Muslim televangelist, Mucahid Chad Hen, wanted his Turkish audience that Islam strickly projibits masterbastion and "that those who have sexual intercourse with their hands will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife." (Turkey's, Hurriyet Daily News--I found it in the Missoula Independent, don't behead me for saying this, just thought it was funny, lol!).
Aiming to provide moral support for Pakistan's persecuted Christian minority, Pavez Henry Gill is building a 14 story bulletproof cross at the entrance to a Christian cemetery in the middle of Karachi. He had hoped the 140-foot-high, 42-foot-long iron, steel and concrete structure would be the world's tallest c4ross, but it will fall 68 feet short of The Great Cross in Florida. Still, it will be the biggest in Asia. (Associated Press).
Mountain Lion Bus Driver . . . Wow, I Can't Believe How Many People Are Supporting the Girl's Team? Why Not?
Due to the fact that I walked to St. Xavior's Church then to the Break Cafe and back to the Poverello Palace, later, while thinking I was just taking a walk to California Bridge and finding myself, caught in a downpour of rain, getting soaked, while seeking shelter, over on Hal's Walk along the Clark Fork River, on the back side, under one of the cute pavilions, along the way, between the bridge and the Ofsprey Baseball Park, finding myself, drenched and already half way to the Current Aquatic Center where I had left my bathing suit, last Friday, and deciding to break my own, Sabbath Day Rules, due to circumstances, and go swimming, being very wet already, leaving me too exhausted, when I got back to the homeless shelter, to walk back uptown to the Oxford Bar and Grill, with the best bacon in the world, locally grown and slaughtered, to watch the U.S. Women's Soccer Team play Japan; therefore, by the dawn's early light, out the door at about 5:30 A.M., I headed over to the bus transit center, to catch the first bus, and get my hands on a newspaper, to see if the U.S. Women's team won the WORLD CUP!
Not surprisingly, the newspaper was already open by some rider, probably commuting to work, and the Missoulian Newspaper, my current source of all knowledge, was already open to the Sport Section, with the headlines, saying, U.S., Lloyd Wallop Japan for Title! I was visually and verbally overjoyed, and excited. The female, nonetheless, whatever, bus driver, said, Man, I can't believe how many people are supporting the female soccer team? Like that was some mystery to her, when to the rest of us, it is, why the hell, would we not support, one of the biggest sporting events, that rivals the American Super Bowl and not cheer for our home country gals? It was shocking to me, that anyone didn't cheer for the hometown girls! The World Cup, is only played every four years, and so it is a big deal. My second husband, Jerry Owens, was a huge soccer fan, played, coached, and sometimes attended the matches, when played in the United States, so when you have a U.S. team, no matter, male or female, and as good as this team is, why in the hell, would you care if the team is male or female? I know that I am overly competitive, but, really?
Incredible Athletes at the Top of their GAME!
Times are changing, thank God, and women are being allowed to be whom they want to be, do what they want to do, and work where they want to work. There was an article in the newspaper, dealing with the phenomena of this team and the new number of women, who are tuning into watch the gals play, and I believe the numbers were substantial, like they jumped up 49%, if I was reading the newspaper right, and that is amazing! I think that was an indication to TV networks, that we care about women's teams, want to see them perform, and dig seeing them kick a ball around the field and get so excited over a win, that they fall to their knees, rip their shirts off, lift a coach off the ground, and scream, in intense exhileration, that they won a huge, fucking game! Good God! How fucking awesome . . . these women athletes, some of the best in the world, world class for sure, fun to watch, have dedicated their entire lives up to this point, as either Lloyd or Wambach, commented, after the game, with goals, dreams, trophies, and awards, that they want no less than male athletes!
Several years ago, I dropped into visit my ex-hub, Jerry, the soccer lover, and he showed me a video, produced, I believe, for the last Women's Soccer World Cup, I think back in 2011, when the U.S. team lost to Japan, whom I am sure, wanted another win, and our girls, probably, had a few nightmares over, after losing the last time the two teams met . . . but this particular ad, produced by I think Italian fashion bastista's, put a bunch of female soccer players, wearing high heeled, platform shoes, tons of make-up, mini-skirts, mid-riff shirts, and their hair curled, flashing their underwear, as they kicked, giggled and frolicked around the field. He thought the ad was so cool, and I was fucking pissed and furious when I saw it! I said, why don't they show David Beckem, out running around the field in his underwear! Because, a girl in a soccer uniform is ten times cooler to me, than a bunch of prepubescent teens, out running round the field, kicking balls and doing allegedly girlie stuff! I said, don't you know me well enough, after 20 years, that I would be pissed at this stupid commercial? We got in a huge ass fight, and I left, on my travels . . . I believe that is the last time I saw him . . . don't degrade, world class female athletes, by using sex, dumb ass models, to imitate, totally amazing female athletes . . . JUST MY OPINION!
Huge, Congratulations, U.S. Women's Soccer Team!
Yesterday, was a great day at church. I was set up, however, by the Missoula, historic, St. Francis Ignatius Xaviour, Catholic Church, starting about on Friday. I was walking past the church on my way to type a blog at St. Patrick's Hospital, in their employee break room, and saw, 6, crisp, red, white and blue, American flags out on the upper, front steps, leading to the front doors . . . what an amazing sight, so cool, and while I have seen flags, mounted at Mormon Churches, before, I was somewhat taken back by this vibrant display of patriotic fervor! I loved it. Next, I was reading in the Religion section of the Missoulian, that some guy, a former high school and college football star, turned medical student, was dropping out of medical school, after three years of training, and felt he needed and was called to the ministry. I believe that he was anointed a deacon in the Catholic Church, last week at St. Xaviour's Church.
Then I was talking to Nick, my New Jersey, hommie, at the Pov, and I was telling him what churches there were, just in case he wanted to go to church on Sunday. I told him, I was going to Fresh Life Church the one I go to in Kalispell, along with the Crossfire Biker Church, that is turning into the Hope City Church and Nick told me he was raised Catholic, but he hadn't gone to church for two years, but he was raised very strict Catholic, and mentioned all the traditions and liturgy of the Catholic Church that I am totally unfamiliar with, however, I informed him that I had been to St. Helena Cathedral to mass one Saturday, walking right in on mass, thinking I was going to take a tour of the beautiful church, modeled after a church in Germany . . . and I had attended Tuesday mass, here in Missoula, once, ditching the cops, and had gone several times since, telling him that the church rivaled, the Cistine Chapel, with murals and stain glass windows, depicting scenes from Christ life.
As, a bad ass con law chick, who trashes cops in her blog all the time, and being a sitting duck at the Pov. and other places, me and a few friends were having breakfast, and noticed, about 10 squad cars go past the Pov. in about 10 minutes, some sheriff's vehicles and others were police vehicles . . . now, either, these guys are trolling for me, or they are bored with all the citizens heading to the hills, mountains, lakes, and streams, out of town, and the cops have nothing else to do! Too much heat for me, I told my friends, and booked it out of the Pov. at about, 6:30 A.M., stopped by St. Patrick's employee break room, thinking I would get in a blog, before church, with plans changing from a 3 mile walk down Broadway, to a half mile passed Reserve, where Fresh Life Church meets, opting for the back roads, over to St. Xaviours, given the new Intel. And for the first time, as I sat down on the employees computers, I noticed a sign, probably there because of me, that said, these computers are for employees only! What, I have used these on weekends, for about a year, since living in Missoula, last summer, or maybe it was other times when I had visited Missoula and had my computer fried by the Mormon Mafia, during 2012, and the elections, stopping in a Senator Tester's office on Front Street . . . but, for once, my conscious was pricked, and I left, with no where else to go but to church, just next door!
"Before You Were Formed in the Womb, I Knew You." Jeremiah 1:5, Bible
I got to the Church about 7:30 A.M., not sure if it started at 8 or 9:00 A.M., so I sat down, waiting to pounce on a passer-by, and see what time church started, so this former, Mormon could crash church, like I did being the Mormon at the Catholic BBQ last summer, and the Mormon at the Catholic Oktoberfest in Big Fork, last fall, and not knowing what the people are doing with the water in the font at the door, as they enter church, because, I am always behind them, so I can't fake that I belong . . . I am better and standing up, figuring out the songs, and seeing that people cross themselves at they approach the alter with Christ on the Cross behind it. I know why Catholics are more fit than Mormons, they stand up and down, about 4 times for each hour of church. I am kind of getting the hang of things, but, before going in, I sat on the marble benches out on the side of the church, looking at a rock structure with the Virgin Mary statue, flowers placed around the rocks, and as I went to sit down, I noticed the scripture engraved on the first bench . . . Before you were formed in the womb, I knew you.
That made me think of a statement I heard lately, on the radio, or in a speech, where someone said, have you ever thought that it took God, 1,000 years to get just the right genetic make up, of progenitors, forefathers and mothers, the right DNA, to create someone like you? This scripture made me stop and think a minute, about the flags, that were now removed from the Church, now that it was July 5th, rather than the 4th, making me somewhat disappointed that they were not still in place, so brave, so bright, so good. A woman passed by, and told me church started at 8:00 A.M., and I dig early churches, libraries, and swimming pools, because I am an early riser, and I am always waiting for the world to wake up! I was early, and the feeling was reverent, and the prelude music playing . . .
America the Beautiful . . . And Crown Thy Good With Brotherhood, From Sea to Shining Sea! Yahoo, the 4th of July Lives On!
I am a sap, when it comes to patriotic songs, and within seconds, the words of the song, being sung quietly by the soloist, were ringing in my ears, and streams of tears, were now, running down my face, making trails of blackish brown mascara, running down my freshly applied, blush on my cheeks! Nothing could stop their flow, as I thought of a recent article in the newspaper, of a handsome older man, wearing a hero's cape, and being a big time promoter on the board of the YMCA, and how he had met his wife, while serving overseas in the Peace Corp, crowning good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea . . . I thought of my female professor friends, making up the body of the PBS group discussions, in the Great Decisions Groups, around the world, with some of the couples, having kids, who were over in Afghanistan, setting up girls' schools, in the country, helping fight off and protect the girls from Al Qaeda and the Taliban, who don't want women educated, because they are less likely to let their son's join extremist groups, crowning good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea . . . or what about the recent gathering, and I can't remember the club, who was raising money and awareness of the challenges and trials of the people who just experienced an earthquake in Nepal, leaving over 9,000 dead, sending money for shelters, food and clothing supplies, crowning good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea!
If that wasn't bad enough to get me crying, the guy saying the prayer, got up and said, all the things that we wish for in this world of ours, peace, harmony, safety, love, food, clothing of the poor and the needy, and blessing those with means to open their hearts and pockets, and rightly so, now that I am among the rank and file of the poor, thanks to the government . . . oh, I think some undercover cop, who came into the service late, and stood by me, a nice Catholic boy, because he knew what the hell he was doing, but totally cop material, buzzed hair, clean cut and all, a spy, to see if this former Mormon, was authentic or not! LOL! But, the prayer was amazing, and so right on, with what we need in the world today. Then we sang, Gather Us In, young, old, rich, strong, and let us all serve and do the work of the Lord . . . totally a wreck by this time, but it gets even worse, or better, depending on which way you want to look at it. LOL . . . the perfect victim . . .
The Apostle Paul and His Thorn In His Side . . . Story of Christ Doing Amazing Things, But Can't In His Own Town of Nazareth . . . Isn't He Just the Carpenter's Son, the Brother of James, and Aren't His Sisters, Here With Us?
God, knows, I can relate to these stories . . . the apostle Paul, a man of letters, long before I was an attorney of letters, was my favorite, because he was a braggart, egotistical, but all in the name of Christ, me too! But, in the scriptures, Paul tells us in his letter to the Corinthians, that he has a thorn in his side or a weakness in his flesh but, with the grace of Christ, that doesn't matter, and he is really at his best, when he is at his worst! That is when Jesus can most use him, because the people can relate to him, unlike if he was a perfect saint, and I agree with that also. So, right on Priest Joseph, a jolly, boisterous priest with a killer message. He doesn't elaborate much on that point, but well taken by this former Mormon gal, and I dig Paul, so, it is, we are best, when we are at our worst, because, as mere humans, doing the Lord's work, we can reach more people, if they can relate to us. I am riddled with sins, weaknesses, and I vomit, my sins, stories, venting, swearing all over these pages, so, I am right where God wants me to be, anyone can relate and does not feel inferior to someone, like myself, being in a homeless shelter without any proof of I.D. and being challenged daily by the government, their goons, and chased and whatever, I feel, that I almost rival, Paul in tragedies, and trials, tribulations, and sorrows, but, hey, I chose to be happy, and wonder, if I am not just where God wants me . . . not always the easiest places to be in, but generally, overall fun, good food, and nice staff, so, as I have said, when I first saw God's Love Shelter in Helena . . . I said, as I looked at the men and women walking around, knowing my life was sinking into the toilet, having sued the state of Utah, cops, in an election year with a Mo presidential candidate, and a sitting duck with a $357 million lawsuit, followed by a $56.7 million, that I was heading in this direction, and fast, but prayed and hoped that I would never frequent a place like this . . . now, I pray for a bed! LOL!
Christ, Not Being Able to Do Miracles in His Hometown . . . Said, a Prophet is Without Honor In His Town, Among Family, and Friends . . . Who Do You Think Your Are, Someone Special? Just the Carpenter's Son!
So, then, Monsenior Joseph, goes on to tell us the story of Christ, and his challenges with his own family, friends, and people of Nazareth where he grew up . . . who, because of their lack of faith in him, he could not perform the miracles, the healing, and all the marvelous acts, he did while on his short journey on this earth, as someone special, just the Son of God, for hell sake! I loved Pastor Joseph, when he, very human in his passion, said, don't you just want Jesus to stand up and say, yeah, I am someone special, and I see what my Father in Heaven wants me to do, I have a vision for mankind, that far surpasses the shit these fucking Pharisees and Sadducee's are saying . . . I added some of my own flavor to this, having felt and used the very words, of Christ, telling my clients, that if they don't have faith in me, go get an attorney they do have faith in, reminding them, that even Christ himself, could not perform miracles, because of the lack of faith in him, by friends, family, and citizens of Nazareth! And relating whole heartedly with Christ frustration, mine, being related to the Constitution, rather than the Kingdom of God, but to me, often one in the same, seeing and being taught, that the Constitution is for all mankind, all men, women and children of the earth, with freedom and liberty for all . . . can't you guys fucking see that as I fight daily to educate, train, teach, expound on the United State Constitution, a document that is inspired, giving men rights, that come from GOD, not governments!
Now, I am pissed off and crying . . . and then, we sing this song, about the suffering of man, the pain, the death, and all of mankind as Christ sees their challenges and he says in this song, entitled, something like Is It I Lord? And the words of the song, so matched the message, the words of America the Beautiful, the medical student that gave up that to be ordained a deacon, in the ministry of Christ's work, the true physician, rather than one of the body, one of the soul, the lasting part of the human . . . but, the words, said, I can save them from sin . . . but, whom shall I send to help with these other things? And then the lyrics go on to say, Is it I, Lord? Am I called to help the poor, the needy, the blind, the lame, the homeless, those who need comfort in their bodies, and in so doing might open themselves to the healing of the heart and their spirit. I was trying to take notes, because the whole morning went so beautifully together, to right, so pure, so good, with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea! Joseph also mentioned that Pope Francis, another man I love and respect, in his encyclical, on climate change, global warming, corporations of the world, being entities, who put many of the world's poor, in danger of health risks, exposure and living in filth, with that message, so powerfully written and presented, will be on the Church's website! Read it . . .
THANKS St. Xaviour Church, Priest Joseph, the Prayer Dude, the Music, the Flags, the Statement on the Bench, and I Can't Fail to Mention the Cops, Who Drove Me from My Destination, Walking Down Broadway 3 Miles, that Made Me Seek Shelter in a Closer Sanctuary! LOL!