poison, came in, and right about, 1998, after, I had killed asset forfeiture, that lead to reforms in 27 of the 50 states, based on the violations of the United States Constitution, allowing cops, used to incentivize, them, giving them, license to turn into jack booted thugs, going after, who, what, where, when, and how, taking away, property, like mine, that had nothing to do with drugs, and everything to do with dicks, cocks, pussy, and my sons' music, and the money for my cases! She is the women, with Trump, and knowing her sluttish behavior, that doesn't matter to Mormons, Republicans, or cops, as long as she is furthering their causes, nor Christians, I might add, and having a spring fling with the president helps, right? Last time, Trump was home in New York, he never went to Trump Towers, because he had his government whore with him! I saw those pictures, of Shelley, with Trump and Kushner, right around the trip to Saudi Arabia, and when, Kushner, was being, first investigated by the FBI and Comey! Shelley could possibly, be the reason, James Comey, former, FBI director was fired by Trump, coincided with my revelations of Shelley with Trump, exposing the middle gal, men always, underestimate women, and discount their usefulness . . . I made a career, stepping over the heads of men, who, as now, underestimate me! LOL. Just keep, playing make believe, and dress up attorney, and she will lead you straight down, the Yellowbrick Road, to Trump, behind the FAKE WIZARD OF OZ SCREEN, or you might find BRETT TODD STEWART OR STUART! He looks more like the Oprah, Dr. OZ! Shelley started to make money, by stealing, BANDIT, underground, records and CD's, substituting, her jack ass son, who, might be the illegitimate son of Brett, knowing the two of them, like I do! Isaac for Elliot, Shelley for Me! Shelley was running a BANDIT, black op, criminal enterprise with her son, Jesse, daughter-in-law, Tiffany Anderson! ALL IN THE FAMILY, bringing in, other close and trusted family members, giving the seed money, for everything else, and they are still, the VINYL BANDITS, STEALING, ELLIOT'S MUSIC, FROM "THE DITCH AND THE DELTA" BAND!
RICHARD GLEN SOUTHWICK, my father, special agent for the Air Force, Office of Strategic Intelligence and Service, precursor to the Central Intelligence Agency, or the CIA . . . he could, have been, or is, working as if, he is an agent . . . but, obviously, when the FBI, started to investigate me, as an assistant attorney general, who fucked, the pre-Bush, Patriot Act, with cops, already, steeped and doing asset forfeiture, that would have stood out like a sore thumb, or as a welcome, relief, adding to the delight that he had, 5 other daughters all of the more, obedient bend, and easier to bend over, and fuck,, that, this bad ass con law chick, so far more superior to men, who only deal in the physical realms of law enforcement, and leave the thinking to the more cerebral cops, prosecutors and judges! My father has a very pro-cop mentality, he is shallow and image oriented, big time Bush supporter, Republican bull with no balls or money, to buy himself into the power structures, but always, wanting to be involved in government from behind the scenes . . . my career and family money, made all his dreams come true, along with all the LITTLE DREAMER daughters, left in my dust . . . my father, also always wanted to be an attorney, and ironically, he used to say that all attorneys do is take money from one party to another . . . well dad, by your definition, you ended up your kind of attorney! LOL! He, like Bush, didn't think anyone but criminals, needed a Constitution and it was, only a piece of paper! A total money grubber, wanted it, promised it all his life . . . never got it, until my family started to make it, and he was like a fly on shit!
HELEN CHAMBERLAIN SOUTHWICK, the silent, but deadly matriarch of this family, that is now, almost to 200, members, with missions, dotted all over the planet. Where my mother and I crossed, is an unintended, and one of the tangential, collateral damages, of killing the asset forfeiture, in Utah, is that the D.A.R.E., programs, she used in her junior high health class, tanked also! So, when, I killed that, the cop father, the DARE, drug recognition, cops that every year came to her, health classes, to lecture the kids on the evils of drug us, driving, vehicles, they seized without giving the owners, due process or equal protection of the laws, taking a nice, hot black mustang off some, teenager, who worked under the table in his parents, Mexican restaurant, from age 14 to 16, and used the saved money to buy, his dream car, got it seized, the first night down, Washington Blvd, in Ogden, Utah, and was seen, days, later, with the bit red, DARE word, being driven by some cop now, who pulled the kid over for no reason, or even if it was speeding, took the car, impounded it, used, allegedly, drug sniffing dogs, trained and rewarded, with treats, after they allegedly, smell drugs, with every fucking dollar bill, you and if have in our pockets and wallets, having passed through, hands that used, drugs! So, mommy bear, was pissed too, as was, former Ogden, prosecutor, Margaret Southwick Nesbitt, who worked closely with, one of my bosses at the time, I killed the bill, former, Deputy Chief Attorney General, Reed Richards, who likely lost his AG position and elections, because of my actions, who later, ended up, the lobbyist for the cops, and later, Director of the Utah Sheriffs Association, at the time, my million home was seized, after, I came back, and sued the state of Utah, the governor, the AG, the Department of Commerce, and the Securities Division, with Shelley, asking me why, I was suing all my old friends? Like Francine Gianni, and AG, Mark Shurtleff . . . professionals, follow the laws, not party, or friendship! Shelley made them look good, and I made them all look, bad, nationwide! Are you starting to get the picture and the substitution(s). Shelley had always been a drain on the family, lived with mom and dad for 7 fucking years with all her four, illegitimate children, Jesse, Isaac, Alexandra and Tyrone, not Greta, Nicole, Chris, and Elliot, the alternative family, that, Frank of Interpol wanted for his kids! FUCK. My mother, used to say, YOU ALWAYS LAND ON YOUR FEET . . . Shelley, dumped her problems on everyone, so the exchange gave her a perfect career, and driving record, without the warrants, bills and other issues following her for years!
JERRY OWENS . . . the first of a string of men, that Shelley, went after, after, I dumped their asses and they were pissed, rejected, and lonely! This is where, Elliot and Isaac's first band was started or the roots, with Tyler . . . so, with the penis, goes the loyalty to the children, and Elliot, red-headed, reminded Jerry of his first wife's, third kid with, the man she cheated on him with, so I think there was a prejudice, against Elliot right off the bat, through, association, and blocking! When, mommy bear, dumped step-daddy, Shelley, hooked up with him, and his brain and his pain, started to go away, getting even the best way, through, MY KIDS! He was the lynch pin, for the band, exchange, going way back!
BRETT TODD STEWART OR STUART . . . now, like I said, Shelley, had no morals and neither does Brett, but both will claim the purest of pure around their Mormon family and friends, including, the FBI and CIA, or cops! Junkyard dogs in heat, both, and like I said, everyone, wondered who's kid, Isaac was, Shelley's boss, or her husband, or Shelley went to school, at Utah State, putting her in Logan where Brett was from, and she could have taken a trip to Logan, to visit friends, or Isaac, former band member, and Elliot's closest cousin, again a target by these money grubbers, and the exchange. BRETT IS WHERE THE RUSSIAN CONNECTION COMES IN . . . A FANTASY, AT FIRST, BUT WITH BAND MONEY, MY RESUME, NAME, ALL STARTED TO BE A REALITY! THE FIRST BOOK, AS BRETT'S WIFE, I SAW HIM READING, WAS, A BOOK, HUGE ASS BLACK, BOOK, ON AS I RECALL, COMMUNISM, UNDER HITLER, MUSSOLINI, AND STALIN! I remember asking Brett, why he was reading that book and he said, it was his favorite book! I said, do you actually buy that shit? YES! I love the Communist manifesto, and Mein Comph, or however you spell it! Many have compared, Donald J. Trump, to Hitler, some have saluted him, Nazi style, and others, Nationalists are all about, Hitler tactics of the Nazis and the SS men! This is whom, I am saying it the DEEP STATE . . . not government bureaucracies! Both Shelley and Brett are dreamers and readers--Brett is a cad, and he would have surely, picked up on Shelley, as he did me, at the library, where both he and she went, often! When, I introduced Brett to Shelley, she said, OH, SO THIS IS YOUR . . . NEW HUSBAND? The two acted like old friends, and got into some debate over 9/11, and disappeared into the kitchen; however, after I left Brett, he came over several times, to see me, continued to track me down, and at times I would see him cry . . . now if he was a cop, is a cop, or FBI, or CIA, or acting, all of the above, he would have gotten kudos for picking me up and keeping me down on the farm so to say, and he always seemed to get a free pass, or I did, from cops, if he, was there, and he was contacted by cops once, when, I had someone drop me at a neighbors, in a rain storm, because, I was embarrassed of Little Tiawana, or the old barns, and sheds, that were on family property, that Brett was turning into a straw bale house . . . the driver, dropped me at the back of the neighbors, never lie, it always causes problems, as it did, and he watched, me, so, I thought, I will just go in the garage, very poor judgment, when, you are not functioning as an attorney, but the 5 year old, mind that you were left with, after sister poisoned you and you, thought you were going to die, vanity of an attorney, still, ruled my brain, but the judgment was not there! The neighbor, of course called the cops, as I walked down the driveway, and four, squad cars, raced to the scene, like I was, the attorney, who kicked their asses, not the naïve, 5 year old, they had reduced me to! But, somehow, Brett, allegedly working at a whey factory, knew, and rushed to my rescue, putting his arms around his new wife, and the cops, being more than, satisfied, that, I was in good hands and would not do it again! THE UNIFIED POLICE? BRETT HAD SOME IN WITH THEM, OR WAS PART OF THE OPERATIONI, AGAINST ME, BUT HE GOT A FREE PASS, ON SPEEDING, AND OTHER TRAFFIC DEALS! But, after fucking Shelley's brains out, after I left him, he got drunk one night and came, crying to me, telling me he loved me, and Shelley was, right there, listening to her radio show, ART BELL, while I was trying to stop Brett from making love to me, while he was drunk and crying . . . I finally got him, in the shower with me, and I am sure that Shelley, was burned, so, this, probably stopped, Brett and her, and led to Kay!
KAY BURNINGHAM BROWN BUTTARS STUART OR STEWART? AKA, JOANN S. SECRIST, FOR LEGAL PURPOSES! So, Brett, earlier on, before, I left him, asked me, what women, I thought, gave me a challenge or was competition for me, and I told him, my high school friend, Kay Burningham, also an attorney, but, she wasn't poisoned, nor did she put on weight as a result of the poisoning, but, no man, in his right mind, prior to that, would have taken, Kay over me, as was, the case, when I was practicing, and attorney, and Orbit or Sprinkler World, part owner, worth about 40 million, back 20 years ago, lined me up, with Greg to get a job with him, but he fired her ass, in the first trial, and I, filled in her place, as attorney . . . probably the pattern, that she and Brett used, or my father, and Brock, both in the same Mormon church priesthood quorum, concocted up, to replace me in the family, when, the money came, me hooking Kay's boring screen play, up, with my dad, at the same time, and he starting to call her, Kay Baby, and after I was taken out, by Shelley and the FBI, as general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, Kay Baby, friends with Shelley through, Tim Brown her first husband and Shelley's high school chum, so, again, a close network of friends, through, love, sex and marriage! The core of the Southwick Crime family, and the Mormon Mafia! But, Kay, as well as Shelley, seemed familiar with my husband, Brett . . . she too, said, how well did you know Brett when, you married him? Like why would you ask that? Kay had a case up at the University of Utah Hospital where Brett worked, prior to me marrying him, and he was fired for sexual harassment of female staff! Again, he, the cad, would have hit on Kay, had he met her . . . perhaps, she thought she was too good, being an attorney and he running blood, around, Shelley might have too, and Brett said, if I had met him, in high school, being part of the parking lot crowd, I would not have liked him . . . he was right! But, times changed for me, and risk was part of the game, as was sex, didn't want to die, loosing out, and here was a hot guy, hitting on me, went home and didn't come back, married him! That was about, 2004 or 5, as I recall. 2004, is when, Elliot's band member, Blake Donner, was again, murdered, in the Provo Death Cave incident, I believe, Shelley and the crew, killed 4 kids, with both my sons, asked to go to the underwater cave, after a PARALLAX concert, a successful band, Elliot played in, but Isaac didn't . . . mommy, playing JOANN by now, bringing in jealous baby, Isaac? GOD'S REVOLVER, HARD ROCK BAND OF 2008, FOLLOWED, BUT I BELIEVE THE LITTLE BLACK HORSE CD, CAME OUT, 2006, RIGHT AFTER I LEFT BRETT! Shelley got Brett, allegedly fired, from being my representative payee, for Social Security, also, had my driver's license revoked, after I had long given it up . . . so it was not for driving purposes, but so she could use my record, perfect, name and be the attorney, and cops were the ones who told me this!
RACHEL SOUTHWICK HICKEY MOOSMAN KENNEDY . . . AKA, SARAH PALIN! I have no exact starting date for Rachel, getting in the mix with Shelley and Kay, but, when, Rachel was working at Dillard's, right around, 2010, I remember her telling me that Brett came in and bought something. The induction? At the same time, and Rachel and I had been close, I remember saying, that, Shelley, mentioned something about, like ruling the world, and Rachel, said, who would want to? Shelley said she wanted to! Now, how, Rachel, went from that, to Sarah Palin, is a mystery to me, but, I started to get back into politics, at the end of 2008, right, when, the elections were going on, with McCain and Obama, later President . . . at that same time, someone had been registered, under my name, my social, my birthday, as a student, taking communications, classes, at Dixie State College, now University . . . someone trying to get the skills, that I already had? English major, Communications, minor, 1986, this was, what, 20 years later? What the fuck would I need, these classes for, I was a J.D. or juris doctorate! I should have turned, Shelley, who was living with Rachel at the time, and both disappeared, between, 2006 and 2008, really, as did, Isaac? FAKE BAND, FAKE politician, modeled after ME, now ME! When, Rachel was going through her divorce, end of 2009, I was working on the Brock case, had my license back, and Rachel was looking for a job . . . she couldn't get a job as a receptionist, at the time, she had no computer skills and she had to have her husband, Chris, or her daughters, look up her UNITED AIRLINES, flights, on the computer! Rachel's kids are Stephanie, Matthew, Emily, and Scott! She is not me, Kennedy is not with me! And my kids are not, Rachel's and James Kennedy's! They are much, closer to the genetic properties of me and Zeke or Richard Clifton Secrist, the parents of the fab four, much closer, than, Shelley and Frank, or Jack, mafia has, wives and husbands, as fronts, for other lovers, or closer than, Brett and Kay, Isaac, could be their genetics, but not my blondes, blue eyes, red heads, Greta has hazel eyes, like Shelley, but, nothing else is similar, and Kay was a ballerina, but, nothing else, other than, Greta's mom, being an attorney, and Kay, trying to be me, after I left Brett! LOL! I guess this is the revenge of the losers, club, Kay was dumped by her partner, Greg, and I dumped, Brett, and Shelley dumped Brett, because of me, SEXPLANATIONS!
SUSAN SOUTHWICK SCHMIDT . . . Sue is a history major, she, is a Mormon, on steroids, but, interestingly enough, she has some democrat leanings, she was going to work with Birch Bye, or some Congressman, back in her more liberal years, feminist, turned, Molly Mormon! Sue has a history major, with a political science minor, I think, from Southern Utah University, where she, met her husband through me and Zeke or Richard, Kevin. Sue taught English, at South Davis Junior High, where my mother got her a job . . . she had no, English as a major, so, nepotism, worked, I guess or, she taught some history? Sue has lived, in England, Germany, New York, Boston and Phillidelphia, where she studied the founding fathers and the Constitution, but she never went to law school, but she has passed herself off as me the attorney, on legislative issues, and the water compact in Montana! The NSA has turned of spell check, like they have over the last 3 years, almost the entire time I have had this blog! If these clowns, spell check my stuff, they assume, they wrote it! PRIDE IN PERFORMANCE, they might run it through some, computerized, make it a better translation program, I have caught them doing, to also, claim, that they actually did SOMETHING TO EARN STEALING MY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY . . . I JUST WRITE LIKE A BANCHIE, DON'T WORRY, BECAUSE, MY WORK AS SO MUCH, MEAT IN IT, THAT, THE SUBSTANCE, IS WORTH, WADING THROUGH, EVEN IF I DON'T SPELL THAT GREAT AND AM TOO LAZY TO LOOK UP EACH AND EVERY QUESTIONABLE SPELLING, WHICH IS GETTING RARE AT THIS POINT, HAVING TO EITHER BE A BETTER SPELLER, OR ACTUALLY, STOP MY BRAIN STORM ZONE, TO OPEN ANOTHER WINDOW, TYPE IN "DICTIONARY" AND THE WORD! HATE THAT . . . I TYPE, FASTER THAN, MOST PEOPLE READ! NEVER PROOF READ, JUST GOOD ENOUGH, TO LET PASS!
MARCIE AND TIFFANY, ARE MORE MINOR PLAYERS, neither one, have college degrees, and are less useful, but Tiffany, passes, for the, me as I grow younger! LOL! The others all look to old for me now, being guessed, at ages, younger than Tiff! Shelley, Sue and Rachel are the big gals, all, 5'9" or above, and me, Marcie, and Tiffany, are all about, 5'7" or right around there, so when, they need, someone of my height, they get Tiff. Tiff, I think, has a EMT license and Marcie, has always been a homemaker, to my old boyfriend, lined them up too, Mark Nelson, DDS, with a design and decorating, bent to her!
EDWARD SOUTHWICK II, AND III! Ed is an engineer, by trade and he got a law degree, from an unaccreditated, law school, online, or correspondence, and he is my father's closest confidant! and brother! Very smart man, much better at finances. Ed went on a mission to England, and Ed Jr. to Japan! Both of the Ed's are involved, in the RICO or family enterprise, but, Ed Jr. more. Both men, have the FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE POLICE stickers, in their windows, get off tickets better! Edward is key, to stealing the MONTANA years! When, cops would chase me out of Montana, I used to run, to Las Vegas or Beaver Dam, where I would hang out with Edward . . . kissing cousins, same age, did tons of fun stuff as college students, and have hung out, until I got my ID, stolen from his house! Edward also, kicked around, going to law school, but didn't. He is more competitive with me, than, I would, reveal! I believe, that after I quit, or even while, I was hanging with him, he was saying that I was, Shelley, or Rachel, covering for the times, that, Shelley was, in Montana, having the cops, chase me, framing me, and trying to take credit for all the stuff I did in Montana, like, the WATER COMPACT, both doing, written analysis, and testifying at the Montana Legislature, with Tony Osthemeier, working with, Me, then, Shelley, to be me, with the help of Jack Strode, in Kalispell, and Michael McClintoch, in both, Kalispell, playing judge, Robert Allison, the one time, I actually did go to court, and my coached client, fell apart, leaving me to pick up the slack with a U.S. Supreme Court Bar License, but not a Montana, license, later to have my client, support Shelley, and lie about who did what! I wrote briefs, two, that, were not allowed, or that, Georgaiana, allowed to be turned in, as if Shelley were me, and I didn't do anything, killer briefs, from the attorney, loser, from Shelley, but, that pride in performance, allowance to steal MY THUNDER, not only, on issues, that put me on the map, in Whitefish, Montana, like the medical marijuana, later, the water compact, but, also, on abortion and wild burros and horses, testimony and writing! I believe, that Shelley, and I keep writing, She . . . Seth Foote, was a player, too, FBI, St. George field office, along with, U.S. AG, Paul Kohler, I beat up on both of them, and Rachel, knew them, from, me, meeting with her, low cut blouse, looking great, while, I ran around all morning down what needed to be done, and catching the mortgage fraudsters, breaking and writing to Seth and the FBI about the key players, and how they were doing it, bringing in, attorneys, and judges, all involved in, taking MY HOUSE, after Rachel, left with Kay Moosman and I took over, house, kids, and fought the legal battles, for Rachel, while Shelley tried to kick her kids out of the house, and fuck, the case . . . until, the house was taken, via, cops, the DAY BEFORE, I WAS TO FLY TO DENVER, KAY'S OLD STOMPING GROUNDS, TO ARGUE BEFORE, NEIL GORFUCK AND THE THREE JUGDES, ON THE 10TH CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS, WHERE GORSUCK, AND THE FBI, HANDED MY $357 MILLION DOLLAR SECURITIES CASE, NOW NATION FAMOUS, TO KAY BABY, PRETENDING TO BE ME!