Post Script, this is at the end, after posting, when I posted, I could tell, that MY blog was being intercepted, always a key, when the spell check is turned off, daily now, because, the Jedi Knights, are starting to get the picture, that I am the writer of the blog, all 1062 of them, I am in Missoula, Montana, I am the mother of the rock and rap and pop stars, worth tons, mother of the two top model daughters, who wore army boots, the former assistant attorney general in Utah, and the member of the U.S. Supreme Court Bar, going to the high court on the Brock, $357 million securities case . . . my stories have been stolen, my intellectual property, intercepted, just like tonight, and I have been picked apart, daily, by the vulture, bastards, who are nothing but, JEALOUS of the work I do, have done and will do! THEY NEED TO GROW THE FUCK UP . . . I am sick of trying to help, and being seen as a slave, for fuckers, who are NOTHING BUT INFERIOR to ME and MINE! SO FUCK OFF, NSA, THOSE WHO ARE GIVEN ACCESS, AND THERE IS "ONLY" ONE, JOANN S. SECRIST, J.D.! I hate having to add this shit, tarnished the beauty of the writing, but necessary to protect you and me, from, liars who have been masquerading as me for years, and holding me down, they think they can, sell me, market me, and keep everything I DO! LOL! What, fucking planet did they come from? LOL! This is America, assholes! Verify, motel room, 131, pizza, diet coke, chocolate lava cakes, Dominos! NO, I am NOT SHELLEY, she learns from me, not the other way around, she was tutored by the BEST, ME! She has been studying me, for the last 16 years! She did make the comment on Switzerland, who better than someone learning about Swiss bank accounts, and she is the one, who learned we are all doing our best, except for her, trying to be ME! GOD! I actually went to law school, took the bar, had the hot jobs, taught at three colleges, wrote award winning domestic violence manuals, etc., card #8599! By way of comparison: Shelley is like the coo-coo clock, of Switzerland, and I am like America, the dream catcher, and teh melting pot! We can all GET ALONG! KISSES, HUGS, LOVES!
Before I forget, I wanted to say, that there is a section of Las Vegas, and I can't remember the name, but it was a scary part of the city, where the police, joined with community members and parents, and completely turned the neighborhoods, in the area around, the cops are known by name, face, and they have gained the trust and respect of the community. I wrote about this, last year, sometime, and they may have changed as a result of what happened in Ferguson, but, changes, come slow, but, as one community in America, after another, opens up, talks, works together, and proceeds to improve, relations, working together, we all benefit. Great ideas, have never been originated, from up high in government, they come from the grass roots efforts, of local people who dig in and go for it! Great ideas, spread. Before the shootings, after, the march the other night, no one, or few, other jurisdictions, police departments, cities or state, probably knew, of the dramatic, drop in citizen complaints, against, excessive police force, shit, 84%, is something to brag about, and if Chief David Brown, is too humble to do it, I WILL! That is amazing and in the process, the murder rate has gone down too! If there are animals on our streets, doesn't mean, we want our cops to stoop to the same levels! This community, has been aggressive, in promoting community policing, which seems to work!
I am just stealing some of the ideas, that I have heard, in interviews, or statements made by Dallas or other officials, and the statement, if you see something, say something, is from Chief Brown. Now does that mean, be a nosy neighbor, turn into a rat, be a snitch on everyone? NO! But, when you see something, in your neighbor, or in the hood, that is bizarre, like Micah Johnson, wearing full military tactical gear, and going out into his yard, looking like he is practicing for an assault or attack, or he is overly proud of his arsenal of weapons, may, like most shooters, even tell some of his plans, his mother, he lived with, or he may brag to a friend . . . if you are alarmed by what this person is saying, then something is WRONG! I can't think of a shooter from Columbine to Dallas, and all the ones in between, who, didn't make their plans known to someone, Orlando, his wife, should have, at least put, her husband on the radar with the cops! I know there is spousal immunity, but that only is relevant in court, during testimony, against your spouse! But, if you know, even your spouse, is planning some type of attack, or he hints to you, that, is enough, given the current climate, and the escalation of shootings in America, to do him and society a favor and bring it to the attention of cops! My son-in-law, has a master's degree, in counter-intelligence and terrorism, there is someone somewhere who can talk to a husband, a son, and daughter, a wife! Radicalization, hate, violence, is a process, it never happens overnight!
I did a lot of work with domestic violence, and there is a potential, in EVERY home for violence to erupt; therefore, every father, brother, uncle, grandfather, friend, co-worker, mother, sister, cousin, needs to combat and watch for the signs . . . I know, many a domestic violence situation, that has been nipped in the bud, where you want to stop it, because, a father, brother, or someone, friend, stepped in, and let the abuser, know, that some has her or his back! Ignorance is not bliss, in any violent situation! No one likes to interfere, in someone else's life, but, when there is behavior, that is just not normal, like a dude, doing military exercises, in his front yard, it has to register to YOU, that this is not normal, and something or somebody needs to be put on the alert! Once, someone is on the radar screen, the cops, can monitor, the situation. When the guy, is downing 60 rounds of ammo, on white cops and citizens, is not the time, for YOU, to stop the violence . . . that should have been done, days, weeks, months, even years before, when, you FIRST noticed the strange behavior!
There is NO WAY, cops or homeland security, can STOP this type of shooter . . . ONLY YOU CAN! I am for the right to privacy, unlike most, have fought the government of everything from illegal, warrantless searches and seizures, to eavesdropping and surveillance, so, I understand, where your reticence is, for not wanting to get involved, or to report, but just call, and make an anonymous call, when something comes to your attention, that might, need to be reported. There may be, some very logical reason, like, he is actually, still involved in the reserves, is just practicing, a drill, but if you know, he has been out of the reserves for a long time, and may, even know that he had issues and came home early, your radar antenna might want to be up even more! The cops, will not be pissed, better a stitch in time, saves 9 lives! There was NOT ONE, of these shooters, who were not on SOME ONE'S radar screen as doing shit, that was bizarre! Once they act, it is too late. Get them, before they become fully, hate filled, or radicalized, or on the verge of going nuts on the rest of US! We are KEY players, in the effort to stop violence!
Psychotropic Drugs, Have Been Involved In Almost All Shootings!
I think, this issue, or mental health issues, have not been addressed. Meds can be a scary thing . . . we are over medicating our citizens, and at times, encouraging, people to get out, serve someone, take a walk, get out in the sunshine and nature, go take a jog, can do far more for people than, messing up their chemical balance in their bodies. I know that First Lady, Michelle Obama, has made a huge effort to get kids up and moving, to get out in your gardens, to shake it up, and move it out! This is one of the devious and dangerous, special interest groups, the powerful, pharmaceutical companies, who lobby congress, stop, natureopathic methods of health care and mental health care. Just having a best friend to talk to, has proven, just as effective as going to a shrink! These are not popular positions, but, we need to look at the fact that, every mass shooter, that I have followed and watched, on the news, has been on medications, that can fuck them UP! Good old basic, eating, sleeping, and exercising, can't be OVER EMPHASIZED, as a KEY part of keeping people, sane, health, balanced! Church is a big part of this . . . people who go to church, tend to be happier, feel more involved and included in a community! People need, at least 14 hugs a day, to be healthy, so, keep that loving feeling going, and reach out and APPROPRIATELY HUG! LOL! Most of these people are LONERS! It is amazing, what just a smile will do, what a hello, or how you doing today, can do to brighten some one's day! We are too disconnected these days, with all our technology and social media . . . get out, take a walk, interact, sit on your front porch, be a friend!
Just remember, for every action, there is an equal or stronger reaction! I took the approach in my law practice, that I always started with, a "softball" approach, to the situation, realizing that there is a conflict, we have, we can either resolve it by talking, compromising, negotiating, and coming up with a win, win, situation, but, then, when, these more reasonable, means of conflict resolution, were ignored, dismissed, refused, then, I would amp things up a bit, and the outcomes, were generally, not going to be favorable for, one side or the other, and I never took, a position or a case, that the law was not on my side, that the big heavy weight, the U.S. Constitution, was not on my side, and that I had a winning case, facts, and set of circumstances, and if those positions were not recognized or headed, that, I had to go to war, to get to peace! I NEVER started out at war, or raising the battle cry! I have always, given, time, effort to resolving thing outside the courtroom, without the battle; however, I was always, ready, willing and able to go that route, if the other side, the opposition, so chooses! Realize, that there is always another position, another, reality, another, set of complicating facts, adding, fuel to a fire, and if we don't talk, then, we retreat to our corners, and wait for the bell to ring, then get into the ULTIMATE FIGHTING COMPETITION, and in a society with guns, it is going to get UGLY, on both sides, as we saw, in Dallas, and Orlando . . . one gunner, did major damage!
One of the BEST things I ever did, was, accompany, one of my widowed, mothers, who was having issues with the cops, and her teenage sons, who were often, out of necessity, left alone, while she, stepped in to fill, both the father and mother, role in the family, with no husband in the picture. Every time the cops, got called by this woman's neighbors, now these were nosy, neighbors, tuned out neighbors, who failed to realize, that, the cops had better thing to do, and the mother was operating on extreme, circumstances, and rather than stepping in, with the good neighbor policy, and helping a single mother, maybe inviting her kids to join in with her own children, filling a bit of a void, with children, who were taking care of themselves and alone for long periods of time, it was easier to just call the cops, and due to the pressure the cops were either harassing this woman's children, and at times arresting them for nonsense charges, just to get the less than, Christian, neighbors off their backs, doing the thing that was expedient, rather than right! So, this woman, who was very smart, asked me, more as a friend, to come with her to talk to the chief of police and his staff sargent, who knew, who I was, not only in my previous life, as an assistant attorney general, in the Criminal Enforcement Division, but also as staff attorney for the Utah Prosecution Council, but, now as a criminal defense attorney, and civil rights lawyer! So, the tension with the cops, was obvious to me, right off the get go, with the sargent, marching right up, to me, but only standing, to my nose, only to have me, with no skin in the game, pushing him over to my friend! LOL!
But, the four of us, had a three hour discussion, and I gained more understanding about cops, their lack of money for training, and with the chief, even admitting, that, any rookie cop, is more a liability, for the first three years, as he learns the job, than he is an asset. By the end of the discussion, open, honest, and to the point, with me, just chiming up, here and there, as the legal issues, came to light, like, informing the cops, that, all calls are not criminal matters . . . a neighbor, just calling, to harass or scare teenage boys, is not, more than a civil issue, and that the call, is to restore the peace, as a peace officer, not a law enforcement officer, creating a law, you think you can slam, up on these kids, and adding salt on a wound for a mother, already, stressed out of her mind, needing to now take time off work to go to court, and dealing with, teens that are radicalizing against the neighbors and the cops, losing that, trust, innocence, and the feeling that cops are the good guys, to these guys are always against me, and siding with the raunchy bitchy neighbors! But, peace and respect was restored, the mother had faith that the officer, would do the right thing, and I got an insider's understanding of the challenges, the cops deal with, even offering to train them, if they wanted . . . they see me as the enemy, but I just want thing to work, like they are suppose to work! All sides, benefited, from the exchange!
I am glad to say, that, I think the chief, took what I said, about distinguishing, civil issues from criminal issues, which made their jobs, much easier, but, once I was dealing with a divorce issue, and someone, sister's ex-husband, called the cops, and when I presented the cop with sister's divorce papers, he, said, oh, this is a civil issue, and let us go! LOL! And he was RIGHT! Divorce is CIVIL, not CRIMINAL, and no one, needs to be arrested, stopped, frisked, or detained! I think, the cop was as relieved as I was, to just part ways, and ex-hubby was stopped, in USING COPS, as his personal battering ram against his soon to be estranged wife! LOL!
We Need to Remember, That, Miss Communication, is the Rule, and Communication is the Exception to the Rule!
We Can't Get Into the Minds of A Black Male, or a White Cop, in Light of the Shootings, but, Through, Open Dialogue, Transparency of Motives, Seeking to Understand, Giving People the Benefit of the Doubt, Once We Learn Where They are Coming From . . . We Can Learn and Gain Knowledge, And KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!
I Remember, Getting Some Feed Back From My Sister, On A Conversation, We Had Years Earlier, that She Said, Really, Helped Her Understand People Over the Years . . . I Said, We Are All Doing the Best We Can, Given the Situation We Are IN!
P.S., JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., signing off, at 3:51 AM, Mountain Time, from the Sleepy Inn, Rm. 131, Missoula, Montana! Attorney for the PEOPLE! We are in this TOGETHER, CITIZENS AND COPS! As we have seen, we are in this together, all have a VESTED interest, in working through these issues . . . we can't afford more losses of lives, on either side! Black and White, Yellow and Red, Cops, Citizens, Constitutional Law Attorneys, WE ALL MATTER! WE CAN DO THIS!