Note: I cut and pasted the Google map, showing with the red balloon, my exact location, noted the time, Mountain Time, that I posted or published the title, you will see, the cut and paste of javascript:void . . . hacker access? Then I cut and pasted the blogspot, showing the date and title, computer rage . . . now all the FBI has to do, is subpoena the surveillance cameras over the door, two of them, and verify, what time I got in and when I started! Started my career training cops and prosecutors, now I am training FBI, CIA and NSA, natural progression, they just want to get it free, and don't want to add another credit and great job to my resume, bad and credible enough! And surely, with Elliot Taylor SECRIST, my son, I am even your PD QUEEN, fuck, the bitch squad, you tried to divide me up as, and let them take credit! But, as you will see, I tried to leave the evidence at the top of the blog, but, it is showing up, in shades of grey, and so, the evidence will need to be bumped to the bottom of the blog . . . still just as relevant. The final posting or publishing time will not change, it is just updated. You might be able to track rogue blog, through javascript link, I know that comes up at the bottom of the screen, all the time and I don't know what it is, hackers I would guess!
The General's Joke
So, the Harvard law grad, MIT something grad, and three star general told me this, so don't steal my stripes, you already have tried, from the beginning of time immemorial, but I am alive, healthy, happy and kickin' back, but, he made some reference, probably having read my blog, and knows, what I think about Rachel's three boob jobs . . . some people, body builders, people with breast cancer, and others, who need it for real cosmetic reasons, forgive me, I don't mean to be cruel, but, if the enhancement gets to the point of being ridiculous and just for shock affect, or male distraction, as I believe it is in this case, taking away from noting the lack of credibility and grasp of the legal subject matter, being a double, who has not attended law school, or the CIA, make a wish law school, not accredited by the national law school board of accreditation, making sure someone gets a good education, not a cheap shit, fake certificate, and Kay training them, but a real, knock down, power packed, gut wrenching, baptism in the law, and nothing else will do, with full diversified student body, representative of the whole of society, so that class discussions and debates, might reflect, real world time and issues! But anyway, this very educated man, both in the law, JAG, and with amazing credentials, told me this joke, probably knowing full well, I would laugh.
The general prefaced it with, women who get breast implants, and I think he was referring to the huge ones, men hate, as per, latest and greatest, survey, that I mentioned a blog or two ago, with too much make-up being at the top of the list, and fake large ass boobs, coming at third, most hated, and, not my survey, this is not, the world according to, JOANN, this was a survey I heard on a local radio show, you can verify, must have been a day or two before I wrote about it, waiting so it fit the blog of the day, but, the next morning, was when, my locker had been broken into, or someone had ACCESS to the Poverello computer, to hack into the combination on the lock I have on my black locker, in the storage room upstairs, so it took some effort, but, the next day, after the survey, someone took my mascara and my powder base "tru" that was all together in my white and black make-up bag, with pink lining! Perhaps they are stealing it, to fabricate DNA evidence? or because they were pissed about the survey results and wanted to make a statement that I use make-up, which I do, but, I use a tasteful amount, and generally, go swimming, washing it all off by about early afternoon anyway. Or they are wanting to say, that you look shitty without make-up, which about three people actually told me who good I looked the other day after swimming, so? But, if DNA is being extracted, from make-up, orange mascara tub, grey powder base, it is MINE!
Verbose, but necessary, background, protecting myself, on bogus, DNA, tests, to get to the joke, here goes:
What is the difference between the breasts of a twenty year old, and an older woman with huge breasts implants? . . . the older woman's knees!
Nice. LOL! Yeah, women, it sounds nice to get bigger boobs, but you have to have the pectoral muscles to hold those boobs in place! My sister, oh, excuse me, the Hollywood Mormon version of me, Rachel, 7 years my junior, who played with Barbie dolls, now wants to look like one, no matter what contortions she puts her body through, but, the last package of surgery, on the third boob job, she also got a peck lift, where the doc had to go in, cut her pectoral muscles, and jack'em up a bit, to hold the new set, and repair the damage from the older set. The last time I was at her house, in Cove, have not seen her for several years, probably three, there was a picture of her, in a blue dress, with her husband, Kay Moosman, don't know if they are still together of if the "fake" Kennedy, is married to her, to cover for the blogs I wrote about me, the real JoAnn and James, allegedly a real Kennedy, and doing the double fun, pretending they are someone they are not, just like the husband in the Dateline, episode called, Deadly Game, where the husband, got a look-alike, put him at his residence in Virginia, while he was in Michigan, murdering his wife, then they met half way, switched clothes, and the real killer, went home and the other kid, to another state! Alibi.
But, in the olden days, Rachel and Kay were married, and taking pictures on a beach somewhere, Hawaii or California, Rachel's huge, boobs, now sagging a bit, due to weight gain, since the former surgery, a few years ago, now made her look like the Mormon Temple Matrons, the old ladies, that hug you and smash young faces into their voluptuous bosoms! LOL! I think it is going to look pretty crazy, when someone with these huge boobs, ages, because the balls are just going to drop, like the men they are with, but the guys can hide it better! LOL!
James "Angel" Kennedy, and James "Devil" Child
I am going to do a quick timeline, so the new reader, will know at least the background, in a skeleton sketch of some landmark or target dates, with me approximating, possible dates, and events . . . nothing earth shattering, but fun, none the same . . . to be distinguished from the double, in this wicked game of deception and death! James, the real guy, I met, who could be a federal Kennedy look alike, or may be the real McCoy, liked him, on first sight, at the site of the Butte Rescue Mission, noting how much the Mission had improved, in the first seconds he walked through the door and sat down. LOL! The nice thing about, being me, is that, even in a place like a rescue mission, or shelter, you get hot guys, cool guys, and men of note, regardless of who they say they are! LOL! When someone, out of the normal mode, for the place I am at, I always proceed with caution, knowing that this is the 157 agent, that has been offered at my feet, trying to play the Honey Trap Game, of get her, fuck her, pillow talk with her, and tell us, what the fuck she is up to all the time . . . I am not a spy, but I have been accused of being one, I am not a domestic terrorist, or an enemy of the state, an enemy combatant, a secret spy for the Montana militia, or anything, other than what I claim to be, a bad ass con law chick, or constitutional law chick, that will kick the shit out anyone trying to less, change, destroy, or misinterpret the U.S. or state constitutions!
Every agent in the intelligence community, and the state police forces that are being offered on the constitutional alter of slaughter, at the hands of this woman, one women cop wrecking machine, has an agenda, has a hidden or secret identity, is doing this for a group, with an agenda, or there is a sneaking suspicion that, I too, have an agenda, other than simply, defending the oath of an officer of the court, to defend, preserve and protect the Constitution, that is far to easy for this cloak and dagger world of the spies, the bridge of spies, who can't even remember taking the oath, let alone abiding by it, or believing in it, nor the document they are sworn to preserve; therefore, through the psychological games, one's, mind plays, and in what professionals in the field of psychology, refers to as projection, transferring their agenda, their secrets, their ulterior motives, onto the person, me in this case, thinking, I too have a hidden agenda, and secret, or another identity, and I am there, as a government subversive, when, no, I am just a Plain Jane, constitutional law attorney, who took her oath of office, as an officer of the courts, VERY SERIOUS! My life is simple, my agenda is predictable, follow the Constitution, and we will get along just fine, don't follow it, and we are deadly enemies. And that is as complicated as my history is, PERIOD.
So, this cool ass truck, just cruised through the McDonald's parking lot, and on the trailer, were the word, TEAR IT UP! green font, one of the signs or colors I associate with my family, fresh, lively, the Incredible Hulk, one of Elliot's super hero or action heroes he used to have in his room, until some girls came over with Isaac and El, to Jerry Owen's house in Midway, Utah, and one of them commented about all Elliot's collection of action heroes, and they all disappeared over night, and a ton of money, probably in the garbage, see how much influence you have girls . . . I am sure, with all the movies, these comic book action figures, would be worth a small fortune, even more than they were back then, having purchased them, for Christmas' and birthdays! But, this cool truck, I think local, has this big ass claw, hand, with wicked finger nails, as if God is telling me, to just fucking rip it, tear it up, on this blog and expose the fakes, the doubles, the frauds, and the games, of deception, and I am sure, intended DEATH, MINE THAT IS . . . God loves happy ending, and HATES, FUCKING INJUSTICE, and so should we, LAW ENFORCEMENT!
The Roman Centurion and Helen of Troy! Soul Mates! LOL!
Okay, so my son, Elliot, comes by his love for action figures and heroes, naturally, through that DNA, that the FBI, will not test, other than to steal it, and pretend they got if form my double, Dolly Pardon, a Rachel, true look-alike, so far from me, it is crazy. But, I read this book, once, called, Soul Mates, when I thought, I found mine, 25 years ago, and still looking, lol, at 60! But in this book, it said, to look at the historical times in history, that you are drawn to. Okay, I am drawn to the Greeks and Romans, for their philosophy, their statesmen, the courts, the lofty principles of the Greek city-states, that served as a model of our, federalist system of a strong central federal government and individual states, with sovereign powers of their own. A day to two ago, I mentioned the founding fathers, study and reliance on Cicero, a Greek statesman, who founded and planted the two ideas, that were and are the basis for property, criminal, and contract law, and all the off-shoots, of those base and foundational laws, cornerstones of logic, if you will: (1) do all that you promised to do; and (2) don't infringe on other people's persons or property! And, those were guiding light principles for our whole fucking legal system, with the Patriot Act, being in direct conflict, with those principles, thus, making me an enemy of the new agenda, of the Patriot Act, being totally and thoroughly in controvalence to all American property rights principles, spying on our conversations, our computers, stealing blogs we don't agree with, or want to put in a book, that, cop chick, versions of me, who don't know this shit, will benefit and bribe cop shops to follow them, rather than the true, tried and tested ideas and principles that have survived and thrived for centuries on American soil!
My blog title, is jumping, freaking out, going crazy, as I am sure the fucking NSA, lying cheat ass hacks are knowing, this takes their Mormon/Cop/British Agenda, and TEARS IT UP! Letting you know, for God-damned sure, that I am not one of theirs! Yeah the women, I grew up with, the fucking, liar, government, Patriot Act, whores, and shits, that would sell this country down the tubes in a heart beat! FUCK THESE BITCHES . . . An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again. Dismiss. The NSA tries to put this shit on, so I will think, I am not online, or that my attempt to Publish, did not work, knowing full well that the second I hit this shit, they have access, sorry CHARLIE, and ANGELS, even JAMES ANGEL IF YOU ARE MARRIED TO RACHEL, MY SHIT FACED DOUBLE, AND YOUNGER SISTER! LOL!
So, anyway, back to my story, my life, my loves, my passions, these early Greeks and Romans, I love, as I do Aristotle and Plato, and their essays, many of which, taught and trained me, not only in noble thoughts, but in concepts about life and the law, before I even went to law school. So, my face, is still a Helen of Troy face . . . attracts 157 agents, my ass is another story, but that is fixable. So, when James Kennedy, or whoever his is walked in the room, some deep, pure attraction, dating back to previous lives, attractions, and times, with the author of Soul Mates, suggests, that someone you are attracted to in this life, may actually have been a former lover in another life. Maybe, fun thoughts, not sure on the idea of human recycling of reincarnation, but, to me, everything is a possibility, and why not, I dig life! I am sure, I would have volunteered to have a second go at it, if given a chance, tough to get it right the first time. So, many attractions are not to be explained, but, are interesting, in our reaction to this person, would could be in a room, of equally handsome men, and there were several, back in Butte, probably all agents, I would guess, and some, fighting the old bull elk, with me, trying to dethrone the king, from the King Maker, ME! How is that for ego!
The Bizarre Ring Scenario . . . Freak Out, Looking for a Ring on My Ring Finger, the Ring on the Bed, Last Week, Looking for an Invisible Ring on My Right Hand? What the Fuck?
Now, any cop, a fed or not, a Kennedy or not, will have heard and marked my name, from back in the killing of cop and prosecutor days, while I was an assistant attorney general, just moved up into administration . . . double, claiming all this, so you will associate her ugly face, rather than my sweet face, angel on the outside, devil woman, or so they say on the inside, but, my name has either long been hated or loved, depending on which side of the Constitution a cop is standing on. In fact, interestingly enough, a James look-alike, but with a clean cut look, even turned to show me his, Roman nose, not brutally handsome, enough, in a Roman Centurion look, GQ for sure, Rachel's type, not brutal, wild, untamed enough for me, but, definitely good looking, in a very tame way, I believe trying to pass himself, off as James Kennedy, clean cut style. I am almost convinced, due to recent facts, that there are in fact, two, James', or Rachel, my double . . . someone just yelled, Rachel, one of the workers at McD's, and that is about her speed! They are hiring, Rach!, if you can stay out of prison . . . I can tell, who ever has ACCESS to look at this blog, is fucking freaking out, much, in the way they did yesterday, when I was writing about doubles, and the whole fucking blog was taken . . . my text is jumping all over the fucking screen! LOL! EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE . . . the fake, James and Joann . . . little "a" to make you think there are two of us . . . just typed, the word, war! And so it is, me against the COP WORLD! LOL! Bring in on bitch!
I don't see the James I met in Butte, and I am sure, he is watching this and overly cautious, because he was shot through the ankle, in a drive by shooting, the day, I left Butte, back in January, 2015, the morning after, James the real, told me he loved me, back in the smoking shack, behind the Mission, and knowing my enemies, like I do, and that is what kind of makes me think that he is real, is that he was not more cautious, and didn't seem to think much about surveillance, or he was one of theirs, and just didn't think they would take him out also! with world domination at stake. Once, after giving a speech, on Survival Grammar, to faculty and students, at Dixie State College, in the early part of 2009, I believe, some guy, who struck me as an FBI agent, on my side, walked me home, after that presentation, told me the Pick's Disease, I had been diagnosed with in 2000, was actually man-made, like riacin and anthrax, poisons . . . the connection screen, without prompt or click, just popped up, new tactics, by hackers or NSA, but that was at the same time as letters were being sent to the White House and to government authorities, to kill them. But, he also, walked me to my porch, and pointed at the extended trailer or RV, across the street, and told me that was surveillance on me . . . which made sense, because, there was allegedly nobody in the trailer or RV, every night, or early morning, I would notice that the extended parts of the trailer, were out, giving the occupants, more room, and it was out there for about 3 months! Right at the time, I started getting back into my legal career, writing and lecturing! I believe, that Rachel, was used to dub over my presentation!
Note: hacks or NSA, just turned off spell check . . . fucking freaking out! EXPOSE DOLLY!
But, this agent, who walked me home, also told me to be careful, and told me, that I needed to be aware, that if they, would kill President John F. Kennedy, in front of millions of people, they would surely, kill me! And they would, without hesitation, kill, a Kennedy cousin, with the name, a threat, in and of itself, who is hooking up with an extremely political attorney, they have been trying to kept, here very existence a secret, died in 2000, or they erased me back to birth, so being with a Kennedy, fuck, NO! I knew all this, but James didn't seem to get it, or didn't really know who he was with and the history, good evidence he is real, and he even told me stuff about, secret Kennedy, whereabouts, and once, said, if you think you live in fear, and implied that he had for life, and I totally could see it! But, at the time, I didn't know for sure, didn't know if he was a cop, look-alike, still doing my homework, and for sure, was not willing to risk anyone's life, let alone a cousin, of the 51 . . . in the true crime episode, on cousin, tried for the rape and murder, in the Hamptons, or Greenwich Village, wherever, at the trial and one of the press conferences, there is a total, young, James Kennedy, and that one is not hard to spot! KISS! LOVER BOY!
SOMEONE JUST FUCKING ERASED THE LAST FUCKING 3 OR 4 PARAGRAPHS! $$$$ Signs just hopped up! FUCK, this is not about money to me, but about LOVE, FUCK MONEY, don't care about it, don't need much of it, would live in a fucking tent with someone I LOVE! I am so sick of this shit, so sick of having everything I do, stolen, right out from under my nose! For GOD SAKE, get a fucking life, separate and aside from ME, you FUCKING SHITS!
Okay, I am stopping for the day, and going to lunch, fuck the shits who would rob you of knowing this stuff, I guess they want to steal it and claim that it is Rachel and the fake shit that showed up in the hot tub at the aquatic center . . . HE WAS NOT JAMES! There was a Sports Illustrated, with a NFL football player, who had a Duck Dynasty beard, on the bottom or his chin, but had a stunned look, and the top part of this guy's head, was clean cut and groomed. So, this picture, maybe purposefully placed, and I didn't check the date of the magazine, but it predisposed me to think, that maybe, James, who very well, could have been a football player, not only in high school and college, but could be a pro too, body wise . . . not a dad bod for sure! LOL! Him and Phil, Mr, Tight End, could have been NFL football buddies, from what they look like!
But, the next day, oh, I forgot to tell you about the tramp camper, who actually looked like the real James, perhaps with the swimming James, look-alike, trying to imply, from the Sports Illustrated cover, that, he had cleaned up, since, getting in town . . . hell, I have not seen James since, March! And this double thing, is easier to pull off than either I or others might have thought, memories fade, as mine had, since, not seeing him and not being sure what he looks like with short hair, but, this was not a good enough, double, and my heart doesn't lie, I was not attracted, though curious at this guy, and what he was trying to do. Later that night, I saw a guy, at the shelter, an older guy, who had the cut, chiseled cheeks, of Kennedy, with like long dimples, that come from fitness, not genetics, and James was older, with a bit of grey, his beard, more than his hair, but, with this man to compare to, I was sure, as I had been, but still a question, and just because he had this look, like, hurt that I didn't recognize him, but that would have been a ploy, to draw me in, and I was not falling for it, . . . but, I will just hurry and finish, lunch time, and I am pissed that such good stuff was stolen as it was yesterday, I am RAW, RAW, RAW!!!! to say the least, so, anyway.
In Mormon Scripture, There Are Three Marriages, We are Only Taught About Two, Because, Most Mo's Are Not Scriptorians, Like Me, But there is the Earthly Marriage, for Time, then the Temple Marriage, for Time and All Eternity, and then there is a Third One . . . the One that Got Me out of My First Marriage, and that is the Marriage, Sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise or Seal by the Holy Ghost, or Within the Temple, and all the Marriages, There are Some Worthy, or Loves, that are, in Fact, Eternal, and Those, I Believe, Whether, In or Out of the Temple, or Whatever . . . Are, TRUE LOVE, and Therefore, EVERLASTING! AND SEALED AS SUCH . . . so I was curious and wondering, in light of this, because, as in the case of the first, looking for a ring, not on my hand, for at least 8 to 9 years, I looked for when I saw James the first time . . . and Last Week With the Tramp Camper, and Swim Pool experience . . . at least twice, I noticed Me feeling for a ring on my RIGHT hand, and being shocked at this phenomena, when that is not the ring finger, or one I have ever, not liking Jewelry, finding Myself, subconsciously, feeling for a Ring, that has NEVER EXISTED? Interesting.
The funny thing about the bum asleep on the bridge, was, when I got up to leave, he was leaning up looking at me, and I was too freaked out to look at him, so I hurried over to the swimming pool! LOL! I am sure if it was James, he was pissed or thought I was acting stupid anyway! LOL! 50 FIRSTS, HONEY! LOL! When I was either walking back from the pool, or might have caught a bus, the guy, as I recall was not there. So, later on that night after dinner, I decided, that it looked enough like the real James, to go check him out . . . so, I walked over and the tramp camp shit, didn't look the same, more stuff, the pink tarp gone, but, I thought, perhaps I didn't notice, which is unlike me, and unlikely, very preceptive, but, I went over and this stupid guy from the Pov. who left pissed, opened his eyes, and he is totally not good looking, but a nice enough guy, and I thought, Kennedy, paid this guy to lay there, because he wanted to see if I would care enough to come back and check, predictable, but, I said, oh, that is YOU! This guy, left a night or two earlier, but another tramp camper, could have easily paid him, to trick me! LOL! Whatever, I was disappointed and pissed, thinking, James if that was him, is playing games and tricking me, This old guy has been around Missoula for years, even expected the Pov to throw a birthday party for him, and he left, the night of his birthday, which I believe, was a week ago, Friday! LOL! But I noticed his bike, and the trailer he pulls behind it, and thought if that was, a sub for James, that was a smart move, given the fact that there is constant surveillance on me, so he better be careful, and I didn't want to draw any attention to him, if he was in town, what good is a dead boyfriend, lover, whatever, so, smart move, SMOOTH MOVER!
It sure as hell, looked like James! Gotta run, enough for today, three paragraphs of good stuff, OH WELL, What the HELL . . . maybe James is married to Rachel, but, he doesn't strike me as that stupid, but he is a man, and I am a woman, and men tend to think with the head below the belt, thank God I only have one head! LOL!
Starting out right: it was, 7:52 A.M., when I published this title, and the posting schedule on my blog, shows, 19/12/15, 6:52 AM, Pacific Daylight Time! Now I will again, cut and paste, the Google map, from the Location mode:
javascript:void(0); this is the automatic Permalink