Courser Mastercraft
An interesting development on my missing computer cord, part, the chick who cut my hair, told me she saw, a part of a computer cord in the garbage? Throwing a red-herring in the mix, to take the "good" and that is even suspicious, "cyber cops" off the trail of the CIA dad, who came in McDonald's after I had very scathingly, dissected them, and dismembered their organization, with the two cute kids, whom, I am sure, regular dads would have taken to "PLAYPLACELAND" to entertain them, while he ate and enjoyed some uninterrupted, social media time, with wife or friends . . . but, no, he had to come sit by me, and hover over me, and my computer designed backpack, that is not hard to tell, where the cord are, one on one side pouch, and the other on the other side pouch. Like it doesn't take a rocket scientist, nor anyone with half a brain, which, qualifies most CIA dicks, to figure out how to stop my most painful, blogging, attacking them and their cunts, daily! But, adding two and two together, is little buddy, who volunteered to butcher me, who relentlessly, pursued, cutting my hair, insisting on it for days, until I finally, relented to her persistence, involved in some way with the orgainized crime operation? She never knew, that I was missing a cord, until she got pissy with the chick, who is bringing me a new cord replacement, and I told her to be nice and get along, because, you are both cool, and this shit doesn't need to happen between you two. So, questions, it was like, last year, when I would have a hit on me at the swimming pool, where I would go everyday, and later, find my swimsuit, hanging to dry in my Poverello locker, slashed, once for each mob hit that didn't work? What is the connection between the swimming pool and the Pov.?
I would say, judged on my extimation, there are about, 10 to 30 guys at the Pov. right now, plus a few woman, who strick me as possible agents, who are on call 24/7 or there, like this morning to rat me out to cops, or to give me a shit hairdo, so none of the cops, are attracted to me, seeing that most men like longer hair, and mine was getting just the point that, I was considering, letting grow even longer, but, now with the jagged, dutch boy, above the chin, little Orphan Annie, look, it will be a while. But it is not the first time, I have worn a hat or covering, on my head, for 9 months to cover a bad hair cut! LOL! In fact there is this, billboard, now can't remember, exactly where it is, that, inpires me, with a young runner, blonde, fit, like I used to be, with a hair cut, about this length, and the ad says, GET THERE! Probably, advertising, some local gym, or fitness club, and the short, cute, snappy, hair cut, kind of makes me feel that way, and since, the one part of me, my face and hair, that I liked looking at, rarely seeing the rest of my body, due to mirror size and veiw, is now gone, so it is time for a complete, body overhaul, and maybe, like the scriptures say, If you set a snare or trap for someone else, you will fall in it yourself! Purhaps this young, spunky hairdo, will revamp my whole look! And for sure there is no, mistakinng me for Rachel, or Shelley, Sue, Kay, Tiff, Marice who, last time I saw them, all had long hair, never change styles, and, actually, given the length, and a bit of reshaping, it reminds me of younger years, when I was practicing law, I never wore my hair, passed, about an inch or two lower than my chin, but in a stylin' "A" line, cut, it also made me want to ditch, the idea of younger, cars, like the Mazda CX 5 door, or an Outback, Kia Soul, or Ford Escort, and go for the classic, I always wanted, to match the reminder of my old self, a Volvo wagon! A professor and lawyer thing! LOL! I am IVY LEAGUE!
# sayitwithapepsi . . . Bagnell's Sewing Center . . . I AM THE "REAL THING" and I Am Partial to Coke, the "Real" Thing!
Yesterday, shortly after lunch, I was getting ready to leave, putting on my backpack, totally, lost without my tools of the trade of blogging and bar stool, crime fighter, so, I was somewhat, dragging my feet, put my packpack, down near, a guy, who was very, CIA, agent like looking guy, who was reading, attorney, John Grisham's book, on something? I think it was the CHAMBER, reminiscent of the old, Star Chamber about the power behind the United States Supreme Court, as I recall, never read it, but remember, Shelley reader, or someone, reading it, I was too busy out, having adventures to make my own life fun! But, someone trying to make a conversation with me, as all agents and undercover do, all they need to do, is put something, closely related to law or politics, in front of my face and game on! So, like all undercover operatives, they all have a cover story, as this guy did, and many of them, are part and parcel, in some respects, like mine, some family, government, or cop tragedy, that some constitutional law, family law, bad ass con law chick, would like to sink her teeth into . . . so, your an attorney, blah, blah, blah, maybe God has, brought our paths together, so, you could help me! No, I am not taking cases, hate clients, all who promised the world, until I had the government on their knees, then, with no other choice to win, they turned to my clients, and before the courtroom slaughter, they would offer them a bribe, and all took the bait of the guaranteed win, when, both me and the government, knew that, any judge or jury in their right mind with the right application of the law, would give me the win, hands down, and leave the government paying me my due . . . but Kay, got the due, not me! All Mo Ass Mormons, and all Republicans, so, no questions asked, they were all okay with the fraud, because, God's laws are superior to man's . . . or are they, in the Doctrine and Covenants, modern Mormon scriptures, section, 98, it tells the early saints, to befriend the Constitution, for it is for ALL mankind, and anything more or less than this, is EVIL!
So, in a court of law, based on the foundation and principles of the Constitution, with all laws that are repugnant with the Constitution, VOID, and all laws that are consistent with the Constitution, constitutional, just how do you think, God himself, the inspiration behind the Constituiton, as seen in D & C, Sec. 101: 70 or 71, is in fact, states, exactly that, the inspired nature of the document, so, by both God's and Man's laws, I win, not only in the law, but in politics, as well, or should. Not to mention, the Mormon Articles of Faith, Art. 14, that tells members to follow the laws and leaders of the land, so even in the state of Mormon, in the Mormon controlled, CIA, FBI, ATF, DEA, DIA, NSA, etc., not to mention the U.S. State Department and the Department of Justice, again, heavily, laden with Mormons, either which way you look at it, by law or God, you are FUCKING violating the law, in this little Republican stint of shit, lies and bull shit! The United States Constitution, is the law, and I don't violate it, I preserve, defend and protect it with every case, with every word in this blog, with every client's case, and with every piece of legislation I do . . . YOU DON'T GET TO STEAL my GOOD NAME, REPUTATION and EASY VIRTUE! You are WHORMONGERS, ADULTERERS, LIARS AND THIEVES . . . don't you think it is about time, to stop this bull shit?
Montessori Plus International Bilingual Preschool Care (CIA)
One of the reasons, the CIA is so heavily, controlled by Mormons is the fact that they have a corner on the market, with their two year Mormon missions, going to foreign lands around the earth, meeting influential people, top in government and military, not to mention, being watched by other Mormon agents, in the Company, using the mission field, as a recruiting center, to watch, wait, and view, potential, new recruits, keeping it all in the family and all in the church! Like I have said, before, this is, by defacto default, voilating the establishment clause of the first amendment, by taking a very disproportionate, number of agent and recruits from, a religion, that only represents, 1% of the American population, but, controlling, I would guess, if the FBI is at 70% Mo's, then the CIA would be, about 85 to 90%, because, any college, language program, even the military language school, patterned after the Mormon MTC or Mission Training Center, I met the wife of a guy, very involved in setting that Monteray, training center up, back when I was practicing law and living in Park City . . . don't twist me and Kay, who lived in Jeremy Park outside of PC, but she told me, about the model they used in setting up the military training center, where MY daughter, NICOLE SECRIST MAYOR, married to George, both attended, she is Spanish, he in Arabic, met and got married. But, no college, or study abroad experience is like living, breathing and eating with the people and the culture, like the Mormon missions, so, given the fact that they don't drink, smoke, but they do fuck around, generally, it is that promise of multiple wives, that binds them with Muslims and is a high recruiting tool for men!
So, back to my story, this dude, with the John Grishim book, was an agent, and when pressed, refused to give, this born interrogator, and I am sure he was warned, any details and information, regarding the details of is sad and tragic tail, like I, GHOSTBUSTER! I also, baited him with a statement, slamming cops, well, like they all just have high school degrees, so, of course they are inferior to an attorney, professor, blogger, with 4 bar license, and a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar! HOOYAH! I trump, any CIA or FBI agent, and as for DIA, I wrote the fucking plan for Afghanistan, like it or not, hard to swallow, that I would be taken out of practice and life for 8 years, and still have more on my resume of note that most generals, 3,4,5 star! No, and ego, I am not lacking, females, do also have alphas, and hug ass egos, in fact on the MMPI, a heavily used, personality test, I scored HIGHER THAN ANY MALE EGO EVER TESTED! LOL! Probably not surprising to men, attorneys, judges and professors who really know me! So, I started to take this guy down, starting with his ego and insulting cops, of all flavors and I was sure to include, top federal cops, knowing he was one, to skunk him out, and I didn't fail, he got all defensive and mentioned the fact that, now, the CIA and FBI were suing men trained in the military, not just high school, and college trained! BINGO, cop, defensive and arguing for his men.
Then, he wanted to go out and smoke, so this was, most likely not a Mormon, but he did refuse to tell me where he came from, and where the property he was cheated out of in, as a result of an inheritance brawl with his sister, as executor of his parent's estate, geting nothing, but, his back child support, paid for by the estate for a kid, he didn't know exsisted, until she was 14 years old, with a girlfriend, who was fucking his best friend, believe me, I know the feeling, and, I guess, eventhough the girl looked, exactly like him, they couple denied that, and claimed it was the boyfriends, but, later, went after child support, when DNA was tested! But, he was sketchy on the details, but, earlier, he wanted to go smoke, so, we went outside, right about, probably, noon, I am thinking, still during lunch, but we were standing right in front of the surveillance cameras, and if you want, classic, attorney, attitude, bitch, throw down the guantlet, you got it, right on tape, I was sure this dude was a cop, and probably, CIA, or FBI, so, I took off the gloves and vented, ranted and raved, with all the fury, hatred, disgust, and venom, I feel for his Company or Agency! They make me want to puke! To participate, in a fraud of this magnitude, and amount of money, involved, with both agencies have jurisidiction to solve financial crimes, on foreign and one domestic, and they are fucking on the TAKE AND TRYING TO TAKE ME DOWN? WORMWOOD! BURN ASSHOLES! What can I say, no respect!
Tag-teaming me, is an understatement . . . first, the sting op at McDonald's, with two agents, I noticed,, while in line, the night before, and a few extras, like the dude, yesterday, morning, the day after the computer cord was stolen, with the SOONERS, football, sign, remember, going through the surveillance tapes, not to help me, but to take me down, this fucker, parked his sorry ass behind me, and like I said, earlier, when you set a trap for someone, you step in it yourself, in this case, I was in the ZONE, writing my blog, that, I am not sure is published yet, but, worried about running out of gas or juice on my baby acer, I love, with just a paragraph or so left, when, suddenly, after two warnings, the whole computer screen went black! SHIT, cut off! But, the good thing is, is that, the black out, brought me out of my writers, zone-out, and brought me back into reality, fast, just in time, to look around the lobby at McD's, and notice, that this family restaurant, was filled with, the right age, CIA or FBI, agents, or a few local cops, who didn't seem as smooth, or prepared, almost dropping a gasket when, I suddenly, stoppped writing, all caught on surveillance camera in the corner, near the drink machine, one tall dark haired, guy with a ball cap, navy hat, navy sweatshirt, long sleeved, the other guy, wearing a blue hat, with a blue fox, stitching on it . . . hey, butcher, you blue Mo Muffins, with a hairdo, like this, and anyone could look like a fox in comparison, ruin the enemy, so the girls you support, by default look, better! LOL.
Two guys behind me, one over by the window, the two near the drinks, and one from the Pov. who, later showed his colors, probably the undercover identifier, long time Pov, res, but comes a goes alot, the point man! But, suddenly, I packed up my shit, the taller guy with the navy blue sweatshirt, moved, over to block the door, and he said, Boot Scootin' Boogie, which I have used in my blog, to indicate, that I have seen the FBI/CIA or cop, playbook, and simply got up and left! Just like I did, yesterday, but, being blocked, hearing him, give the sign to the other agents, or cops, I said, Damned right, boot scootin' boogie, and I turned and went out the front doors! LOL! I guess they were waiting for the local cops, to arrive to handcuff me, or maybe for "X" man, "Y" to stand, and block the exit at the front of the store, or whatever, but, it is so easy, just throw them off the planned game plan, and they are like mush! LOL! They have probably had me cornered, for 20 times, in the last, few days, tons down in St. George, before leaving, and they just CAN'T GET ME? Newsflash, GOD IS ON MY SIDE, BECAUSE HE FUCKING HATES "INJUSTICE!" DUMB ASSES! What do you not get about this? All the cops may be going along with this shit, but, in what 3,000 attempts, you have failed, and most of it, when I am in slow-mo, not really giving you much of a challenge! LOL! My ego value is doing nothing but going UP, and your morale is going nothing but DOWN!
So, I leave, McD's, and do what I have been known to do, go across the street to the Greyhound station, catch a bus or shuttle for a great escape out of town. But, I too am getting smarter, and less, likely to run, seeing that originally, I would go from Montana, to Vegas, or Colorado, when, all I really need to do, is walk out of the Pov., right in front of the arresting officer, who was to scare me out of the Pov., into the waiting arms of the other 7 cops, surrounding the area and up the street! Just like dealing with the judges, prosecutors in court, I assigned them, my, mentality and intellect, making them, in my mind's eye, way smarter than they were, until I realized, I was, operating both in court and in my briefs, far above their pay grade and legal level of knowledge, which was jack shit nothing! I have done the same with cops, even federal cops, we are raised, with James Bond, 007, being smarter than smart, cooler than cool, and like all movie versions of our alleged, real cops, it is Hollywood as usual, making them better, better looking and cooler, than they are! LOL! I mean, over the years, I have been sent the best, the brightest and the best looking, and I cast them all aside! So, as a consequence of that, their fear of rejection and in my case, not only rejection, but outright, being offended by them, lacking in morals, and doing what is right, penis driven, fake boob, mesmerized, selling a nation down the tubes in the process? What is there to respect in that, what to admire? what to look at as cool? violators of their oaths and offices? handsome doesn't cut through that shit! And so, in reaction to my rejection, they go for the closest sister or friend to me, for what, to make me jealous? give them credit for my life? I know these hoes, and I am not impressed, or I would want to be them, rather than them me!
So, there is a new guy at the counter in the bus terminal, they are at least planning ahead, they have "plan A" and then, if that fails, and it always does, "plan B" and I was now in the middle of plan "B", soon to be "plan C" and "plan D", "E" and so on, and so on! Dude without bags, sitting with his hood over his face, like that is not a dead give away, then, another, spunky, cowboy, who looked like he came straight from church, looking the model version of someone, trying to blend into the culture and the dress, who looked much more like, he was used to wearing a suit, and tie, infact, I had to put my glasses on to see, what shoes were prancing around the tile floors, Sunday shoes, I thought, but actual, cowboy boots? A beanie knit hat, doesn't go with cowboy boots, nor do the black, frame glasses, he put on, looking directly at me . . . yeah, it's me. I am getting so bored! Scream, while I am training these fools! SCREAM! What am I training, both the CIA, FBI and local cop shops? SHIT, PAY ME FUCKERS, NOT ONLY WHAT YOU STOLE FROM ME AND ARE ALLOWING TO SLIP AWAY EVERY FUCKING DAY FROM MY BLOG, BUT PAY ME FOR TRAINING ON THE LAW AND CONSTITUTION, PLUS COP SHIT, LIKE EVIDENCE GATHERING, etc.! I can understand that, when you are learning something, you can, if talented and smart, actually, rise to the level of competition, but, I am not seeing that. Whatever. But back to the religious dude, I can OUT SCRIPTURE THE BEST OF YOU, and I have sort of a master's minor in ancient scripture study, not that I completed the course, but, I have read all the anceint texts, that exist, in one class, for one paper, then lost interest! I got my intellectual curiousity and question satisfied, by my own work and paper, with no need to go further . . . I am a FAST LEARNER, human SPONGE!
But, Mr. Iraqi vet, agent, was not match for me, in the area of the Book of Revelations either, I am a one stop shop, for basic knowledge, for an educated, person, in about every area, without exception. So, when, he listened to me, he started ranting that he was Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End . . .like I am going to swallow that one! LOL! I started, asking him on end of times shit, have we had the four horses of the apacholyps, or the woes, woes, woes, or the war of Gog and MaGog? What about the dragon with many heads, or the whore of all the earth, has she come or is active? What about the woman with the 12 stars, holding the baby, and the witnesses, didn't die in Iraq, they die in Jeruselem? He shut the fuck up! Annie came and saved his bacon! Of, course, the NSA, and Mo run 30,000 spies in Utah are monitoring this computer as well, here at the St. Patrick's Hospital in MISSOULA, MONTANA, they stole my computer cords, so that, it would appear, that, I went to SEATTLE, where, another fucker, CIA agents, was double billing his weekend, me in one part of the Twin Cities, or rather Twisted, Twin Enterprises, to protect the bitches . . .as a very Shelley, looking woman, walks by, you see, my work with doctors, saving them from Medicaid, Medicare fraud units, while general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, has been reassigned to Shelley, as all the GREAT THINGS I HAVE DONE, OVER THE LAST 23 YEARS! COP CUNT is a fucking book worm, but ATTORNEY EXTRAORDINAIRE, she is NOT!
Which brings me to another thing, you will want to look at on surveillance cameras, on the front door of the Pov. during my rant, yesterday, you will see, not it is SUNDAY, they will probably try to delay this blog, to make it look, like a normal school day, but a school bus, pulled up at Imagine Nation Brewery, all bought at paid for by the mob, losers, cop losers, Southwich sister, losers, fuck buddy losers, for the top cops, and all, but, the school bus, is communicating without communicating that, the bitch I am writing about, Shelley the whore of all the earth, he religious freak cops, I found her, it is my sister, Shelley, the bus marm! sells elementary school books to libarians, and is about that compliated herself, but, that is the aerial signal, that, I am Shelley, and She, JoAnn, or her spelleing, Joann, VERY SYMBOLIC, "A" IS A POWER LETTER, FIRST IN THE ALPHEBET, IN NUMBEROLOGY, AS IS "J" AND TWO "N's" . . . I know a shit load. And I am JoAnn, hint, hint, hint . . .