It's Not Neat to Overheat!
The first thing on the news this morning, were attacks on cops . . . and I was about to cheer! I was not, 10 minutes, over at Grease Monkeys, oil and filter changes, just enjoying the cool morning, and some fucking, black and white cop SUV, comes flipping a "U" turn in the back where I was sitting watching Dateline, on my computer, sucking the internet off the shelter, because the bench out in back of the oil joint, is next to the Homeward Bound Shelter, here in Grand Junction, where I have been for a week, and in that time, I have had at least, the ones I knew about, or could tell, at least three cop ops, or sting operations, 20 to 40 undercover cops joining the shelter for dinner, 7 cops and 1 sheriff, plus a cop helicopter, relentlessly hunting, tracking, following, and using surveillance, to find me, looking for me, from about 3:00 A.M. to 5:30 A.M., with tools and shit, so that cops can find me in a city of what, population? My alleged crime, frame, or just what the fuck is up, as it has been in every town for the last fucking 3 years, since the day I was sworn into the United States Supreme Court Bar? REALLY, YOU MORMON PIECES OF SHIT! Go after your buddies sitting in the church pews, sitting next to you, or our fucking Mormon cop ass buddies, or the feds, with 70% of the CIA, FBI, NSA, DIA, being those fucking cunts, and cocks, who are doing this to me, my son, and his band . . . for that all important, god-damned money, that old American Greed, and yes, high priest, Richard Glenn and Edward Southwick . . . do things the old fashioned way, they steal, kill, and lie . . . and who helps them, continually? THE FUCKING COPS, acting like ARMS OF THE FEDS, that UNIFIED POLICE FORCE!
The second thing I heard on the news, was some woman, named, Rachel Dulles, supposedly some woman, who has been claiming she is black for years, and lying about it, and her parents, are ratting or telling the investigators that she has been pretending she is black, for years, and even the NACP, or the national black orgainization is coming to her defense! They are defending a LIAR! This is not about race, it is about HONESTY, that just happens to be a lost term of art, for God sake! As God as my witness and as my Intel man, one of the people I have thought might be, Allan Rex Bess, my clients, alleged look a like, or Frank of Interpol . . . and you expect me to respect cops, on another cop op, to MURDER the real, Allan REX Bess, my clients, to save the National Guard, on the Lamoreaux case! . . . who brought in Delta Force Intelligence Agents and Marines . . . that old Sempra Fi . . . forever faithful to fucking WHAT? THE GOD DAMNED MOB?
Let's first, use local cops, to set up, a man, the real Allan, who was most likely one of the main reasons, that the fucking, Vietnam War ended . . . Allan was I-Corp. Marine, or Marine Intel, during the Vietnam War, and started seeing the body count, long before the nation, or the rest of us, ever learned, and we were being lied to as college students, protested the war, and he started fighting with the generals, who told him to stop reading the reports, which he refused to do, so he asked to go into battle, said he didn't become a a military killing machine to sit at a desk . . . he begged to go on the front lines with the men who were getting mowed down, and used, to promote WAR, for American greed, as the government contractors got RICH on soldiers BLOOD!
The military said they wouild put him on Embassy duty, guarding and working for ambassadors, he said hell, no . . . so he faked a nervous break down, because he felt that every order he sent to the generals in the fields of Nam, were just death sentences for the troops, because the war was going on and being extended for economic reasons! Allan wanted out of the Marines, for fucking obvious reasons, so they, the generals gave him a piece of paper, that said if he talked in his sleep, they had the right to kill him . . . oh, hell no, and they said, then you will be in the Marines the rest of your life, fuck no, I have bigger, badder meaner friends, than you . . . he was on the red phone, hotline to the president's desk, and he called, President, Richard Milhouse Nixon! Who, then signed orders to get Allan, who was on speaking terms, actually on joking terms with the Prez. back in 1968/69, and I am a first hand witness to seeing the President's signature, on the back of Allan's platoon picture for the Marines . . . and he got Allan out of the war! Fake, fuck, Allan aka Allan or code name Frank . . . used to always, make a puzzled statement, like Imagine a boy from Parowan, Utah? Like Allan Dulles, the hier to the Dulles Airport, named, Dulles brothers, who were, members of the Yale University, Secriet Society, Skull and Bones Club, with the Bushes . . . now catch the connection to the fucking, BUSHES, cops, my family, Republicans, with basically all Mormons belong to that political party, government contractors, war, hawks, war machines, and the god-damned, fucking PATRIOT ACT!
Much, like Iraq . . . we need to make money for government contractors, like Halliburton, Northrop, and Boeing! Shelley has connections with Halliburton, so obviously, while she has been, playing lawyer with my credentials and resumes, which will get her in any fucking door, and with the founder of Halliburton, living in Whitefish, Montana . . . where the billionaires convention was held last summer or fall, where Shelley parked her sorry ass, even getting my navy blue, Ford Taurus, after the mob, or better Rachel's, son in law, who was actually being recuited into the Mormon FBI, those Female Body Inspectors, who would support a dumb ass, pair of fake balls in her chest, over a brain like MINE? . . . put a pipe bomb on my car to, kill me, but the cops were there, when I walked away from the mob hit, and left the car, there should be records, assholes . . . let me just do your fucking job for you . . . of a Ford Taurus, left on the 13th East Exit, Salt Lake City, Utah . . . while I was on my way to visit, MY SON, not that fucking cunt, Rachel's . . . her kids are phat or rather fat boys, Matt and Scotty, and I don't mean to hurt kids, who are getting trashed, because their bitch mother, hates the product SHE and Chris, their daddy made . . . but, linking kids to MOM . . . oh, hell no, that is TOO FUCKING EASY to do! GOD! As is taking a DNA sample from my overly cool children and matching that with me . . and I guess you will discount fucking over 500,000 pages of BLOGGING, trying to educate you geniuses!BAD COMPANY . . . NO LIE! BRITISH LOYALISTS!
When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in HIS ablities; when GOD doesn't solve your problems, HE has faith in your abilities!
P.S., yesterday, and you bumbling useful idiot cops, can check your fucking 911 dispatch calls, and about somewhere around lunch time, I, JOANN S. SECRIST, J.D., and with a pregnant pause from the guy who got the phone call, who obviously knew my name . . . probably from the cop ops or the dinner at the shelter, yeah, they--Mormons, Mobsters and MIB, Men in Black, have driven me to, because they know you clowns, will think that I am Shelley, the homeless, loser mother, rather than the fucking attorney, who has FUCKED COPS FOR 20 years and does so daily in MY BLOG, case in point, as in right fucking NOW! . . . and for a damned good reason, because you ass wipes can see me, talk to me, take a phone call, and the mob, sends some dick, assassin, to the restaurant, you interview, seeing me take a ride with him to McDonald's across town . . . tip, check my computer history, . . . which you see from aerial surveillance, and he says I am Shelley, or some fucking BULL SHIT, that makes you think, that I am the loser, Shelley, bitch, whore, liar, that you god-damn fuck ups, continue to support and believe, rather than me, who can kick your fucking asses, in every area of the law, any time any day . . . she is my number one student in training, to be me and that pimple dick, Isaac, who was most likely molested and fucked by all the fags in the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, for getting the getting the honor of getting to be my awesome son, and tour, with ALAMO, allegedly out of Texas, back in say, 2005 to 2008, when Elliot's band got Hard Rock Band of the Year, and they are at it again, evidence all over the INTERNET OF THE THEFT, but hey you dumb asses are too busy tracking the WRONG PERSON! . . . called the cops, EMTs, and firefighters, who showed up in mass, so about 6 witnesses, not only to whom called for the mother, but who watched the kids, while she loaded the injured child, who I suspect and told one of the FIRE fighters, that I felt it was just the wind knocked out of her, but error on the side of caution and make sure she doesn't have a concusion or something like that . . . on behalf of a mother, who had a child, climb up a, approximately, 6' pole, call to her mother to watch or look at her, as she, then fell straight on her back, to the tile floor, in the playground area of Del Taco, on North Avenue, across from Walmart, from the phone number of mine, because the mother's phone was not charged, 406.309.0011, that I ditched this morning, after having the helicopter and the cops, watching every move I make, FUCK YOU!
If you are smart, which I doubt, you will be following my blog . . . I give tips all the time on who the MOB is!
- several days ago, my Intel, tells me that Rachel, aka, Me, was in Montana, riding motorcycles with the alleged, James Kennedy . . . or a look alike, due to the things that I am writing about him on my blog . . . CURRENT SOLUTIONS!
- Kay Burningham the sick puppy, that is probably your boss, FBI, aka, ME, as I stated, allegedly lives in Santa Monica . . . via, Utah State Bar Records, but I would not trust that, Mo Town keeping the records, may be a piece of misinformation to lead you astray, off her real location . . . probably with Brett, WICKED ATTRACTION . . . this is the result of the Madness of TWO, and friends, family, cops, all whom hate my guts . . . I CAN'T STAND CORRUPTION, LIARS, FAKE SHIT . . . and that would include all these fuckers who hate me, because, while thinking I am all about myself . . . it is SIMPLY SERVICE!
- Shelley, may be in Long Beach . . . she is the most proficient computer hacker, has the ability to sit at the computer for a solid year, as she did in St. George, Utah, at 3770 Sugar Leo, originally, Rachel and Chris's house, but then, we, Shelley and myself, won a lawsuit, against Chris, Wells Fargo, American First Title . . . but, then 5th District, clown, John Walton, pretending to be a judge, Brian Adamson and Chris, worked with the members of the 52nd Mormon ward, these dip shits, are the root of all the mortgage fraud in southern Utah . . . which I laid out for the stupid FBI, busy watching Rachels fake fucking huge ass tits, while she shacked and wiggled for the cops, the judges, and the feds, mesmerizing them and allowing her to actually play dress-up and play ME, attorney, former, assistant attorney general, among other top jobs in the state, and be the photo shoot or pin up gal for the BROCK SECURITIES, Case, just that little case that was all my brain child . . . first case I ever did as a trial attorney . . . that should show you the level of what I am capable of!
- like I said, Isaac, the fag ass, who was tagged to get, Shelley where she was with the bisexual, FBI, CIA, NSA boys . . . he walks like he is in pain, all the time, wheres a metro sexual hair style . . . haven't seen him, but I am sure, Shelley, through pimping him out, got him a hot job, with Allan Dulles, Jack or John Ware King Strode, Anthony Osthemieir, Michael McClintoch, Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart . . . who am I missing, Kennedy said all the CIA and FBI are fags . . . those little two year Mormon missions, with your sole bed partner, being of the same sex, paid off in one way . . . but the cost of taking 18 and 19 year olds, out of their peck sexual years, and doing the LBGT thing, ah,? And I am not slamming people who are born that way, or even choose that lifestyle and NOBODY has done more to change the MORMON Church's mind on gays, if not changing judges and the publics mind, through pushing the 14TH AMENDMENT, due process and equal protection, not to mention privileges, that no state can deny citizens, from way back when California was dealing with PROP 13! I am sure, that my efforts have morphed into being Shelley who did it . . . OH, HELL NO . . . she was up FUCKING BRETT AT that time! She has pimped herself out to all the men, some listed above, that I hung with, but generally didn't fuck, unless I was married to them . . . like Brett! Shelley traced my steps, starting with Jerry Owens, Brett, Allan aka Frank, Miles, Howard, Michael, Tony . . . Shelley learned young, making me wonder about my father, what sex can get her . . . a fucking law degree, my resume, my honors, my domestic violence and sexual assault manual, my cases, my blog, my kids, or at least their music . . . an on and on, blah, blah, blah! And with the help of all the FUCKING COPS FROM THE LOWEST LEVEL TO THE TOP! UP the DOWN STAIRCASE!
To the NON-MORMON NSA . . . I Already See Signs of Stealing Not only the NEW MUSIC, but capitalizing on the Old, God's Revolver Music . . . Trying to Change the Order of the Songs on the "Little Black Horse" CD online, trying to get rid of Elliot's video, and RED HAIR . . . so fucker, pimple dick, with the feds dicks up his ass . . . has brown hair, and like Mother, Sonny is Waiting with Baited Breath to STEAL, what he could have been a part of and originally was, Maraloka turned, The DITCH and the DELTA, "WE RUST"!
If there are any moral, NSA agents, maybe in the remaining, 30% that are not, MO's, right now, I am on my computer, with a connection to the McDonald's in the Walmart, on North Avenue, Grand Junction, Colorado, and there is a note that just came up, one of the cheap tricks, to get me to allow, the lazy ass, remote viewers who control or try to control and edit my blog onto my computer, but they were late getting up, in California . . . watch the time, when I post this blog, it will Pacific time, where either Kay or Shelley are, or where they want you to think that I am, but it is roughly 11:34 here, Mountain Time, Denver, and it will post as one hour later, as programed to do . . . I think I got the current time nailed down to fuck them up and give you evidence to fry their fucking god-damn asses, you have been protecting and taking a cut of the dough or money from both Elliot's bands and his mothers, or Me, sitting right her at McD's . . . proof, the NSA, or whom ever they gave access too, has just forced me to allow them in, or I can't publish, without doing the "an error occurred while typing to save or publish your post. Please try again. I never tried to save or publish . . . oh, low and behold, when they know, I caught their sorry asses, they took off the underlinging, that a minute ago, I could not remove, but, they have behind the scenes, cut off the abilty to publish, without allowing them access to my current blog, that I started about two hours ago, MY TIME!
P.S. on the P.S. when I go to hook up with the internet, at McD's, not one "connect" comes up on the homepage of McD's, like the first time I come and get on and publish, but there are at least, 5 "connects" or a full page full . . . allowing access to at least 5 OTHER SITES, to steal, kill, or edit this BLOG, MY BLOG, right here in Grand Junction, at Wally's World, on North Avenue, in Colorado, old home state, of Kay Baby, as Daddy dearest would call her! FUCK, YUCK . . . I never belonged in that fucked up family . . . LIKE IS ATTRACTED TO LIKE, MY FATHER HAS BEEN A CROOK HIS WHOLE ADULT LIFE, AND SHELLEY WAS TRAINED BY HIM, FROM JUNIOR HIGH ON . . . SHE SAVE HIS ASS AND HER's BY TURNING IN HER MAFIA BOSS, ALAN WOLFSON, and DAVID YEAMEN, OLD HUSBAND, SHE NEVER LIVED WITH, TO SAVE HERSELF AND DADDY DEAREST, WHO IS A RING LEADER ON THIS FRAUD . . . WORKING WITH THE OLD AG'S IN UTAH, SHURTLEFF AND SWALLOW, who we hear NOTHING about, since their alleged, INDICTMENTS, in MOville UTAH . . . gotta protect those Boy Scouts, and Eagle Scouts, both Tyrone Southwick, Shelley's youngest and a total victim of Shelley's as are all of her children, and Rachel's son, Matthew, another victim, of trashy mothers, who now, want to claim MY STELLAR KIDS! FUCK NO!
My father, used to have a Chrysler . . . Crys Liar . . . and that is what their mantra will be . . . always, reversing the tables, acting like I abandoned my kids, ah, yeah, just like I am now, fighting for my son's music, like I did from 2007, when I learned that Elliot and band were getting rave reviews, from three worldwide music magazines or sources . . . until I told, Dallas, undercover cop, son-in-law, and BAD GRANDPA, who both killed the deals, even when HUSTLER Magazine had taken the PHOTO SHOOTS OF GOD's REVOLVER! This is the 3rd time I have been stopped, my cursor will not MOVE . . . while writing this blog, with 5, minumum sources, having access to change this blog, with the TRUTH on it! Crys LIAR . . . NO, THEY ARE THE LIARS, ONE AND ALL . . . from family, to cops, to church, to ABC who I meet . . . LIAR, LIAR, Pants on FIRE!
P.S. on the P.S. when I go to hook up with the internet, at McD's, not one "connect" comes up on the homepage of McD's, like the first time I come and get on and publish, but there are at least, 5 "connects" or a full page full . . . allowing access to at least 5 OTHER SITES, to steal, kill, or edit this BLOG, MY BLOG, right here in Grand Junction, at Wally's World, on North Avenue, in Colorado, old home state, of Kay Baby, as Daddy dearest would call her! FUCK, YUCK . . . I never belonged in that fucked up family . . . LIKE IS ATTRACTED TO LIKE, MY FATHER HAS BEEN A CROOK HIS WHOLE ADULT LIFE, AND SHELLEY WAS TRAINED BY HIM, FROM JUNIOR HIGH ON . . . SHE SAVE HIS ASS AND HER's BY TURNING IN HER MAFIA BOSS, ALAN WOLFSON, and DAVID YEAMEN, OLD HUSBAND, SHE NEVER LIVED WITH, TO SAVE HERSELF AND DADDY DEAREST, WHO IS A RING LEADER ON THIS FRAUD . . . WORKING WITH THE OLD AG'S IN UTAH, SHURTLEFF AND SWALLOW, who we hear NOTHING about, since their alleged, INDICTMENTS, in MOville UTAH . . . gotta protect those Boy Scouts, and Eagle Scouts, both Tyrone Southwick, Shelley's youngest and a total victim of Shelley's as are all of her children, and Rachel's son, Matthew, another victim, of trashy mothers, who now, want to claim MY STELLAR KIDS! FUCK NO!
My father, used to have a Chrysler . . . Crys Liar . . . and that is what their mantra will be . . . always, reversing the tables, acting like I abandoned my kids, ah, yeah, just like I am now, fighting for my son's music, like I did from 2007, when I learned that Elliot and band were getting rave reviews, from three worldwide music magazines or sources . . . until I told, Dallas, undercover cop, son-in-law, and BAD GRANDPA, who both killed the deals, even when HUSTLER Magazine had taken the PHOTO SHOOTS OF GOD's REVOLVER! This is the 3rd time I have been stopped, my cursor will not MOVE . . . while writing this blog, with 5, minumum sources, having access to change this blog, with the TRUTH on it! Crys LIAR . . . NO, THEY ARE THE LIARS, ONE AND ALL . . . from family, to cops, to church, to ABC who I meet . . . LIAR, LIAR, Pants on FIRE!