Mom, That's Like Telling You To Watch a Movie About a Mansion, and Expecting You to Live in On!
The other day, when I was talking to my son, who was born an attorney, and is always telling me to get things like real property assignments or conversions put in writing, like the Uniform Commercial Code demands you do for real estate and real property, and me being the attorney, and the mother, blowing off his very legal and good advice, because I trust people, who have over the years totally ripped me off, being the absolute optimist that I am, and my son, being the total realist that he is, to the point of pessimism, and I have threatened for at least a year now, seeing how negative or realistic, my son's attitude is, going to purchase the movie, with Jim Carey in it, called, Yes Man! He said, mom, telling me to watch that movie, and thinking I am going to change is like telling you to watch a movie about living in a mansion, and then expecting you to be in one . . . attorney, attorney, attorney . . . my son, is one of the few people, who will actually argue against me, and it pisses the living hell out of me! A little respect son, and I remind him, that the only thing that is domestic about me, is I USED TO LIVE IN A HOUSE! How quickly they forget, as I have spent the last year in homeless shelters, missions, and practicing law on the streets, serving the down trodden, the poor, the disenfranchised, and the less fortunate, being a huge projection on myself! LOL! The other statement, that my son doesn't know, that might shed some light on this subject is . . . Don't Steal, the government HATES COMPETITION! Those two bumperstickers, are the only ones that I would ever consider putting on my car . . . IF I HAD ONE! Two houses, a cabin, and 5 vehicles later, one would think my very brilliant, probably future attorney son, would connect the dots, put two and two together, and realize that his mother is a very exceptional woman, who has owned three homes, doing all by HERSELF! LOL!
I am sure that thought will come to him eventurally . . . this is how they learn! LOL! I think as parents we assume that our children get the bigger picture of things, when in reality, they may actually be working with the ENEMIES! But, yesterday as I was laying in my bunkbed, at the Poverello Palace, it dawned on me, that I was actually living in a 5 million dollar mansion, with 167 servants, a full time staff, grounds keepers, chefs, in addition to the same number of new friends and acquaintances, as housekeeper, gardeners, cooks, dishwashers, and a full time office staff! LOL! So, son, you can forgo the mansion movie! I am already there . . . now work on your attitude adjustment! LOL! The other day at the swimming pool, a mother came out of the pool area, with two young sons, both wearing batman or super hero capes, and both of them stopped in front of the candy machine. The good mother, firmly and fairly informed her sons, that she left her purse in the car . . . nice move mom, so she didn't have any money, and they didn't need snacks anyway, they were just going home to eat lunch. And on the way out, she said, And, I would like an attitude adjustment out of you two! LOL! Sometimes it doesn't how old a son gets, they need to be reminded, I am your MAMA! LOL!
I didn't lose my brain, my resume, my credentials, my four bar memberships, my work history, which includes, 5 statewide jobs, top jobs, three colleges, honors and awards, that most attorneys, only dream of, publications which are still being used by the Department of Justice, adopted to human body trafficking, being #2 in the nation . . . not Salt Lake City, Utah, but the nation, on civil rights defense, as relayed to me by a very tech savvy client from Las Vegas, who waited a year and a half to be represented by your mother, as did many clients, having the two biggest civil rights cases in the nations, top blog in the world, before the fuckers in the government, hacker, NSA, DIA scanners, fucked with it . . . and enough honors and awards, accolades, and whatnot, to give 6 other women, kick ass resumes and honors--AND YOUR MOTHER DID IT ALL! Nothing disappears just because people stole credit and money for my work . . . learn, that you are who you are, wherever you go, so be proud of it! You see, my enemies, thought that if they took my houses, my law practice, my vehicles, said that even my children and grand children were someone elses, that, that made it true . . . what the fuck were they thinking? Dumb asses . . . I am still me, always will be me, did exactly what I claimed to do, and did all the great things that I have done and continue to do . . . SO FUCK OFF, STOP TRYING TO LIVE MY LIFE, WHILE I AM LIVING IT!
P.S., yesterday, I looked at a gold, hatchback or stationwagon, cute, probably a VW Jetta, out in Bonner, somewhere near the big ass truck stop, and thought I would try to get that, so I could avoid staying in one place and do what I intended to do, and did for the first year and a half I was in Montana, GET LOST IN MONTANA! Sandra and I were just taking a bus ride out of town, to see the mountains and the river, and while I was thinking of having a car again, after 2 years, a white Rodeo SUV, was not paying attention, while going around a curve and almost ran into the front of the bus, almost had a head on, until it swurved in time for the bus, who would have definitely come out a head on that one, and got back into its lane . . . but, that struck me as Intel, from my guy, God, reminding me, just how easy it is to be killed, murdered, assassinated, or have an accident staged, when in a car, like the pipebomb, or the Ford Taurus, that was mistaken for me, three years ago, just outside of Missoula . . . and I was reported as dead . . . Cops, you are so unlucky, but they said I died anyway, and they have been trying to cover their asses ever since with fucking government hookers and doubles, liars, agents, bull shit like that! The need and urge for a car, quickly passed . . . the bus is fine, better than death! That episode yesterday, also reminded me of my friend and collegue, Patricia Bartholemew, the head clerk of the court of Appeals and the Utah Supreme Court, my her and her husband, so brutally murdered in a head on collision, them on a motorcycle and the other driver, driving a solid vehicle . . . first responders, in on the assassinations and deaths, can state or say the alleged accident happened anyway they wanted to . . . she was just too damned honest to let you steal my three cases up on appeal in her office and courts!
Abiding Love, Exchanged for, Strange Love?
Okay, it's been a while since I have written about James Kennedy, a fascination for most women, curiousity for most men . . . sometimes love interest, sometimes mystery, sometimes ghost, sometimes good memories . . . but, a sort of friend, up until last night, when she reminded me, that she is most likely an undercover agent, or paid to fuck with me, or just a pain in the ass, showed up last night, unexpectedly, at least to me, but not surprising either, seeing I had just written about my daughter, being up in Oregon, with the Hotshot Firefighters, and Rhonda, allegedly a former firefighter, who wanted me to help her with a case, against the Forest Service, where she allegedly worked, and got injured, back in 2001, just magically, or rather predicably, showed up, just out of the blue, like she has for the last year or so, at various shelters or soup kitchens, either to see what I am up to, or see if I can help her set up a blog or help her with her neverending case against the Forest Service. But, last time I saw her, I had just left James in Butte, Montana, without telling him I was leaving, actually right after he had told me he loved me, knowing that he would be hurt, leaving to protect him, but leaving him in the dark, and not knowing exactly why I left, with my departure a mystery to him, for at least a month and a half. I don't know how much that hurt him, or left him wondering, what the hell was going on, the timing, and wondering if he had offended me by telling me he loved me . . . he is much more sweet and tender than I ever would have imagined . . . or never expected to be dumpt and left! LOL! I would imagine a little of both! LOL!
So, like most females, and the total opposite of most males, the women want to know about what really matters . . . what's up girlfriend, catch me up on your love life! LOL! Rhonda, whom, I consider a friend, but always suspect, given the timing of her appearances over the last year, and the circumstances, surrounding our interactions, and of course, with my history, and my activities and the nature of my life, past, present and future, everyone is suspect, and I don't trust anyone, but she, imparticular, as others, as of late, don't have a real good record with me, but as always, I abide by the principles and concepts I hold, near and dear, like that of being presumed innocent, until proven guilty or an enemy, which happened in a big way last night. But for a while, things were cool, and she asked me if I had seen Kennedy? Well, that is an interesting question, and no, I have not actually seen him in person, but there are strange occurances, events, signs and symbols, that might lead me to believe that he is in the shadows, watching where I am and what I am up to . . . my blog is an excellent way, to know, where, why, what, and with whom, I am doing whatever with, for or against! LOL! However, with modern technology, what I am actually writing, may actually appear, to be coming from baby sister, Rachel, Shelley, big sis, Kay, ex-friend/attorney average, Sue . . . Relief Society Sister from Hell, Tiffany, praiseworthy, until teaming up with Daddy Dearest . . . the alleged, unexpendables, who are nothing without the alleged, Expendables . . . attorney, rock star, hot shot firefighter, military, compiler of the stars . . . STELLAR FAMILY misfits, due to brilliance and production . . . replaced by exactly WHAT?
NSA just tuned in, lol . . . protecting Rachel, fake ass bitch! LOL! Could you be more obvious? LOL! I can't move the cursor, bet "they" are cursing ME! LOL! FUN, FUN, FUN . . . I love this Blog! BAD ASS . . . Bad to the bone! LOL!
You know, I was thinking, after swimming, that James has a body, better than I deserve, but I have a brain, better than he deserves! LOL! So, maybe it is a wash . . . tit for tat, baby! Rachel, actually goes much better in some ways, look wise; however, if I am not projecting my brilliance onto him, he might actually go better with me, and get very, very, very bored with Rachel. The other day, I was eating, and somehow, my desert ended up, being placed by me, on top of the main entre' and so I got a piece of onion with my mouthful of sweets. That combination, reminded me of a statement, made by Rachel, who is much, much sweeter than I am, another plus for sweet Kennedy, I am Queen of Mean, until I trust a man, which is basically NEVER . . . but, Rachel made a comment on her ex-husband, and she had made in on many occassions while she was married . . . she compared Christian Hickey, to an onion . . . she said, you peel off one layer, after another layer, looking to find something of depth and meaning, but you never find it . . . projection, projection, projection! LOL! That's okay, James, I realize the challenges and difficulty men have, competing between one head ruling and the other head, below the waist ruling! LOL! I have often thought, while up in Heaven, with God, before birth, that if God, gave me a choice of being male or female, I would surely have chosen to be FEMALE . . . I am a control freak, don't want an unruley member of my body, and prefer to be a rationalist, rather than driven by more base desires! LOL! Pro-Choice I am! LOL!
There is hope for Mr. Kennedy, however, he told me that he had a Ph.D. in numerology, or something to do with numbers, or is that epistomology . . . see, I can dumb down a notch or two, but just can't bring myself to go as low as Rachel . . . lol! But, again, I have always chosen the higher pleasures, that of the brain, not dumpster dived, into the bodily desires! That is why I chose my husband, whom is and was, extremely smart, bright, and intellectual, never ever disappointed me in that area, rather than my four year, football playing boyfriend, who ended up, the football captain of the Running Utes, at the University of Utah, where I ended up teaching family law, undergrad, for 7 years! Demonstration of my committment to the brain over the brawn! No, Kennedy, was not much of a conversationalist, but, hey, we were sitting in a mess hall, with about 40 other people, and we never got alone, because, I was sure James was either a bounty hunter or assassin, still not sure, but do think he is a cop of some flavor! Bird of a feather, flock together! Good guns, good people, good times . . . if you call dining with thieves, robbers, liars, murderers, and fakes, good? Sorry, I was not born yesterday, nor can a bunch of guys and girls, with brains the size of a walnut and bodies of apes, Kay and Brett's preferred lienage--impress me much! Once when Brett and I . . . oh, when Kay was me, and I was, who?, Brett and I got into a discussion on evolution, and I asked Brett, if we desended from apes . . . why are there still apes hanging around, why didn't all of the species evolve? Where are our tails? And who would he prefer to descend from . . . God, Adam and Eve, or a fucking ape? Think Planet of the Apes . . . no thanks! I love my divine brain . . . see why I hate these guys being me so much! Dumb asses, who think they are cooler, smarter, when in reality . . . the best thing about them, is US, meaning my family, which they all want to claim, plus my accomlishments, so go figure? Sorry, forgot to tell the story about the books . . .
The Book Exchange . . . Abiding Love, Strange Love?
I am definitely not a novel reader, strange for an English major . . . not P.E., Rachy, but, one night, I was tired, being homeless is exhausting at times, with nowhere to lay your weary head, and not TV to watch, and down time, all the time! LOL! But, I was standing in line for dinner, and noticed a book, called, Abiding Love . . . nice, I like that, and the picture on the cover, reminded me, of the statement I once said about James and Me, retiring, holding hands, looking at a sunset, over the corn or wheat fields on a Kansas farm . . . where he allegedly grew up. If Kennedy is sitting on the front porch in Kansas, it is not with bad ass . . . she is sitting typing this blog, at St. Patrick's Hospital in Missoula, Montana . . . imposter, especially if she has a good body, and is as dumb as a door nail . . . nice, however, friendly, good homemaker, fun . . . will give credit where credit is due, very much into shopping and decorating, even though I am a much better decorater than she is! LOL!
I generally like to read magazines and newspapers, something that doesn't take long, doesn't involve reading over a column or two, page or two, because, I get bored easily, and will never, never finish a book! I read to my kids, and they all assumed because I put them into reading programs, that I was a reader--only when forced to, by assignments in school, or doing legal research, or staying up on current affairs, or seeing something interesting, but other than that, hell no, I would always rather be living MY life, than reading about other people's lives . . . perhaps that is why, all these reader sisters and ex-friends, love my life . . . LIFE IS A JOURNEY . . . LIVE IT! And I have! But, while a bit elementary for me, it appeared short enough for me to read, at least a page or two before, I got completely bored and fell asleep . . . it worked. In fact, that second I started reading this very sappy story, I was completely gone, to la la land, sleepville! Finally, even boredom couldn't make me pick up the book, so I put it in the window, until one night, I left it on my bed.
In an extreme need of something totally boring to overcome the Diet Coke in my system, I reached for the book, Abiding Love, but it was gone . . . who would take that stupid book, and where in the hell did it go? I didn't think much of it, just that someone saw it and decided to read it themselves, which didn't upset me much. I was a bit bugged, that my sleeping elixir was gone, so I stared at the bottom of the upper bunk to go to sleep. Okay, so one night, I go to get into bed, about three days later, long enough to left me know, the book was gone, and something was amiss, or that it was apparent that it had not just been misplaced, but, low and behold, there it was on my pillow, or so I thought. The lights were off, so I just took the annoying book and placed it in the window with several other books, like the Blind Assassin which caught my attention, but it was far too long for my liking, so I glanced through the table of content one night, but after than had little interest. So, not having looked at the cover of the book I thought was Abiding Love, in a fit of boredom, the following night, I picked up the book in the window, that was the same size, same sort of cover design, but different and what I thought was the one book, was actually a different book, called, STRANGE LOVE? I don't believe it was by the same author, but I am not sure . . . I looked through the chapters, and it was about a single woman, looking on dating sites for some new romance . . . was that a hint, or was there some message in the new book, that was closer to reality than the previous, rather sappy, perfect, husband and wife, lovers, who had met in high school, and had entertained and kept each other's interest, through thick and thin, better or worse.
Was STRANGE LOVE a Manipulation or a Message?
If I were to look through all 40 or so women at the Pov. Palace, I would say, the two, who just ended up in the bunkbeds next to me, to be undercover agents. One is actually the Bathroom Troll, the chick who snarled at me the first time I got up and tried to have a peaceful morning in the bathroom to be shared by that number of women . . . this chick, like some undercover chick, who didn't know the rules of the jungle, and thought she was entitled to privacy, in this very not private bathroom, early as it was, actually, after I put her down a time or two, became very timid, but fun and kind of entertaining, while still appearing to be, doing a personality profile of me, having allegedly an advanced degree or several of them, in the field of psychology; however, then I said I wanted her to analyze the Poverello population and let me know what her assessment of them was, she declined or pretending not to hear me, and I said it several times . . . allegedly she is this or that! Story of my life! So, her and the lower bunk, which is now occupied by an Indian chick from India, very cute, married to a white guy, and pretending to be missionaries of some sort. Again, unlike there cover, they were assigned to do the floors in the dining area, and two nights in a row, their Christain values went right out the window, when trying to clean the floor, not starting until 9:30 P.M., with staff, kicking us out, into the yard, and then ordering us, really, they are very nice, telling us to go back in, and this allegedly righteous couple . . . lol . . . went ape shit, yelling at the first victims who came through the door! LOL! We were all shocked, and taken back by the Holy Rollers! Hub and Wife team, with Jesus shirt on everyday! LOL! Hypotrics . . . but good for a few laughs! LOL! She is really nice, but I believe, faked a torn muscle, so she could get in the bunk next to Me! Appears so . . .
I was shocked, but right around the time the Abiding Love book was replaced by the Strange Love book, these two, being right next to me, having started way across the room, being suspect in the first place, were now, right next to me, being just as suspicious as the exchanged books! What the fuck, I don't like change, and I sure as hell, don't like to be manipulated! The book was written by someone with the first name, Lisa . . . that is Kay's little sister's name, so symbolic of her . . . the heart CD, that replaced the Grand Funk Railroad, Bad Time to Fall in Love . . . might have been a manipulation also, with Kennedy, or the real guy I met, liked him before I knew his last name, so Kennedy was just a plus, and he is probably some Kennedy double, and he looks very much like one, and probably a Honey Trap, seeing I met him in December and wrote a shit load on the Kennedy assassinations and deaths, just a few weeks earlier . . . or he could be a real Kennedy, and just wanted to see who was writing the blog, but most people would think that the other, alleged, Fancy Ladies . . . to steal a line from a historic plaque on the Animus River Walk, in Durango, wrote the blog, so he had to be an insider, because, I have to fight daily, just to post this blog, and have had to since 9 days after I started it, September 21, 2013 . . . or actually, it was redirected as early as October 9, 2013, when I hit 13 million hits in less than 34 seconds . . . and that not close to the 155 million in about 54 seconds . . . but let's say in about a three week period of time, fuckin' scanned and redirected to make it appear that MY WRITING, copyrighted, as blogs and writings are protected under the U.S. Constitution and the beginning of patent and copyright laws, appears to be coming from another location or IP address, when in reality, it is just me, little old me, funny old me, cool old me . . . FRESH NEVER GETS OLD! But, the new loving CD, replacing, the hunk, Mark Farner, who reminds me of James, was written or produced by Leigh Productions . . . lay, yeah, that is what the chicks are, nothing but lays . . . Brett was with a Leighla or Layla or lay la, after me, or Kayla . . . so, most likely, the EPIC GamePlay . . . good try, fun thought, but always weary of your stupid waste of time and interference in my life . . . think they are pulling a Jim Carey . . . that movie where everything was a set up, and on a production set, until he realized that everything was fake . . . NO I am the REAL, KAY, YOU are the fucking fake ass twitch bitch . . . asphalt equipment called . . . DITCH THE WITCH! JUST MADE A TYPO, "TY" symbolic of Tyrone Southwick, Shelley . . . big sister, fitting, government hag . . . rat ass bitch's, youngest bastard's name is Ty! Shelley, neither you nor Kay, Rachel or Sue Pooh, get to be my kid's, mothers! You get your SHIT!
I saw this very interesting t-shirt picture the other day . . . it showed a tree, and as the roots of the tree, symbolic of kids, family connections, family roots, lienage, parentage, etc., when down into what was to be considered the ground, the trunk of the tree, was depicted going around and around and around, in a circle of confusion, covering the trail, the road if you will, to the roots, that came after the many, many circles . . . this is basically, how these fools, tried to bury the roots of my children's parentage, so as to make me disappear, and I got intel, that either a fake James Kennedy, met Rachel, allegedly me, the mother of my four children, ditching her own, trashy brood, hooking up with Kennedy, in Durango, cruising around Montana on the back of a biker's bike, being his biker bitch, which I said I refused to be . . . bikers treat their bitches, their old ladies like shit, like they own them, disgusting, but both or all, Kay, Shelley and Rachel have all been abused wives . . . which I have not, and they dig being dominated, told what to do, and think it is cool to have to obey, test of loyalty to their fucked up men! Kennedy told me a few stories, like a biker bitch, being told to obey, go into a bar and let all the biker friends of her man, fuck and rape her . . .real turn on, huh? Or the biker who didn't like seeing his bitch sell her body, pole dancing, so the old man shot and killed her, throwing her in a dog kennel . . . oh, totally awesome . . . you've been dealing with the wrong type of chick, Honey, amp it up a notch, go for something better than some chick that is willing to sit topless on the back of your hog, boucing up and down, trying to catch hot dogs on a string, entertaining the men in the biker pack . . . fucking disqusting, only I could see why you would want Rachel's or
Shelley's fake tits, or Sue's, or Kay's . . . I mean, I would never, humiliate myself doing that shit and I told you that, so getter choose them! I am too classy to do that fucked up shit!
Shelley's fake tits, or Sue's, or Kay's . . . I mean, I would never, humiliate myself doing that shit and I told you that, so getter choose them! I am too classy to do that fucked up shit!
Can you see why I can't stand these fuckers, having anything to do with my kids, with my grandkids, with my name, blah, blah, blah . . . I can't stand stupid ass men and women who play fucked up games like this with my FUCKING DAMNED GOOD NAME! Take your lame ass dominatrix bull shit, your obedient chick shit, tying them to the pole in the back yard, throwing them grapefruit shit, like a dog, so they loose weight shit! I am sure, to get at billions of billions of dollars, from both son's music . . . Intel, yesterday, kids who looked like Chris, who did rap, electronic music, had a gold shirt with a music symbol on it, and the kid who got on the bus with him, looked like Chris now, handsome stud, had a black shirt, with about 12 rappers, either singing or listening to music . . . money signs, stolen through surveillance in his room and stealing through cyber space or just when he was gone, but there is equipment to scan music, and see if it was pirated, just like Elliot's music . . . genius runs in the family! And we are the Expendables in the Fucked up Southwick clan, that I choose not to be a part of . . . famous ones are out, fuckers, you are left with what your lame ass kids can produce! I think George, at least from my Intel, is smart enough to chose Nicole, my beautiful daughter . . . not the hippy, Schmidt chicks whon are going to be big ass battle axes and asses just like Sue . . . this boyz club, cops, plays to the boyz . . . not going for what makes them happy . . . brains of walnuts, bodies of apes! LOL! Dallas, don't think he is as smart as George, or hasn't been in the past, hopefully, Greta, is getting her flames lite up in Oregon! GO For it BABY . . . YOU DESERVE A REAL Man!