Serial Killer, Gary Ridgway (The Green River Killer)
You know, it is interesting, to note the timing of the possible, up to 60 killings by, serial killer, Gary Ridgway, because, between 1982 to 1985, there were between 48 and 60 murders of prostitutes, and then the killing stopped, possibly, with a marriage in between to explain the lapse in killings during that time, that of 13 years, where Gary, seemed to be the perfect husband, first having lived with his wife, for 3 years, then married, for the 13 years, and after his capture, with her, being shocked, upset, in denial, and thinking, the love of her life, great father, respectful lover, good with her daughters and grandchildren, and her dream man, realizing, that he could have killed her, her daughters, grandchildren, and as he confessed one by one, to 48 murders, the ones the Seatack area near Seattle, Washington, task force, could actually connect him directly to the victims, then, in what he says, was falling off the wagon, again, in 2001, when he would tell his wife, he had to go run an errand, or he stopped to get a burger on the way home from work, which led to the discovery of three more women, floating under the surface of the Green River, by a man in a boat, where one of his latest victim's DNA, could be traced directly to the mousy, mild mannered, kind man, who experts in the field of psychology and criminology, said, they would never have expected as the Green River Killer, whom had eluded cops for almost 20 years, stating, that if you didn't know the monster, underneath, you would actually, like the guy!, but, I met Brett, Tom Lip, I believe, late either, 2004 or 2005, and one of the first things we talked about, was a man, who was a serial killer, up in the Oregon, Washington area, who killed prostitutes and runaways. With the legal system, moving like molasses, the trial and confessions, might have come, right about the time, I met Brett, with the crimes of that man, on his mind.
Amazing Parallels In the Life's and Backgrounds of These Two Men
It is funny, just the other day, someone, after talking to me about what I had done all day, and discussing several cases, about serial killers, kept asking me, if I had watched an episode or documentary on the Green River Killer, and I said no, and for some reason, every time, someone talks about, one of the most prolific serial killers in history, if not the most, prolific, and they mention, this guy, and his 48 victims, he confessed to, I make the mental, transfer, or mind replacement, to Green River, Utah, a small community, just across the border between, Colorado and Utah. Then this morning, YouTube, kicked up this documentary on, none other than on, Gary Ridgeway, the Green River Killer! I had seen this episode before, but, didn't mark it much, as being symbolic or one that I should pay much attention to, until, right fucking NOW!
Scream, taking note of my recent allegations, and connecting the dots, and the possibility, that I too, was married to a serial killer and, could have easily been murdered, by Brett, who not only has similarities, in background, almost uncanny, but, even told me, he was the Iceman, who could have killed up to 250 people as a hit man, for 5 mafia families, but, he could also have been referring to the fact, that serial killers are the Olympians of Psychopaths, and human victims, mean nothing to them! Which has played out with me, over time, not necessarily in the fact that he had to rape and murder me, you can't rape the willing, and when someone has already had a death sentence pronounced on their heads, I am sure, I changed the dynamics, of this whole mindset, and the rules of the game, changed, from cat, playing with mouse, to alleged mouse, me, playing with the cat, CIA, his bitch, substitute, former friend of mine, and me, having a mind, that is just as tough, methodical, and systematically, dismantling, not only his toys, but his Mormon machine, and his Hitlerian Game of Thrones!, pitting the Constitutional Law Attorney, he helped heal, against the Patriot Act, bull shit, that values, cold blooded killers, like him, Kay, Shelley, Frank, Isaac, and others! with, global implications . . . try dealing with a band of psychopathic killers, liars, manipulators, with no conscience, no regrets, remorse, developing skills of being magnificent liars!
Some of the Names of Interest, Tale, Tale Signs of Killers!
Now, one of the best, definitions of the Bush doctrine, found in the attitudes, tenants, and overriding objectives of the Patriot Act, fascism, found in the book, The Smiling Fascist, I think, that I bought, but never read, which is totally normal for me, especially, at the time I bought the book, with a bright red cover, and a yellow smiley face, we all recognize, a big time symbol of not only, a psychopath, who looks good on the outside, but is sick as hell on the inside, but, as I have said, depending on the goals of the organization, you are working for, with the mantra, of do whatever it takes . . . to silence objectors, kill the opposition, murder as a form of pest control, or just assassinate her character, if you can't get her ass in a federal detention center, jail or prison, until with have our way with the American public! You, agents, are free, to use, any means possible, with no exceptions and no limits! The serial killers, the psychopaths, sociopaths, pathological liars, much, like the CEO's of Wall Street, are perfect for the job!
So, taking it from the top:
- Gary Ridgeway . . . Tom Ridge was the first director of the new, Bush, Homeland Security! or the RIDGE way, the Patriot Act way, the fascist way, that is in total, 180 degree, conflict with a constitutional law attorney, like me, who didn't see, her oath of office as an attorney, and officer of the court, as just a buzz word, but who has made it her life mission to preserve, protect and defend! no matter, who the enemies are, how big and scary their are, and what the risk is! Kay, aka, Joann, a play on the spelling of JoAnn, not me, but, you think she is me, and she is needed, so we have Needham's Private War, they need the fraud, more than the real person, because, if they don't have a viable attorney, to claim all my government conquests, money, cases, writing, they are all fucked! Kay Burningham's father, is Gary, whom I believe, Kay murdered! They say, we are the company we keep . . . well, if you are hanging with the mafia, who are a bunch of wise guys, to murder for financial gain, is nothing, and murder is the way of taking care of problems, or to solve you own personal financial problems! Kay was going in the hole, financially, $10,000 per month in her private law practice, with an office in Salt Lake City, Utah, at the time, she allegedly met, Brett; however, the more I learn, these two had already met, and I was, prey, for these two predators, along with Shelley, my father and the rest of the Bush psychos, who wanted, needed, coveted, my son's music, having taken it years before, while they had neutralized, both parents, almost killing me! And it is interesting, in the Green River Killers . . . symbolic of fresh, vibrant, money, and multiple Secrist family sources of rivers of green and gold, these killers, took to as serial killers and predators, would, after their prey! much as Gary Ridgway did the women he killed, preyed on, and cast aside, like human trash! who were so much better than he was, as a human being! Here is where you verify, the identity of Ms. Burningham . . . Kay, used to work at Denny's Restaurant, back, I believe, between high school and college, or during college, at the same time, I was working at the Hotel Utah, coffee shop, now, ironically, enough, the Jospeh Smith Memorial Building . . . these psychos can bring down the whole fucking Mo Church or political machine, along with discrediting the alleged, top law enforcement agency in the world! LOL! Check those tax returns, right around 1973! VERIFY, VERIFY, VERIFY . . . I just mistakenly, typed, TY, symbolic, that, Shelley has ecplipsed me, and she is me . . . I am fucking dog piled under shit bitches in heat, with bastards butt fucking them, and you are going to have to dig to get to ME, the real ME! Shelley did work as a waitress as did Rachel, and obviously, I did too, at many restaurants, before, going to the Hotel Utah, I worked, a few weeks at Howard Johnsons Hotel, in Salt Lake City, also, but didn't like the place or the late hours! I had set hours, working the 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. shift, with a three hour break, then returning to work 5 to 7 P.M., VERIFY! Denny's and the Spruce Motel, were both shown, a few times in this mornings video, I am not sure, why I relate, Spruce to Kay, other than, when I lived with Brett at Mt. Sterling, which was also, either on a road sign, or something, this morning, briefly, but, Brett had some cans of food bank, Yam's, Bruce was the brand, and Kay was allegedly engaged to a Bruce Bagby, maybe I just connected the two, but there is a Spruce Street, both here in Missoula, and in Spokane, so, with my complex and complicated symbol system with Brett actually the one, who coined the connection between my brain and the federal tax code, but anyway, that means, for some reason, a connection to Kay, or to Norman Bates, and the Bates Motel! Wait until I got in to the background of Gary and Brett, the Green River Killers! So, damn, right on . . . can't beat MY INTEL MAN, GOD! LOL!
- Patricia Eakes . . . was a prosecutor, who commented on the trial . . . EEEKKKS! Another fraud broad, pretending to be a PROSECUTOR(S)! Another baby, playing dress up, and hiding in the Obama's arms for protection, hiding from the press, crowd, and wanting to know, how this could happen? Like I said, there are about, 6 of these fucking bitches trying to be me! If the good, NSA agents, check surveillance, well he just moved, but, there is, now look, but a guy, has a sweatshirt on, hoodie, with on the back, of the black clothes, is an outline of the pine trees, an elk, and the words, Lincoln, indicating a past president, assassinated! or it could be connected with Lincoln County, here in Montana . . . LOL, I just typed, MOB! Can you think of a better place for the mob, serial killers, to hide, and be protected, than in the Department of Justice, FBI and CIA? Fucking PERFECT . . . I have been screaming about this, nationally and globally, for fucking at least 2 years, in this blog, almost fucking DAILY? So, who is protecting the MOB? MO'S, PSYCHO'S, MAGNIFICENT LIARS? My dream would indicate, the fucking, WHITE HOUSE!
- Terry Rochelle . . . can't remember, her title, but, I had a friend, in St. George, Utah, named, Terry, she worked at the Western Shop, on Sunset Boulvard, St. George, and she was, the first real cowgirl, I think, I have been up close and personal with, maybe, Misty Cheeks, and Kay Lynn Reilly, but hey both, turned on me, took bribes, and after fucking tons of free legal work, with Misty bringing, Kelly Ann Boothe in as ME, on the CHEEK case, but as far as I know, Terry, was just a good honest, working mother and cowgirl, who promised me she would give me or buy me a pair of red cowgirl boots, long before I came to Montana! Terry used to break quarter horses, at her home up in Diamond Valley, Utah, she had just lost, 80 pounds on the HGC Diet, and she was an inspiration and just a fucking fun, woman to talk to and befriend! I don't think, she would buy me some yet, but if I ever can stop, stress eating, and buying food, to write my blog, with no home, and could keep a regular schedule to work out, without having hits on me, at the swimming pool, or blocking me from this or that, I am a fucking exercise queen, and that is the way I lose weight, hell, I like to eat too much, but I can and will lose, once I get this past me and under my belt. But, that is how, Terry, my symbol for cowgirl or the cowgirl spirit got in my mind . . . Rochelle is the name of my Ex-husband's wife, of about 15 years now, living down in Mesquite, Nevada, where he is a city planner . . . not Rachel's husband, which I am sure the close names, are to fool you, but that, would indicate, that, yes, I am the mother, of the 4 amazing children, including the Rothchild, or Elliot, rock star, making all the money, these fucks STEAL! Rochelle and I are both, either former wife, or current wife, of Richard Clifton Secrist . . . as usual, someone in the back room, almost like clockwork, mentioned the name, Rachel, whom I am sure, would have had to cut, Zeke as I call him, Jerry Owens and former husbands and boyfriends, who all have an ax to grind against this little cowgirl . . . Shelley would like you to think, that because she owned a horse once, that she is the cowgirl . . . she fucking, followed me up here to Montana, and SHE is NOT ME, DUMB ASSES! Shit your fuckers, cops are still bugging the shit out of me, rather than going after the UGLY BITCH! GOD, how fucking INCOMPETENT CAN YOU BE . . . just to maker your job easier, I am going to go to the bathroom, going from the booth, passed the surveillance cameras, where you can watch my fat ass, pass, and it is, 9:52 A.M., Mountain Time, and I am at the Broadway, McDonald's in Missoula, Montana . . . I don't know how to make this easier on you, other than some fucking FBI, ass hole, who would lie for the bitch, witch and bastard club, of MOB fucks you have protected for the last, fucking 6 to 15 YEARS! Okay, here I come! It is roughly, or right on, 9:57 A.M., and I went over to re-fill my drink, raised it up to the other surveillance camera, in the corner, near the drink machine, so you could see my drink . . . I am NOT a fucking COFFEE DRINKER! I showed you, the purple writing, that says, Lovin'. Drink it up. on the white cup, or 42 oz. plastic glass. If you can't see this, or figure this out at this point, you are fucking STUPID! I know you have spy gear, that follows my fucking phone, double with Shelley having my old one from, Grand Junction, sucking the fucking data, off the phone, just like she is fucking sucking the power off of it, and sucking the life, out of everything I do, watching and waiting to suck this blog up, so she can hack it, edit is, send it through the Fucking COMPUTERIZED writing machine, that last I checked, changed TWO FUCKING WORDS! LOL! Because, this writer, slamming the keyboards, doesn't even PROOF read and is technically correct about 90% of the TIME! She is a fucking FRAUD, not smart, not a cowgirl, she has a master, slave relation with the men who put her sorry ass in power and position, and if she ever, doesn't OBEY them, she is toast, and she knows it, they are both in this master and slave, both dependent and have to trust, or they are all TOAST! And, if U.S. Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, who I fought, wrote about, and tried to push Congress into confirming, wants to take me, on in any, fucking civil rights, came, I AM GAME . . . God hates ingratitude and so Do I! Fuck YOU!
- SUPER PAWN . . . so you fucks, would pawn someone of my caliber for these shits? Nothing but, AMAZINGLY STUPID, kill the power chick, kill the history chick, kill the model chick for the par, average, nothing, Cabbage Patch Doll Shoe Sales Chick, the plastic surgery queen, who worked for Dr. YOUNGBLOOD and that is how she got her fake tits, duck lips, shaved nose to look like mine, butt sucked, thigh sucked, botox lips! GOD! What a fucking INSULT! I had to switch sites, because the fucking NSA, of course, protecting the whores, just turns off spell check, so they can scan it and steal the blog or block it, so their hero, losers, serial killers, can be protected, embarrassing as Mark Hoffman, fake church document seller, was too! LOL, inspired, leaders? I took a minute, because the fuck faced, NSA, Mo run, Utah based, 30,000 spies, turned off the spell check, not surprising, but, you know, how Google, a super pawn of the government, puts daily, art up . . . there was this or is this, Kay, like drawing, of a woman, in a blue ball gown, dancing . . . yes, you got it, Kay is a ballerina . . . or ball a ring at, but, a great attorney, ME, she is NOT!
- Barrtell . . . I would hope so! The noble, and great, psycho, Utah State Bar Association was in on this sham too! How in the fucking hell, do you expect, your attorneys, to follow, your guidelines on ethics and professional responsibility, when the very bar association leaders, fucking LIED about who I AM, with Billy Fucking Walker a former boss of mine at the Utah Attorney Generals OFFICE? God, give me faith, that someone can, besides, Hitler can clean this shit up!
- Linda Jane Rule, was one of the victims of the Green River Killer, and Ann Rule, a crime writer, was making comments on the case, the killer's, background, and personality, these fucks are trying to make me the victim, when in reality, I am the writer, who, is actually, as a novice, doing a fucking good job, exposing REAL SERIAL KILLERS!
- Kenworth . . . generally connected to the truck manufacturer and brand, but this, over the years, has come to mean, or be connected with cops, Parowan Chief of Police, Ken or Kent Carpenter, whom, I originally, had high hopes, for being on my side, in this, having been in Marine Intel, for 20 years, prior to working as a school cop, I believe in California, before being hired in Parowan, after the Iron County Sheriff's Department, wanted to get rid of PC, Preston Griffin, because he was a friend and associate of mine, having, asked for my help, before, I reactivated my law license, but had been on the Brian Hyde show, back in last, November, I think, of 2008 or 09, because he was having trouble (just did a typo, troubel or bell one of my signs for Shell Bell, because she sold school books to school elementary librarians, those top jobs, that prepared her to be a U.S. ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL . . . wanted to trump ME, or take the next logical step! LOL . . . that experience as a Cabbage Patch Shoe Sales woman, invaluable! LOL! Pat right CIA, EEEEKKKKK! LOL!) anyway, Preston, whom I am sure, has been long bought off by Frank, fuck faced, pretend, Vietnam Vet HERO, Allan Rex Bess, my client, and whom I thought I married! living in the Bess house! GOD!????? CRIMES ARE NOT COVERED FOR YOUR, FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA, US ATTORNEY GENERAL, NOR PRESIDENTS, ASK NIXON, if you need PROOF! I don't give a rat's ass, how much you like these psychopaths, the interviewers and cops, who chased the Green River Killer, said, they liked him too, but, they couldn't detect the monster in the deep psyche of this fucker, and in YOUR FUCKERS! But, in true, dirty cop fashion, Ken or Kent's worth, disapated over time, as I realized over and over again, he was on Frank's side! Joining the Delta Force Intel Dick's of LIARS, who were brought in to put me DOWN! He was just another MO Clown shit show boy! So, what went for worth, was sold down the Green River of GREED, to shit! Kenworth, was of worth to the lies, going from that meaning to KENSHIT!
- King County, Washington, is where the serial killings took place, and very symbolic of what is going on, I am sure, Brett and Little Jo or Kay, are members of all the king's horses and all the king's men, who could bring JoAnn down again! LOL! These dumb ass Mo Mafia, are into the Kings and Queens, as seen in Mo Temple ceremony, bringing Joe Smith, Mo Prophet to Washington, and your alleged, King Brett, is a fucking serial, sick, ass killer! And he was a long time, before, he came to Washington, when all that MONEY of mine, bought the Mormon Church, who fucking runs the government in Washington, with symbol and sign, very much, showing that, in my dream, but, in reality, you have Hitler or Gary (Kay Burningham's husband) Ridgway Hitler Style, running the government! I am going to tell you stuff about your alleged, defacto king, that will curl your hair, and this is not hearsay, this is first hand knowledge, as his wife!
- Officer or Detective or Prosecutor Prothero . . . Pro the Hero! I would consider, myself, a pro on many levels, and having been married to a serial killer, having been the best friend of one, and a sister of another, and the daughter, of a father who is one, all psychopaths, I believe, I could give federal, as well as state and local cops, a few tips, starting out, in my legal career, training prosecutors and cops, qualifying me, in many ways, to be a forensic psychologist, or criminologist, if not a profiler, better trained than those who just interviewed them, I fucking fucked one, and probably came closer to death than any of you, at the hands of this band of psychos! But, it was this man, who said, to walk in a room with this guy, who is much smaller in stature, not as good looking, or smart, leaving all the task force, wondering, Is this the guy, we could not catch? When I reduce, your King down to his roots, you might see, Brett similarly, and I would look at his sister, Deborah Haas, as an accomplice, who, probably either used MY or MY Son's money, turning little Bro, Brett into a VERY respectable gentleman farmer or rancher, well loved, and thought of in Utah and DC, hell, he was even Christ in Deseret Book calendars and pictures, with Kay, prostrating herself, in the master slave, relationship, they shared, that is most likely based, on sick games of S&M, just like, John Edwards, or the guy I put in the title! had with his girls, he killed! All these fools have been right under your noses, all these YEARS! You are only going to make it worse, to cover it up, ask NIXON!
- Deborah Haas, oldest sister of Brett, Kathy, I never met, she lived in Pocatello, Idaho, but the 23 acres we lived on, Brett and I, that had so many, old sheds, and shacks, plus the whole mountain side as a playground or graveyard, at Brett's disposal, is now owned and occupied by Deborah, with the sheds all flattened, excavated, and probably a ton of secret's buried! NSA, off on this site too! But, before, the new house was built, and I would check into the title, how it was paid for, and I would for sure, look into, the death of Ron Haas, Deborah's husband of what 40 years? I like Deborah, she is smart, has a master's degree in nursing, and taught nursing, on top of her duties at the hospital. Her husband, Ron, worked at the cafeteria, up at the Logan Temple, and both were hard working, tax payers, rock solid, and good people. But, like most of us, Deborah, had a shit load of student loans, and told me, they were struggling to get ahead, financially, with their son, being accepted to medical school, a return missionary, which I would investigate that acceptance, just because, these Mo's want to look good on the outside, and don't give a shit, on the inside, it is all about image! But, Ron, was the picture of health, three years ago, right after, I got sworn into the U.S. Supreme Court, I went to the old, horse barn, to show Brett, that him telling me to take baby steps in getting back to who I was worked, and I made it all the way to the Supreme Court, after being told I would die, and never work again! I was shocked to see, that the old, Stewart homestead was gone, but, the house, converted to a barn, or Brett's man cave, is still standing, as a storage shed, and probably with all kinds of tale's of horror, I would guess, and I am lucky, not to be one of the statistics, of missing women in the Logan and Cache County area! But, Ron, may, in fact, be one of the male victims, maybe not by Deborah's hands or acts, but, his death, so shortly after getting into the home, raises my eyebrows? Brett hated Ron, because, once he made a statement to one of Brett's girlfriend, stating that he couldn't see how she could be with him? The family liked me, because his mother, who was about 67 at the time, had just gotten active in the church again, after being a party girl all her life! But, Deborah and Ron, would have had to have money to buy, the whole 23 acres, as I recall the battle lines, in the family, with Brett's father not particularly close to his first family, but, due to keeping the family farm out of Donna Christiansen's hands, he put the farm, either into the whole families names, new wife, but of some time at that time, her children, maybe on half, and the three Stewart/Stuart children, Debbie, Kathy and Brett, much younger, on the other half. The wife, and her children, and I think, Kathy, wanted to sale the whole 23 acres to developers, and Debbie and Brett, who both loved the land, and wanted it, but could not afford it . . . so a big jump, in several years, because this was in 2012, on one of my trips, either to do some legal work in Cache county, or on my way to Montana, or close, I talked to Deborah for a few hours, also called Brett, who tried, desperately to get back with me, but by the time Debbie and I had cried, hugged, and she got to see my certificate, Brett's alleged wife, from Iran, Lyla, or Kay, the actress, in hiding at that point, because people knew what I looked like, statewide, then, but, all the evidence was gone! Just like John Edwards, the master slave, Brett had all these, blue plastic water barrels on the property, and Edwards, tucked bodies in them, dead bodies. Seeing those last night on the true crime show, reminded me to write about them, I was going to . . . Jerry Owens, who was into family preparedness, came up to Logan, after I had left, Brett, and wanted to buy all Brett's supply . . . there is a connection between those two, making up part of the Mo mafia, but, who knows what was in them, there were about 30 as I recall? But, Gary the Green River Killer, also, had a strategy to taking down and killing his victims . . . he would lure them into his truck, and then, say, they would be much more comfortable, in the back shell of the truck, and after they would have their clothes of, and had preformed oral sex, he would start to fuck them missionary style, and suggest that he could get off, much faster, if he could do it the back way man, style, which was Brett's favorite, I liked it too, but, then he would reach around and strangle the woman, and then keep their bodies for a few days, then, come back for sex, until the flies and maggots got too bad! Scream . . . but, Brett also had a fairly, nice, white, small, either GMC or Chevy, with a shell, and I always, thought, when I would wonder about things he said, if he used that truck and shell, driving his maroon Sonoma as a cover vehicle, we were still paying on, as a cover? and wondered if he would keep that, white one for killing? That is an avenue you might look at. I can't remember, never proof read, but, Ron ended up dying, just months or a year or so, after he and Debbie moved in, or after I saw them in 2012 . . . Ron was the picture of health, he looked way better than Deb did, healthier, strong, and I was three years older then Brett, and he was quite a bit younger than both, Deborah and Kathy, but I would say, not more than 8 years! A total shock to me . . . I just wrote, or typed, shot! I would call that a murder! insurance, used his income to get into the house, to cover, for Brett paying for it, or, Ron was onto Brett, something doesn't pass the smell test with Ron!
- Gary was a painter, Brett was a factory worker when I met him! I would check the dates, of the missing girls, in the area, that many thought, might be just runaways, with me seeing many, at his cousin's gas station, Margo, and wondering, if Brett murdered them? Seriously. That is what I wondered? Easy money, can legitimize people very fast, and literally, I left Brett, Elliot and Chris, came to show me, the new God's Revolver CD, in about 2006, and Shelley, was seeing Brett, Jesse and Tiffany, started making night bank runs, were applying for credit cards and getting tons of new banks, with NO FUCKING INCOME! or little, Shelley would at first come and go, but eventually, her and Tiffany started going to school, Isaac moved back to Don Anderson's house in Smithfield, Utah, and the tons of, BANDIT, had written CDs were rolling off the press, or being copied, they were hitting the streets fast, and stealing the band, eventually putting together the fake one, and at that time, I moved to St. George, with Julia Warner, because, I was watching what was going on with Exigent Records, the label, and seeing Koreans fighting to get tickets for either a band, or ticket sales with the name, EXIGENT, of KAYSVILLE! Shelley took one economics class at Utah State University, never finished it, she had MY ID, Social Security Card, and was ready to roll as ME! Shortly before, I left, after being kicked out, after Brett, came over, claiming undying love . . . probably a show, knowing psychopaths, giving Shelley an excuse, so the group, could hit the music tour, stopping Elliot's band, sabotaging his tour nationwide! After I left Brett, he had to go to work back at a factory, the only place he was qualified to work, check, tax records, he was at Peppridge Farms--Pep Boys, Brett and Jesse (assassin--not dead from OD) Anderson, jumped on this music, right out of the shoot! . . . that old, Tom Ridge, name . . . Shelley was working for Gumbdrop books, and starting with Scholastic, but all work stopped, when she went to college, for half a semester, right around that time! In the Green River Killings, the painter at one time, had a teal colored truck, but his murders were done in a maroon truck, might be something there. But, Rachel (Sarah Palin--bet CIA game!) and Kay Moosman (the cover husband for Kennedy or look alike), also had or bought a teal colored Ford Ranger, about the time I was driving my gold, Ford Ranger, this is symbolic of painting everything over, with Rachel, the closest look alike! or twin, Shelley looks more like me when I am fat, but I have a thinner face, than both Rachel and Shelley, Sue too, but Tiffany and Marcie, have the thinner faces, even though my body is not thin . . . but, the painting is what they do! Symbolically, of course . . . Kennedy is a Pep Boy too! Cop, who looks like a Kennedy . . . he would never, ever, go look at, or listen to Elliot's music, either God's Revolver or Maraloka . . . just mentioned RACHEL, he fucking LIED! Kennedy, I knew he would, because he refused to acknowledge that the RED JESUS, WAS MY SON! Jealousy, envy, that GREEN EYED MONSTER! LOL! He has a dick, what can I say? LOL!
Childhood Similarities Between Brett and Gary!
Okay, most of us, normal people, not the characteristics of a psychopath or serial killer, but we want to know, why? We can see the proof of what the serial killer did, but we can't get our minds around, the reason, some almost kind, gentle man or women, would, be able to appear so normal, have a wife and children, hold down a job, and then go out and kill women during the night? I know, somewhat of Brett's early life, and I can extrapolate, from Gary's what I imagine, happened. Gary came from a family of three boys, mother and father, and was the only one to turn into a serial killer, why? So, dad, would often take Gary, with him, driving the streets, seeing prostitutes and telling his young son, how dirty, wicked they were, and then in a time or two around the block, he would stop and go pay to have sex with them, leaving Gary in the car, then, come back some time latter. I don't think it was a happy home, and might have some abuse, but not much. His mother, on the other hand, was hyper-sexual, wore, mini-skirts, sexy shorts, and tried to be the beauty queen, leaving most of the other mothers in the neighborhood wondering what this mother was doing? She wore big, sexy hair, and this was back in the early 1950's, not the 60's or 70's. Brett's mother, was a party girl, clear up to her, well, I would say, until she got re-converted to the church of her youth, the Mormon Church, about the time, Brett and I got married!
It seems like Brett told me, that his dad and mom got divorced, when Brett was young, because, while he was the party boy, while they were dating and in their early married life, he settled down and wanted her to do the same, but she didn't, would frequent the bar scene, she was a drinker, and she was pretty, and the men liked her. Brett told me that, Deborah was almost like his mother, Kathy was older than Brett too, but Brett, was only 2 when they divorced! I think Grandma and Grandpa, stepped in a lot, for their wild daughter, and took the kids. The Mormon Church, took Deborah and Kathy under their wing, and both of them are very active! Brett, however, claims to never have been involved and into the church. He said, that he was part of the parking lot crowd and I would never have given him the time of day, and I probably would not have, nor would I have, had I met him at the University of Utah, as a practicing attorney, and left him, as soon as I started to get well, but that did not preclude me from loving him when I was with him . . . his womanizing, was not my bag of tea, tea pot girl got him! LOL! Both Brett and Kay were into coffee, tea, and I remember then discussing her gourmet coffee pot at Jeremy Ranch the fatal week end, Easter Vacation, in probably 2005, with me leaving, Brett around 2006, I think? I am sure that at a gut level, Brett, related, to Kay, Shelley, and the loose gals, much more than he did to this straight laced Mormon, most of her life! I don't think my kids thought I had a sex life, until I started writing this blog at age 59! LOL!
Over Familiar with Sex Pot Mothers
So much of our attraction, is at a subconscious level. I think, the reason, Brett and I, even hit it off, was because of our community interests, with him, drawing me in, maybe on purpose, with his, non-violent communications, interest, and my previous work at the attorney generals office, working always against violence, domestic, dating, elder, child abuse and other violent acts. When Brett told me he had been a caregiver for the elderly at a nursing home, as a 17 year old, getting old men, dressed up for Sunday in their hats and nice clothes, that made me love him! I was attracted to his good side and there is a ton of that, but it sounds, like John Wayne Gacy, Gary and other's, Ted Bundy, manned a suicide hotline! Brett never did, or tried any bizarre sex, and I am sure, he would have known, I would not have gone along with that . . . I do, however, think, that, he would have connected up with Shelley, for sure, on the mommy/son issues, being familiar, with that pattern in intimate relationships, with Shelley's son's being totally dependent on mommy, who had all 4 children from different mothers! Kay too, was fucking opposing counsel, minutes after taking depositions, and walking around naked with her attorney boyfriend, working on trials, together, or separate, but, working in the buff! I am not sure what Kay's relationship with her children was, but, I would almost bet my life, that Brett was her back door man, when I was down stairs sleeping?
Gary Ridgway was a bed wetter, for most of his young childhood, and he told investigators, that when he would get up in the morning, wet, he would get in the bathtub and his mother, wearing sexy bed clothes, would wash his genitals, and once her nightie, opened, exposing her breasts to him, making him aroused. We all know, that young boys, and teens, have a hard time keeping their own, sexuality, under control, without mommy dearest, egging them on! Most young boys, don't want to know their mother even had sex with their own father . . . that would be mine. Finally, when they all hit, 30, I figured they could deal with it. But, it seems that Kay, took baths and showers, with her boys . . . hell, I never took a bath or shower with my husband, not until my second husband, and I was not living with my kids, and when, we all lived together in Jerry Owen's home, while Richard or Zeke, built his new home, in Provo, and we took the kids, I never stayed in his bed, slept on the couch, and we never had sex, and that was while I was an assistant attorney general, after 40, and working on the domestic violence manual, but, we didn't want to corrupt our children, so, I slept on the couch, and we never touched . . . we should have at least taken the edge off! LOL! Jerry crossed Nicole, and I moved out, that day! I always sided with my KIDS! Shelley and Kay, obviously never did, and didn't hesitate one second, in going for Brett! nor him them . . . not my bag, so I bagged him!
The neighbors of Gary's mother, said, that his mother, was always, strutting her stuff, and loved getting the attention of the men, so, why did his father go to a prostitute? After Gary got married, he stopped killing women for 13 years? It is interesting to note, that Brett's grandparents were both killed, outside the Eccles Theater in Logan, crossing the road, hit by a car, and that seemed to be a real devastating issue and very painful for Brett. I think, he may have been in a depression for some time after that. Interestingly enough, last night, I was watching a history and interviews with a serial killer from England, who was extremely close to his grandfather, and when he grandpa, died, from a fishing accident, nobody explained death to this kid, and he walked in, with grandpa, laid out, in the casket, and the boy, just stood there and looked at the man he loved dearly, connecting death and love, together. This man, as was Gary, a necrophiliac, or someone who had sex with a dead person. I don't know that about Brett, nor could I speculate, but Brett was much older, but the death of his grandparents, seemed to severely bother him, a tragic death . . . maybe where he and Kay connected to, because, she did Tort law, or wrongful death, and accidents, generally see that kind of action, wrongful death? Shelley, living much of her life from 18 on, in northern Utah, may have been closer to grandparents or my mothers too? I know, that I was shocked, and this may have been part of the identity switch, but Shelley had a picture of me, standing between my grandparents on my father's side . . . I had never seen that picture before, and I was super thin, didn't believe it was me! LOL! My journals, my pictures, my LIFE!
Gary and Brett, much like Shelley, were in the shadows, in high school . . . not involved much in school activities--Rachel, really too, from what I saw, as a married sister. Kay, on the other hand, was, totally involved, much like me, and maybe that is where she comes in, as the substitute in Washington, D.C.? Shelley spent most of her life, in her room reading! One thing, I failed to mention, is that Brett had an affair with an older woman, he was 17 and she was 51! when he worked at the nursing home! That may indicate, a mother/son sexual relationship, at younger ages. Brett's mother named him after Rhett Butler the movies star, and Brett is a handsome guy, mother may have been inappropriate?
I know, several years ago, I came to Salt Lake to go to federal court, and Elliot, and I went to lunch, together. I asked him, what he was doing that night, and he said, his school or college jazz band, the Assassins, which I thought was a strange name, dealing with Frank, Brett and others I suspected, of being assassins, if not Shelley and Kay, and wondering if Frank was trying to control Elliot, the picture of Brett, at El's concert, bugs the shit out of me, knowing what I know now, predatory assholes, butt fucking faggots! But, I remember, looking at Elliot, who looked the epitomy of the sexy, LA jazz musician, with his copper hair pulled back in a bun, all black clothes, and looking cool as cool, thinking, damn, if I wasn't his mother, I would dig him . . . Emily, Rachel's daughter, 3rd child, when I told Rachel that, she got all disgusted, and I said, I am just stating that I think he is beautiful, and I created a great looking son, as I did the other three, male or female, they are beautiful kids . . . she was like, ooohhh, incest, no, but I have worried, often, that that bitch Kay, probably sexually assaulted him! or Isaac, got in in both ends, from Kay and Brett . . . no right and wrongs, opens a whole lot of doors to do what the ever, fuck you want! Which horrifies me, and with cop ideas of NO BOUNDARIES, that is scarier than hell, and that is before I knew about the CIA bouncing buddy for dad!
Beauty is beauty . . . but, most parents, have those lines that separate familial, age, and other relationships, and don't cross those lines; however, one of my boyfriends, failed to ever lay on top of me, when we made out, kissing and such, which, even after I was divorced struck me as strange? Then, finally, he told me, that his own mother, first, as a single mother, shared a bed with him, with little room for the 6 kids, and he was clean, and so, she chose him to sleep with her, and often she had sex with him, or had men come in to have sex, while he was either pushed onto the floor or in bed with them! PARENTS, THINK!!!!!!!! I do regret one time, when I was about, 45, and Greg Erickson, came over, we had sex in the front room, with my son, Chris in the bedroom, around the corner and down the hall, but, I always, hoped that he didn't hear anything? That would be one of the only, adult interludes, that came close, and I had not planned on that, nor thought Greg, who came over after a basketball game in Salt Lake, was coming, nor did I think we would do anything . . . hopefully Chris was asleep, but he was at least 17! but still, not cool . . .
Devastated By Marriage Partners' Leaving . . . Dead People Could Not Leave . . . That Seems to Be a Real Theme With Serial Killers!
Creepy, symbolic pony tail, on guy, who is sitting on the way to the bathroom and actually, looks like Gary, the serial killer, the Green River Killer! but, he has a tail, half way down his back, with black, bands, about, 10 of them, holding the hair, then, releasing it, then, bunching it up again, then releasing it, as if to indicate, that Brett or the serial killer, would kill, then release, then kill again, then release, then kill again, then release . . . with more frequency, over a long period of time, with a building up period, an attack, then going maybe years between, then, falling off the wagon, and so on! Gary, was sometimes, killing 5 in a very short period of time. Criminologists, talk about organized and unorganized serial killers or psychopaths, and maybe some are cyclical, going with the moon, or every other year, or they might have a pattern, that is predictable, rather than just a random act, like this guy. Some killers, may be more methodical, or maybe there are significant, or symbolic days, that, are anniversaries, or represent some significant event . . . perhaps, the death of his grandparents, brings about an increase in anger and this is a release? I am just guessing and perhaps there is nothing to the comparison, but to me, all the signs are there! Gary had two marriages, and when he met his third wife, the one he was with when he was caught, it seemed to her at least, that she was living her dream, with her dream man, and that is a pretty good statement, after, 16 years together, with her in total disbelief that the man, she slept with, the man she loved, who was great with her and her family, could have killed all of them! She said, there must have been, a real someone, she didn't know and recognize, who came out when he went to work!
Brett had, one marriage, that I totally dismissed, back from his days at the University of Utah, as a lab tech or blood runner, which may be scary too. There was a guy at the University of Utah, in a fertility clinic, who had been to prison, and was swapping his sperm with the fathers, and when this one couple with a great daughter, but who was exceptionally good at math, when her father was, absolutely terrible, but they just dismissed the connection, but, the mother, started to do geneology, and researching roots, and you could swab anyone's mouth, and send it to the lab, and get, the DNA results, and when the daughter's results came back, the daughter had her mother's DNA, but NONE OF HER FATHER's DNA . . . Kay and Brett, who believe in science, until, it comes to proving that they are not Elliot's parents . . . even genetically, two brunettes, with dark brown eyes, do not produce, red haired, blue eyed children . . . Elliot has a grandmother and two great grandmother's who have RED HAIR! Come on . . . think, think, think, even Isaac the original Elliot, is not their kid! Anyway, along this line, come to find out, the daughter, was the lab techs genetic DNA daughter! VERIFY, lame asses, nor is Elliot's Shelley's and Jack's kid . . . nor Rachel and the alleged cop, look alike Kennedy, who looks the most like Elliot, with Rachel, looking the most like ME, but she is not fucking ME! No, Richard Clifton and JoAnn S. Secrsit, are Elliot's father and mother, and Greta, Nicole and Chris's parents, also! But, the lab tech, was really good at MATH! I wondered if Brett, with access to blood samples and such, the delivery guy, and a womanizer, pulled some shit like this, I found it highly interesting, to not, that he was from the U of U! this tech dad! SCREAM!
Brett, Allegedly Was A Sperm Donor . . . Or is His Wife, Dead? Allegedly, Brett had a Girl Friend, Who Acted Him to Donate His Sperm, and Marry Her, So the Kid Would Have A Mom and Dad; However, Brett Claimed, that the Reason, He Had Nothing to Do With His Son, I Am Saying Chris--Not My Blonde, Blue-Eyed Boy, But a Chubby Chris with Brown Hair, Looking a Lot Like Kay's Youngest Fat Son! Kill All Fat People? HMM? But, Brett, Said the Grandparent's With Money, Kidnapped the Kid, Really, Their Only Daughter and Baby Went to Live With Her Parents In Phoenix, Arizona?
Predisposed to Kill? Born to Kill? Ripe Family Conditions to Be a Killer?
Many psychologists, have wondered, if kids are just born bad, are born killers at birth, or if they are just conditioned through bad family situations, or predisposed to be a killer, and with the right, actions, or parental role models, they become killers? The criminologists, psychologists and psychiatrists, who interviewed, Gary Ridgway, said, they believed that some people are predisposed for violence, neglect and abuse . . . but given, the fact that the Green River Killer, got double messages, from both his father, trashing prostitutes, then turning right around and having sex with these same women, created conflicting, opinions on prostitutes, blending, a hatred and a love for them. Also with his strange, hyper sexual mother, the messages are mixed, making women sex objects, or objects of desire, not necessarily someone's wife or mother, making women, inhuman, and for pleasure, but not really nurturing or motherly, in a way, and the seductive, unhealthy, relationship with the maternal figure in his life, again, caused conflict, then with the women he loved, leaving him, as in his first two wives, stopping, for years, while he was with his third wife, who must have been meeting his needs for sex and love, bringing a healthier outlook on women, even protecting her three daughters and granddaughters from this woman killer, for years!
Lack of love, filled by love, seems to take power over this man's need to kill, his thrill kills, and the loving companionship of a good woman, seems to fix, a lot of what ails, Gary, however, at some point, and it would be interesting, to see, what triggers what Gary himself, calls, falling off the wagon, returning to the killings, to see if it is an appetite thing, a feeding frenzy of sexual sadism, or see if there was some stressors in life, that kicked that need back in . . . the wife was entirely shocked, denied that the man she loved, could do such a thing, until the second, he admitted to the 48 killings, in court. Then the woman who loved a killer, thought how many nights that could have been her, her children, her grandchildren, and she was devastated! And she struggled with the question, was he born to kill? And all that brings with it? I could totally relate to her pain, but not her disbelief, while I loved Brett, and still do to some extent, but for what he has done to my family, but, had we continued to be like we were the first three months, I can see, how she was living her dream, with a man, she didn't think was a killer! I too was very happy, more so than most of my life, and he was the perfect husband!
Once he checked out the movie, An Ideal Husband, played by Rupert, someone, tall dark and handsome, as I recall, and by this time, I was always conflicted, due to the fact that dying was always, at that time on my mind, and, in love, I actually, worried about Brett, and through he needed someone, he could totally love without them dying on him. So, when I saw him, look at Kay, in a picture at her house, standing near a bike, on a trail, I even thought, she would be better for him . . . and that would have been understood, I was not at my best, so, okay. But, becoming ME, oh, hell NO! You get the package deal, all of Kay, not, Kay's thinner body, and the rest of me, my life, my kids, my career, my everything, including my family! Good God, what the fuck were these fucks thinking . . . hell, we will just pretend that JoAnn S. Secrist never existed, and steal her whole fucking life.
You see, I am confident and secure enough, that if I really want a man, I can get one, even at almost 61, still cute, still fun, smarter than I have ever been, better sense of humor, and all, so the men, going to another woman, to each his own, and we seek our own . . . there might not be a match for me? I have waited a fucking long time and, I am not looking for Prince Charming . . . I had him in Brett! LOL! I just simply want someone to laugh the rest of my life with, to take a journey to the end with, not putting pressure on them, nor they on me, to be perfect, just, being in love with who I am, and me in love with who they are, that is it, and, on the other hand, if I don't meet them, that is cool too, because I am perfectly happy alone! LOL! It must be that 60's child, in me, I can live in a barn, or in a commune type situation, and be perfectly happy, as long as I am contributing to the world, to America, to my family, seeing they are fine . . . home is where my head is, and that is with my children! grandchildren, but also doing what I am doing! I don't know that a man is necessary for my life, have had many, loved a few, cherish the memories, but, I am fine! LOL! So, but unlike, Gary, the Green River Killer's wife, I could easily see, the possibility, that I might be with a serial killer, in fact he told me, in no uncertain terms he was . . . so, on the one hand, I was, concerned, but not overly, seeing that I was going to die anyway, and I dug him, had great sex, and lived in the beauties of nature, and until he cheated, I was perfectly content and happy, even long after that, but I didn't trust him, and I was as worried that he was an undercover cop, trying to set me up for drugs, or whatever, than I was, him being a serial killer, and now, with 26 people dead, cops cause me to have post traumatic stress syndrome! LOL!