Butt Hurt; You Don't Just Stop Loving; So We Suck at Our Job; Soon, You'll Have to Get Up for School Anyway! . . . Love Colorful, Rowdy Crew--Missoula, McDrama at McD's . . . Can't Just Fire All of Them! Lol!
Business Bites . . . there is a reason, old standards, like McDonald's and KOA's stay in business, taking camping to a new level--
wi fi at camp grounds!, but the crew at McDonald's in Missoula, is pushing boss, Ronald McDonald and McNuggets, a bit and to my total delight! LOL! Last week, on a Saturday, I believe, I headed over to McD's, to sit and listen to my favorite crew of teens,
and teen managers . . . bosses don't act any older, nor refrain from McDrama, any better than the rest of the crew, lol, to get breakfast, listen to the work station, get a laugh or two, and watch, as employee after employee shows up with colorful bandana's on their heads, either coordinating with their t-shirts, or clashing big time, too! LOL! I asked one of the female employees, with a bright purple bandana and purple shirt, if that was a new McDonald's promotional stunt . . . no, so and so, just showed up at work with all these bandana's, so we all wear them! LOL! They are still wearing them, like standard uniforms, still after a week!
I'm Lovin' It! Fuckin' love colorful people, fresh ideas, independence, the can do it spirit, supportive team work, and a great business atmosphere!
In fact . . . those are the components that make Montana the number one state for new business start ups and enterprenueral enterprises . . . they start young, and everyone who has read studies and reports on successful people, most of them start at fast food restaurants!
Anyway, last week some management looking guy, walked around with a clip board, making out lists of ways the local McD's could improve, and writing check lists of what needed to be cleaned! The store manager, laid back, and casual, kept interacting with his staff and crew, while they crawled around on the floor, cleaning floor boards, with me, thinking some kid had escaped
Playplace Land! No, it was just
Ms. Purple pretending to be doing what the big guy said . . . until he left, and I saw her rubbing a fellow employees back, while three of the youngsters were on break! LOL! I don't know if this McDonald's just gets such a huge drive thru business, and few customers in the actual fast food restaurant, or if the crew, their laughter, swearing, clowning around, planning their next night's activities, drives the customers out! LOL! But, I asked the
Lady in Purple if is was fun to work at McDonald's, because, it appeared to me, that they didn't give a rat's ass about much, but had a shit load of fun. She responded . . . it's okay, but there is too much
McDrama! I'm Lovin' It! LOL!
She did tell me, however, that the area supervisor, told the crew, that someone in the community reported that
they were too rowdy! No, not these guys! LOL! I can tell, it fell on deaf ears, because this morning, while I read the newspaper, the bandana's were here to stay, the boys and girls clubs, were trying to figure out which movie the crew should go to this weekend or today . . . no compromises had been met . . . the girls would go to one, and the boys would go to another! One chick reported that she found a spider crawling on her, so she knowed in on the desk . . . at least she didn't say counter . . . although, I heard that the average person swallows at least or on average 8 spiders a year while they are sleeping, so this is just added protein, but she very satisfied and where the insect landed, said . . .
well, at least it is not on me! LOL . . . customer won't know! LOL! If you ever want a laugh, just get something to eat, and sit, in the booths, next to the counter, they are absolutely hilarious and totally oblivious to who, what, when, where or how, something else is going on in the restaurant!
I'm Lovin' It! The kids are always cool, and they come to me with legal questions, and don't bug me a bit, while I am reading the newspaper, writing my blog, or just hanging around, getting a laugh at their antics . . . because they don't even notice I am there! LOL!
I'm Lovin' It . . . what can the boss do with them . . . fire all of them? LOL! They are a gang, but with different color shirts and bandana's on! LOL!
Hot Tips! Independent Spirit, Supportive Business Climate and Customers Help New Business Start-Ups Succeed!
New business bite . . . I was wondering what the
Internet Travel Cafe' was about? Ms. Ruff, out of Billings, I believe, a former travel consultant, has taken what she does best, like we learned at the great,
Small Business Opportunity Workshop, I attended, Friday, sponsored by Senator Tester and hhis crew, that you need to stir with what you have . . . create a business around what you do better than anyone else! Maybe, Ms. Ruff, went to the workshop last year, Senator Tester has sponsored 15 of them around the state, but she took the internet cafe' shop to the next level, and you can drop into the cafe', get some food, use their computers, and book a trip to Hawaii! I am going to check out the new shop, on Orange Street, between Broadway and Front!
Gotta dig the news staff at the Missoulian, won't bend and be crushed under pressure from new sheriff and sheriff's department! It is not just bad ass con law chicks like me, who are pressured and challenged, fighting for yours, mine and our rights under the United States Constitution . . . the press gets tremendous pressure, to not write this or that, or to only paint cops in the light they want to be seen in, or a county attorney, judge, elected official, local, state and national officials, but that is not their job. Reporters have been jailed for not revealing their sources, for writing stories that reflect badly on someone of power and influence, and who knows how many heart attacks, accidents, and other incidents, have taken the lives of reporters, journalists, investigative reporters . . . new movie out, can't remember the name of the guy or the movie, but I remember the story, this guy reported on the activities of the CIA and their involvement in the drug trade both overseas and in here in America . . . I got a $60,000 hit out on me for telling in my blog, that CIA, was running drugs into the Kalispell airport, via private jet, parked near firefighter planes, not where the rest of the private plans and jets were, and then running drugs up over the boarder into Canada!
I love what the rights attorneys in China are doing: (1) they are supporting one another! The Missoulian reporters and this letter to the editor, changed my mind, after being set up on a cop sting last night, by and some of you locals will recognize the guy, the name and the M.O., or modus operenti, because you were also victimized by him . . . I will call him, the judge, the film producer, the cowboy, and the tax evader! CIA actor, stand in for Judge Robert Allison of Kalispell, documentary film producer, Michael Willis, and tax evader, Michael McClintoch! A month or so ago, there was an article in the Missoulian, warning citizens in the town, to be wary of this scammer and fraudster, protected, I believe by the feds, or used by the local cops, who are minions, useful idiots, and toy talkers for the feds! But he showed up at the new, Fresh Market . . . out of the blue, not seeing him, since last summer, when he offered me $200 to have sex with him . . . sting op again, only I would be the one arrested for prostitution, not the fucker begging me for sex and so desperate that he would pay for it! Of course, being the good lawyer I am . . . I rejected his offer, knowing it was a set up, and cops would be in the wings, but also, wanting to vomit, due to the offeree! LOL!
I should have known that something was up, with dip shit, showing up at the local store, near me, and the Pov, not near Rattlesnake Canyon, where he lives, and hangs out . . . the front page article, on Run-in with a Rattler . . . has a double meaning for me . . . oh, and if we want to get young male readers of the newspaper, keep writing articles like the warning signs and what to watch for and do if you encounter a rattler! Every young man, who saw that front page article in the Missoulian picked up the newspaper and read the article! So, good job! But, within just minutes of acknowledging Mike's presence . . . a city cop pulled up in front of the market, with no disturbance, no altercation or annoyance, so? And, as I have said in this blog a million times, I always error on the side of safety! This clown ass cowboy, set me up more than a few times in the past, and of couse the cops failed to do their sting op right, playing the same cook book game, time and time again, but hey, I am not complaining! Right after I took off, sliding in the shadows back to the safety and security of the Poverello Center, not intending to have dinner, nor necessarily go there, but glad I did, I noticed two girls walking down the street together, and some bike cop came riding up to them on a bike, very close and was checking them out, body, butt, and trying, it appeared to me, to be seeing if they matched my description, having just done what I do best, escaped the sting ops of the cops, for the millionth time! LOL! But, he got closer to them and seemed satisfied that they were not me, but the watched was watching the watcher and tracker! LOL!
Dreamland . . . Three Cops Surrounding the Pov, Then a Sheriff in a Truck!
The boyz yesterday, were city cops, driving the white, red and blue cop cars, or a bike cop with florescent green shirt and black biker pants, the kind the Montana Legislature might have banned in its sweeping ban on yoga type pants, or those that are tight fitting and revealing, like those worn by bikers, in races, like the Tour of Missoula won by the women's team, sponsored by Visit Dallas and the men's team, winning the race, sponsored by Harley Davidson, sidebar here, for new business options and hot tips . . . bikers love beautiful Montana, bring dollars into small rural towns, stay longer as tourists, and spend more money than the average tourist!, but, the yoga pants ban, might have changed the landscape for what many wear, including male ballerinas and swim teams . . .gotta watch exposing that genital area, to the point of rediculous! LOL, cops included, bike cops that is, like the one looking for me, or so it seemed, doing a fast U turn, hoping to catch me before I got away, for the millionth time! LOL! I was safe inside the Pov, with the whole table looking at YOU, look for ME! LOL! Or so it seemed . . .
But, last night, after getting into it with a chick here at the Pov, who has followed me and seems to turn up all over the place, in Montana, shelters, missions, soup kitchens and what not, out of the blue, seemingly connected with the cops escape, with me thinking she is, due to her presence, her lack of knowledge of her own, alleged, case claiming injury against the Forest Service,and showing up on the eve and on the heels of me writing in my blog about my own, Hot Shot Firefighter Daughter, Greta! Guess I am just too dumb to see the connection! LOL! Who's playing who? LOL! But, me and some guy were talking politics and this chick, who just came back from somewhere, was sitting at our table, eating a late dinner, a sack lunch, having missed dinner, because she and Sandra allegedly were having dinner with Rhonda's friend . . . being called back on the job? But, me and this other guy, who strikes me as undercover also, too well dressed, clean, and very curious about what I think, and even siding with me, when talking about cops being attracted to my sister with the size 44 DDD fake boobs, because, he said, they are just as dumb as she is . . . useful idiots, talking toys! Like is attracted to like! LOL! I told the guy, that it was too soon for me to predict, or even decide myself, I study, watch, read, think and don't side with a party or platform, very independent in my thoughts, positions and picking presidential candidates, like I said in the title, didn't decide on 2008 vote, until I heard that the VA scored McCain, and alleged war hero, giving him an F and then Senator Barack Obama, rating on the grading scale of votes a B!
But I mentioned that I like the candor of Donald Trump, good, bad or ugly, and if I had to vote on experience and resume alone, I would vote for Hillary, as by far, the best and most qualified of the whole bunch, and on a first name bases with foreign leaders of state, having served so well as Secretary of State, and being married to Bill, was a huge plus also, and I trashed the trashy Monika, who while 23, was plenty old enough to know better, as was President Clinton, but relating to ambitious Hillary, being smart enough to know, that with her own ambitions, it was much more in her favor to hang onto the President of the United States, and, like many older couples, the pluses outweigh the minues and advanced age, brings with it, longevities own rewards. All of the sudden, with mouth full, Rhonda, starts going off on Hillary, screaming for socialist, Bernie Sanders, and raising her hands in the air, and saying that that what that attorney bitch who brought us, Obamacare, ah, really, I said, that was Mitt Romney, excuse me, patterned after Massechusetts Health Care System, and I reminded her that she needed to know the history and get the bigger picture . . . she went on a rampage, yelling, and making a fool of herself, and saying that Hillary needed a good piece of ass . . . and that is when I went ape shit, this is a woman, who has served her country, almost her whole life, either as a spouse or the office holder and appointed person herself, and I am not going to let you say that!
Rhonda said, if Hillary gets elected, she is going to Russia . . . and I said, GOOD RIDANCE! Then she said, all anyone is going for now days is a piece of ass and pussy, WHAT? And I corrected her again . . . that may be an insight into whom she works for, these fuckers, my enemies, friends, family, foes, ex-husbands, are wife swappers, polygamists, whoremongers, and bi-sexuals . . . and I asked her if she wasn't talking about herself, becuase3 that clearly doesn't describe ME, never did, never has, never will, that I am ruled by my head, not my pussy or some penis! By that time, we had everyone's attention that was lining up in line to check in . . . after Rhonda, thankfully left, while I took off to do my chore, after speaking my mind . . . sick of people being trashed that are givers, and that bitch, I asked her, what did you do today to serve your country, what did you do yesterday to serve your country, then shut the fucking hell up and move to RUSSIA! When I came back to the table, I just sat down as if nothing happened, and Rhonda, whom I could tell wasn't up to tangling with me, being meaner than a rattler, when provoked, had her earphones in and was acting like she wasn't embarrassed and then got up and left, some chick at the table, under her voice, as if to not be heard by the majority of Montanans, who think it a travesty to have a woman, most qualified as she is, be the president of the United States, softly and smartly said, I like Hillary . . . so do I! I saw Rhonda, suffling down the street, and she was in bed when I got to the dorm! Can't stand that bitch and she is probably suppose to get me pissed off, and get me kicked out of the Poverello . . . court has taught me, to be extremely cutting, while being in complete control! LOL!
I am going to mention this here, because, I think it is worth mentioning, and noted . . . I met another, whom I would classify as one of the cop babes, if you could call her that, but she came to the Durango Shelter, and I met her outside, the check in office, and she tried hard to make friends, much like Rhonda . . . but, like is attracted to like and generally, I can't stand these chicks anymore than I can my sisters and alleged friends, whom have joined forces against me, much like Hillary's many enemies, whom are green with jealousy and envy, as women, whom have not taken advantage of their options in today's modern world, where women can be whatever and whomever they want to be, including President of the United States! But, in a moment of honesty, revelation, resolve, or depression, Jennifer, probably not her real name, Rhonda too, or story not her story, or after a year of bugging the shit out of me on her case, and wanting me to help her blog, she can't even write out a fucking timeline, my bottomline test to see how serious some bitch is abou her own case . . . oh, no, I don't think I can do that, WHAT? Then why in the hell would I want to help you . . . I only work as hard as my clients work, and fuck you!
But, this chick, looked great, but went on a total roughage diet of fruits and veggies, and kept telling me, they . . . sound familiar, told her she needed to lose weight, too heavy, and she would slip into some inferences of sexual abuse, capture, being used, etc., but she would never elaborate! This chick would spend her whole day, either trying to figure out what, where, I was going and whom I was going to be with, following me at times, getting up at that crack of dawn, not natural for her, but very natural for me, and trying to either get me in trouble, or find out what I was up to for the day . . . but, she spent the days, I ditched her sorry, pathetic ass, day in and day out, and the rest of the day, she spent, going up and down that damned hill, going up to the Manna Soup Kitchen and the Durango Community Shelther . . . I made sure, I only had to do it once a day, that was planned! This chick looked really good, dressed, but naked, probably didn't cut mustard, and she was shell shocked, and driven to the point of hurting her body, to be the size they wanted her to be! Rhonda is bone ass thin also . . . one size doesn't fit all, GROW THE FUCK UP! Michael McClintoch has put on a shit load of weight, are you riding his ass just as hard? Shit, men have half the body fat, and twice the muscle to burn the fat, so grow the fuck up and learn a bit about female anatomy, they fucking stop their periods if they get under a certain percentage of body fat! Ths chick had constant diarriah . . . sorry, NSA fuckers turned spell check off, probably will delete this blog, or change it to be more suitable and favorable, control the press at all costs! Which gets me back to my dream . . .
Dead Tired, Took Two Dreams to Get Me Out of Bed and Out the Door By 5:30 A.M. and Down the Street to Have "Breakfast Like a Boss!"
In the first dream, I had what I would call and aerial view of the Poverello Center from above, and I could see the entire yard, building and all, and there were three, black and white sheriff's, squad cars, sitting and waiting at the three exists from the building. I thought, please, God, don't tell me that, and at this point, I don't fucking care, I am tired and rolled over and went back to sleep. In the next dream, I was walking down the street and just one black and white, pulled over and started to harass me, stopping to ask me something . . . it was a truck, the sheriff himself? I asked him if he had any probable cause to stop me, detain me, and ask me anything? That was the end of that dream . . . I was a bit more responsive, but not anymore inclined to get out of bed, rationalizing that, I didn't get caught in the first dream, and in the second dream, it just stopped . . . but, then, I heard a locker slam, and that reminded me of what a jail cell door sounds like . . . and I packed up all my shit and was going to head up to Kalispell and out of town, as I have been going to do, on several occassions since coming less than a month ago . . .
But as I read the newspaper, about the rights attorneys from China, and the reporters and the Missoulian . . . and the chick who, may have been murdered, with the Texas cops claiming she hung herself . . . cracking down in America on FEMALE civil rights and social activists, with this chick writing on social media about cop killings and police brutality . . . stopping a potential problem before it starts? But, I decided, not only did I have fodder to fight the fuckers with, but I was, getting some street help and fellow freedom fighters in the press, making it seem more possible to stay at least until my three month swimming pass at the Aquatic Center is done . . . digging the hell out of the swimming . . . stopped at all gyms, health clubs, and swimming, over the last three years . . . last thing these fuckers want, is me thin . . . look like I did when everyone knew me, and Rachel would look like the big moose cow, she is! LOL, boobs or not, I am better looking and the boyz club knows it! LOL . . . dread of dread, beat her on their own standards!
McDrama at McD's