Seattle Sea of Sunflowers, Sunshine, and Sunbelt!
Utah hated me, Montana tolerated me, Seattle, Is My Town! with the signs, Hate Has No Home Here, or Washington Won't Discriminate, Liter and You Will Be Hurt or Seattle Doesn't Settle! With MLK marches, 175,000 Women's March, Washington, now, protesters at Westlake, because of Trump, overturning, the Dakota Access Pipeline construction, injunction, due to the Native water rights protection, sacred burial grounds, and sovereignty, in violation of Department of Interior policy, EPA environmental impact statements and demands--I knew, Pruitt and Zinke would lie to get confirmed, then, do as much damage, as possible, for as long as they could get away with it, etc., today, there is a Women in Black, recognition of the homeless and those who have died on the streets, and the Coalition of Churches, Week of Prayer, and what a week we had, last week, and we need prayer to sustain us through, this lame ass presidency, that none of us, believe is legitimate in the first place . . . it is not what you claim, but what you can prove, and we still may! THANK YOU SEATTLE, for how you take care of the homeless, my sorry ass included, with churches, working in conjunction with Angeline's Women's Rescue Center, to farm homeless women, out, around Seattle every night! A special thanks, for where I was over the weekend, spoiled, truly, and last night, female slumber party, with Bethany Church, and Union Church, both providing dinners, new clothes, gift certificates to Starbucks, making us feel, like real, legitimate, parts of the community, and all the others, St. Johns, and others, I have note stayed at, who do the same!
1,000 Protective Sons or Sunflowers
A new look, at, the situation, with cops and feds, paddy wagon and all, both showing up at two different Starbucks, as I spent my gift card, feeling like a real, blogger and person, thanks! This came this morning to me, at Bethany Church, where I spent the night, in frolic and fun, ladies night, slumber party, eats and funny conversations with homeless ladies, and our host, church ladies, one from Ireland, cool, ascent, from her homeland! But, as I got up, early, as usual, with hours before most of these women, have to get up, I noticed, a very cute, retro, older bathroom décor, with foremica, bathroom countertop and sink, cover, that had a white background, and thousands of sunflowers, covering, the design, so fun, and it reminded me of my own sons, whom, I always, have passwords, or use the symbolism, of thinking of them, in the terms of sunflowers, sunshine, or sunbelt. And sunflowers and sunshine, always make me smile, and my sons' have always been very protective of me, especially, my older son, and of late, my younger son . . . plus, they make me happy, as I think, I am just scratching the surface of who they are as men, since they would not talk or divulge much, as younger boys, and young men, thinking they knew every thing about me, raised in Bountiful, and an attorney, the sum total of everything they knew about me, only to have my oldest son, call me 20 years later and ask me where I was born, and a year later, ask me where me and his father were married! Death, becomes me . . . before my sons' know me! LOL! I still love them.
But, several events of the last few days, give me the sense, that, I have many more sons, or young men, looking out for me, who have read my blog, know I am homeless in Seattle, and after yesterdays, blog and earlier blogs, know, that, cops are unfairly targeting me, and through, injustice, exacting blow after blow, using abuse of power, jails, threats of warrants, bogus charges, and other criminal justice or injustice tools, to control and abuse me, exerting power over me, in a game of unparalleled, female hate crimes, and downright, criminal acts of aggression, that would be crimes and are crimes, but protected, by the fraternal order of the penis or cops! These men, are mostly my sons' ages, between 30's to 40's, appear professionals, and look at me more as a mother image, rather than a sex object, that has fucked up their older male counterparts, who confuse, the bedroom with the boardroom, and value, heels over heads, and vote someone like Hillary out, and a sexist pig, like Trump in! They are Millennials, Bernie bros, they love their girlfriends, real, love real bodies, see fake as selling out, and are appalled by anything fake from NGOs in food, to pesticides on their gardens! They hate Wall Street, fracking, drill baby, drill, and they love their very smart mothers! Many were raised, by single mothers, who struggled through school, who, may have experienced, to some degree, in job discrimination, what I have, they protest and they want to save the world, just like their Baby Boomer parents, they are idealistic and believe, we CAN DO THIS!
Even though my pictures are small, my words are louder, and, me writing about the general areas, I hang out in, can give someone who reads my blog, a clue of who, I am, if they think and look. This was not a Seattle son, but a reader . . . but one of the first days, I was at McDonald's doing my blog, the one on Virginia and 6th, putting me just a about 4 blocks from Angeline's, and right after the elections, a month, with me still venting, I had this young, again, in the same general age, group, stand behind me in this, passive aggressive stance, start, saying that he voted for Trump, and he does this and that, acting like he was trying not to be classified, with the Big Foot, Elvis Lives, UFO crowd of rednecks, that, I liked to just in joking, referred to, with some elements of seriousness! LOL! Now, this young man, never said anything directly too me, but I thought, from what he was saying, that, I might be in a city, that there are many readers of my blog, and I need to be careful, because with diversity, comes a diversity of thought, votes, and passions, in this HELLO WORLD, city of Seattle, one of the largest, in America! So, that was the first time, I was actually conscious, generally, incognito, to most, other than, cops and feds, who, might suspect, but due to my homeless, dismiss me, as most Montanans did, who loved the blog, even seeing my picture and sitting with me, still doubted that I was MYSELF! LOL! I would be like, how can, I be living at the Poverello Center, take the very saying off staff's t-shirt, and have them still doubt who I am? Most people would say . . . if your an attorney, why don't you have money? Most civil rights attorneys are dead, I am lucky to be here! LOL!
I mean, it like I am writing that, I have had houses, vehicles, cases, blogs, water compacts, real, personal and intellectual property stolen, with cops, wanting my ass, 24/7, without a place to get mail, 90% of the time! Why would you think, when you see my double, spending MY MONEY, riding I a limo, not what I am writing about, and think she is me, even after listening to her, and me, and there is fucking no comparison! The king is the king, only until the queen arrives, and the fake Joann, is only queen, or attorney, or bad ass con law chick, until the real JoAnn, arrives! My smart friends, say, anyone who talks to you, would know your intelligent, but, somehow jumping to the attorney spot, seems like it is too far for most! LOL. So, to have, two possibly three, young men, sons, of another mother, but similar, not only recognize me, but HELP ME, is almost dumbfounding, after, 3.5 years of writing, dates, times, places, events, and slogans, that could only be done by me, and have, people actually think, my evil twin, wrote it, or was there, in a small room, when, they have to deny or lie to themselves or not believe their own eyes, to think, it was this sister, or that, or my loser attorney friend, who, is not much smarter, that, my sisters, who are non-attorneys. I have described my weight, and a great reason to hang onto it, my height, hair color, eye color, and still, nothing . . . that is a fucking huge ass difference between a woman who is 4 inches taller than, me with size 11 feet, compared to my size 7.5 inch feet. YOU WOULD ALL BE TERRIBILE WITNESSES IN COURT! FUCK?
The other day, I was on a bus to Capitol Hill area, and I shared a seat with, one such young man, and just by the glint in his eye, and the smile on his face, I thought, this guy, knows exactly who I am, in all my homelessness and glory, and his revelations, didn't come in the way, of aren't you so and so, or bad ass? But, he showed, himself, to me, through his comments, I am very uncomfortable with, recognition and don't really care for it, like my loser sisters, who have vied to be me, and feel perfectly at ease with my fame and fortune and cops, seem perfectly fine, lying for them? Whatever, but, I love the way, these men, showed, with some sparkle who, they were, knowing, that I would dig the hell out of them . . . so, did you go to the Women's March. Yes. Oh, so I guess girlfriend or wife made you. No, actually, my girlfriend was out of town. Really. Then he proceeded to prove his case of this independent act, of men his age, that, a fucking love! He told me of the signs he liked, the hats or costumes he enjoyed, and the thrill of the whole thing. WAY COOL. Then we talked about the Trump inaugural, and I said, as I recall, wasn't the crowd so loud, that they had to silence them to have President Obama take the oath? I kind of didn't think, he was old enough to have appreciated that, but, he said, yeah the crowd was loud, I WAS THERE! How you WOW me! By the time we got off the bus, parting had become almost sweet sorrow, he was so cool! He reminded me of my own sons, who are so supportive of their girlfriend and wife, help around the house, help with cutie girl grand-daughter, who is the light of the Best Daddy in the World's world!
Now, these secret sons, revealed themselves to me, this morning, as I looked at the very disruptive and hurtful events of yesterday, that almost made me, or did make me, get on Craigslist and look for apartments or rooms back in Montana . . . while was handling, my lame ass, bull shit, bogus, legal issues, that, I would rather spit on, rather than, stoop to address, having loved, bragged, promoted, been proud to be part of, and diggin' on Seattle, this incident, like the inaugural of Trump, for victims of rape and sexual assault, did to me, thinking, all I am doing it good stuff for this city, promoting their youth, services, etc., and you have to be kidding, I have Seattle cops, creeping in, first one, then the other, than a paddy wagon, later feds, at two different Starbucks, leaving me sick, dizzy, almost wanting to vomit, wondering what the fuck . . . one officer was Black and the other was Asian, and it was like, I have done nothing but, promote your races, written about your Lunar New Year, tried to lower crime, incest, rape, murder, discrimination, domestic violence, and now, the same old shit, that happened in Utah and Montana, always bringing, light, fun, tourists, and energy to the economy and focus on cool spots and always greeted with a huge ass slap across the face, by the cop welcome wagon and some lame ass warrant, I don't even know exists that is likely a frame for something I never did! So, last night, I was almost inconsolable, looking at Seattle different, my sort of lover in different light, and the whole last few weeks, almost with disgust, while a friend tried to calm me down, and I have and am gifted with the happiness gene, but, four years of INJUSTICE is just, more, almost than I can stand, for doing what, being true to my oath, being a great attorney, professor, fighting for citizens, water, rights, protections, dignity, privileges . . . what the fuck?
I have never been to Bethany Church, and was lined up, to go to the Jewish Reform Temple, that I dig and I am perfectly happy staying at, in fact, last time I went, there was a driver and chick, named, Wendy, who, was almost a doppelganger or myself, or a self outside of self, she swore, was completely irreverent in the Temple, she told us that she was not Jewish, but, she had a friend who was, in charge of recruiting, people from the Temple to volunteer for serving, basically, me and the other women, treating us like intimate friend, more than the beneficiaries of their services, telling us that she just had it on her heart to do this, take care of us, but in doing so, she had offended many volunteers with a letter, that some called rude, even vulgar! LOL! she talks my kind of language, a heart of gold-n-soft, but covered with a sailor's mouth! LOL! But, last night, the staff were screaming over all the women waiting to be shipped out, here or there, and I had moved to the front of the building, waiting, to be picked up for Temple, when, out of the blue, she looked at me and said, what is you name? Secrist, you go to Bethany! I almost protested, but . . . oh, whatever, it had been a rough day, so, whatever. But, like many random acts in our lives, we just dismiss, are sometimes, healing moments from God, sending me to a place with such a symbolic, bathroom counter, was amazingly healing, as I looked back with a new understanding of the events of yesterday that had upset me so much! After I saw, the sunflower, counter top, I started to smile, because it made me think if tons of sons, sunflowers, sunshine, readers, followers on my blog, here in the city of Seattle, as if God was telling me to settle down, stop worrying, these tons of young men have your back!
You learn a few things, being targeted, chased, and sometimes, more close to being trapped than, you would like to imagine. So, Union Church, gave us, gift cards, like I said, but, I always, reserve the fact, that, there might be a reason, or a set up, or some other motive or intend, like, controlling and directing me, this way or that, so this or that, set up can happen, and, after leaving, the church, excited about Starbucks, walking with a chick, I met, not only from the shelter, but, also, a fellow, jack Mormon, I can commiserate with, and we have laughed our asses off, with a common culture and religion with her marrying a Tongan, and being hijacked to Tahiti for Fiji, after marriage, meeting at the happy hunting ground of the world, for marriage, BYU where I went to law school, and also had two men, on the same day, tell me they either had a dream or vision, that I was the one they needed to marry, back in my freshman, year at BYU! I asked her if she had to catch fish for breakfast, assured me she did, was in charge of the village chickens and, lived in a hut, with a grass roof, etc. How did you meet this dude, an impression, I laughed, then she asked me how I met my husband, a dream, and we both got hysterical! Same genre of Mormon reasons to marry!
But, she has a Ph.D, I think, and has told me horror stories, as this Trump, sexist and misogynist, presidency takes hold, but she has also, gotten or gone psycho, over any mention domestic violence or violence, but, after yesterday, I am thinking that is more, to stop me from revealing, who, I am, an attorney who wrote the domestic violence manual, sexual assault, and worked in the criminal enforcement, arear of law, from the prosecutors to the defense attorney, to the civil rights! She has SHHUSHED me, silenced me, and tries to control what, I can talk about--worried about SURVEILLANCE, the truth, and paid to protect my double, Mormon double, as other chicks, and cops have? Just being a smart Mormon woman, is suspect to me, not because, I don't think there are any, but, because, they can and have been used against me, often, and she appeared to be the perfect suspect, even trying to direct me to house, new, out in Seatack with an inside scoop, with a lady named, Lily, which could very well, be CIA, for, the Department of Justice or Homeland Security, because the case I had against them, had a case worker, named, Sarah Lily, so that has always, served as a code name, and it could be here to!
Of course they have tried this same trick, over and over and surely want me out of the city, stationary, stuck, leased, and without transportation and the protections the city can provide! Also, right before she went nuts on me, I saw another sign, of CIA, the street THOMAS, Thomas G. Vail was my client, whom, I sued the only, newspaper, I heard of who supported TRUMP, who had lunch with the CIA, before they stole 6 very lucrative cases of mine, with him, after I did all the work as is generally the case, the workhorse, money time, showgirl time! So, that was the only street I looked at, so, that appeared to be God's Intel, to watch this bitch, and bitch she was . . . I mentioned, that 5 people had been shot, when she was telling me areas to avoid, so, not much difference, just, the NEWS for god sakes! She started hyper-ventilating, and saying, with her head in this menacing, ugly look, I TOLD YOU, you can't, blah, blah, blah . . . I said, calmly, this is the NEWS, only the NEWS. She stormed off, these CIA types, again, think they are queens, until their real queen, arrives, you guys are cops, I am a Damned attorney! so fuck you bitch! She even tried to denigrate, and say, how all her colleagues, trash, juris doctorates as cheap ways to get a Ph.D., or we don't work harder, we just work smarter . . . I taught at 3 universities, bitch, you were a fucking secretary! I can bitch and diva with the best, and crush them! Whatever, she is like the men, she says, she feared, walking on eggshells--no one is going to tell me what to say, what tops, or am I going to be guarded in who I am and what I am! I got the impression, she was to bring me to a specific, Starbucks, that was easy to access! So, that is the framework!
The Big Save By Sunshine Boy(s)
Sorry, typical attorney, very verbose! tree killer, and wordy, to set up the situation, but, every fact is critical, and every fact, adds insight into the larger picture of this, possible set up, to silence me, before, Trump, starts working his, hostile takeover of America! seems to be a concerted, effort, bringing in the big guys the CIA and their hags! So, I am starting the day, gigged out, and Mary's Place, the normal, place of comfort, seemed to suddenly turn, and change to an interruption, for me, part of the dirty pool, the game, or did I change the game . . . head supply is always on the job! So, I start banging the keyboards early, writing about Iron County, really, the headquarters of Utah and the Mormon Church, in the most red counties, in the most red state in the country, and me as the Trump nemesis, that, I would and will prove to be, hot of the Women's March, that, I would like to take some credit for blasting, advertising and promoting on this worldwide blog! So, alert, seems to be high, new cop activity, the red lights, in the alley, boyfriend, also, trying to control my speech, with me wondering, who he really is, and what the alley way was about, and suggesting a second one, but he is smart and already acting the supportive, comforting, lover and friend, who could be my biggest enemy, like, other lovers, husbands, and boyfriends or acquaintances! I am on HIGH ALERT TOO, and I saw an alarming book the other day, always consider titles, this one was called, BORN TO DIE, with a picture of Christ on the cover, or Mary and baby Jesus. Believe me, I have been BETRAYED, far more than Christ, by friends, colleagues, cops, prosecutors, judges, friends and enemies alike, so, this incident took on new meaning for me!
I was planning on slamming out the blog, before, community meeting, but, that didn't happen, I follow orders, but on this occasion, staff, very briskly, dismissed me, blogging, and were closing off an area, that is generally fine, up until we meet, but, they closed it off about an hour before, making me wonder, if me not going to Starbucks as planned, changed to plan B, always a back up plan, you have to be aware of too. I was, well into my title, and my case, so, all the feds, who get, my blog feed, in their ears, hear it while I am typing, for training, and for purpose of stopping me, and protecting the government cop bitches pretending to be me, and now, the, alleged, president, not mine, which, may get me in trouble, BUT SHOULD NOT! With Citizens United, the rich, corporate America, can give as much money as they want to candidates, now, I am sure, Rachel, the sister, who looks the most like me, some have called us twins, having lived in Bellevue, WA, probably has been promoted, as me, and a local of 10 years, making Seattle proud, to have a homegrown, or resident writing this blog that influences millions, while she steals millions and gives it out to organizations, just like the mob did in Utah and Montana! Also, claiming my kids--SHE IS A FUCKING FLIGHT ATTENDANT FOR UNITED AIRLINES OR USED TO BE, SHE IS NOT AN ATTORNEY, A BAD MOM, AND BASICALLY, THE WHORE, OF THE GOVERNMENT, MUCH LIKE DADDY'S GIRL, IVANKA, BROUGHT ON TO ENTICE, AND DISTRACT MEN, BY HER HUGE ASS FAKE BOOBS . . . SUNFLOWERS, SUNSHINE BOYS, DON'T LIKE FAKE! Generally, people believe she is me, and I am not me, can't be, in a shelter and homeless, the billionaire, bag lady!
The best time to take me out, is while I am writing my blog, because, I am in a trance, zone, twilight zone, out to lunch, and I never write a rough draft, don't proof read, in title don't spell check, because, I can't, and most time, the NSA or access hackers, turn off the spell check, so I am getting to be a pretty damned good speller, not a reader, a hearer of the word only, so, while I have a great vocabulary, spelling the words is another story. So, I am engrossed, and I can write faster than, many read . . . friends will say, it took me half a day to think and get through, your first blog of the day! LOL! Professionals do their jobs without thinking! Blog generally take on a life of their own, and call is stream of consciousness writing, or God flow, I just slam, don't think, a whole lot, it just comes! I could write several a day, each different, and, I did, once write 6 . . . sitting in McDonald's, right after the elections, being forced, through lack of choice to listen to Fox Opinion, and every time, I finished a blog, came out of the blogging fog, and heard that shit, I would write another blog, I am as addicted as my readers--amazing what is in this brain, dusting off the cobwebs! Out of the corner of my eye, choosing a Starbucks, with one on every corner, I picked one that we, not just down from Mary's Place, nor, the other one, CIA chick went to, but, one, hidden, through the block, but, it looked more roomy, but, I am a creature of habit, and the others would be on their list, not this one, so, they would have to tap into my electronics to find me, but, all the sudden, out of the blue, some guy, not normal, comes running through the front door, and I was at the long table, thought that was strange, didn't pay much attention, but, I did, however, notice a cop, standing in line for coffee, again, continued slamming.
Anyone who reads my blog, knows, I am into symbols and signs, and one of my main stays, is, if someone runs through where I am, especially, if it is out of the ordinary behavior, for this student of human patterns and normal activity, in certain places, I pay heed, and take that as a God Intel to get the fuck, out of wherever I am, and if I don't, there are generally consequences to pay, later, and I regret, blowing off the instructions I got on high, with God, using people, or, in this case, in retrospect, he could have seen me, seen the cops, knew the whole story, and ran through, knowing the sign, learning, to communicate, CIA style without communicating through, signs and symbols! Any regular reader would know this, but few would act on it! So, not being aware enough, to know, much at that point, I noted the cop, but, I didn't see the second cop! Most cops, come in off their beats, get coffee, and if they are not up to anything, grab-n-go! They are doing a break, or need the restroom, but they don't hang out, they don't talk shop, or just chill with another on duty cop! There is a commercial, MSNBC, where all the anchors, make these fake as shit, hand movements, made for TV and to look, like they are working . . . better just to film the real thing! The hand motions, look fake as shit, hate the ad! The cops, gave me that same feel, as did the feds, acting like they were having an interview for job, props, resume, but fake as shit, right next to me, as I finished at Starbuck two!
As I started to pack up my shit, computer and all, trying not to seem too alarmed, but definitely feeling the heat, from 10 or 20 feet away, needing to get around the table, with the cops, feeling, me leaving, getting more and more panicked that, back up or the paddy wagon, wasn't marking spot X, in the joke cop, handbook of plays, always my advantage, they are all book learned, following, a coach, and always wait for the other players to arrive, while I get up and walk out the door! LOL! Just like I did, thanks to several, or one of my sunflowers or sonflowers, young flowers, bringing sunshine on the cops, and a smile on my face! LOL! I ditched around the block, through the alley, quick trip around the block, just in time to see, the aftermath of my fate, had it not been for, my young, SUNSHINE on the cop shit help, the black, unmarked, van, with two other cops, looking depressed and dejected, mission failed, as it might not have, without my army or God's Army of Sunflowers!
This has been a long and lonely road, fight, trip to hell, fun in the same light, but tiring, for this old lady! Lol. My surrogate sister, Rachel, Bellevue, chick back before, 2000, so awhile ago, is 7 years younger, and has to introduce me, and she always adds, NO, she is NOT my younger sister! Love it! But, in the same light, it has hurt me! Cops, don't think I am old enough to have a 33 year old rock star son! nor a 41 year old daughter, most of them keep me, in the potential fucking group, when I am older than their mothers! LOL! In another sign, from God, a very humorous one, on the same bathroom, mirror . . . and in light of seeing a man, 21 years my junior, a gymnast, I am not, a bit rusty, the sign said:
Warning: Cyber spies, just put a text box up, that said, as I tried to correct the spelling of "gymnast"; I thought it might be spelled "gymnist", but how could "they" blend and weave my life with Tiffany, my sister, 14 years young than me, who was a gymnast, if I spelled, gymnast wrong! LOL . . . It said: "Stop trying to correct gymnast!" I haven't seen that one before, but if they can't steal my blog, they, just lie, and say one of my sisters, who I no longer call sisters, other than references, wrote this . . . no, it is 11:45 AM, Seattle time, and I am, hanging at Mary's Place, waiting for my Nucific Diet Pills, that, have been routed to Montana, after, I ordered them to Seattle, caught in Missoula, MT, rerouting them from Angeline's who doesn't take mail, but were willing to make an exception, because I am really a nice person, but didn't know, until I found out, my order was in Montana, a surprise to Nucific, so I had them, at the Poverello, who had them, send them to Mary's Place who gets or takes mail, but, they have not shown up yet, my guess is that, they were intercepted, and my $135 order, is going to one of the bitch asses, who used to be sisters, rather than me, but, in Eckart, religion, they all bought off, on . . . the believe to justify theft of identity, "You are me, and I am you, we are all, in each other, as one."