I LIKE THE INTERESTING TWIST OF WHAT, WE COMMONLY THINK OF TODAY, THAT THE GOVERNMENT GIVES US RIGHTS, RATHER THAN, US, GIVING THEM POWERS, UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION . . . Hamilton's political legacy is embodied in the Federal Bank. he led the effort to establish the first such bank, which he saw as critical for sustaining the government's fragile finances. His opponents saw the bank as an evil tool for expanding the power of the federal government, at the expense of the states. Hamilton is regarded as the "Father of the National Debt" because he felt that a national debt was really a "blessing." The more money the 'government' owed to the people of the country, the more the people had a stake in the success of the country!
P.S., Great article, right up the same lines as I am taking . . . Harvard Constitutional Law Professor, Lawrence Tribe, calling the shots on this, like me, removal, impeachment or treason, let Trump take his pick! I just wanted to record this happening, because, these people, doing all this shit to me, are Trumpkins, using my money, to be ingratiated to him, and using my wins, many, many of them, to pretend they are me, to get jobs, they never could have gotten, and mark my words, Trump and Comey are on the same page, same team, now, trying to distance themselves from each other, as the investigation, on the 2016, elections, heat up, see, the alleged, two investigations as one in the same! The Clinton email, investigation, is all just part of the game to get Trump elected, Comey, just gets an early retirement, probably was paid off, and rather than have his name dragged through the mud, he is taking an early way out! Think, Comey and Trump having dinner together? Remember, that Comey, told Trump, that he was not being investigated, three times? What the fuck, do you have, the head of the FBI having dinner with, the subject of a hot investigation? What has Comey, just gone completely bonkers, in this last year? or was he willing to fall on the sward to keep Clinton out of the White House and his boss? Start to connect ALL the dots, don't look at any one of them in isolation. Even Sarah Huckabee whatever, being deputy press secretary . . . all this is orchestrated to look good to Republicans. Spicer's National Guard duty at the Pentagon? That smacks me as strange too? Everything has been a lie from the start, first it goes this way, then, that way! Huchabee, a big name to the base, bringing in the evangelicals, through name recognition.
Someone finally has some sense, Senator Mike Lee, suggested, that Trump, nominate Judge Merrick Garland, to replace the next, Supreme Court Justice.
Now, I mentioned this morning, that, I was in three places, with the NSA games, through, loan-a-tool service to Mormon family members of the NSA Mo's doing the job, themselves, but, I used my "Sound Community Bank" card, this morning at Burger King, by 2:00 PM, I was hungry having eaten at about 6:30 AM, so I went to one of my favs, the Oxford Bar and Grill, on Higgins Street, Missoula, Montana, always do me well. I paid or tried to pay, with plenty of money, to cover, easy and then, some, probably 10 times the bill, easy. But the cook, came back and told me the card had been declined, now, I know, that the fuckers who fuck with my money, my cards, my locations, my weather locations, putting me in Washington, probably, Seattle, Washington, because when I was in Kalispell, until, 7:00 PM, last night, after, taking the CSKT Transit Shuttle, verify, verify, verify, the ticket cost me, $30.50, I believe, I may have paid cash for it . . . but at the same time, right around 3:30 PM, I used this same card, and took $180, out of my bank, in cash! That ATM, right after me, turned of, or refused give the next person, money . . . now, generally, I have 24/7 surveillance on me, so, the FBI or spooks, protecting the Mo's and their bitches, but, yesterday was different, because, usually, I either get off the city bus, at Super 1, or at Good Will, in Evergreen; however, the bus driver was nice, and allowed me to jump out at the gas station where I pick up the shuttle down to Missoula, and then, I hit the cover where the gas hoses were, and there was just two, short split seconds, that someone watching me, would have had to see me, and I got my hair cut, pretty short, again, so, they may have not known it was me? But, the last 2 or 3 times, I have gone from Kalispell, to Missoula, the ATM machine has been out of money or broken, or some cloud was put over it, so I could not get cash . . . you have to figure, the NSA, can control or hack all of these machines or sister hacker could too! But, after having my card declined, I paid cash, for the $6.00 meal, with $2 cash, but, the thing that is important, is that, the good guys, non-Mormons at the NSA or the cops, who are more concern about crimes, than money, but the cook ran my money card, the only one I have, that ends in 1729, twice and twice, it was declined! After dinner, I went to the ATM and decided to check and see what was up . . . there was a brief, note, that flashed on the screen, that said, something about the card, being blocked or stopped! LOL! THIS SLEEP IS POWER! I was able to pull another $60.00 or whatever, but that was the amount, so there is proof, that they are fucking with me, totally, all the time, reminiscent of the double motel bills, closing out my Walmart Money Card, and on and on, they are either buying time, so the person in Washington, can get back to Montana, or Texas, most likely the one in Seattle, because, I originally, went to Kalispell with the thought of going to Seattle, for one last time, before, I settled down in an apartment, or whatever, but then, consistent with my and being addicted to my blog and the news that backs it, when Comey was fired, I had to get back to the hotel room, the same on, I had checked out of at 11:00 AM that same morning and I stayed another night, to watch the shit show! I believe I told my hairstylist, at Walmart, who has cut my hair for years, and is also, a spy and liar for, the opposition, males with dicks, just look at the boobs, and vote for the boobs, not the brains, the face, the intelligence or the cool, just boobs! But, it was either him or the taxi dude, but he knew I was staying, but I did, tell him, I was thinking about going to Seattle, and these guys, like to put their footprint on the soil before I do, and can, generally with planes that can get there MUCH faster then, me, all they have to do is know locations . . .oh, my weather location was turned off today, when, I pushed it, it showed, Austin, Texas! I can't go in a change, the main, location, because they turned it off. But, the home page, with all the icons, showed Missoula, that change automatically, when I changed locations, but there was another weather, text box, that showed, Washington, so when, I went into change the weather, AUSTIN, TEXAS showed up, and I clicked, the red bubble button, that shows location, fully expecting it to show, Missoula, but it didn't change, and I tried twice, so, I went in and changed it manually, but, later, I couldn't push the location of the weather or anything. This is how, cops need to chase these fuckers. The problem is, they, have it wired to show THEIR LOCATION, not mine, so cops think that I am that BIG TIME CRIMINAL, SHELLEY, and she me, because the IP number, most likely is wired to her location, not mine! COPS,, WHEN, I TELL YOU, I AM AT THE OXFORD, IN MISSOULA, MONTANA, THAT IS WHERE THE FUCK, I AM! SHIT? STOP DENYING YOUR EYES, EARS AND NOSES! GOD, I AM GIVING YOU, THE MOBS' LOCATIONS, OVER AND OVER AND THEN YOU TURN AND CHASE ME! READ THE GOD DAMNED BLOG, AND FOLLOW THAT, NOT WHAT THE COMPUTER SAYS, BECAUSE, THEY JUST CLICK IT AND ALL CHANGES, AND IP NUMBERS, "SUBS SO FAST THAT YOU'LL FREAK" AND YOU CAN'T SEE THEM WITH THE NAKED EYE, BUT, YOUR COPS, CAN VALIDATE WHO I AM, FUCK, THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE IN HEIGHT HERE, I AM ONLY 5' 7", SUE, SHELLEY AND RACHEL ARE ALL BIG ASS GIRLS, TOWER OVER ME BY 3 TO 4 INCHES! KAY, HOWEVER IS SHORTER, AND SHE IS ONLY ABOUT 5'4", AS I RECALL! THIS SHIT MATTERS, THEY ARE TRYING TO FUCKING KILL ME, SHIT!